What does a waste-free diet include before an intestinal colonoscopy?
General rules The effectiveness of instrumental methods for examining various parts of the large intestine, in particular colonoscopy, and
How to treat intestinal diverticulosis with folk remedies - effective recipes
Types and stages of the disease In clinical practice, the following stages of diverticular disease are usually distinguished: Diverticulosis
Do's and don'ts for cholelithiasis, all the secrets of a therapeutic diet
Nutrition during exacerbation of cholelithiasis manifestations
The behavior of gallstones and the condition of the body largely depends on nutrition. Use
Abdominal pain
Signs and symptoms of appendicitis in men
Appendicitis is a vermiform appendix of the cecum, which can occur in any person.
Virtual colonoscopy, endoscopic, MRI of the intestine – which is better?
What is virtual colonoscopy? The technique is also called MSCT colonoscopy. It is used to examine mucous membranes
Side pain
Causes and methods of treating pain in the left side
Almost every person has experienced pain in the left side of the abdomen once in their life. Arose
Main Ingredients
Aloe juice with honey: benefits, medicinal properties, application features, contraindications
What helps This tincture is one of the simplest and most popular remedies in
The child has clear mucus in the stool
You find mucus in your child's stool: is there any cause for concern?
The entire length of the gastrointestinal tract is lined with mucous membrane, which plays a role in digestion and absorption
Salmonellosis in a child
Salmonellosis in children treatment at home. Differential diagnosis of salmonellosis. Treatment of the disease with antibiotics and drugs.
A healthy digestive system is the key to the full functioning of all organs and systems. Break this harmony
Pain in the lower abdomen in women on the left and right - all possible causes and best treatment
Pain in the lower abdomen on the right in women: possible pathologies
Periodic pain in the lower abdomen in women is in most cases associated with cyclical changes in
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