How to get rid of polyps in the intestines without surgery

Causes of polyps in the intestines

The exact reason why polyps appear in the human intestines has not yet been identified. Perhaps there are many reasons and predisposing factors to blame . Polyps in the intestines usually appear in adulthood, when for years a person has consumed a lot of animal fats, little fiber, or even switched to processed foods and fast food.

A lot of preservatives, flavors, stabilizers and other chemicals in food contribute to tumor-like growths on the walls of the large intestine and rectum. Quite often, polyps are discovered after long-term inflammatory bowel diseases (colitis, enteritis), accompanied by constipation.

And a hereditary factor in the etiology of intestinal polyposis (multiple polyps, whole clusters of polyps on the intestinal walls) should not be excluded.

Favorable factors for the development of polyposis are considered to be an inactive sedentary lifestyle with slower peristalsis and all digestive processes in general, abuse of bad habits (frequent alcoholic libations and smoking), the presence of chronic foci of infection (from banal caries to genitourinary infections), infection with parasites, fungal infections, prolonged stress, dishormonal disorders.

Alternative medicine blames the onset of the disease on the general contamination of the body with decay products and toxins against the background of unfavorable environmental factors.

Fighting polyps according to Bolotov

To treat polyps in the intestines, the so-called Bolotov’s kvass is actively used. The method of preparing a health drink is quite simple. You need to take 3 liters of boiled water or filtered whey.

The liquid is placed in a saucepan. Add 1 glass of granulated sugar, 1 tsp. sour cream (preferably homemade), 0.5 cups of dried celandine herb.

Moreover, it is better to put the celandine in a gauze bag and simply lower it to the bottom of the jar, pressing it to the bottom with a glass or metal weight.

The resulting mixture is covered with gauze and put in a dark place. It is necessary to insist for 7 days. After this, the liquid is filtered.

Don't be alarmed if mold appears on the surface. You just need to carefully remove it with a spoon. After some time, foam will form on the future kvass. This sign symbolizes the readiness of kvass. You need to take this drink 0.5 cups before meals.

What are anal polyps, what types of polyps are there?

A polyp is a mushroom-shaped, spherical, branched growth on the intestinal wall. It can sit tightly in the thickness of the mucous membrane at the base, or it can “dangle” on a stalk (see the picture at the beginning of the post).

More often, polyps are benign formations, but doctors, predicting further treatment, always advise removing them so that they do not degenerate into oncological pathology in the intestines.

An intestinal polyp that arises at the site of inflammation is called inflammatory . There are also hyperplastic polyps (when the normal tissue of the intestinal wall grows), but there are also neoplastic ones (atypical cells begin to multiply).

Nature of pathological foci

Changes in the mucous structures of the small and large intestines lead to a gradual thickening of the walls of the lumens.
The polyp is based on an altered structure of the mucous membrane, often connected to the body of the pathological growth. Sometimes intestinal polyps have a thin stalk. There are several main types of intestinal polyps:

  • Inflammatory, formed as a result of inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • Neoplastic, formed as a result of the activity of atypical cells;
  • Hyperplastic, formed from normal tissue.

Depending on the type of intestinal polyp, the nature of its occurrence can be assumed. Many polyps are benign in nature, while the neoplastic type of neoplasm is most prone to cancerous degeneration of cells.

Important! In addition to oncological complications, polyps contribute to stagnation in the intestines and chronic intoxication of the body.

Diagnosis of intestinal polyps

If a pathology of the large intestine is suspected, a stool test is taken for occult blood.

If the growths are located in the rectum, digital examination is indicated.

Classical methods for diagnosing intestinal polyps ( sigmoidoscopy - examination of the rectum and sigmoid colon, where, according to statistics, more than half of all neoplasms are located, X-ray examination with a contrast agent - irrigoscopy , colonoscopy - look at the entire large intestine) do not always allow an accurate diagnosis.

Is this a single entity or a whole colony? What is the nature of these growths? In controversial cases, a pelvic computed tomography . It is done with contrast enhancement to differentiate the diagnosis.

Symptoms of polyps in the intestines

How do rectal polyps and colon polyps manifest themselves?

If the formation is small and solitary, then most likely it will not manifest itself in any way.

If polyps have formed in the rectum, then the symptoms become very similar to those of hemorrhoids (itching in the anus, pain during bowel movements, bleeding from the anus). Except that no tense nodes of altered veins are observed.

And if the pathological process is advanced, long-standing, there are many growths and they partially block the intestinal lumen, then bleeding, mucous discharge, pain along the large intestine and rectum, and discomfort during bowel movements are possible.

Treatment of intestinal polyps with folk remedies

In principle, there are two main methods of treating polyps in the intestines - surgical removal of polyps (which does not guarantee that they will not begin to grow again), and treatment with folk remedies.

How to treat polyps using traditional medicine?

The leading position in methods of treating polyps in the intestines is occupied by treatment with celandine .

  • Use a decoction of celandine (a teaspoon of dry celandine in 100-150 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour to an hour) to make therapeutic microenemas. Before treatment, perform a cleansing enema. The course of treatment is 10 days, then a break for a week. And repeat the course of treatment again. During the enema, you need to lie on your left side for a couple of minutes, then the same amount on your right, and finish the procedure by lying on your back.
  • The following remedy, in addition to celandine, also contains yarrow and calendula flowers . For the medicinal collection, take two parts of calendula, and one part each of celandine and yarrow. An infusion is made at the rate of a tablespoon of raw material per 100 ml of boiling water. Add a little corn oil to soften it and again, after a cleansing enema or bowel movement, give a microenema with a medicinal mixture. Course 10-14 days.
  • For polyps in the intestines, viburnum fruits . Drink a decoction of viburnum fruits more often, at least 3-4 times a day, you can combine it with honey. Viburnum prevents further growth of formations and there is evidence that it can prevent the malignant degeneration of intestinal polyps.
  • To prepare the following recipe you will need crushed dry chaga, St. John's wort, and yarrow in equal parts (1 tablespoon each). Leave for half an hour, then drink a quarter glass three times a day before meals 20 minutes. The course is 14 days, repeat if necessary.
  • For these growths, it is recommended to drink 1 teaspoon of horseradish with honey

How to get rid of polyps, what else can help?

  • propolis with butter (1:10) 1 teaspoon three times a day, dissolved in a glass of milk between meals, can also help
  • A healthy lifestyle recommends a tincture of golden mustache (finely chop 15 joints of the plant, pour a bottle of high-quality vodka, leave for two weeks), drink less than a tablespoon three times a day for a month. Repeat after a break of 10 days several times, as formations in some cases begin to grow again.
  • Sea buckthorn oil has proven itself to be excellent , especially for the treatment of polyps of the anus and anus. Before the procedure for inserting a tampon, make a medicinal bath with anti-inflammatory herbs of chamomile, birch buds, St. John's wort or yarrow.
  • It is believed that tincture of green walnuts helps against polyps in the gastrointestinal tract; you should drink a tablespoon of it 3 times a day a quarter of an hour before you are supposed to receive food. The tincture is made at a ratio of 1:3, 1 part chopped green nuts, 3 parts vodka, leave for three weeks in a dark place. After a month of treatment, a month of rest, then you can repeat.
  • To enhance the effect and speed of healing, it is recommended to combine enemas with celandine with the use of juice or tincture of celandine orally . The juice and tincture are consumed carefully, IN DROPS; more details about the treatment with celandine can be found here .

Prevention of further polyp formation

  1. Proper nutrition with plenty of fiber;
  2. prevention of constipation;
  3. timely treatment of helminthic infestations and chronic inflammation of the digestive system;
  4. a less stressful lifestyle with daily physical activity;
  5. rejection of bad habits;
  6. timely access to doctors.


The presence of polyps on the walls of internal organs is often indicated by the appearance of polyps on the skin in the armpits, neck, chest, and eyelids. So listen to your body’s signals and get treatment on time with the health restoration blog

Edited 12/19/2019 · Comments: · Reading time: 6 min · Views: 4,045

Description of the pathology

Symptoms depend on the location of the polyps:

  • Rectum: bleeding during bowel movements, anal sex, after the introduction of rectal suppositories, thick mucous component in the stool;
  • Large intestine - signs of colitis, diseases of the colon, stool instability, bloody spots and mucus in the stool;
  • Sigmoid colon - the appearance of constipation along with diarrhea, purulent or mucous inclusions in the stool, belching or bloating.

At the same time, disturbances may appear in the epigastric organs, including the stomach and pancreas. Tugging sensations, fullness of the stomach, heartburn, increased acidity - all this can be secondary signs of intestinal polyposis.

The earlier intestinal polyposis is detected, the easier the treatment process is. In the early stages, folk recipes help get rid of polyps, but only after accurate diagnosis and consultation with doctors.

The effectiveness of traditional treatment, together with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, can significantly reduce the amount of growth or completely cure it.

Polyps on the colon or rectum are benign neoplasms that grow along the lumen of the intestine. The polyp may have a mushroom-shaped, spherical or branched shape. It can be mounted either on a leg or on a wide base. When polyps accumulate in one place on top of each other, polyposis is diagnosed.

As already mentioned, the treatment of pathology cannot be achieved without a radical change in diet. It is quite clear that diseases in the system responsible for digestion arise from the type, quantity at a time and quality of food consumed. Often people do not attach any importance to this, relying only on the efforts of doctors.

They bring their body to an extremely painful state due to their ignorance or negligence, neglecting the simple rules of a healthy diet. Then they try to recover with the shortest course of taking medications or several physiological procedures and any other means, completely unwilling to change anything in their life.

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Excess starch, meat, sugar leads to deposits in the intestines. On this basis, various unwanted neoplasms begin to grow, threatening to develop into something more dangerous if there is blatant inattention to this problem.

With this diagnosis, it is necessary to eat as much plant food as possible, containing coarse fiber, which will carry along with it the remnants of the previous undigested food.

Many people do not know how to eat at all: they eat on the go, rush, swallow food in chunks and pour beer or soda all over it. As a result, the stomach, which is not able to digest this mess, pushes it into the intestines, where it partially remains on the walls, creating fertile ground for the development of the same polyps. It is necessary to change your attitude towards food intake and its quality. This will be the first step towards recovery from many gastrointestinal diseases.

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About ten percent of Russians who have reached the age of forty have polyps in the intestines. Most of them are men - it occurs one and a half times more often than in women. With timely diagnosis (stool test), the disease is diagnosed. Therefore, it will be possible to cure him.

Doctors answer unequivocally that questions about how to get rid of polyps without surgery are meaningless. This definitely cannot be done. Moreover, treatment with tablets and herbs can lead to injury to the intestinal walls and the growth of polyps.

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