Pain when running - why does the right or left side hurt? Why does my right side hurt under my rib when I run?

Problems with warming up

Most of human blood (70%) circulates through veins and vessels. The rest is distributed among the internal organs (spleen, tissues, lungs, etc.) in the absence of load. When the human body performs work, blood reserves are used to better saturate tissues with oxygen. The volume of the liver increases, which in turn presses on the liver capsule. Thousands of nerve endings become irritated and pain occurs in the right side (under the ribs). This process is most common among new runners.

Pain may also occur in the left side. The reason is irritation of the spleen due to excess blood.

A good warm-up before running will help you avoid discomfort. Its goal is to warm up the muscles and increase the speed of blood flow, thereby preparing the body for the upcoming load. In addition to warming up, you need to properly distribute your training time. Beginners are recommended to limit the time of their first jogging to 15 minutes and gradually increase the duration of exercise. If, while running, your side still tingles and hurts, you need to slow down and take a step. It is strictly not recommended to stop immediately; it is important to continue moving. Deep breathing, relaxing the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, and slightly bending the body will help overcome unpleasant sensations.

Why it stings during time: reasons

The explanations why your right or left side hurts when you run are quite simple:

In right and left

So, why does it sting in the right or left side during or after running? If you feel a stabbing pain while walking or running quickly, then know that if the right side pierces when running, it’s the liver , and if the left side pierces, it’s the spleen .

When the body is not exposed to stress, part of the blood is in reserve and does not circulate through the blood vessels. The main volume of circulating blood occurs in the chest and abdominal cavities.

Physical activity causes a redistribution of blood flow in the body in favor of working muscles. However, it should be noted that unlike muscles, which are ready to start working immediately, the autonomic functions that ensure their work (such as blood circulation and breathing) require some time to “break in.”

When other motivation no longer works

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