Treatment of biliary pancreatitis
Biliary-dependent pancreatitis (case report)
1236 Biliary pancreatitis occurs when the bile ducts become inflamed and is most often accompanied by severe pain
Hemostatic and anti-inflammatory suppositories for hemorrhoids
The appearance of such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids is evidenced not only by an unpleasant sensation in the colon
Treatment of stomach ulcers with folk remedies - the most effective
Have you been struggling with GASTRITIS and ULCERS for many years without success? "You'll be amazed how easy it is to
Reactive pancreatitis in a child
Causes of reactive pancreatitis in children: symptoms and treatment of pancreatic inflammation, useful recommendations
The essence of the pathology In childhood, pancreatitis most often manifests itself in a reactive form. Its difference
hand washing
What is subatrophic gastritis and how to treat it?
General concepts The term “atrophy” is usually understood as the process of loss of functions and structural changes in living
What does thin stool look like? Size and shape of feces - what they should be
Feces are one of the objective indicators of human health. According to its shape, consistency, quantity, output
Causes and treatment of pain in the anus in women
Causes and treatment of pain in the anus in women
Pain in the anus can occur in women of different age categories, during pregnancy and
Is it realistic to urgently lose 10 kg in a month: results and reviews of those losing weight
Adenocarcinoma is one of the most common malignant tumors of the stomach, the danger of which is
Dysbacteriosis in infants: treatment and symptoms
When a mother hears a diagnosis that her baby has dysbiosis, she immediately asks questions about where and how
hemorrhoids in children
Do hemorrhoids occur in newborns?
Unfortunately, hemorrhoids, which are not a childhood problem, also occur in children. To determine what
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