Signs and treatment of gastritis in children
Medical Consultant Gastroenterology Gastritis in children: causes, symptoms and treatment Gastritis in children most often
Burning in the anus: why does it appear?
In some cases, itching intensifies at night, interfering with sleep and rest. IN
Treatment and diagnosis of hyperplastic colon polyp
Differential diagnosis of adenomas with advanced colon tumors does not cause difficulties. Early invasive
Duspatalin indications for use and contraindications analogues
Published 04/03/2020 · Comments: · Reading time: 8 min · Views: Post Views: 441
Sea buckthorn oil
Is it possible to cure gastritis with sea buckthorn oil?
Constantly experiencing discomfort in the upper abdomen, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and nausea may
Stones in the pancreas
Causes and treatment of stones in the pancreas
Pancreatic stones are calcifications that form in the area of ​​the ducts and parenchyma of the organ system
Appendicitis - 10 symptoms, how to distinguish it from other pains 74519 0
Thanks to prompt diagnosis of acute appendicitis, it is possible to detect the disease in time and begin its treatment.
what foods does the liver and pancreas like?
What the pancreas likes from food: healthy and harmful foods
The pancreas regulates hormonal levels in the blood (glucagon and insulin) and digestive processes
What to do if you overeat persimmons or kings?
Eating persimmons for gastritis Persimmons are known not only for their special taste, but also for many
Establishing diagnosis
Treatment of esophageal erosion: diet and drug therapy
Can it develop into cancer? Esophageal erosion is a disease without a clear clinical picture. Often
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