Endoscopic removal of rectal polyp

Colon polypectomy is a procedure for completely removing polyps from the inner wall of the affected intestine. Colon polyps are benign neoplasms that can develop into malignant tissue (colorectal carcinoma). In the article we will examine the topic: colon polyps, stages, symptoms and manifestations, treatment and prevention of the disease.


Symptoms and causes of polyps (briefly)

In most cases, intestinal tumors do not cause discomfort. Sometimes the polyp bleeds, which may show up as bright red blood in the stool. If blood stays longer in the intestines, it decomposes, leading to dark brown stools. Experts believe that only about five percent of all adenomatous polyps cause blood in the stool. In rare cases, a large polyp interferes with the normal functioning of the digestive tract. Other growths can sometimes cause severe diarrhea.

Colon neoplasms are caused by increased growth of the intestinal mucosa. The cause may be environmental influences and overeating. Eating large amounts of animal fats and proteins increases the risk of developing tumors. They can also occur due to hereditary diseases. With hereditary diseases, the risk of complications increases significantly.

Fatty food

Prevention of rectal polyposis

To prevent the appearance of polyps on the intestinal mucosa, it is recommended to promptly treat any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as adhere to a healthy diet, drink more fluids to prevent constipation and other bowel disorders.

After endoscopic removal of a rectal polyp, the prognosis is favorable. But it should be remembered that multiple, large, late-detected growths have a high risk of malignancy. In addition, there is always the possibility of relapse.

Preventive measures are general in nature and are not always able to eliminate the main risk factors in the form of unfavorable environmental conditions, hereditary predisposition, dysbiosis, etc. But, in any case, it is fundamentally a rational diet, a high level of physical activity, and treatment of pathologies of the digestive tract.

If you develop complaints typical of neoplasms, contact the ABC Clinic in Moscow. A confirmed diagnosis will become the basis for endoscopic removal of colon polyps using a laser or classical instruments. The quality of the operation and reasonable cost are guaranteed.

Primary source honey

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Indications and contraindications for surgery

Colonoscopy is necessary for the diagnosis of various diseases, early detection and follow-up of colorectal cancer. Here are the most important indications for the use of colonoscopy:

  • A lot of blood in the stool;
  • Noticeable changes in bowel habits: diarrhea (diarrhea) or constipation;
  • Constant abdominal pain;
  • If the test is positive for occult blood in the stool (microhematuria), the test should be performed annually to screen for colorectal cancer from age 50 years;
  • For early detection of colon cancer, colonoscopy should be performed after 55 years every 2 years;
  • If you suspect hereditary diseases that can cause cancer or polyposis;
  • After removal of benign tumors.

Removal of polyps in the colon

During endoscopic examination, polyps of the ascending and other parts of the intestine are often removed immediately. This procedure, called a polypectomy, is used during colonoscopy.


Since colon cancer almost always develops from initially benign tumors, polyps in the intestinal tract are removed and examined histologically. Hyperplastic neoplasms are the most common group (90% of all cases). In most cases, they do not degenerate into malignant cells.

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