Enveloping food for the stomach. Food for the stomach. Foods that are good for the stomach

The stomach is one of the main organs of the digestive system. Any deficiencies in the diet negatively affect its functioning, changing the activity of the secretory and muscular apparatus, as well as compromising the integrity of the mucous membrane.

The work of the smooth muscles of the stomach and the activity of the secretion of digestive juices directly depend on the type of product eaten. Poor nutrition and the addition of harmful additives disrupt the balanced functioning of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract and manifest themselves in the form of various diseases.

However, there are certain useful products that can improve the condition of the stomach and the entire digestive tract. Below are 7 of the most effective ones.


Recent scientific work shows that ginger is effective for correcting a number of dyspeptic disorders (nausea and vomiting, discomfort in the epigastric region), eliminating the symptoms of motion sickness, and also during chemotherapy. The therapeutic effects of ginger are comparable to metoclopramide, a drug used to control vomiting.

Ginger is one of 13 foods that have been proven to improve digestion.

In addition, ginger also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and can be used for inflammatory diseases of the stomach and other parts of the digestive system.

Most often, ginger is consumed in its pure form or tea is brewed based on the root.

Ginger can be used to treat nausea and vomiting instead of toxic medications.


Mint is used to treat subjective unpleasant sensations (nausea, vomiting, feeling of fullness in the stomach) due to the content of powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents in the leaves.

It has been proven that mint helps improve the general condition of patients with irritable bowel syndrome and effectively eliminates symptoms such as bloating, stomach discomfort, and nausea.

How to use mint:

  • chew the foliage of a plant;
  • sniff mint extract;
  • suck candies based on it;
  • brew mint tea.

Regular consumption of mint helps to correct disorders of the stomach and other parts of the digestive system, as it contains painkillers and anti-inflammatory agents.

Apple vinegar

The acids contained in apple cider vinegar neutralize the body's absorption of starch. In addition, this remedy helps to normalize the microflora of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract by increasing the number of beneficial bacteria and reducing the population of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms.

Against the background of using 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar per day, the risk of developing gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori drops by 2-3 times.

One scientific study has proven the direct effect of apple cider vinegar against E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci and Candida fungi. The effect is realized due to inhibition of protein synthesis in the microbial cell.

Regular addition of this product to the diet helps not only prevent the formation of malignant cells, but also destroy existing ones. Studies were carried out on live rats and in test tubes based on isolated cell cultures.

Apple cider vinegar is an effective remedy for eliminating dyspeptic disorders, preventing dysbiosis and cancer.

Dairy products for the stomach

Dairy products provide the body with the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Milk protein is a complete protein. It is easily digested by the stomach and intestines. In addition to all this, milk contains calcium and other important microelements.

Nutritionists say that a balanced diet for the stomach should consist of low-fat dairy products. It is best not to heat them if the person is not intolerant. Fermented milk products normalize the secretion of the digestive canal, facilitate the digestion of food, and create a feeling of fullness.

Healthy foods for the stomach and intestines.

  1. Kefir. It is absorbed by the body faster than milk. If you consume a fresh product, it will help normalize the intestinal flora and enhance intestinal motility.
  2. Natural yogurt without various additives. This drink is rich in beneficial microbes. They normalize the functioning of the entire digestive system.
  3. Cottage cheese. Contains large amounts of calcium, phosphorus and vitamins. It can be eaten in any form or added when preparing various dishes.
  4. Hard cheese. Refers to protein foods. Contains amino acids. If the patient adheres to a dietary diet, then the diet should include cheeses of natural origin with a fat content of about 45%.
  5. Butter. It should be consumed in small quantities. It is necessary for the stomach, good digestion and normal functionality of the gallbladder.

If you include such products in your diet, this will protect the walls of your organs from negative effects and maintain normal immunity and microflora.


Probiotics are bacteria beneficial to the intestinal microflora, which are essential for the body to form local immune factors in the digestive tract and adequately digest foods.

Probiotics have a wide range of benefits:

  1. improved digestion;
  2. increasing local and general immunity factors;
  3. improvement of energy metabolism due to the production of large amounts of vitamin B12;
  4. relief of inflammatory processes of the pancreas, liver and mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. reduction of dry skin and hair fragility;
  6. restoration of the natural intestinal microflora after long-term use of antibacterial drugs;
  7. weight loss and overall health of the body.

Read more about the benefits of probiotics here →

A lack of probiotics leads to various pathologies of the immune system (including the formation of autoimmune and allergic processes).

Current scientific research shows that probiotics are effective against Helycobacter Pylori. It is this bacterium that is associated with 99% of cases of gastritis and peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

A sufficient amount of extremely beneficial probiotics is found in natural yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, as well as in some types of cheese (Gouda, Mozzarella, Cheddar), in regular cottage cheese and other fermented milk products. 10 more products with probiotics here →

Probiotics are necessary to maintain normal intestinal microflora and prevent inflammatory lesions of the stomach.

High Protein Foods

Normally, hydrochloric acid is secreted by the parietal cells of the stomach. It breaks down a number of proteins and provides primary antiseptic processing of food, preventing the entry of various pathological agents into the lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Unfortunately, a situation very often develops in which hydrochloric acid is produced in excess volumes, which leads to damage and irritation of the gastric mucosa. This circumstance is one of the leading risk factors for inflammatory and ulcerative pathologies.

According to scientists, foods that contain large amounts of protein help neutralize hydrochloric acid and eliminate a number of symptoms (a feeling of rapid filling of the stomach, nausea and vomiting, heartburn).

Thus, food with a high percentage of proteins is indispensable for the treatment and prevention of hyperacid gastritis.

Possible diseases and stomach problems

The most common stomach disease today remains gastritis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organ with a further change in its structure. This process leads to the gradual death of important glands that secrete substances to protect the stomach itself from the hydrochloric acid contained in the gastric juice, which can lead to a pre-ulcerative condition and the formation of ulcers.

Violation of the acidity (pH level) of gastric juice is a consequence of a malfunction of the organ and the cause of the further development of stomach diseases, pain and discomfort. Such failures most often occur due to poor nutrition, so monitoring the diet is required both for prevention purposes and to reduce the load on the stomach and successfully treat diseases.


Regular consumption of fish (herring, cod, pink salmon, salmon) is beneficial for people suffering from chronic gastritis, colitis and other stomach pathologies.

It is known that fish contains a significant amount of proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals, which participate in the formation of normal microflora of the digestive tract and prevent the development of infectious and inflammatory pathologies.

In addition, seafood is easily digestible and dietary food.

Also, omega-3 fatty acids in fish prevent a number of abnormalities of the heart and blood vessels (including atherosclerosis).

Fish is necessary to saturate the human body with essential nutrients and prevent a number of chronic stomach diseases.

How to distinguish foods that are good for the stomach

If you study various lists distributed on the Internet, you will notice one pattern - products identified as healthy are not always suitable for feeding patients with gastritis, ulcers, colitis and other diseases. You should pay close attention to this - if the doctor has prescribed a therapeutic diet with, for example, a predominance of soft foods. Fiber-rich diets from the Internet will have to be postponed until recovery.

The most useful foods for maintaining a healthy stomach:

  • flaxseed is a source of soluble and insoluble fiber, vegetable proteins, B vitamins, retinol, and tocopherol. Promotes the most complete absorption of nutrients from food, helps with various intestinal problems, is a good natural stimulator of peristalsis, and contains substances that “envelop” the mucous membranes. Regular consumption of flax seeds soaked in water, according to traditional medicine, helps prevent gastritis;
  • Oatmeal, oatmeal, and oatmeal flour are rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber. A universal food product, coarse porridge is good for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. In particular, it takes a little longer to digest than other popular breakfasts, so it can be considered a good choice for a person who prefers longer, 4-5 hour breaks between meals. The so-called oatmeal or flour is an excellent choice for those who, on the contrary, need softer and more easily digestible food. Additionally, both contain B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system and the functioning of metabolism in general;
  • Whole grain bread is a source of fiber, convenient for everyday nutrition. Almost no effort is needed to replace the usual white bread with whole grain or at least bran bread. Both of these types of bread improve gastrointestinal motility, promote better digestion, and contain B vitamins. Rye bread is considered the lowest in calories, but mixed grain products are more diverse in their vitamin and mineral composition;
  • berries, especially gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. Berries not only contain a large amount of fiber, but are also relatively low in simple sugars; they are quickly digested and well absorbed, bringing beneficial antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to the body in the most accessible form;
  • avocado - the product has a healing effect on the mucous membranes, contains a large amount of vitamin E, and omega-three fatty acids. And its soft texture and abundance of fiber at the same time allow the fruit to be consumed even by people with gastrointestinal diseases. Replacing conventional mayonnaise-based sauces and other fatty foods with avocado cream with natural herbs can be very beneficial;
  • fermented milk products with live bifido and lacto cultures. Contrary to popular belief, not only “live yoghurts” and kefir are healthy, but also other dairy products, in particular, low-fat natural cottage cheese is more filling than yoghurts, but contains no less live cultures. It is believed that the consumption of dairy products is indicated for all people except those diagnosed with lactose intolerance;
  • Bananas are a source of quick energy for snacking without harming the gastrointestinal tract. They help maintain a healthy state of intestinal microflora, help get rid of constipation, and are recommended for snacking even for people with gastritis;
  • vegetables - any vegetables are good for the stomach and in almost any form. Their consumption not only saturates the body with fiber, but also helps to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Typically, lean meat and fish are not included in the lists of foods that are good for the stomach, however, they can safely be added to any of the common lists, because they allow the food bolus to be denser and “load” the stomach muscles with useful work.

Fresh apples

Apples contain many vitamins (C, B1, B2, B6, E, P), macro- and microelements (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, boron, iodine, copper, chromium, nickel, zinc), organic acids , pectins and sugars.

It has been proven that apples normalize the motor-evacuation function of the stomach, increase the viability of the sphincter apparatus, and effectively prevent the development of constipation. The action is ensured by oxalic acid and pectins, which irritate the receptors of the mucous membrane and stimulate peristalsis.

No less important is the enveloping effect, which reduces the absorption of sugars (especially important in pathologies of the glycemic background and obesity) and increases the resistance of the inner lining of the stomach to harmful factors (hydrochloric acid, pepsin, bacteria).

It is recommended to eat at least 1-2 apples per day. Apples can be eaten both in the morning for breakfast and at night as a last meal.

Fresh apples are needed for adequate and balanced functioning of not only the stomach, but also the entire digestive tract.

Dairy products

It is best to ferment dairy products that are good for the intestines yourself and make yogurt from them (using a special yogurt maker), curdled milk or kefir. You can also purchase such products in a store, but in this case you should pay attention to the expiration date; the product must be fresh, and the storage time itself must be short. This indicator will indicate the absence of preservatives; in addition, the composition should not contain flavors, dyes or other chemicals.

Lactic acid contained in the products described above helps cleanse the intestines of putrefactive microorganisms. If you drink kefir and eat cottage cheese every day for a week, you will improve significantly. Another product that helps normalize the digestive process is feta cheese. This cheese is not only tasty and healthy, but also well suited for dietary nutrition.

Very often on store shelves you can see yogurt or cottage cheese with some kind of fruit filling, unfortunately, such a product loses its properties. This is due to the fact that fruit acid neutralizes lactic acid.

What to avoid

There are a large number of harmful and heavy foods, the frequent consumption of which disrupts not only the functioning of the stomach, but also all parts of the digestive system, and also negatively affects the health of the body as a whole.

Below are the most dangerous products that you should avoid:

  1. Hot peppers. Promotes irritation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. With increased acidity of gastric juice, abuse of acute gastritis can lead to dyspeptic disorders (nausea, heartburn, feeling of rapid filling, epigastric pain), as well as provoke the development of acute gastritis or exacerbation of chronic gastritis.
  2. Alcohol. Causes “relaxation” of the central nervous system, therefore, the regulatory function of the brain decreases. This leads to incompetence of the esophageal and antral sphincters. Against the background of regular reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus and bile from the duodenum, heartburn, chemical gastritis and even malignant formations develop.
  3. Fried food. We contain a lot of fats that are extremely difficult to digest. Ultimately, this leads to a slowdown in the motility of all parts of the digestive system, the formation of constipation, and activation of fermentation processes. Also, frying in oil produces a significant amount of toxins, which reduce immunity and increase the risk of cancer.
  4. Smoked meats. Many studies have shown a direct connection between this category of products and the frequency of development and exacerbation of chronic diseases (gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer).
  5. Carbonated drinks. They irritate the gastric mucosa (even to the point of reactive gastritis), increase the absorption of nutrients along with various toxic metabolites, which should normally be neutralized and excreted from the body.
  6. Instant noodles. It contains a lot of harmful substances (a lot of sodium, a lot of fat), but the main problem for the stomach is an almost complete stop of motor activity for some time (from 45 minutes to 2-3 hours). The noodles quickly occupy the entire free volume of the stomach and linger there for primary digestion, at which time the gastro-duodenal sphincter opens and bile reflux occurs. In the future, this leads to the formation of gastritis and various pathologies of evacuation of stomach contents.

Of course, the list of harmful products is much wider, but the most dangerous components are described above. To maintain a healthy stomach, you should consume more natural, unprocessed substances.

Harmful products

If you eat healthy foods, but do not exclude harmful ones, there will be no effect from proper nutrition. Very harmful:

  • alcohol;
  • fast food;
  • fried and smoked;
  • sweet sodas.

You cannot eat a large amount of flour products at one time, they greatly overload the intestines. It is also not recommended to combine meat, legumes and eggs. When eaten together, these foods take a very long time to digest and can cause inflammation in the intestines. If you have diarrhea, you should exclude milk, fresh fruits and vegetables from your diet, as described above.

Eating dry food can harm the body. It is also worth remembering that even the most beneficial foods for the stomach and intestines can be harmful if eaten in a spoiled state.

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