Liver fluke: habitat and method of reproduction, intermediate and main host, how a person can become infected, symptoms and signs, affected organs
What does a liver fluke look like - All about parasites
What is a liver fluke? The liver fluke is a flatworm that belongs to the class
The broad tapeworm is the world's longest helminth
The structure of a wide tapeworm A sexually mature worm consists of three segments - head, neck, tail. Head
Proper nutrition for opisthorchiasis
Opisthorchiasis is a parasitic disease, the source of which is the presence in the human body of one of two
Tests for hepatitis A markers
Viral hepatitis B. Examination to exclude hepatitis B virus, including contact persons
Interpretation of markers Nosology Marker Characteristics of the marker Clinical significance Hepatitis A IgM anti-HAV class antibodies
Constant headaches
Human alveococcosis - treatment, symptoms, analysis
It's a dull pain; lack of appetite; regular stomach upsets. In later stages, more severe forms are observed:
How to identify parasites in humans
How to identify parasites in the human body
What are parasitic organisms? These are microorganisms, plants or animals that live thanks to their host. Parasites
Test for helminths: how to take it so that the result is accurate?
General analysis This is one of the basic tests required when visiting many specialists. General
Bull tapeworm eggs
Bovine tapeworm in humans - treatment and symptoms
What is a bull tapeworm? Bovine tapeworm is a helminth that parasitizes the small intestine of humans.
Useful composition of pumpkin seeds
How to take pumpkin seeds for parasites
Do pumpkin seeds help against worms? Pumpkin seeds against worms have been used since ancient times
Removing parasites: enema with garlic for worms
Enema against worms at home The advantage of therapeutic bowel cleansing using an enema is
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