Brown streaks in baby's stool
From the first days of his life, the digestive system of a newborn child begins to adapt to the new environment,
How does buckwheat affect stool: does it strengthen or weaken?
Porridges for diarrhea: rules for selection and recipe for preparation Many cereals for diarrhea can normalize
Constipation after rotavirus in a child what to do
Restoring water-salt balance The first stage in the fight against rotavirus infection is replenishing fluid in the body.
Typhoid fever skin rash
What is typhoid fever, is the disease contagious?
Typhoid fever belongs to the group of acute intestinal infections, has a cyclical course and affects the lymphoid tissue.
Bottle and pills
Against rotavirus. What to take for rotavirus infection? How to treat an intestinal infection
Composition and release forms The active substance of Enterol is saccharomycetes (probiotic yeast Saccharomycesboulardii). Exactly
Broad-spectrum antiviral drugs for ARVI, rotavirus infection and other problems
First aid Rotavirus (also called intestinal flu) appears quite often in children. "Matures"
intestinal infection
Is it possible to get an intestinal infection through airborne droplets?
August 14, 2019 Infectious diseases Svetlana Pavlova Intestinal infections are dangerous diseases that
Medicines for intestinal infections in adults and children: a list of effective drugs for treatment
Roll the ball: what are vaginal balls and how to use them correctly?
Many adults and children experience digestive system disorders. In most cases, the disease is diagnosed
Breast with mastitis
Stool culture for microflora: analysis features
Conditions are needed for nutrition and respiration. Microbiologists now know that each pathogen needs its own
Stool analysis for Helicobacter pylori: PCR method and antigen test.
For various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a comprehensive examination is required. If the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is detected
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