Pancreatic necrosis: symptoms, diagnosis, causes and treatment
Pancreatic necrosis is one of the most severe diseases of the abdominal organs and in 1% of situations it serves
Symptoms of varicose veins of the esophagus
Varicose veins of the esophagus: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment
Esophageal varices occur as a result of portal hypertension in liver diseases. Bleeding from
For stomach erosion, diet and nutrition: recipes and menu for the week
Such superficial defects of the mucous membrane can be single or multiple, located in the antrum,
Forms of gallbladder cholesterosis
Gallbladder cholesterosis: causes, signs, treatment methods
Gallbladder cholesterosis is a pathology in which lipids accumulate in this organ,
Relief suppositories for hemorrhoids: instructions for use, composition, analogues
Ointments Ointments are a convenient dosage form, the therapeutic effect of which depends on the substances
Diet for gastroduodenitis in the acute stage of the menu for the week
Purpose of the diet A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle help get rid of many problems with
Pancreatic cyst code ICD
Mechanism of development, symptoms and treatment of reactive pancreatitis
Diagnostic examination Diagnosis of pancreatitis (codes K85.0/86.0) consists of laboratory and instrumental research methods. "Gold" standard
How to cure gastritis forever at home?
Poor diet, systematic alcohol consumption and stress very often become the causes of the development of many
What is the pylorus of the stomach and what is it for?
Cardia insufficiency is also called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Today it is accepted
Esophageal diverticula
“Diseases of the esophagus” - test with answers
Statistics The frequency of diverticula of the thoracic esophagus is 20 times higher than a similar lesion of the cervical
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