Hymenolepiasis: treatment and prevention
Necrosis of the fleecy surface of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, often manifested with the formation of ulcers on them.
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Pinworms and how to quickly get rid of them on your own
Pinworm infection, also called enterobiasis, is one of the most frequently diagnosed parasitic diseases. Mostly
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Dietary rules for identifying Giardia
1 day of children's diet Diet menu for 1 day, includes 3 main
Worms during pregnancy: symptoms and diagnosis
Helminthiasis or helminthic infestation is a common problem that is dangerous to the health of pregnant women.
Folk remedies for cleansing the body of parasites
Symptoms of the appearance of parasites in humans Parasites can be classified into two types: ectoparasites and endoparasites.
Giardia in the liver in adults: what is it, consequences for the body, symptoms and treatment
December 20, 2019 Gastroenterology Evgenia Tsaruk Giardia in the liver is a protozoal infection that is provoked
black spots in the stool of an adult
Black spots in the stool in an adult: possible causes, diagnostic methods and therapy
Undigested food remains Most often, blackheads are just leftover food that
How to take the drug
How to drink Pirantel for adults for prevention
In what dosage and how many days should Pirantel syrup be given for worms and as a
Life cycle of pinworm development
Pinworms do not settle in the human body forever. Their life span is short, however, for this
The most effective tablets for pinworms: selection
What is enterobiasis Enterobiasis is a type of helminthic infestation found only in humans. This kind
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