The best aloe and honey recipes for the stomach and intestines

Plant composition

The benefits of aloe for the stomach lie in the unique composition of the flower. It is the components included in it that make it possible to combat disturbances in the functioning of the stomach. The main element in the plant is water. The leaves also contain:

  • alkaloids, including aloins;
  • allantoin;
  • amino acids;
  • anthraglycosides;
  • anthraquinone;
  • beta-carotene;
  • vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, b9, C, E);
  • tannins;
  • microelements - selenium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, copper and others;
  • glucose and fructose;
  • polysaccharides (glucomannans and acemannan);
  • simple organic acids;
  • esters;
  • resins;
  • phytoncides;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils.

All the described properties are present in the plant grown at home. The purchased product may lose a number of properties due to length of storage, improper cultivation and collection of leaves.

Natural biostimulant

A common indoor flower, tree aloe is one of the most powerful medicinal plants used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Agave extract, which contains many biostimulating substances, helps stop the progression of inflammation and other destructive processes:

  • anthraquinone and its derivatives, enzymes, ascorbic acid, steroid compounds relieve inflammation, have a healing and regenerating effect;
  • minerals, chrysic, cinnamic, phenylacrylic organic acids, B vitamins regulate secretory activity;
  • anthraglycosides, bitterness, phenolic and tannins, flavonoids destroy pathogenic microbes.

The medicinal properties of agave are recognized by official medicine, that is, scientifically proven. Several forms of drugs are used in clinical practice:

  • sabur - condensed evaporated extract;
  • syrup;
  • pills;
  • extractive solution in ampoules.

Most methods of use involve the use of aloe products for the stomach and intestines orally. At home, fresh juice in combination with other folk remedies is no less effective.

We recommend: Aloe for the treatment of pancreatitis - recipe

To collect the healing liquid, an adult plant is suitable - from 3 years old and older, from the bottom of which you need to separate the thickest leaves. Additional biostimulation helps to enhance efficiency - storing raw materials at a temperature of +4-6°C without access to light for 12 days. A refrigerator is perfect for this. The shoots must be wrapped in paper or cloth (film cannot be used) and left on the shelf for the required period. Then wash the stems, discuss them, carefully cut off the skin and squeeze out the liquid from the gelatinous pulp.

Fresh extract is useful for gastritis with low acidity, lack of appetite, intoxication, peptic ulcer, malabsorption of nutrients, constipation.

How to properly grow aloe to use it for medicinal purposes

The plant is unpretentious and does not require much time to care for. It is better to propagate it using shoots that grow from above or using young shoots.

The flower does not require frequent watering; it is enough to moisten it once a week, or you can do this even less often. Find your bearings on the ground. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced to once a month. Protect the flower from strong sunshine, but keep in mind that the plant loves light. Frequent exposure to direct sunlight can burn the plant. Such leaves will be unsuitable for preparing medicinal products, because under the influence of temperature, a number of properties will be lost, and the plant will become less effective in the fight against stomach diseases. Do not leave the plant in a draft; if it blows from the windows in winter, it is better to remove the aloe from the windowsill.

As soon as you are ready to make the “medicine”, stop watering the plant. The lack of moisture promotes the concentration of beneficial elements in the leaves of the plant. But be careful. Prolonged drought can kill the plant. Dried branches should be cut off, starting with those located at the base. It is better not to tear off the leaves; use pruning shears or regular scissors for cutting.

Before making medicines, castings are washed to remove dust and cleaned. The peel is not suitable for consumption.

It should be noted that leaves that have been cut off long ago lose some of their beneficial properties. Even juice if stored for a long time is no longer effective. Therefore, it is recommended to cut off the leaves immediately before making the product. You can grind them with a knife or in a blender. It is better to squeeze out the juice by hand.

How to choose the right honey and aloe for medicinal purposes?

There are many options for prepared aloe gel in stores. But maximum health benefits can only be obtained from freshly picked leaves. It is best to purchase a plant in a pot. When the tips of the green arrows acquire a reddish-pink tint, you can begin to extract the gel. If you have a choice, it is better to cut off the thick stems from the middle part of the pot, and leave the young shoots for further propagation.

You need to take a sharp thin knife and cut the thick stem as close to the ground as possible. Rinse the green arrow thoroughly and squeeze the gel into a separate container. Don't be tempted to try to cut the stem to scrape out as much juice as possible. Unpurified gel may cause diarrhea. It is better to use this preparation only externally.

The rule of “first freshness” also applies to honey: a liquid product is always preferable to an old, candied one. And although the candied sweetness can be stored for several thousand years, the maximum level of antibacterial activity is recorded only in the first few months after collection. This is why people who consume old honey may not experience the promised results.

In addition to the collection date, it is worth paying attention to the composition. Beekeeping products sold in stores can be diluted with sugar syrup and “improved” with a variety of additives. This product stores well, but definitely does not have antibacterial properties. So, to prepare homemade potions, it is better to buy freshly collected honey directly from the apiary.

Benefits for the gastrointestinal tract

Thanks to a rich set of components, aloe juice restores the intestinal microflora, helps the stomach cope with cramps, digest food more thoroughly, eliminating discomfort, and helps normalize metabolism.

In addition, aloe medicine for the stomach copes with bacterial infections. It is effective against staphylococci, streptococci, dysentery bacillus, typhoid bacillus, diphtheria bacillus. But this does not mean that the plant is the only remedy for treatment. It is complementary to drug therapy. As a means of prevention, you can use aloe vera medicine as the main one.

How to make juice

This substance is considered the basis for many healing remedies. Before starting treatment, it is worth doing some preparatory work. The most optimal plant age is considered to be after 3 years. They contain the maximum number of useful components.

INTERESTING fact: Medicinal properties of clover and use in folk medicine

It is recommended to use aloe for gastritis and other ailments only on the lower and middle leaves. They should be thoroughly washed with warm boiled water, dried and wrapped in a dark piece of cloth. Next, place in the refrigerator for a day. Then remove and separate the pulp. Pass everything through a meat grinder or juicer. Next, strain.

Traditional healers advise preparing a new portion each time, since the juice of this plant does not retain useful substances well. The maximum shelf life in the refrigerator is one day.

How to properly use aloe to treat stomach problems?

It is important to follow some rules for treating the plant to avoid worsening the disease. Whatever recipe for preparing the medicine is chosen, you need to adhere to the exact treatment regimen. To create a remedy, you must use fresh leaves of the plant.

For the first 3-4 days, 10 ml of the drug is taken 2 times a day.

From the 5th day of treatment, it is recommended to increase the dose to 1 dessert spoon.

From the 7th day, the dosage increases to 20 ml.

It is not recommended to take more than 60 g of the drug. For better absorption of the juice, it is better to use it 30-40 minutes before meals. Dosages are indicated for persons who do not have concomitant problems with the kidneys, gall bladder, etc.

During therapy, you need to increase the amount of fluid consumed to 2-2.5 liters. It is better if it is warm, clean water. To achieve the best effect, accompany treatment with enemas to quickly cleanse the stomach and intestines. Throughout therapy, the amount of body cleansing is gradually reduced.

Medicinal properties of aloe

Many people know that aloe vera gel (another name for agave) is the main component of cosmetics. However, the bitter substance is also used for medicinal purposes. In particular, water with green plant juice helps eliminate the unpleasant symptoms that accompany irritable bowel syndrome. Traditional recipes based on aloe will also help with constipation, inflammation of the stomach walls, and intestinal flu.

Of course, in order to achieve complete recovery, in addition to taking aloe for the stomach and intestines, you will need to change your daily diet. Regardless of the diagnosis, gastroenterologists advise introducing more high-fiber foods into the menu, as well as eliminating high-carbohydrate foods with trans fats, preservatives and artificial colors in their composition.

Aloe is useful even for the stomach and intestines of completely healthy people. The bitter, thick gel is ideal for removing toxic deposits from the walls of the intestines. It is recommended to carry out such cleaning several times a year to stop the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and normalize the microflora. The detoxification procedure will increase the amount of beneficial nutrients absorbed from the food entering the body.

Patient's opinion! I take a tablespoon of aloe gel diluted in a glass of warm water every morning. I have long forgotten about problems with digestion, although before I often had stomach upsets and was tormented by constipation.

Of course, the medicinal effect of the green plant is not limited to the gastrointestinal tract. The gel is rich in vitamins A, B, C and E, contains calcium, magnesium and zinc, so it is ideal for seasonally strengthening the immune system and activating metabolism.

Relief from stomach pain

For systematic pain in the organ, you can use aloe for the stomach, the recipe for which is quite simple. To prepare the medicine, you only need an aloe leaf.

Wash the plant thoroughly and chop. The juice is squeezed out through cheesecloth. You can use a juicer, blender or meat grinder, but this is not effective because you will only need a small amount of product. Continue treatment for a month. To do this, drink freshly prepared juice in small doses 30-35 minutes before meals.

How to cure a stomach

Aloe juice in combination with honey will lead to effective results if you follow these rules:

  • Only fresh honey should be used for treatment; candied honey is not suitable for this purpose;
  • Aloe vera will benefit the most if you use the lower leaves of a plant that is at least 3 years old. Also remember that houseplants, which have many beneficial properties, never bloom. If you see scarlet flowers on a bush, then you are dealing with wild agave, which will bring a minimal amount of benefit;
  • To prevent agave from losing its properties, it must be mixed with substances containing alcohol.

The medicine should be chosen based on your symptoms. The recipe that's right for you will depend on the disease you want to treat.

Treatment of heartburn

Aloe helps reduce the amount of gastric juice and normalize the digestive process. Aloe with honey for the stomach is the best therapy option. In this case, both components enhance each other’s properties. Aloe with honey in a recipe for the stomach:

  1. Prepare 200 ml of warm purified water, 10 ml of honey (it is recommended to take real honey, without chemical impurities) and 10 ml of aloe juice.
  2. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  3. Drink warm liquid 30-40 minutes before meals.

Use for children and pregnant women

When treating gastritis with aloe juice and honey, you need to follow the following rules:

  • If the condition worsens, you must immediately stop taking the drug;
  • If you are allergic to honey, it is better not to start treatment;
  • Aloe not only regenerates old cells, but also promotes the appearance of new ones; for this reason, aloe is not recommended for any neoplasms;
  • You should consume the juice of the plant for no more than 2 months.

Heartburn is considered one of the most common gastrointestinal problems. It appears at any time and brings a lot of unpleasant sensations. To calm her down, some go to quite radical methods. Sometimes this relieves the burning sensation, but in no way affects the very reason that triggered the occurrence. And in some cases, it generally significantly worsens the patient’s condition.

Aloe for heartburn

This manifestation can often serve as a companion to colitis or gastritis. It's no secret that honey has healing properties, but in combination with agave, it simply becomes miraculous. To prepare the product you will need in equal proportions:

  • sweet bee product;
  • olive oil;
  • medicinal plant juice.

Mix everything and heat the mixture in a water bath. After this, refrigerate. Take the composition three times a day, a tablespoon before meals. Remember that prolonged exposure to high temperatures on the sweet component leads to the destruction of its beneficial components.

The prepared product will help normalize acidity and other digestive disorders. These methods of influence can also be used for esophagitis and gastritis.

Recipe 1

Normalization of the digestive process

A medicine made from aloe and honey to treat the stomach is also used for digestive and metabolic disorders. The classic recipe uses wine, but if desired, it can be replaced with water. It is necessary to take into account the fact that wine affects the circulatory system even in small quantities.

15 g of aloe juice, 200 g of honey and 350 g of wine are mixed and infused for a week. Take 20 ml 3 times a day.

The mixture stimulates appetite and normalizes stomach function. This recipe is recommended after a long illness or sudden weight loss due to disorders in the body.

Indications for use: what aloe and honey treat

The healing mixture of honey and aloe has a positive effect on all organs and systems of the human body.
Respiratory system:

  • cures colds;
  • relieves cough and reduces sore throat.
  • helps in treating ulcers;
  • reduces the manifestations of chronic gastritis;
  • promotes the treatment of diseases of the pancreas and liver;
  • normalizes digestion.


  • eliminates inflammatory eye diseases;
  • removes swelling from the eyes;
  • restores visual acuity;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • improves the functioning of the optic nerve.

Man's health:

  • relieves impotence;
  • increases libido;
  • increases sperm motility;
  • relieves prostatitis.

Women Health:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • reduces and eliminates cervical erosion.

ENT organs:

  • kills bacteria;
  • disinfects mucous membranes.


  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • soothes the skin;
  • has antiseptic properties;
  • treats purulent rashes;
  • strengthens the hair structure.


  • relieves swelling;
  • relieves pain of muscle and joint origin.

General strengthening:

  • increases immunity;
  • used to prevent colds and flu;
  • restores strength after illness.

Getting rid of stomach ulcers

For the treatment of ulcerative conditions, it is recommended to take the drug on an empty stomach. Algorithm for preparing medicine from aloe:

  1. The recipe uses dried branches of the plant. The plucked branches are stored in a dark and dry room for a week, after which they are thoroughly washed and finely chopped.
  2. The chopped plant is filled with cold water. Liquid at room temperature is suitable.
  3. Leave for 2-2.5 hours.
  4. Strain the juice, squeezing out the pulp.

The resulting juice can be used without additional components. If desired, you can add potatoes or honey. When adding potatoes, it is worth considering that they cannot be stored for long, so the juice will have to be made once every 1-2 days.

Aloe for the stomach and intestines: for gastritis, ulcers, treatment, recipe, reviews

Aloe is a type of flowering plant.
Belongs to the Asphodelaceae family, which has more than 500 species. This is an ornamental plant found in many homes. It is distinguished not only by its beauty, but also by its beneficial properties. Since time immemorial, people have used aloe for stomach and other ailments.

The plant also contains toxins that can harm the body under some circumstances. What are the benefits of aloe?

Is aloe good for the stomach?

According to statistics, gastrointestinal diseases are increasingly being found in people. Excess fatty junk food, ignoring the rules of healthy eating, poor lifestyle - all this, along with bacteria and viruses, leads to gastritis or even ulcers. Stomach diseases cause great inconvenience and require immediate treatment.

The “cure” is at your fingertips. It can be prepared from a seemingly ordinary ornamental plant - aloe. The plant has many beneficial properties that help cope with gastrointestinal diseases:

  • antibacterial effect - natural components help the body destroy dangerous microorganisms and actively participate in the fight against the virus;
  • antioxidant – natural antioxidant agent;
  • promotes wound healing - is widely used in the treatment of ulcerative lesions (the regulating effect promotes the restoration of the mucous membrane and scarring of wounds). Aloe vera for acne.

You can take aloe juice as a medicinal drink.


Aloe vera medicines cannot be used in all cases. The plant is contraindicated for the treatment of pregnant women and children under 3 years of age.

Aloe is also not recommended in the presence of internal hemorrhages, or for women during an active menstrual cycle.

The plant will cause harm in cases of acute forms of chronic diseases, disorders of the cardiovascular system and in case of individual intolerance/sensitivity.

Excessive consumption of recipes with aloe for the stomach can cause intoxication of the body. The whole plant is not consumed, but only the leaf with the peel.

How to prepare aloe juice?

Before treating aloe stomach, you first need to prepare the leaves. More healing properties accumulate in aloe by the 5th year of life. It is also possible to use “younger” representatives under the age of 3 years.

When treating aloe gastritis, the lower and middle leaves are collected. They are torn off carefully, avoiding kinks and damage. After collecting, the leaves need to be washed, dried and wrapped in foil, put in the refrigerator. At zero temperature, the plant can last up to a month, but the medicine is prepared already on the 10-15th day of storage.

Juice preparation:

  1. Get the leaves.
  2. Grind them with a knife or blender.
  3. Depending on the recipe, you can use the resulting mass or put the crushed leaves in a vessel, wrapped in gauze. Then wait until only the juice flows out, gradually pressing on the “lump” to speed up the process.

Juice does not store well in its finished form. It is extracted immediately before use. If desired, you can prepare a special alcohol mixture that allows the juice to last longer. Recipe:

  1. Mix juice with vodka (proportions 4 to 1).
  2. Pour the mixture into a clean container.
  3. Screw on the lid tightly and put it in the refrigerator for storage.

The alcohol solution is not suitable for the preparation of some medicinal recipes and should not be given to children. The best way is to store aloe in the form of leaves.

Recipes for treatment of gastritis

You need to drink drops of their juice half an hour before meals. The juice not only helps in the fight against gastritis, but is also considered an effective preventative against erosive processes and weakening of the mucous membrane. The risk of developing new formations in the stomach and duodenum is reduced. The course of aloe prevention against gastritis lasts 1 month, therapy – 2 months.

Aloe with honey is an excellent remedy for restoring the walls of the stomach and intestines. The medicine helps fight bacteria, stop the destruction of mucous membranes, relieve swelling and inflammation. Does aloe help with coughs? Read here.

The easiest recipe for how to prepare medicine with aloe for the stomach:

  1. Take 200 ml of hot water and dilute 100 g of honey in it.
  2. All liquid is mixed with 100 ml of aloe “porridge”.

You need to consume aloe for gastritis 15 minutes before meals, 2 small spoons. You can also take crushed leaves and honey in an amount of 2 to 1 and mix everything. It is better to take 1 spoon of this remedy with plain water three times a day. The course of treatment for gastritis lasts 21 days, then you will have to give the body a “rest” for 14 days, after which the therapy will be repeated.

Recipe for combating chronic gastritis with aloe, honey and carrot juice:

  1. Take 100 ml and 100 grams of honey.
  2. Mix everything in a separate container.
  3. Add 2 tablespoons of carrot juice to the mixture and stir.

It is recommended to drink the medicine on an empty stomach, 1 spoon three times a day. Course – 1 month.

Before preparing aloe to treat the stomach, you need to know about its contraindications:

  1. Allergy. Honey is primarily dangerous for allergy sufferers. Aloe is not dangerous for gastritis, as it is a hypoallergenic remedy and stimulates digestion.
  2. Aloe is dangerous for the stomach and intestines, as it leads to accelerated cell regeneration and is not recommended for use in the presence of tumors and formations. Treatment of the stomach with aloe is contraindicated in case of exacerbation of gastritis.
  3. Honey is harmful for diabetes.

How to treat ulcers with the help of a plant?

Ulcers and gastritis have common symptoms, so when treating the first, you can use the same recipes as when treating the second.

Alcohol-free tincture:

  1. Remove the leaves from the refrigerator and immediately add water in a ratio of 1:3.
  2. Let them sit for a while and squeeze out the juice.
  3. Prepare a mixture of honey, crushed walnuts and juice (amount 5 to 3 to 1).

The product should be stored in a dark, cool place. It is better to drink aloe for stomach ulcers for 2 months, 1 spoon 30 minutes before meals.

Medicine for the intestines

Honey and aloe are a universal remedy that helps fight most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipe with aloe for the stomach No1 - tea for flatulence:

  1. Brew mint tea in hot water.
  2. Add honey in any volume and 1/3 teaspoon of aloe juice.

You can drink without any restrictions until you feel better.

Recipe No2 – remedy for gas formation:

  1. Prepare 100 grams of leaves and 100 grams of honey.
  2. Mix in a container.
  3. Leave the mixture to sit for 5 hours.

Aloe recipe for gastritis is prepared regularly, drink 1 teaspoon per day.

Review Reviews

Aloe for the stomach and intestines is an excellent home remedy. Most patients report reduced pain and favorable results from therapy with plant juice.

Reviews of aloe for the stomach help you decide on a folk recipe and begin preventive measures. However, you need to remember that any course of aloe for gastritis must be discussed with your doctor. The product complements the main therapy, but does not replace it completely.

Aloe accelerates the healing of wounds and cracks, relieves inflammation, improves immunity, and destroys pathogenic bacteria. And honey has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa, normalizes its secretory activity and restores the process of gastric juice production.

All this helps to alleviate the symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis:


  1. Aloe for the stomach is a small “salvation”. The remedy will not cure all diseases, but it will help relieve some of the symptoms and relieve pain from gastritis and ulcers.
  2. Traditional medicine acts as an assistant in medical therapy.
  3. Aloe for gastritis of the stomach will improve digestion and help restore damaged cells.


Gastritis therapy

The anti-inflammatory drug eliminates the attack of bacteria on the gastrointestinal tract, restores the intestinal microflora and stomach walls. Gastritis can be treated with aloe not only during an exacerbation, but also during remission during the chronic course of the disease:

  1. The same amount of plantain juice and honey is used. You can collect the grass yourself, but away from the road, or purchase it at a specialized store.
  2. Place the mixture in an enamel pan, place on the stove and let it boil. The medicine does not require long boiling. Remove from heat and leave covered for 2 hours.
  3. Add 200 ml of aloe juice to the mixture, which has cooled to room temperature.
  4. Before use, stir in water and drink before meals.

The product can retain its properties for 15 days if stored in the refrigerator. The fresher the product, the greater its effectiveness.

How to prepare and take medicinal products

Traditional healers claim that aloe vera, which is more than 3-4 years old, has healing powers.

How to prepare aloe:

  1. Cut off the thickest leaves of the plant, rinse thoroughly and dry. It is advisable not to water aloe for 5–7 days before this.
  2. Wrap the raw materials in dark matter and place them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. At low temperatures, the plant releases substances called biogenic stimulants, which enhance the healing effect of aloe.
  3. After 1-2 weeks, remove the leaves, use a knife with a ceramic blade to remove the side “thorns” and chop into small pieces.

    To chop aloe leaves, it is better to use a ceramic knife: when it comes into contact with metal, the plant loses some valuable substances

  4. If necessary, crush the plant with a wooden masher and squeeze out the juice using gauze.

To obtain juice, you can use a meat grinder or juicer, but when it comes into contact with metal, some of the plant’s valuable substances are lost.

A classic recipe for a medicinal mixture for ulcers and erosion of the stomach and duodenum

  1. Combine honey with aloe juice in equal proportions.
  2. Drink 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Duration of use: 1 month. To enhance the effect, you should immediately after using the medicine eat a little soft butter.

For erosion, you need to combine the juice squeezed from 5 aloe leaves with 5 tbsp. l. honey. Drink a teaspoon every morning on an empty stomach for 3 weeks.

With walnuts

  1. Keep the agave in the refrigerator for 7 days.
  2. Soak half a glass of crushed leaves in 250 ml of chilled boiled water. Leave for 2 hours.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the plant.
  4. Add 300 g of ground walnuts and the same amount of honey.

For the first three days, take 2 tsp. before meals three times a day, on the fourth day - 1 tsp. eat only in the morning. Stick to this regimen for a month.

With red wine

  1. Process the agave leaves using a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth (or use a juicer).
  2. Add 0.7 liters of red wine and 0.5 liters of liquid honey to the juice.
  3. Pour the composition into a dark glass container. Let the product sit for 10 days.

    Honey and aloe infused with red wine are a common remedy for stomach problems.

The duration of treatment is three months. Consume three times a day an hour before meals. In the first month, a single dose is 1 tsp, in the second and third month - 1 tbsp. l.

With Cahors and radish, carrot, cabbage and beet juices (for ulcerative colitis)

  1. Combine 500 ml of fresh juice of radish, cabbage, carrots, beets and aloe.
  2. Add 0.5 kg of May honey.
  3. Pour a bottle of Cahors into the composition.
  4. Keep the mixture for 6 hours in a preheated oven or over low heat.
  5. Pour into a glass container and store in a dark place.

Take 50 ml half an hour before meals until the medicine runs out.

Carrot juice is a common ingredient in home remedies for ulcers.

With vodka

Pour 0.5 liters of vodka, half a kilogram of crushed aloe leaves and 700 g of honey.

Take a tablespoon one hour before meals three times a day. Immediately after using the product, it is recommended to eat a little butter.

For patients with gastritis

Treatment of gastritis is almost always medicinal. But sometimes significant side effects occur. In this case, traditional methods will help.

Pure agave honey and juice

  1. Mix honey and aloe juice. Eat a teaspoon before meals.
  2. Stir 100 g of honey in 200 ml of warm water, add half a glass of crushed aloe leaves. Take 2 teaspoons a quarter of an hour before meals.

The duration of treatment is from 2 weeks to 1 month.

Aloe and flower honey (for flatulence)

Flatulence, or increased gas formation, is a common symptom characteristic of chronic gastritis. To get rid of an unpleasant manifestation you need:

  1. Mix 100 g of honey with an equal volume of crushed aloe leaves.
  2. Let it brew for 6 hours.
  3. Take a teaspoon three times a day.

With mint (for pain relief)

  1. Pour 2 tablespoons of mint into 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Filter and combine with 2 tablespoons of aloe juice.
  3. Drink 200 ml before each meal, adding 1 tsp. honey.

As part of products with aloe and honey, mint will help relieve pain accompanying diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

With carrots (for chronic gastritis)

  1. Mix 100 g of honey and aloe.
  2. Add a tablespoon of grated carrots.
  3. Eat a teaspoon before meals three times a day for 3-4 weeks.

With vodka

  1. Mix 200 g of crushed aloe leaves with 0.5 kg of honey.
  2. Pour the composition into 500 ml of vodka, stir and keep in a dark place for 14 days.
  3. Take a tablespoon three times a day, a quarter of an hour before meals, until the product runs out.

Video: preparing a tincture with honey, aloe and Cahors

With milk, lard and cocoa

Mix honey, lard (goose or pork) and cocoa (100 g of each component). Add 15 ml of aloe juice.

Natural cocoa without flavoring additives or dyes is used to prepare the medicine.

Take a tablespoon twice a day, dissolving the medicine in a glass of hot milk.

Instead of lard, you can use butter.

With butter (for atrophic gastritis)

  1. Mix linden honey, butter and aloe juice in equal volumes.
  2. A month before meals, eat 2 teaspoons.

With potato starch (to eliminate symptoms of erosive gastritis with high acidity and constipation)

Gastritis with high acidity is often accompanied by an uncomfortable burning sensation. To improve your condition, drink a teaspoon of aloe three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Potato starch will help with gastritis with high acidity

20 minutes after taking the product, quickly drink a solution of potato starch (a teaspoon per 50 ml of cool water) and immediately eat a teaspoon of honey

In this recipe, the starch solution can be replaced with 50 ml of fresh potato juice.

Video: benefits of potato juice for high acidity

Medicines for gastritis with low acidity

  1. With plantain. Add 150 ml of agave juice and 250 ml of plantain juice to 1 kg of honey. Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day half an hour before meals.
  2. With plantain and raspberries. Stir honey in boiled water, maintaining the ratio of 1 tsp. product per 1/4 cup of liquid. Add a decoction of raspberry leaves, plantain juice and aloe juice in equal volumes. Drink 100 ml of the product before meals.

    Plantain increases stomach acidity

  3. With cocoa and butter. Dilute cocoa powder in water and combine in equal quantities with crushed aloe leaves, butter and honey. Place the mixture in a ceramic bowl and simmer in a preheated oven for 3 hours. Let cool, filter into a glass container and store in the refrigerator. Before eating, eat a tablespoon. The duration of treatment is a month.
  4. With lemon and cognac. In 200 g of honey add the juice obtained from two lemons, 2 tbsp. l. agave juice and the same amount of cognac. Take a teaspoon before meals.
  5. With Kalanchoe and propolis. Combine alcohol extract of propolis 10% (7 ml) with light honey (78 g) and Kalanchoe pinnate juice (15 ml). Simmer the mixture in a water bath, stirring, for 20–30 minutes. Combine aloe juice with the prepared composition, observing the ratio of 1 to 10. Take 1 tbsp three times a day. l. an hour before meals for 1–2 months.

Video: how to prepare plantain juice

Popular and effective aloe and honey recipes

The simplest recipe for stomach medicine from aloe and honey is to take aloe juice and mix it with honey in equal proportions. The duration of such treatment is no more than two months. It has a positive effect on all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, not only the stomach.

Melted butter is also used to improve the recipe. It is important to take a fresh and high-quality product.

Honey and aloe can be mixed with walnuts or diluted with wine, but the use of these products is recommended only after consulting a doctor.

How to make a medicine for the stomach from aloe can be seen in the video:

Aloe vera for the treatment and prevention of gastritis

It is recommended to use aloe with honey for gastritis in antacid and atrophic forms of this disease. In both cases, the cells of the mucous membrane secrete too few digestive enzymes, and all conditions for the proliferation of microorganisms appear in the stomach, which can release toxins and contribute to the occurrence of ulcers.

Taking pure honey with its highly expressed bactericidal properties is especially important. In the treatment of gastritis, aloe restores the mucous membrane, stimulates the activity of tissues that secrete digestive juice, and promotes the healing of damaged stomach walls.

With increased acidity

For gastritis with high acidity and damage to the mucous membrane, honey and aloe are necessary. Honey disinfects and fights inflammation, while aloe relieves irritation and promotes healing of erosions and ulcers.

However, aloe stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, and honey contains many organic acids. As a result, the mixture of these ingredients increases the pH of the internal environment of the stomach.

The way out of this vicious circle is simple - use mixtures that, in addition to honey and aloe, contain components that reduce the intensity of gastric juice secretion.

With low acidity

For gastritis with low acidity, aloe and honey can be taken separately or in mixtures. Alcohol tinctures also work well. It is especially recommended to use honey and aloe in the development of atrophic gastritis. The only problem in this case is the increased sensitivity of the stomach to the effects of any food.

Therefore, before taking the mixture, you need to drink a glass of water infused with rice or oatmeal. This will create a thin film on the walls of the stomach, as a result of which the effects of honey and aloe will not be as strong.


Despite the popularity of aloe treatment, not everyone can use the plant. So, with the following signs, treatment with a plant can harm the body:

  • the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in an acute form;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • open bleeding, menstruation;
  • hepatitis A;
  • cystitis;
  • nephritis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Treatment of children under 12 years of age with traditional medicine should be carried out with caution and only after consultation with a pediatrician. It is important to accurately determine the dose of use of the plant and take into account the child’s concomitant diseases.

Do not use aloe treatment under any circumstances if the patient is intolerant to this plant.

If there are contraindications, aloe in combination with other products can be used in small doses, if such is indicated by a doctor.

Contraindications for treatment with honey

Medical clinic specialists always have a positive attitude towards the use of aloe and honey products by patients, which treat various diseases. However, each of them emphasizes that such recipes must be used in combination with traditional drug therapy, without leaving treatment to chance. This is the only way to count on quickly achieving results.

A burning sensation occurs when hydrochloric acid enters the esophagus from the stomach. Heartburn can occur due to poor diet or diseases of the digestive system.

Aloe and soda - mix a teaspoon of plant juice and baking soda, dilute with a glass of water. Drink aloe infusion in small sips for stomach diseases and heartburn.

» » » » Medicinal herbs for the stomach « « « «

Aloe and a collection of herbs for the stomach - a mixture of aloe leaves and elecampane roots taken a tablespoon at a time helps to get rid of heartburn. Add 2 tbsp to the crushed raw materials. grape leaves, 4 tbsp. St. John's wort inflorescences. The collection is brewed with a liter of boiling water, simmered over low heat for 20 minutes, and left for thirty minutes. Drink half a glass half an hour before meals for heartburn.

Aloe decoction for heartburn - a tablespoon of leaves is mixed with two tablespoons of St. John's wort herb and 4 tbsp. crushed viburnum bark, add 400 ml of chilled water. Let it boil and leave on low heat for half an hour. Drink a tablespoon before meals 30 minutes.

» » » » Treatment of the stomach with honey « « « «

Infusion for heartburn in the stomach - 1 tbsp. leaves are thoroughly mixed with 1 tbsp. herbs St. John's wort and common yarrow, add a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour and decant. Take a tablespoon before meals.

Honey is one of the few delicacies that can be consumed for almost any disease and the strictest diet. It gives a person not only pleasure, but also treats many diseases. Well, if honey is mixed with medicinal plants, then the result is a powerful blow to various ailments.

The combination of aloe and honey is especially good. To treat the stomach with honey, you need to choose the right aloe. The plant must be at least three years old. After you have picked the aloe leaves, you need to wash it and put it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for seven days. Only after this can you make recipes using aloe and honey to treat the stomach.

It is not advisable to take aloe-based preparations for children, elderly people, or simply if they are personally intolerant. Abuse of aloe juice is also dangerous. The main contraindications are as follows:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. A disease occurring in the acute phase;
  3. Cardiac problems;
  4. Severe damage to the stomach and intestines;
  5. Kidney failure;
  6. General exhaustion of the body.

The use of agave-based drugs for cancer remains a controversial issue. Is it possible to use agave? Some experts recommend its use, while others categorically prohibit it. The effect of this medicine on the patient’s body has not yet been sufficiently studied.

Sometimes people ask: why does honey make my stomach hurt? The first thing that could be is your personal intolerance or you are taking it incorrectly. There are people who eat too much honey. There is no need to do this.

Still, this nectar is a product that should be consumed very moderately. The benefits of honey for the gastric mucosa are very high. Adults are recommended 3-4 tablespoons per day, and children several times less. Newborn babies should not be given honey at all.

The cause of stomach pain, as you can see, can be different: from manifestations of intolerance to the product to abuse of it. If your stomach hurts, immediately after taking honey, even in small quantities, stop eating it.

Remember, bee nectar is not only a delicacy, it is also a medicine that can help, but also harm. There must be moderation in everything. Take care of your health, because getting sick is not fashionable now.

Any inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - this is the area of ​​application of drinking gels with aloe: from stomach ulcers to banal gastritis - everything lends itself well to complex therapy, in which gastroenterologists include herbal nutritional supplements.

Aloe preparations for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and erosions, which are produced by the LR company, show better results in comparison with other products used in official protocols - sea buckthorn oil, flaxseed decoction and oil of the same name.

Of course, during the onset and exacerbation of the disease, you cannot use only aloe with honey: treatment of the stomach will not be 100% effective, since first of all a course of several antibiotics and enveloping drugs is necessary.

However, it makes sense to continue taking drinking aloe gel for stomach ulcers or gastritis during the main course of therapy, and then repeat it periodically - and especially in the off-season, when the risk of exacerbations is high.

Leave your grandmother's agave alone and don't take aloe juice and honey prepared at home seriously anymore: treating the stomach is a complex task and requires not only the attention of specialists, but also a careful selection of medicinal products. Aloe Vera drinking gels from the German company LR are the best solution!

For a more detailed description of the products discussed in the article, click on the “Products” section (button above).

Aloe with honey is an indispensable medicine for the stomach and intestines, as it helps fight bacteria, restore damaged walls of the gastrointestinal tract, remove inflammation and swelling.

  1. The simplest recipe. Take 1 tbsp. warm water and dilute 100 g of honey in it, mix honey water and 0.5 tbsp. crushed aloe. You need to drink this remedy a quarter of an hour before meals, 2 tsp. Or take 2 parts crushed aloe and 1 part honey. Stir and eat 1 tsp. medication, washed down with warm water, at least 3 times a day. Use aloe with honey for gastritis for 21 days, then you need a break of 14 days, after which you can repeat the course of treatment again.
  2. Medicine with red wine. Buy a bottle of scarlet liquid, namely some red wine, for example, church cahors. This scarlet drink must be of high quality. Mix 700 ml of wine, 100 g of honey and aloe juice (300 g) in a glass bowl. Leave this remedy to infuse for 7 days. This medicine should be taken before meals, half an hour before breakfast, 1 tbsp.
  3. A remedy for getting rid of chronic gastritis. Recipe for aloe with honey and carrot juice. Take 100 g of aloe and the same amount of honey, mix them. Add 2 tbsp. carrot juice. Drink before meals, 1 tbsp. at least three times. Treatment – ​​30 days.

Is aloe good for the stomach?

According to statistics, gastrointestinal diseases are increasingly being found in people. Excess fatty junk food, ignoring the rules of healthy eating, poor lifestyle - all this, along with bacteria and viruses, leads to gastritis or even ulcers. Stomach diseases cause great inconvenience and require immediate treatment.

The “cure” is at your fingertips. It can be prepared from a seemingly ordinary ornamental plant - aloe. The plant has many beneficial properties that help cope with gastrointestinal diseases:

  • antibacterial effect - natural components help the body destroy dangerous microorganisms and actively participate in the fight against the virus;
  • antioxidant – natural antioxidant agent;
  • promotes wound healing - is widely used in the treatment of ulcerative lesions (the regulating effect promotes the restoration of the mucous membrane and scarring of wounds). Aloe vera for acne.

Benefits of aloe

There are more than 500 varieties of aloe, but only a few are grown at home. There are only two types of medicinal plants: aloe vera (another name is agave), whose homeland was Africa, and aloe vera, which was brought from the Mediterranean.

The leaves of a plant that is already 5 years old are considered the most healing. Its middle and lower leaves are collected. They can be stored in the refrigerator at zero temperature for about a month if they are loosely wrapped in foil.

Experts advise using not freshly picked leaves, but those that have been in the refrigerator for 10 to 12 days. In the cold, healing biostimulants will be produced to maintain cell viability.

Benefits of aloe:

  • The plant is known for its wound healing properties. It is used both to treat superficial wounds and to restore the gastric mucosa. It has a powerful regenerating effect, which is why it attracts attention in the treatment of gastritis and ulcers.
  • Aloe is famous for its antibacterial and antiviral effects.
  • It contains salicylic acid and other substances, they have an anti-inflammatory as well as antiseptic effect.
  • It fights pain thanks to the same salicylic acid and other components.
  • This is an antioxidant.
  • Aloe improves the functioning of the immune system. If the patient has a strong immune system, then his body quickly copes with pathogenic microbes and even Helicobacter pylori.

The plant has a unique structure, so most of the nutrients are quickly absorbed by the body.

Features of preparing medicines

If you decide to use aloe and honey for gastric ulcers, before preparing medications you should take into account several features that may affect the effectiveness of treatment. Honey for preparing medicinal mixtures must be liquid and always fresh. It is important that there are no crystals in it. Aloe can accumulate huge amounts of dust on its surface, so it must be thoroughly rinsed before use. It is better to use leaves of a plant that is at least 4 years old. This is explained by the fact that it is during this period that the maximum of useful substances accumulates in it.

Aloe as a medicinal plant

Aloe Vera belongs to medicinal plants, due to the content of many useful substances and microelements in the pulp of the leaves. The plant is widely used in almost all areas of medicine; it is included in many creams, medicinal ointments, and medications for oral use. The leaves, which have a dense gel structure, are of particular value to the plant. Aloe leaf gel for the stomach has the following functions:

  • prevention of peptic ulcer or gastritis;
  • reduction of inflammation, irritation of mucous membranes;
  • elimination of infectious diseases;
  • preventing long-term constipation;
  • alleviation of painful symptoms of hemorrhoids;
  • blood purification;
  • destruction of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines;
  • sclerosis of ulcerative lesions on the gastric mucosa.

Aloe leaf in section

Important! Aloe has been valued since ancient times as an ideal remedy for healing cut and burn wounds due to its high antiseptic and disinfecting properties. To enhance the effectiveness of treatment, it is important to properly prepare, store, and combine aloe leaf extract with other beneficial components.

What to do with low acidity

There are also symptoms here that will help you recognize the level of acidity in the stomach. These include:

• heaviness in the stomach; • feeling of overcrowding; • bad breath; • belching with a rotten aftertaste.

In this case, experts recommend using a self-prepared medicinal mixture based on honey and aloe.

So, to collect the mixture at home, you need to dilute honey (1 tsp) in water (50 ml) and add aloe juice. If you want to enhance the effect of taking the collection, you should add plantain juice and raspberry decoction. The resulting folk medicine is drunk before meals in an amount of 100 ml.

You can also use another recipe that will not be harmful with low acidity. Butter and cocoa come into play here, which makes this recipe a little unusual. Cocoa, aloe juice, oil and honey are dissolved in water in equal proportions. Place the resulting mixture in a ceramic container and place in the oven for 3 hours. After the specified time, the medicine should be cooled, strained and poured into a glass jar. It is necessary to consume the prepared product before starting a meal in the amount of 1 tbsp. l., store exclusively in the refrigerator. The course of treatment lasts 30 days.

For colitis

Inflammation of the colon mucosa is called colitis. This disease is accompanied by:

  • indigestion;
  • gas formation;
  • abdominal pain;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • constipation (does aloe help with constipation?).

All the symptoms cause a lot of problems for people. There are many ways to alleviate them, one of which is the use of aloe.

Agave has properties that eliminate inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

It should be noted that drinking the juice of this plant can cause a laxative effect, so it should not be used if diarrhea occurs with colitis.

There are several options for using agave to treat colitis. Its pulp can be consumed in its pure form, or mixed with 1/2 cup of water and a tablespoon of honey.

The fastest cooking recipe consists of several steps:

  1. 100 g of finely chopped leaves of the plant are combined with flower honey in the same quantity;
  2. the mixture is infused for 6 hours.

The prepared product should be taken three times a day, one teaspoon.

How to properly prepare raw materials?

During therapy with folk remedies, special attention is paid to the quality of the products and plants used. To prepare medicine from aloe, you need to collect the thickest leaves, which contain a lot of juice. A plant older than 3 years should be used, then it contains a large amount of medicinal substances.

After collection, the leaves must be placed in the refrigerator for 14-16 days so that the aloe begins to produce biogenic stimulants. To prevent drying out, the plant should be wrapped in cling film. After 2 weeks, you can remove it from the refrigerator and cut it with a ceramic knife. This will preserve all biologically active substances. To obtain juice, pieces of the plant should be crushed with a rolling pin.

The beekeeping product and its quality are of great importance for the treatment of the stomach. It should be natural, flow off a spoon and lie in layers. High quality honey begins to crystallize after 30 days, acquiring a lighter shade. When preparing the medicine, it should be diluted with water.

Can heartburn be treated?

This unpleasant symptom may occur due to a nervous disorder or due to a serious illness. As a rule, heartburn is a consequence of gastritis. There are many ways to treat this disease, including using aloe leaves.

The most common ones include:

  • Aloe with olive oil and honey.
      All these components must be combined in equal proportions and kept in a water bath until the honey is completely melted.
  • The resulting mixture is cooled and taken three times a day, one tablespoon at a time.
  • Aloe with plantain.
      The leaves of these two plants in equal quantities are twisted through a meat grinder.
  • The juice is squeezed out, diluted with water and left for 20-30 minutes.
  • The remedy is taken one tablespoon 3 times a day for 20 days.
  • Aloe, viburnum bark and St. John's wort.
      These carefully crushed ingredients are taken in a ratio of 1:4:2, and the measurement is made in a tablespoon.
  • The mixture is stirred, poured with water and placed on the stove, the duration of low boiling should be 30 minutes.
  • The finished broth is filtered and taken 20 g 3 times a day before meals.

To effectively treat heartburn, agave juice is mixed with ethyl alcohol (95%) in a ratio of 4:1. The infusion should be taken 30 minutes before meals, 20-30 ml three times a day.

Remedy for unpleasant symptoms of stomach diseases

With many gastrointestinal diseases, unpleasant symptoms appear, for example, a bloated stomach, and pain. There are recipes with aloe that can remove these unpleasant symptoms.

  1. Remedy for increased gas formation. You will need 100 g of aloe leaves and the same amount of flower honey. Leave this mixture to infuse for 5 hours and take 1 tsp.
  2. Tea for flatulence. Prepare warm mint tea by dissolving a little honey in it to taste, add a third of a teaspoon of aloe juice to it. Drink until you feel better.
  3. Medicine that relieves pain. You will need 2 tbsp. chopped mint leaves. You need to pour 300 ml of boiling water over it and leave to infuse for half an hour. Later add 2 tbsp to mint tea. aloe juice Drink 200 ml before meals, after diluting 1 tsp in this healing tea. honey

Treatment of the stomach with aloe and honey is a simple and affordable way to combat serious diseases such as gastritis or ulcers. It can be used as an additional remedy without abandoning traditional treatment prescribed by a doctor. Before using any traditional methods of treatment, it is better to consult a doctor or independently study all contraindications. If an allergic reaction occurs or your health sharply worsens, it is better to stop taking medicinal drugs.

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