What is the best remedy for colic for newborns?

Taking into account statistics, more than 85% of newborns suffer from colic in the tummy between the ages of one week and three months. These are paroxysmal pain sensations as a result of high gas formation, which usually appear in the evening. The baby cries, begins to press his legs to his tummy, or, conversely, turns red and arches. But there is no need to panic, as there are many good drugs to eliminate or reduce pain syndromes.

Popular medications for colic in newborns are divided into the following groups:

  • probiotic preparations;
  • herbal products;
  • Carminatives based on dimethicone and simethicone.

The last two groups of drugs reduce the intensity of colic, regardless of the cause of its occurrence. And probiotics are used for dysbiosis, which often provokes colic.


This is a fairly popular remedy for colic in infants, which removes excess gases from the intestines and normalizes digestion. The medicine is made on the basis of simethicone in the form of an emulsion and drops. The liquid has a pleasant smell and also tastes like banana.

After use, an effective defoamer begins to destroy gas bubbles and removes them along with feces. The medicine does not disrupt the functioning of the intestines, since it is not absorbed into it. The drug does not contain sugar and lactose, and therefore the medication is not dangerous for patients with hypolactasia and diabetics. The medicine does not enter into chemical reactions with other medications.

Daily dose – 25 drops 3 times after or during feeding. For babies who drink only mother's milk, an emulsion is more suitable. Drops are used to treat artificial infants; they are added to the milk formula before feeding. The exact dose of the drug will be determined by the doctor.

Espumisan is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to its substances. In this case, after using the medicine, allergies appear in the form of constipation, itching or rash.

A carminative is used to relieve symptoms of colic in the tummy in infants immediately after birth. The drug is manufactured in Germany, the approximate cost is 320 rubles.

Preventive medications for colic in infants

Painful symptoms usually appear between the ages of 3 weeks and 4 months, so you can play it safe and give your baby anti-colic drops in advance. Prevention will help avoid sleepless nights, because the only way for infants to notify the world about their problems is to scream and cry.


The main advantage of the drug based on a mixture of essential oils is that there are no restrictions on use. Allergic reactions occur extremely rarely, but doctors advise first giving the baby a few drops “for testing”. The composition contains only natural ingredients, so homeopathic colic drops can be used for newborns. The product must first be diluted with water; it is difficult to make a mistake with the dosage - there is a special mark on the bottle.


The natural composition helps to get rid of discomfort in the shortest possible time and improve the health of the child’s gastrointestinal tract. The medicine is available in the form of granules, which are packaged in sachets. One sachet is diluted in 100 ml of water, after which the solution is given to the baby. The product stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, “starts” intestinal motility, and prevents the formation of flatulence.


The effectiveness of anti-colic drops for newborns is ensured by natural ingredients:

  • coriander stimulates appetite;
  • chamomile relieves spasms and inflammation;
  • fennel improves intestinal motility, pushing gas bubbles out.

If necessary, the medicine is diluted with water, formula or breast milk. The effect is observed 15 minutes after administration and lasts up to 8 hours. Gas formation and the manifestation of inflammatory processes are reduced, and spasms disappear.

Bifiform baby

The probiotic is used to normalize intestinal microflora, eliminate gas formation and dysbacteriosis. Available in the form of an oil suspension, to which you need to add powder with beneficial bacteria. The drug is approved for use from the first days of life and for lactose intolerance. It is convenient to control the dosage with a measuring pipette, but the course of treatment is prescribed by a pediatrician.


Used to treat dysbacteriosis, restore natural microflora, strengthen the immune system and normalize digestion. Lacto- and bifidobacteria in the composition of the drug populate the gastrointestinal tract with beneficial microbes, which, after active reproduction, displace pathogenic bacteria. Available in the form of emulsion, lyophysilate and capsules, it is not recommended for use in case of lactose intolerance. The course duration and dosage are determined by the pediatrician based on the collected medical history.


In the ranking of the best remedies for colic in a newborn, the leader is an effective probiotic made in Europe. In a short period of time, the product restores the natural intestinal microflora, improves digestion and replenishes the supply of beneficial bacteria. Before taking, the capsule with the powder must be opened and the contents mixed with water, formula or breast milk.

Dill water

A budget natural remedy consists of water and fennel essential oil, which helps remove putrefactive formations from the intestines. The intensity of the inflammatory process is reduced, cramps in the tummy are reduced, and no allergic reactions have been detected. Dill water can be combined with other medications for colic in newborns and used as a preventive measure.


In children, intestinal colic in the tummy is treated with the drug Bobotik. This is a good carminative remedy containing simethicone, it relieves pain and reduces flatulence due to a significant accumulation of gases. For infants, drops with a pleasant fruity aroma and a viscous cream-colored consistency are used.

The product is used to relieve colic in newborns from one month of age. The drug is also often used to relieve symptoms of flatulence in adults due to overeating or constipation.

Simethicone penetrates the intestines, mixes with mucus, and begins to break up gas bubbles, preventing the appearance of new ones. The released gases are absorbed into the intestines or excreted through the rectum. Bobotik exhibits therapeutic properties immediately after use. The product does not disrupt the functioning of the digestive system in its original form, does not penetrate the bloodstream and exits with feces. The anti-colic drug does not contain alcohol, lactose or sugar.

Food for thought

Despite the apparent ease and simplicity of treating colic in infants with the help of medications, there are several pitfalls in this process:

  1. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that there are no clear recommendations on what is best for colic in a newborn. Most often, parents are asked to try several drugs one by one and, after monitoring the child’s reaction, choose the drug that gives the best effect;
  2. Also, in most cases, mothers note that, despite all efforts, there is no noticeable improvement in the child’s condition during colic attacks from medications. After short-term relief, the pain returns again. And this continues until the condition of the intestines normalizes on its own;
  3. But most importantly, recently the question has increasingly arisen about the need to take medications to eliminate such a problem. After all, the formation of colic is not a pathological deviation, but an absolutely normal process of adaptation of the intestines to work in new conditions of extrauterine existence.

Thus, it turns out that by trying to artificially eliminate this problem, parents thereby reduce the natural immunity of the child.

As a specialist who has been working with nursing mothers for more than 10 years, I see that more and more mothers understand the dangers of anti-colic medications and are leaning towards safe ways to relieve their baby from illness:

  • You should try to create a calm, cozy environment for the child so that he feels comfortable;
  • try to distract the baby from painful sensations by warming his tummy (you can apply a warm diaper to the tummy or carry the baby in your arms, like in a cradle, turning him towards you and pressing his tummy to your stomach);
  • You can strengthen intestinal motility and speed up the elimination of gases with the help of abdominal massage;

These are just basic recommendations that you can use to help your child cope with unpleasant sensations without using medications or disrupting the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. You can get other recommendations from our video courses located in the Courses catalog.

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Sub Simplex

The drug reduces the formation of colic in the tummy in children from birth and does not disturb digestion.

A dark white, sweet-tasting suspension is used orally in the following cases:

  • during poisoning with detergents;
  • before diagnosing the digestive system;
  • paroxysmal pain in the abdomen due to bloating.

Simethicone passes into the intestines, breaks up gas bubbles and helps them escape. As a result, pain and discomfort disappear, and the baby calms down.

The daily dose of the drug is 15 drops 2 times a day with meals. If necessary, the suspension is diluted with water or milk. During treatment, the newborn is not advised to take other medications or give new foods.

Contraindications for use:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

In some cases, side effects appear in the form of increased secretion of tear fluid, itching, and rash. Manufacturer: Pfizer Inc. USA, approximate price: 220 rubles.


To reduce colic, Infacol is used; it reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles in the intestines. A product based on simethicone is prepared in the form of a suspension for oral use with an orange aroma and taste.

The product has an anti-foaming effect, it mixes with intestinal mucus, breaks down gases, and promotes their removal. Infacol does not have a systemic effect and leaves the body in its original form.

The drug is used to relieve symptoms of colic: abdominal discomfort, pain and flatulence. The product should not be used in case of peptic ulcer, hypersensitivity to its components, intestinal obstruction or inflammatory bowel disease. During the presence of contraindications, the risk of allergies increases; it manifests itself as a rash, itching, nettle fever, and redness.

The daily dosage of the drug is 20 mg of the drug before meals. If necessary, the doctor increases the dose to 40 mg and determines the duration of treatment. England, approximate price – 120 rubles.

Drugs for relieving colic

Espumisan L

A drug containing the active ingredient Simethicone. Dosage form – emulsion. “Espumizan L” can be used from the first day of life, giving the child 25 drops of emulsion before or after feeding, as well as during an attack of colic. There are no side effects from the drug, so the duration of its use is not limited in any way. More details about Espumezan...

Sub Simplex

This is also a drug based on Simethicone, but in the form of a suspension. Newborn babies can be given 15 drops of the suspension during, or preferably after, feeding. If the child is bottle-fed, the suspension is added directly to the adapted formula. More about Sub Simplex

The active ingredient is the same - Simethicone, but this time in the form of drops. Bobotik can be used from the 28th day of life, giving the baby 8 drops after feeding. When the symptoms of colic disappear, you should stop taking the drops. More about Bobotik

All Simethicone preparations contain flavoring additives. It is difficult to say how pleasant the chemical taste and smell of banana is for a newborn baby, but usually babies are quite willing to take the required dose of the drug. In this case, parents need to monitor the child. If the baby’s body has an allergic reaction, you should stop taking the drug.

It happens that in the case of colic in newborns, probiotics are prescribed, that is, preparations containing intestinal bacteria. Doctors' opinions regarding these drugs and the phenomenon of dysbiosis itself are very different. In the case of colic, such drugs are not effective simply because the cause of colic is the functional immaturity of the intestine, and not a lack of some bacteria. In addition, it is much better when the child’s intestines are naturally seeded with beneficial microflora.

Each child’s body is individual, so you can never say in advance which colic medicine will help your baby. The search for an effective remedy usually occurs through brute force. If one drug doesn’t work, they try another until relief from your beloved tummy becomes obvious. Even Simethicone preparations, despite the same active ingredient, act differently due to different dosage forms, so you need to look for the medication option that will suit your child. The most important thing is to be patient and exude calm. The period when a baby suffers from colic lasts from approximately 1 to 3 months of life. This is only 2 months, which will be forgotten very quickly, and you will calmly enjoy communication with your beloved baby.

Read more on the topic of colic and gas:


This is a herbal medicine based on mint, fennel and anise. Anise has a mild disinfecting property, improves the functioning of the digestive glands, and eliminates mild pain. But in some cases, this substance causes allergies. Mint relaxes and soothes the smooth muscles of the intestines, and fennel eliminates increased gas formation.

The concentrated composition is recommended in the following cases:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • flatulence;
  • pancreatic enzyme deficiency;
  • colic in the intestines.

The daily dosage for children from birth is 10 drops before any meal. The oil solution is mixed with warm boiled water before use. In order to restore digestion, the drug is used for about a month, and then the dose is reduced over time. It is not recommended to sharply reduce medication intake, otherwise the possibility of excessive re-gas formation increases.

The drug should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to its substances. Therefore, an allergic reaction is likely, manifested by itching and rash. Before using the drug, it is necessary to perform a sensitivity test. Israel, approximate price – 140 rubles.


In order to normalize the balance of intestinal microflora, the latest generation remedy is used, called Acipol. The medicine is made in the form of capsules; inside there is a powder with a special fermented milk aroma. A medicine based on kefir grains and lactobacilli has a positive effect on the bacterial flora of the intestines, improves overall well-being, increases immunity, and heals the digestive tract.

Taking into account the instructions, Acipol is prescribed to children from three months:

  • after a course of antibiotics;
  • during infectious intestinal diseases;
  • food allergies;
  • inflammation of the intestines of various origins;
  • during severe respiratory diseases (bronchus or pneumonia);
  • inflammatory skin lesion.

The product is prohibited in cases of personal intolerance to substances. The daily dose will depend on the child’s age, symptoms and characteristics of the body. Children from three months to 3 years old are given one capsule 2-3 times a day. Before use, the powder from the capsule must be diluted with liquid (milk or boiled water).

Hilak forte

The prebiotic preparation contains biosynthetic lactic acid, which regulates the balance of microbacteria, improves the child’s well-being, and improves digestion. The product is prepared in the form of drops; the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • in case of indigestion;
  • after a course of antibiotics;
  • during flatulence;
  • during stool disorder;
  • during food allergies;
  • during acclimatization.

Daily dose – 25-30 drops 3 times a day an hour before meals. Before use, the drug is mixed with boiled water. When the baby's condition improves, the dosage is reduced. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Do not use the product if you are hypersensitive to its substances. This is due to the fact that the likelihood of diarrhea, constipation, nausea, itching and nettle fever increases. Drops should not be diluted with milk. The drug is manufactured in Germany, the approximate cost is 320 rubles.

Review of drugs for bloating in babies

Most parents in the second to fourth weeks of a child’s life are faced with the problem of colic in the tummy in newborns and want to help the baby get rid of pain and discomfort, resorting to various methods and means. Popular remedies for colic include a variety of medications, which are divided into several groups:

  • herbal medicines in the form of finished medicines based on plant extracts;
  • carminative drugs based on dimethicone and simethicone;
  • probiotics;
  • enterosorbents;
  • enzyme preparations.

The first two groups of drugs will help relieve colic by reducing its intensity, regardless of the reason for its occurrence. The use of other groups of drugs is intended to directly influence the possible cause of colic.

As you know, the main cause of colic is the accumulation of gases in the baby’s intestines, which, when formed, put pressure on its walls. The most effective remedies for colic and bloating in newborns are preparations based on dimethicone and simethicone (activated dimethicone).

These substances reduce the surface tension of gas bubbles, which, when released, are partially absorbed by the intestinal walls and partially excreted naturally, thereby helping to get rid of the problem. As a result, the tension of the intestinal walls decreases, and the abdominal pain goes away.

Thus, it makes no sense to give medications for prophylactic purposes; it is better to carry out direct treatment with them.

Important! If you compare simethicone and dimethicone in terms of activity, it is better to choose one of the simethicone-based products.

  • "Espumizan L". Emulsion based on simethicone. The drug can be used from the first day of a child’s life. Give 25 drops before, during or immediately after feeding. Can be used directly during an attack of colic.
  • "Bobotik". Dosage form – drops. The active ingredient is simethicone. The drug is used from the 28th day of the baby’s life. Prescribe 8 drops after feeding. When the symptoms of colic disappear, the drug is discontinued.
  • "Sub Simplex". The dosage form of the drug is a suspension. The active ingredient is simethicone. Infants are prescribed 15 drops of the suspension immediately after feeding. For babies who are bottle-fed, the suspension is added directly to the mixture. The drug can be easily recognized on pharmacy shelves by the bright bunny on the packaging.
  • "Infacol". The active ingredient is simethicone. Prescribe 0.5 ml of liquid before each feeding.
  • "Kuplato". Finnish remedy for colic. The active ingredient is dimethicone. Give 4 drops 4-5 times a day, after shaking the bottle well. If necessary, dissolve in water or breast milk.

Also similar drugs include “Colikid”, “Disphatil”, “Lefax”, “Kolikvel”, “Simicol”, etc.

A gas tube can also help cope with colic.

Important! Each simethicone-based drug contains flavoring and aromatic additives. Children usually take the required dose of the drug well. In all cases, when giving the drug, parents should monitor the baby. If the first signs of an allergic reaction appear, you should stop taking the drug immediately.

Just like the previous group of anti-colic drugs, they have the property of reducing gas formation, but due to natural rather than synthetic substances in the composition.

  • "Plantex" A product made from fennel fruit. Available in the form of granules for preparing a solution. Packaged in bags. Dissolve the medicine in warm boiled water. For 1 sachet of Plantex, use 100 ml of warm boiled water. Infants are given 1–2 packets per day, dividing them into 2–3 doses between feedings.

  • "Dill water". 15 ml of the prepared solution is sold in bottles. A newborn over two weeks of age is given 1 tbsp. 3 – 6 times a day.
  • "Baby Kalm" (Bebikalm). An Israeli preparation created on the basis of vegetable oils: mint, dill and anise. The oily mixture is diluted with chilled boiled water, pouring to the mark on the bottle. The resulting emulsion is dripped 10 drops into the baby's mouth before each feeding. The bottle with the finished mixture is kept in the refrigerator. An analogue is “Happy Baby”.
  • "Kolik Kalm". American homeopathic remedy for colic based on medicinal herbs and charcoal. The drug is given to the baby 1/2 teaspoon, if necessary, it can be given after another 30 minutes, but no more than 3 times a day.
  • "Bebinos." The drops are based on extracts of chamomile, fennel seeds, and coriander. Up to a year, it is recommended to give the baby 3-6 drops three times a day.

If you don’t have ready-made pharmacy dill water (for example, “Mommy’s bliss gripe water”, “Pedi Water”), you can prepare it yourself, at home.

In addition, infusions, decoctions, and herbal teas: chamomile, sage, mint, caraway, which are often classified as folk remedies, provide good relief from abdominal pain.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight homeopathic medicines, for example, Enterokind.

Sometimes pediatricians prescribe probiotics to newborns for colic - drugs that contain intestinal bacteria. Not all doctors agree with this position. After all, dysbiosis is not always the cause of bloating, but if the cause of colic is a deficiency of beneficial microorganisms, then probiotics are necessary.

  • "Bifiform Baby" A product containing probiotics and prebiotics (dietary fiber digestible by microflora). Presented in the form of powders and oily liquid in a bottle with a dispenser. They help the baby if they are prescribed one dose once a day during feeding.
  • "Linex". Available in powder form inside a capsule. The powder is added to breast milk or formula. 1 capsule is prescribed per day.
  • "Acipol." Available in capsules and tablets. Children dissolve the contents of the capsule in water and give them a drink. Prescribe 1 capsule 2 times a day.
  • "Hilak Forte". They have a strengthening effect on the baby's immunity. Available in the form of drops. A newborn is prescribed 15-20 drops 2-3 times a day before feeding or directly during meals.
  • "Bak-Set baby." Contains seven types of beneficial bacteria. Available in bags (sachets). Before use, the contents of the sachet are dissolved in a small amount of water. For infants, one sachet per day is enough.
  • "Bifidumbacterin". It comes in a variety of forms, but is most often used in liquid or powder form. Newborns are given one sachet of the dry drug three times a day, first diluted with water. Liquid "Bifidumbacterin" is given twice a day half an hour before meals.
  • "Lactobacterin". For newborns, it is used in powder form in glass bottles containing 3 or 5 doses of lactobacilli acidophilus. The contents of the bottle are dissolved in chilled boiled water at the rate of 1 tsp. for 1 dose of Lactobacterin. Infants up to 6 months are given 2-3 times a day, 1-2 tsp. about one hour before meals, after 6 months and up to a year, 2-3 tsp.
  • "Primadophilus child." It is a dietary supplement containing strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. For infants, the powder form is used. Give the supplement 1/2 teaspoon once a day 10 minutes before meals.
  • "Rela Life" ("Rela Drops"). Contains strains of lactic acid bacteria. Used for babies in the form of drops. It is enough to give 5 drops a day once to provide the child with lactobacilli important for his intestines.

More detailed information about these drugs is contained in the instructions for use. You can also use “Bakset baby”, “Normoflorin”, “Biogaia”. For bottle-fed babies, it may be advisable to use baby formulas with probiotics and/or prebiotics (anti-colic formulas).


Colic may be accompanied by inflammation in the intestines, with the release of toxic products. In this case, the doctor may recommend enterosorbents that are able to bind harmful substances and remove them without causing any harmful effects on the body.

  • "Smecta". The active substance is octahedral smectite. Available in sachets (sachets), the contents of which are mixed with water before use. The resulting suspension is given to children under one year of age for the first three days, two sachets per day, then the dose is reduced to one sachet per day.
  • "Activated carbon". For newborns weighing less than 3 kg, give 1/4 tablet, with a weight of 3-5 kg, 1/3 tablet. For older children, the dosage is calculated based on weight. The tablet is thoroughly crushed, mixed with a small amount of water and given no more than three times a day.

Often the cause of colic may be a deficiency of the enzyme lactase, which occurs due to the development of the child’s digestive tract in the first months of life. This enzyme breaks down lactose. If there is little enzyme, then unprocessed lactose enters the large intestine, where it causes excessive gas formation and, as a result, colic. In this case, treatment is carried out using drugs containing the missing lactase enzyme (“Colief”, “Lactazar”).

  • "Lactazar." When breastfeeding, the contents of one capsule are mixed with 30 ml of expressed breast milk and the baby is given medicine first, and then breastfed. When artificial feeding, one capsule of the drug is dosed for every 100 ml of formula.

Increased gas formation is accompanied by prolonged crying of the baby, and it is sometimes impossible to hold him in your arms due to the fact that he draws in his legs. There are effective medications for colic on sale that relieve unpleasant symptoms quickly and for a long time.

The action of the active substance (simethicone) is aimed at collapsing gas bubbles in the intestinal lumen. The drug does not contain lactose and sugar, so it is suitable for infants with diabetes and lactase deficiency. Drops with a pleasant taste for colic reduce gas formation, remove mucus from the intestines and are absolutely safe from the first days of life. Thanks to the dropper plug, you can accurately measure the dosage.

According to parents and experts, the carminative drug is the best combination of price and quality. The medicine can be mixed with formula, breast milk or cooled boiled water. The composition includes simethicone, which effectively acts against gas bubbles. After administration, the drug is completely eliminated from the body.

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