Symptoms of acute appendicitis according to the main authors
• Appendicular symptoms Appendicular symptoms Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom The left palm of the examiner is placed on the right iliac
Sweet taste in the mouth: causes and treatment
Sweet taste in the mouth: Causes of occurrence Consumption of sweets is not always the cause
Enterocolitis - symptoms of the disease, treatment
Symptoms of the disease: acute enterocolitis In medical practice, intestinal inflammation is divided into acute enterocolitis and
Pancreatitis in women
Symptoms and signs of pancreatitis in women, where does it hurt?
Pancreatitis in women. Symptoms identified by doctors. Inflammation of the pancreas is the result of pathological changes in the body.
erosive gastropathy
Catarrhal gastritis - symptoms and treatment
Gastritis is called inflammatory or inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the walls of the stomach, which can be caused by various factors:
Cholestasis - causes, symptoms and treatment
Main symptoms: Chest pain Lower back pain Jaundice Yellow spots on the skin Liquid
Appendicitis - 10 symptoms, how to distinguish it from other pains 74517 0
The appendix is ​​a vermiform appendix of the cecum. The inflammatory process in it is accompanied by numerous symptoms.
which doctor treats hemorrhoids in men
Which doctor can treat hemorrhoids for men?
Why do hemorrhoids occur? A person's risk of developing hemorrhoids increases even at a young age when
Drugs that neutralize gastric acid are available in a wide range of pharmacies.
Treatment of the pancreas with drugs: review of drugs and reviews
Is it possible to treat the pancreas on your own? Mild and moderate exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis are possible
Diet after intestinal surgery - nutritional features in the first and subsequent days after surgery, examples of menus for the day
How to eat after rectal surgery
General rules The most common reasons for intestinal resection are: Thrombosis of mesenteric vessels. Intestinal obstruction. Operation
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