Consequences of hemorrhoids - how dangerous they are if left untreated

Hemorrhoidal disease is quite common and is a sensitive problem that is not talked about much. Office workers who lead a sedentary lifestyle are especially susceptible to this pathology.
Poor nutrition and associated constipation also contribute to the occurrence of the disease. To prevent the later stages of the disease, you should know the main symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Classification of hemorrhoids is carried out according to a variety of criteria: by localization, by characteristics of the course, by the mechanism of occurrence, by symptoms. We talked about this in more detail in the article about the types of hemorrhoids. However, for treatment, the localization of hemorrhoids is primarily important, depending on which the internal and external forms of the disease are distinguished. Let's look at their characteristic features.

Manifestations of external hemorrhoids

In the external form of the disease, enlarged hemorrhoidal “bumps” are located in the lower rectum. In this case, they can fall into the anus and cause certain symptoms. These include:

  • feeling of discomfort;
  • pain;
  • itching;
  • bleeding from the rectum.

Feeling of discomfort

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids include a feeling of heaviness in the anus. Patients also often complain of a feeling of incomplete bowel movement after bowel movements.

Pain syndrome

Depending on the nature of the course and stage, pain may have different intensity. At an early stage, the pain is minor and short-lived. If inflammation of the nodes occurs, it can be sharp, stabbing or tugging. A characteristic manifestation of hemorrhoids is pain when sitting or while going to the toilet.


A common sign of external hemorrhoids is itching in the anal area. It may be caused by mucus that irritates the skin around the anus. Mucus discharge and itching are often the first manifestations of the disease.


With hemorrhoids, a symptom such as bleeding is a common occurrence. Usually blood is released from the rectum at the end of a bowel movement. It is not mixed with feces and has a scarlet color.

Hemorrhoidal bleeding can lead to anemia

With hemorrhoidal disease, bleeding is small, regular or periodic. Often, chronic blood loss leads to signs of anemia: pale skin, fatigue, drowsiness, shortness of breath, etc.

Important: if blood is mixed with feces, or the stool is dark, almost black, this is a sign of some other disease of the digestive tract, but not hemorrhoids. In any case, if there is bleeding from the anus, you should consult a doctor.

Other symptoms

The listed signs are not yet a direct indication of hemorrhoidal disease. So which of the symptoms of hemorrhoids is key for diagnosis? With almost no doubt, the diagnosis can be made if the hemorrhoidal node (or nodes) emerge from the anus to the outside. In the initial stages, this occurs only with strong straining, and the nodes are reduced on their own. At later stages, the inflamed nodes cannot retract back; in this case, they can only be set manually.

When diagnosed with hemorrhoids, these symptoms can occur in any order, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. You can also learn about the symptoms of hemorrhoids from the video at the end of the article.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

In most cases, hemorrhoids begin unnoticed. For some time, people may feel a feeling of heaviness and mild discomfort in the anus. Since these symptoms do not affect general well-being and performance, the person does not consult a doctor. However, this stage is the most favorable for carrying out preventive measures. Subsequently, patients experience severe discomfort in the anus, pain of various types and bleeding associated with defecation.

The main symptom of hemorrhoids

The disease is the presence of hemorrhoids in a person - dilated, sac-like and blood-filled veins of the rectum. They can be located in the lower parts of the rectum, and then only a doctor can detect them. But often they come out and become visible upon examination.

Hemorrhoids are round-shaped formations covered either with mucous membrane or thin skin. They are usually soft or elastic to the touch and, unless there are complications, painless. On average, hemorrhoids have a diameter of 0.5 to 2 cm. In case of inflammation or thrombosis, they increase significantly, become extremely sensitive and painful.

Hemorrhoids are characterized by bleeding. It almost always occurs at the time of bowel movement: when a person strains, thinned and enlarged hemorrhoids become overfilled with blood, after which they are injured by passing feces. Most often they are damaged during constipation, when the stool has a rather hard consistency.

Bleeding usually stops quickly, but may recur with the next bowel movement. With hemorrhoids, droplets of blood never mix with stool, but are usually visible on their surface or on toilet paper. Chronic blood loss due to hemorrhoids can lead to anemia (iron deficiency anemia).

Pain is the most severe and unpleasant symptom of hemorrhoids. It appears as a result of inflammation and trauma to the mucous membrane and skin with feces.

Pain is a characteristic feature of both the acute and chronic stages of the disease. With chronic hemorrhoids, pain is almost always clearly associated with stool and is felt as a burning or bloating in the anus. After bowel movement, the discomfort gradually subsides, but the burning sensation may remain for quite a long time.

During an exacerbation, the pain increases sharply, especially in the case of inflammation and thrombosis of hemorrhoids. It can be so severe and painful that people cannot sit up or sleep at night. The pain can be bursting, pulsating in nature and significantly intensify during bowel movements, coughing, sudden movements and touching the nodes.

If you discover similar symptoms in yourself, do not rush to diagnose yourself and treat yourself. Various intestinal diseases, including colon tumors, may have similar symptoms. Therefore, if there are signs of hemorrhoids, examination and treatment according to the algorithms proposed by the doctor is mandatory.

Manifestations of internal hemorrhoids

This type of pathology is more difficult to diagnose, since the main symptom is missing – prolapse of nodes. How do internal hemorrhoids manifest? In many ways, its symptoms resemble the external version of the disease. But unlike it, hemorrhoids become inflamed and injured in the upper part of the rectum. Patients may be concerned about:

  • pain and discomfort in the rectal area;
  • burning, tingling and itching;
  • discharge of blood at the end of a bowel movement.

Signs of exacerbation of the disease

With exacerbation of hemorrhoids, symptoms are due to the following reasons:

  • thrombosis of the hemorrhoid;
  • pinching of prolapsed nodes by the anal sphincter;
  • infection of the node by a pathogenic microorganism.

In case of exacerbation or inflammation of hemorrhoids, the symptoms become pronounced. The pain in the anus becomes so intense that the patient cannot sit or go to the toilet. The pain is tugging and stabbing in nature and intensifies with any movement.

In acute illness, patients cannot sit and sometimes even walk

Another sign is a change in the appearance of the nodes. If pinched or thrombosis occurs, they become blue or black, increase in size and become dense and tense.

Someone may be interested in the question of whether there is a fever with hemorrhoids. Fever is not always associated with this disease. Often it occurs due to some kind of infection, for example, a common cold or a more serious illness (kidney inflammation, pneumonia). Therefore, it is important to pay attention to other manifestations. Elevated temperature with hemorrhoids only in combination with other characteristic symptoms may indicate infection of the venous nodes of the rectum.

Important: if there are any signs of hemorrhoidal disease, you should visit a proctologist. Malignant neoplasms of the intestine are often hidden under the mask of this disease. In addition, in the initial stages conservative treatment is possible, while in the later stages surgical interventions are often resorted to.

Now you know what signs are characteristic of hemorrhoids, and you can begin to fight the disease immediately after it begins.

Burning and itching in the anal area, discomfort and pain during bowel movements are only a small part of the complications that are important to learn about for anyone who is interested in the dangers of hemorrhoids and why it is important to treat the disease in the early stages. Inflammation of the sphincter, bleeding, and constant constipation are serious reasons to consult a doctor. Find out what consequences ignoring the problem can lead to!

What are the consequences?

If hemorrhoids are not treated, the disease will progress. Nodules that were previously unnoticeable will grow in the absence of proper therapy.

The disease gradually progresses to later stages, which often develop exacerbations, pain and prolapse of nodes.

Consequences of neglected hemorrhoids:

  • A rectal fissure, a common complication, is a wound in the anus, which usually causes acute pain during bowel movements and sphincter spasms, which complicates its healing. Cracks in hemorrhoids can lead to other, more serious consequences - paraproctitis and fecal incontinence.
  • Hemorrhoidal anemia is a common consequence of bleeding hemorrhoids that occur in a chronic form. It occurs more often in women, which is associated with additional blood loss during menstruation, and a smaller volume of the bloodstream than in men. The first signs of anemia with hemorrhoids are pale skin, loss of appetite, weakness and fatigue, and dizziness. This consequence is most dangerous for pregnant women.
  • Thrombosis of hemorrhoids - most often observed with external (external) hemorrhoids. A blood clot forms in the cones, aggravating the course of the disease. The patient suffers from severe pain, the tissues around the anus swell, and there is burning and itching.
  • Infringement of nodes - occurs against the background of prolapsed hemorrhoids, in the later stages, when the nodes cannot be reduced independently. This is one of the consequences of not treating hemorrhoids, which is very painful and dangerous. There is a high risk that inflammation may begin in the pinched nodes, turning into necrosis and intoxication of the entire body.
  • Cryptitis is a condition when large nodes prevent complete bowel emptying, causing feces to stagnate in the recesses of the anal canal. This causes inflammation, tissue swelling, pain, and sometimes bleeding. It happens that cryptitis becomes chronic and becomes the cause of infection of the deep layers of the rectum.
  • Fecal incontinence is a consequence of late hemorrhoids, when cones fall out without the possibility of their reduction. In this condition, the sphincter does not close completely and a gap appears, through which the feces come out.
  • Purulent infections - develop from untreated microcracks and wounds that arise against the background of hemorrhoids. Microorganisms from the large intestine penetrate into damaged tissues, causing abscesses and phlegmon. Paraproctitis can be located in any part of the intestine. With this complication, the patient feels severe pain, signs of poisoning, fever, and temperature may appear. The consequence is considered very dangerous and requires urgent surgery. Sometimes it causes the formation of fistulas and peritonitis.
  • Tumors - not treating inflammation in hemorrhoids leads to a deterioration of immunity and the appearance of various complications. All these factors generally create conditions for the formation of malignant neoplasms.

The listed consequences after hemorrhoids can occur in men, women and children. Timely diagnosis of the disease and competent treatment prescribed by a specialist will help prevent their development.

What happens if hemorrhoids are not treated?

It is not recommended to initiate treatment for the disease. By seeking medical help in the early stages, you will be able to avoid surgery. Conservative treatment methods will give positive results. Ignoring the disease can result in thrombosis of hemorrhoids and cause serious complications of hemorrhoids. There is a high probability of irreversible changes in the rectum. Deaths cannot be ruled out.


The development of the disease occurs in several stages:

  • I – slight discomfort is noticeable during defecation and rare blood loss, which patients do not attach importance to;
  • II – there is itching and burning in the anus, blood loss, prolapse of hemorrhoids, which, after bowel movement, return inside the rectum;
  • III – burning, itching and bleeding become constant, and prolapsed hemorrhoids have to be reset by hand;
  • IV – the nodes can no longer be adjusted independently, thrombosis develops.

There are a number of common complications that every patient faces when they neglect treatment. They clearly demonstrate why hemorrhoids are dangerous at any stage. This:

  1. Thrombosis of hemorrhoids. Occurs with constipation, when excessive pushing provokes sphincter spasm, increasing swelling of the rectal mucosa. With pronounced stagnation of blood in the venous plexuses, blood clots form. Thrombosis can develop into necrosis, which is life-threatening.
  2. The appearance of swelling, discharge and anal fissures. When the inflammatory process in the rectum moves to nearby tissues, swelling of the entire groin area is possible.
  3. Paraproctitis, which provokes the accumulation of pus inside the rectum. Tissue destruction is possible if the inflammatory process cannot be stopped in time.
  4. Bleeding is characteristic of each stage of the disease. At first they are insignificant, later they intensify.
  5. The appearance of fistulas and polyps in the rectum.

Stages of acute hemorrhoids

  1. Thrombosis of the hemorrhoid without inflammation. There is unbearable pain that interferes with the normal act of defecation. The external nodes are swollen, hard, and bluish. When palpated, internal nodes appear as hard, painful formations. The thrombosed node may rupture, then the resulting bleeding brings slight relief: the pain decreases, the patient’s well-being improves.
  2. Thrombosis of the hemorrhoid is accompanied by inflammation. In this case, inflammatory processes do not spread beyond the node. The tissue around it only slightly becomes swollen and red.
  3. Inflammation is observed not only in the thrombosed node, but throughout the entire perianal area. Painful sensations appear around the anus and in the perineum; Fluid is released from the rectum, which accompanies inflammation, and the patient’s body temperature rises.

Consequences of hemorrhoids

To understand the dangers of advanced hemorrhoids, you should consider the possible consequences. Both at the internal and external stages of the development of the disease, tissue in the rectal area is destroyed. Excrement, while passing through the rectum, will infect the affected areas, because feces contain many fungi, bacteria and infectious microorganisms.

The inflammatory process moves to neighboring organs when the infection becomes chronic. Often dangerous complications affect the anal sphincter; it ceases to effectively perform the obturator function. This causes fecal incontinence. As a result, a person faces not only physical, but also psychological discomfort.

In men

Men experience hemorrhoids after 30 years of age. The older the patient, the higher the risk of developing the disease and the duration of treatment. Often the consequences of hemorrhoids in men are represented by complex cases, which is explained by the reluctance to waste time visiting doctors. It also stops patients from feeling ashamed. Male hemorrhoids are often discovered in advanced stages, when numerous hemorrhoids become the source of severe pain, the treatment of which takes more than one month.

Among women

Serious consequences of hemorrhoids in women appear during pregnancy. During this period, the onset of the disease is associated with a decrease in physical activity and an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. It is important not to ignore frequent bleeding; it can affect the development of anemia, cause weakness, dizziness and tachycardia, and complicate the course of pregnancy. Attempts during childbirth can provoke the manifestation of the disease. Doctors note that a predisposition to hemorrhoids can be inherited in the form of weak walls of venous vessels.

Causes of hemorrhoids

The first thing you should understand and accept: hemorrhoids are not an age-related disease. Yes, in old age the risk and prevalence of the disease is higher, which is due to a number of physiological factors of aging of the body. Moreover, hemorrhoids can occur at any age - both in women and men. The causes of hemorrhoidal disease can be divided into several groups:

  • blood microcirculation disorders - physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle;
  • increased intra-abdominal pressure - heavy lifting, constipation, pregnancy and childbirth;
  • irritation and injury to the anal canal - diarrhea or, much more often, constipation;
  • hereditary predisposition - the presence of varicose veins of the limbs/organs in close relatives.

Needless to say, most people do not lead a healthy lifestyle, do not walk the cherished 10,000 steps a day, are familiar with struggling in the toilet room, and heavy bags? Everyone has a risk. That broad-shouldered man with a huge barbell in the fitness club does too.


Advanced hemorrhoids

Having learned the dangers of hemorrhoids at an advanced stage, no one risks leaving the disease unattended. This threatens a severe deterioration in health. Patients experience:

  1. Loss of appetite, sudden weight loss, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Deterioration of the body's resistance to infections.
  3. Local inflammation in the anus, accompanied by prolapse of venous nodes.
  4. Arterial bleeding during defecation, which leads to the development of iron deficiency anemia.
  5. The formation of skin erosions due to involuntary release of gases and loose stools.

These symptoms are not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to health. Ignoring the problem leads to colitis, anal fissures, and cryptitis. The worst thing that can happen with advanced hemorrhoids is the development of malignant tumors; this is extremely dangerous and can be fatal. In advanced stages, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs no longer work; it is rarely possible to do without surgery.


Victoria, 30 years old

Hemorrhoids manifested themselves during pregnancy. I felt terrible discomfort. I was very worried about the child, so I didn’t risk self-medicating. I went to the doctor: this helped to identify the disease at an early stage and avoid dangerous consequences. It’s scary to even think about how things could have turned out during childbirth if I had delayed the treatment.

Ivan, 48 years old

Hemorrhoids are an insidious disease that I encountered several years ago. I ignored the problem for a long time and did not want to go to the doctor. But when the pain became unbearable, there was no trace of embarrassment left. I regret that I was inactive for so long, because of this the treatment took a lot of time. I advise you not to repeat my mistakes and seek help in a timely manner.

Yulia, 42 years old

This is such a delicate issue that it’s embarrassing to even talk about. I tried for a long time to get rid of hemorrhoids using traditional methods, but there was no result, the problem got worse. Having learned how dangerous this disease is, I didn’t hesitate any longer and made an appointment at the hospital. Hemorrhoids are not a case where you can leave everything to chance.

Hemorrhoids are dangerous for both men and women

The presence of hemorrhoids not only affects the quality of life of its owner, but is also guaranteed to affect the development of complications in the future. What happens if the disease is not treated, why are hemorrhoids dangerous?

What are the consequences, besides increasing itching, discomfort and more cases of prolapse of hemorrhoids? This is discussed in today’s article. You will learn the most common problems with advanced hemorrhoids, when the patient no longer has the patience to deal with constantly occurring relapses.

How to determine hemorrhoids - do you have the disease?

If a person begins to experience discomfort during a bowel movement or immediately after, or if bloody discharge appears in the stool, the first thought is: is it hemorrhoids? Many people hear complications of the disease, especially the consequences of hemorrhoids in men, which is why it is so important to identify the disease at the earliest stages.

Attention! Bleeding from the rectum, severe pain in the anus when visiting the toilet, irritation in the anus are obvious symptoms indicating hemorrhoids, thrombosis of hemorrhoids, treatment of which should be started as quickly as possible.

Causes of hemorrhoids

Only a qualified proctologist will be able to accurately diagnose the specific stage of the disease and where exactly the nodes are located in the rectum - varicose veins.

It is important to know! Previously, it was believed that in most cases the disease was hereditary in nature - caused by weak venous walls, but the modern standard of living has made adjustments. This is an occupational disease of office workers, drivers, doctors, teachers, assembly line workers, hairdressers, cooks - anyone who has to sit or stand still for a long time.

The main reasons for the development of pathological changes in the rectum:

  • lack of active movements during the day;
  • a diet that causes constipation;
  • bad habits - alcohol and smoking;
  • constipation during pregnancy.

What external and internal hemorrhoids look like

If you are at risk of acquiring an unpleasant disease, it is important to know about its stages so that complications of hemorrhoids can manifest themselves to a lesser extent:

  • Stage I, when the disease does not manifest itself externally, is internal hemorrhoids. Due to the lack of discomfort and pain, it is more difficult to diagnose. Blood stains on used toilet paper are a clear signal indicating a health problem.
  • Stage II - the problem is detected by periodic prolapse of the abnormal node. The phenomenon is accompanied by constant itching and discomfort, bleeding and tolerable pain.
  • Stage III – there is external hemorrhoids, the consequences are constant prolapse of nodes that can be adjusted independently. During defecation, the patient experiences excruciating pain in the anus, itching, and burning.
  • Stage IV – the disease can only be treated surgically. There is no way to straighten the nodes; they are visible not only during bowel movements, but also at normal times.

Interesting to know! According to statistics, the consequences of hemorrhoids in women are less pronounced, although men are more susceptible to the disease. Why is that? The female sex is more sensitive to health, visits doctors more often, which makes it possible to identify the disease at those stages when it is much easier to treat.

What is the danger of hemorrhoids?

If hemorrhoids are not treated, the consequences will not begin to appear immediately. From the first stage to the subsequent ones it can take from several months to one or two years. Periodic discomfort in the anal area is a good reason to seek help, so as not to suffer and be ashamed of it, but to continue living a quality life.

Attention! Known symptoms of hemorrhoids may indicate not only this disease, but may also indicate oncological diseases developing in the body. Be attentive to your own health! If you can live with hemorrhoids, albeit handicapped, then detecting cancer at the last stage will not give any chance of prolonging life.

What are the long-term consequences for a patient with hemorrhoids? Both at the internal stage and at the external stage, tissue destruction in the rectal area will continue non-stop. Excrement passing through the rectum will increase the likelihood of infection of the affected areas, since feces contain large quantities of bacteria, fungi and other bad microorganisms.

It is important! If the infection becomes chronic, the constant inflammatory process will begin to negatively affect neighboring organs. The sphincter, or rather its obturator function, will be especially affected. The most terrible complication for a modern person will develop - excrement from the rectum will begin to constantly leak.

Why are hemorrhoids dangerous for women expecting a baby? Existing hemorrhoids are not only an understandable discomfort, but also a serious danger of complicating the course of pregnancy. For a sick woman, labor will be longer and there will be very terrible pain.

Diseases from advanced hemorrhoids

There are the following consequences:

  • Thrombosis of hemorrhoids is the most common problem with hemorrhoids; it is the body's reaction to chronic constipation. The danger is that thrombosis can turn into necrosis, when it is no longer about the health, but about the patient’s life. Pushing during constipation increases swelling of the rectal mucosa, which leads to the formation of blood clots and blood clots. The nodes are painful and hard; in addition, the disease is characterized by general malaise, weakness, dizziness, and low blood pressure.
  • Anal fissures are a mandatory complication in advanced cases. The caustic secretion from inflammation in the rectum causes severe burning, itching and massive swelling in the entire groin area.
  • Paraproctitis is another direct consequence of an advanced disease. These are purulent processes in the rectum and if the inflammation is not cured, the pus will destroy the tissue. In this case, self-medication is unacceptable, although experienced patients consider themselves real hemorrhoid specialists. Urgent treatment with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents is required, otherwise there will be extensive damage to internal organs and death.
  • Bleeding is a symptom present at all stages of the disease. Initially, after defecation, drops of blood or streams are noticeable. Ignoring small blood losses leads to their effort. From constant bleeding, patients develop iron deficiency anemia.

Note! In many cases with advanced hemorrhoids, conservative treatment is no longer sufficient. The disease can be eliminated only with surgical intervention. Nodes are removed according to indications using both minimally invasive procedures and conventional surgery. It is important to know that complications often develop after hemorrhoid surgery.

Complications of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a chronic disease, and if you follow a properly selected diet, lead an active lifestyle, and also do therapeutic exercises, you can forget about all the problems. But if problems do arise, then they must be solved immediately, “without putting it off,” since there are many complications due to advanced hemorrhoids.

One of these complications is thrombosis of hemorrhoids, which can be provoked by ordinary constipation, thus spasm of the rectal sphincter occurs, increasing swelling, which leads to stagnation of blood in the lower rectum and thrombosis of external hemorrhoids. Symptoms of this complication include severe bleeding, which causes dizziness, weakness, increased heart rate and a drop in blood pressure. As a result, severe anemia develops with a decrease in hemoglobin to 30–40 g/l. Constantly recurring bleeding leads to a lack of blood in the body, hence oxygen starvation of important internal organs, with the subsequent development of dystrophy. The patient experiences constant increasing pain and swelling in the lumbar region and anus, difficulties occur during defecation, and discharge from the rectum with an unpleasant odor. There may be an increase in temperature, general weakness, lethargy; in the area of ​​the anus, prolapsed, swollen, unreducible internal hemorrhoids, often with fibrinous plaque, can be found. In the future, cracks may form and itching may occur. Anal fissures are very painful and easily rupture and bleed. This is also an ideal place for the development of pathogenic microbes.

For thrombosis of hemorrhoids, doctors usually prescribe local anticoagulants: these can be hemostatic, anti-inflammatory suppositories for hemorrhoids, ointments, tablets, including antibiotics. It is recommended to follow a diet and lead an active lifestyle. In extreme cases, when the disease cannot be treated, it is necessary to resort to surgery - excision of hemorrhoids. The operations are performed under general anesthesia.

Paraproctitis is one of the most common proctological diseases associated with purulent inflammation of the tissues surrounding the rectum. There are acute (newly occurring) and chronic paraproctitis (develops as a result of untreated acute paraproctitis). Paroproctitis occurs due to anal fissures, hemorrhoids, and poor personal hygiene. The causative agent of infection in paraproctitis in most cases is a mixed microflora, these include staphylococci and streptococci, as well as E. coli. Specific infections - tuberculosis, actinomycosis, clostridia - are quite rare. All this leads to the development of an inflammatory process and suppuration in the anus.

The disease occurs suddenly. The patient experiences general weakness, chills, fever, and increasing pain in the rectum, perineum or pelvis. In the future, intoxication of the body occurs due to retention of urine and feces in the body. Here you must immediately contact either a surgeon or a proctologist. In case of acute paraproctitis, immediate surgery is necessary. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The main task is to necessarily open the abscess, drain it, search and find the affected crypt, only after this can one hope for a complete recovery of the patient.

Continuous bleeding is one of the complications of hemorrhoids. An acute process occurs when it is not possible to stop the bleeding within 1 hour; for this it is necessary to use suppositories that contain adrenaline. If you still cannot cope with this problem on your own, contact specialists who will perform surgical intervention in the form of hemorrhoidectomy.

Remember! Self-medication can cause irreparable consequences for your health! At the first symptoms of the disease, we recommend immediately contacting a specialist!

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Can hemorrhoids occur after surgery?

Take care of your health - save the VKontakte link

Even a well-performed operation with the best medical staff does not guarantee that the patient will not experience relapses in the future. It all depends on what kind of image the patient will have and what psychological climate will be in his environment. It is known that many emotional components of a person’s character negatively affect the intestines and, as a result, problems with the rectum arise.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with surgery

Attention! It is important to follow a diet regularly after surgery, and not just at first. You shouldn't be constipated, but you shouldn't get carried away with laxatives. You need to thoroughly study all the products that are constantly used in your kitchen and eliminate foods that lead to constipation.

After surgery, heavy physical activity, sedentary work and stress are contraindicated. In reality, such instructions are not always easy to follow, so you should not blame the surgeon for the recurrence of the disease.

What complications can occur after surgery? During the postoperative period, the following problems may appear:

  • severe pain in the area of ​​intervention - strong analgesics may be required;
  • difficulty urinating - a special catheter is placed for several days, then all body functions return;
  • constipation is not due to poor nutrition, but due to psychological instability, so laxatives are prescribed;
  • narrowing of the anal canal - the problem may not be detected immediately and can only be solved by repeated surgery;
  • bleeding is possible due to weak mucous membrane at the site of sutures; constant monitoring by the surgeon is required;
  • rectal fistula - fistula tracts form in the rectum, from which ichor and pus can be released;
  • purulent inflammation of sutures and wounds - from insufficient hygiene and improper care;
  • Anal prolapse is a rare occurrence caused by weakening of the muscles.

Statistics show that every year this unpleasant disease affects an increasing number of the planet's urban population. Have you found out why hemorrhoids are dangerous, that they cannot be cured forever if you approach the problem incorrectly, and are you still sitting at the computer? Help yourself - move more, play sports, give up poor nutrition! If you find yourself with hemorrhoids, don’t look for a fashionable, effective remedy at the pharmacy, but go see a specialist for help!

Hemorrhoids are an inconvenient and unpleasant problem, so half of patients avoid treatment during the recovery period or during relapses, deciding that they have dealt with this delicate disease forever. However, the consequences of hemorrhoid removal and its conservative therapy require no less attention than the initial exacerbations.

Complications after hemorrhoid disease can occur regardless of the gender and age of the patient. However, for women and men, unpleasant consequences may differ. In most cases, this is due to lifestyle, habits and, of course, inattention to one’s own health.

Are hemorrhoids harmful?

Definitely yes. Hemorrhoids, already causing a lot of inconvenience, can lead to even more disastrous consequences. There are a number of dangerous factors that you should pay attention to after therapy has taken place.

In addition, they are relevant for both sexes:

  • discharge of pinkish or scarlet blood directly during bowel movements;
  • black segments (baked blood) in stool;
  • tense sensations in the anus;
  • feeling of pressure on the internal sphincter;
  • hardening of nodes not removed during surgery;
  • pain that intensifies upon contact with the anal passage.

If you experience at least one of these symptoms after surgery, you should contact your proctologist for new recommendations. Remember that by letting the problem take its course, the number of painful symptoms will only increase, and conservative therapy will have to be replaced by surgery.

Consequences of hemorrhoids in men

Due to the fact that genetically the two sexes have slightly different habits and preferences, the consequences of therapy also differ. According to statistics, men are more likely to experience hemorrhoids. And there are several reasons for this:

  1. Drinking alcohol in large quantities. This applies not only to drinks with a high alcohol content, but also to beer, so beloved by the stronger sex. Despite the fact that alcohol is a liquid, its effect is exactly the opposite of ordinary water and juices. The fact is that everything that contains a degree (except kefir, of course) tends to “fix” feces in the intestines. The hard substance not only damages the mucous membranes, but also causes excessive straining when visiting the toilet. If hemorrhoids are already emerging in a person with such addictions, then the problem will certainly worsen. In addition, you should avoid alcohol even after undergoing therapy.
  2. Love for fatty, spicy foods. Fatty foods have a detrimental effect on the secretion of the pancreas, so it again “strengthens”. Spices and their pungency also cannot boast of a softening effect. In addition, the male sex prefers to consume food not in portions, but to fill up for the day in 2-3 meals. The habit of eating at night is also harmful for treated hemorrhoids - during sleep, the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract slows down, and the very next morning you can easily get constipated. And pushing to induce bowel movements is prohibited if you want to remove the consequences of hemorrhoids.
  3. A job that involves lifting heavy objects. And most likely, working conditions do not require such courage, but the man will stubbornly put a lot of weight on his shoulders, without thinking about the consequences. For hemorrhoids, and especially after surgery, this type of activity is very harmful. The consequence may be relapse or anal bleeding.
  4. Overweight. This category is directly related to a sedentary lifestyle. Regardless of whether the nodes were removed, there will be stagnation in the pelvic organs. Internal nodes can fall out and become an external visual problem. Physical activity should be introduced into the daily rhythm smoothly, feeling your own body and not committing violence against it.

Consequences of hemorrhoids in women

The female sex is more attentive to their health, so they experience much fewer unpleasant consequences. Diet and smaller meals are beneficial and speed up recovery. Consequences after removal of hemorrhoids appear mainly due to “female” reasons:

  1. Pregnancy not only aggravates the consequences of already treated hemorrhoids, but can even provoke the disease out of nowhere. The fact is that pregnant girls move very little, and the blood in the pelvis stagnates. If you do not engage in special physical exercises (gymnastics using the Kegel system is useful; by the way, it strengthens the muscles of the vagina, preventing its prolapse), then after childbirth the proctologist may prescribe surgical removal of the node. Consolidating the results of therapy will require the use of chemicals, which is not very good for the child’s body and the nursing mother.
  2. Menses. The consequences of surgery to remove hemorrhoids in women most often appear on the eve of and during menstruation. During such a dangerous period for relapse, it is strictly not recommended to wear tight clothes and lift weights. Every 30 minutes you need to get up and do one exercise. Or at least walk around the room for a couple of minutes.
  3. The consequences of menopause include weight gain and decreased activity. Another cause of inflammation of hemorrhoids can be bleeding in the pelvic area caused by hormonal fluctuations.

A female audience of this age is interested in the question: will there be a recurrence of hemorrhoids after removal during menopause? – yes, even if there was surgical intervention, there is a risk of the problem returning. However, it does not affect the delay of menstruation itself.

Weakness and malaise with hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are one of those pathologies that not only significantly worsen a person’s well-being, but can also have a negative impact on his health in the future. The consequences of hemorrhoids in the form of pain in the anorectal area, burning, swelling, heavy bleeding and prolapse of hemorrhoidal cones bring serious suffering to a person.

After discovering any consequences of hemorrhoids, you should definitely seek medical help and not self-medicate, because this can only worsen the situation. Lack of timely medical care leads to severe complications that pose a huge risk to a person’s health and life.

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of hemorrhoidal veins located in the area of ​​the rectal choroid plexus. This pathology leads to the formation of dense nodes. The disease is divided into internal and external - depending on the specific location of the compaction.

The most common causes of hemorrhoids:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • smoking and regular drinking;
  • poor nutrition, causing constipation;
  • for women – the period of pregnancy.

Hemorrhoids, the consequences of which can be very dangerous for humans, are characterized by severe painful spasms during bowel movements, burning, swelling, bleeding from the rectal canal and the appearance of blood drops in the stool.

In the process of pathology formation there are several main stages:

  1. Inflammation develops in the rectal cavity; this stage is not accompanied by pronounced symptoms. Occasionally, discomfort and pain may appear when visiting the toilet, and small spots of blood may be seen on toilet paper.
  2. Painful spasms, burning and itching of the skin in the anorectal part of the body intensify, the person is worried about the loss of inflamed nodes, which after a certain period of time return to the cavity of the rectal canal.
  3. Advanced pathology, accompanied by excruciating pain and burning when trying to empty the bowel. Hemorrhoidal cones come out of the intestines not only when visiting the toilet, but also during any physical activity. They do not take their original position on their own; they need to be adjusted by hand.
  4. The most severe form of the disease, in which hemorrhoidal cones and nodes are visible to the naked eye. At this stage, only surgical treatment is used.

Many people suffering from this disease wonder what will happen if hemorrhoids develop . The main danger of the disease is due to the fact that in most cases the patient simply does not pay attention to pain or itching.

Hemorrhoids are detected already in more advanced stages, when the symptoms become more vivid and pronounced. In addition, many people consider the disease to be intimate and delicate and are embarrassed to contact a proctologist, as a result of which treatment does not begin in a timely manner.

All consequences of hemorrhoids are conventionally divided into local and general. Local pathologies include:

  • incompetence of the anal sphincter;
  • tears of the rectal passage;
  • intense bleeding from the rectal canal;
  • prolapse of hemorrhoidal seals from the rectum with the impossibility of their return;
  • strangulation of hemorrhoidal cones in the anus;
  • death of inflamed nodes;
  • stagnation of blood flow in the pelvis, which provokes thrombosis.

When answering the question of what will happen if hemorrhoids are not treated , you need to remember that at the most advanced stages of the disease, necrosis of hemorrhoidal cones that fall out of the rectal opening develops, as well as various complications of a purulent type - paraproctitis, proctitis, sepsis, gangrene or phlegmon of the pelvic organs .

Most often, complications of the pathology occur during the period of exacerbation of the pathology. The danger of a disease such as hemorrhoids and its consequences can be general in nature and affect a person’s overall well-being.

  • sleep disorders;
  • severe headaches;
  • weakness, lethargy, apathy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • painful abdominal cramps;
  • disorders of stool and urination.

Weakness due to hemorrhoids is accompanied by complete or partial loss of performance. The consequences of the disease do not occur immediately; from the initial stage to the occurrence of complications, it can take from 2-3 months to several years.

If a patient is diagnosed with hemorrhoids, the consequences, if the disease is not treated, can be the most dangerous for the person. Purulent complications are considered the most severe, among which proctitis and paraproctitis are the most common.

Paraproctitis is an inflammatory process that affects the skin in the anorectal area, accompanied by the formation of an abscess. Characteristic symptoms of this disease are redness of the skin and intense painful colic. With paraproctitis, a fistula is formed, from which purulent contents are released.

Proctitis is an inflammatory process on the mucous surface of the rectum. The provoking factor most often is the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the rectal cavity or its injury by solid feces.

With proctitis, symptoms such as spasms in the rectal canal area, extending to the groin, lower back, discharge of pus and blood from the anus, and stool disorders occur. In this case, the patient’s condition worsens significantly, he feels weak and lacks strength.

These complications are eliminated medicinally, with the help of antibacterial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and absorbable medications.

If hemorrhoids are not treated , thrombosis of the hemorrhoids may develop, which is the most common consequence of the disease. Its causes may be stagnation of blood or increased pressure in the pelvis.

Thrombosis of hemorrhoids is characterized by severe pain in the anus, which significantly intensifies during defecation. Also, signs of this condition include increased blood pressure, rapid pulse, burning and discomfort near the anus, regular attacks of dizziness, and loss of strength.

The most effective treatment for anorectal thrombosis is a surgical intervention called thrombectomy. At the same time, the patient is prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as blood thinners.

Complications of hemorrhoids most often manifest themselves in the form of rectal bleeding, which can be either scanty or quite profuse, leading to anemia of the body. The appearance of drops of blood on a napkin or toilet paper after a bowel movement is a serious reason to visit a doctor.

Bleeding from hemorrhoids is treated in traditional ways - by applying ice packs, cold compresses or a hemostatic sponge. In the most severe cases, medications such as Vikasol, Dicinone, and aminocaproic acid are prescribed.

In case of persistent rectal bleeding, surgical ligation of the hemorrhoidal vessel is used.

If a patient is diagnosed with hemorrhoids, complications may take the form of anal fissures. This is a common problem that is accompanied by severe swelling, inflammation and pain.

An active inflammatory process in the rectal cavity causes accelerated secretion of mucus, which irritates the skin around the rectal passage. The result is burning, itching, and swelling of the skin.

After some time, the mucous membranes and epidermis become thinner, and microcracks appear on their surface. Such cracks are ideal for the penetration of bacteria, which often leads to the occurrence of purulent paraproctitis.

Many patients are interested in what will happen if hemorrhoids in women are not treated ? Doctors emphasize that one of the most common and frequent complications of the disease is paraproctitis. This is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane inside the rectum. The main symptoms of paraproctitis are extensive redness of the epidermis around the anus and an immediate increase in body temperature.

In the case of active progression of inflammation and simultaneous addition of infection, acute paraproctitis develops, which is accompanied by suppuration. In no case is it allowed to open an external abscess on your own, as this can significantly aggravate the pathology and lead to the development of chronic paraproctitis.

Treatment of the chronic form of the disease is carried out with the help of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs; in the most advanced situations, surgical intervention is performed.

The consequences of hemorrhoids in women , as well as in men, are often associated with insufficiency of the anal sphincter. This condition occurs against the background of failure of the muscle tissue of the rectal canal of an organic or functional type.

Characteristic symptoms of anal sphincter insufficiency are incontinence of feces and gases, bloating, pain and burning in the anus. In this case, drug therapy is useless in most cases; the only treatment method remains surgical plastic surgery of the rectal canal muscles.

Complications of hemorrhoids in women can be expressed in the form of cryptitis - a condition in which complete bowel movement becomes impossible due to large hemorrhoids. As a result, stool stagnates in the rectal cavity. Cryptitis is characterized by bleeding, pain, pain, inflammation and swelling in and around the anus.

Frequent complications of hemorrhoids are associated with pinching of prolapsed hemorrhoids and lumps, which is associated with spasm of the anal sphincter muscles. In this case, the skin around the anus swells, turns red and becomes inflamed, and the pinching process is accompanied by sharp painful spasms. In some cases, necrosis is observed, that is, necrosis of the prolapsed hemorrhoid.

Many patients try to put the fallen lump back into place on their own. This is strictly prohibited. To normalize the condition, such patients are prescribed painkillers, decongestants and anti-inflammatory drugs. If they prove to be ineffective, surgical correction of the rectal canal is used.

Complications of hemorrhoids, such as tears in the anus, occur due to prolonged and strong straining during bowel movements, as well as injury to the mucous membranes of the rectum with solid feces.

A person notices symptoms of a tear in the anus instantly - these are intense, burning pains in the anus, which do not disappear even after visiting the toilet. Also a characteristic sign of pathology is the appearance of blood on toilet paper and underwear after bowel movements.

Anal tears are considered quite dangerous complications of hemorrhoids, since the risk of simultaneous infection or various bacterial processes is extremely high. This can lead to serious diseases such as paraproctitis or proctitis.

Treatment of anal tears is carried out using rectal suppositories Posterizan, Anuzol, Anestezol, Betiol. Levomekol, Ultraproct, Proctosan, Bepanten, Methyluracil ointments are also highly effective.

Drug therapy is aimed at reducing inflammatory processes in the rectal passage and destroying pathogens. Also, medications help get rid of burning pain in the anus and speed up the recovery of inflamed tissues.

Prolonged pinching of prolapsed hemorrhoidal cones can lead to their death, which is caused by disruption of normal blood circulation. Timely treatment will help prevent the development of such a serious complication.

In case of necrosis, hemorrhoids acquire a deep red tint, and excruciating pain appears in the anus. The person’s general well-being also deteriorates significantly.

Treatment of necrosis of hemorrhoidal cones is carried out using their surgical excision, as well as further use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Hemorrhoids are a delicate disease for which patients are in no hurry to consult a doctor. In no case should you let the disease progress, because timely treatment can prevent the development of many dangerous complications of hemorrhoids. In no case should you self-medicate; the method of therapy should be selected only by a doctor.

Among the main consequences of the pathology are rectal bleeding, anal tears, proctitis and paraproctitis. In the most severe and advanced cases, with additional infection, phlegmon, sepsis or gangrene may develop. Therefore, complications of hemorrhoids pose a serious threat not only to health, but also to human life.


Local complications of hemorrhoids include inflammation and thrombosis of hemorrhoids, ascending proctitis, anal fissure, paraproctitis, and bleeding. Common complications include chronic posthemorrhagic anemia. Complications develop, as a rule, against the background of undiagnosed latent (hidden) hemorrhoids or are the result of self-medication of exacerbations in stages 2-3 of the disease.

Medical doctors advise everyone who contacts the center to take time for a preventive examination by a proctologist in order to identify hemorrhoids in the latent stage and avoid complications.

Do not self-medicate, consult a doctor

Inflammation and thrombosis of nodes

Inflammation and thrombosis of hemorrhoids always accompany each other. If the main cause of hemorrhoids is constipation, hard stool, hemorrhoidal nodes are damaged by it during bowel movements, infection occurs and inflammation begins. This leads to swelling, slowing blood flow and thrombosis of the node.

When hemorrhoids develop as a result of internal damage to the wall of the veins by biologically active substances (causes - stress, chronic vasculitis, etc.), then blood thickening and thrombosis of the node, its necrosis occurs primarily, and inflammation occurs secondarily. In both cases they talk about thrombophlebitis of the nodes.

It manifests itself as a sharp, increasing pain in the anus, aggravated by walking. Almost always, inflamed thrombosed nodes protrude out from the anus, have a purple color, are sharply tense and painful. Untreated thrombosis begins to spread through the veins of the submucosal layer of the rectum, causing proctitis (its inflammation). The infection, penetrating the subcutaneous tissue of the perianal area, provokes the development of paraproctitis.

Acute hemorrhoidal thrombosis can suddenly resolve with bleeding from the node, subjectively causing the patient a great relief of symptoms, but if measures are not taken to combat the infection, the likelihood of subsequent proctitis and paraproctitis is high.

Medical proctologists insist on immediately contacting the clinic at the first alarming symptoms.

Treatment of hemorrhoidal thrombosis is carried out conservatively. Suppositories and ointment dressings with anesthetics, thrombolytics and antimicrobial agents are used. Emergency surgical intervention is resorted to in advanced cases with ascending thrombosis and purulent paraproctitis. Treatment of complications of hemorrhoids is carried out under mandatory medical supervision.

Tears of the mucous membrane and skin in the anal area are not a direct complication of hemorrhoids, but often accompany it, aggravating the course of the disease. They are formed after the passage of bulky feces, become immediately infected and do not heal for a long time due to repeated microtraumas during defecation. The crack supports and provokes inflammation of the nodes in hemorrhoids, being a source of spread of infection.

Over time, a chronic anal fissure turns into a trophic microulcer, which will have to be radically excised. The main symptoms of a fissure are burning and pain in the final stage of defecation and persisting after stool for a long time. There may be slight blood staining of the stool.

Following the treatment recommendations of Medical proctologists, getting rid of a fresh anal fissure will not be difficult.

One of the variants of the course of hemorrhoids is constant minor blood loss during bowel movements without acute signs of inflammation and thrombosis of the nodes. This clinical situation often occurs in the second stage of the disease in patients who pay increased attention to hygienic procedures and do not allow inflammation to develop when nodes are traumatized during defecation. As a rule, they know about their problem, but false shame before visiting a proctologist makes them hide from the problem, hoping for “maybe.”

Cases have been described in which patients, wise from life experience, took iron supplements and ate foods rich in iron, thus trying to replenish the supply of the microelement in the body in order to resist anemia. Unfortunately, such attempts are futile. Moreover, after them a severe form of anemia, resistant to iron therapy, develops, which is life-threatening.

In Medical Proctology, patients with chronic blood loss undergo one of the modern minimally invasive surgical interventions, which is aimed at eliminating the bleeding node(s), permanently solving the problem of hemorrhoids and anemia.

Contact a proctologist in a timely manner to identify hemorrhoids or its complications in the early stages. This will reduce the risk of progression of hemorrhoids and facilitate the treatment of already developed complications.

Hemorrhoids belong to the category of diseases that are not usually discussed out loud. The disease affects children and adults. Elderly people are often susceptible. Hemorrhoids develop with equal frequency in men and women.

Women are susceptible to the disease during pregnancy and after childbirth. In the body, the development of varicose veins is caused by physiological changes associated with the growth and development of the fetus.

Since the problem is sensitive, most patients try not to talk about it and do not seek help from doctors. Attempts at self-medication are unsuccessful and lead to worsening. The lack of adequate treatment for hemorrhoids leads to a lot of unpleasant, serious complications!

If the patient consults a doctor on time - in the initial stages - the disease can be cured easily and quickly using conservative means. Advanced diseases require long-term, labor-intensive treatment. Surgery will be required. The consequences of hemorrhoids are severe and difficult to treat.

The clinical course of hemorrhoids includes successive stages. Symptoms develop gradually and are not immediately detected. Sometimes hemorrhoids act as a diagnostic finding during a routine medical examination.

At the first initial stage, the symptoms of the disease are not expressed. The patient may not be aware of the presence of the disease. Hemorrhoids are localized internally and do not cause discomfort to the patient. Disturbing discomfort when visiting the toilet. Rarely, small amounts of blood appear in the stool. Internal hemorrhoids may not cause discomfort.

It is better to seek help from a medical institution. The development of advanced stages of hemorrhoids is dangerous. Blood in the stool is a clinical sign of a number of diseases of the rectum (oncological). Lack of intervention leads to progression of the disease and complications. It is easier to cure hemorrhoids in the initial stages than in the latter stages.

  1. Profuse bleeding from damaged veins of the rectum.
  2. Prolapse of hemorrhoids with impossibility of reduction.
  3. Constant pain.
  4. Incarceration of an advanced hemorrhoid and necrosis.
  5. Stagnation of blood in the pelvis and inflammation in the nodes affect the development of thrombosis.

To avoid possible troubles, consult a doctor on time!

In the final stages, complications are possible:

  • Necrosis of the external strangulated node.
  • Chronic iron deficiency anemia.
  • Purulent paraproctitis.

If hemorrhoids are not treated, complications and consequences will not appear immediately. Months pass from the onset of the disease to the terminal stage. Sometimes the disease drags on for years. Discomfort in the anus is a reason to seek help from a doctor and undergo a full examination.

Let's look at the long-term consequences for a patient suffering from hemorrhoids. Dystrophy of the walls of blood vessels and soft tissues in the rectum and anus occurs. Reasons: poor diet, sedentary lifestyle. In men, the cause of hemorrhoids is heavy physical work and professional sports.

Feces contain pathogenic microorganisms. Varicose nodes become infected and inflamed. The obturator function of the anal sphincter suffers. Men are characterized by inflammatory complications affecting the prostate gland.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy in women cause severe pain, discomfort, and can cause a lot of complications. Childbirth occurs with complications. Difficulty: surgical treatment and some medications are contraindicated for pregnant women.

To avoid harm, a woman needs to begin treatment for hemorrhoids. In the early stages, it is possible to cure hemorrhoids with simple, safe, conservative methods.

The consequences of hemorrhoids in men are the development of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland and impaired erectile function. Diseases lead to impotence and male infertility.

This complication occurs frequently in patients. They can provoke stagnation in the pelvis and increased pressure inside the pelvic cavity. Thrombosis develops against the background of chronic constipation.

Due to inflammatory phenomena, swelling of the rectal tissue and effusion of blood plasma occurs. Blood stagnation develops in the pelvis, increasing the risk of blood clots. If a patient has prolapsed hemorrhoids, they suffer from sphincter spasm. Infringement of prolapsed hemorrhoids in the sphincter leads to ischemia and necrosis.

Thrombosis is characterized by acute symptoms:

  1. Acute pain, burning in the rectal area.
  2. Reduced blood pressure.
  3. Increased heart rate.
  4. Weakness, dizziness.
  5. On palpation, the node becomes hard and painful.

Against the background of thrombosis, necrosis of the node develops. The detachment of a blood clot leads to the development of thromboembolism. Complications pose a serious threat to the patient’s life. You need to contact a doctor immediately.

Thrombosis due to hemorrhoids is a common complication in older people and women during pregnancy. Pregnant women are characterized by increased blood clotting due to an increase in the amount of progesterone.

Anal fissures are a constant complication of advanced hemorrhoids. They often become inflamed and swollen, causing severe pain to the patient.

Inflammation that develops in the rectum promotes the release of mucous secretions. It has a pronounced irritating effect on the skin around the anus. As a result, the patient experiences pain and burning in the anal area. Due to severe inflammation, swelling develops, covering the perineal area in men. Inflammation after hemorrhoids leads to swelling, thinning of the skin and mucous membrane. As a result, microscopic cracks form. When an infection occurs, paraproctitis develops.

Paraproctitis is a purulent inflammation of the tissue surrounding the rectum. Formed against the background of a chronic inflammatory process in hemorrhoids. The spread of the infectious process leads to purulent melting of the fiber and the formation of perirectal fistulas.

The disease must be treated immediately with surgery. At the same time, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Attempts at self-medication cause peritonitis and sepsis, leading to the death of the patient.

Subsequently, cicatricial changes and sphincter deformation develop. A complication involves fecal incontinence. The complication can be treated surgically. The rehabilitation period after surgical treatment is long and labor-intensive.

Bleeding is recorded at any stage of the disease. In the initial stages of hemorrhoid development, bleeding is not too intense. If the disease is not treated, the symptoms intensify and become widespread. After defecation, streams and drops of blood appear in the stool and on napkins. If you do not see a doctor in time, it can lead to a host of serious, unpleasant consequences.

If the bleeding is severe, the patient develops chronic iron deficiency anemia.

With advanced hemorrhoids, conservative treatment does not bring results. Minimally invasive intervention methods can be successfully used. If other methods are ineffective, surgical treatment is used. It is necessary to consult a doctor if clinical signs of hemorrhoids are detected.

In some cases, surgical treatment is an effective, only method of eliminating problems with hemorrhoids. Complications are possible during treatment.

If antiseptic rules are violated in the postoperative period, inflammation and suppuration develop in the area of ​​the surgical sutures. The inflammatory process and swelling at the operation site leads to suture separation and bleeding.

Proctological diseases are dangerous and rapidly developing pathologies. What complications of hemorrhoids should you be wary of?

Among the diseases in men and women, there are quite a few that are especially unpleasant due to various exacerbations. Hemorrhoids are one of these ailments. Complications after hemorrhoids can take years to develop. Often manifests itself acutely, depending on many unfavorable factors.

What are the reasons for aggravation of hemorrhoids by concomitant diseases? The main thing is to ignore the manifestations caused by the pathological expansion of hemorrhoids.

Due to inattention to their health or due to embarrassment, many people become patients of proctologists when the disease is already seriously advanced. It is important to understand that treating hemorrhoids in the first stages can relieve problems for decades. Self-therapy, without diagnosis, often causes serious complications.

Now let's look at what forms complications of the disease can take.

Thrombi, or blood clots, can form in our blood vessels. The same thing can happen in the cavernous formations of hemorrhoids.

Thrombosis of hemorrhoids

With thrombosis of the node, relatively small formations appear in the anus. They are tight and slightly elastic. A little painful if you touch them. These are thrombotic external hemorrhoids. Another manifestation is a burning sensation and itching in the anus, especially during bowel movements. The skin around the anus may be slightly red and appear swollen.

Being already a complication of pathology, thrombosis can also be complicated, most often by two types of inflammation:

  1. If the hemorrhoids themselves become inflamed, the area around the anus becomes noticeably red and swollen. Sitting and walking cause severe pain. The sensations are so strong that the doctor can no longer carry out palpation or digital examination.
  2. With inflammatory processes of the subcutaneous tissue, the anal circle literally turns into a tumor. Internal hemorrhoids often protrude from the anus. At the same time, doctors note their purple/bluish-purple color. And in this case, almost any touch to the anus causes severe pain.

In the first case, the internal hemorrhoids fall out, and it is no longer possible to correct them. As with other complications, such hemorrhoidal cones cause real suffering to a person. Especially when a person sits or walks for a long time.

Circulatory disorders in the nodes can be so serious that their necrosis (death) begins. The nodes turn black. In such a situation, attempts to independently reduce them are especially dangerous. It is possible that this will lead to blood poisoning.

In other words - anemia. One of the first warning signs of hemorrhoids is blood spots and smears on stool and toilet paper. In this case, few people think about serious blood loss. However, drops of blood can turn into trickles at any moment.

This symptom is very dangerous and requires immediate relief.

If bleeding from the anus is frequent, then the development of anemia is almost inevitable. The result is constant fatigue, weakness, and a sharp decrease in immunity. In some cases, doctors determine that patients have such severe anemia that they are forced to prescribe special therapy to restore blood flow and raise hemoglobin levels.

If we approach strictly, then these are not diagnoses. But such phenomena signal that hemorrhoids are already entering an advanced stage. Bowel and bladder problems arise due to severe swelling of the anal area.

Stagnation of feces creates enormous inconvenience and further complicates hemorrhoidal disease. Impaired urine flow can ultimately lead to disruption of the entire genitourinary system of the body.

All of the above forms of progressive disease are very dangerous, since their advanced forms can cause colorectal cancer.

There can only be one key piece of advice in this regard! Do not allow the disease to develop so much that complications arise. Ideally, you should strive to ensure that there are no hemorrhoids at all.

Preventive measures in this regard are quite simple:

  • a diet that avoids constipation or bowel irritation. Porridge, vegetables, fruits and herbs, lean meat and fish are healthy. Minimum spicy foods and alcohol;
  • regular physical activity, rest and warm-up during sedentary work;
  • reasonable caution when lifting heavy objects;
  • washing the anal area with cool water after defecation.

It is very important to contact doctors as soon as the first signs of proctological problems appear.

Only a proctologist can prescribe the most effective treatment for hemorrhoids

It has been established that some manifestations of hemorrhoidal disease coincide with more dangerous diseases of the intestinal tract, including cancer.

It happens that a visit to a doctor was timely, but the recommended treatment was negligent or insufficient. Many patients interrupt the prescribed course as soon as they return to good health. In such situations, hemorrhoids can become complicated in one way or another in a short time.

The approach should be even more serious if the disease has reached at least the second stage. Nowadays, many methods for removing nodes have been developed, including minimally invasive and very gentle techniques. They allow you to reduce the manifestations of hemorrhoids to a minimum and thereby prevent all kinds of complications.

And here's just one piece of advice. Urgently contact a proctologist!

If it is impossible to see a doctor in the near future, you can take several effective measures that will relieve discomfort and improve your general condition:

  1. Rinse the anal area with cool water or a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Applying tampons with furatsilin, infusions of chamomile, string, calendula, and sea buckthorn oil to the anus and surrounding skin.
  3. Compresses made from grated raw potatoes wrapped in gauze.
  4. Insertion of homemade suppositories from mumiyo into the anus (the tablet is kneaded in the fingers, a candle is formed and divided into 2-3 parts). This product is good to use at night.

It all depends on the severity. If drug therapy does not give positive signals, then surgery to remove hemorrhoids is recommended.

Today, there are many surgical treatment methods using laser, latex rings, sclerotherapy, and cold. In the most advanced forms, hemorrhoids are removed with a surgical scalpel.

What complications can occur after hemorrhoid removal? The appearance of pain, discharge of blood, mucus and pus, fistulas.

To avoid consequences, after removing the nodes, you must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Many concomitant diseases can seriously complicate life and often require serious, long-term therapy. That is why it is important to remember that treating complications of hemorrhoids can sometimes be much more difficult than the underlying disease.

Author of the article: Alexey Egorov, proctologist


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