How to cleanse the liver with herbs. What herbs are good for the liver, how to brew and how to take herbs

Useful herbs for the liver

There are many ways to cleanse the liver.
At home, for this purpose, it is best to use medicinal herbs that help gradually cleanse the organ. However, you need to know that some of them have contraindications. Thus, they can provoke an exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

Therefore, before you begin self-cleansing the body with the help of herbs, you should consult a doctor.

So what herbs can cleanse the liver? Listed below are the best remedies that restore and cleanse the liver:

  1. St. John's wort. As a rule, it is used to prepare aromatic herbal tea. But not everyone knows that this herb contains a natural antibiotic that disinfects the body.
  2. Immortelle. It can be found in the summer months in the forest-steppe and steppe zones. The plant has round yellow flowers with a tart odor. To independently harvest this herb, you need to collect it in an environmentally friendly area. You can also buy immortelle at the market and in the pharmacy.
  3. Milk thistle (thistle). This herb is most often used to treat the liver. Due to its detoxifying properties, it is a component of many medicines (tablets, capsules).
  4. Chamomile. The flowers of this plant have a mild antiseptic effect. Moreover, it has almost no contraindications.
  5. Artichoke. This plant contains a large number of useful microelements and vitamins. In addition, artichoke helps remove toxins from the liver and reduce cholesterol levels.
  6. Calendula. This plant is very similar in properties to chamomile. However, calendula has a more pronounced antiseptic effect.
  7. Dandelion. The root of this plant is used for therapeutic purposes. Dandelion is known for its ability to neutralize poisons accumulated in the liver.
  8. Knotweed. This healing herb can be found in almost every yard. It has small leaves and long stems that reach to the ground. This plant has a pronounced diuretic effect, promoting the rapid removal of toxins from the liver and blood.

These herbs quickly and effectively cleanse the liver of toxins and other harmful substances accumulated in it. To cleanse the liver and gallbladder, you can use various herbs individually or in combination.

It is imperative to take into account contraindications to the use of a particular plant, so as not to harm the body.

Choleretic preparations with natural ingredients

NameComposition and indications
BarberineThe main active ingredient is barberry alkaloid. Used for chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis, hypokinetic dyskinesia
HolosasContains rose hips. It is used to treat viral hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, and is also prescribed in case of poisoning
KarsilMade from milk thistle extract. The medicine is prescribed for acute poisoning, fibrosis, cirrhosis, chronic liver damage, fatty liver disease

The name of the drug, duration and scheme of its use are determined by the doctor, taking into account the etiology and severity of the disease.

  1. Herbal mixture for the liver: cleaning recommendations and review of herbal medicines, price in the pharmacy and treatment rules
  2. Herbs for the liver and gallbladder
  3. Herbs for treating the liver and gallbladder
  4. What herbs cleanse the liver – All about the liver

How to cleanse the liver with herbs

How to cleanse the liver with herbs and is it harmless to health? After all, plants can be quite dangerous, especially if there are stones. And not all herbs for the liver and gall bladder are used for certain diseases. It is important not to rush in this matter and to understand it properly. In addition, you can’t just go and start taking decoctions or infusions of herbs for the liver, pancreas or gall bladder - you first need to thoroughly prepare for cleansing.

Before you start using herbs to cleanse and cleanse the liver from toxins and stones at home, prepare properly for this (2-3 days in advance):

  • Cleanse your colon with laxatives or enemas for several days. When it is clogged, toxins removed from the liver are absorbed by the intestinal walls, causing even greater poisoning of the body.
  • Start following a diet low in animal fats, completely avoiding alcohol, smoked and heavy foods. Alcoholic beverages should not be consumed for a month after using herbs to restore the liver.
  • Avoid active physical activity. Any collection of herbs for the liver affects the gallbladder, ducts and neighboring organs. And overly active training, especially jumping and climbing mountains, can, against the background of an increased outflow of bile, provoke a sharp passage of stones with the development of colic.

It is advisable to cleanse the liver after a diet violation, when a person periodically consumes fatty foods, smoked foods, overeats and begins to feel unsatisfactory. Slagging can manifest itself as weakness, poor skin condition, and low brain productivity.

What are the results

A course of taking herbs to cleanse the liver allows you to achieve the following results:

  • improve complexion;
  • increase performance;
  • reduce the number of infectious diseases, including influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections;
  • restore normal sleep and good overall health;
  • increase the activity of the hormonal system;
  • slow down the aging process of the body.

Proper cleansing frees the liver tissue from bile clots, small stones, mucus, and supplies medications and hormones. And this increases the functionality of the organ, which also affects a person’s well-being.

Rules for herbal treatment

Improving the liver with herbal teas is one of the safest and most accessible methods of preventing diseases of the hepatobiliary system. But for such cleansing to be effective, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. during herbal medicine, it is necessary to exclude any toxic effect on the liver, including alcohol, tobacco and medications;
  2. you need to give up fatty, fried and smoked foods, as well as synthetic products (convenience foods, chips, soda);
  3. you need to eat in small portions - 5 times a day;
  4. It is better to have breakfast before 10 am;
  5. a week before starting herbal treatment, you need to switch to vegetarian lean food;
  6. It is recommended to consume vegetable juices from carrots and beets daily;
  7. black tea and coffee should be replaced with green tea or chicory, and sugar with honey;
  8. It is better to clean in the summer, since the daily diet should include pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, eggplants and dill;
  9. try to start every day with exercise;
  10. If there are no contraindications, then once a week you should visit a bathhouse or sauna, since warming up the body enhances the process of cleansing it of toxins and stagnant bile.

You must take the herbal decoction regularly, otherwise the treatment will be ineffective. But the optimal course duration is 1 month. If during this time the therapy does not produce results, the course should be repeated after a couple of weeks.

Liver cleansing with immortelle

Immortelle has a positive effect not only on the liver, but also on the gallbladder and pancreas. It helps relieve these organs of bile stagnation and relieve inflammation. Immortelle also has a strong bacterial effect.

  • Consumption of immortelle can increase blood pressure, so it is better not to use this plant for hypertensive patients.
  • In addition, pregnant and breastfeeding women should not take this herb.
  • The therapeutic course using immortelle can last from 3 to 5 weeks. You cannot take the decoction any longer.

To cleanse the liver, you can drink an infusion based on dried immortelle flowers, which is not difficult to make.

  1. 10 gr. dried herbs should be poured with a glass of water, then put on fire and boiled.
  2. After this, the broth should sit for at least 15 minutes.
  3. Afterwards the infusion is cooled at room temperature. The resulting product is stored in the refrigerator.
  4. The medicine should be taken 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

Herbs for liver cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is a chronic liver disease in which damage and death of cells occurs and they are replaced with scar tissue, as a result of which the functioning of the organ is disrupted, its appearance and structure changes - deformation, wrinkling and hardening of the liver. The causes of the disease are infectious diseases, mainly chronic hepatitis and intoxication, including alcoholism, etc.


Wash the potato tubers well, peel them, chop them on a fine grater and squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass using gauze.

Take 100 ml. on an empty stomach.

Chop 5-6 horseradish leaves, pour in half a liter of high-quality vodka, cover tightly with a lid and leave in a dark place at room temperature for a week, remembering to shake periodically. Strain, squeeze out the raw materials.

Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

Stinging nettle (leaves) – 10 gr., rose hips (fruits) – 20 gr., creeping wheatgrass (rhizomes) – 20 gr. Chop the leaves and roots and mix the herbs that treat the liver.

1 tbsp. collection pour 200 ml. water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat, warm and leave until warm. Strain. Bring the resulting broth to its original volume using boiled water.

Take 200 ml. 2 times a day.

What herbs can be used to heal and cleanse the liver?

The liver is a multifunctional organ involved in the processes of hematopoiesis and digestion. Poisoning of the liver with waste and toxins inevitably leads to a deterioration in its functioning and the development of various diseases and pathologies. To avoid this, it is recommended to cleanse the liver regularly, at least once a year, using improvised means.

Regular liver cleansing will help prevent many diseases and pathologies.

This can also be done at home. The most popular and safest method is to cleanse the liver and gallbladder with herbs.

Depending on the chosen cleaning method, you can use single-component and multi-component herbal preparations, which include plants that have choleretic, laxative and diuretic effects. How to properly prepare mixtures and decoctions, what rules should be followed during the cleaning process - we will consider these and other issues in more detail.

Any medicinal plant (pictured) has special properties and contraindications.

To treat and cleanse the liver, you can use various medicinal herbs, the properties of which will be shown in the video in this article.

Plant nameMain beneficial properties
Elecampane.Helps effectively cleanse the liver of waste and toxins.
Corn silk.Stimulates the flow of bile.
Calendula.It has a non-directional effect, promotes the outflow of bile.
Agrimony.Reduces inflammatory processes and stimulates secretion formation processes.
Oats.Cleanses the body, removes toxins and waste.
Lingonberry berries and leaves.They have a choleretic effect.
Chamomile.Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Knotweed.It has antibacterial properties and stimulates the activity of the digestive tract.
Mint.Improves the activity of the intestinal tract and liver.
Sandstone.Used to relieve soreness and spasms.

The above herbs can be used either separately or in combination with other medicinal plants. Before using any medicine, it is necessary to exclude possible contraindications and the risk of side effects. Only a doctor can do this after a comprehensive examination of the patient.

Advice! If there is a sharp deterioration in the condition and the appearance of severe discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the cause and further eliminate it.

To cleanse the liver, multicomponent preparations are most often used.

Most often, cleansing the liver with herbs involves the use of multicomponent preparations, which include plants that have choleretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

As a rule, taking decoctions based on such compositions helps not only cleanse the liver, but also improve the health of the body as a whole.

Herbal collection No. 1

To effectively and gently cleanse the liver of toxins and waste, you can use a collection that should be used for just three days. This remedy stimulates the flow of bile and restores the activity of the digestive tract.

It must be prepared as follows:

  • mix a tablespoon of pre-prepared birch buds and half a glass of unrefined oat grains;
  • pour half a liter of boiling water over the resulting mixture;
  • let the drink brew, cool and strain.

This remedy should be taken daily, morning and evening, in the amount of one glass. The mixture should be prepared every day.

Drink only freshly prepared decoction

To obtain the maximum effect during the period of taking the decoction, you should adhere to a gentle diet based on the consumption of vegetables, fruits and fermented milk products.

Herbal tea No. 2

The following herbal option has an excellent effect, stimulating the flow of bile and normalizing the functioning of the liver:

  1. It is necessary to combine the following types of medicinal plants in equal parts: calendula, pre-crushed corn silk, knotweed and horsetail herbs. Chop all the herbs.
  2. Two tablespoons of the resulting mixture must be poured with a couple of glasses of boiling water and simmered over low heat for fifteen minutes. Cool the product, let it brew and strain.

The herbal infusion should be taken half a glass at least three times a day. This should be done in strict accordance with the recommended regimen: after three days of treatment, stop taking it for a week.

Next, you need to resume the course and take the infusion for two weeks, after which take a seven-day break. Next, the mixture must be consumed continuously for three weeks.

It is better to consult your doctor before starting treatment

Herbal tea No. 3

Gentle cleansing of the liver with herbs from the pharmacy can also be done by using the following medicinal mixture, instructions for preparation of which are given below:

  1. It is necessary to combine one glass of unrefined oat grains and birch buds. Add a couple of tablespoons of pre-chopped lingonberry leaves to the prepared mixture.
  2. The resulting mixture should be poured with three liters of boiling water, and then left to steep for at least twelve hours.
  3. After the infusion is ready, you should strain it and mix it with half a liter of decoction prepared from one glass of pre-crushed rose hips.

Birch buds are a famous medicinal plant

To obtain a cleansing effect, you should drink this remedy for two weeks, consuming one third of a glass of decoction daily. It is recommended to do this fifteen minutes before main meals.

Advice! To improve the flow of bile and stimulate metabolic processes, in addition to taking decoctions, it is recommended to drink soothing tea based on mint and linden at night.

Celandine will help remove toxins and waste.

Traditional treatment methods often recommend cleansing the liver and kidneys through the use of celandine. This plant has powerful choleretic and diuretic properties, and also helps to normalize the functioning of the liver and reduce inflammatory processes.

To prepare the remedy you need:

  1. Mix ten grams of celandine herb and garlic cloves previously minced through a meat grinder, as well as five grams of dry wormwood herb. During the preparation of the product, care should be taken, since contact of celandine juice with the skin can cause irritation.
  2. The finished mixture should be poured with half a liter of high quality natural white wine and simmered over low heat for ten minutes. Store the finished infusion in a container with a tight-fitting lid in a cool place.

This infusion should be consumed for a week, after which you should take a seven-day break. Next, you need to drink the product until it is completely gone.

You should drink the medicine once a day, two tablespoons. The infusion has a beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys; cleansing in this case occurs through stimulation of choleretic and diuretic processes.

Corn silk

Corn silk stimulates the flow of bile and reduces appetite.

Corn silk has a powerful choleretic and diuretic effect, and also contributes to a mild laxative effect. It is thanks to the combination of these beneficial properties that complete cleansing occurs; the kidneys are also cleansed and healed thanks to the use of this method.

In order to prepare a useful medicine, you need:

  • a tablespoon of stigmas should be poured into a glass of water and boiled for half an hour;
  • after the specified amount of time has elapsed, remove the broth from the heat and add to it such an amount of pre-boiled water to obtain the initial volume of the product;
  • Strain the infusion, cool and store in the refrigerator.

You should drink the resulting infusion at least three times a day, one tablespoon at a time. To obtain a positive effect, the duration of the procedure should not be less than ten days. To improve the properties of the decoction, it is recommended to consume as much liquid as possible.

Cleaning with rose hips

The mildest option for liver cleansing is cleansing through the use of rose hips. The procedure for taking the drug should be carried out within three days. Such a short duration of the treatment course is due to the high effectiveness of the drug.

Rosehip is a source of vitamin C

You need to cleanse your body as follows:

  1. First you need to prepare a rosehip decoction. To do this, pour three tablespoons of pre-crushed fruits with a couple of glasses of boiling water, pour into a thermos and leave to infuse for twelve hours. It is advisable to brew rose hips in the evening.
  2. In the morning, strain the infusion and divide into two parts. To the first you need to add three tablespoons of sorbitol, mix thoroughly and drink quickly.
  3. The second part of the decoction should be drunk just like that, that is, without the need to add additional components. This should be done twenty minutes after taking the first portion of the infusion. In between doses, it is recommended to engage in intense physical activity.
  4. An hour after taking the second glass of rosehip infusion, you should eat something for breakfast. On this day, it is not recommended to overload the stomach; you should only eat boiled vegetables, fresh fruits and liquid cereal porridges.

Cleansing the liver with herbs at home using this method should be carried out in strict accordance with the following scheme: you need to consume the decoction for three days, between which you need to take a two-day break. To maintain the obtained effect after completing the treatment course, it is not recommended to overeat, consume unhealthy and heavy foods, or alcohol.

A healthy liver is important

The liver is a kind of filter that helps cleanse the hemolymph of toxins and waste.

That is why it is most in need of systematic procedures aimed at cleansing it.

How to use calendula to heal and cleanse the liver

The liver has many functions for the stable functioning of the body, one of the main ones is cleansing the blood of poisons and toxins. Our liver is exposed to various harmful effects every day, such as alcohol, medications that are all practically toxic and poisonous, modern food stuffed with various chemicals, and even chlorinated tap water.

Being in a constant increased working rhythm, the liver becomes vulnerable to various diseases, and its functions may also be impaired, so a modern person should think about how to help his liver and give it the opportunity to recover.

Fortunately, there are herbs in nature for treating the liver, and I want to tell you about the best and most effective ones. Another advantage of herbs is that with them you don’t have to worry about side effects and overdose.

We suggest you read: Tablets for the liver after alcohol for treatment and prevention

If we judge which herbs are the most beneficial for the liver, then milk thistle will certainly come first. The seeds of this weed, so to speak, growing everywhere are the most effective medicine for the liver known since ancient times.

I will not go into detailed descriptions of the chemical composition and all the beneficial properties of milk thistle, because if you are interested in it, you can google it yourself and I will only tell you the main thing you need to know: milk thistle seeds treat all known liver diseases!

Macro and microelements found in milk thistle seeds not only help in treating the liver, they also promote the formation of new liver cells and stimulate their rebirth.

So if the question is what herb to drink for the liver, then milk thistle is the best option, but just don’t forget about the other beneficial herbs that nature has given us.

Dandelion root

Dandelion is another plant that is considered a weed, but in fact is one of the best herbs for the liver and grows everywhere, so you should not have problems collecting it.

Dandelion root is most effective in healing and restoring the liver, but you can also use its leaves. A salad made from young fresh dandelion leaves is very tasty, and most importantly healthy.

Every spring I enjoy using fresh leaves in salads. They also say that dandelion roots make excellent coffee, but I myself am not a coffee drinker and therefore cannot say how tasty this drink is, but I am sure that it will also be beneficial for the liver.

Tansy is another excellent herb for treating the liver, which stimulates its work, also has a beneficial effect on the liver and activates the work of bile. It grows everywhere in abundance throughout Eurasia, so preparing your own medicinal raw materials will not be a problem.

Tansy flowers effectively act as a choleretic and anthelmintic.

Most medicinal herbs for the liver have a very bitter taste, and tansy is no exception. Bitterness comes from specific substances found in plants that stimulate the functioning of the liver and bile.

In addition to the herbs that I have already listed, there are also such useful ones as wormwood, calendula, gentian, chamomile, mint, artichoke, fennel and others. In this article I have indicated a selection of the best and most effective ones that you can easily assemble yourself.

I would like to recommend you two of the most effective recipes, tested from my own experience, that will help you heal and restore the functions of your liver and gallbladder.

The ingredients are all simple and easily accessible, some you can collect and prepare yourself, others will need to be bought at the market, in a health food store or in the herbal department of a pharmacy.

If it is really difficult to get something in your area, then nowadays you can always use the search and order the missing remedy via the Internet.

What herbs do we need:

  • Milk thistle seeds 100 grams
  • Dried gentian root 50 grams
  • Dried dandelion root 50 grams
  • Ginger root dry powder 50 grams
  • Wormwood dry leaves and flowers 30 grams
  • Fennel seeds 50 grams

All components must be crushed to a powder state, after which the ground parts of the medicinal herbs must be mixed. Pre-soak two tablespoons of the mixture in two hundred grams of distilled or purified water.

It is advisable to take the infusion once a day, an hour before meals. It is advisable to take a break one day a week.

The course of treatment is at least four weeks, but in general it all depends on the individual; if the process is severely advanced, then the course will need to be repeated.

How to determine how advanced the liver condition is? Well, this is if after the course of treatment you still feel pain and discomfort. Everyone knows how wrong he had led a life before. If your liver is unhealthy, you will notice it immediately and you will definitely not feel good.

You can still get tested, but only to find out your condition. The main thing here is to think with your head and not follow the doctors’ lead, otherwise they will immediately stuff you with chemicals falsely called “medicine”, then, as usual, they will tell you to cut it. They cannot stoop to an unscientific method of treatment with herbs, nature; it is easier for them to scientifically kill a person.

I also used this recipe for cleansing the liver and removing gallstones from my own experience in my practice.

Once upon a time, when I was still eating all kinds of store-bought crap, I periodically began to experience severe and sharp pain in the liver area. During the attacks, the pain was so strong that I had to stand on my knees all night, bent over, in this position it was at least a little easier to bear the pain. After all medical procedures and tests, the doctor determined cholelithiasis. The exacerbation threatened with surgery, but I solved the problem thanks to a liver cleansing recipe.

Required ingredients:

  • Lemon with peel 1 pc.
  • 200 ml. freshly squeezed citrus fruit juice, any one you like or a mix of them (orange, tangerine, grapefruit)
  • Pure water 200 ml.
  • Extra virgin olive oil (1-5 tablespoons)
  • Garlic 1-5 cloves
  • Fresh ginger root, about the size of your thumb

Place all of these ingredients into a blender and mix. The amount of olive oil and garlic should be increased daily, starting with one spoon and one clove on the first day and gradually increased to five, and you can also increase the dosage of fresh ginger root, it helps cope with nausea and gas.

If you don’t have a blender, then I don’t even know what you can replace such a convenient thing with, I think that this is an INEXPENSIVE and very necessary thing in the kitchen that everyone should have! who decided to take care of proper nutrition and their health. If you really have no money, I can offer to sell the TV and buy a blender))).

The liver cleansing cocktail is taken in the morning half an hour before meals for three weeks and it is advisable to take a break one day a week.

Over the last 15-20 years, a healthy lifestyle has become fashionable again, so there are more frequent calls not to let problems progress to the point of becoming dependent on expensive medications and medical procedures. For the already outdated word “herbalist” (a healer who uses the beneficial properties of herbs for medicinal purposes), an equivalent was found - herbalist. Herbal medicine is a modern approach to treatment with natural herbal preparations obtained on the basis of traditional recipes proven over centuries.

The relevance of the use of herbal preparations in availability and safety when used correctly and in dosage. This applies to any medicine, but herbal ones have no side effects if the recipe and dosage are followed.

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If the collection is compiled taking into account possible reactions to the components, then the recipe for the infusion or decoction will be included in the personal recipe book for many years. From multicomponent preparations recommended for treatment or prevention, it is easy to remove the ingredient that causes an allergy or unwanted effect if you collect the raw materials yourself.

Not a single herbalist will claim that complete healing is possible if only herbs are used for liver disease. Herbal medicine is a powerful support for an organ weakened by a disease, an auxiliary measure during standard treatment, an opportunity to facilitate and speed up recovery after an illness. No collection can replace traditional therapy, even if it contains the most beneficial herbs for the liver.

During the recovery period, herbal remedies cope with the task without pills, if the degree of organ damage allows independence from medications. To prevent diseases, periodic use of the herb to cleanse the liver allows you to prevent problems altogether.

Concentrated juice is prepared from the fresh plant, which is then diluted and drunk. To do this, you need to take fresh celandine, chop it coarsely and pass it through a meat grinder. The resulting mass needs to be squeezed out and the juice put in the refrigerator for a day. A liter of juice is diluted with 0.5 liters of vodka, poured into a bottle and placed in a dark place.

The advantage is that at the same time the intestines are cleansed and you can get rid of hemorrhoids. But therapy should be started with small doses and monitor the condition of the body. If your health suddenly worsens from the tincture, you should stop taking the medicine.

What herbs should you choose for effective liver cleansing?

Not all medicinal herbs are suitable for the liver; here you should pay attention to special names that will have the maximum effect.

I would like to immediately remind you that prophylaxis with herbs in a healthy person can be carried out calmly on their own, but against the background of chronic or acute diseases, cleansing with herbs should be coordinated with the attending physician. Treatment with traditional recipes will be useful only under this important condition.

There are different ways to carry out restorative procedures when using herbal decoctions. Here you need to prepare in advance and understand which herbs are ideal for the liver and will help you achieve your goals as quickly and effectively as possible.

Review of effective herbs for liver cleansing: pharmacy and home liver preparations

St. John's wort can be used to cleanse the liver, either alone or as part of a liver herbal tea. For a preventive effect, the herb is added to tea. The medicinal properties of St. John's wort are explained by the fact that it contains an antibiotic of natural origin. Therapy using St. John's wort should last at least 2 months.

It’s easy to prepare a decoction based on it:

  1. 10 gr. Dried herbs should be poured with a glass of water.
  2. Then the mixture is boiled for several minutes and cooled at room temperature. Afterwards the product must be strained.
  3. Drink the finished medicine one tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.
  4. If after using the decoction your health does not worsen, then after a two-week break you can repeat the course.

It is not enough just to know which herbs cleanse the liver. Before using them at home, you should consult a specialist, as they have many contraindications.

  • Herbs should be used with extreme caution by people who have chronic diseases.
  • They should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women.

In the absence of contraindications, doctors treating liver diseases recommend using such decoctions systematically, otherwise their therapeutic effect is lost.

All herbs must be properly prepared for use. If you have no experience in collecting and preparing herbs yourself, it is better to buy them at a pharmacy.

There are contraindications. Specialist consultation required

pageCleansing the bodyLiver

The liver performs many functions, among which the main one is that of the body’s natural filter; it cleanses the blood of bacteria, viruses, and harmful microorganisms.

Throughout life, toxic substances clog the organ, which causes the formation of stones and diseases. An effective way of detoxification is medicinal plants.

Liver cleansing herbs cleanse the blood and internal organs, but many have contraindications that aggravate the problem.

Medicinal plants have been used in folk medicine for centuries. If you have a choice between medicinal plants and pharmaceutical products, you cannot give preference to one side.

The individual condition of the patient and the speed of development of the disease play a role. Cleansing the liver with herbs brings both benefits and harm to the body. Many herbs can aggravate a chronic disease.

Before starting an independent home cleansing of the body, be sure to consult a specialist.

  • strengthening the immune system, purifying the blood;
  • relief from headaches;
  • establishing gastrointestinal processes;
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • cleansing the whites of the eyes;
  • stabilization of the emotional background;
  • general rejuvenation of the body.
  • individual intolerance to the effects of certain plants;
  • when treating acute stages of the disease, the condition may worsen;
  • negative consequences in case of production of drugs from low quality raw materials;
  • the likelihood of side effects due to incorrect dosage or unacceptable combination of plants.

Healing herbs have the ability to restore health and cleanse internal organs. Natural folk medicine rich in microelements, iron. The action is mild and there are no side effects. Suitable herbs for cleansing the liver and gallbladder are milk thistle, wormwood, corn silk, mint, rosehip, nettle, dandelions, fume, celandine, immortelle, chicory.

Plant nameActionPrecautionary measures
  • stimulates the formation of bile, preventing stagnation;
  • neutralizes the activity of pathogenic flora.
It is not recommended for use for jaundice, gastritis and hypertension.
St. John's wort
  • restores and cleanses the liver and bile ducts;
  • effective for cirrhosis.
Milk thistle (thistle)
  • powerful detoxifier;
  • the substance silymarin in the plant triggers the process of restoration of hepatocytes.
Cholecystitis in the acute stage, pancreatitis.
  • the infusion neutralizes the effect of poisons in the liver and cleanses the lymph.
Gallstones and diarrhea.
  • diuretic effect;
  • removes toxic substances from the blood.
Gastrointestinal diseases, hypotension, constipation, thrombosis.
  • mild antiseptic.
Diarrhea, ulcers.
Rose hip
  • powerful choleretic effect;
  • relieves the kidneys and gallbladder of toxins.
Gastritis, hypertension.
  • rich in vitamins;
  • promotes the removal of cholesterol, cleanses the blood and blood vessels.
Gastritis, hypotension.
Corn silk
  • treatment and prevention of liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatosis), kidneys, intestines;
  • eliminates bladder infections, pancreatitis, swelling, inflammatory processes of the prostate gland.
Varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, stones (more than 10 mm), inflamed bladder, hypokalemia.
  • essential oils in the composition improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • promote the production of pancreatic enzymes;
  • choleretic effect.
Pregnancy. Wormwood strongly excites the nervous system; an overdose can cause convulsions, hallucinations, nausea and vomiting, and reduce hemoglobin levels.
  • alkaloids, essential oils and natural antibiotics in the plant have an antiviral, anti-inflammatory effect;
  • a powerful antibacterial agent, effective in the fight against cancer.
The dosage must be strictly observed, the plant is poisonous and can cause poisoning.
  • powerful immunostimulant, antioxidant;
  • An effective remedy for liver diseases.
Gastritis, ulcers, increased stomach acidity.
  • reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels, improves bile flow;
  • restores hepatocytes from the influence of alcohol and drugs.
Pregnancy, prohibited for children under 12 years of age, high blood pressure, inflammation, infectious and mental diseases.
  • removes accumulated harmful substances;
  • simplifies the outflow of bile, enhances the cleansing function.
Pregnancy, breastfeeding, gallstones, individual intolerance.
Birch buds
  • have a diuretic effect;
  • prevent the formation of stones.
Kidney failure.
  • does not increase sugar levels;
  • strengthens the eye muscles, infects with energy.
Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • tones and relieves pain;
  • effective in the treatment of bladder diseases and urolithiasis.
Pregnancy, prohibited for children under 12 years of age, breastfeeding, ulcers, gastritis, hypertension.
Product nameCompoundAction
Liver herbal tea No. 20Knotweed, corn silk, yarrowImproves the functional state of the liver
Liver herbal tea - the herb of life Aminai EmPeppermint, corn silk, rose hips, St. John's wort, chamomile, tansy, Japanese knotweed herbRestores damaged cells, protects the organ from toxins, infections, ensures the outflow of bile, prevents the formation of stones
Herbal tea No. 7 “Hepatochol” (liver)Milk thistle, immortelle, mint, chamomile, dandelion roots, St. John's wort, rose hips, corn silk, stringRestores the liver, has choleretic properties, stimulates the work of the bile ducts, prevents congestion in the gallbladder
Liver phytobalm for the liver “Multivitamin” (Greenvisa)Immortelle, yarrow, peppermint, coriander, dandelion, steelwort, sugar, citric acidEffective in the treatment of hepatitis, gapatosis, in the initial stages of cirrhosis, cleanses of waste and toxins
Monastic liver collection for liver cleansingMint, chamomile, calendula, fennel, corn silk, knotweed, agrimony, immortelle, elecampane rootPrevents the formation of stones, has a choleretic effect, improves health, relieves inflammation and cleanses the bile ducts.
Tibetan collection for cleansing the bodyChamomile, immortelle, St. John's wort, birch buds, leaves, strawberries.Positively affects the functionality of the liver, improves metabolic processes.

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To enhance the cleansing effect of herbal infusions, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Eliminate alcoholic beverages, fatty, fried and smoked foods, processed foods, chips, and carbonated water from your daily diet.
  2. Eat small amounts of food 5-6 times a day.
  3. Breakfast must be served before 10 am.
  4. Before starting herbal medicine (1 week in advance), you need to eat lean food.
  5. It is recommended to consume freshly squeezed vegetable juices (carrots, beets) and cereals.
  6. An alternative to black tea and coffee is Chinese green tea and chicory; it is better to use honey instead of sugar.
  7. It is better to start cleansing with herbs in the summer. The menu should be varied (cucumber, tomato, zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant).
  8. It is recommended to start the morning with exercise.
  9. In order to enhance the effect of cleansing by warming up the body, once a week you can resort to the services of a bath or sauna (if this is not contraindicated). The condition will help get rid of toxic substances and bile stagnation.
  10. In order for the treatment to be effective, the use of plants must be regular. Take optimally within a month. If there is no result, the course is repeated after 2-3 weeks. If the duration of the course is indicated in the instructions for the herbal tea, then you should not take it longer, as it may cause side effects. Chamomile and dandelion are considered safe and can be taken for a long time, combined with other herbs.

To prepare a medicinal decoction or herbal tincture, preferably use 1 tablespoon of dry product per glass of boiling water, and infuse the herbal mixture for 30-40 minutes. But there may be slight deviations from the standard cooking recipe.

Milk thistle

Pour 30 grams of plant seeds with 0.5 water, cook for 30 minutes until the volume of water boils by half. Take one tablespoon of tea before meals.

Corn silk

The plant is used both independently and as part of preparations. 1 tbsp. l. pour half a liter of cold water over the dry product, boil, and keep on low heat for half an hour. Strain, drink one tablespoon 2-4 times every day.


How do herbs affect the liver?

To achieve cleansing of liver cells from accumulated harmful substances, it is necessary to establish the process of bile synthesis. It is she who is responsible for removing toxins from the human body. After performing cleansing procedures, many patients note a significant improvement in their well-being. Due to the fact that plants have a positive effect on the blood, taking herbal teas will benefit all internal systems.
Using herbal mixtures for cleansing, you can:

  • Get rid of headaches. Clean blood entering the brain enriches it with a large amount of oxygen and nutrients.
  • Improve the process of digesting food. Thanks to the flow of bile to the organs of the digestive system, metabolism occurs much easier, and remaining waste and mucus are removed from the body much faster during the process of emptying.
  • Strengthen the immune system. Sludged blood and liver are often the causes of a decrease in the body's natural defenses. By eliminating toxic substances from internal organs, immunity can be significantly improved.
  • Improve skin condition. With liver diseases, patients often experience swelling, skin rashes, a yellow complexion, and fine wrinkles.
  • Clean the whites of the eyes. Thanks to intensive nutrition of blood vessels, you can get rid of the yellowness of the proteins.
  • Stabilize the emotional background. Frequent fatigue and bad mood often arise due to general poor health.
  • Rejuvenate the body. A healthy liver will help you look younger and have a beneficial effect on your appearance.

Dangerous herbs for the liver

Not all plants are healthy. There are herbs that have toxic effects, especially when taken in higher dosages. There are harmful and dangerous herbs for the liver. Many of them do not have a toxic effect, but in one way or another negatively affect blood flow or the rate of renewal of hepatocytes.

Potentially harmful herbs for the liver and pancreas:

  • coltsfoot: destroys liver cells, promotes the development of portal hypertension, cirrhosis, carcinoma - cancer;
  • senna: contains anthraquinone, which destroys hepatocytes and leads to necrosis;
  • comfrey: causes the formation of foci of cirrhosis, promotes the dilation of veins that nourish liver cells, causes the replacement of hepatocytes with connective tissue, and can provoke the growth of malignant tumors.

Use caution when using these herbs, especially over long periods. They can be used to treat other organs, but the liver suffers greatly. Before using any plant, it is recommended to consult a doctor and collect as much information as possible about possible contraindications and side effects.

We invite you to watch a video about treating the liver with milk thistle.

Dandelion for liver cleansing

Dandelion flowers, leaves and roots are used for therapeutic purposes.

The root of this plant in dried form is especially valuable for restoring the liver.

To harvest dandelion root yourself, you need to collect the plant in August, after flowering. Assembly must take place in an environmentally friendly area. The roots are dried either using a dryer or naturally (in a well-ventilated room).

  1. To make a dandelion-based decoction, you will need dried roots (20 g) and a glass of water.
  2. The mixture must be boiled and cooked for 15 minutes.
  3. Then add another half glass of clean water to the broth.
  4. Next, the product is infused for half an hour. The resulting medicine should be drunk every day, ¼ cup three times a day.

Herbal cleansing

The use of medicinal herbs has long been considered a gentle way to cleanse the body, because they are not capable of causing side effects when used wisely.

Varieties of herbs

Each herb has its own specific effect on the body. The most suitable herbs for cleansing the liver are:

  • Wormwood (contains absinthine, which stimulates the formation of bile and intestinal secretion).
  • Immortelle (has an analgesic effect, reduces the acidity of bile).
  • Dandelion (thanks to the essential oils found in this plant, bile flows out and cells are restored).
  • Rosehip (relieves inflammation, cleanses bile of toxins and stabilizes weight).
  • Nettle (normalizes metabolism, reduces sugar levels, has a high choleretic effect).
  • Plantain (has antioxidant properties, relieves discomfort).
  • Chicory (due to its insulin content, stimulates the excretion of bile).
  • Milk thistle (produces neutralizing and regenerating properties for liver cells).
  • Dymyanka (relieves inflammation in internal organs, produces a good choleretic effect).
  • Artichoke (the active substance triggers the release of bile and provides an anti-inflammatory effect).
  • St. John's wort (exhibits antibacterial effects due to the content of essential oils).
  • Tansy (rich in beneficial properties that can relieve spasms, inflammation in the liver and gallbladder).
  • Chamomile (it contains biological acids and flavonoids that prevent cirrhosis).
  • Sage (used as part of the collection, removes toxins, reduces the risk of stone formation).
  • Burdock root (has choleretic and diuretic properties, exhibits an important effect in cell regeneration).
  • Yarrow (helps in organ restoration, is actively used for cleansing).
  • Fenugreek (used to protect internal organs from the effects of pesticides).
  • Birch buds (a product prepared with the addition of this product promotes the removal of bile).

The above herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy.


To prepare the collection at home, you can combine any of the above plants with each other. Each selected herb is supposed to be mixed one to one.

The herbal mixture for cleansing the liver is prepared in approximately the same way: pour 3 tablespoons of the prepared mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it brew. Then strain and drink the same day.

Recipes for infusions that cleanse the liver:

  1. Take chamomile flowers, celandine, St. John's wort and mint. Chop each plant, add 1/4 of water a tablespoon at a time, cook for 6 minutes. Every morning drink a glass of strained broth.
  2. Mix calendula flowers, plantain, and horsetail in equal proportions. Prepare a decoction at the rate of one tablespoon to two glasses of hot water. Let it brew for 30 minutes, drink 1/2 glass a day after meals.
  3. To clean, mix chicory root with mint. Then pour 500 ml of boiling water for half an hour. It is advisable to drink it hot, one glass per day.
  4. Mix lemon balm sprouts with mint, add celandine and nettle. Then add a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take the infusion one glass once a day.
  5. Take immortelle, chamomile flowers, celandine and a little plantain. Prepare the resulting mixture in a 1:1 ratio. Pour boiling water overnight. In the morning, strain and reheat. Application: half a glass of the prepared liquid is drunk before meals.
  6. Milk thistle decoction. Take 20 grams of seeds and boil in 500 ml of water. Take 50 ml with each meal.

To make rosehip tea, you will need to use the root of the plant. After grinding, pour two tablespoons with half a glass of water. Cook for 10-15 minutes, consume three times a day.

Medicinal tea from calendula, mint, chamomile and milk thistle is prepared as follows: take 40 grams of the mixture in half a glass of water. Pour boiling water and leave for no more than half an hour. For greater effect, take 30 minutes before meals.

Liver cleansing with chamomile

Chamomile is generally not used specifically for liver cleansing. The flowers of this plant are added to other herbs for treating the liver to enhance the antiseptic effect of the decoction.

  1. You can prepare an herbal mixture that includes:
      2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. immortelle;
  3. 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort;
  4. 1 tbsp. l. crushed birch leaves;
  5. 2 glasses of water.
  6. The herbs are poured with water, the mixture is boiled, and then allowed to brew for 15 minutes.
  7. Next, the broth should be filtered and cooled.
  8. The medicine is taken one tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.

Chamomile can be added to any herbs, as it has almost no contraindications.

Plants for biliary dyskinesia

The disease is characterized by deterioration of the motility of the bile ducts. They become relaxed (hypotonicity) or overly tense (hypertonia). The changes lead to insufficient flow of bile into the small intestine and disrupt the digestion process. To restore natural balance, choleretic herbs are used.

List of the best folk remedies:

  1. Decoction of angelica root: pour 30 g of dry raw material into 500 ml of water, cook for 5 minutes. Drink warm, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  2. Prepare the mixture: mix lemon balm (10 g), buckthorn bark (20 g), rose hips (60 g), immortelle (15 g), celandine (50 g), mint (20 g). Brew 1 teaspoon of the mixture in a glass of water. After 15 minutes, drink, adding honey.
  3. Pour fresh St. John's wort flowers (1 tablespoon) with olive oil (150 ml), leave for a month in a cool, dark place. Drink 5 ml 30 minutes before meals in the morning and evening.

Herbal medicine for dyskinesia is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, the duration of the course is adjusted depending on the results of treatment.

Milk thistle for liver cleansing

The liver can be cleansed with milk thistle, which is considered one of the main herbs for cleansing and treating liver pathologies. It is actively used for the preparation of folk remedies, as well as in pharmaceuticals.

Milk thistle (milk thistle) has flat, hard, dark green leaves with spines at the ends. The plant also has a fluffy lilac flower. You can make milk thistle yourself, or you can buy it ready-made at the pharmacy. Thistle seeds and oil are also used to cleanse the liver.

For preventive purposes, drink thistle tea. You can add mint and honey to create a pleasant taste. This tea is drunk on an empty stomach for 1 month. On the doctor's advice, the course can be repeated after a three-week break.

  1. To independently prepare a decoction based on thistle, you will need seeds (30 grams) and 2 glasses of water.
  2. The mixture is boiled for about half an hour until the amount of water is reduced by half.
  3. The resulting medicine should be drunk one tbsp. l. before every meal.

Artichoke for liver cleansing

Artichoke is one of the plants that can be eaten on an ongoing basis. Artichoke leaves and roots are known for their diuretic and antibacterial properties. Artichoke also helps rid the liver of excess bile.

This plant can be consumed by adding it to other vegetable dishes, for example, in vegetable stew, or you can prepare juice from its leaves.

The latter not only helps remove toxins from the liver, but also treats vitamin deficiency well.

A healing artichoke decoction can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. The crushed dried leaves of the plant are poured with water, the mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for 10 minutes. For a glass of water you will need 60 grams. leaves.
  2. Then the broth is infused and filtered.
  3. The resulting product is drunk 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

What herb treats the liver with cholelithiasis

The liver performs many diverse functions, its role for the normal functioning of the whole body is enormous, therefore problems in its functioning can be expressed in the form of various symptoms that at first glance are not related to the work of the liver, including frequent feelings of hunger, a sharp feeling of cold or heat, cramps, impaired color perception, the occurrence of papillomas, hair loss, a sharp, unpleasant odor of sweat and many others.

The correct diagnosis can only be made by a doctor who deals with liver diseases - a hepatologist. This is why it is so important to undergo regular preventative medical examinations.

Treatment of the liver, based on its important role in the body, should be carried out with medications under the supervision of a doctor you trust. Herbs for liver diseases are an auxiliary method to the main one.

Gallstone disease is a disease in which, due to metabolic disorders, poor nutrition, excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates, a sedentary lifestyle, infections, genetic predisposition, stones from cholesterol, bile pigments, and lime salts are formed in the gallbladder and its ducts.

The main symptom of the disease is pain in the liver area. But the disease can also occur unsystematically, and only through an ultrasound does a person learn about the presence of stones in his gall bladder.


  • 2 tbsp. dill (seeds) pour 400 ml. water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, wrap and leave until warm. Strain. Bring the resulting broth to its original volume using boiled water.

Take 100 ml. 4 times a day, warm. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

  • 1 tbsp. parsley or 2 tsp. pour 200 ml of root. water, bring to a boil and simmer for 1 minute. Remove from heat, cover with a lid, insulate and leave until warm. Strain.

Accept without restriction.

  • A good remedy for the gradual and painless dissolution of stones is beetroot juice.

Wash the rich burgundy beets, remove the peel and grate them on a fine grater. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass using gauze.

Before drinking, fresh beet juice MUST be left to stand for 2, or preferably 4, hours in an open container to remove substances that negatively affect the human body. Remove foam.

The juice is concentrated and not everyone tolerates it equally well, so you should start taking it with 1 tablespoon, gradually increasing the single dose to 50-100-125 ml, depending on how you feel.

For cholelithiasis, taking beet juice for a long time.

Mix equal parts (by volume) lemon juice, black radish and olive oil. Take 1 tbsp. in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

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