Why does the lower abdomen hurt and pull after sexual intercourse?

Pain during or after sex is very common.

Most often, pain occurs due to improper behavior during sex. But inflammatory processes are also possible. We will look at almost all the causes of pain during and after sexual intercourse.

In women, pain most often occurs in the area of ​​the labia, the entrance to the vagina (as a rule, this is an acute pain, it is somewhat reminiscent of itching and burning), in the perineum (the pain can be sharp, stabbing or dull). There is also pain in the lower or deep abdomen, in the lower back (in these places the pain is usually dull, prolonged and nagging).

In men, pain occurs less frequently than in women; it is felt mainly in the head of the penis (sharp, burning pain). There is pain in the perineum or deep in the abdomen (aching, dull pain).

Defloration. Pain at the beginning of sexual activity

Pain in young women who have just begun intimate life is quite normal. This pain may persist throughout the first few sexual acts. But gradually it decreases and disappears completely. Sometimes during the first sexual intercourse, in addition to pain, there may be a slight discharge from the vagina (bloody). This is also normal.

Defloration is mechanical damage to the hymen. The cause of pain during defloration is fear , which forces all the muscles of the body to contract, and primarily the muscles of the vagina. Sometimes girls have a thick hymen, it is equipped with numerous nerve endings. However, it is basically elastic, and during intimacy it does not tear, it only stretches, so there is no sharp pain or bleeding.

The trust of partners and reliable protection against infection and unwanted pregnancy will help overcome fear during defloration. During the first contact, it is better to protect yourself with a condom. Foreign microbes that enter the body for the first time can cause an inflammatory reaction (colpitis and cystitis) - these are the most common complications after defloration.

A calm atmosphere, a glass of wine, a warm bubble bath, sufficient caresses during sex, and sincerity of feelings help to relax. After all, sexual intercourse with love does not cause discomfort.

To reduce pain during the first contacts, special water-based lubricants should be used. They are sold in pharmacies. The use of oil-based lubricants is undesirable, especially in combination with a condom. A latex condom becomes less durable and may break when in contact with oil lubricant.

Stress, tension, dislike of the sexual partner, vaginismus (spasm of the vaginal muscles)

If the first sex, or the first sex with a given partner, was unsuccessful, or there was rape, then the fear of sex can become entrenched on a subconscious level.

Such fear spasms the vaginal muscles in advance, which makes it impossible to have sexual intercourse without pain.

Thus, the pain does not appear due to the movement of the penis, but due to the fact that the woman’s muscles have tightened. The same pain can occur during a gynecological examination. Moreover, there are cases when plastic gynecological speculums break during such an examination.

Mental stress can be caused by many reasons: • fear of being discovered; • dislike for the partner; • fear of not being liked by your partner; • fear of getting pregnant, etc.

In women, negative emotions can cause the muscles of the perineum to spasm or contract, resulting in pain and discomfort. To prevent this, it is necessary to create a calm, pleasant atmosphere before and during sex. You should think about what scares partners during sex and try to avoid these moments.

If a woman trusts the doctor and she is relaxed, then the examination is painless. But if such a problem (vaginismus) arises, then the woman’s fear needs to be treated, her attitude towards the issue needs to be changed, and she must look for partners in whom she has confidence. If nothing helps, then vaginismus should be treated by doctors - a sex therapist and psychotherapist.

What are the possible causes of pain during sexual intercourse in women?

  • Adhesions and scars in the lower abdomen. They appear after appendicitis, operations, inflammation of the internal female genital organs (uterus and its appendages). Scars and adhesions are less elastic than normal tissue and can pull and deform the pelvic tissue and vagina, hence the pain during and after sex in the lower abdomen. The problem is usually solved with non-surgical methods. We use modern drugs to soften adhesions, and we recommend using them together with gymnastics and self-massage. The effect is usually noticeable after 2-3 months. Sometimes we complement the treatment with gentle osteopathic procedures.
  • Previous injury to the coccyx, problems with the lumbar vertebrae. The genital ligaments and pelvic floor muscles are attached to the tailbone, pelvic bones and lower back. If there are any problems with bones, joints, or intervertebral discs, there may be excessive tension in the pelvic tissues and pinching of sensory nerves. Of course, all this causes pain in the lower abdomen after sex. The cause can be found with a gynecological and neurological examination, or MRI. Treatment usually produces noticeable results within 3-4 weeks.
  • Inflammation of the tendons of the pelvic floor muscles is a very unpleasant and painful problem. The area where the muscles attach to the tailbone usually suffers the most. During sexual intercourse, the pelvic floor muscles are stressed, which causes pain during and/or after sex. The cause of inflammation is easy to establish (usually a chronic infection against the background of reduced immunity) and eliminated. Treatment usually begins to work after 1.5-2 months.
  • Features of the structure of the genital organs. The problem associated with the structural features of the female genital organs usually makes itself felt at the beginning of sexual life. This may be a change in the angle between the body of the uterus and the cervix (the so-called flexion of the uterus) anteriorly or posteriorly. These anatomical changes can cause discomfort during sex, often severe pain during sex. A visit to a gynecologist and vaginal massage will help you figure out the problem.
  • Inflammation of the internal genital organs ( adnexitis, salpingoophoritis ) is a possible cause of pain during and after sex. To resolve the problem, a course of treatment by a gynecologist is usually sufficient.
  • Vulvovaginitis is an inflammation of the external genital organs (vulva) and vagina, caused by staphylococcus, streptococcus, Candida fungi, and less commonly Trichomonas. Occurs when a woman or her partner fails to comply with personal hygiene rules, and when there is an entry point for infection (cracks, cuts, abrasions). Vulvovaginitis is a common cause of pain during sex.
  • Vaginismus, coitophobia and vaginismus-like disorder. They can manifest themselves simply in the form of pain during sexual intercourse, or they can create an obstacle to the insertion or movement of the penis into the vagina, up to the complete inability to perform sexual intercourse. The cause of pain during sex is a nervous disorder associated with psychological trauma, a tense relationship with a man, excesses of parenting, etc. The problem is solvable. To prevent pain during sexual intercourse, medications in combination with a course of psychotherapy can help. Sometimes just a short course of psychotherapy is enough to prevent pain during sex in the future.

Sexual compatibility of partners. Features of poses

Often the cause of a dull aching pain in the abdomen after sexual intercourse may be the peculiarities of the posture during sex or the ratio of the size of the genitals of both partners. Poses that allow deep penetration of the male penis into the vagina can be painful, especially if the man has a large penis and the woman has a short and narrow vagina.

In fact, the vagina is very distensible, so if a man does not have a clinical case of gigantism, then the vagina should not hurt from the size of the male penis. Obviously, something is interfering with this painless stretching, which means you need to go to the doctor.

Pain that depends on the posture is eliminated by changing the posture. And in such a situation, it is extremely important how much the partners understand each other. There is no point in enduring pain, waiting for it to pass, because sex should lead to pleasure, not suffering. Partners should tell their friend what is most acceptable for them, and in which case it will not hurt them.

Possible causes of pain, inflammation and thrush after sex

  • Edema, swelling;
  • Pain;
  • Redness;
  • Discharge.

When friction occurs, the mucous membrane of the genital organs receives microdamages through which infection can penetrate. Infection is the cause of inflammation.

  • Penetration of pathogenic microbes if the sexual partner secretes them. This is easy to find out with the help of tests. The problem will be resolved after treatment of both partners.
  • Aggressive behavior of relatively harmless microbes due to the weakness of the immune defense of the mucous membranes. There are many microbes in the environment that could cause inflammation, but cannot penetrate the defense built by the immune system. And if the immune system is weakened, and microbes were “rubbed” into the mucous membrane during sexual intercourse, then relatively harmless microbes can behave aggressively and cause inflammation. To solve this problem, we will offer you an immunogram and a short course of treatment.
  • The woman’s immune system “gets acquainted” with the natural microbial flora of the new sexual partner. This is a reason to check your immunity and the presence of infections. The adaptation period for sexual partners can be shortened, made more comfortable and prevented from the occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen after sex.
  • Chronic vulvovaginitis and thrush .

A competent gynecologist will help find and eliminate the cause of pain during sexual intercourse in women

Insufficient vaginal lubrication

Reasons: • reluctance to have sex; • partner's rejection; • fear of pregnancy; • removal of Bartholin's gland in the past; • bartholinitis; • hormonal disorders (taking hormonal contraceptives, the period after childbirth, menopause).

Insufficient lubricant secretion sometimes seriously spoils the quality of sexual intercourse and even leads to unpleasant and painful sensations. Lubrication in the vagina in women is produced by two large glands located in the thickness of the labia majora. They open their ducts at the entrance to the vagina. The quality of these glands depends on the woman’s sexual arousal. Women tend to reach sexual arousal later than men. And if sexual intercourse begins before the woman is sufficiently aroused, then due to insufficient lubrication, the sliding of the penis will be painful for her.

Doctors advise young women to extend the period of sexual intercourse before intercourse or to use water-based lubricants. For hormonal disorders, taking female sex hormones will help. In other cases, it is recommended to use artificial moisturizers - intimate gels, which can be bought at pharmacies and sex shops.

Causes of pain during sexual intercourse

There are many reasons why the lower abdomen begins to hurt during sex, which is largely due to the complex structure of the female body.
Discomfort can be the first sign of diseases of the reproductive, urinary system, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, and even psychological problems. There is another important reason due to which the lower abdomen begins to hurt during sexual intercourse and regardless of it. We are talking about pregnancy: the appearance of unpleasant sensations is due to changes in hormonal balance and gradual enlargement of the uterus. In this case, there is no need to worry about abdominal pain - this is a completely normal symptom that goes away over time.

Inflammatory process

Unpleasant sensations (burning, itching, pain, pain, friction, feeling of dryness) appear in the vagina during intimate contact or immediately after it.

It is necessary to be examined for sexually transmitted diseases: • ureaplasmosis; • gonorrhea; • chlamydia; • trichomoniasis; • candidiasis.

During this time, you should limit your sex life or practice only condom-protected sex. If an infection is detected, then both partners need to be treated and at the same time protect themselves with condoms, regardless of the test results for the man. The main site of infection in men is usually in the prostate. Therefore, they do bacterial culture after provocation or prostate massage. Therefore, it is easier for both to undergo treatment, because the microbes of both sexual partners are similar.

Please note that inflammation may not always be caused by pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases, so there is no need to rush to accuse your partner of cheating. Often inflammation is caused by ordinary flora: • fungus; • Escherichia coli; • staphylococcus; • other microorganisms.

Microorganisms, when they penetrate into a foreign environment (for example, from the male reproductive tract to the female, or into the reproductive tract - from the skin, intestines, mouth, etc.) and with reduced immunity (as well as during pregnancy or menstruation), these microorganisms multiply , lead to inflammation. Therefore, instead of looking for those to blame, you need to engage in normal treatment.

Allergy to chemicals

Shower gel and soap, deodorants, washing powder, latex condoms, spermicides can irritate the genitals and cause pain.

If irritation is caused by chemicals, then you need to: • refuse hygiene products for intimate hygiene, wash the genitals with running warm water; • Wear loose cotton. Always wash new underwear before wearing it for the first time; • when washing, use hypoallergenic washing powders; • do not use washing powders with fragrances; • use undyed, unscented toilet paper; • try to avoid spermicides. • If even after following all these recommendations the pain remains, then you need to consult a gynecologist.

Pain, feeling of bloating after intercourse

Abdominal pain and a feeling of bloating (gas accumulation) may bother some women a short time after sex. Often the reason for this relatively unpleasant phenomenon is the penetration of air into the vagina during sex. This poses absolutely no threat to health, but it does cause discomfort. And some positions during intimacy (in particular, the position from behind, in which the woman is on all fours) promote the penetration of air into the female genital tract. The air sometimes causes severe bursting pain (usually in the lower abdomen). Often the penetrated air comes out after the act, and with a very characteristic sound.

Due to rapid, uneven breathing during contact, a woman may swallow a large amount of air. This can cause sharp, severe pain throughout the abdomen and sometimes nausea.

What to do if, after sex, abdominal pain appears and the abdomen is swollen : • monitor the position at which air enters the vagina (the woman can feel when this happens), try to change the position (the angle of the woman’s pelvis, the angle of insertion of the penis). Preference should be given to positions that place pressure on the abdomen; • place a pillow under the stomach to ensure pressure on the stomach; • before inserting the penis into the vagina, press your hand on the woman’s stomach above the pubis - excess air will come out; • it is advisable to repeat the same procedure after sexual intercourse, and it is advisable to do this in private (due to the characteristic sound of gases escaping); • try to breathe calmly and evenly during sex; • try not to swallow air; • after sex, it is advisable to lie on your stomach, this will help the gases escape.

Acute abdominal pain in women after sex

Acute severe pain in the lower abdomen in a woman after sexual intercourse can be accompanied by pain in the inguinal folds, genitals, perineum, lower back, and can be a symptom of diseases such as ovarian rupture, ovarian cyst rupture, ectopic pregnancy disorder, miscarriage. At the same time, the symptoms of internal bleeding - severe, cramping pain in the lower abdomen, are not always accompanied by signs of external bleeding from the genital organs.

Abdominal pain after sex in women with accompanying internal or external bleeding may be accompanied by signs of acute anemia - fainting, severe dizziness, weakness, palpitations, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, weak pulse, pale skin, profuse sweat. Signs of acute anemia can occur without severe abdominal pain and visible external bleeding, which may be a symptom of internal bleeding. The causes of abdominal pain in women and bleeding from the genitals after sex can be mechanical. These are injuries that a woman could receive as a result of too active or rough sex: injury and rupture of the wall or vault of the vagina, damage to the cervical mucosa or its erosion. This likelihood is especially high if blood and pain in the abdomen after sex occurs unexpectedly during sexual intercourse and the bleeding is profuse. In this case, you must immediately call an ambulance, as with any serious injury accompanied by pain. All of the conditions described above can threaten a woman’s life, so if they occur, you must immediately call an ambulance. The causes of abdominal pain in women after sex can be very diverse. If abdominal pain, blood or spotting occurs after sexual intercourse, a woman should consult a gynecologist as soon as possible in order to find out the cause of abdominal pain and take the necessary measures to treat the disease that is the cause.

  1. The most common cause of abdominal pain and bleeding after sexual intercourse in women is infectious diseases - chlamydia or other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
  2. In addition, the cause of abdominal pain and genital bleeding after sex in women can be inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. Most often, pain after sex occurs due to cervicitis, an inflammatory disease of the cervix, or vaginitis, an inflammation of the vagina. In both cases, abdominal pain and bleeding from a woman’s genital tract can be associated not only with sex and occur not only after sexual intercourse. The inflammatory process in a woman's genital tract can be caused by bacterial, fungal diseases, taking certain medications, or failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules. When microorganisms enter the female genital tract from the male or from the oral cavity into the vagina, they begin to multiply and can cause inflammation, especially if the woman has a reduced immune system, during pregnancy or during menstruation.
  3. A common cause of abdominal pain after sex in women are erosions and polyps. They may bleed after intercourse. Polyps and erosions, which can cause abdominal pain after sex and cause the development of malignant tumors, must be treated.
  4. Abdominal pain in combination with bleeding after sexual intercourse can be caused by the presence of pathological changes in the cells of the cervix (dysplasia) and uterine cancer. Such changes are determined by laboratory tests of vaginal discharge and other examinations.

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Adhesive process

Adhesions are formed as a result of past inflammation of the uterine appendages or intestines.

Signs of adhesions in the pelvis: • periodic pain in the lower abdomen; • aching; • more often occurs after hypothermia; • periods of stool retention or looseness; • history of intestinal diseases.

It turns out that most women have adhesions, but many do not care about them because they do not cause any harm. In some women, adhesions begin to hurt when stretched, during an examination by a gynecologist in a chair and during sexual intercourse. The degree of pain in the depths of the abdomen depends on the position during sex and on the degree of aggressiveness of sex. Basically, choosing more comfortable positions saves the situation.

If this does not help, then chronic inflammatory processes must be treated.

Why does the ovary hurt after intercourse?

There are several reasons for side cuts.

Why does the ovary hurt after intercourse:

  • Adhesive process in the pelvic organs. Chronic illnesses often provoke the appearance of adhesions and tissue fusion inside.
  • During coitus, strong pressure is placed on these tissues, resulting in suffering.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Before penetration, you caught a cold, and there were mild cramps that worsened during the penetration process.


Often women think they have endometriosis due to spotting before or after menstruation. But the main symptom of endometriosis is pain that appears or intensifies on the eve of menstruation and goes away along with it. If the discharge is painless, then it is not endometriosis.

And if they are painful, and there is also pain during sex, during bowel movements on the eve of menstruation, then it may be endometriosis. Pain during sex occurs internally and is felt quite clearly, and sometimes reaches such intensity that it makes sexual activity impossible during this phase of the cycle.

Congestion in the veins

Reasons: • insufficient sexual satisfaction; • abstinence; • irregular intimate life; • dissatisfaction with sexual relationships. Women who have varicose veins in their legs are very prone to pain due to venous congestion. Blood flows to the organs, but there is no necessary outflow. Venous congestion is initially expressed in a feeling of dissatisfaction, heaviness, nagging pain after sex without the necessary and sufficient release. Gradually, the only seemingly cure - regular sex life with sexual satisfaction - turns not into deliverance, but rather into an aggravating factor. The swollen walls of the vagina hurt from sexual intercourse, and acute pain occurs during sex.

The danger of this condition is that it predisposes to many inflammations of the female genital area: mastopathy, ovarian dysfunction, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, etc.

We must try not to lead dissatisfaction to changes in the anatomy of the body. You can give pleasure to yourself (including with the help of sex toys) and teach this to your partner, this will bring joy to both and maintain normal health and normal relationships between partners.

After sexual intercourse, the appendages hurt: reasons

In order to find out for sure the cause of pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen during and after sexual intercourse, it is necessary to undergo examination by a nephrologist and gynecologist. The article describes supposed diseases and conditions that can cause pain in the lower abdomen in women after sex. You cannot diagnose yourself and choose treatment at random - you should visit a doctor.

The most common reasons:

  • vaginitis – inflammation of the walls of the vagina due to hypothermia, proliferation of infection, decreased immunity;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • urethritis - an inflammatory process in the urethra;
  • chronic sluggish pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys of a bacterial nature;
  • vaginal candidiasis (or, as this disease is popularly called, thrush);
  • problems with the muscle tissue of the pelvic floor - insufficient tone or partial atrophy;
  • neuralgia of the pelvic nerves;
  • neoplasms in the genital area.

Abdominal pain caused by sexual intercourse is not always a symptom of a gynecological disease. The reasons for it can be very diverse. Among them:

  1. Strong mechanical stimulation of the cervix and its lower part.
    This may be caused by a discrepancy in the size of the partners' genitals or the awkward position of their bodies. To solve this problem, just change your position. Give preference to positions in which the woman has the ability to control the depth of penetration.
  2. Unprotected sexual intercourse.
    Sperm contains prostaglandins, which cause spasms of the uterine muscles. If a woman experiences severe discomfort, she can take Ibuprofen or another safe pain reliever.
  3. Increased gas formation and other intestinal problems.
    If your lower abdomen hurts not only after sex, but also at other times, this may be caused by disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. You can solve the problem by normalizing the intestinal microflora. Also control your diet - try not to eat foods that cause flatulence.
  4. Weakness of the bladder and other bladder diseases.
    In this case, you will be bothered not only by pain in the lower abdomen, but also by urinary problems. The problem can be solved! To do this, you need to visit a urologist, who will prescribe the correct course of treatment. Also, do not forget to empty your bladder before each sexual intercourse.
  5. Psychological factors and hormonal disorders.
    Stress, chronic fatigue, and obsessive fears can also cause pain and cramps in the lower abdomen after sex. To get rid of them, a woman must rest and relax. In especially severe cases (rape, unsuccessful first experience, etc.) one cannot do without qualified psychological help.

If a woman often experiences pain in her lower abdomen during or immediately after intimacy with her partner, this may be a warning sign. Often, this is how gynecological diseases of varying severity manifest themselves. The main ones are:

  1. Endometriosis.
    With this disease, not only the lower abdomen can hurt, but also its upper part or anus. This is due to the uncontrolled growth of the endometrium and the formation of adhesions, both inside and outside the uterus. If you have pain in your lower abdomen and suspect endometriosis, consult your doctor. To relieve pain after sexual intercourse, you can take a warm bath, place a hot heating pad on your stomach, or drink Aspirin.
  2. Polyps or human papillomavirus.
    The mechanism of pain after sexual intercourse in these cases will be almost the same. If condylomas or polyps form on the cervix of the uterus, the man’s penis can injure them, causing pain in the woman. An accompanying symptom in this case is minor bleeding. If you notice them, immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist.
  3. Ruptures of ovarian cysts or follicles.
    In this case, the pain is very acute - it is almost impossible to endure. Sometimes women also experience cramps or severe fever. If a follicle or ovarian cyst ruptures, you must call an ambulance. Ambulance numbers - 103 (Russia, Ukraine), 112 - Emergency assistance in Ukraine.
  4. Sexual infections.
    Ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and gonorrhea often cause pain in the lower third of the abdomen after intimacy. They are accompanied by a burning sensation affecting the external genitalia and characteristic discharge. Sexual infections require treatment under the supervision of a specialist.
  5. Postpartum trauma.
    If a woman has sex earlier than 8 weeks after giving birth or a caesarean section, this can lead to pain and bleeding. Take care of your health and follow your doctor's recommendations. And if sexual intercourse has already occurred and brought discomfort, take a pain reliever (anything except Aspirin) and make an appointment with your gynecologist.

If cramps are observed regularly and become a cause of concern, you should consult a doctor. Suffering after coitus indicates serious illness.

A woman's stomach hurts very badly after sexual intercourse, reasons:

  • Uterine fibroids and endometriosis. It is with these ailments that during penetration, pain in the womb area can be observed, not on the side, but in the center.
  • These pathologies are quite dangerous and can be completely asymptomatic. That is, suffering during penetration may be the only signs of illness.
  • If the pain is located on the side, in the area where the appendages are located, this may indicate pathology.

Pain in the appendage area may indicate health problems.

After sexual intercourse, the appendages hurt, reasons:

  • Adhesions in the pelvic organs
  • Cyst
  • Ovulation
  • Tumors

Crashes after coitus can be located not in the womb area at all, but in the lumbar area and back. This indicates that the ligamentous apparatus is affected.

A woman's back hurts after sexual intercourse, reasons:

  • This occurs due to spasm, or due to endometritis, endometriosis, malignant and benign pelvic tumors.
  • With endometriosis, tissue can grow outside the uterus. It often affects areas near the spine and ligaments. That's why my lower back hurts.
  • Due to the presence of tumors, the uterus can enlarge, grow, and as a result of penetration, pressure is exerted, which provokes suffering.
  • Therefore, aching sensations and heaviness in the lower back after coitus most likely indicate the presence of endometriosis and neoplasms in the area of ​​the uterine body.

After coitus
Often, the factors that provoke painful and unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse are psychogenic. Most often, the pathological basis for the occurrence of pain is either the consequences of a negative experience of sexual life, or problems in the sexual relationships of partners.

Disturbances in the emotional sphere cause changes in pain sensitivity and the formation of muscle “blocks”. It is because of the spastic state of the pelvic floor muscles that pain occurs during intimacy.

This leads to disruption of the blood supply to the pelvic organs, as a result of which venous stagnation and degenerative processes develop in the genitals.

They can also cause anatomical changes in the genital organs: ovarian cysts, colpitis, salpingoophoritis and vulvitis. Due to hormonal imbalance and impaired blood supply to organs against the background of venous stagnation, hormonal-dependent diseases can develop. More often these are endometriosis and uterine fibroids, which also contribute to the occurrence of pain.

In some cases, however, even a thorough examination does not provide any useful information about the patient's condition, other than information that she is completely healthy. But how can normally functioning organs get sick?

Modern medicine knows, if not everything, then a lot about the functioning of the female body during sexual intercourse. In particular, dozens of diseases have been identified that are largely caused by psychological problems, characteristics of emotional response and disruption of the nervous regulation of the genital organs.

One of them is a dysregulatory form of sexual dysfunction - a kind of sexological disorder that occurs in women who, in order to avoid pregnancy, practice interrupted sexual intercourse.

If this is repeated regularly, then a focus of chronic arousal is formed in the female genital organs, nervous regulation is disrupted, and blood flow is disrupted. As a result, each subsequent sexual intercourse brings less and less pleasure, often ending in severe pain in the lower abdomen after sex.


Every year, doctors identify more and more patients suffering from vaginismus, a convulsive contraction of the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor, which makes sexual contact simply impossible. As a rule, this condition occurs immediately before intercourse, although in rare cases, muscle spasm may appear in the middle of or even after intercourse.

Vaginismus is characterized by genitalgia - painful sensations in the genital area that arise either spontaneously or in connection with sexual activity.

Finally, the cause of severe and sharp pain in the lower abdomen that occurs after sex can be psychogenic genitalgia - painful sensations in the genitals due solely to psychological reasons. These include:

  • A woman's unpleasant memories of her first sexual intercourse.
  • Fixation on the possibility of recurrence of pain during sex.
  • Rough sexual practices, rape.
  • Inadequate and incorrect sex education.
  • Vulnerability, suggestibility and suspiciousness.

To select the most effective treatment for the described and other pathologies, a consultation with a competent sexologist is required.

Causes of pain after sex in men

The main reason is infections leading to inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin: • chlamydia; • gonorrhea; • candidiasis (thrush); • prostate infections; • bladder diseases (urethritis); • seminal vesicle infection. If the pain is caused precisely by an infection, then the following symptoms accompany it: • in some diseases - severe itching and burning during and after ejaculation (in particular, with gonorrhea); • cloudy, purulent, cloudy discharge from the urethra, yellow-green in color; • on the head of the male penis, on the inner surface of the foreskin there are wounds, red spots, sores or cracks, and a rash.

Rare pain syndrome after sex - psychogenic pain syndrome

Pain occurs after ejaculation. Nature of pain: • persistent; • repetitive; • acute; • piercing; • burning; • can sometimes be strong; • sometimes – long-lasting.

The cause is a painful involuntary spasm or local cramp of some sensitive muscles of the reproductive and genital organs of a man. Sometimes painful spasms that cause agony are due to a man's hesitation about the speed of his ejaculation during sex. The second probable cause is a disorder of the pelvic floor muscles.

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