What the pancreas likes from food: healthy and harmful foods

The pancreas regulates hormonal levels in the blood (glucagon and insulin) and digestive processes (it secretes enzymatic juice).

Unfortunately, approximately 30% of the population suffers from various pathologies of this organ (from acute or chronic pancreatitis to malignant tumors). In part, the deviations are associated with bad habits and poor nutrition.

To improve the functional state of the pancreas and prevent serious complications, you should adjust your diet and lead an active and healthy lifestyle.

There is a large list of healthy foods that have a positive effect on the pancreas and help prevent many diseases. Below is a list of the 7 best products.


Broccoli contains large amounts of apigenin. This substance protects secretory cells, as well as the epithelium of the pancreatic ducts from the effects of any harmful substances (bile, own enzymes).

One study conducted in Oman showed that broccoli extract helps reduce damage to organ cells during hyperglycemic conditions, and also reduces blood sugar concentrations. The plant is recommended for the treatment and prevention of type II diabetes.

Broccoli contains a number of anti-inflammatory substances (flavonoids, luteolin, quercetin, myricetin), which not only reduce any inflammatory processes in the pancreas, stomach and liver by suppressing the synthesis of interleukin 1,6 and 18, but also increase the antioxidant properties of organs. These effects have been scientifically proven.

Eating fresh broccoli is a guarantee of the integrity of pancreatic cells, as well as reliable prevention of type II diabetes.

Drinking alcohol in the presence of CP

  • insulin, which breaks down glucose in the blood, participates in fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism and lowers sugar levels;
  • glucagon, which, on the contrary, increases blood sugar levels and protects the liver from fatty degeneration;
  • Ghrelin is a hormone that stimulates appetite.

Exocrine functions come down to the production of pancreatic juice, necessary for the digestion of food, as well as enzymes called amylase, lipase, trypsin and chymotrypsin.

Disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas can be caused by chronic pancreatitis; they indicate a lack of function of the organ and the degeneration of its tissue into connective tissue.

Alcohol, nicotine and excessively fatty foods can “kill” the pancreas, so you should absolutely not eat the following foods: meat and fatty fish, as well as strong broths made from them, fast food in all forms, lard and smoked foods, canned food, spicy and fried foods , including all kinds of chips and salted nuts;

Coffee, all types of lemonades and strong brewed tea are also not foods that are good for the pancreas. The list can be continued with all types of overcooked meat (sausages, frankfurters and small sausages), as well as high-fat dairy products, including cheeses. All this refers to substances that are difficult to digest by the main digestive organ.


Yogurts contain a lot of probiotics, which improve digestion processes (normalize motility) and increase the efficiency of both general and local immunity factors acting at the level of the wall of the digestive tube.

All this contributes to the balanced production of pancreatic enzymes and gives it time for additional rest.

Scientific work has demonstrated that enzymes in the stomach and pancreas digest food particles (especially proteins) much faster when yogurt is consumed frequently. This feature is of great importance in the presence of any disorders (acute and chronic pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, anomalies of the ducts of the pancreato-biliary tract).

Yogurts contain a lot of beneficial bacteria that work along with pancreatic enzymes and help to “unload” the organ.

Diet rules for problems with the pancreas

If problems arise in the condition of the pancreas, you must try to relieve it, for which it is important to adhere to proper nutrition and include in the daily menu foods that do not irritate this sensitive organ. By following a diet for the pancreas and eliminating foods that are harmful to it, you will not have to worry about the fact that pathological changes will begin in it and it will stop performing its functions. All food that is consumed by people with problems in this organ should be easily digested by the stomach; this will allow the pancreas to supply the amount of enzymes necessary for digestion, and it will not work in an enhanced mode. By adhering to certain nutritional rules, it is possible to reduce the possibility of exacerbation of chronic forms of diseases and prevent the risk of relapse after treatment.

At the time of exacerbation of inflammation in the gland, the patient is obliged to adhere to fasting, during which it is unloaded. Typically, fasting continues for three to four days, unless otherwise recommended by the doctor, and after it, foods are gradually introduced in accordance with the diet. To make you feel better and reduce painful symptoms, you will need to follow the general recommendations:

  1. When following a diet, you need to eat small portions and often, snacks are allowed between main meals. Dinner should be minimal, its volume should not exceed 20 percent of the total daily ration.
  2. It is better for the gland to stick to a separate diet, that is, not to eat protein foods together with carbohydrates.
  3. To facilitate the digestion of food, it is important to drink a sufficient amount of plain water without gas, and often in small portions.
  4. Avoid overeating, eat as much food as required to replenish energy costs.
  5. Do not eat foods that are too cold or hot.
  6. It is important to chew food thoroughly while eating.
  7. It is better to eat steamed, boiled or stewed dishes.

The degree of damage caused by inflammation depends on how quickly the load on the inflamed organ can be reduced. Thanks to the diet, the pancreas will easily cope with the production of enzymes necessary for digestion, and the well-being of patients will then significantly improve.


Pumpkin is effective for various inflammatory diseases of somatic or infectious etiology in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. The vegetable helps neutralize hydrochloric acid and also contains a lot of useful substances (potassium, carotene, magnesium, iron, copper, pectins).

Such components provide reliable protection for the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, and also normalize the functioning of the major papilla, through which pancreatic juice is released into the intestinal lumen. This ensures the prevention of the development of aseptic enzymatic inflammatory diseases.

Pumpkin is especially useful for patients with type I diabetes, as it promotes the proliferation of Langerhans cells (located on the islet apparatus of the pancreas) and, as a result, reduces blood glucose levels. The effect was proven at Jilin University of China in 2020.

Many other works have been devoted to the effect of pumpkin on pancreatic tissue. For example, Chinese scientists have proven that the vegetable directly protects organ cells from toxic substances and slows down the processes of apoptosis - natural programmed cell death.

Thus, pumpkin is extremely necessary for the prevention of pancreatitis, especially in the presence of disorders of the smooth muscles of the digestive system, as well as for repairing damage during diabetes mellitus.

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes have been used in medicine since Aztec times to treat diseases of the digestive tract. “Sweet potatoes” promote regranulation of cells of the islet apparatus in patients who have suffered acute pancreatitis or have a history of chronic pancreatitis.

According to one of the research institutes in Japan, when eating sweet potatoes, there is an increase in the sensitivity of fat and muscle cells to insulin, which reduces the functional load on the pancreas.

Sweet potatoes also help normalize intestinal microflora and prevent constipation, as they are not completely digested.

Sweet potatoes should be added to the diet for any degenerative or destructive diseases of the pancreas.

Additional "complex" products

To prevent the pancreas from making itself felt in the form of diseases, it is recommended to minimize the consumption of the following products:

  1. Refined sugar.
  2. Salt (it provokes gastrointestinal diseases and accumulates toxins in the body).
  3. Canned food (can easily cause poisoning and overload the gastrointestinal tract).
  4. Herring.
  5. Herbs and spices (mustard, pepper, etc.).
  6. Ketchup and soy sauce.
  7. Pies and cookies.
  8. Sour fruits and berries.
  9. White cabbage.
  10. Beans.
  11. Radish.
  12. Sweet creams.
  13. Honey.
  14. Jam.
  15. Grape.
  16. Pancakes.
  17. Liver and kidneys.
  18. Fatty fermented milk products.
  19. Fried eggs.
  20. Bakery.
  21. Wheat porridge.
  22. Strong tea.


Fresh berries, as well as tea based on blueberry leaves, stimulate all stages of the synthesis and secretion of glucagon, without leading to overload of the pancreas and destructive changes.

Additional advantages include improving the rheological properties of bile and preventing the formation of stones in the pancreato-biliary ducts, which is a common cause of acute pancreatitis.

Scientists at Virginia Research Units have concluded that the flavonoids contained in blueberries increase the number and mass of b-cells in the pancreas, and also increase tissue sensitivity to insulin. The berries block the activation of enzymes in the secreted juice inside the ducts.

Blueberries are recommended for patients with chronic pancreatitis to prevent secretory failure and exacerbations.

Red grapes

Bunches of red grapes are a powerful source of resveratrol, an antioxidant that eliminates the harmful effects of free radicals that cause pathological transformation and malignant degeneration of pancreatic cells.

Scientific studies have shown that red grape seed extract has powerful antioxidant effects that inhibit lipid peroxidation and increase pancreatic glutathione levels. And as you know, glutathione “destroys” secondary metabolites that have inflammatory and sensitizing activity.

The extract also helps to significantly reduce the concentration of nitrates and nitrites in the pancreas.

And in an experiment on rats, already 72 hours after the administration of red grape extract, a higher concentration of serum insulin in the blood was noted, which had a beneficial effect on the overall glycemic background.

Red grapes are an excellent remedy for protecting the pancreas from the toxic effects of its own metabolic agents and preventing cancer.

Liquorice root

Licorice root has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, helps reduce swelling and congestion of blood vessels, and reduce the severity of pain. A tropism specifically for pancreatic cells has been noted.

The works of scientists from Japan demonstrated an increase in the exocrine function of the pancreas without causing harm at the structural and molecular levels. The effects are due to the presence of glycyrrhizin and saponin, which are found in large quantities in licorice root.

Licorice root is effective for chronic pancreatitis, which is caused by impaired secretion of pancreatic juice.

Fiber-rich foods

What does the pancreas like? Fiber-rich foods. These include fruits and vegetables. They are necessary for cleansing the esophagus and the general removal of toxins from the body. The best choice would be to take vegetables such as cabbage and cucumbers, potatoes and eggplants, carrots and beets as a basis for regular intake. Greens such as parsley and dill, onions and lettuce are also especially useful. It is greens that supply the body with microelements that contribute to its full and proper functioning.

As for fruits, you can eat anything and in any quantity - citrus fruits and apples, bananas and pears, peaches and plums - everything will be healthy and accepted with a bang, unless, of course, there are individual allergic reactions.

Other Important Products

To improve the functioning of the pancreas, it is necessary to include the following groups of substances in your diet:

  • vitamin A (broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, parsley, apricots, gooseberries);
  • vitamin B (carrots, greens, chicken);
  • vitamin E (cereals, sunflower and flaxseed oils);
  • nickel (all types of meat products, pear);
  • cobalt (red currants, raspberries and strawberries, chokeberries, beets);
  • zinc (parsley, wheat-based bran, plums, gooseberries);
  • vanadium (lungwort);
  • chromium (blueberry leaves, mulberry).

Adding all the necessary substances to the diet provides fairly reliable prevention of inflammatory, atrophic and malignant diseases of the pancreas.


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Svetlana Nikolaevna:

I have problems with the pancreas, the aggravation has been eliminated, and now it is recommended to gradually expand the recommended list of products. But I don’t know, or it seems to me that as soon as I eat some vegetables, I feel discomfort.


I recommend finding a good doctor and consulting with him, because with the help of a raw food diet and vegetables, only if you follow this direction correctly, you can restore pancreatic function within one and a half to two years.

What the pancreas doesn’t like from food

The most common pathology of the organ is acute or chronic pancreatitis.

In 20% of cases, pancreatitis is associated with dietary errors. And 75% of the reasons are a combination of poor diet with underlying somatic or infectious-inflammatory diseases, genetic defects and congenital anomalies.

To prevent pancreatitis, it is necessary to limit the following harmful food groups:

  1. Animal fats. They cause increased work of the pancreas, promote spastic disorders at the level of the ducts and premature activation of enzymes. All this leads to a feeling of “heaviness” after eating and has a bad effect on the organ. The average person should consume no more than 65 g of fat per day (ideally 20 g). You should also give preference to foods with a low percentage of saturated fat (turkey, fish, chicken breast).
  2. Alcoholic drinks. Alcohol causes direct damage to pancreatic tissue and the development of inflammatory processes. The combination of the described disorders with dehydration (develops several hours after consumption) is extremely dangerous, as it can cause acute pancreatitis.
  3. Extractive substances. This group includes coffee, spices, salt, and strong tea. These substances irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, which causes a reflex activation of the pancreas (which is not actually required).
  4. Rich meat and mushroom broths. Such heavy meals also significantly increase the activity of the organ’s secretory apparatus and, as a consequence, the formation of aseptic inflammatory or necrotic changes.
  5. Sweet. A common cause of acute or chronic pancreatitis is obstruction of the common bile duct by a stone that has passed from the gallbladder. Scientists attribute this to increased consumption of simple carbohydrates (primarily sugar). Therefore, they should be limited as much as possible.
  6. Smoking. No less detrimental to the organ is the effect of nicotine that enters the body during smoking.

Harmful products

In order not to cause an exacerbation of inflammation in the pancreas, it is important to know about those foods that have a bad effect on the condition of this organ. Most often, they need to be completely excluded from food consumption, and during periods of remission, consumed to a minimum, and in some cases, simply forgotten about them.

These include the following:

  • Strong rich meat and fish broths;
  • Fresh baked goods and pastries;
  • Foods high in salt;
  • Fried and fatty foods;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Various sweets and confectionery;
  • Mushrooms, regardless of how they are prepared.

It is very important to completely abandon any drinks containing alcohol; in addition to their direct harm to the body, they cause an increase in appetite, and as a result of this, increase the need for enzymes necessary for digestion.

General diet rules

It is also important to follow general nutritional principles to prevent pathologies of the pancreas.

  1. It is recommended to exclude foods that cause increased gas formation, stimulate the secretion of digestive juices and are rich in coarse fiber.
  2. One of the main principles is to avoid chemical (avoidance of irritating substances) and thermal (exclusion of cold and hot foods) irritation.
  3. It is necessary to adhere to a fractional meal regimen. (5 to 10 times a day).
  4. The daily diet must contain fats (from 20 to 60 g), proteins (at least 80 g) and carbohydrates (at least 200 g).
  5. It is recommended to additionally include fat-soluble vitamins and dietary supplements (A, D, K, E).

Table of permitted and prohibited products

Below is a table of foods and tips to ensure healthy pancreas function.

Product group nameRecommended to be added to your dietShould be limited or abandoned
Bakery productsWhite bread, dried wheat crackersBlack bread
SoupsVegetable broth soups with added meatStrong meat broths, okroshka
MeatAny low-fat varieties (rabbit, turkey, chicken).Fatty varieties with a large number of veins, offal (brain, liver).
FishAny low-fat varieties.Any fatty varieties.
EggsSoft-boiled and steam omelettes.Fried eggs
DairyLow-fat cottage cheese, cream, milkCheese
VegetablesPotatoes, carrots, zucchini - all boiled or pureedRaw vegetables
FruitsBaked apples, pearAll other fruits
BeveragesMineral water, weak tea (preferably green), rosehip decoction.Alcohol products, carbonated drinks, liquids with a high content of dyes and preservatives.

Healthy foods for the pancreas

The pancreas is the main digestive organ, secreting enzymes that can digest up to 10 kg of food per day.
With its small size (about 20 cm) and weight of 100 g, it performs a decisive function in processing the most complex part of products - fats, which are broken down only by steapsin. Direct work occurs in the duodenum, where food comes from the stomach after primary processing, bile from the gallbladder, and necessary enzymes from the gland. It is very important that the main digestive organ secretes the required amount of them, because both their deficiency and excess are dangerous for the body. Foods that are healthy for the pancreas help maintain the necessary balance.

In addition to the exocrine (digestive) function, the organ also performs an endocrine function - the production of insulin. The health of the pancreas determines whether a person will suffer from diabetes or not. Of the most important factors affecting the functioning of the main digestive organ, three should be highlighted:

  • fatty food;
  • alcohol and nicotine;
  • gallstones, which impede the proper discharge of bile and cause inflammation.

Considering that stones are formed when there is an excess of cholesterol-rich foods in the body, you should know which foods to avoid.


It is advisable to exclude sour fruits from your diet. Does not like the main digestive organ and coarse fiber. You can enjoy eating: watermelons, strawberries, pineapples, papaya, sweet green apples. If you have problems with the pancreas, it is better to bake them. You should refrain from pears, all types of citrus fruits, cherry plums, mangoes, plums, peaches and sour apples. If desired, you can eat them in small quantities or pureed.

If you have a healthy gastrointestinal tract, you can eat any vegetables. All of them have vitamins and microelements necessary for humans, but if problems arise, it is undesirable to use sorrel, white cabbage, rutabaga, radishes, spinach, radishes and turnips. But you can always add greens to ready-made dishes - parsley, dill and lettuce.

There is a lot of controversy about tomatoes, beloved by Russians, which remove cholesterol from the blood. One part of experts considers the vegetable harmful to the pancreas, while the other says the opposite. But both believe that when baked, these are very beneficial products for the pancreas. Like cucumbers, which are quite suitable raw.

The liver is the largest human gland, taking on the effects of toxins and poisons, storing nutrients, and also needs protection and rest. Therefore, when determining a diet, you should choose foods that are equally beneficial for the liver and pancreas. The list must include:

  • Beets containing flavonoids and nicotinic acid, fiber, betanin, betaine and other useful elements. It is able to fight inflammatory processes, stimulate the production of bile, remove cholesterol and excess fluid from the body. This product can be consumed in the form of juice, raw or boiled.
  • Pumpkin and melon are rich in magnesium.
  • Cauliflower and broccoli, rich in glucosinolate, actively fight harmful toxins and carcinogens, protecting against cancer.
  • Oranges and lemons, due to the presence of vitamin C, are very beneficial for the liver, but if you have problems with the pancreas, it is still better to avoid them.
  • Greens containing selenium, phosphorus and iron help fight unpleasant bitterness in the mouth and pain in the liver and pancreas.
  • Apples are suppliers of potassium, magnesium and iron.

When choosing drinks, you should focus on natural ones. These are the most beneficial foods for the pancreas. Compotes from dried fruits and those berries and fruits that are undesirable for consumption raw, but are important sources of vitamins. Decoctions of which rhubarb drink is very beneficial for the liver. Popular wisdom states: “Rhubarb roots in a decoction will give death to hepatitis.”

Green tea is one of the essential products. You can diversify the menu with the help of dairy drinks, excluding whole milk, and the leader in its usefulness - mineral water, which you can drink two to three glasses a day.

The human body is a single whole, the processes in it are interconnected. The food we eat every day affects the physical condition and health of each organ individually. Over time, organs get tired and “wear out.” With age, it becomes more difficult to digest junk food, and cases of gallstone disease or type II diabetes become more frequent. What leads to this and how to avoid such diseases? Let's find out together!

Each organ has its own “super foods”: for example, carrots for eyes and vision, cottage cheese for muscles, and oatmeal for the heart. What foods are good for the pancreas?

List of the best foods for the pancreas:

  1. Broccoli - rich in vitamin A;
  2. Greens - contains vitamin B;
  3. Flaxseed oil – high content of vitamin E;
  4. Seaweed - rich in cobalt and nickel;
  5. Pumpkin is a source of zinc;
  6. Red pepper is rich in sulfur;
  7. Any fruit is a whole cocktail of vitamins;
  8. Beetroot - contains zirconium and vanadium;
  9. Gooseberries are a source of chromium;
  10. Carrots are another food rich in vitamin A.

Eating these simple foods every day will help keep your pancreas healthy for years to come.

List of foods harmful to the pancreas that are best avoided:

  • Alcohol;
  • Fatty foods are very heavy and difficult to digest;
  • Rich broths are often fattier than the meat itself;
  • Dishes with a lot of spices;
  • Hot baked goods;
  • Vinegar, including dressings, marinades and so on;
  • Carbonated drinks, kvass;
  • Mushrooms in any form;
  • Eggs;
  • Legumes are also very heavy, so they will not benefit the pancreas and gall bladder;
  • It is better to keep dairy products to a minimum.

This food irritates the lining of the pancreas and causes it to produce more enzymes than normal, overloading it. As a result, pancreatitis or other diseases develop. If you have pancreatitis, these foods should not be in your diet at all.

The pancreas is one of the most important organs in the digestive system. It performs many functions in the body and, unfortunately, is quite often susceptible to various diseases.

Let's take a closer look at foods that are harmful to the pancreas and the rules of healthy eating.

The following foods are not only harmful to eat, but even dangerous to health, because their frequent consumption can provoke the development of inflammation of the pancreas.

  • Sweet carbonated drinks with dyes. Despite the fact that such sodas usually tingle pleasantly in the throat and look bright, they cause enormous damage to the entire digestive system, including the pancreas.

The fact is that these liquids irritate the mucous membranes of organs and provoke the development of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, especially ulcers, gastritis and pancreatitis.

  • Fast food. This subgroup includes not only French fries and hamburgers, but also all processed foods, ice cream and fatty foods. These products contain a huge amount of harmful concentrated fats, which make the work of this organ more difficult.

Moreover, with their frequent consumption, a person may develop gallstone disease, which will have to be treated surgically.

  • Chocolate and all confectionery products. It is good to eat real dark chocolate in small quantities, but its excessive consumption can cause the development of serious disorders in this organ.

The harm of confectionery products is explained by the fact that they contain large quantities of glucose, which is very quickly absorbed into the blood and requires the release of large doses of insulin (it helps to break it down). Consequently, the pancreas must work several times more intensely to cope with its task. This leads to disruption of its functions and provokes the development of diabetes.

  • Margarine is another dangerous ingredient found in store-bought sweets. Today it is added to almost all baked goods. Margarine is an artificial analogue of butter, but it contains synthetic preservatives and fats, which are very harmful to humans. For this reason, it is better to avoid eating sweets.
  • Coffee. This drink has recently become mega popular, but not everyone knows what harm it causes to the pancreas.

The fact is that coffee contains special substances that increase appetite and stimulate intestinal function. Because of this, enzymes begin to be rapidly produced in the body, namely in the stomach, the gland under it and the duodenum, but if a person does not eat, then these same enzymes independently begin to destroy the mucous membrane of the organs, which leads to their inflammation (more about inflammation of the gastric mucosa - gastritis - read here). For this reason, it is very harmful to drink coffee on an empty stomach, and even not have breakfast after that.

  • Alcohol is the real “enemy” of this organ, which literally destroys it. With regular consumption of such drinks, very harmful substances enter the human bloodstream, which cause spasms in the ducts of this organ. This mechanism, in turn, leads to the accumulation of toxins in its tissues, which provokes the development of ulcers.

In general, the negative impact of alcohol on this organ is difficult to overestimate, since this particular drink, no matter whether it is wine or strong cognac, will gradually lead to a disease such as pancreatitis. Moreover, if this disease is not treated, it can mutate and lead to cancer.

  • Garlic. This product by its nature is an irritant to the mucous membranes of internal organs. It is quite difficult to digest and often causes heaviness in the stomach. For this reason, garlic is strictly contraindicated for absolutely all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Mayonnaise is a sauce loved by many, which is also the “king” of harmful fats, vinegar and chemical additives. This product deals a real blow to the pancreas and cardiovascular system, causing the latter to deposit cholesterol in the vessels. For this reason, you should not eat mayonnaise in any quantities or additives.
  • Sausages and sausages. Today it is no longer possible to find truly natural sausages, since most of them contain a lot of dangerous fats, dyes, food additives and salt.
  • Fatty fish (trout) and meat (pork, duck). In addition, these products also include rich broths, jellied meat, aspic, fried meat or fish dishes. All this is a terrible “punishment” for the pancreas, which finds it very difficult to tolerate such food.
  • Mushrooms. These products can be eaten occasionally, but only in minimal quantities and boiled. Fried mushrooms are difficult for the pancreas, since they are very difficult and take a long time to digest.
  1. Poor nutrition (consumption of the above foods).
  2. Binge eating.
  3. Night meals.
  4. Eating on the run.
  5. Eating food that is too hot or cold.
  6. Unbalanced menu.
  1. Eating vegetable soups.
  2. Warm food.
  3. Porridge.
  4. Boiled meat and fish.
  5. Kefir and low-fat yoghurts.
  6. Black currants and apples.
  7. Seafood.
  8. Vegetable stew.
  9. Rose hip decoction.
  10. Natural juices.
  11. Dried fruits.
  12. Water.
  13. Green tea.
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