Stitch from Caesarean
Causes and treatment of hemorrhoids after cesarean section
Why are hemorrhoids dangerous? For a woman who has undergone a cesarean section, hemorrhoids will bring a lot of additional inconvenience and aggravate
Is it possible to eat semolina porridge with pancreatitis?
The basis of the diet for inflammation of the pancreas consists of cereal dishes. Among the recommended products
My hemorrhoids burst, what should I do?
Hemorrhoids are a common pathology that is associated with physical inactivity, poor diet, constipation, and hereditary venous pathology.
Childbirth with hemorrhoids - is it possible? and how to give birth with hemorrhoids, our advice
Hemorrhoidal pathology is a common, common disease that most often occurs in expectant mothers. Inflammatory
Death from pancreatitis
The disease pancreatitis: what kind of disease is it, how does it manifest itself and why is inflammation of the human pancreas dangerous?
In recent years, mortality from pancreatitis has increased greatly. The problem, of course, concerns the acute form of the flow
Creon 10000 how many times a day to take
How to drink “Creon 10000” for adults: instructions for use, dosage, reviews
Composition and principle of action of the drug It is recommended to take Creon both in chronic forms of pathology and
Pancreatic disease constipation
Causes of the disease and mechanism of development Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas tissue, which is accompanied by
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma: symptoms, stages, treatment methods and prognosis
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is a malignant tumor, which, according to statistics, accounts for 80% of
Breathing and therapeutic exercises for pancreatitis for the pancreas
Third: without inhaling, make four movements with your chest, simulating breathing. Try not to strain your abdominal muscles.
How to treat intestinal dysbiosis in adults with folk remedies
How to suspect dysbiosis In the intestines of every person there is a huge number of microorganisms: beneficial (ensure normal
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