You can eat walnuts for gastritis with high acidity
Benefits and harms Nuts are considered one of the most delicious foods, which has been around for quite a long time.
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The best aloe and honey recipes for the stomach and intestines
Composition of the plant The benefits of aloe for the stomach lie in the unique composition of the flower. It is the components included
Proctological disease hemorrhoids
Features, causes, symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids at stage 2
Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are a fairly common disease among residents of large cities who have crossed the thirty-year mark.
shell structure
Trouble with hardening of the gallbladder walls
Hardening of the gallbladder walls can be detected on an abdominal ultrasound. Don't worry too much
the girl has a stomach ache
How to properly treat hemorrhoids during an exacerbation
Hemorrhoids are a chronic disease, and like any chronic disease, it can occur with
Pumpkin treatment of the pancreas
Features of using pumpkin for pancreatitis: recipes
Pumpkin for the pancreas during remission of pancreatitis Honey is a popular product that
Why does the feeling of incomplete bowel movement occur and how is it treated?
Mechanism Cleansing of the lower intestines occurs during the act of defecation. Shortly before the emptying process
Ryazhenka for pancreatitis
Goat's milk for pancreatitis of the pancreas
In case of inflammation of the pancreas, follow a diet, exclude fatty heavy foods from the diet and fill up
Temperature with hemorrhoids
Is it possible to increase the temperature with hemorrhoids?
Causes of temperature changes during hemorrhoids Is temperature dangerous during hemorrhoids? How to bring down the temperature with traditional
Chicory for gastritis with high acidity
Features of the plant This plant grows mainly in the temperate zone and in the tropics. This is perennial
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