Ulcerative colitis of the intestine in adults: reviews, symptoms, treatment and diet

Almost half of modern people suffer from colitis in various forms. Sharp changes in the structure of the gastrointestinal mucosa contribute to the active proliferation of bacteria, causing the formation of bacterial foci, accompanied by severe pain.

Accordingly, the shell cannot cope with its functions. Treatment of colitis with medications is carried out taking into account the type and severity of the disease.


Pathology occurs in both acute and chronic phases, periodically exacerbating and moving to remissions. A huge number of factors contribute to the spread of colitis:

  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • the presence of helminthiasis or infectious pathogens;
  • impaired stool stability;
  • stress;

  • poor nutrition;
  • interruptions in the blood supply to the large intestine;
  • bad habits.

When treating colitis, first of all, the problems that provoked the disease are eliminated.

Type of disease

Taking into account the causes of inflammation, the following types are distinguished:

  • acute - in addition to the large intestine, it affects the small intestine and sometimes the stomach;
  • ulcerative – characterized by erosive formations on the surface of the intestine;
  • ischemic – is a consequence of insufficient blood supply to the intestines;
  • chronic – consequences of poorly treated acute colitis;
  • erosive - characterized by ulcerative lesions of a large area of ​​the duodenum;
  • alcoholic – formed during alcoholism;
  • atonic – manifests itself mainly in older people, due to frequent constipation and decreased bowel activity;
  • nonspecific ulcerative - resembles recurrent chronic, is of immune origin;
  • radiation – formed after radiation exposure for cancer.

Attention! It should be understood that for each type of colitis, medication treatment is prescribed individually.

Antiparasitic and antibacterial therapy

Antibiotics for colitis are the main drugs that determine the effectiveness of treatment. Ill-chosen medications can significantly aggravate the situation, causing microorganisms to become resistant to them.

When treating colitis during pregnancy and in children using antibiotics, the possible risks of their use should be assessed.

When prescribing treatment, the first step is to determine the pathogen in order to determine its sensitivity to a particular drug. In addition to destroying microorganisms, it will be necessary to create conditions that are unsuitable for the settlement of other parasitic bacteria.

Most often, antibacterial and sulfonamide agents are used in the fight against pathogenic microflora. Among the recommended antibiotics for colitis, the more effective ones include:

  • Neomycin;
  • Ramoplanin;
  • Rifaximin;
  • Bacitracin.

Completing the full course of therapy is of great importance in treatment. An interrupted course increases bacterial resistance to this type of antibiotic, reducing their effectiveness.

Choice of antibiotics

During treatment, antibiotics are not prescribed unless absolutely necessary. This is due to the fact that any antibacterial agent destroys both pathogenic microorganisms and beneficial bacteria.

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If necessary, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics

The inflammatory process itself, which affects the intestinal mucosa, has a very negative effect on the microflora. If the influence of antibiotics is also added, then the microorganisms necessary for normal life die in large quantities. Consequently, in connection with antibiotic therapy, dysbiosis quickly develops.

However, without drugs belonging to the antibacterial group, only spastic colitis can be treated; antibiotics are necessary to combat the main forms of the disease.

Let's consider which antibacterial drugs are the most effective and are often prescribed for colitis:

  • Enterofuril is an effective and frequently prescribed remedy for colitis. It has antiseptic and antidiarrheal properties. Actively fights all gram-positive enterobacteria. Under its influence, pathogenic microorganisms stop producing proteins, causing them to die.

Metronidazole is one of the popular drugs for the treatment of colitis.

  • Alpha Normix is ​​effective for colitis due to the fact that it has a wide spectrum of effects and bactericidal properties. It inhibits all pathogenic microorganisms that are located in the intestines.
  • Metronidazole is often prescribed for colitis. It is produced in the form of a solution for infusions, tablets, suppositories intended for the treatment of rectal colitis. It has a broad spectrum of action and is effective against many pathogenic microorganisms, except facultative anaerobes.
  • De-Nol is used for colitis if its causative agent is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Under the influence of the drug, the enzymatic activity of the microorganism is inhibited, the microstructure is disrupted, synthesis stops, as a result of which the bacterium dies.

Sulfonamide drugs

  • Sulfalazine. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, quickly suppressing the bacterial focus, preventing its metabolism. By penetrating the DNA of the pathogenic organism, sulfalazine completely eliminates further reproduction. The drug is prescribed four times in an amount not exceeding 2 g, and only from the age of 16. After eliminating the acute manifestation of the disease and conducting active therapy, the dose of the drug is reduced to 500 mg. Taking into account the considerable number of side effects, the duration of treatment should be determined by the doctor.

  • Mesacol. Produced in tablet form, drink one hour before meals. When carrying out therapy that eliminates the symptoms and manifestations of the disease, no more than 4 doses are prescribed. During exacerbations, you should take at least 800 mg of the substance three times a day. When relief occurs, the dose is reduced by half. For adults whose body weight is below 40 kg, minimum dosages are provided, which are calculated individually by the doctor. In the absence of renal, liver diseases and ulcerative lesions, the dosage should be 50 mg for each kilogram of the patient’s weight per day.

Attention! In the chronic course of the disease, drugs in this group are the main ones, so taking other drugs may have a lower dosage.

Considering that the course of colitis is quite often complicated by helminthic infestations and protozoal diseases, therapy includes drugs that destroy parasites and improve the health of the body.

Eubiotic preparations

To prevent repopulation of the intestines with parasitic bacteria, after effective therapy, the gastrointestinal tract needs beneficial microflora. Successful reproduction of microorganisms is ensured by appropriate conditions created in the intestines.

To do this, you need to take probiotics for colitis and eubiotics.

  • Intestopan. Promotes rapid normalization of the condition, reduces gas formation, relieves constipation and diarrhea. In the acute phase of the disease, six doses of 1-2 tablets are prescribed. It is advisable to use the drug immediately after meals. In case of chronic colitis, the number of Intestopan doses is reduced to three per day. To prevent the patient’s condition from worsening, treatment should last no more than 10 days.

  • Mexaza. Dragees must not be crushed or chewed. The drug must be taken with food, with a small amount of water. During the day you are supposed to drink no more than 3 tablets three times. The course of therapy lasts no more than eight days. If the doctor deems it necessary, treatment can last up to 28 days. At the same time, the patient's condition is constantly monitored. The drug should be stopped immediately if signs of obvious deterioration appear.

Attention! Taking these antibiotics for intestinal colitis for more than 10 days, patients note general weakness and nausea. This is a signal to immediately stop taking the drug.

These drugs are able to provide an optimal microclimate for the development of beneficial microflora.

How long does medication treatment last?

The duration of therapy for colitis in the acute stage takes from three days to several weeks. This depends on the treatment method and the severity of the symptoms. The chronic form of the disease takes longer to treat, but the symptoms do not bother the patient so much.

To choose therapy, you need to contact specialists. They will prescribe an individual course, taking into account all the characteristics of the body.

When the mucous membrane of the walls of the colon becomes inflamed, they speak of the development of colitis. Drug therapy is selected after determining the cause of the disease. The treatment regimen is developed individually, since the symptoms, mechanism of development, as well as the severity of the disease are different for each patient.

But in any case, a combination of medications is needed that will simultaneously help eliminate the inflammatory process in the colon and alleviate symptoms. The following medications are prescribed for intestinal colitis: antibiotics, painkillers, drugs to restore intestinal microflora and normalize motility, antidepressants and vitamins.

Biological products containing microorganisms

  • Colibacterin. It settles beneficial microorganisms in the stomach and intestines that improve gastrointestinal motility, normalize the digestive process and displace harmful bacteria. 4 to 10 doses of the drug are prescribed, which should be taken 3 times. To give bacteria time to settle in the mucous membrane of the stomach and then the intestines, drink the drug 30-35 minutes before starting a meal. The duration of therapy reaches 30 days.

  • Bifidum bacterin. Refers to modern drugs with a simplified dosage regimen. Three times a day you need to drink 2 capsules 15 minutes before meals, with plenty of water. The duration of treatment should not exceed 1.5 months.
  • Bificol. Gelatin capsules are drunk 2 pieces, 15-20 minutes before the main meal. The use of these antibiotics for colitis is permissible no more than three times a day. To exclude the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms, it is not recommended to consume more than five doses. The duration of therapy at various stages of the disease lasts about 1.5 months. By restoring the biocenosis of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive processes are improved, the intestinal lining is maintained in proper condition and the immune system is strengthened.

Attention! If it is necessary to carry out longer-term treatment, in order to prevent addiction to the drugs and ensure lasting results, the drugs must be changed.

Recovery period

After the main drug treatment for intestinal colitis is completed, a fairly long rehabilitation period is necessary. At this time, vitamin preparations, medications and measures aimed at strengthening the immune system, weakened by a long course of antibiotics, are indicated.

In parallel with the main treatment of intestinal colitis, you can also use remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine, but this must be agreed upon with your doctor. In addition, decoctions and tinctures from medicinal plants alone are not able to fully relieve inflammation.

After the end of drug therapy, it is recommended to continue treatment in a specialized sanatorium, where the patient will be offered an optimal diet and the necessary physical procedures.

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Multienzyme preparations

To speed up food processing and prevent fermentation and gas formation, drugs that improve digestion are used.

  • Festal. Helps improve digestive processes. If the course of the disease requires it, the use of the drug is permissible for 3 months, taking about 20 mg at a time. The average dosage is 2 tablets, which should be taken after meals at least three times a day. If there are indications for increasing the dosage, the patient's condition should be constantly monitored. Thanks to the improved digestion process, food does not linger long in the stomach, which eliminates the processes of rotting and fermentation.
  • Pancreatin. Take 1 tablet immediately after meals, at least three times a day. The release of the drug in a single dosage greatly facilitates its use. The action of Pancreatin is similar to Festal, although its cost is more affordable. If digestive problems persist for a long time, taking the drug can be extended to 3 months.

  • Panzinorm. Take 2 pieces of the drug before meals, and also drink 1 capsule before each snack. If there are indications and the doctor allows maximum dosages, daily use of up to 15 doses is acceptable.

Attention! When taking multienzyme drugs, you must strictly adhere to dosages in order to avoid possible complications and side effects. This especially applies to long-term treatment.


Since many forms of colitis are accompanied by pain syndromes, it must contain painkillers.

  • No-shpa. Thanks to rapid muscle relaxation, painful sensations in the gastrointestinal tract are effectively neutralized. In case of chronic colitis, it is allowed to take no more than 2 tablets twice a day. In the acute phase, it is permissible to increase the number of doses up to three times. The course of pain relief lasts no more than three days, in exceptional situations it can be extended to five.

  • Bellasthesin. The use of the drug is permitted for patients over 14 years of age. For any course of the disease, take 1 tablet 3 times a day. Refers to short-term treatment medications aimed at neutralizing pain syndromes. The course of therapy should not exceed 5 days. If there are no positive results, you will need to consult a doctor to rule out ulcerative lesions.
  • Papazol. Exceeding the permitted dosage leads to abdominal pain and constipation, which accompany colitis of various forms. Patients are prescribed no more than 1 tablet three times a day. The course of therapy should not exceed 4 days.

In addition to drug therapy, restoration of the patient’s psycho-emotional state will be required. It is a change of environment that often helps speed up the healing process. In addition, you should carefully consider your future lifestyle and exclude heavy foods from your diet.

treatment of intestinal colitis

Hello. I am worried about pain in the lower abdomen, mainly in the center and accentuated on the right. Back pain noticeably increased after childbirth (2 years ago). Now I have a situation in which I don’t know what to do... continue the prescribed treatment and wait to see what will happen in the end, or look for other specialists and continue to be examined... At the beginning of spring, I went for an examination to a gynecologist due to pain in the lower abdomen... they worsened after I lifted my almost two-year-old child in my arms on 11th floor.. I thought prolapse or bending of the uterus.. Before giving birth, I had problems with gynecology: chronic adnexitis + endometriosis. Also mastopathy... After childbirth, severe back pain appeared (sacrum, lower back, lower part of the ribs, but sometimes between the shoulder blades). This went on for over a year. The child is now 2 years old. The gynecologist said that there is no endometriosis, no infections, there is chronic right-sided salpingoopharitis and a small cyst on the cervix that does not require treatment. And the fact that I have pain in my lower abdomen and painful sexual intercourse is my bladder... she felt it and it hurt me. During examination she said there was a bend, but during an ultrasound (with a vaginal probe) she said that there was no bend. Cytological analysis said that it was normal, in smears of urogenital secretions there were rods and cocci. Treatment was prescribed: Dicloberl or distreptase in suppositories 7 days after bowel movement + tampons with Vishnevsky ointment, after 2 weeks, it seems, another course. The first course I took was Dicloberl, and the second course was Dystreptase. It got worse on distreptase... After that I went further to the urologist. An ultrasound showed the presence of subacute cystitis and sand in the kidneys. I submitted my urine for a general analysis: everything was almost normal, except for a slightly darker color (straw yellow), leukocytes 3-5 and red blood cells 1 -2 in p/zr, epithelium is slightly transitional, pH reaction is slightly acidic, specific gravity 1022; there is a little mucus, salts, bacteria, no protein and no glucose... General blood test is within normal limits. The doctor started telling me something else about how I needed to take a blood test for (I forgot what they are called) the causative agent of gastritis... because... when I looked at the kidney through the liver, I saw 2 bends of the gallbladder... but I didn’t see any stones, no stagnation of bile, no thickened walls or inflammation. I didn’t like the doctor, so I went to a nephrologist, who was very praised. Having previously submitted urine for culture. The nephrologist confirmed sand in the kidneys, noted up to 6 mm on the left, and cystitis (the wall is thickened and heterogeneous), noticed that something was wrong with the intestines... Urine culture revealed Enterobacter cloaceae 10 to 5 degrees. The doctor diagnosed hr. cystitis, uric acid diathesis - lech5 (I didn’t understand what the latter means :() and sent me for additional examination: stool culture for dysbacteriosis, blood for torch infection (there was a history of it, treated). Treatment for this time: cystone, diet, mineral water, a hygienic product is recommended + a compress with dimexide and ofloxacin on the bladder area. Results of further examination: the stool was inoculated with Enterobacter aerogenos, if I read correctly... - the doctor said it was Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Torch infection: Chlamydia igM-AT trachomatis - next positive 0.33> K=0.28; Chlamydia igG-AT trachomatis - positive 0.60>K=0.27; Mycoplasmosis igM-AT hominis - positive (0.34>K=0.28); mycoplasmosis igG-AT hominis - positive (0.96>K=0.27). Ureaplasma - both indicators are doubtful (active 0.29 >=K=0.27; immune 0.30>=K=0.29) Toxoplasma - negative for active and positive for immunity (1.08>K=0.27). According to the results of the last examination, a nephrologist diagnosed: Chronic cystitis due to intestinal dysbiosis. Treatment: ofloxacin 400 mg / 2 times a day, during. 5 days. proteflazid 7 drops/3 r. per day - 3 months; symbiter 1 r per day 1 package - 1 month, then symbivit - 2 months; polyoxidonium 6 mg, sublingually 4 drops/3 r per day - 2 weeks, then 4 drops 1 time in both nasal passages / x - 2 weeks. When I started treatment, all the pain went away... a few days after finishing the antibiotic, pain in the lower abdomen reappeared (more on the right side) and again intimacy with my husband is very unpleasantly painful... I avoid it. The pain stops whenever I take antibiotics... For several days I had to take clindamycin, in connection with the removal of a tooth and the implantation of an implant for further prosthetics... About 5-6 years ago I examined the intestines (due to similar pain) in a panic, because . My mother suffered from terminal cancer of the rectum. Irrigography showed the entire large intestine in constrictions - hr. spastic colitis and the throwing of a contrast agent into the small intestine - like the weakness of the irriacercal valve, it seems... the rectum is normal during rectoscopy, but moving the loop to look further was unrealistically painful - it didn’t work... Here...:( Now I’m worried about back pain, especially in the morning, when I get up and start moving... after defecation they decrease. Extension of the back and movement of the pelvis anteriorly is painful... The sacrum with one buttock also hurts, sometimes the tailbone (rarely), the lower back up to the level of the end of the ribs inclusive... Pain inside during intimacy. center and right. Could these pains be associated with the passage of sand, could they be associated with my chronic colitis, or is it necessary to look for another more serious cause? I am very tired of enduring the pain:( Maybe it is necessary to contact a specific specialist (a doctor of a certain specialization), I don’t know who to whom... Treatment for colitis 5-6 years ago caused a lot of adverse reactions and I refused it. Thank you in advance.

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