Nausea during or after exercise

Nausea after exercise: why physical activity causes nausea, what to do

Nausea during training causes vomiting and urge. Negatively affects the process of physical activity of the athlete. The urge to vomit occurs with pain and poor health.

Primary causes of nausea:

  • Incomplete digestion of food. The athlete ate food before training that was fatty and took a long time to digest.
  • Dehydration of the body, water imbalance. Constipation occurs and causes nausea.
  • Overheating of the body as a result of stress. Body temperature rises, sweat comes out, and a lack of fluid occurs. The result is heatstroke.
  • Dysfunction of the blood supply to the stomach and intestines, diarrhea.
  • Lack of blood sugar is accompanied by chills and convulsions.
  • Destruction of muscle tissue.
  • Accumulation of lactic acid in the body.
  • Heart diseases.

Nausea after running

During leg training, after sports they feel discomfort in the stomach, accompanied by nausea. The reason is the changed marathon program, breaks in exercise, alcohol consumption, and increased blood pressure.

Symptoms are felt when squatting with a barbell. The pressure drops due to the outflow of blood. The heart rate increases, tachycardia occurs, tinnitus, and spots in the eyes. The athlete sweats a lot.

Those involved in sports make a mistake without suspecting anything - they breathe through their chest. You can reduce the urge by using abdominal breathing. The diaphragm must work.

You shouldn’t force the body and exhaust it through nausea.

Nausea when running is caused by high running speed. Breathing becomes harsh and difficult, the temples pulsate, the legs become tangled, and the person loses coordination. It is advisable to gradually increase the load.

Alternate between walking and running, then increasing the running and decreasing the walking. The athlete must be comfortable running, making arm movements, breathing, and talking.

If you start to feel nauseous, take a brisk walk; if you feel better, increase your running.

If you feel sick after the gym

Pause your workouts at the gym to avoid making the situation worse. Lie down and drink some water. Regulated breathing will help correct the situation. Take the first deep breath before the exercise, and take subsequent breaths in the upper region. Exhale as much as possible until your pelvis rises. Do not hold your breath to avoid loss of consciousness.

Before loading, the athlete must warm up properly. It will help disperse blood throughout the body and warm up the muscles. Change your daily routine and diet.

Required conditions:

  • full and healthy sleep 8 hours;
  • include carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  • on sports days you cannot eat fried or smoked meat;
  • start training two hours after eating;
  • when exercising, consume natural chocolate in moderate doses - it will add energy and tone;
  • consume low-fat dairy products.

By following simple rules, you will be able to forget about nausea and vomiting and enjoy the process of training for the benefit of your health. Going to the gym is a healthy habit. During physical activity, the muscular core of the body is strengthened, both external and internal muscles are trained, blood flow increases, and cells are saturated with oxygen. With the help of sports you can lose excess weight.

Carry out loads in moderation. The trainer selects an individual exercise system and the appropriate load. In case of problems of various nature with health and deterioration of well-being during or after training, it speaks of an incorrectly selected, set program of exercises and activities. Reduce the load.

It’s easy to overtrain in the gym and you’ll feel nauseous. Men are susceptible to this consequence. Guys dream of a pumped up body with definition, they try to lift weights and increase the load as much as possible. A stress hormone is produced that causes vomiting. You need to exercise up to four times a week.

Eating food before training causes urges, long-term eating (5-6 hours before training) causes oxygen starvation of cells, rumbling in the stomach, and nausea. When dizziness occurs, nausea and pain occur. Sports fans work and don’t have time to satisfy their hunger. A protein shake will reduce the risk of nausea. Drink it an hour before training. Protein will be quickly absorbed and will not cause discomfort.

Breathing is important during training. Improper inhalation and exhalation causes migraines, weakness, and the urge to vomit. Completely review your training technique. You will have more strength and endurance, and your workouts will be enjoyable.

Medicines cause side effects such as vomiting. During training, the heart works hard and performs a serious, difficult function. The vessels dilate.

After training, the heart rate normalizes, the blood vessels do not decrease in size. Nausea and dizziness occur.

Eliminating nausea

An easy way to eliminate nausea and migraines in the gym is to lie in a position so that your head is higher than your heart. Thanks to this method, the blood vessels will narrow and the urge will pass.

Eat an apple, a banana. The cause is considered to be dehydration and lack of microelements. For example, potassium and magnesium. It is worth starting to take multivitamin complexes. The course of treatment is two to three months.

It is recommended to drink water with lemon, mint, and eat mint candy. If vomiting occurs every day, your head may feel dizzy, and you often feel pain, this is a reason to consult a doctor. At the first symptoms, when you feel unwell, stop exercising, stop the exercise equipment, and sit down. A method that will help is to lie down and raise your legs up. After relief, go in for sports. You need to do the exercise more calmly, less intensely.

Signs of hypoglycemia:

  • weakness;
  • trembling in the body;
  • dizziness.

It is recommended to relax and unwind. It is worth eating bakery and confectionery products containing sugar. Will raise blood sugar levels. Follow the advice - do not overeat, eat two hours before training.

Drink a moderate amount of water, without creating excess or deficiency. If nausea reaches vomiting during training, this is the body’s reaction to exercise overload.

You need to stop urgently, reduce the amount or intensity.

On the day of class, you should not indulge in fatty, heavy or spicy foods. Warm up before exercises, and then simply stretch the muscles at a calm rhythm. Allows the body to adapt more easily. It is important to get enough sleep and follow a daily routine, and get more rest. Half an hour after training, a glass of low-fat kefir will be useful. Products containing protein will help overcome the urge to feel sick.

During increased stress, the liver increases in size, resulting in pressure and nausea. After physical exercise or exercise, it is recommended to drink water in small sips.

Go to the doctor if:

  • when the urge to vomit does not go away within a couple of hours after exercise;
  • vomits constantly, while running, regularly;
  • body temperature has increased, acute abdominal pain occurs, stool disturbances;
  • Nausea at any time except training.

For a healthy human body, physical activity should not be overshadowed by ailments and discomfort. The body blocks natural functions after exercise. For isolated, one-time urges, remove symptoms. It will become easier for a short period of time. In case of prolonged nausea, medical attention is required and examination is possible.


Nausea during exercise[edit | edit code]

The receptor mechanism for the occurrence of nausea
In the time of Arnold Schwarzenegger, leg training was considered unsuccessful if the athlete never vomited after a set of squats. Nowadays, such an unhealthy approach is practiced only by radical crossfitters. However, nausea is a common symptom of a hard workout.

Causes of nausea[edit | edit code]

There may be several reasons, or it may be complex:

  • undigested food in the stomach / large volume of liquid (overhydration) in it;
  • hyponatremia, where, due to the activity of antidiuretic hormone (a hormone that regulates the balance of water in the body), water is retained by the kidneys (and water is simply redistributed from the blood plasma to the cells of the body), all this also entails a sharp drop in the concentration of sodium ions in the blood plasma ;
  • dehydration (including due to increased body temperature and profuse sweating; blood flow to the skin increases to facilitate heat removal). On average, during high-intensity exercise, about 2-3% of body weight is lost, especially if the ambient temperature is quite high. A person begins to experience a feeling of thirst, as a rule, with dehydration of 5% (Climatic heat stress and the exercising child and adolescent), the feeling of thirst can be dulled by the action of catecholamines. Dehydration leads to delayed gastric emptying, which in turn can lead to feelings of nausea during exercise;
  • overheating/heat stroke, during physical exercise 15-20 times more thermal energy is released than at rest, this is enough to raise body temperature by 1°C every 5 minutes, evaporation of sweat leads to greater dehydration, and this also increases body temperature (in hot and dry conditions, evaporation can account for up to 98% of the thermal energy dissipated). The main symptoms of heat stroke are complete loss of strength, confusion, nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness, hypotension and an increase in body temperature up to 40.5 ° C;
  • decreased blood flow (ischemia) to the gastric mucosa due to intense physical activity (reduced blood flow to central organs (intestines, liver) reaches almost 80% during exercise with an intensity of 70% of VO2max. In conditions of lack of blood supply, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is impaired, and the body tries to get rid of the contents of the stomach (even to the point of diarrhea in some cases);
  • increased penetration of food toxins and allergens into the bloodstream during exercise due to a weakening of the protective barrier of the stomach and intestines (the barrier is formed by a complex combination of membranes, nodes, mucus, and immunological factors), which causes inflammation, systemic complications of the gastrointestinal tract, including nausea , vomiting, bloating, bloody diarrhea, and cramps, a specific area in the brain (Area postrema), located on the dorsal surface of the ventricular wall in the caudal part of the medulla oblongata, is apparently responsible for this reaction. This area performs a neurosecretory function, releasing physiologically active substances such as serotonin, enkephalin, cholecystokinin, etc., control sodium metabolism, regulate blood circulation, respiration, osmoregulation, excretion and energy metabolism;
  • during leg training, a significant amount of blood rushes to the lower part of the body, blood vessels dilate (including blood flowing from the brain), blood pressure decreases. Against this background, the consequences of pressure on the area of ​​the carotid sinus (located in the area of ​​the carotid artery) can be observed, which activates special cells (pressure can also occur due to compression of the artery by the mechanism of blood pressure regulation), which give a signal to the brain about compression of this area and triggers a neural response, causing the heart rate to contract and the blood arteries to dilate to relieve the resulting constriction, all of which also have the effect of lowering blood pressure.

After completing the exercise, in order to normalize the pressure, the body narrows the capillary system and a sharp outflow of blood occurs from the lower part to the upper (and from the gastrointestinal tract area as well), tachycardia appears, but at the same time, low blood pressure is also observed. Well, nausea, profuse sweating, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, epigastric discomfort, ringing in the ears are immediate signs of hypotension (low blood pressure);

  • rhabdomyolysis, cholecystectomy, cardiac ischemia, pheochromocytoma, hypoglycemia.

Lactic acid

Lactate (lactic acid) is also considered a cause of nausea. It is assumed that with an excess and accumulation of lactate in the blood, the sympathetic system is affected, a hormonal surge develops, lactate irritates the vagus nerve, acidification of the environment occurs, blood pH drops (to values ​​<6.5 mmol/l), and as a result we get metabolic acidosis (change in the acid-base balance of the body as a result of insufficient excretion and oxidation of organic acids). And further: dizziness, nausea, sweating, vomiting, diarrhea.

  • Lactate is formed in the body under normal conditions, but its concentration in plasma will always be less than 2 mmol/l. With increased muscular work, especially in athletes, the amount of lactate may temporarily exceed this level, but preserved aerobic metabolism will effectively utilize lactate both in the liver and in the heart muscle, where lactate will serve as an additional energy substrate. During severe physical exercise, lactate can reach 30 mmol/l, which does not affect the acid-base status, since the rate of hepatic metabolism of lactate in healthy people ranges from 100 to 320 mmol/hour.
  • Lactate is a negatively charged ion, not lactic acid. In order for lactate to become lactic acid itself, a hydrogen ion is required, obtained by hydrolysis of ATP. ... Lactic acid has pK = 4, that is, it undergoes complete dissociation at physiological pH. With normal kidney function, the hydrogen proton obtained as a result of dissociation is effectively eliminated from the body.

There is also a rather lengthy document about lactate metabolism, which also states, among other things, that accusations of lactate in blood acidification are exaggerated, and that acidity (if there is a decrease in pH, but in reality it either does not occur, or occurs in insignificant quantities, but in any case, not to the point of nausea and dizziness, etc.) many other factors have a significant influence, and the role of lactate here, although not sufficiently studied, is not the main one.

Those. It can (probably) be questioned whether lactic acidosis (and a corresponding drop in pH) and hyperlactatemia actually occurs in healthy people during exercise.

Regarding hormonal surges:

Theoretically, one can make allowances for this, namely, apparently, one can partly blame aldosterone, with an increase in the level of which there is an increase in blood pressure, headache, weakness and fatigue, and nausea.

As for the irritation of the vagus nerve, the growing level of lactate in the blood, as well as irritation of the nearby area postrema (I wrote about this zone above; if anyone is interested in pictures about the vagus nerve and area postrema, you can look here), then:

  • a lot is written about the vagus nerve and lactate simply as a mention that the level of lactate increases and it excites the vagus nerve, but I have not found a single scientific study on humans, there is one on rabbits, but I have not found any explanation of the mechanism of action in humans. Well, perhaps if indirectly, i.e. during intense physical activity, the heart rate increases, the circulation of blood flows to the working muscles, the levels of lactate and related hormones increase, changes in blood pressure occur, the sympathetic system as a whole is affected, and this whole mechanism affects many areas of the brain, including nervus vagus. As a result, attacks of dizziness, nausea/vomiting, darkening in the eyes, etc. may occur. But still, this is not the direct fault of lactate;
  • There is no evidence yet that lactic acid affects the area in the brain Area postrema (which controls sodium metabolism, regulates blood circulation, respiration, osmoregulation, excretion and energy metabolism), i.e. There seems to be no direct evidence of the relationship between lactic acid and nausea yet, or I haven’t found it.

What to do?[edit | edit code]

  • provide food intake “away” from training (possibly 3-4 hours before);
  • it is possible (and in principle it is more reasonable) to exclude all pre-workout complexes;
  • do not create a lake of water in the stomach, but at the same time do not allow the body to dehydrate;
  • when the first signs of nausea occur (dizziness, increased sweating, blurred vision), interrupt the exercise and ideally lie down, you can bend your legs at the knees, you can raise them; or squat;
  • After the symptoms have passed, continue the exercise, possibly reducing the intensity. Over time, the body will adapt and will tolerate it more easily;
  • if nausea, etc., is observed against the background of the following abnormalities: rhabdomyolysis, cholecystectomy, cardiac ischemia, pheochromocytoma, hypoglycemia, then you should immediately consult a doctor;
  • for hypoglymic signs (dizziness, weakness, tremors in the limbs, cold sweat, (possibly, but not necessarily) nausea, loss of consciousness), but without obvious reasons for concern about diabetes and problems with blood sugar control, you need to rest, sit down, eat something some quickly digestible carbohydrates (a little) or drink a cup of sweet tea, maybe a glucose/dextromed solution, and it would be better to complete the workout. By the way, some may have a special reaction to taking protein/carbohydrates before training, which can lead to hypoglymic symptoms.

Why do you feel sick after working out in the gym - what to do about it?

0 1273 11 months ago

For many, going to the gym is not only a test of determination, but also often a physical inconvenience. Due to a lack of understanding of the basic mechanisms in the body, they train, eat and recover incorrectly, and as a result, they ask the question, why do they feel sick after training?

General information

Nausea after exercise is a signaling reaction of the body, indicating insufficient blood flow in the gastric tract, which in turn causes intoxication of the body.

Vomiting and the nausea that precedes it are an attempt by the body to urgently get rid of bile and toxins accumulated in the body.

This is always an emergency measure for the body, so nausea usually indicates serious problems, or loads much higher than the body can handle at this stage.

Causes of nausea

In fact, not all reasons why a person begins to feel nauseous during heavy strength training are subjective. Among them there are both objective factors and one-time factors that do not have serious consequences.

  • Initially feeling unwell;
  • Lack of water/salt;
  • Third party factors;
  • Pressure;
  • Overheat;
  • Gastrointestinal tract overload;
  • Lack of blood sugar;
  • Reduced blood flow to the gastric mucosa;
  • Overload.

Training is a lot of stress for the body. As a result of this stress, the body loses fluid and increases the speed of blood flow. The result is an acceleration of metabolic processes coupled with blood thickening.

All this can cause a serious increase in blood pressure. For people who suffer from sudden surges in blood pressure, the process of nausea is natural not only during training, but also in everyday life.

Nausea due to pressure can be relieved by stopping exercise and drinking plenty of fluids.

Initially feeling unwell

Very often, nausea may occur not as a result of the workout itself, but as a result of malaise. At the same time, the nature of the ailment itself may not be related to training. It could be an incipient cold.

During the training process, the body cannot allocate all its resources to perform the exercises, and the remaining part is not enough, which leads to overtraining due to illness and all related factors, including nausea.

Gastrointestinal tract overload

Any workout causes an increase in stomach acid levels - this is a natural reaction to strength training.

However, if a person has a predisposition to high acidity and has gastritis behind him, then all this can lead not only to nausea, but also to heartburn.

Sometimes the feeling of nausea is a consequence of the fact that the food simply did not have time to be completely digested before training. Therefore, it is recommended to eat food no later than an hour and a half before training.

Lack of water/salt

During exercise, the body experiences severe dehydration, which leads to overheating and thickening of the blood. This may cause nausea. This is why it is highly recommended to drink plenty of fluids during and after exercise.

Lack of blood sugar

Very often, people trying to lose weight come to training in a half-starved state. They hope that there will be enough glycogen reserves in the blood for a full workout. This is not entirely true.

The rate of breakdown of glycogen is relatively low, and, therefore, at first the body tries to work on the resources that are available to it.

Low blood sugar levels destabilize all body systems and can easily lead to a feeling of hunger and subsequently nausea.


Even if you drink enough fluids, nausea can overtake you while doing cardio exercises. This is a consequence of overheating of the body, i.e.

sweat does not have time to cool the body and your temperature begins to rise. To avoid this, it is recommended to work with heart rate monitors in a well-ventilated area, in the area of ​​the lower fat burning threshold.

If nausea occurs, reduce intensity to the aerobic zone.

Reduced blood flow to the gastric mucosa

Since any physical activity is stressful for the body, it strives to redirect all resources to fight it. Consequently, some organs may not receive enough blood and oxygen to function properly.

If your stomach begins to suffer due to lack of blood flow, you will not only feel sick, but also vomit.

To regulate this factor, you need to increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, which will be helped by tomatoes, hematogen or other active supplements.

Third party factors

Sometimes nausea is a manifestation of an allergic reaction or other factors not related to the training itself:

  1. Poisoning. If you ate “something wrong”;
  2. Overeating fatty foods. Therefore, it is recommended to consume the bulk of fats in the morning or evening.
  3. Allergy to smells in the gym.
  4. Lack of oxygen. Hypoxia easily causes a decrease in blood pressure and, consequently, nausea.
  5. Taking certain types of amino acids, such as arginine.

And a huge number of factors that cannot be taken into account.


Usually people are concerned about the answer to the question why they feel sick after a workout, and not during it. The answer is extremely simple. This is overload - aka overtraining. Despite the fact that our body is ready to cope with very serious challenges, sometimes its strength and preparation are not enough, especially for those people who train very hard, without giving themselves time to recover.

Overtraining causes overload of all body systems, including the gastrointestinal tract, which easily leads to nausea and loss of strength in the long term.

Overtraining cannot be stopped, it can only be avoided by correctly selecting working weights and monitoring the pulse zone while performing heavy exercises.


Of course, no one is immune from overload or sudden nausea. However, by following a number of simple recommendations, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of nausea. And in some cases, these recommendations will help cope with nausea that occurs during training.

PreventionHow does it work?
Consuming more waterVery often, nausea occurs due to overheating or pressure surges. Water helps cool the body and helps stabilize blood pressure.
Prevention of coldsAdaptogens in the form of dietary supplements not only help fight colds, but also help the body better cope with stress during training, which reduces the chance of overtraining.
Prevention of gastrointestinal diseasesIt is enough to monitor your diet and not eat food later than an hour before training. If you are predisposed to high or low acidity, take medications prescribed by your doctor and adjust the intensity of your workouts.
Keeping a training diaryThis factor helps to cope with possible overtraining. When you plan your workout weights in advance based on your previous results, you reduce the risk of severe overload.
Consuming a gainer 50 minutes before trainingThe gainer practically does not burden the digestive system, at the same time it helps to supply the body with sugar during training.

If you're unsure what to do if you feel nauseous after exercise, the first step is to drink a glass of water, or follow your usual methods for dealing with non-exercise-related nausea.

If nausea persists for a long time, you may have an ulcer or gastritis.

If you experience nausea after each workout, first consult with your trainer; if reducing intensity and prevention do not lead to anything, be sure to consult a gastroenterologist and therapist to determine the causes of nausea under exercise.


Why do you feel sick after training and what to do?

Today on the weight loss portal “Lose Weight Without Problems” you will find out why you feel sick after a workout and how to behave in this situation.

The main thing is not to panic ahead of time! During training, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting are a natural preparatory process, so there is no need to worry too much.

Why do you feel nauseous after training?

There is no need to worry about dizziness and nausea directly during or after exercise. The fact is that most athletes who increase their load with excessive zeal have gone through this. The causes of nausea vary, but the most common are the factors that we will discuss below.

Eat and drink plenty of food before exercise

If you ate less than an hour before training, and also quite heavily, you may experience nausea during training. In such a situation, it is extremely difficult for the body to direct its strength to digestion, since the load is placed on the muscles.

First of all, it harms your digestive organs.

Low blood sugar

If you are on a strict diet, you won’t be surprised why you often feel sick after a workout. If you are on a fairly meager diet or have eaten practically nothing at all 3-4 hours before training, nevertheless, at the same time you are giving yourself a fairly serious load, then you should expect that your body’s natural reaction will be weakness, nausea and even a headache. .

Low blood pressure

In order to know for sure whether you have a similar problem, you can simply measure your blood pressure. In a situation where this is not possible, pay attention to your general well-being. Try to stand up quickly. How do you feel, are you dizzy? If you sat for a long time before and then got up, did you feel unwell?

If you have these symptoms, most likely you have certain problems with blood pressure. They, in turn, often arise as a result of stress, constant malnutrition or chronic lack of sleep.

Nausea after training: what to do?

If you have periodic or constant nausea after training, it is very desirable, or rather even necessary, to adjust your own lifestyle. After all, the basis for your poor health as a result of training is precisely your incorrect lifestyle and routine.

The weight loss portal recommends listening to the following rules to help your body:

  1. Sleep at least 7-8 hours. If you rest for less time, it is very difficult for the body to cope with the accumulated stress; it simply does not have time to relieve it, as a result of which you get overexerted. And after training, nausea is a warning from your body.
  2. On training days, try to avoid heavy foods that will take a long time to digest in your stomach. These are fatty and fried foods, meat, etc.
  3. The last meal before training must end one and a half hours before the start of classes.
  4. If you feel dizzy during training, you should eat a small chocolate after training. In addition to being delicious, the body will be replenished with simple carbohydrates, which are the fastest source of energy.
  5. Monitor your emotional state: if a lot of stress accumulates, you just need to find time to take a bath or listen to music that you like, do something you love - in general, to relax.
  6. 15-30 minutes after finishing your workout, treat yourself to a protein shake or any low-fat dairy products. Even if there was nausea, it will go away after this.
  7. You should also not forget about warming up at the beginning of your workout, and stretching after it. These procedures will allow the body to prepare for the load and tolerate it much easier.

Nausea and exercise don't have to be the same all the time. Often, trainers advise stopping training, since continuing training if you feel very nauseous increases the risk of vomiting both during and after training.

As a rule, overstrain of the digestive system during exercise occurs due to the fact that the normal regulation of the acid-base balance is disrupted.

You need to know not only the amount of food you eat, but also pay attention to the quality of the food. Its composition should not contain a high content of acids.

Normalize your daily schedule of nutrition, work and rest, and nausea during training

won't bother you anymore. And, importantly, you will feel much better, healthier and happier overall. The body will easily get used to the correct regime and begin to function much better.

Author – Anna Saltykova, portal about weight loss WE LOSE WEIGHT without problems!


Why do you feel nauseous after training?

Training in a CrossFit gym has its own characteristics. First of all, this is a high intensity, which is several times higher than the intensity of training according to the system of powerlifters or bodybuilders. This is why CrossFitters very often suffer from nausea after working out in the gym. What to do about it, how to avoid it, and how critical is it?

Causes of nausea after exercise

If we consider the causes of nausea after training in the gym, then they all lead precisely to the initial two factors: the accumulation of toxins and irritation of the gastric mucosa. However, there are other factors:

  • Pressure;
  • Initially feeling unwell;
  • Gastrointestinal tract overload;
  • Lack of water/salt;
  • Lack of blood sugar;
  • Overheat;
  • Reduced blood flow to the gastric mucosa;
  • Third party factors;
  • Overload.


The pressure problem occurs due to lack of oxygen. During heavy basic exercises, the pressure first rises critically. This can be the result of improper breathing (for example, holding your breath while performing a deadlift), or simply an excessively high load.

To summarize

In the end, I would like to provide a number of simple recommendations and an excerpt from all the knowledge on post-workout nausea.

OverloadReduce the load to a comfortable limit.Work with the training diary and make progress systematically. Do not hurry.
PressureSit on a chair and drink a glass of water. Reduce the load in the future. Get some fresh air. Train under the supervision of a trainer at a comfortable intensity.
Bad feelingStop the training process until complete recovery.Before training, check your temperature and pressure.
Gastrointestinal tract overloadDigestive enzymes, reduce the intensity of exercise.Don't overeat before training.
Lack of saltDrink plenty of mineral water during training.Take vitamin and mineral complexes. Limit taking medications for weight loss and cutting.
Lack of sugarStop the training process.Make sure not to go to training completely hungry. Preventive intake of 50 grams of carbohydrates an hour before training.
Reduced blood flow to the gastric mucosaStop the training process.Contact your doctor. Increase hemoglobin levels. Cure gastrointestinal diseases.
OverheatCold bandage on the forehead, reducing intensity.Having cold water at hand, as well as working in cool clothes.

In any case, you should not overdo it in training. Unless you are a competitive athlete, overexertion and such sacrifices will not lead to anything good. Finishing your workout early will prevent you from making further progress.


Preventive measures to prevent nausea during and after exercise

In order to prevent this condition, you should follow some rules that will help not only prevent nausea, but also make training more effective.

  1. The last meal should be 2-2.5 hours before training, the next one no earlier than 30-40 minutes later.
  2. It is better to eat carbohydrate foods before exercise and protein foods after exercise. This will promote proper muscle development and prevent nausea.
  3. During training, it is better to drink as little water as possible. It is better to replace it with simple rinses or pieces of fruit (juicy vegetables), which you do not need to eat, but simply suck in your mouth.
  4. You should also drink less water before training. It is better to drink 20-30 minutes after finishing classes.
  5. The intensity of the training should be such that there is little tension. Exhausting physical activity will not bring the desired result, but will only worsen your health.
  6. Also, the intensity should increase. You can't exercise every day. There should be good loads once every 2-3 days.
  7. To prevent overheating and heatstroke, you should not dress too warmly and use various available weight loss products that create the effect of a steam bath. They further increase body temperature and lead to worsening of the condition.
  8. After training, it is best to take a refreshing shower, which normalizes body temperature, blood circulation and relieves muscle tension. The water temperature should not be too cold or, on the contrary, hot, about 34-38 degrees.
  9. You should not lie down after playing sports. It’s better to walk at a leisurely pace or, at the very least, sit. This way the effect of training will be more noticeable and the possibility of nausea will be prevented.

To avoid nausea, it is recommended to take a shower after training.
Possible deterioration during intense sports can be a symptom of various diseases. Therefore, if, even with preventive measures, nausea returns during or after physical activity, then you should consult a doctor. But first you should reconsider your diet and intensity of exercise - perhaps they require adjustment, which a professional trainer and nutritionist can help with.

Why do you feel sick after training?

Post-workout nausea is a common problem. It is not always associated with the nature of the load or diseases. Minor dietary irregularities, lack of recovery, or individual characteristics of the body can cause an attack. But sometimes a “cloudy” state is a sign of health problems. Knowing its causes will help you get rid of nausea.

Pressure drops

Hypotonic people are familiar with the feeling of exhaustion after training. Symptoms appear quickly:

  • Sweating increases;
  • Your head starts to feel dizzy;
  • “Shortness of breath” appears;
  • Visual perception changes, the eyes may become dark

Doctors recommend monitoring your blood pressure on a training day, and postponing exercise if there is a problem. You need to get specific recommendations on creating a training plan, nutrition, and medications from a therapist and sports doctor.


Women feel it in the last third of the menstrual cycle. And this is completely natural. Nausea may be a reaction to an enlarged uterus. General unwellness can be caused by lack of sleep, an onset of a cold or a headache. In this case, it is better to skip amateur training, and professionals should reduce the load within reasonable limits.

Reduced blood sugar levels

A drop in sugar levels is a problem for those losing weight on a low-carb diet. They should take BCA to support their body during a tough workout.

Anyone looking to lose weight should eat a balanced diet and consume complex carbohydrates before exercise. If this is not possible, fruit is allowed half an hour before the start of class, but it is better to avoid juices.

They sharply increase blood sugar levels and just as quickly “collapse” them.

Iron deficiency (anemia)

Constant nausea and a feeling of lightheadedness can be symptoms of anemia. After training, the discomfort gets worse. If the problem is recurring, you should take a biochemical blood test and follow the doctor’s recommendations. Iron capsules are usually prescribed. The condition is not a contraindication to moderate physical exercise.

Heavy food in the stomach

A heavy meal can cause nausea. The food does not have time to be digested, remains in the stomach, and prevents you from exercising at full capacity.

Nausea can be avoided by taking enzymes with a solid meal, or by planning your diet so that you don't eat right before your workout.

Is the problem recurring and every healthy meal seems “too heavy”? It is recommended to undergo examination by a gastroenterologist. The cause of severity can be not only overeating, but also a lack of certain enzymes that needs to be corrected.

Sodium deficiency

Sodium is a microelement for maintaining water-salt balance. There are not enough of its ions, a person may feel sick. The body “hints” that it would be nice to drink mineral water or eat salty food. Sodium is excreted through sweat and during active physical activity - this is a natural process.

Sodium can be taken either additionally, in tablets, or in the form of regular table iodized salt. Don't go on a salt-free diet unless medically necessary, and you won't experience nausea.


Overheating is a common reaction to exercising in poorly ventilated gyms, taking thermogenics, and trying to lose weight by doing exercises in thermal suits.

With heatstroke, nausea is accompanied by vomiting, the person feels very bad, his consciousness is confused, his speech is incoherent, and he may “pass out.”

In this case, it is necessary to position the patient so that he does not choke on vomit, loosen clothing, ensure air flow and call an ambulance.

Decreased blood flow to the gastric mucosa

This is a common problem among security forces. If you use weightlifting belts that are too tight and do not unfasten the belt after an approach, blood circulation may be impaired.

And as long as there is a certain amount of food in the stomach, the body will try to get rid of the unnecessary in a natural way - vomit.

That is why wearing hard belts in fitness is not recommended, as well as exercises that require straining on the belt.

Poor circulation is a common problem among lovers of corsets for weight loss and waist reduction. Perhaps such equipment disables the oblique abdominal muscles from working, but it will almost inevitably make you sick from using it. For the sake of health, you should just learn to do the exercises correctly, and not waste time choosing belts.

Poisoning or allergic reaction

An allergen can be anything from the perfume of your beautiful neighbor on the treadmill to the phenolic compounds emitted by some unscrupulous water bottle manufacturers.

Dizziness and nausea with vomiting, loss of consciousness and swelling are serious symptoms for which the victim must receive immediate help.

Allergy sufferers should carry a nebulizer with them and warn the gym staff about possible health problems.


Water deficiency can be either accompanied by cramps or “limited” by nausea. When dehydration is combined with alcohol intoxication the day before, the athlete vomits bile and has a metallic taste in the mouth.

If dehydration is caused by an improperly organized diet for weight loss (a desalted diet in the hot season), you should immediately give electrolytes, for example, Rehydron or Gatorade drink. In case of poisoning, you must call a doctor.

If muscle cramps begin, even minimal ones, the training is stopped and the athlete is shown to a doctor.

Deficiency of carbohydrates, glucose

Normally, a person should have some amount of glucose in the blood. Hypoglycemia plagues those on a low-carb diet.

Not only can such a diet be dangerous to the health of a non-professional athlete, but it also contributes to nausea during training.

The best advice here is to adjust your diet so that your diet creates a slight calorie deficit, and allows you to lose weight, but does not force you to suffer from nausea every workout.

Those who have had their gallbladder removed or have suffered from pancreatitis can also feel sick during and after exercise. In this case, you need to see a doctor for the underlying disease.

Important: if nausea occurs during high-intensity training, due to overtraining and fatigue, you should seek help immediately. It is known that overloads of this kind can cause rhabdomyolysis, that is, a disease in which catabolic processes literally destroy the body and the excretory system.

What to do when you feel sick after a workout?

To block nausea, you can drink some water or tea, eat something sweet, or take glucose with any sports nutrition drug. This helps, but only if the nausea is caused by hypoglycemia.

If a person is sick, but does not yet know about his illness, chocolates do not stop the manifestation of symptoms. Therefore, when folk remedies do not work, you need to seek medical help.

The following measures can be taken to prevent nausea after exercise:

  • Normally organized food . Small meals every 3-4 hours, with plenty of complex carbohydrates before training. The last meal before the start of class is approximately 2 hours;
  • Use supplements wisely . If you are on a strict weight loss diet, you should take an amino acid complex during training to prevent too rapid loss of nutrients and muscle catabolism;
  • Maintaining water balance . Drink at least 30-40 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight. In hot weather, you should drink more; if the exercises are long or high-intensity, it is best to choose an isotonic drink;
  • Monitoring blood composition and competent selection of vitamins, minerals, microelements, as well as additional sports nutrition products.

Post-workout nausea is a common problem. Understand the reasons for its occurrence, and try not to ignore the malaise. In fitness, it is important to properly distribute loads in order to maintain health and achieve your goals without discomfort, pain and poor health.


Main causes of nausea

Vomiting after a workout can be due to easily removable reasons, for example, due to eating disorders, or for more serious reasons related to health.

Full stomach

You can provoke nausea during exercise if you exercise intensely on a full stomach. During exercise, blood actively rushes to the skeletal muscles, which is why the blood supply to the digestive organs is reduced by 5 times. As a result, digestive enzymes are not released, and the gastrointestinal tract stops working. If the stomach is full, then its contents are out of work, and under intense stress the body signals with nausea the desire to get rid of this ballast.

Changes in blood pressure

Another common cause of nausea during workouts is changes in blood pressure. During intense exercise, blood flows from the head to the extremities, as a result of which blood pressure decreases, causing nausea.

After completing the training process, nausea appears due to the fact that when the muscles relax, the capillaries contract, returning blood circulation to normal. At the same time, the heart rate increases, blood rushes to the head and blood pressure rises sharply, which can also cause nausea. These processes can be aggravated if the athlete has hypertension, hypotension, or vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Drop in sugar levels

Nausea during training can be caused by a sharp drop in blood glucose levels. Glucose serves as fuel for the muscles; during intense exercise, its reserves are quickly used up, which can lead to a deficiency of blood sugar. This happens especially often with athletes losing weight on a low-carb diet. If you start to feel sick during training due to a drop in glucose levels, you need to eat something sweet, but it’s better to stop exercising.


It happens that an athlete constantly feels sick after physical activity, regardless of the training regimen and external factors. The reason for this may be a low level of hemoglobin in the blood - anemia. Insufficient hemoglobin levels lead to oxygen starvation of body tissues. Anemia can develop for various reasons, most often it is caused by excessive blood loss, poor nutrition with a deficiency of iron and vitamin B12.


One of the dangerous conditions accompanied by nausea is heatstroke. During exercise, your body temperature rises. If the room is hot and the clothes are chosen incorrectly, the body may overheat. This happens especially often when exercising in a thermal suit and taking fat burners. By pursuing the goal of drying out by sweating excessively in a thermal suit, athletes expose themselves to a high risk of heatstroke.

If you begin to feel sick from overheating, you need to immediately provide the victim with a flow of fresh air, remove him from warm clothes, put a cold compress on his head and call an ambulance. You can avoid overheating if you dress in light clothing made of breathable materials, drink a little water while doing exercises, and choose air-conditioned gyms with a comfortable temperature.

Sodium deficiency

A lack of sodium ions in the blood (hyponatremia) can also cause nausea during training. In this condition, water is redistributed from the blood plasma into tissue cells, including brain cells. This causes nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and weakness.

Hyponatremia develops when following a salt-free diet in combination with profuse sweating during training. In such cases, you need to drink salted water and stop exercising, since the symptoms of hyponatremia can self-intensify until coma occurs.


If you sweat profusely during intense training, you may experience symptoms of dehydration, including nausea. Most often, dehydration occurs with diarrhea, as well as taking diuretics for weight loss. This method is ineffective for burning fat; when used, weight loss occurs due to the fact that water leaves the body tissues. This can be very dangerous as losing 20% ​​of your total body water is fatal.

Tightened athletic belts

When lifting heavy weights, weightlifters often feel nauseous during training due to tight lifting belts. When used, increased pressure is created in the abdominal cavity, due to which the intervertebral discs are compressed, and the spine receives additional support.

But at the same time as supporting the spine, the stomach is also exposed to high pressure. In addition, its blood supply is disrupted, since the tight belt compresses the arteries. This can cause nausea and even vomiting at the moment of maximum effort. To avoid this, you need to loosen the athletic belt between sets to restore blood supply to the stomach and other internal organs.

Why do you feel nauseous after training?

Probably every person has felt unpleasant symptoms in the form of nausea, dizziness, and a slight headache after sports. This situation is confusing because most people assume that moderate exercise is good for the body. Then why do you feel sick after training?

A sharp drop in blood (intracranial) pressure

If a person suffers from hypotension, this is a completely normal reaction of the body to exercise. This symptom can be identified by the following signs:

  • weakness, lethargy;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • lack of oxygen. Especially in a room with a lot of people;
  • feeling dizzy after suddenly getting out of bed;
  • darkens in the eyes.

The only thing that needs to be done in such a situation is to measure pressure before and after physical activity. Monitor your blood pressure changes throughout the day. A specialist will tell you how and what to treat during an individual consultation.

Initially feeling unwell

If you already felt unwell, weak, or had a headache in the morning, that’s why you feel sick after training. Perhaps poor health arose due to lack of sleep, a cold, or chronic fatigue. Such nausea can only occur once, that is, it does not recur after each exercise session.

Presence of food in the stomach

It is recommended to eat a couple of hours before the start of your workout. If you eat shortly before the expected physical activity, of course, you will feel sick. But a feeling of nausea can appear not only due to the fact that a person has eaten very recently, but also due to the absence of a meal for more than 4-5 hours. The body simply physically does not have enough strength to cope with the load.

Fall in the level of sodium ions in the blood

Due to the physical activity of the antidiuretic hormonal background, which regulates the fluid balance in the body, the moisture of the blood plasma is redistributed to other tissues of the body. All this, in turn, leads to a sharp decrease in sodium ions, against the background of which nausea appears.

Heat stroke (overheating)

The main features are:

  • high body temperature;
  • complete powerlessness;
  • confusion of speech;
  • nausea occurring in parallel with the gag reflex;
  • loss of consciousness (possible, but extremely rare);
  • hypotension.

When performing physical activity, a person releases twenty times more energy than in a calm state. At a certain level, the body cools down due to active sweating.

Increased penetration of allergens and toxic substances

Weakening the protective function of the intestines and stomach allows toxic elements to enter them. Dangerous products can provoke an inflammatory process and systemic complications of the gastrointestinal tract.

This includes vomiting, flatulence, and diarrhea streaked with blood. If you notice these signs, take immediate action. If you do not know what to do in such situations, seek qualified medical help.

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