Signs and treatment of gastritis in children

Medical Consultant Gastroenterology Gastritis in children: causes, symptoms and treatment

Gastritis in children most often develops at school age, but even children are not immune from its occurrence. Even minor changes in a child's diet can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the occurrence of this disease, which is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Gastritis has several forms and its treatment depends not only on the type, but also on the age of the baby. If symptoms are detected, the child should be shown to a doctor, since independent and untimely treatment can lead to the development of serious complications.

  • Types and forms of gastritis
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment methods

    Use of drugs

  • Diet
  • Use of folk remedies
  • Prognosis and possible complications
  • Prevention
  • Brief description of the disease

    Gastritis is one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in children and adults. Pathology represents inflammatory or inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the gastric mucosa. The disease varies in origin, symptoms, and course. It occurs with impaired regeneration and cell atrophy with the replacement of normal glands with fibrous tissue.

    The progression of gastritis leads to disturbances in the basic functions of the stomach, and primarily secretory.

    An approximate set of measures for the treatment of acute gastritis

    Most often, a gastroenterologist prescribes procedures in the following sequence:

    1. Gastric lavage - either in the doctor's office or at home using manganese dissolved in water, drunk with high intensity and followed by profuse vomiting;
    2. Sorbent medications - they will help reduce high acidity during gastritis, without a strong negative effect on the gastric mucosa;
    3. Gastrocytoprotective drugs - they provide additional protection for the gastric mucosa, and also reduce acidity, these include Maalox and Phosphalugel;
    4. If the exacerbation of gastritis in a teenager is long-term, then the use of drugs that weaken the secretory function of the stomach is indicated - such as Ranitidine;
    5. Enzyme drugs - catalyze chemical processes in the body, these include Mezim and Festal;
    6. A gentle diet is built; during periods of exacerbation of gastritis in a teenager, it should be very strict in order to preserve the gastric mucosa;
    7. In rare cases, for severe pain, painkillers are prescribed;

    Types and forms of gastritis

    In children, this disease occurs in two forms - acute and chronic. In the first case, the disease is an inflammation of the mucous membrane caused by the negative effects of harmful environmental factors. According to the nature of the lesion, acute gastritis is divided into the following types:

    1. Phlegmous. Purulent inflammation that appears with ulcers and some infectious diseases.
    2. Fibrinous. The disease develops due to acid poisoning and severe infectious pathologies.
    3. Corrosive. Inflammation occurs when alkali or concentrated acid penetrates the stomach.
    4. Catarrhal. The disease occurs as a result of severe food poisoning and poor nutrition.

    Chronic gastritis differs from acute gastritis not only in the duration of its course, but also in the mechanism of development. It is practically asymptomatic, but is characterized by periodic exacerbations. A chronic form occurs as a result of a violation of the secretory function of the stomach with a decrease in the protective properties of the mucous membrane. There are several types of this disease:

    1. Erosive. In this case, ulcers and erosions appear on the inner surface of the stomach.
    2. Infectious. The cause of the development of this type of gastritis in children is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
    3. Chemical. The disease develops with prolonged use of medications.

    Diet for a child with chronic gastritis

    The diet for chronic gastritis in children is based on the principles of mechanical, chemical and thermal sparing of the stomach.

    Rough, spicy and fatty foods, smoked meats, baked goods, chocolate, chips, soda and other “unhealthy” foods should be excluded from the child’s diet.
    The amount of fresh vegetables is sharply limited .
    They are replaced with boiled or stewed ones. All food should be steamed, boiled or stewed. Do not serve food that is too hot or too cold. Boiled meat and fish, dairy dishes, omelettes, soft-boiled eggs, well-cooked cereals, dried white bread, weak tea or rosehip infusion are recommended

    In children, chronic gastritis usually occurs against a background of normal acidity or with its increase. Therefore, most often young patients are prescribed dietary table No. 1, a weekly menu plan for which may look something like this.

    On our website: Chronic erosive gastritis: symptoms, treatment, diet


    08:30. Milk rice porridge, soft-boiled egg, tea with milk. 11:00. Applesauce with sugar. 13:30. Vegetable puree soup, potato and zucchini puree, boiled meat, fruit jelly. 16:00. Rosehip decoction, dry cookies. 18:30. Baked fish with milk sauce, carrot puree, tea with milk and honey. 21:00. Non-acidic kefir.


    08:30. Milk oatmeal, cottage cheese casserole with sour cream, tea with milk. 11:00. Stewed apple or pear. 13:30. Puree vegetable soup, steamed meatballs, mashed potatoes with butter, dried fruit compote. 16:00. Rosehip decoction, cracker. 18:30. Fish balls, boiled buckwheat porridge, jelly. 21:00. Warm milk.


    08:30. Semolina porridge with milk, steam omelette, coffee drink with milk. 11:00. Fruit jelly. 13:30. Milk soup, steamed meat cutlets, carrot puree, fruit jelly. 16:00. Rosehip decoction, dry cookies. 18:30. Boiled fish, pureed buckwheat with butter, dried fruit compote. 21:00. Non-acidic kefir.


    08:30. Milk rice porridge, non-sour cottage cheese, tea with milk. 11:00. Baked apple. 13:30. Milk soup, boiled white chicken, mashed potatoes and zucchini, fruit jelly. 16:00. Rosehip decoction, cracker. 18:30. Poached fish, pumpkin puree, tea with milk and honey. 21:00. Warm milk.


    08:30. Milk buckwheat porridge, soft-boiled egg, tea with milk. 11:00. Fruit mousse. 13:30. Vegetable soup, steamed chicken cutlets, carrot puree, apple mousse. 16:00. Rosehip decoction, dry cookies. 18:30. Boiled rice, steamed meat, fruit jelly. 21:00. Non-acidic kefir.


    08:30. Oatmeal with milk, cottage cheese casserole with sour cream, coffee drink with milk. 11:00. Baked apple. 13:30. Pumpkin puree soup, boiled meat, mashed potatoes with butter, dried fruit compote. 16:00. Rosehip decoction, cracker. 18:30. Fish fillet balls, boiled buckwheat, jelly. 21:00. Warm milk.


    08:30. Semolina porridge with milk, steam omelette, tea with milk. 11:00. Baked pie with jam, jelly. 13:30. Fish soup with vegetables, steamed cutlets, rice pudding, apple mousse. 16:00. Rosehip decoction, dry cookies. 18:30. Chicken souffle, mashed potatoes and zucchini, tea with milk. 21:00. Non-acidic kefir.

    On our website: Is it possible to cure alcoholic gastritis?


    Children over 3 years of age are most prone to developing the disease.

    Among the main reasons for its occurrence it is worth highlighting:

    • poor nutrition;
    • stress;
    • congenital structural features of the stomach;
    • infectious diseases;
    • genetic predisposition;
    • helminthic infestations;
    • grueling workouts;
    • long-term treatment with medications;
    • autoimmune disorders;

    In adolescents, gastritis often develops from drinking alcohol and smoking.


    The primary signs of this disease in children are bloating, weakness and discomfort in the stomach.

    Acute gastritis is characterized by pronounced symptoms, such as:

    • painful sensations;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • belching;
    • heartburn;
    • purulent odor from the mouth;
    • problems with bowel movements.

    Chronic gastritis has no characteristic symptoms and can be virtually asymptomatic for a long time. The development of this disease in a child may be indicated by:

    • periodic pain in the hypochondrium;
    • flatulence;
    • feeling of heaviness after eating food;
    • dizziness;
    • anemia;
    • drowsiness.

    The signs of gastritis are similar to the symptoms of other stomach diseases in children and if they are detected, you should immediately make an appointment with a qualified specialist.


    A gastroenterologist treats gastritis in children. At the clinic, he conducts a visual examination and prescribes additional examinations:

    • probing;
    • electrogastroenterography;
    • ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs;
    • endoscopy, if necessary with biopsy.

    To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor also prescribes blood, stool and urine tests. In some cases, the specialist also conducts pressure measurements in the digestive tract and a breath test for Helicobacter pylori.

    Treatment methods

    After confirming the diagnosis, the attending physician develops an individual treatment regimen, taking into account not only the form and type of gastritis, but also the age of the child. Therapy can be complex and includes the use of drugs, a special diet and the use of traditional medicine.

    Treatment of gastritis in children is carried out at home and hospitalization is required only in severe cases.

    Use of drugs

    Drug treatment of this disease directly depends on the age of the patient, since most medications are contraindicated in children under 12 years of age. Most often, experts recommend using the following drugs:

    Age groupRecommended drugs
    3-5 years
    • Sorbents aimed at absorbing harmful substances (Sorbex, Enterosgel);
    • antispasmodics to relieve pain (Platifillin);
    • enzyme preparations that help normalize stomach function (Mezim, Festal)
    6-10 years
    • Means for normalizing gastric motility (Motilium, Trimedat);
    • enzymes in case of disturbances in the processes of food digestion
    11-14 years old
    • Antibacterial drugs to eliminate the infection that caused inflammation (Clarithromycin, Omeprazole);
    • antacids to neutralize hydrochloric acid and eliminate belching, heartburn (Gastal, Almagel);
    • enzymes;
    • painkillers

    The dosage and duration of taking a particular drug is determined by the doctor. At home, it is necessary to strictly follow his recommendations and not stop using medications without prior consultation, even if the child’s condition improves.


    One of the important points in the treatment of gastritis in a child is a special diet. It is based on the exclusion of foods that irritate the gastric mucosa. Food should be consumed in warm, crushed form in small portions 5-6 times a day. It is recommended to steam the dishes.

    List of prohibited and permitted products:

    Bakery productsStale breadFresh and black bread
    • Rabbit;
    • chicken;
    • turkey;
    • veal
    • Mutton;
    • pork
    FishLow-fat varieties
    • Caviar;
    • canned products
    • Homemade noodles;
    • premium overcooked pasta
    Durum wheat pasta
    Dairy and fermented milk products
    • Whole and condensed milk;
    • kefir (in small quantities);
    • low-fat cottage cheese and cheese
    Fat cheese
    • Olive oil;
    • butter

    Use of folk remedies

    Traditional medicine is used as an auxiliary therapy. Before using them, you should consult your doctor.

    Among the most effective means it is worth highlighting:

    NameIngredientsCooking methodApplication
    Infusion based on a collection of medicinal herbs
    • 1 tbsp. l. yarrow, chamomile and calendula inflorescences;
    • 0.5 l boiling water
    Pour boiling water over the herb mixture and let it brew for about half an hour.Filter before use and drink during and after meals
    Flaxseed decoction
    • 2 tsp. seeds;
    • 0.25 l boiling water
    Flaxseeds should be brewed in boiling water and placed in a dark place for 8-10 hours.On an empty stomach, drink 1/3 of a glass of liquid and eat the seeds. Use the remaining product in 2 doses throughout the day. Course duration: 30 days
    Milk with added honey
    • A glass of milk;
    • 2 tbsp. l. flower honey
    Heat the milk slightly and dissolve honey in itDrink daily, before bed
    Burdock root infusion
    • 1 tsp. dry crushed raw materials;
    • 0.5 hot water
    The plant material must be filled with water, allowed to brew for 12 hours and filtered.Drink half a glass 4 times a day before meals

    One of the effective remedies for gastritis in children is sea buckthorn oil, which you need to drink 1 tsp. twice a day before meals. The course of treatment should be 30 days, and then it is recommended to repeat it, taking a four-week break.

    Nutrition for a teenager with signs of gastritis

    An important place in the treatment of gastritis in a young teenager’s body is a properly structured diet. There are several important rules, following which the chance of a full recovery increases significantly.

    1. The 5 meals rule speaks for itself. In this case, it is better to reduce the amount of food consumed at a time to 30-50% of the usual portion. It is highly undesirable to eat less than 5 times a day, but increasing the number of meals by another 1-2 times is quite acceptable;
    2. The rule of healthy food is that dishes should be prepared exclusively from fresh products, the choice of which must be approached carefully. It is better to eat the dish immediately after preparation, or at least on the same day. This is due to the emergence of fermentation processes in products. Even if placed in the refrigerator, they cannot be 100% safe for a teenager;
    3. The rule of heat treatment is that food should not be fried. Cooking food in a steam bath is considered ideal; stewed or boiled food is also quite acceptable. But if you want to please your child, then 3-4 weeks after the exacerbation you can prepare him baked dishes in the oven, but it is still better to consult a doctor about this.

    Sample menu recommended for use by a teenager with gastritis:

    • Porridge cooked in water; standard buckwheat, rice and oatmeal will do; you can diversify your diet with wheat cereal;
    • Steamed meatballs or cutlets from white low-fat fish, as well as dietary meat (chicken breast, turkey, rabbit);
    • Puree soups, based on broths from dietary meats;
    • You can drink - weak warm tea, decoctions of medicinal herbs, dried fruit compotes;
    • Folk remedies such as honey, wheat bread crackers and biscuits will help you recover well.


    The development of this disease occurs gradually, under the influence of a large number of different factors. In order to prevent gastritis in a child, the following general recommendations should be followed:

    • undergo an annual preventive examination at the clinic;
    • exclude fatty, fried and spicy foods from the child’s diet;
    • reduce the amount of sweets, lemonades, and fast food consumed;
    • follow the diet recommended for a certain age group;
    • treat stomach and intestinal diseases in a timely manner.

    Experts also recommend creating a daily routine for your baby and feeding him at approximately the same time. It is necessary to protect the patient from stress, ensure that he eats food slowly and washes his hands before eating.

    Gastritis in children is a disease that requires complex therapy. Parents need to carefully monitor the condition of their children and, when the first signs of this disease appear, seek help from a qualified specialist to confirm the diagnosis and draw up an individual treatment regimen. Uncontrolled use of various medications and untimely contact with a specialist is fraught with the development of various complications and serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the child.

    Commonly Prescribed Drugs

    All medications prescribed for gastritis for adolescents are divided into several groups, each of which has a specific effect on processes in the stomach and intestines.

    • Antacids or gastrocytoprotective drugs - this group of drugs reduces acidity in the stomach. This occurs due to the enveloping of the stomach walls with a film. They prevent flatulence and stimulate the secretion of bicarbonates through the secretory function of the stomach.
    • Antisecretory drugs - these drugs, on the contrary, are aimed at increasing the amount of juice secreted in the stomach. They block H2 receptors, they are also called proton pump inhibitors;
    • Prokinetics – restore the motor function of the stomach and stimulate the motility of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
    • Enzyme preparations - they accelerate (catalyze) chemical reactions occurring in the stomach;
    • Sorbents - these drugs absorb excess gastric juice in the stomach;
    • Painkillers - relieve sharp and aching pain in the stomach in a teenager.

    It is important to remember that all of the above medications can only be prescribed by the attending gastroenterologist. Under no circumstances should you try to make a diagnosis yourself or use any of the medications listed above, with the exception of sorbents (in the form of activated carbon) or painkillers (No-spa).

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