What to do if you overeat persimmons or kings?

Eating persimmon for gastritis

Persimmon is known not only for its special taste, but also for many beneficial properties. However, many gastrointestinal diseases significantly narrow the range of products allowed for consumption. In today's publication we will discuss whether persimmon can be consumed for gastritis with high acidity or low secretory activity of the stomach.

Persimmon is a plant native to the tropics. Its second name is “date plum”. According to botanical taxonomy, the fruits are considered berries; they have a bright orange, “sunny” color, and their flesh is light yellow.

They have an astringent, tart taste until fully ripe, then become distinctly sweet. They relieve fatigue well, supply the body with vitamins, and have a beneficial effect on mental work processes.

Persimmon has moderate nutritional value - per 100 g it corresponds to approximately 62 kcal.

Since the fruit does not cause a rapid increase in blood glucose when consumed (that is, it has a low glycemic index), patients can include it in the tables of various diets in the absence of restrictions (for example, gastrointestinal diseases). Let's look at exactly what pathologies do not allow us to include “date plum” in the menu.

Persimmon is a product with a specific taste, and not all people can eat it. But what if a patient suffering from an inflammatory disease of the stomach prefers “sunny berries” as a natural dessert? Let's try to figure it out.

High acidity

Increased activity of the secretory function of the stomach is one of the key contraindications for eating persimmons for gastritis. This product, especially if the berry is consumed unripe, can cause:

  • acid release;
  • damage to the mucous membrane;
  • reflux (return of stomach contents into the esophagus).

Therefore, in this case you will have to say a firm “no” to persimmon.

Even during the period of improvement and absence of symptoms (that is, at the stage of remission), persimmon is an unwelcome guest on the table of patients suffering from gastritis with an excessive level of acidity.

It may be associated with heartburn, nausea, bitterness in the mouth and abdominal pain. Also a common sign of intolerance is heaviness in the epigastrium, due to the effect of the berry on gastrointestinal motility.

Low acidity

It is expressed in disruption of food digestion processes, and fresh or thermally processed persimmon is a product that may be too heavy for the stomach. With low acidity, “date plum” aggravates the situation, and there is a risk of nausea, discomfort in the stomach and throat.

Thus, eating persimmon for gastritis is not recommended..

Even if this product is one of your favorites, it is better not to test the body’s strength - because if symptoms return, all efforts aimed at treating the patient will come to naught. Some people with gastritis can eat a little ripe and sweet pulp, but not on an empty stomach and with individual monitoring of well-being.

Accompanying illnesses

A pathology such as gastritis is often combined with other types of gastrointestinal dysfunction. So, it is strictly forbidden to eat persimmon in such conditions as:

  1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  2. Ulcers of the stomach, duodenum.
  3. Irritable bowel syndrome with a predominance of constipation.
  4. The presence of adhesions in the abdominal cavity.
  5. Rehabilitation after abdominal surgery.
  6. Hemorrhoids, anal fissures.

It is also not recommended to eat persimmon for gastritis and pancreatitis - this fruit has an adverse effect on the damaged pancreas and can provoke a deterioration in well-being.

Why are persimmons dangerous?

This fruit contains tannin and other active substances in abundance, which affect the body as follows:

  1. Slow down peristalsis.
  2. Causes stool retention.
  3. Increases urination.

The most common symptoms of “gastrointestinal” persimmon intolerance are nausea, heaviness in the stomach and constipation after eating the berry. If you stop eating the fruit, these symptoms can usually go away on their own. Overripe fruits can cause flatulence and diarrhea in some people.

When consumed in excess and/or frequently, persimmons can cause the formation of a special type of gastric calculi - formations consisting of hardened fragments of pulp that do not move into the intestines. The risk is higher if gastrointestinal motility is initially reduced. Such a foreign body sometimes has to be removed surgically.

Precautionary measures

Persimmon, even if there are no objective contraindications associated with gastritis, is not given to the following categories of patients:

  • children under 10 years old;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • persons prone to constipation;
  • allergy sufferers.

Individual sensitivity reactions associated with the consumption of persimmons, unfortunately, are not uncommon. Therefore, people who have already noted symptoms of immune intolerance before, even without taking into account the type and severity of gastritis manifestations, should not eat the berry. You should not consume the product at night, especially after a hearty dinner - this slows down digestion and can affect the condition of the intestines.

Persimmon does not go well with cold water and milk.

If you decide to eat date plum, avoid dangerous combinations to reduce the risk of adverse effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Eat only ripe fruits - eating unripe ones can lead to stomach irritation and even intestinal obstruction.

Source: https://mi-msk.ru/eda/fruits/hurma-pri-gastrite.html

How to take persimmon to normalize blood pressure?

The elements included in persimmon have a diuretic effect; as a result of consuming the berry, blood pressure decreases and tissue swelling becomes less due to the excreted fluid. For hypertension, it is recommended to eat one fruit every day for two to three weeks. You can also increase the beneficial properties of persimmons by preparing them according to the following recipe:

  1. Grind one large fruit in a blender.
  2. Add honey (2 tsp) and chopped ginger root (1/2 tsp) to the persimmons.
  3. Mix everything well.
  4. Use 1 tsp. 1 rub. in a day.

It is also recommended to consume persimmon for hypotension (low blood pressure). It will strengthen vascular walls, remove bad cholesterol, and improve heart function. It is recommended to eat half the fruit once a day for 3 weeks.

Is it possible to eat persimmons with gastritis of the stomach with high acidity or not?

Gastritis is a common disease associated with inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Many people believe that gastrointestinal diseases arise only due to poor nutrition and stress. But recent studies have found that the bacteria Helicobacter pylori may be the cause.

Not only medications, but also some foods help neutralize their negative effects. Let’s figure out what effect persimmon has on gastritis, and how to properly consume its fruits so that they bring maximum benefit to the body.

Composition and nutritional value

Persimmons are superior in minerals and vitamins to grapes, apples and figs. Its composition includes:

  • potassium,
  • magnesium,
  • sodium,
  • iodine,
  • iron,
  • manganese,
  • provitamin A (beta-carotene),
  • routine,
  • ascorbic acid.

The juicy color of the berry is due to the presence of beta-carotene, which has a beneficial effect on vision.

Beta-carotene strengthens the eye muscles, increases visual acuity, and prevents the formation of cataracts. It also takes care of the respiratory organs, preventing the development of diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Persimmon serves as a preventative against kidney stones.

The magnesium contained in it binds and removes sodium salts. Potassium regulates water-salt balance and relieves swelling. Iodine stimulates the activity of the thyroid gland and accelerates metabolic processes.

Persimmon contains organic acids (malic, citric), tannins, starch, glucose, fructose. The fruit contains no less antioxidants than green tea. Despite its low calorie content, only 60 kcal per 100 g, persimmon satisfies hunger well, leaving a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

Fruits rich in fiber improve digestion, normalize intestinal motility, and cleanse the body of toxins .

Polysaccharides and monosaccharides support heart function, and vitamins C and P make blood vessels elastic. In dried form, the fruits are used in the treatment of hypertension.

Nutritionists recommend including persimmons in the diet for people suffering from varicose veins, tuberculosis, and hemorrhoids . The iron-rich berry relieves anemia.

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Persimmon is endowed with bactericidal properties and is effective, including against the causative agent of gastritis. It copes with infections such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli .

Vitamin C contained in persimmons strengthens the immune system and helps overcome seasonal depression . The berry normalizes sleep and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

How to use for gastritis and ulcers

Persimmon can reduce the risk of gastric bleeding, which is very important for patients with ulcers and gastritis. The berry increases appetite and reduces the harmful effects of alcohol on the body.

The introduction of persimmon into the diet helps restore the mucous membrane and has a direct effect on the causative agent of the disease, the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

Thiamine in the fruit normalizes the acidity of gastric secretions .

If you have pancreatitis, use with caution.

Freezing helps reduce the astringent properties of fruits. Essential nutrients and vitamins are then retained.

Increased acidity

The berry has a sweet taste, so it will not harm patients with high acidity . By eating just a couple of fruits a day, the patient will provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamins.

But tannins can cause pain. Therefore, it is better to eat dried or frozen fruits , which are pre-soaked in water for 6-12 hours.

For erosive lesions of the gastric mucosa, it is better to consume persimmon in the form of soufflé or jelly. During an exacerbation, the berry is strictly contraindicated even after cooking .

Low acidity

With low acidity, persimmon will also be useful . With this diagnosis, you can also eat fresh berries, the main thing is that they are ripe enough.

The fruits are pre-cleaned before consumption. It should be taken into account that berries are introduced into the diet only in cases of stable remission.

At the acute stage, products with a high content of tannins and astringents will aggravate the patient’s condition.

For ulcerative lesions

At the stage of scarring of ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane, eating fruits will benefit the patient. You just need to remember that eating berries on an empty stomach is undesirable . It's better to eat it at lunch, as a dessert:

  • You need to choose dark-colored fruits.
  • We must ensure that they are ripe, even slightly overripe.
  • Rutin contained in persimmon has analgesic properties and reduces pain.

For therapeutic purposes, it is enough to consume 1-2 persimmon fruits daily. If pain or heartburn occurs, the product should be discarded.


Persimmon fruits contain a large amount of glucose, so people with diabetes should use it with caution . You shouldn’t completely exclude fruits from your diet, but you will have to monitor the amount you eat.

  • Due to the tannin it contains, persimmon fruits are difficult to digest . Therefore, nutritionists do not recommend giving it to children under three years of age or to patients after gastrointestinal surgery.
  • Persimmon should be excluded from the diet in case of adhesions and intestinal obstruction, as well as a tendency to constipation.
  • You should not eat berries during exacerbations of peptic ulcers or pancreatitis. In rare cases, persimmons can cause allergies. This is due to the high iodine content in fruits.

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How to choose a berry in a store

For patients with gastritis and ulcers, it is important to eat fruits containing a minimum of tannins . By what signs can you distinguish ripe berries from unripe ones? First of all, you need to pay attention to the leaves. If they are still green, the fruits have not reached the desired condition. Their taste will be astringent and they contain less vitamins.

On the surface of sweet varieties there is a kind of dark brown cobweb, and there are black marks around the stalk. These berries are heart-shaped or look like a small pumpkin.

If there are small dark spots on the fruit, this is normal . You can eat such persimmons without fear. But if the spots are large, then the fruits have already rotted. Eating them can lead to food poisoning, and there will be little benefit from such a berry.

Ripe persimmons have a dark orange or brownish tint . The peel is shiny, translucent. The fruit is elastic and soft to the touch, and the internal contents have a jelly-like consistency.

The most suitable variety for patients with gastritis is “Korolek”. You can distinguish it from others by its dark color and the presence of seeds inside. But! Often sellers under the guise of the Korolek variety sell cheaper varieties of persimmon. Therefore, it is better to buy one fruit for testing and cut it at home.

General recommendations

Experts advise patients suffering from gastritis to monitor the quality and quantity of food consumed. To avoid overloading your stomach, you should eat little but often. Serving size is 200-250 ml.

  • Those who are accustomed to finishing lunch or dinner with a drink should remember that drinking liquid immediately after a meal dilutes the gastric juice. This negatively affects the absorption of food. The interval between the main course and drinks should be at least half an hour.
  • Pharmacological drugs have a negative effect on the stomach. The task of a person suffering from gastritis or an ulcer is to minimize the risk of such exposure. The choice of medications must be taken responsibly, coordinating any drug taken orally with the attending physician .

On our website: Is it possible to eat potatoes if you have gastritis?

A healthy lifestyle is the basis for the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Doctors do not encourage alcohol abuse, but gastroenterologists do not impose a ban on drinking. You just need to follow the norm and choose the drinks correctly (is it possible to have wine if you have gastritis?).

But regarding nicotine, experts are more categorical. Smoking interferes with recovery, provokes regular exacerbations and leads to complications of the disease.

Source: https://gastroved.com/mozhno-li-est-hurmu-pri-gastrite-zheludka.html

How to use Persimon correctly

Eating persimmon is very beneficial for the stomach, but only in small quantities. You should not eat more than 2-3 pieces a day, especially for people with contraindications. Excessive excess of the daily norm of persimone in the human diet leads to poor health and pain.

Persimmon lovers need to remember the rules for its use:

  1. The skin of the fruit should not be eaten, as it contains many harmful substances that cause pain and the development of stones in the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. You should eat only ripe fruits, as green ones contain a large amount of tannins.
  3. Persimmons eaten in combination with foods that have a high protein content, such as fish and seafood, lead to pain and the formation of stones. Therefore, it is better to avoid such a combination on the menu.
  4. It is not recommended to eat persimmon on an empty stomach, since tannins and pectins in its pulp interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive organs. These components stick together leftover food, resulting in the formation of lumps that cause pain.
  5. Children under three years of age are prohibited from introducing this delicacy into their diet. The optimal age at which you can start consuming fruit without consequences for the body is 10 years.
  6. In order to get the maximum benefit from consuming persimmon, you need to ensure that the fruits are ripe, juicy and fresh.

Is it possible to eat persimmons for gastritis with high acidity?

Today, such a disease as gastritis is familiar to almost every person. In order to somehow improve your well-being, you have to drink various pharmaceuticals and follow diets, but sometimes you really want to pamper yourself without harming your body. Are persimmons safe for gastritis?

Information about the types of gastritis will help you determine what needs to be excluded from your usual diet, whether you can eat persimmons, and what benefits or harms there are from this exotic delicacy.

The benefits of persimmon for humans

Beautiful in appearance with a bright orange color, the berry comes to us from Israel, China, Italy and other countries. To enjoy this fruit and get benefits for the body, you should learn how to choose it correctly.

A good ripe persimmon has a uniform color without spots, is soft to the touch and should be the size of a woman’s fist. This berry is rich in vitamins. Vitamin C, thanks to which our body fights colds and cancer.

Vitamin B helps the nervous system not to break down, and beta-carotene is good for vision, skin and hair.

Persimmon is also rich in microelements: iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus remove toxins from the body and increase hemoglobin. Promotes good functioning of the heart and blood vessels, which is why this berry is called the heart apple.

Strengthens the immune system and has anti-inflammatory properties. If you dilute persimmon juice 1:1 with warm water, you can gargle with a sore throat and you can even bring down the temperature.

Iodine helps the thyroid gland function normally, the skin fights dryness and prevents hair loss.

Is it possible to eat persimmons with gastritis?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since there are different stages of the disease and forms of gastritis. An indicator of normal stomach function is acidity. To assess the state of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to measure the acidity in different parts of the stomach.

With increased acidity

With gastritis with high acidity, gastric juice contains a lot of hydrochloric acid, as a result the walls of the stomach become inflamed. A person may experience bad breath, frequent belching with a sour taste, heartburn and even vomiting.

If you have high acidity, eating persimmon is even beneficial because it has low acidity and can help improve your condition.

The thiamine contained in the berry normalizes the level of acidity, produces an antibacterial effect in the stomach, eliminating the cause of the disease.

Low acidity

With this form of gastritis, low production of gastric juice is observed and digestive functions are disrupted. An inflammatory process begins, during which the secretory function of the stomach decreases.

This leads to various complications and causes ulcers, also affecting the pancreas. There is a possibility of this pathology developing into stomach cancer. The cause of the disease is alcohol abuse and nicotine.

For gastritis with low acidity, a diet is important that will help the body digest food and improve the production of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, you can include various fruits and vegetables in your diet. Persimmon is no exception, as it is rich in vitamins that will help a person replenish their deficiency in the body.

Persimmon berries for erosive gastritis

With this form of gastritis, eating persimmon can only cause harm.

Since ulcers form in the mucous membrane, and with such an inflammatory process, tannins and tannins will cause an exacerbation of the disease, irritating the mucous membrane, especially if the fruit is unripe.

If you still really want to include persimmon in your diet, doctors advise taking it in small quantities in the form of a soufflé or jelly. It is important to know that the skin of the berry has a rather dense structure and does not split easily, which means it is better to cut it off.

Atrophic form of gastritis and persimmon

It is considered a dangerous and insidious disease. The cells of the glandular tissue atrophy and stop producing gastric juice, and this has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The main cause of the disease is bacterial infections, the protective properties of the mucous membrane are reduced and various toxins penetrate the tissues and healthy cells are damaged.

For reference! Symptoms of atrophic gastritis: aching pain appears in the upper abdomen, heartburn, nausea, and when vomiting, bile or mucus may come out. Atrophic gastritis most often develops into cancer.

Therefore, with the atrophic form of gastritis, it is better not to take risks and eat fruits and other foods that are easier to digest. With this disease, it is important to lead a healthy, active lifestyle, following a diet.

In chronic form

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa due to the influence of various factors on it, which disrupts the digestion process, nausea, belching, and loss of appetite. Often a person may feel pain or heaviness after eating, fatigue and malaise. This is a long-term inflammation in which degeneration of the mucosa occurs, changes in its structure and atrophy of cellular elements.

Persimmon can be useful for chronic gastritis; it will serve as a preventive measure for the body, as it helps destroy harmful bacteria. Before the onset of the disease, taking it will help avoid the chronic stage of the disease, thanks to useful microelements and many vitamins. However, if you are already diagnosed with chronic gastritis, you should also be careful with taking persimmons.

Important! Can be taken in limited quantities and not on an empty stomach.

With this diagnosis, acute inflammation of the mucous membrane is observed, accompanied by irritation of the stomach lining. It is usually severe with the appearance of ulcers, which can cause bleeding.

The cause of acute gastritis can be alcohol, poisoning with toxic substances, or it can be complications after diseases such as stroke, heart attack, injuries or burns. Sometimes this disease is associated with infection of the body by the Helicobacter bacterium.

Symptoms: sharp, prolonged pain in the pancreas, often dark-colored vomiting with elements of blood, belching, as well as sharp pain in the stomach.

Persimmon has an astringent effect, and this can provoke stomach cramps. In this condition, consuming persimmon can worsen secret functions and motor skills; in this case, the condition worsens, and heartburn begins. Therefore, during an exacerbation, it is better not to eat this exotic berry.

Dried persimmon for illness

The value of dried berries is very high; it is a leader in the Eastern markets due to its excellent taste and beneficial properties.

Rich in vitamins C, A, B, has anti-inflammatory properties and is used in the treatment of colds, strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure and improves blood circulation.

For gastritis, it reduces the risk of gastric bleeding, improves digestion and increases appetite.

Vitamin A helps the body cleanse itself of toxins, stops the aging process and is good for vision. Promotes cell restoration and protects against the appearance of tumors, strengthens the body as a whole, but there are still some limitations.

This dried fruit can have an irritating effect on the walls of the stomach, so it is recommended to consume it after eating the main meal.

Persimmons are not recommended for constipation or intestinal obstruction, they are not combined with seafood, and in no case should you eat them on an empty stomach. Personal intolerance also matters; there may be an allergy to this product.

People with diabetes need to monitor their blood glucose levels, so excessive consumption of the fruit can trigger a coma.


Of course, it is important to monitor your health, consult a doctor when needed, and eat healthy and tasty food. No one will do this for us. Therefore, you need to be attentive to the information that is now available and take steps towards recovery.

Source: https://healthy-pit.ru/xurma-pri-gastrite/

How to use it profitably?

In order for persimmon to bring only benefits, you need to follow some simple rules when consuming it.

  1. Fresh fruit has the greatest benefits!
  2. Choose ripe fruit. It contains less tannins and is less harsh on the stomach.
  3. You should not eat the “food of the gods” on an empty stomach.
  4. Before eating persimmons, you must remove the peel.
  5. To get rid of the astringency, it is enough to freeze the persimmon, then the thawed persimmon will not have a negative effect on the stomach.
  6. The permissible daily norm is 700g.
  7. It is not recommended to combine persimmons with protein foods to avoid the formation of bezoars.
  8. Due to the high sugar content, it is better to consume persimmons in the first half of the day, when the pancreas is actively working.
  9. If you have stomach problems, you can make candied fruits from persimmons by cooking them. This method will allow people suffering from gastritis to enjoy the fruit.

Divine fire, this is also the name of the main character of our article. Fire brings benefits to people, but in order not to get burned, you need to know the rules for handling it. Likewise, persimmon, while useful if consumed in moderation and correctly, is dangerous if the above recommendations are not followed.

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Persimmon is a delicacy that is not only tasty, but also very healthy. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and other substances necessary for humans, among which are calcium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus. This product has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. Very often, persimmons are used to prevent colds. It's hard to find a person who doesn't love this fruit. But not everyone knows that persimmons can cause stomach pain, as well as how to eat them correctly so that there are no unpleasant consequences.

Is it possible to eat persimmons for gastritis?

In Latin, the word persimmon sounds nothing more than “diospyros”. Translated into Russian as “food of the gods.” The ancient Romans held persimmons in high esteem, but in the modern world there are many lovers of these tasty, bright orange fruits. Let's make a reservation right away - calling persimmon a fruit is wrong.

This is a berry that grows on trees 8 to 12 meters high. Fruits do not always have an astringent taste - it depends on the variety. Let's look at the benefits of these berries and is it possible to eat persimmons if you have gastritis? After all, with this disease you need to follow a strict diet.

And if the product has contraindications, it should not be used for gastritis.

If the patient ignores doctors' recommendations and continues to eat foods prohibited for stomach ulcers, gastritis or pancreatitis, the consequences can be very severe.

The frequency of exacerbations increases, the disease becomes chronic. Not a single medicine in the world can cure gastritis if a therapeutic diet is not followed.

That is why it is so important to follow all the instructions of gastroenterologists that relate to nutrition.

What you need to know about gastritis?

With this disease of the digestive system, inflammation covers the mucous epithelium of the stomach. An inflamed organ does not work properly. Regular disruptions occur in the digestive system.

Further development of the disease is indicated by symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, unpleasant and sometimes even severe painful sensations in the epigastric region.

The patient constantly feels heaviness and fullness of the inflamed organ.

The disease is divided into several types. When the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is too high, the hyperacid form is diagnosed. If there is insufficient production of gastric juice, the patient is diagnosed with gastritis with low acidity.

Composition of persimmon. That's why it's so useful!

Before answering the question of how persimmon affects the patient’s condition for gastritis, let’s consider its composition. The berry contains many useful substances that help maintain normal human functioning.

First of all, it is vitamin C, which helps in the fight against colds. Protein is a building material for tissues, and glucose provides energy.

Potassium is also incredibly useful, which is often called a “microelement of the heart.” In addition, persimmon contains a lot of manganese and tannins, vitamins P and A, carbohydrates and organic acids.

Iron takes a vital part in the processes of hematopoiesis.

And the bright orange fruits of persimmons contain iodine. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. Pectin helps normalize digestion. By the way, almost all of the components listed above are involved in the digestive processes.

Regular consumption of fruits improves appetite and effectively fights diarrhea. They are recommended for anyone who suffers from high blood pressure.

Do you want to prevent the early appearance of hemorrhoids? Need to overcome the consequences of alcohol intoxication? Think about such a useful product as persimmon.

Is it possible to eat persimmons if you have gastritis?

There are no strict contraindications to eating berries, but there are some nuances. First, the bright orange fruit contains tannins. In unripe fruits their concentration increases.

What is tannin? This is a substance that has astringent properties. On the one hand, it makes persimmon effective against diarrhea. But on the other hand, it increases the load on the stomach.

It becomes difficult for the diseased organ to cope with the digestion of food.

This point should be taken into account by everyone who suffers from gastrointestinal diseases. The fruit will take several hours to digest, and eating several berries at a time may cause discomfort, even stomach pain. You can avoid unpleasant sensations only in two cases:

  1. Keep it in moderation.
  2. Buy ripe, juicy fruits.

Do not forget that persimmons should not be consumed during exacerbation of gastritis. The disease must be in remission. Doctors believe that persimmon with erosive gastritis will do more harm to the body than good. Eating fruits “hits” the mucous membrane and significantly worsens health. Persimmon becomes an irritant to erosions, and with regular exposure they can develop into full-fledged ulcers.

But what about persimmons for gastritis with high acidity - is it allowed or not? Gastroenterologists around the world advise eating berries when there is high gastric secretion.

Because there is practically no acid in persimmons, so it definitely does not irritate the inflamed walls of the stomach. Thiamine regulates normal acid levels and has an antibacterial effect.

Even against harmful Helicobacter bacteria, thiamine works like a charm.

Dried persimmon. Benefits and harms

It turns out that dried berries are also beneficial for the body. We counted at least six reasons:

  1. If the stomach walls are severely inflamed, dried persimmon reduces the risk of bleeding.
  2. Improves appetite.
  3. Effectively fights diarrhea.
  4. Helps improve blood circulation.
  5. When blood pressure is too high, dried persimmons lower it.
  6. Quickly satisfies hunger.

Contrary to popular stereotypes, after drying the product does not lose its properties. But it can be stored for a long time. Moreover, dried berries contain much more potassium. For atrophic gastritis, it is recommended to eat persimmon in dry form. It has been scientifically proven that dried fruits significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer.

How to eat dry persimmon? To avoid unpleasant consequences, adhere to such restrictions. Do not overeat persimmons in dry form - an excess of tannin can also be harmful. Dried fruits often cause intestinal obstruction. Consider this fact if your body is prone to frequent constipation.

Dry fruits should not be eaten on an empty stomach. This will further exacerbate the negative effects of tannin. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to eat 1-2 fruits daily.

Persimmon for gastrointestinal diseases

(7 5,00 out of 5)

Source: https://gastrit.pro/pitanie/xurma-pri-gastrite/

Benefits and harms

The orange fruit is a storehouse of useful substances for the human digestive system, but everything is good in moderation. In order for this bright fruit to bring us only benefits, we must also take into account the negative properties of persimmons.


  1. Restores damaged gastric mucosa (due to the high content of vitamins).
  2. Relieves inflammation (vitamins A and E).
  3. Eliminates irritation.
  4. It has a binding effect (especially unripe fruits due to the high content of tannins).
  5. Improves appetite (again under the influence of tannins).
  6. Quickly satisfies hunger (as it is considered one of the most “indigestible” fruits).
  7. Due to its high fiber content, it improves digestion and removes toxins from the body.


  • About heartburn

By consuming persimmon in moderation, its harmful properties can be avoided.


  • In large quantities it causes constipation.
  • Undesirable for diabetes (contains about 15% carbohydrates).
  • Astringent properties are dangerous for people prone to obesity (as it can cause constipation).

Now you know whether this fruit is healthy or not and how it can be dangerous.

We invite you to watch a useful video about the benefits and harms of persimmons:

Fresh ripe fruits provide the greatest benefit to the body , as they contain all the beneficial substances in an unchanged state.

Freezing, soaking and cooking help get rid of the tannins contained in persimmons, and if you suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, such actions before consumption will allow you to enjoy the fruit without any consequences.

Persimmon for gastritis

Sweet, juicy persimmons for gastritis are suitable for inclusion in the diet, but you need to eat them, taking into account existing restrictions and contraindications. In some forms of the disease, orange fruits should be completely excluded from the diet.

Why might persimmons be prohibited?

The berry contains beta-carotene, magnesium, iron, beneficial acids and a bunch of vitamins, but the high percentage of tannins has led to a division of medical opinions.

The use of persimmons for gastritis is prohibited due to the presence of astringents, which in some patients provoke severe pain, spasms and burning in the esophagus. For others, the berry causes heartburn and a burning sensation in the chest.

All doctors strongly recommend: if persimmon once caused discomfort or heartburn appeared after it, do not include the berry in your diet again. A complete ban on the product is imposed in the presence of the following forms of the disease:

  • acute erosive gastritis;
  • exacerbation of other forms of chronic gastritis, including disease with reduced acidity;
  • - duodenal or stomach ulcer.

It is forbidden to eat fruit that is not ripe. Green berries cause more pain, heaviness and bloating even in healthy people, and in patients with gastritis it leads to severe cramps, vomiting and fever.

Remember! With erosive gastritis, persimmon is the worst tolerated, causing severe discomfort in almost 100% of cases.

The effects of persimmon and general rules of use

Including persimmons in the diet will help with high acidity gastritis:

  • remove diarrhea and diarrhea;
  • improve appetite;
  • reduce bleeding;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • satisfy hunger without straining the intestines.

The main thing is to choose the right fruit. Tart persimmons are not recommended at all for gastritis. But very soft and sweet fruits have a positive effect on peristalsis. In the chronic course of the disease, accompanied by pancreatitis, it is recommended to bake the berries and make jam from them.

Persimmon at different stages of the disease

During periods of increased inflammatory processes affecting the gastric mucosa, persimmon is recommended because of its ability to reduce acidity. It also has antibacterial properties, directly affecting Helicobacter, a microbe that causes gastritis.

Important! Consumption of persimmon is indicated for suspected gastritis. It can delay or prevent the development of the disease in combination with other preventive measures.

You should not overuse the berry: eat no more than 3 fruits per day. To prevent exacerbations, it is recommended to remove the skin from persimmons before eating.

Quiet stage in chronic gastritis

When a person struggles with gastritis for a long time, experiencing many periods of exacerbation and calm, he begins to pay more attention to his diet. Some manage to pacify the disease so well that it does not make itself felt for years: the acidity of the stomach returns to normal, and erosions and inflammations heal.

Is it possible to eat persimmon with “chronic gastritis” if it has long gone into remission? Yes, but it is better to reduce the recommended number of fruits to 1 piece per day (3-4 times a week during the berry ripening season).

During the period of remission, persimmon is useful: it prevents the development of bacteria and fungi, inhibits Helicobacter, and cleanses the mucous membrane. To get maximum benefit from a product, you need to choose it correctly.

Secrets of choosing quality persimmons

Beautiful, elastic fruits are not an indicator of their health benefits for chronic gastritis. Only by taste it becomes clear: if the persimmon is too tart and the stalk is green, then the berry is not ripe. Persimmon is useful for gastritis if it meets the following characteristics:

  • brown tint of the stalk and surrounding leaves;
  • the fruit is soft to the touch, it seems that it is about to burst;
  • yellow, pale and green tints are a sign of unripe berries;
  • ripe fruits are brown and orange;
  • the skin of a high-quality berry is shiny, smooth, without a large number of black spots and mold;
  • When cutting with a knife, persimmons release a lot of juice; if the pulp is dry, this is the ghost of an unripe product.

Refrain from purchasing unusual varieties whose characteristics differ significantly from Korolka, Shokoladnitsa, and Fig persimmon.

If the fruits have an unpleasant astringent taste - this is a sign of a high concentration of tannin, put them in the freezer for 1-2 days. Persimmons should thaw naturally.

How does persimmon affect the intestines?

Due to the fact that persimmon is digested by the stomach for up to 3.5 hours and contains a lot of coarse dietary fiber, it stimulates intestinal motility.
The substance pectin contained in it has a laxative effect. Therefore, it is recommended for all categories of the population to use the berry as a laxative. The coarse fiber of persimmon speeds up the process of excretion of feces. When consumed in moderation, the berry normalizes stool. If consumed in unlimited quantities, it can cause diarrhea.

There are several rules that must be followed to treat diarrhea:

  1. Only ripe fruits are eaten. If the berry is not ripe, it can cause diarrhea.
  2. To drink a lot of water. Coarse dietary fiber and water will push feces through the intestines faster.
  3. You can eat no more than 1 berry per day. Excessive consumption of persimmons can cause constipation.

Why are persimmons harmful?

Causes constipation

True, persimmons also have a downside. Excess Tannins can cause constipation. And regular abuse of persimmons for several years even leads to the formation of bezoars in the stomach - dense balls of poorly digestible substances A rare cause of gastrointestinal phytobezoars: diospyros lotus.

May cause yellowing of skin

It is also worth remembering that too much beta-carotene in the body can lead to yellowing of the skin Carotenemia, especially in children. True, this condition does not pose a health risk and you can reach it if you eat 2–3 kg of carotene-containing foods per week.

What does persimmon contain?

Persimmon fruits contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals, and natural sugars. Their chemical composition:

  • Vitamins – A, beta-carotene, group B (all except B12), C, E, H, K, PP.
  • Microelements - iron, iodine, rubidium, manganese, copper, zinc, nickel and others.
  • Macroelements – potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine.
  • Sugars (predominantly glucose, fructose).
  • Organic acids, unsaturated and saturated fatty acids.
  • Flavonoids, tannins, dietary fiber, purines, ash.

The vitamin and mineral composition of persimmons is almost 2 times richer than apples. The most distinctive thing about the chemical composition of these fruits is that they contain large amounts of:

  1. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), involved in carbohydrate, fat, protein metabolism, as well as the synthesis of hemoglobin, a number of hormones. Its deficiency in the body leads to deterioration of the skin and mucous membranes.
  2. Ascorbic acid, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, is involved in the synthesis of collagen, steroid hormones, and the process of blood clotting. Helps strengthen the immune system, improves iron absorption.
  3. Iodine, a very important element for health, necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. As well as tannins, tannins that determine the astringent taste.
  4. Natural sugars that give a person life-giving energy.


  1. Constipation.
  2. Ulcer, gastritis, erosion.
  3. Intestinal obstruction.
  4. Obesity.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Individual intolerance, tendency to allergic reactions.
  7. Postoperative period.
  8. Children under 3 years old.

Why is the product dangerous?

At first glance, it may seem that persimmon is a harmless delicacy. It is very tasty, healthy, and is often given to children. But it is important to remember that this product must be eaten correctly, because it can cause serious illnesses or pain in the body of even a completely healthy person.

Persimmon (persimmon) is the most dangerous due to its ability to cause severe pain in the digestive organs, up to the formation of severe intestinal obstruction.

The provoking factor is the presence of a large amount of tannins in the pulp of the fruit, which give it a characteristic astringent taste. As a result of mixing gastric juice with tannins, a sticky substance is formed, which hardens along with pieces of fruit and blocks the intestinal lumen, causing its obstruction. To solve this problem, doctors quite often resort to surgery. Sometimes such stones, or phytobezoars, as doctors call them, dissolve on their own, but more often the only salvation for a person is surgery. The process of development of these clots is accompanied by nausea, as well as pain in the gastrointestinal tract.

Excessive consumption of Persimone is contraindicated for:

  • patients who have undergone surgery on the abdominal cavity or stomach, especially those with adhesions after surgery;
  • pregnant women;
  • people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • people suffering from constipation;
  • children under ten years of age.

In each individual case, it is better to consult a doctor about the possibility of consumption, as well as the permissible amount of fruit used for food, in order to avoid pain or other unpleasant consequences. For people suffering from diabetes, this fruit is contraindicated as it increases blood sugar levels.

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