What to do about constipation after gynecological surgery. Medical advice on what to do if you have constipation after surgery

A laxative for hemorrhoids will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and facilitate the process of bowel movements. It will prevent injury to varicose veins located in the rectum during the passage of solid feces, which is an important prevention of bleeding and inflammatory processes.

The use of laxatives helps prevent injury to varicose veins located in the rectum during the passage of solid feces, which is an important prevention of bleeding and inflammatory processes.

Is it possible to take a laxative for hemorrhoids and after surgery to remove hemorrhoids?

Taking laxatives for hemorrhoids is necessary as a symptomatic treatment of the disease and to prevent the development of complications. However, you need to remember that first of all you need to eliminate the cause of constipation, and not just facilitate the process of defecation. After all, the body gets used to any medicine, as a result of which after a while a mild laxative may not have the desired effect.

Laxatives for hemorrhoids, as well as in the postoperative period, are intended to form soft stool, so that it can easily and quickly leave the intestines. In this case, varicose nodes are not damaged, they do not fall out and bleeding does not develop.

Prevention and a couple of tips

To prevent your ears from hurting, they do not need to be exposed to unwanted external influences. As a preventive measure, you must wear a hat that covers your ears from wind and cold. Drafts and windy areas should be avoided. Be sure to maintain personal hygiene. Considering that the development of otitis media is closely related to infectious diseases, their treatment should be taken with greater seriousness. Agree, prevention is much easier and cheaper than treatment. Therefore, take care of yourself and your health!

Regular visits to the dentist is a good habit that will help you avoid most causes of tooth pain. A specialist will notice the problem early and fix it in a timely manner.

Neuralgic diseases most often arise as a result of injuries, herpes, tumors and other pathologies. To prevent inflammation of the nerves, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system: eat right, avoid hypothermia and lead a healthy lifestyle. It is important to remember: if left untreated, an infection from a diseased tooth can spread further throughout the body and lead to serious problems.


Disease prevention is of great importance. You need to monitor the condition of your teeth. You should be examined by a dentist at least once every six months. A tooth with caries is a constant source of infection. If you experience pain during the eruption of a wisdom tooth, you should seek help from a dentist. To prevent trigeminal neuralgia, it is very important not to overcool.

If your tooth and ear hurt at the same time, it is important to understand the cause of the pain. Depending on the cause, the correct treatment is prescribed. It is best if the treatment is carried out under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

Can a tooth cause ear pain? Of course, you cannot refuse constant oral care. Dentists remind that most often the person himself makes unforgivable mistakes, leading to terrible suffering. What preventative actions should be taken to anticipate possible troubles in advance?

  • Visit the dentist 2 times a year;
  • Brushing teeth 2 times a day;
  • Rinse regularly after meals.

Simply taking care of your teeth guarantees the absence of any ailments. Nobody wants to face trouble, so you need to take the available remedies seriously. By resorting to them, a person will quickly relieve himself of terrible sensations. The principles presented are not difficult to implement, so you should not abandon them. It is much more practical to spend time taking care of your own health than to go to the clinic later.

Teeth are a common cause of various disorders. The proper functioning of the entire body depends on the oral cavity, and the nerve endings in the gums remain the most sensitive compared to all others. Experts advise taking the necessary preventive actions. Otherwise, a visit to the dental clinic and long-term treatment will become inevitable. It’s not for nothing that experts advise not to miss the opportunity to attend an unnecessary inspection in order to exclude possible damage and its consequences.

Groups of laxatives

The doctor must choose the necessary remedy for hemorrhoids. After all, this takes into account the severity of varicose veins in the rectum, the presence of contraindications and other factors.

The following groups of laxative drugs are distinguished, which have different mechanisms of influence on the human body:

  1. Osmotic laxatives and emollients. Most often used in the period after surgery after hemorrhoid removal. The principle of action is to liquefy feces, thanks to the properties of retaining fluid in the intestines. Osmotic preparations not only promote rapid bowel movements, but are also completely safe for the patient. Side effects may include the formation of the body's immunity to the effects of drugs and the development of vitamin deficiency.
  2. Enteric fillers. Indicated for use in the initial stages of hemorrhoid development, when the nodes are still small in size. Indeed, despite the fact that due to the increase in volume, the stool becomes soft, distension of the intestinal walls and damage to varicose nodes is possible. Intestinal fillers are not recommended for use in the postoperative period, as this can cause high stress on the intestines.
  3. Irritant drugs. Intestinal emptying is facilitated by irritation of the receptors of the digestive tract, as a result of which intestinal motility is activated. The products are not used during the treatment of hemorrhoids and in the postoperative period.
  4. Prebiotics. Helps restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. They have a gentle effect on organ motility, remove toxins and other harmful components. With their help, not only treatment, but also prevention of constipation is carried out.

Classic methods to combat constipation

The doctor, assessing the medical history and taking into account the presence of hemorrhoids, prescribes medications to the patient. These can be laxative pills, syrups, rectal suppositories (both for one-time use and long-term). The doctor may also prescribe therapeutic enemas.

Any laxatives must be used carefully, since long-term use has the opposite effect - lazy bowel syndrome may begin, in which a person can no longer go to the toilet on his own, but needs to constantly take medications

Duphalac - a lactulose preparation, has a prolonged effect, can be taken in courses Regulax drops - have a laxative effect, dilute stool Guttalax - acts in the large intestine, enhances peristalsis, the effect after administration occurs within 6 hours Norgalax rectal gel - the drug is administered through the anus before going on a hike to the toilet (10 minutes before)

Normaze - lactulose-based syrup, which is suitable for long-term use Castor oil in capsules - a time-tested remedy, but in a new, more convenient form, reflexively and powerfully enhances intestinal motility Picolax - a drug containing sodium picosulfate, acts on the receptors of the mucous membrane colon Senadexin - a tablet form of senna leaves (be careful, as during exacerbation of hemorrhoids it should not be taken!) Mucofalk - a natural-based drug that softens stool and makes it larger in volume (especially important if you eat little) Glycerin suppositories - a simple but effective way to relieve constipation; suppositories are prescribed even to children

Do not prescribe the drug to yourself under any circumstances! This should be done exclusively by your attending physician! We have provided a list of medications for informational purposes only.

Laxatives for hemorrhoids and after surgery

Laxatives for hemorrhoids are characterized by great diversity, since they are available in different dosage forms. These can be rectal suppositories, ointments, tablets, microenemas, etc.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the choice of the necessary medication should be made by a coloproctologist, taking into account the patient’s condition.

To normalize stool for hemorrhoids, you can also use natural-based products. These include vegetable oils and medicinal herbs that have the ability to normalize stool.

Glycerin suppositories

The use of the drug ensures rapid bowel movement. Laxative suppositories irritate the receptors of the rectum and soften the stool. This promotes the activation of peristalsis, due to which defecation occurs.

Glycerin suppositories are not recommended for use in acute hemorrhoids, as well as in cases of cracks and bleeding.

Contraindications to the use of suppositories include malignant tumors of the rectum.

The medicine should not be used by people who have an individual intolerance to one or more components that make up the drug.

With frequent use of glycerin suppositories, pain, burning sensation and anal itching may occur.


The main active ingredient of the drug is macrogol 4000. It is an osmotic laxative that has a mild effect on the human body. The drug is available in powder form, which should be diluted with water before use.

For hemorrhoids, it should be used for 2-4 weeks. Longer use is not recommended as this may interfere with natural bowel movements. Side effects may include: diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dermatitis.

Forlax should not be used in case of intestinal obstruction, abdominal pain of unknown origin, or allergies to the components included in the drug.


Bisacodyl is an irritating laxative that can be used for a short period of time. With unlimited use of the drug, intestinal atony and dehydration of the patient may develop.

First aid

If the pain began suddenly and at night, and you can only get to see a doctor in the morning, then you are allowed to:

  • take painkillers;
  • rinse your teeth with soda solution;
  • for chronic otitis media, place ear drops that you usually use into your ear.

If a tooth hurts and radiates into the ear, it is forbidden to self-medicate. Under no circumstances should you:

  • press and touch the inflamed gum;
  • pick at the sore tooth with toothpicks;
  • apply warm compresses;
  • drink energy drinks.

There are several folk remedies that help relieve pain, but they should only be used after consulting a doctor.

  1. Wrap an aloe leaf in gauze, lightly knead it and insert it into the ear canal.
  2. Place a few drops of onion juice in each ear.
  3. Place warm olive oil in your ear.
  4. Severe pain can be relieved by rolling up a geranium leaf, which must be inserted into the ear canal.
  5. You can prepare a decoction of lingonberries. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over a handful of berries and drink 2 cups 30 minutes before meals.
  6. If otitis is your frequent problem, then you can prepare a celandine tincture in advance. It helps with severe pain. 20 g of celandine should be poured into 100 g of vodka and left in a dark, cool place for 10 days. Then strain and store in the refrigerator. A tampon is moistened with this infusion and placed in the ear.
  1. Chamomile or sage decoction: pour 5 tablespoons of boiling water and place in a water bath for half an hour. Then strain the broth and cool until warm. Rinse your mouth with the resulting product.
  2. Plantain can be used in 2 ways. Make an infusion from it or squeeze the fresh juice of the plant. To prepare the infusion you will need a spoon of raw materials and a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and rinse. If you squeeze the juice from a fresh plant, then you need to wipe the gum in the area of ​​​​the sore tooth with it.
  3. A well-known folk remedy for toothache is garlic on the wrist. A clove of garlic should be finely chopped and placed on the inside of the wrist, on the hand opposite to the sore spot. Tie with a bandage. Traditional healers are sure that this method is similar to acupuncture; garlic stimulates points on the wrist, the impact of which reduces toothache. But if the skin under the bandage begins to burn or become very red, then you should wash your hand and abandon this method of treatment.
  4. Agave is famous for its pain-relieving properties. If you have this plant at home, you can cut off a piece of its leaf, rinse it under water and make a longitudinal cut on it. With this cut, the sheet is applied to the gum in the area of ​​the diseased tooth. Keep the compress for 5 minutes. This product should be used with caution. Agave is a poisonous plant, and many people can experience severe allergic reactions to its juice.


Yulia, 48 years old, Voronezh

The problem of hemorrhoids has been troubling me for a long time, since the time of my second birth. Despite supportive therapy, it was not possible to achieve complete recovery of health. Recently chronic constipation developed, which dramatically complicated the course of hemorrhoids. In addition to pain and a feeling of fullness, bleeding occurred in the rectum. It especially manifests itself after bowel movements. In this regard, a fear of visiting the toilet appeared.

The doctor recommended taking Duphalac in a course of 2-3 weeks. After a few days of taking it, I felt better. The stool became softer, bowel movements improved and became regular. Duphalac is an effective laxative for hemorrhoids, I recommend it for use.

Tamara, 27 years old, Novorossiysk

During pregnancy, hemorrhoids were discovered. As a result of overexertion during pushing, the disease worsened, causing bleeding. The doctor prescribed the best drugs to treat the disease. Since the condition was complicated by constipation, Forlax was included in the treatment. The product quickly helped to establish regular bowel movements.

After surgery to remove hemorrhoids, problems with bowel movements occur in most patients. After 2-3 weeks, improvement occurs, but for another six months it is necessary to adhere to a strict diet and pay special attention to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Other problems that can cause ear pain

“Shoots” in the ear and pain in the oral cavity?

Pathology marked by dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint may occur due to previously acquired arthritis.

Another factor that provokes it is various mechanical injuries. A characteristic symptom that directly indicates problems with the functioning of the temporomandibular joint is the inability to close the teeth.

When you try to open or close your mouth, the temporomandibular joint makes clicking sounds.

In the presence of this pathology, the patient suffers not only from the dental system and jaw, but also from the ears and temporal parts of the head, connected to each other by muscle tissue.


Constipation after hemorrhoid surgery is a consequence of surgical trauma and the effect of anesthesia on the muscle tone of the intestines. Violation of peristalsis leads to stagnation of feces. An additional factor is the body’s predisposition to constipation, which is often found in patients with this diagnosis.

Nervous tension before surgery and fear of complications provoke spastic constipation.

Patients are afraid of increased pain and separation of postoperative sutures, so they delay the act of defecation. The longer there is no stool after surgery, the more the stool “cakes.”

Surgical treatment is often complemented by therapeutic treatment. Taking antidepressants, painkillers and antibiotics leads to disruption of the intestinal microflora, which also provokes constipation.

Effect on the human body

The inability to have a timely bowel movement affects the general condition of the body. Toxic substances that should be excreted along with feces begin to be absorbed into the blood through the intestinal walls.

During the postoperative period, all metabolic processes suffer. Signs of intoxication manifest themselves in the form of nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite. The patient feels overworked and weak, and sleep is disturbed.

The stool becomes dry and hard.

Moving with difficulty through the intestines, they injure the mucous membrane, which can cause cracks and anal bleeding.

What to do

It is necessary to prepare in advance for surgery. Talk to a proctologist and find out what complications are possible after surgery. Psychologically tune in to a positive result.

Constipation can be prevented after surgery to remove hemorrhoids using pharmacological medications, diet, exercise and abdominal massage.

Drug treatment

Laxative suppositories, tablets and microenemas will help ease bowel movements. Glycerin suppositories irritate the intestines, stimulate peristalsis and soften dense stool.

Bisacodyl in various forms is used orally or rectally. The drug increases the secretion of mucus in the large intestine, which promotes soft and non-traumatic bowel movements.

Duphalac laxative syrup with lactulose should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. For patients with diabetes mellitus, insulin dosage adjustment is necessary.

Regulax is a herbal preparation that does not have a negative effect on digestion.

The Microlax microenema is easy to use - the laxative in a disposable tube with the optimal dose takes effect in 5-15 minutes.

Diet food

All therapeutic measures for problems with defecation after surgery for hemorrhoids must be carried out in compliance with a special diet.

The goal of proper nutrition is to achieve soft stool that will not injure the operated area.

Principles and features of the diet:

  • drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • include cereals and products of plant origin in the diet;
  • meals should be fractional;
  • you should drink more low-fat broths or soups;
  • solid foods must be excluded;
  • Fried, smoked, spicy foods and dishes are prohibited.

For constipation, it is recommended to eat exclusively boiled or steamed food. Sometimes you can diversify your diet with baked dishes.

Patients suffering from regular constipation should avoid foods that cause gas. These include legumes, carbonated drinks, cabbage. It is also prohibited to consume baked goods, sweets and fresh bread.

In the evening before going to bed, it is useful to drink a glass of yogurt, and in the morning eat a portion of oatmeal with fruit. Consuming these products for three days according to the proposed scheme will facilitate the process of bowel movements.

We should not forget about the temperature of prepared dishes. Patients with constipation should eat prepared foods whose temperature ranges from 15 to 65 C.

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