Hemostatic and anti-inflammatory suppositories for hemorrhoids

The appearance of such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids is indicated not only by an unpleasant sensation in the colon, but also by the appearance of bloody spots on toilet paper. Bleeding is the first and most common symptom of the disease, which must be treated separately. As a rule, hemorrhage is accompanied not only by severe and quite sharp pain, but also complicates natural bowel movements and over time can lead to infection and the development of tumors on the anus. Therefore, when hemorrhoids with bleeding appear, it is necessary to take active action immediately, without delaying treatment.

Which candles to choose?

Pharmacies have a large list of suppositories that can help. We present the best suppositories for hemorrhoids with bleeding, according to reviews from patients and doctors.

NamePropertiesprice, rub.
HepatrombinPromotes the resorption of blood clots that cause inflammation and damage to hemorrhoids.250-300
ProctosanConstricts blood vessels, eliminates inflammation, has an astringent effect on the walls of the rectum.360-370
Procto-GlyvenolIncreases vascular tone, reduces their permeability, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.420-450
GlycerolIt has no direct effect on bleeding, but helps to moisturize the mucous membrane, resulting in a reduced likelihood of mechanical damage.40-50
ReliefHeals wounds and cracks on the walls of blood vessels, treats inflammation, and ensures tissue regeneration.390-400
TambukanPropolis-based suppositories have anesthetic, regenerating, and capillary-strengthening properties.300-350
TykveolSoftens the consistency of stool, heals wounds.320-450
AnuzolSuppositories relieve pain, stop bleeding, eliminate burning and itching.75-90
MethyluracilThe drug stimulates the formation of white and red blood cells, which prevents the development of anemia during hemorrhoid bleeding.45-80
HepatrombinThese suppositories heal bleeding. The medicine quickly stops bleeding, eliminates vascular inflammation, and normalizes blood circulation. 220-250

Photos of rectal preparations from the list of the table:

Medicines for hemorrhoids in men. Suppository therapy

Proctologists use various methods to treat hemorrhoids in men:

  • medicinal;
  • unconventional;
  • operational.

To get rid of symptoms by eliminating the cause of the appearance of nodes, complex treatment is prescribed.

If the first signs of hemorrhoids appear in men, how to treat them at home? Many proctologists advise using ointments and suppositories. The treatment regimen includes drugs that maintain the condition of the veins and normalize blood flow in the pelvic area.

What are the most effective drugs for treating hemorrhoids in an adult man? Doctors prescribe local anesthetics to such patients, which effectively eliminate inflammation and swelling of the rectal area. To cure the patient, you can use the drug "Relief". It helps get rid of pain, itching and burning in the rectal area. Relief contains shark liver oil.

For external nodes, belladonna suppositories can be used. This drug for hemorrhoids for men quickly eliminates pain and the initial symptoms of the disease. In parallel, its action is aimed at healing wounds and cracks in the anus. The product has side effects, so it is used as prescribed by the attending physician.

Homeopathic medicine for hemorrhoids for men consists of natural substances. They relieve pain, eliminate burning and itching. Effective suppositories include Procto Glivenol and Natalsid. Ichthyol suppositories for external hemorrhoids are used if indicated.

Contraindications and special instructions

Before you begin treatment with suppositories for cracks and bleeding, you need to carefully read the instructions.

In some cases, the following contraindications may exist::

  • Hypersensitivity or intolerance to the ingredients of the drug.
  • Various neoplasms.
  • Viral or fungal infections in the damaged area.
  • Liver disorders.
  • Inflammation in the rectum after surgery.
  • Regular diarrhea.

Before use, you should consult a doctor in the following cases::

  1. If a woman is pregnant or undergoing lactation.
  2. If you are a child or teenager.
  3. If you are diabetic.

Possible side effects:

  • Discomfort;
  • Burning;
  • Feeling of dryness on the rectal mucosa;
  • Constipation or diarrhea;
  • Manifestations of allergies.

Drug with adrenaline and Anuzol

What suppositories should I choose if internal bleeding hemorrhoids are detected? A drug that contains adrenaline. To get rid of internal hemorrhoids, adrenaline helps eliminate pain and stops bleeding in the intimate area.

For hemorrhoids with bleeding, such medications are prescribed mainly to patients at a young age. This is due to the fact that adrenaline increases blood pressure.

Anuzol is an effective suppository along with the others.
They can be used when hemorrhoids are detected and bleeding near the anus is very active. The drug has a complex effect. The drug can eliminate pain, stop bleeding, and effectively fight inflammation that occurs in the rectum. Anuzol relieves burning and itching.

The medicine acts very quickly against hemorrhoids and fissures. This is due to the carefully selected composition. In the manufacturing process of the product, belladonna concentrate, a zinc compound with bismuth, is used.

The best suppositories are indicated for all forms of the disease, if hemorrhoids are accompanied by abrasions and cracks at the site of the disease.

How to use?

It is best to use candles after consultation with a specialist. He will conduct an examination and determine whether there are any contraindications for use.

You can use suppositories to stop bleeding for hemorrhoids after preparation:

  1. For bleeding hemorrhoids, you can leave the candle in the refrigerator for half an hour until it becomes hard. Cold has an additional analgesic effect.
  2. You need to have a bowel movement before insertion. This can be done naturally or with an enema. But you need to watch for any pain, because an enema can further injure the mucous membrane.
  3. After the procedure, you need to wash yourself well, then wipe the anus dry.
  4. Now you need to lie on your side - this is the most comfortable position for insertion.
  5. You need to remove the candle from the package and start administering it so that it does not have time to melt in your hand. It should be inserted quickly and not deeply - beyond the sphincter, but not deeper. Before doing this, you can put on medical gloves.
  6. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening before going to bed so that all active components are absorbed and do not leak out.
  7. If internal hemorrhoids with bleeding cannot be tolerated and the suppository needs to be administered during the day, it is important to remain in a lying position on your stomach for at least half an hour after the procedure.

Useful video:

How to choose hemostatic suppositories?

To prevent the rapid progression of hemorrhoids, which are already bleeding, ideally you need to visit a proctologist’s office. The doctor will conduct an in-person examination and determine the exact stage of development of the disease, then select suppositories.

Your doctor will help you choose suppositories.

If for some reason it is not possible to visit a specialist, several important points need to be taken into account when selecting a medication:

  • during pregnancy, it is allowed to use only drugs that are safe for the fetus, based on a natural active ingredient and those that do not irritate the uterus and intestines;
  • for severe bleeding, suppositories based on methyluracil or heparin are selected;
  • in case of severe pain and bleeding, drugs with an anesthetic and hemostatic component should be used.

Symptoms for which you need to contact a proctologist

Attention! If independent selection of suppositories against bleeding from hemorrhoids does not produce results within three days, you need to urgently consult a proctologist. Delay increases the risk of the disease progressing to a more complex stage, which can only be cured by surgery.


Feedback from people after treatment with hemostatic suppositories is in most cases positive. Patients note a quick effect and no side effects .

Stepan: “I used suppositories to stop bleeding several times. I used Anuzol, Relief and Proctosan - relief came quickly. They are the most effective."

Natalia: “I recently encountered bleeding from the anus for the first time. I immediately went to the doctor. He prescribed me Methyluracil. I am currently undergoing treatment. It’s gotten easier for now.”

Olga: “I have been suffering from hemorrhoids for a long time. When the disease worsens, I use Hepatrombin.”

Suppositories for hemorrhoids with bleeding are the most popular drugs: they are easy to use and have few contraindications. Suppositories not only have hemostatic properties, but also relieve the patient from pain and inflammation, since they contain NSAIDs or NSAIDs.

The most effective anti-inflammatory drugs

In the vast majority of cases, it is not enough to just relieve the pain; it is necessary to use a local remedy to stop the bleeding. An important aspect of further recovery is counteraction to the inflammatory process, which forms the prerequisites for the further development of the disease.

The most effective anti-inflammatory suppositories for hemorrhoids with bleeding:

  • Ketonal. Well-known rectal suppositories, the active ingredient of which is ketoprofen. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent that inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, as well as slowing down the activity of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase. Not only effectively eliminates the inflammatory process, but also has a pronounced analgesic effect;

This is useful to know!
What to do for hemorrhoidal bleeding

Effective ointments for bruises and sprains

  • Movalis. Effective suppositories whose active ingredient is Meloxicam. It counteracts pain well and even powerful inflammatory processes, but is used with caution in relation to persons with a high risk of allergic reactions;
  • Cefekon. Safe and quite effective suppositories based on paracetamol. Suppresses inflammation and pain of moderate intensity, can be used by children from 1 year old, as well as adults. Intended exclusively for symptomatic treatment.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids with blood

A person does not immediately realize about the appearance of cracks in the anus or bleeding from hemorrhoids, but only after he sees drops of blood on the stool, on underwear or on toilet paper.

At the initial stage of hemorrhoids, little blood is released; after defecation, its flow quickly stops.

Although there are pain sensations, they are not too strong. As the disease progresses, bleeding increases to such an extent that stopping it becomes problematic, and the patient often needs hospitalization.

Names of pain-relieving suppositories

In the initial stages of the disease, the patient is bothered by heaviness and itching in the anus, which may later give way to pain. The typical clinical picture combines hemorrhoidal bleeding, pain and prolapse of hemorrhoids. The patient requires analgesic therapy.

The names of hemostatic suppositories for hemorrhoids, which also have an analgesic effect, are presented below:

  1. Anestezol is a suppository that has a local anesthetic, antiseptic and drying effect.
  2. Betiol is an antispasmodic drug that also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Ultraproct is a combination drug. Pharmacological action – anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic, decongestant. The active substance that has an analgesic effect is cinchocaine.
  4. Proctosan is an effective suppository for bleeding hemorrhoids, which also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and regenerating effects.

Natalsid, Hemorol, Metronidazole, Sintomycin, Posterisan, Methyluracil and Salofalk also have an analgesic effect.

Indications and contraindications

Each type of suppository has its own indications and contraindications for use, which can be read in the instructions for the drug.

Each type of suppository has its own indications and contraindications for use, which can be read in the instructions for the drug.

But almost all suppositories with a hemostatic effect have the following indications for use:

  • cracks and injuries in the anal area;
  • hemorrhoids of any form;
  • itching in the anus.

General contraindications include:

  • individual intolerance to any component included in the drug;
  • insufficient content of granulocytes (granular leukocytes) in the patient’s blood;
  • thromboembolism or suspicion of it.

All suppositories with a hemostatic effect have an indication for use: itching in the anus.

The best pain-relieving rectal suppositories

The most common symptoms of hemorrhoids are local pain in the anus and anal bleeding. The pain syndrome varies quite widely - from relatively mild to quite severe, respectively, chronic and acute forms of the disease.

Local suppositories used rectally are effective means of counteracting pain.

It should be understood that they do not cure the problem, but they relieve unpleasant symptoms.
The most famous and effective pain-relieving suppositories for hemorrhoids:

  • Novocaine. Present on the domestic pharmaceutical market in the form of suppositories. Contains the basic active substance – procaine hydrochloride. Effective at the local level against any type of pain, including long-term and severe pain. It has a pronounced anesthetic effect and is active for several hours after administration. In the vast majority of cases, it does not cause allergic reactions or other negative manifestations;
  • Diclofenac. A single-component topical drug in the form of rectal suppositories. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with local action. Designed to relieve acute and chronic pain in the pelvis, relieve spasms of mild and moderate intensity, as well as reduce the activity of inflammatory processes. It acts as an exclusively symptomatic drug and is not intended for the process of restoration of vascular structures; accordingly, it is used as an auxiliary component in basic treatment;
  • Anestezin. The main active ingredient of anesthesin in the form of rectal suppositories is benzocaine. It reduces the superficial sensitivity of tissues and eliminates pain.

Rules of application

Suppositories for bleeding hemorrhoids must be used correctly. You can act in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • The first step is to empty your bowels. This can be done on your own or with an enema;
  • after this, you need to thoroughly wash the problem area with soap and dry it well with paper or cloth napkins;
  • It is important to remember that the candle melts from the heat of the human body, so you should not hold it in your hands for long. The suppository should be removed from the package and immediately inserted into the anus. You must act quickly, but carefully so as not to damage the tissue of the rectum;
  • The best time for the procedure is before going to bed. At night, medications are better absorbed, helping the body recover. Treatment of bleeding hemorrhoids is most effective when the person is at rest.

How to use them correctly for inflammation?

To achieve maximum results from treatment, you should follow the recommendations for using rectal suppositories to eliminate hemorrhoids:

  1. perform a thorough toilet of the anorectal area and hands;
  2. open the package only before directly administering the suppository;
  3. the medication must be administered in a lying or standing position, with the left leg slightly bent;
  4. the suppository should be inserted with gentle movements so as not to damage the already inflamed skin and hemorrhoids;
  5. It is advisable to carry out the procedure after preliminary cleansing of the intestines;
  6. After administering the medication, you need to take a horizontal position and lie there for 15-20 minutes.

Attention! Following such advice allows you to avoid the development of a secondary infection, which significantly complicates treatment and brings even greater pain and discomfort.

Video with tips on how to properly insert a rectal suppository for hemorrhoids:

Before using any of the listed remedies, it is advisable to consult with your doctor to confirm the diagnosis and ensure that the drug is well tolerated. It is important to follow the recommended dosages and duration of treatment to prevent a possible recurrence of the disease. The patient must follow the principles of proper nutrition and do feasible physical exercise.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids with blood

Doctors use various suppositories to treat bleeding hemorrhoids. The composition of such drugs includes adrenaline, lidocaine, methyluracil, sea buckthorn oil, lemon oil, propolis, etc.

Relief Advance

Relief Advance has long and firmly occupied a leading position in the ranking of medications used in the treatment of bleeding hemorrhoids. These suppositories help cope with various symptoms of the disease, incl. stop bleeding.

Propolis DN

Propolis based candles. Widely used in the treatment of bleeding hemorrhoids. They have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, disinfect and quickly heal wounds.

Propolis DN suppositories are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids with bleeding.


Nigepan is prescribed for the early stages of hemorrhoids and during periods of exacerbation of the disease. The drug is indicated for thrombosis of external and internal nodes. Relieves almost all symptoms of pathology, incl. stops bleeding.


Posterizan is prescribed for cracks in the anus, bleeding from the rectum and other symptoms of hemorrhoids. The drug has an immunostimulating effect, affecting local immunity.

Proctosedyl M

Thanks to their good composition (the drug contains hepatrin, benzocaine, hydrocortisone and other beneficial substances), Proctosedyl M suppositories begin to act quickly - the first therapeutic effect appears within a few minutes after administration of the medicine. It is available not only in the form of suppositories for rectal use, but also in the form of a cream.

Thanks to the good composition, Proctosedyl M suppositories begin to act a few minutes after administration of the medicine.


This is a complex drug that has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Ultraproct contains cinchocaine and fluocortolone derivatives. The use of the drug gives an effective therapeutic effect.


Gepazolon suppositories have 3 main components - heparin, lidocaine, prednisolone. Together they have a comprehensive effect on the disease, eliminating all manifestations of hemorrhoids.


The active component of the drug is belladonna extract. Anuzol is prescribed for acute and chronic hemorrhoids. It has quite a lot of contraindications, so it is recommended to use it as prescribed by a doctor.

Anuzol suppositories are prescribed for acute and chronic hemorrhoids.

Procto Glyvenol

A combined drug used in the treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids. Doctors often prescribe these suppositories, as they give good results.

Gepatrombin G

Heparin, prednisolone, lauromacrogol are the active ingredients of the drug. Hepatrombin G has been used effectively for a long time in the treatment of hemorrhoids.


These suppositories relieve pain and anal itching, stop bleeding, and relieve inflammation. Prescribed for internal or combined hemorrhoids, in the postoperative period as restorative therapy.


Has a hemostatic effect. The active substance of the medicine is sea buckthorn oil.

Review of suppositories that stop bleeding for hemorrhoids

Below we will look at modern drugs that have proven themselves in the pharmaceutical market and are trusted by both doctors and patients.

Methyluracil suppositories

The main component of these suppositories is pyrimidine, which quickly heals and restores rectal tissue damaged by the disease. Suppositories help stop bleeding, have an antimicrobial effect and help blood cells form at an optimal speed. The last characteristic is important, since hemorrhoids with blood can cause anemia, and Methyluracil fights this well. In addition, the drug is widely available in pharmacies and has an affordable price. Patients using Methyluracil suppositories usually do not experience side effects or discomfort; at most, a slight burning sensation in the problem area.



Suppositories that are effective for any stage of hemorrhoids, including those accompanied by severe bleeding. The medicine has hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, vetonizing and analgesic effects, which makes it one of the most popular in the acute form of the disease. Suppositories remove swelling of tissues, normalize the functioning of blood vessels, and relieve itching and burning.



Suppositories containing zinc, bismuth and belladonna extract - this composition allows you to feel the positive effect and relief from the first minutes of using the drug. As a rule, doctors prescribe Anuzol to patients with inflamed hemorrhoids, as well as fissures. Suppositories not only relieve internal bleeding, but also successfully relieve burning and itching, which are so often annoying with hemorrhoids.



The suppositories are characterized by a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, have an astringent effect, and cope well with severe bleeding. Use of the course allows you to get rid of tissue swelling, restore blood flow and capillary elasticity, and also reduce pain and itching after going to the toilet. The drug is effective for internal and external hemorrhoids of the first and second stages, and is used to treat inflammation of the anus and severe sphincter fissures.



An effective drug, which is also available in ointment form. As for candles, they contain five active ingredients. Pine and lemon oils relieve inflammation and help get rid of pain and burning. Dexapanthenol protects the rectal mucosa and minimizes the influence of harmful bacteria. Allantoin has an anti-inflammatory effect and also allows damaged tissues to quickly regenerate and heal. Heparin is responsible for normal blood circulation, prevents thrombosis and vascular edema, and reduces bleeding.

"Gepatrombin G"


Suppositories that have an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect; in addition, the drug relieves burning and itching and has an analgesic effect. Minor hemorrhoidal bleeding goes away already from the first day of using the suppositories. The medicine is also recommended for healing cracks, ulcers and wounds of the anus.


Relief Advance

Popular suppositories designed to treat hemorrhoids, relieve inflammation and heal damaged and bleeding areas of the rectum. Doctors prescribe this drug even for severe hemorrhoids, since Relief Advance suppositories work quickly, but maintain a prolonged effect. Suppositories not only stop bleeding, but also relieve itching, pain and burning, and heal wounds and cracks.

These suppositories contain adrenaline, so they are not available for pregnant and breastfeeding women, for patients with hyperthyroidism and diabetes; people suffering from high blood pressure should use Relief Advance with caution.



The main active ingredient of these suppositories is sodium alginate, which is made from seaweed. The drug relieves internal inflammation and pain in the posterior passage, and also stops bleeding quite quickly. Doctors prescribe Natalsid for operations to remove hemorrhoids and cones, as well as for fissures and combined hemorrhoids.



This drug has a drying effect and forms a thin film on the affected areas, stopping bleeding. Suppositories are used for minor bleeding. In addition, the drug stimulates blood circulation in the rectum, heals cracks and prevents purulent processes.


Propolis, sea buckthorn

Candles with such names, which is logical, have a natural composition. They are used for bleeding internal hemorrhoids to stop the inflammation process and heal the damage. These drugs have no contraindications and can be used even for women in an interesting position or nursing mothers. It is important that the patient is not allergic to the components of the suppositories, since both propolis and sea buckthorn are strong allergens.

Sea buckthorn candles

Video - Suppositories for hemorrhoids: TOP best

Contraindications to the use of drugs

Table 1. Contraindications for use

Drug nameProhibited for use
MethyluroucilAllergy to the active ingredient
Procto-GlyvenolFirst trimester of pregnancy, liver problems
AnuzolIntolerance to drug components
ProctosanTuberculosis, syphilis, pregnancy and lactation, children under 15 years of age
HepatrombinSensitivity to the components of the drug
UltraproctChickenpox, first trimester of pregnancy, ulcers of syphilitic origin of the anus, children under 12 years of age
Relief AdvanceFor thromboembolism, granulocytropenia, during pregnancy and lactation, children under 12 years of age, patients with diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure.
NatalsidIntolerance to sodium alginate, postoperative period, inflammation of the rectum
AnastezolChildren under 12 years of age, sensitivity to candle components
Suppositories with propolisAllergic reactions to bee products
Candles with sea buckthornFor diarrhea, sensitivity to the active ingredient

Homeopathic suppositories

Homeopathic hemostatic suppositories for hemorrhoids are used in the treatment of pathology in combination with other drugs or independently. They are made from medicinal herbs, like other drugs used in traditional methods of treatment.

With propolis

Hemo-Pro, Anti-K, NovaVita are suppositories whose active substance is the beekeeping product propolis.

With sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn oil is a suppository that improves blood circulation, reduces inflammation, and destroys bacteria.


The active substance is royal jelly, which has a tonic effect.

Prostopin suppositories have an active substance - royal jelly, which has a tonic effect.

Relief Advance product

These are good hemostatic suppositories for hemorrhoids.
They are often prescribed as part of therapy. They are not only able to stop bleeding, but also relieve inflammation. These suppositories for hemorrhoids with bleeding are characterized by well-defined effectiveness. Symptoms of the disease are eliminated quickly. In addition to the actions already mentioned, suppositories can relieve pain, with their help wounds in the anus can be healed, and a therapeutic effect can be achieved after just a few injections.

The complex effect is to strengthen the human immune system.

Relief suppositories are prescribed for local use. Efficiency is observed when burning and itching sensations are eliminated. It is permissible to carry out not only treatment, but also preventive measures through the drug.

Relief Advance anti-hemorrhoid suppositories are contraindicated for some patients: for example, those who have individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the ingredients contained in the medicine.

Other contraindications:

  • children's age (under 12 years);
  • granulocytopenia;
  • thromboembolism;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

The attending physician strictly controls the use of the medication if the patient is diagnosed with:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • deviations in the condition of the prostate gland;
  • hyperthyroidism.

These suppositories are best used for internal hemorrhoids. This therapy is very effective. However, it is permissible to treat any form of illness. The therapeutic course is 7 days. In each specific case, the duration may vary according to the doctor’s decision. From 2 to 4 suppositories are used per day, manipulation is performed according to the instructions.

Astringent suppositories

Astringent suppositories prescribed for hemorrhoids rid the body of decay products and cleanse the organs.

Neo Anuzol

It has an astringent effect, relieves pain and eliminates itching and inflammation.


Suppositories are used to treat internal hemorrhoids. For the external form of the disease, another form of medicine is used - ointment. The drug has a vasoconstrictor effect. Eliminates bleeding, relieves pain.

Relief ultra

Prescribed for fever or local inflammation.

Relief Ultra suppositories are prescribed for fever or local inflammation.


A drug with anti-inflammatory, drying, astringent and anesthetic effects. Used for any form of disease.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are protrusions of dilated hemorrhoidal veins. Blood clots may form in the nodes. This requires anticoagulant therapy. Drugs that have this effect are presented below:

  1. Nigepan - suppositories for hemorrhoids with blood. The active ingredient is sodium heparin. Nigepan has anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, analgesic and local anesthetic effects.
  2. Natalsid is a local hemostatic agent. The medicine has an anti-inflammatory, reparative and hemostatic effect. Indications for use: bleeding hemorrhoids, anal fissures and inflammatory processes in the rectum.

Hemostatic suppositories during pregnancy

During pregnancy and after childbirth, the choice of drugs should be approached carefully. You can only use those products prescribed by your doctor. An effective and safe remedy is Relief.

From the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, Gepatrombin can be prescribed.

Natalsid, also prescribed for pregnant women, has a hemostatic effect.

If a woman feels worse, she should immediately seek help from a doctor.

The most popular drugs

A variety of suppositories can be used to treat bleeding hemorrhoids.

The most effective of them include:

Methyluracil suppositories

Suppositories are developed on the basis of methyluracil and therefore are widely used for hemorrhoids with blood. The pharmaceutical medicine has not only a hemostatic, but also a wound-healing effect. Also, the traditional medicine is characterized by the presence of an anti-inflammatory effect.

When using suppositories, blood cells are renewed, which has a positive effect on the treatment process. Contraindications to the use of this pharmaceutical medicine for hemorrhoids and fissures are various diseases of the bone marrow and blood.

You can find out more about these suppositories in our next article.


With the help of Relief suppositories, bleeding from hemorrhoids is eliminated, which is explained by the presence of a wound healing effect. With the help of a pharmaceutical product, inflammatory processes are eliminated. The action is aimed at eliminating itching and burning.

These suppositories can be used not only for bleeding, but also for their prevention. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to its components. You should not take pharmaceutical medicine for thromboembolism or granulocytopenia.

Suppositories against hemorrhoids are strictly forbidden to be used to treat children under 12 years of age.

Suppositories based on propolis

If the patient needs to use natural suppositories, it is better to use this pharmaceutical medicine. They not only stop bleeding, but also have a positive effect on hemorrhoids.

Traditional medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it possible to reduce hemorrhoids with their help. The only contraindication to the use of this pharmaceutical medicine is hypersensitivity to propolis.

Adrenaline suppositories

These are the best suppositories for hemorrhoids, with the help of which the symptoms of the disease are eliminated. They are often prescribed if the patient has bleeding hemorrhoids, as they have regenerative properties.

With the help of this medication, pain is eliminated. It is not recommended to treat hemorrhoids in older patients using the pharmaceutical product. This is explained by the fact that during the period of using suppositories, an increase in blood pressure may be observed.

Gepatrombin G

These are effective suppositories that can be used to eliminate pain during bleeding. Developed on the basis of heparin, which ensures the fastest possible blood clotting during its use. With its help, bleeding is eliminated as quickly as possible.

The action of the pharmaceutical medicine is aimed at eliminating swelling and the inflammatory process. During the period of use of suppositories, the normal functioning of the circulatory system in the anal area is ensured.


Widely used for internal hemorrhoids in the presence of heavy bleeding. This is a hemostatic drug that has a good therapeutic effect. With the help of suppositories, not only does bleeding stop, but also pain is eliminated.

When using traditional medicine, the inflammatory process in the rectal area is eliminated. Thanks to the universal composition of the pharmaceutical product, the fastest possible treatment of the disease is ensured.

There are a large number of suppositories that are used to treat bleeding hemorrhoids. Only the attending physician can determine which suppositories to choose in a particular case.

The use of suppositories is recommended in the evening before bedtime, which will ensure their maximum effect. Candles are inserted into the patient's anus after hygiene procedures. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, the patient should seek help from a doctor.


Anton Nesterov, 51 years old, Norilsk

Heavy physical labor became the cause of the disease. I use Gepatrombin. These are the best suppositories for hemorrhoids: pain and bleeding go away, and other symptoms disappear. These are inexpensive candles, but effective.

Alexandra Mikushina, 37 years old, Ekaterinburg

The disease appeared after childbirth. The doctor recommended Relief as the most effective suppositories for hemorrhoids. The drug is quite expensive, but it helps. I tried other drugs, but the best one is Relief.

Hemorrhoids are an unpleasant and dangerous pathology, and when accompanied by bleeding, its negative qualities manifest themselves even more. In this case, it is effective to use suppositories with a hemostatic effect. You can purchase the appropriate medications at the pharmacy or make the product yourself.

Suppositories for cracks and hemorrhoids are inexpensive and effective. List of effective suppositories for hemorrhoids

Pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of suppositories intended for the treatment of proctological diseases.
Which suppositories to choose in a given case should be decided by a proctologist or therapist, based on their clinical analysis, symptoms and the presence of other pathologies in the anamnesis. Rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids are conventionally divided into several large categories.

  1. Hemostatic (hemostatic) drugs. Such medications include anti-inflammatory suppositories that constrict blood vessels, restoring damaged tissue in hemorrhoids. The combination of these effects helps prevent bleeding.
  2. Anticoagulants (anti-clotting agents). With internal hemorrhoids, microscopic blood clots often appear, which then unite and develop into thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodules. Heparin, the active ingredient in such drugs, prevents the formation of blood clots and helps strengthen the walls of veins and capillaries.
  3. Hormonal suppositories. The inclusion of glucocorticosteroids in rectal suppositories makes it possible to impart analgesic properties to suppositories. In addition, hormonal substances reduce vascular permeability and reduce the outflow of fluids into tissues, which reduces the severity of inflammatory processes. Typically, antihemorrhoidal hormonal suppositories are prescribed in severe cases.
  4. Astringent suppositories. Bismuth and zinc are the main ingredients that contain astringent suppositories against hemorrhoids. Such drugs can dry out inflamed tissues, resulting in reduced swelling and pain. In addition, the active components have a disinfecting effect and protect damaged areas with the help of the created film.
  5. Angioprotectors. Hemorrhoids are characterized by increased permeability of blood vessels in the rectum. Angioprotective suppositories for internal hemorrhoids and fissures reduce the permeability of venous and capillary membranes, normalize metabolism in blood vessels, improve microcirculation and regenerate cells.
  6. Candles with herbal ingredients. Effective and fairly inexpensive suppositories for hemorrhoids, which are popular among patients of all categories. These natural medicines contain herbal ingredients such as calendula, ginkgo biloba, sea buckthorn extract and belladonna leaf extract.
  7. Homeopathic medicines. Gently affects damaged areas of the rectum. The effectiveness of such suppositories is not as high as that of other medications, but they are distinguished by relative harmlessness, an almost complete absence of restrictions and minor contraindications. Most often, homeopathic suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids are used in complex therapy of the disease.
  8. Immunity modulating medications. Hemorrhoids often become a “gateway” for pathogenic microbes, therefore, for complex therapy, proctologists can prescribe immunomodulating suppositories for hemorrhoids. They improve local protection, regenerate damaged tissues, relieve inflammation and increase the body's resistance to harmful bacteria.

The principle of operation of rectal suppositories with a hemostatic effect

Rectal suppositories have an important advantage in the treatment of hemorrhoids - they deliver the necessary components directly to the affected area. The substances are quickly absorbed, and the high concentration allows you to get a noticeable effect.

Stopping bleeding is ensured by various factors. The principle of action of the product depends on its composition:

  • in the presence of adrenaline, blood clotting increases and hemorrhoidal vessels are stimulated;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil in the composition activates regeneration processes;
  • the presence of propolis helps reduce inflammation and accelerate tissue healing;
  • astringent components provide a protective layer on the affected area, preventing further bleeding;
  • hemostatic agents increase blood clotting.

How to stop bleeding from hemorrhoids

The appearance of blood in this disease is associated with the presence of cracks and erosion in the anal canal. Bleeding accompanies the act of defecation, especially with constipation. Patients do not always go to the hospital with these symptoms, although this may be a signal of more serious illnesses. In this disease, blood is released in small quantities, but a long-term process can lead to anemia. It is better to undergo an examination, find out the correct diagnosis and receive the necessary treatment.

The process of bleeding begins with small discharge in the form of a stripe on the stool or a mark on toilet paper. As the disease progresses and the hemorrhoids are injured, the process becomes more active. Blood in hemorrhoids can appear regardless of the act of defecation, and stopping it becomes more and more problematic. An urgent call to specialists is required, otherwise there is a threat to life due to large blood loss.

Doctors often prescribe suppositories for bleeding hemorrhoids. This is due to ease of use - the patient can install them himself, without resorting to outside help. The remedy for hemorrhoids acts locally, is immediately absorbed and has a therapeutic effect. When using suppositories for hemorrhoids during bleeding, you must:

  • perform an act of defecation before insertion;
  • perform hygiene procedures;
  • after insertion, hold the suppository in the anus with a napkin until it dissolves;
  • carry out the procedure before bedtime.

Candles with adrenaline

Due to the pronounced hemostatic effect, suppositories for hemorrhoids with bleeding, containing adrenaline, are very popular. This substance has a vasoconstrictor effect and also increases blood clotting. The drug helps prevent the development of infection because it increases local immunity. Anuzol, Rectobelol are drugs for hemorrhoids that help treat severe stages of the disease, complicated by severe bleeding.

It is important to know that you cannot use antihemorrhoidal medications that contain adrenaline without a doctor’s prescription. This is due to the fact that the vasoconstrictor effect is exerted on the entire body. Contraindications include:

  • adrenaline intolerance;
  • hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period.

Articles on the topic

  • Fast-acting anti-constipation suppositories for children and adults - types and rules of use, contraindications
  • Glycerin suppositories for constipation: instructions for use and reviews
  • Diseases of the rectum: signs and diagnosis

Rectal suppositories with propolis

Suppositories with propolis help stop hemorrhoidal bleeding. Created on the basis of natural ingredients, these drugs have a strong effect. Popular medications are Gemoprost-T, Ebilom-Hemorrhalgin. Such suppositories for hemorrhoids with bleeding:

  • strengthen capillaries;
  • restore damaged veins;
  • relieve pain;
  • eliminate itching.

Methyluracil suppositories

The use of drugs of this composition is especially effective in cases of heavy bleeding. The drug Methyluracil has a pronounced healing effect and increases the rate of formation of red blood cells in the blood. With its help, the following happens:

  • reducing inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • increasing local immunity - stopping infection;
  • healing of cracks in the anal mucosa;
  • stopping bleeding;
  • restoration of damaged tissue cells;
  • reduction of pain.

Homeopathic suppositories for hemorrhoids

The use of suppositories to stop bleeding, containing homeopathic components, is especially effective for internal hemorrhoids. The active ingredients witch hazel and oak bark help relieve pain and constrict blood vessels. There is a rapid cessation of bleeding, in addition to:

  • the walls of blood vessels are strengthened;
  • microcirculation improves;
  • inflammation is relieved;
  • venous congestion is eliminated.

Suppositories for bleeding hemorrhoids

In any pharmacy you can find a sufficient assortment of hemostatic suppositories. They can be purchased without a prescription, but a doctor must prescribe the appropriate remedy.


The composition of the suppositories is represented by xeroform, belladonna extract (belladonna), zinc sulfate and auxiliary components. The product stops bleeding due to its astringent and drying properties. Additionally, the drug relieves pain, spasm and local inflammation, and provides antiseptic treatment.

Suppositories should not be used for:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • intestinal atony;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • hyperplasia;
  • prostate adenoma.

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • urinary retention;
  • decreased sweating;
  • psychomotor agitation;
  • hyperthermia.

When using Anuzol suppositories, adverse reactions are possible. Hypersensitivity to the composition usually manifests itself as an allergy. Treatment may be accompanied by:

  • burning in the anorectal area;
  • dry mouth;
  • loose stool or constipation;
  • palpitations;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • dilated pupils, transient visual impairment.

Top 5 most expensive products

In addition to cheap remedies, you can also use more expensive and equally popular suppositories against hemorrhoids:

  • Proctosan.
    The composition includes bufexamak, which helps eliminate pain, reduce inflammation of blood vessels, and is used for hemorrhoids of 1-2 degrees.

    Price 450 rubles.

  • Natalsid.
    It is well tolerated by patients and is used mainly for uncomplicated hemorrhoids and in the presence of bleeding hemorrhoids.

    The price of the medicine is 400 rubles.

  • Relief Ultra.
    Despite the rapid elimination of inflammation and pain, some patients experience severe itching and an allergic reaction in the anorectal area.

    Approximate cost 590 rubles.

  • Aurobin.
    Hormonal suppositories that have a wide spectrum of action and have an analgesic, healing and decongestant effect.

    The average cost is 500 rubles.

  • Ultraproct.
    The most expensive of these candles.

    It has a wide range of effects from astringent, drying to anesthetic, and is not used in the presence of viral lesions of the anorectal area.

    Price 700 rubles.

Video with an overview of the most popular remedies for hemorrhoids, including Relief Ulra, Proctosan, Natalsid, etc. (composition, indications for use, analogues are considered):

DIY hemostatic rectal suppositories

You can make suppositories to help stop bleeding from hemorrhoids yourself. The advantage of this method is precise knowledge of the composition of the product and its natural origin.

You can use the following recipes:

  • Take a teaspoon of calendula, oak bark, nettle and chamomile, steam with half a liter of boiling water, close tightly and leave for half an hour. Carefully filter the resulting infusion and pour it into molds. Place in the freezer to harden. The finished candle should be inserted shallowly. In addition to the hemostatic effect, this remedy effectively relieves inflammation, eliminates swelling, and reduces pain.
  • Plain water can stop bleeding. It is necessary to pour it into suitable molds and freeze. When such a suppository is inserted, the blood vessels narrow, so the bleeding stops. Pain sensations are additionally reduced.
  • Cut a streamlined piece of raw potato and dip it in honey. This suppository should be administered at night. It can not only stop bleeding, but also relieve inflammation and relieve pain.

Treatment of bleeding hemorrhoids with suppositories is prescribed only by a doctor. Folk remedies can be used exclusively as auxiliary therapy and prevention.

For hemorrhoids accompanied by bleeding, rectal suppositories are effective. They differ in composition and principle of action, but provide similar results. A suitable product can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently.

Features of suppositories

What properties do they have:

  1. Hemostatic suppositories for hemorrhoids are characterized by a universal effect, which allows them to combat the disease as effectively as possible. The active components of suppositories are absorbed into the blood through vessels located in the anal area.
  2. Pharmacy medications stimulate the process of tissue regeneration and also eliminate pain. During the period of using traditional drugs, it is necessary to remember that their action is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, and not its causes.
  3. The undeniable advantage of suppositories for bleeding hemorrhoids is their local use, which minimizes the risk of developing allergic reactions. That is why different categories of patients can use pharmaceutical medicines to combat the disease.
  4. The action of the suppositories is aimed only at treating the anal area. That is why excessive load on the liver or stomach is excluded.
  5. Suppositories for hemorrhoids during bleeding are characterized by the presence of a minimum number of contraindications. When suppositories are used correctly, the number of side effects is minimized.
  6. If patients have an internal form of the disease, then the use of suppositories for hemorrhoids with blood is an ideal treatment option.
  7. Traditional medicines are characterized by a universal effect, which allows them to be fully used for bleeding hemorrhoids.

The most effective suppositories for hemorrhoids of different groups

Hemorrhoids are a disease of the veins located in the rectum.
It occurs in men and women and occurs most often after 30 years of age. Due to stagnation of blood or strong tension, the walls of the veins bulge - this is how hemorrhoids are formed. Such sections of veins can be located deep in the rectum - in this case they speak of internal hemorrhoids. If they are located near the anus, these are external hemorrhoids. The walls of the veins in such nodes are thin, so they are easily injured by feces or friction with underwear. Other causes of bleeding:

  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • severe straining during bowel movements;
  • pressure of the uterus on the intestine in women during pregnancy;
  • increased physical activity or heavy lifting;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • advanced form of hemorrhoids with multiple nodes.

The appearance of blood on underwear or during bowel movements is an alarming sign. Usually, the patient already has other symptoms of hemorrhoids: itching, pain, discomfort. If treatment has not been started, then if there is bleeding, you should definitely visit a doctor.

Usually, hemostatic drugs are prescribed in tablets, for example, “Vikasol” or “Ditsinon”. External agents are also used. If the injured nodes are located near the anus, ointments, cold compresses, and a piece of ice will help. Troxevasin, Ichthyol, Menovazin, and Vishnevsky ointment stop blood well.

However, the most effective remedy is rectal suppositories that penetrate deep into the rectum. They work for internal and external hemorrhoids.

For hemorrhoids due to bleeding, different suppositories are used. Usually they have a complex effect; it is difficult for the patient to choose from a large list those that will help stop the bleeding. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor. There are several drugs that are most often prescribed in this case.


The main active ingredient is phenylephrine. Suppositories have a local vasoconstrictor effect, so they quickly relieve swelling and reduce bleeding. The drug is easily tolerated, only in rare cases allergic reactions may occur.

"Relief Advance"

Suppositories are based on benzocaine, so their main effect is pain relief. The drug also has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. It contains shark liver oil, which has a hemostatic effect. For minor bleeding, these suppositories will also be effective.

"Relief Ultra"

Despite the fact that these candles have almost the same name, they have a different composition and effect. The main components are zinc sulfate and hydrocortisone. Most often the drug is used against inflammation and itching. It also has wound healing and vasoconstrictor effects. It may stop bleeding, but not immediately.


A drug with a complex effect. Used in a course of 1-2 suppositories per day. Has an analgesic and wound healing effect. Due to the presence of bismuth and zinc oxide in its composition, it dries and has astringent properties. Despite the fact that the main task of Anestezol suppositories is to relieve pain, they can be used to stop bleeding.


The drug has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, disinfectant and astringent effect. It contains zinc, bismuth, tannin, iodine, so the suppositories effectively stop bleeding due to wound healing and drying properties. They restore the mucous membrane, prevent the proliferation of bacteria, thereby stopping the progression of the disease.


The main active ingredients are the glucocorticoid fluocortolone and the anesthetic cinchocaine. The drug has a complex effect, quickly relieving swelling, itching, inflammation and pain. In addition, Ultraproct suppositories reduce the rate of infiltration and reduce the production of exudate, which helps stop bleeding. But to do this, they must be used in a course of 1-2 suppositories for at least seven days.


A drug with a complex composition. It contains the anti-inflammatory drug bufexamak, the anesthetic lidocaine and bismuth, which has a drying and wound-healing effect. Therefore, in addition to relieving pain and inflammation, Proctosan suppositories stop bleeding.


Anti-inflammatory and analgesic. The main active ingredient is tribenoside. It reduces capillary permeability and normalizes vascular tone. Due to this, Procto-Glivenol quickly relieves inflammation and normalizes blood circulation in the veins, which helps reduce hemorrhoids - the main cause of bleeding.


The action is based on the properties of brown algae. Sodium alginate, which is the main component of the drug, is extracted from them. It also contains hyaluronic acid. Due to this, the suppositories quickly stop the bleeding and accelerate the process of tissue regeneration. They have a complex effect, relieve inflammation, heal cracks.


It has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound-healing effect. The main active ingredient is sea buckthorn oil. Thanks to it, the drug accelerates healing, stimulates the regeneration process, and strengthens the walls of capillaries. For severe pain and bleeding, two suppositories can be administered twice a day.

"Sea buckthorn oil"

A preparation with a high concentration of sea buckthorn oil. It has a pronounced wound-healing effect and stimulates the process of tissue regeneration. The hemostatic effect does not appear immediately; suppositories need to be used twice a day for a week.

"Propolis DN"

An effective anti-inflammatory drug. Due to the high content of propolis, it heals wounds and cracks, accelerates tissue restoration, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, it can be used as a hemostatic agent.


A natural product based on propolis, honey, royal jelly and pollen. It has a complex effect: relieves inflammation, heals wounds, accelerates the regeneration process.


The main active ingredient of suppositories is methyluracil. This is a complex antibacterial agent. When applied topically, it stimulates tissue regeneration, accelerates healing, relieves inflammation, and increases defenses.

Candles with adrenaline

Adrenaline has a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect. Therefore, suppositories with this substance quickly stop bleeding. In addition, they increase blood clotting. It is not recommended to use such drugs in elderly people or with problems with the cardiovascular system.


Suppositories are often prescribed for chronic hemorrhoids with complications. This is a natural preparation based on propolis, plant extracts and oils. Improves the condition of blood vessels, heals wounds, relieves inflammation. During a course of treatment it helps to get rid of bleeding.

Damage or pinching of a hemorrhoid can happen suddenly; it can be preceded by lifting something heavy or another trip to the toilet. The most important thing at this stage is not to panic, but to competently provide first aid. The main goal in this condition is to stop the bleeding.

Low temperatures promote vasospasm. Such manipulation is effective in case of external hemorrhoids and can stop bleeding at the initial stage.

You can also use ice suppositories as an emergency aid. To make them, you can take fingers from medical gloves into which purified or boiled water is poured. Place these candles for a few seconds. Their effect is better than cold compresses.

Rectal suppositories that help to cope with bleeding in a short time include suppositories with adrenaline. They have been used in medical practice for quite a long time and are considered emergency medications for hemorrhoids.

Rectal suppositories with adrenaline also have an anti-inflammatory effect. They can stop bleeding even in advanced stages of the disease.

With frequent use of candles, the following reactions are possible:

  1. Headache;
  2. Insomnia;
  3. Tachycardia;
  4. Hives;
  5. Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

The use of suppositories containing adrenaline is prohibited for pregnant women and the elderly. Vascular atherosclerosis is also a limitation on the use of the drug.

Suppositories Anuzol

Anuzol rectal suppositories are intended for the effective treatment of hemorrhoids and, in addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, have pronounced antispasmodic properties. Also, their regular use gives an antiseptic and astringent effect.

The main active ingredient of the drug is belladonna (belladonna) extract. It is this that affects the blood vessels and helps stop bleeding.

Contraindications to the use of Anuzol suppositories:

  • Acute heart failure;
  • Myasthenia;
  • Intestinal atony;
  • Angle-closure glaucoma.

The last limitation is due to the fact that belladonna extract is a potent substance and can increase intraocular pressure. Also, when using suppositories, symptoms such as dry mouth, dilated pupils, tachycardia and sleep disturbance are possible.

It is not advisable to use this drug for a long course.

Proctosan suppositories

These rectal suppositories contain a combination of several medicinal substances, which reduce the tendency to bleeding and pain in the rectal area.

The drug helps to quickly heal cracks and protects the surface of the mucous membranes from further irritation.

The components that make up the suppositories are absorbed very quickly and have an immediate effect. If the disease is not advanced, then for a therapeutic course it will be enough to put suppositories for one week in the morning and evening.

This dosage form is not approved for use in children and pregnant women.

Relief Advance suppositories are an excellent drug that stops bleeding from the rectal canal for hemorrhoids

The use of rectal suppositories

Hemorrhoids are treated comprehensively. Usually, treatment methods are selected individually: ointments help some, others are saved by compresses or baths. But it is suppositories that have the fastest effect for bleeding hemorrhoids. In addition, they are easy to use, which is why this treatment is popular.

Operating principle

Almost all hemostatic suppositories have a complex effect. They contain substances that not only stop bleeding, but also relieve other symptoms. They usually have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, relieve itching, and stimulate the process of tissue repair.


To stop bleeding, the drug must be delivered to its source. Therefore, ointments are not always effective, but rectal suppositories, which penetrate deep into the rectum, are more effective.

There are many advantages to this treatment:

  • high concentration of the active substance, which immediately reaches the sore spot;
  • thanks to its viscous structure, the product “seals” cracks, stopping the bleeding;
  • suppositories have a complex effect: relieve pain, heal wounds;
  • reduce vascular tone, preventing further bleeding;
  • the effect occurs quickly;
  • side effects or allergic reactions occur very rarely, there is no negative effect on the stomach;
  • can be used for relief of acute symptoms and prevention;
  • candles are easy to use.


The disadvantages include the need for administration several times a day, which is not always convenient if a person, for example, is at work. In addition, suppositories leave marks on the laundry, but this is a feature of treating hemorrhoids with any local means.

For suppositories to work, they must remain in the intestines for some time. Therefore, the main rule of such treatment is to use them after bowel movements. It is usually recommended to administer 3-4 suppositories per day: in the morning, before bedtime and in the afternoon after bowel movements. If necessary, an enema is given.

There are several more rules that will help enhance the effect of suppositories and facilitate such treatment:

  • you need to unpack the candle immediately before insertion - it may melt from the warmth of your hands;
  • Wash the anus area and dry it with a soft cloth;
  • take a comfortable position: it is best to lie on your left side, but you can stand up and lean forward;
  • insert the suppository very slowly so as not to damage the mucous membrane and hemorrhoids;
  • After this, it is advisable to lie down for half an hour; the effect of the drug will increase with rest.

Sometimes circumstances are such that it is impossible to seek medical help. In this case, you can try to select candles according to the symptoms yourself.

It is important to consider several nuances:

  • the active substance must have a hemostatic (hemostatic) effect;
  • it is better if the drug contains several components that alleviate the accompanying unpleasant symptoms;
  • Before use, carefully study the instructions for contraindications;
  • the maximum amount of natural ingredients will reduce the risk of complications;
  • The best option is a drug previously prescribed by a doctor, tested in practice.

Purchasing the drug does not guarantee a positive result. To a large extent, it depends on the correct treatment procedure.

The components of the suppositories are quickly absorbed into the blood, and accordingly, the effect occurs faster than with other dosage forms.

There are several important rules in this matter:

  • the effect will be maximum if you empty your bowels before the procedure using natural bowel movements or an enema;
  • the anal area should be washed well, but gently, with warm water and antibacterial soap and dried with a soft towel or napkin;
  • the candle is unpacked immediately before insertion, because it can dissolve from the heat of the hands;
  • before the procedure, you should wash your hands, take a candle and take a lying position;
  • the suppository must be administered slowly and carefully so as not to damage the sphincter, mucous membrane, and especially bleeding nodes;
  • It is optimal to carry out the procedure before going to bed - the greatest therapeutic effect is ensured at rest.

The choice of hemostatic suppositories must be approached responsibly so as not to harm your health.

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