Exacerbation of gastritis: symptoms, diet, treatment. Exacerbation of chronic gastritis

Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which is accompanied by heaviness and pain in the abdomen.
Exacerbation of the pathology can be caused by overeating, stress, poisoning, smoking and alcohol abuse. Exacerbation of gastritis is accompanied by erosion on the walls of the stomach, and therefore requires mandatory treatment. When gastritis worsens, drug treatment helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms. The action of drugs used for illness is aimed at eliminating pathogenic microflora in the stomach and intestines, as well as restoring the digestive process.

What is an exacerbation

The inflammatory process causes characteristic changes in the structures of the gastric mucosa. The relapse alternates with calm periods when the disease does not bother the person. It can happen at any moment. Pain and discomfort develop very quickly.

Unpleasant discomfort and pain in the stomach are caused by certain substances, with the help of which the body tries to restore the integral structure of the mucous membrane. The action of these substances is also aimed at destroying pathogenic microorganisms that contribute to the inflammatory process.

Why are exacerbations so dangerous?

Comprehensive and immediate treatment of gastritis during an exacerbation is a rule that cannot be broken. Such patients are under constant medical supervision. And if the disease is not treated, the consequences will be extremely unpleasant:

  • From ulcer formation to oncology.
  • From gastroduodenitis to nutritional dystrophy.
  • B12-iron deficiency anemia, hypovitaminosis, achylia.
  • Numerous bleeding and hemorrhagic shock are possible.
  • The walls of the stomach become thinner, and the organ itself becomes deformed. Pyloric stenosis and obstruction are also possible.

Complications arise when a person delays visiting a doctor or practices independent treatment. Or ignores the therapy prescribed by the gastroenterologist. Of particular danger is malignancy, in which atypical cells form in the stomach. It is no longer possible to do without surgical intervention.

Causes of exacerbation of gastritis

Aggravated gastritis is provoked by various factors. Even unfavorable weather outside can cause it. Most often, relapse worsens in the off-season. This is due to the contraction of blood vessels when the transport of nutrition and blood supply to the organ are disrupted.

Endogenous factors that provoke the development of gastritis are:

  • chronic disease of the digestive organs;
  • vascular spasm;
  • penetration of cholibacteria into the body.

Additional factors for relapse are:

  • binge eating;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • strong physical activity;
  • poisoning;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • stress.

Pregnant women can also be considered a risk group, since their body undergoes extensive changes in its functioning and hormonal changes. Whether or not an aggravated illness will provoke pregnancy into pregnancy depends on the strength of the expectant mother’s immune system and her body’s ability to quickly recover.

How to treat?

Before any treatment, the doctor will definitely take the necessary measures to identify the cause of the pathology and its exacerbation. In this situation, to quickly relieve pathological symptoms, it is necessary to accurately select medications, otherwise the disease can simply be suppressed, but not brought to remission.


There are many drugs available to restore gastric functions. Typically, the treatment regimen includes taking several medications at the same time, which help eliminate symptoms, relieve pain and eliminate precipitating factors of exacerbation.

  • Antispasmodics and antacids are used among painkillers. The first group is represented by No-shpa, and the second involves taking Maalox or Almagel and relieves irritation on the mucous membranes.
  • Drugs with anti-inflammatory activity are also prescribed. For hyperacid chronic gastritis, the use of antisecretory agents that reduce enzymatic adhesion and increase mucous synthesis (Kvamatel, Ranitidine), as well as proton inhibitors that reduce acidity (Omez, Omeprazole), is indicated.

In the hypoacid form, the use of agents with acid-increasing activity is indicated. Enzyme medications, medications to eliminate diarrhea or constipation, and medications that improve intestinal motility are also prescribed. For autoimmune etiology of gastritis, hormone therapy is necessary, but only a doctor should prescribe it.


Therapy for aggravated gastritis is unthinkable without dietary restrictions. And there will be no effect from the pills in the absence of a diet.

In the first three days, the patient is advised to go on a hunger strike; he can drink mineral water without gas and herbal infusions. On the third day, the introduction of pureed vegetable dishes, fat-free broths and water-based (liquid) porridges is omitted. They eat it often, but a serving is 4-5 spoons. The food should be warm, steamed or boiled.

You cannot eat vegetables containing fiber, such as radishes and beans, peas, rye and fruits, sour berries are also prohibited.

The diet should have a moderate but balanced content of raw materials, so you need to include meat (only lean), chicken breast, vegetable broths and rosehip broth in the diet. You definitely need to limit salt.


Folk remedies help speed up the achievement of remission. There are plenty of recipes for such medications.

  • Potato juice. You need to grate a few potatoes and squeeze the juice out of them. You should take 100 ml of juice three times a day, about an hour before meals. The course is a week.
  • Carrot juice. The vegetable is peeled, crushed in a blender and the juice is squeezed out using gauze. Drink 250 ml of juice on an empty stomach; you can have breakfast an hour later. Course – 10 days.
  • Plantain. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 10 g of dry raw material, cook for 10 minutes, then filter. The decoction should be drunk three times a day, 15 ml before meals.

Traditional recipes help eliminate the symptoms of exacerbation, but do not cure it; qualified treatment is indispensable. In the future, these recipes can be used in similar courses to prevent exacerbation.

Symptoms of exacerbation of chronic gastritis

A characteristic sign of relapse is heaviness in the abdomen. The pain may worsen after eating. The inflammatory process is also characterized by nausea, bad breath, and frequent bowel movements. A person with gastritis experiences heartburn, bloating, and general weakness. Inflammation also affects the nervous system - excessive irritability and insomnia appear. Severe inflammation may be accompanied by fever.

Important! To eliminate the symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis, treatment with drugs should be aimed at restoring the cells of the gastric mucosa.

Taking medications helps eliminate pain, heartburn and rotten belching, improves the process of food digestion and relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane.

What is characteristic of the exacerbation phase?

In patients, periods of exacerbation alternate with phases of remission, when the disease “dozes” and does not remind itself at all. However, do not underestimate the disease. Serious changes are taking place inside, which may involve other organs and departments. Modern gastroenterology identifies the following forms of chronic gastritis:

  1. Atrophic.
  2. Antral.
  3. Erosive.

Most often, inflammation is a consequence of several factors: poor nutrition, stressful situations, and activation of Helicobacter pylori infection. 10% of patients consult a doctor – this is according to official statistics. Previously, pathologies of the mucous membrane were detected mainly in middle-aged people. Today, the disease affects both young people, old people, and children. The severity of symptoms depends on the cause of gastritis. The first symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis are similar to peptic ulcers. Endoscopic examination allows one to distinguish an ulcer from a simple inflammation with 100% accuracy.

Diagnostics and examination

The doctor prescribes a full examination of the digestive system and blood, urine, and stool tests. Also, in some cases, biochemical blood tests may be required.

The main method for diagnosing the disease is fibrogastrodeduenoscopy. This method is quite informative and allows the doctor to fully assess the condition of the mucous membrane of the digestive organ. An endoscope is inserted into the esophagus and pushed further into the stomach. The doctor can see lesions in the stomach. Diagnostics also helps to determine the acidity of the organ. in severe cases, histological analyzes are performed.

Herbal treatment

During periods of exacerbation and remission, it is useful to drink teas and infusions from medicinal plants. For high acidity, it is better to use mixtures of several components, such as:

  • coltsfoot;
  • mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • burdock root.

A decoction of lingonberry leaves helps cope with the symptoms of the disease. With low acidity, the use of plantain decoction is justified. You can also use the juice from this plant in combination with honey. Before visiting a doctor, it is advisable not to use the preparations during an exacerbation of gastritis. Herbal treatment will only be beneficial if the patient knows what acidity in the stomach accompanies the disease.

Possible complications

The most severe consequences of gastritis of the stomach include:

Gastritis is the main reason for the development of many diseases of the digestive organs. The stomach, bile ducts, and liver suffer. Often with gastritis, pancreatitis is a concomitant illness. The disease often becomes chronic.

Exacerbation of chronic gastritis also affects the condition of hair, skin, and nails. Digestion is disrupted, and, as a result, metabolism. In turn, this leads to brittle nails and poor skin and hair condition.


If initial symptoms occur, the patient should visit a gastroenterologist. Only a qualified specialist will be able to accurately determine the type of gastritis and prescribe the correct treatment regimen.

First, the doctor will send the patient for examination and general diagnostics, and then, based on the results, select appropriate therapeutic measures.

Usually, if gastritis of any form is suspected, the patient is prescribed:

  • General laboratory tests (urine, feces, blood);
  • Biochemical research;
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy, which accurately confirms the presence of a chronic inflammatory process and helps
  • assess the degree of acidity of the pathology;
  • Histological examination of the biopsy specimen.

Treatment of exacerbation

Drug therapy for an aggravated illness is aimed at eliminating symptoms and the inflammatory process. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, the following are widely used:

  • group of antacid drugs (Maalox, Almagel, Phosphalugel). The drugs reduce excessive stomach acidity and relieve abdominal pain;
  • antispasmodic tablets. Medicines relieve spasms and relax the muscles of the organ. No-shpa helps relieve pain;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Omeza, Omeprazole, Pantoprazole). The drugs are proton pump inhibitors and reduce the inflammatory process. They will help to quickly relieve aggravation;
  • antisecretory drugs (Ranitidine, Kvamatel).

The drugs reduce the action of enzymes, the production of increased mucus, improve digestion and have a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. During exacerbation, medications have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Juice treatment

With low acidity, freshly squeezed juices are a good way to cope with symptoms. Beetroot and carrots are used to prepare them. You need to drink 50-100 ml of them before meals. Be sure to prepare drinks before drinking.

Juice from fresh cabbage and aloe leaves helps to raise acidity perfectly. Lemon juice diluted with water and honey is also suitable. Under no circumstances should people who suffer from high acidity consume juices. Treating exacerbation of gastritis at home requires patience and knowledge. In any case, visiting a doctor is mandatory.

Folk remedies

Herbal medicine is an effective assistant in the treatment of gastritis. Many medicinal herbs have a beneficial effect on the muscles of internal organs. Herbs relieve inflammation and heal the gastric mucosa. The following are well known folk recipes:

  1. Prepare an infusion of chamomile, mint, fireweed, and wormwood. The composition of these plant components normalizes the acidity of the stomach and eliminates erosion of the gastric mucosa. Take the decoction for at least five weeks. For treatment and prevention, you should drink the infusion 4 times a year.
  2. Chop the elecampane herb and brew over low heat. Let it sit and strain off the cake. Take the decoction on an empty stomach three times a day until the stomach pain disappears.
  3. Grate the garden horseradish and add honey. The product is stored in the refrigerator. You need to take 2 teaspoons on an empty stomach. It is also useful for stomach illness to drink horseradish juice.

How to relieve an attack of illness? At home, you can use any herbal infusions that relieve inflammation. Even taking a single decoction of chamomile will help improve your well-being with gastritis in the acute stage.

Exacerbation of gastritis: symptoms, treatment at home

At the first signs of acute manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to rinse the stomach. This can be done at home by drinking plenty of warm water. Then, if possible, induce vomiting.

An enema with a soda solution of water at room temperature will also ease the condition. Under no circumstances should you use warm liquid. Otherwise, the intestinal walls will absorb water along with toxins, and the body will be poisoned.

On the first day, the patient must remain in bed. It is forbidden to be nervous and physically overexert. During this time, you need to follow a diet and drink plenty of fluids.


The period of exacerbation of chronic gastritis has a clear seasonality - it occurs in spring and autumn. This is facilitated by the peculiarities of weather conditions, which provoke a change in the tone of the vessels of the stomach and the development of inflammation of its inner wall.

In addition, exacerbation of chronic gastritis is provoked by additional factors:

  • non-compliance with diet is the most common reason why gastritis worsens;
  • addictions: drinking alcohol, smoking – the second most important reason provoking the acute period of chronic gastritis;
  • frequent stress;
  • nutritional poisoning;
  • autoimmune disorders in the body.

The duration of the acute period of the disease depends on the age, immune strength of the body, as well as its individual characteristics.

Exacerbations - what provokes them?

Most often, the disease makes itself known in spring and autumn. There is a drastic change in diet, and the number of food poisonings is growing. Let us name the main factors under which exacerbation of chronic gastritis is most likely:

  • Bad habits. The patient smokes a lot and regularly drinks alcoholic beverages.
  • Toxic substances that enter the body with food and drinks.
  • Poor nutrition. In spring and summer we switch to fast food, and during the holidays we try new dishes. Many of them are prepared right on the street (so-called “street food”), and the quality of such food is far from ideal.
  • Failure to follow doctor's recommendations.
  • Uncontrolled use of anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Certain groups of drugs literally corrode the stomach and damage the liver.
  • Chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis can also lead to exacerbation.
  • Severe stress and anxiety.
  • Working in adverse conditions.
  • Allergy to a particular product.
  • Acute intestinal infection.
  • Weak immune system.

If a person already suffers from gastritis, the disease has every chance of worsening due to unhealthy diet. This is especially true for spring. It is enough to switch to fried and rough food, eat it in a hurry, and take long intervals between meals to provoke an illness.

Spring signs of exacerbation of gastritis are typical for people experiencing stress. Preparing for exams, problems at work and in the family, the death of loved ones - all this leaves its mark on a person’s well-being. Taking cytostatics and antibiotics contributes to the frequency of exacerbations. The mucous membrane becomes irritated and inflammation occurs.

People who drink alcoholic beverages in unlimited quantities and smoke a lot are at risk in the spring. The same goes for drugs. Cigarette smoke contains substances that suppress the protective properties of the epithelial layer. In turn, alcohol acts as an irritant that increases gastric secretion.

Activation of Helicobacter pylori infection is another cause of exacerbation. The insidiousness of the bacterium is that it thrives in an acidic environment. In the course of its life, the infection upsets the balance between protective factors and the aggressive environment. Foci of acute or chronic infection, duodenal reflux - all of them bring the moment when gastritis will worsen. For example, with reflux, food from the duodenum is thrown into the stomach along with bile. Which in itself is detrimental to the digestive organ.

Treatment of exacerbation

If gastritis has worsened, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the recommendations of your doctor. The treatment complex consists of diet therapy, medication, and traditional methods.

Drugs for the treatment of gastritis in the acute stage are aimed at the cause, pathogenesis and symptoms of the disease. They achieve the following goals:

  • destruction of infectious agents;
  • decreased production of hydrochloric acid;
  • neutralization of hydrochloric acid;
  • protection of the inner lining of the stomach;
  • elimination of pain;
  • restoration of intestinal motility;
  • improved digestion.

Therapy of gastritis during exacerbation includes the following groups of drugs:

  • antibiotics;
  • proton pump inhibitors;
  • antacids;
  • enzymes and replacement drugs;
  • adsorbents;
  • antispasmodics.

If signs of dehydration and poisoning of the body occur, detoxification therapy is prescribed.

One of the main causes of inflammation of the inner layer of the stomach is bacteria. The use of antimicrobial drugs helps reduce the proliferation of microorganisms and destroy them. For gastritis in the acute stage, drugs from the group of penicillins and macrolides are widely used.

Penicillin antibiotics include:

The macrolide group includes the following drugs:

These drugs allow you to treat gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice. They reduce the production of secretions, which aggressively act on the affected mucous layer of the organ. This group includes the following medications:

Regular use of proton pump inhibitors helps to constantly maintain acidity at a normal level and prevent excessive production of digestive enzymes.

Antacids are in most cases used as symptomatic treatment to relieve heartburn. Such agents neutralize hydrochloric acid and envelop the wall of the stomach, protecting it. Some of them have an analgesic effect.

The group of antacids includes the following medications:

Medicines from the group of sorbents are a must in the treatment of acute chronic gastritis. A constantly lasting and sluggish current disease leads to the accumulation of toxins in the body, which aggravate the exacerbation of the disease. Representatives of this group take on all harmful substances and remove them from the digestive tract. These include tools such as:

Adsorbents also cope well with the phenomena of flatulence, the symptoms of which are a swollen stomach and rumbling in it.

These groups of drugs make it possible to treat gastritis with reduced secretion with deterioration of food digestion due to insufficient or complete absence of gastric juice production.

Enzyme preparations include the following tablets:

The following drugs are used as replacement therapy:

Replacement therapy is prescribed only in the case of a complete absence of hydrochloric acid production.

How to relieve discomfort from gastritis? Antispasmodic tablets can eliminate stomach pain caused by tension in the smooth muscles of the organ. Such means include:

To eliminate pain due to gastritis, it is not recommended to use medications from the NSAID group. They irritate the inner layer of the stomach and promote ulcer formation.

With exacerbation of gastritis, traditional medicine plays an important role in therapy. Useful ingredients relieve inflammation, help normalize acidity, and also have an enveloping and some bactericidal effect.

Recipes that are widely used in traditional medicine:

  1. Potato juice. Preparation: wash the fruits and, without removing the peel, extract the juice using a juicer or grater. The drink should only be consumed fresh. Application: take 100-200 ml in the morning on an empty stomach; At the onset of the disease, it is recommended to dilute the drink with a small amount of water.
  2. Aloe juice. Preparation: freeze several leaves of the plant, then chop and squeeze the juice out of them. Application: drink 1-2 tablespoons on an empty stomach; if desired, you can add a little honey.
  3. Olive oil. Application: drink a few tbsp. spoons per day in pure form or add to salads.
  4. Quail eggs. Application: drink one raw egg several times a day.
  5. Mineral water. Application: It is recommended to drink warm alkaline mineral water before meals in a volume of 100-200 ml.

What is the treatment?

An exacerbation may subside within 2 days, but often lasts for weeks. It causes a person many problems. After studying the medical history and test results, doctors select the most effective medications from various groups:

  • Antacids and pump blockers.
  • Gastroprotectors.
  • Antibiotics to fight infection.
  • Substances that block histamine receptors.
  • Antispasmodics.
  • Analgesics.
  • Medicines that are analogues of somatostatin.

Was B12 iron deficiency anemia diagnosed along with gastritis? You will have to take corticosteroids (hormonal drugs). Drotaverine or its foreign analogue No-Shpa, Papaverine will help relieve pain and spasms. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analogues are abandoned immediately. They are a strong irritant.

What other drugs for exacerbation of gastritis can improve the patient’s well-being and speed up recovery? Among the blockers, Omez, Peptazol, and Sanpraz have proven themselves well. They effectively eliminate pain. Antacids neutralize the aggressive effects of acid. Almagel or Gaviscon are prescribed.

The therapeutic course also includes gastroprotectors: De-Nol, Venter. Once in the stomach, they create a protective film. When Helicobacter is detected, antibiotics are prescribed, which belong to the group of macrolides or cephalosporins, protected penicillins.

When eating is accompanied by nausea, what should you take during exacerbation of gastritis? Prokinetics will help solve the problem. They improve motility of the stomach and intestines. Cerucal and Motilium are considered the most effective. If gastritis is hypoacid, acid production is catastrophically low, Acidin-Pepsin is prescribed. In the spring, gastric juice may be included in the treatment regimen.

Anemia that develops against the background of erosion can be successfully stopped with the help of drugs with a high iron content. The preparations Creon and Festal contain digestive enzymes - they normalize the digestion of food.

Clinical picture of exacerbation of gastritis

  • Painful sensations in the epigastrium, which occur periodically or regularly, intensify with long breaks between individual meals and after meals.
  • Heartburn, belching, nausea, especially immediately after eating.
  • “Sour” vomiting mixed with bile.
  • Excessive drooling, dry mouth.
  • Stool disorders (persistent diarrhea, constipation).
  • Dizziness, headaches, general weakness, increased fatigue, arrhythmia, increased body temperature.
  • With exacerbation of erosive gastritis, intense abdominal pain is observed, accompanied by profuse vomiting and tarry feces.

Principles of treatment

To eliminate relapses, several treatment regimens are used, which are selected based on the patient’s condition.

  1. Antibacterial treatment is mandatory if the cause of the disease is Helicobacter pylori infection.
  2. The use of antacids can reduce the secretion of gastric juice if gastritis is accompanied by increased acidity. Medicines in this group have regenerative properties. With their help, the mucous membrane of the stomach is restored faster, and painful sensations go away.
  3. The use of bismuth preparations protects gastric cells from inflammation.
  4. If reduced secretion accompanies gastritis, exacerbation, treatment includes drugs containing digestive enzymes. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and increase hydrochloric acid.
  5. For a speedy recovery, medications with a wound-healing effect are used.
  6. If autoimmune diseases provoke an exacerbation of gastritis, symptoms and treatment depend on the hormonal balance, so drugs that suppress the immune system are prescribed.

If an exacerbation of gastritis occurs during pregnancy, treatment should be selected with extreme caution. Helicobacter pylori infection is not eliminated, since antibacterial therapy negatively affects the development of the fetus.

Gastritis with increased secretion

  • Rennie tablets, 1-2 pieces every 1.5-2 hours, no more than 16 pieces per day.
  • Alumag, 3 pieces four times a day, an hour after meals.
  • Maalox 1 piece 2 hours after meals.
  • Vikalin 1 piece three times a day after meals.

2. Anticholinergic drugs

Taking drugs from this group for gastritis with high acidity is quite justified, since they reduce the secretory activity of the glands and have a moderate antispasmodic effect:

  • Atropine (0.1% solution) orally three times a day, 5-7 drops half an hour before meals.
  • Belladonna tincture three times a day, 5 drops.
  • Bellalgin tablet twice a day after meals.
  • Pavetesin tablet three times a day.

3. H2 receptor blockers Recommended drugs for exacerbation: Histodil, Famosan, Ranisan, Kvamatel).

4. Sleeping pills and sedatives Valerian four times a day, 25 drops, Noxiron, Fanodorm, soothing tea.

5. Antispastic agents No-shpa, Papaverine hydrochloride.

How does an exacerbation develop?

The nature of the manifestations depends on the cause that provoked the exacerbation and the level of acidity. You can easily distinguish an attack of gastritis from other diseases by the following signs:

  • Pain, discomfort in the epigastric region.
  • Heaviness in the stomach.
  • Attacks of nausea.
  • Fullness of the stomach. Occurs after eating.

When the disease is accompanied by high acidity, the symptoms listed above are accompanied by sour belching, pain, and heartburn. The patient's diarrhea alternates with constipation, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth is possible. Due to the formation of gases, the patient suffers from flatulence.

Appetite does not always disappear during an exacerbation. Chronic inflammation reminds itself of itself with a constant rumbling stomach, nausea in the morning, and diarrhea. The intensity of the pain varies, but it is always there.

  • Localization of pain is the epigastric region.
  • Occurs on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating.
  • After taking pump blockers or antacids, the pain subsides.

Localization of pain on the right side indicates that the pyloric region is affected. Aggravated erosive gastritis makes itself felt by bleeding, vomiting with blood that looks like coffee grounds, and liquid black stool. In severe cases, anemic syndrome develops.

How does anemia manifest with gastritis? It includes a whole range of symptoms: pale skin, weakness, apathy. Your hair becomes dry and your nails literally crumble before your eyes. The patient notices shortness of breath and discomfort in the heart area, and his performance decreases. Due to frequent exacerbations, hypovitaminosis and general digestive disorders are added to anemia. Autoimmune etiology is complemented by neurological symptoms: darkening of the eyes and noise in the ears, numbness in the limbs. You may feel dizzy. Patients complain of sudden mood swings, and the doctor identifies a specific coating on the tongue during an examination.

Medical therapy

To treat gastritis, both conservative therapy and surgical intervention are used. Based on the results of the diagnosis, drugs are prescribed to combat bacteria, in other words, antibiotics - oxacillin. Eradication of dangerous bacteria is carried out to speed up the recovery of mucous membranes and prevent ulcers.

Reflux gastritis can only be cured surgically; in addition, prokinetics are used - trimedat, ganaton. They normalize tissue tone, but have no effect on inflammation. This is why surgery is necessary.

Other medications are aimed at the outflow of uric acid, as well as to help the kidneys remove it. Hyposecretory drugs omez, famotidine, etc. are used against gastritis with a high acid content.

The use of cytoprotectors, for example, almagel, de-nol, is indicated. They will not eliminate the symptoms, but will protect the mucous membranes from the effects of acid. The drugs form a protective film, exhibiting an antibacterial effect.

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to start a specialized diet developed by a doctor depending on the individual characteristics of the patient. It mainly contains boiled foods that have a binding property - they also form a protective film that helps the natural restoration of the stomach.

Any signs of gastritis require immediate attention. Otherwise, it will easily become chronic and the stomach will gradually destroy itself. When primary symptoms appear, it is imperative to seek special medical help.

What can you eat?

In the first days of deterioration in health, the amount of food will be minimal, since food should not irritate the stomach.

The patient's daily diet may include:

  • milk soups;
  • soups made from mucus-forming cereals;
  • soft-boiled chicken eggs;
  • meatballs from fish or lean meat;
  • dairy products;
  • dishes from boiled vegetables;
  • jelly;
  • baked fruits.

When the patient gets better, the diet can be expanded with other products:

  • pasta;
  • porridge;
  • sour cream;
  • cheese;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • bread made from wheat flour;
  • compotes of berries and fruits.

Patients with gastritis should avoid coffee, strong tea and alcohol. During the remission stage, it is not advisable to drink these drinks frequently.

During treatment, each dish must be thoroughly boiled until semi-liquid. The amount of salt, sugar and carbohydrates in food should be minimal. Gradually, it is allowed to introduce foods of a denser consistency into the diet, but without frying or adding seasonings.

Basic rules of diet for chronic gastritis with normal and high acidity

Treatment of gastritis in the acute stage should begin with diet.

Meat for the patient is selected from low-fat varieties, non-veiny, it is better if it is beef, rabbit and poultry (without skin). By-products are also allowed: liver, tongue. Unlike meat, they do not have to be chopped and ground; they can be cut into pieces, but they cannot be fried, they must only be boiled.

The fish should also be lean: primarily river fish (not red), as well as hake, cod, and sea bass. During periods of remission, pieces of boiled fish are acceptable, but during periods of exacerbation, you need to cook steamed cutlets, meatballs, fish puree, etc. Before use, remove the skin from the fish. People with gastritis can eat pressed caviar.

It is important to include egg whites in sufficient quantities in the diet during exacerbation of chronic gastritis with normal and high acidity. In addition to soft-boiled eggs and omelettes, you can make meringues from it.

Drinking milk is beneficial for gastritis. It is as valuable for the body as meat, but does not have such a stimulating effect on gastric secretion. Milk can be consumed not only as part of dishes, but in its pure form. Fermented milk products can be eaten, but yoghurt or fermented baked milk is preferable. It is worth giving up too acidic foods (for example, kefir). Non-sour cottage cheese is suitable for the patient; it is better if it is prepared at home. Casseroles, cheesecakes, cheesecakes - all this will be very useful. Cheeses are excluded during an exacerbation period.

Cereals and legumes are recommended, but in moderation. Beans can only be eaten during periods of remission, because they are rich in fiber. And cereals are the main source of vegetable protein for a sick person.

The cereal is pre-wiped or passed through a meat grinder. Porridge can be cooked in milk. It is good to use various grains in the preparation of soups with a viscous consistency (they are especially recommended during periods of exacerbation).

Eating dried or stale bread and crackers is perfect for such gastritis. You can even eat baked goods - cheesecakes, pies, but they should be slightly limited in your diet.

Vegetable oil and butter are the main source of fat that the human body with gastritis needs. Fats coat the stomach, further protecting it, plus they affect the formation of gastric juice, regulating it.

If you have high stomach acidity, non-acidic fruits are a must. Fruit drinks, jelly, fruit purees and other sweet dishes can be prepared from them. Juices are diluted with water.

Eating potatoes, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, beans, and ripe tomatoes is allowed. We’ll talk about what medications to take during exacerbation of gastritis below.

Diagnosis of pathology

The main method for determining the disease is FGDS (endoscopic examination). The mucous walls of the stomach are examined using a probe with a mini-camera inserted through the esophagus. In addition, a tissue biopsy is taken - a piece of the membrane is taken for analysis. The procedure helps in distinguishing gastritis from peptic ulcers and cancer.

Additional diagnostics are carried out by determining the acidity of the organ - this is necessary in order to make the correct diagnosis. This method is called pH-metric.

There is another method: diagnosing helicobacteriosis: the bacteria involved in the inflammatory process are determined, after which the antibodies produced by the body are identified. This helps to choose a medicine.

Since the inflammatory process develops due to many reasons, identification of the etiological factor (testing for Helicobacter pylori) is necessary for further treatment of gastritis.

Diet after an exacerbation

The disease subsides, and the person gradually switches to a normal balanced diet. But the final remission has not yet arrived, so the diet should be moderately gentle, close to full nutrition.

Grinding food is no longer necessary. Shredding or slicing will suffice. However, fractional meals must be maintained.

Some products are added to the diet - such as boiled beets and white cabbage, sweet fresh fruits and berries without peel, watermelons, fermented milk products, cottage cheese, low-fat sausage, lightly salted herring.

Quick help

If, in case of acute inflammation of the mucous membrane resulting from an exacerbation of chronic gastritis, it is not possible to immediately see a doctor, then you can resort to the following urgent measures:

  • stop eating any food;
  • drink water and induce vomiting, that is, rinse the stomach;
  • take a painkiller - No-spa works well;
  • for very severe heartburn, take a quickly absorbed antacid, for example, Rennie;
  • if you have Gastrofarm, then chew 2 tablets - the drug is made on the basis of herbs and helps well with an acute attack of chronic gastritis.

In the event that you don’t even have medicine at hand, you can proceed as follows:

  • rinse the stomach;
  • lie on your side and pull your legs, bent at the knees, towards your chest - this pose relaxes the muscles, the spasm is relieved and the pain goes away;
  • drink soda dissolved in water - dilute half a teaspoon in a glass of water and slowly drink 2-3 sips, but this method only helps for a short time;
  • cook rice and drink a mucous decoction - it coats the stomach, relieving pain well;
  • you can put 4-5 grains of coarse sea salt on your tongue, suck them, and then swallow the salty saliva;
  • A cold heating pad on the abdominal area helps relieve pain;
  • If you are worried about very strong vomiting, you can suck a lemon.

It is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist as soon as possible. Only a specialist will be able to prescribe the correct treatment, select the required dosage of medications, and monitor the progress of recovery. In addition, exacerbation of chronic gastritis is a serious reason to think about lifestyle: nutrition, stress, bad habits.

Author : Berlina Irina Vladimirovna, especially for the site Zhkt.ru

What are the reasons for exacerbation?

The main cause of exacerbation of gastritis is infection of the gastrointestinal tract by bacteria, which affects the mucous membrane and causes its destruction over time.

Burns of the gastric mucosa with chemical compounds can provoke gastritis; this often happens in patients who abuse alcoholic beverages. You can get burned by vinegar, acid, or alkali.

The use of anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics can provoke an exacerbation of the disease due to a violation of the protective properties of the stomach.

What medications should I take for exacerbation of gastritis?

What diet is used for exacerbation of gastritis?

Let's consider the main rules of nutrition for this disease.

It is necessary to eat small and often, about five times a day, while making small portions, this promotes a gentle regime for the stomach. Food should be taken exclusively warm. It is better to steam the dishes and serve them in a semi-liquid, pureed, mushy form. It is necessary to completely exclude from the diet all types of vegetables that contain large amounts of coarse fiber and plant fibers, such as radishes, turnips, peas, beans, rye bread, unripe and sour fruits and berries. Under no circumstances should you consume spicy and salty foods, fried and fatty meat and fish dishes, smoked foods, cocoa, coffee, strongly brewed tea, soda, canned food and strong meat and vegetable broths.

A diet for low stomach acidity should be aimed at stimulating the secretory function of the stomach and the compensatory capabilities of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

In this case, doctors recommend a diet that will maintain a gentle diet, but stimulate gastric secretion. During exacerbation of gastritis, the diet should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the amount required by the body, and the food should also contain vitamins and a sufficient amount of salt.

A prerequisite is that the dishes are well boiled, then thoroughly wiped and served warm. The menu must have enough meat and fish broths, vegetable and mushroom broths, fruit and vegetable juices, coffee, cocoa, and tea.

Vegetables with a large amount of coarse fibers and plant fiber must be excluded from the diet. These include radishes, radishes, legumes, dates, gooseberries, and grapes. Fatty and stringy meat, lard, cartilage, chicken and fish skins have no place on the patient’s table. Rye bread, canned and smoked foods, fatty meats and fish, ice cream, baked goods, as well as mustard and horseradish are necessarily excluded. You should also not drink whole milk or eat mushrooms, buckwheat and pearl barley.

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