Paraproctitis - treatment at home. Traditional recipes for treating paraproctitis at home
Is it possible to treat paraproctitis without surgery using nutrition, medications and traditional medicine?
Paraproctitis is in 4th place after hemorrhoids, colitis and rectal fissures. It's inflammatory
Can carcinomatosis be misdiagnosed?
General information Peritoneal carcinomatosis is one of the most common diseases that arise as a result of metastatic
Is gastritis reflux really scary? How to detect it?
How is biliary reflux gastritis and reflux esophagitis treated Treatment - How is biliary reflux gastritis and reflux esophagitis treated
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How to soothe pancreatic pain at home
Pancreas. A little anatomy Nutrition for pancreatitis should be considered The pancreas is located behind
Causes of stomach bulbitis
Treatment of duodenal bulbitis
About the duodenal bulb The very first section of the duodenum, which immediately follows the stomach,
Types of hemorrhoids
Initial symptoms and first signs of hemorrhoids in men: photos and description
Causes of male hemorrhoids What are hemorrhoids? Symptoms of hemorrhoids in men Stages of the disease Why it’s dangerous
Foods that cause bile secretion
Choleretic foods for bile stagnation for the liver list
5993 Bile is a liver secretion that has a greenish, yellowish or brownish tint and a bitter taste.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (gastroesophageal, gastroesophageal reflux; biliary, erosive, ulcerative reflux esophagitis; gastrocardial syndrome; Roemheld syndrome; non-erosive reflux disease; acid reflux disease)
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disease in which inflammation of the walls of the lower esophagus occurs.
How to treat cholecystitis and how to avoid getting it again
Cholecystitis is one of the most common diseases of the digestive system, consisting of inflammation of the wall
Hemorrhoids psychosomatics
Hemorrhoids: psychosomatics, reasons, how to cure by controlling thoughts
Why do hemorrhoids start? What are the main causes of the disease in men and women and how
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