Black spots in the stool in an adult: possible causes, diagnostic methods and therapy

Undigested leftover food

Most often, blackheads are just leftover food that your digestive system could not digest. For example, in your stool you may notice black specks found in some types of persimmons, kiwi seeds, thread-like inclusions from overripe bananas, and black strings from pears or apples.

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All of the above products are never completely digested by our body and therefore leave it without any special changes. This is especially true for those foods that contain excessive amounts of iron. As is known, this microelement is capable of oxidation, which occurs in the gastrointestinal tract. It is the oxidation processes that occur that allow stool to turn a darker color. Dark spots can also be noticed after eating foods such as beets, blood sausage, and many other dishes prepared from the internal organs of animals.

Internal bleeding

Very often, black spots in the stool of an adult appear as a result of bleeding in the internal organs. Therefore, such inclusions will be nothing more than oxidized iron. Of course, in case of blood loss, other symptoms will be noticeable, which in no case should be ignored. Against the background of such a pathology, a person can lose consciousness, get tired very quickly, and also suffer from depression and other nervous disorders.

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Bleeding can occur as a result of a lack of iron in the body, as well as in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or hemorrhoids. Please note that such diseases are very dangerous and can lead to extremely disastrous consequences. Therefore, do not ignore your health condition under any circumstances.

Why do black spots appear in stool?

The color and consistency of stool vary depending on a person's age and diet. The shade will be light yellow or darkened with brown tones if there are no impurities, and this is considered normal. A biological mass containing white or dark spots becomes a cause for concern, but there is no need to panic.

There are the following reasons why stool with black speckles is excreted from the body:

  1. Natural - they are not considered a pathology, drug intervention is not required. Black grains are not considered a sign of persistence, but appear periodically if the factors causing their formation are present. Dark inclusions are not significant in size, reminiscent of black fibers, sand, veins or sticks. The consistency of the stool continues to remain normal, the shade of the biomass is brown or yellowish, and against this background small black dots are occasionally found. The phenomenon is caused by certain foods and medications.
  2. Pathological - black spots in the stool, which are considered confirmation of abnormalities in the functioning of the intestinal tract. Black balls found in feces vary in size and dot the entire biological mass, which has a light, green or reddish tint. This confirms interruptions in the functioning of organs; it is necessary to urgently begin a treatment course. The consistency of the stool in this case may vary - the stool is thin or watery, constipation is a hard lump interspersed with a dark shade. The causes of spots are bleeding, infectious diseases, enzymatic pathological changes.

Next, we will dwell in more detail on the factors that contribute to the formation of black streaks in fecal matter.

Undigested food

The body is not able to fully digest certain foods, and this causes the formation of small black spots in the stool. This food group includes:

  • blueberries;
  • bananas;
  • cherry;
  • figs;
  • plum;
  • spices and herbs;
  • products containing dark dyes;
  • meat with blood, slightly susceptible to heat treatment;
  • seeds of plants such as poppy, strawberries, and sesame that have not been digested in the body will also come out in black grains.

Products enriched with iron also tint the biological mass in blackish tones. The dark color appears after beets, blood sausage and other dishes containing animal internal organs.

Taking medications

Black spots in the stool of an adult appear after a course of treatment using certain medications. For example, this is observed after therapy during which the following were prescribed:

  • activated carbon;
  • paracetamol;
  • ibuprofen;
  • some groups of antibiotics;
  • preparations containing iron.

If these medications were taken strictly as prescribed, the black dots will disappear as soon as the treatment ends.

Bleeding in internal organs

Black veins in the biomass are detected if bleeding appears in one of the organs. The blood becomes dark in color due to oxidized iron, as well as the action of bacteria and enzymes.

The phenomenon is considered dangerous, accompanied by an increased heart rate, dizziness, feelings of weakness, and the skin becomes pale. If such symptoms appear, it is recommended to undergo examination by a doctor. Untimely intervention by a specialist can lead to death.

Loss of blood over a long period of time creates an acute lack of iron, and a person constantly feels tired. The main diseases that can cause bleeding inside the body are:

  • Crohn's disease - inflammation that forms nodules (granulomas) in the intestines and stomach;
  • inflammatory process of the mucous membrane;
  • tumors in the gastrointestinal tract (its upper parts);
  • Diverticulitis - with this disease, pouch-like protrusions appear on the intestinal walls;
  • ulcer, gastritis;
  • hemorrhoids - veins in the lower part of the rectum dilate and begin to bleed.

Each disease can become a prerequisite for complications. And when an adult feels unwell in addition to black specks in the stool, it is necessary to immediately visit the clinic.


When there are black spots in the biomass, small ones like poppy seeds, the problem is often hidden in the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms inside you. Foreign bacteria that have penetrated the organs give the stool a greenish tone and a persistent, unpleasant odor. In addition, other signs are often added to this condition - increased temperature, fever, pain in the abdomen, signs of poisoning.


Intestinal parasites that can cause inflammation and bleeding are divided into two types:

  • helminths - tape, flat or round worms with many cells;
  • protozoa - there is only one cell.

The second type is capable of multiplying in the gastrointestinal tract, which becomes the cause of serious infectious diseases.

Intestinal pests are mainly transmitted when humans come into contact with contaminated fecal matter.

Many bacteria present in the body may not reveal their presence by clearly manifesting symptoms. Most often, problems are limited to pain in the abdomen or bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, rash in the anus, weight loss, and the presence of black fibers in the stool.

After diagnosing the problem, therapy is prescribed, including taking medications determined by the severity of the problem. In addition, dietary changes are made and nutritional supplements are prescribed.


If we consider all the reasons that contribute to the appearance of black threads in feces, then we should not forget about the pathologies of the digestive system, the state of which will be reported by biological masses. The shade and consistency of the biomass will indicate the condition of your body as a whole and, in particular, the gastrointestinal tract.

Digestion worsens in people exposed to stressful situations, lack of sleep, and nervous disorders. In addition, the quality of food processing is affected by dysbiosis, which also happens quite often. Incompletely digested food leaves the esophagus in the form of darkish streaks contained in the feces. And if this phenomenon occurs constantly, it is recommended to visit a specialist.

The presence of infectious processes in the body

If there are a lot of black spots in the stool, this often indicates the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the body. If foreign agents have entered your body, then the stool usually takes on a greenish tint and is characterized by a very unpleasant and persistent odor. However, this condition may be accompanied by other symptoms. Most often, an attack of the body by pathogenic inhabitants is also accompanied by elevated body temperature, fever, abdominal pain, and other symptoms of poisoning.

Worm infestation: symptoms in adults

Very often, the presence of black dots in the stool indicates that worms have settled in your body. Therefore, the black dots will be parts of their bodies or their larvae. The presence of helminths in the body is easy to notice. This disease will be accompanied by other symptoms. The first thing you should pay attention to is the patient’s appetite. When worms settle in the body, a person begins to eat a lot, and at the same time his weight decreases. The patient also feels weakness and fatigue, headaches and general malaise.

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Symptoms of helminthic infestation in adults are usually clearly noticeable, so diagnosing the disease is not difficult.

Character of blood

To answer the question of why blood appeared in the stool of an adult, you need to look at exactly what it looks like. So, it can be fresh (scarlet), burgundy, black and hidden (meaning that blood in the stool cannot be detected with the naked eye).

  1. The test reveals occult blood. Bleeding of the upper gastrointestinal tract - stomach ulcers, colon polyps, colon cancer, stomach cancer, esophagus. As well as rectal cancer, helminthic infestations.
  2. Bright red fresh blood. The presence of blood on toilet paper indicates possible diseases such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and rectal cancer.
  3. Diarrhea with blood, pain, fever. Intestinal infections - salmonellosis, dysentery, etc.
  4. Mucus and blood in the stool of an adult are observed with ulcerative colitis, polyps, proctitis, and tumors in the rectum.
  5. Dark red clots, streaks of blood. Symptoms of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - dysbiosis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, etc.

In order to determine the presence of hidden blood in the stool, it is necessary to conduct appropriate tests.

Carrying out diagnostics

As you can see, there can be many reasons for blackheads in stool. Of course, it does not happen that stool has the same color for a long time, because we eat food of different colors and consistencies. However, if blackheads are present for quite a long period, then this is a serious reason to think about your health. To understand the reason for this phenomenon, you need to urgently go to the hospital. Experts will be able to give you the correct diagnosis only after conducting diagnostics, which will include scraping, coprogram, and also determining the presence of worm larvae in the feces. If worm eggs were found, the patient will also have to take a blood test to determine their type.

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It is very important to get a stool test done correctly. It must be placed in a completely clean and dried container. In this case, the analysis should be carried out no later than an hour and a half after delivery. Only in this case is there a possibility of the most accurate diagnosis. Moreover, all tests will be carried out more than once so that the doctor can confirm the presence of the disease, as well as monitor its course and treatment.

Treatment rules

If, however, small black dots are found in the stool of an adult, then immediate treatment must be started. First of all, for this purpose, medications are taken that can improve digestion and improve metabolism. Therefore, it is worth considering starting to take probiotics. They contain special bacteria that can improve intestinal microflora and also destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Probiotics are safe for the human body and are also very beneficial. For digestive disorders, it is recommended to take such drugs two to three times a day for two weeks.

In addition, it is very important to normalize the flow of bile. However, this is not the easiest task. To do this, you need to take medications such as Hofitol, Ursosan and many others. If the cause of the appearance of black spots in the stool was precisely improper digestion associated with the outflow of bile, then in this case you should not count on quick treatment. Usually one course of treatment is not enough. The drugs must be taken in special regimens, with a short break between them.

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If helminths are found in your body, do not hesitate under any circumstances. Start treatment right away. To eliminate parasites, doctors most often recommend to their patients medications such as Pirantel, Vormil, Albendazole and many others.

If digestion is disrupted as a result of nervous disorders, then sedatives can come to the rescue. Herbal medicines have the best effect on the body. They have a very gentle effect on the nervous system, calm and normalize sleep.


Some medications can also cause an alarming symptom, in particular:

  • drug Vikalin;
  • some antibacterial agents;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Paracetamol;
  • iron-containing compounds, for example, Sorbifer;
  • De-nol and other bismuth-containing medications;
  • complexes of vitamins and minerals;
  • activated carbon, etc.

Instructions for the listed medications, as a rule, contain information about this effect, which disappears upon completion of the treatment course.

Black spots in the stool of an adult can also form after the use of certain medicinal components. For example, this phenomenon may occur after undergoing a course of treatment with activated charcoal, ibuprofen, paracetamol, medications with iron, and some antibiotics. If the medications listed above were used according to the instructions for use, this effect will stop immediately after discontinuation of these medications.

A few words about traditional medicine

If patients experience yellow stool with black dots, doctors often resort to traditional methods of treatment. I would like to say right away that you should not self-medicate, as this can be very dangerous for your health. However, on the advice of a doctor, you can prepare infusions from useful herbs such as chamomile, mint, sage or calendula.

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All of them have a good effect on the digestive system. They can be taken individually or mixed. The optimal dosage is one hundred milliliters of infusion, which should be taken half an hour before meals. It is best to drink the product two to three times a day.

Natural causes

There are many reasons that provoke the appearance of black spots in excrement. Black spots from undigested food may occur. Ingestion of certain foods leads to the appearance of inclusions in the stool. Products that are not completely recyclable include:

  • grape seeds;
  • apple particles in the form of small black strings;
  • kiwi grains;
  • thread-like banana pieces;
  • poppy.

This is explained by the fact that the listed products are not able to be completely digested. They are excreted from the body practically unchanged. This applies to a greater extent to those products that have a high iron content. In the stomach, this trace element is oxidized, causing the stool to turn black.

The grape seeds are not completely rebuilt and are excreted along with the feces in the form of black spots.

Black drug streaks are a result of adults taking certain medications. We are talking about Activated carbon, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Vicalin, and some types of antibiotics. The instructions that come with the medicine contain information about side effects, including the fact that the drug causes a change in the color of stool and the appearance of black spots. If such a problem is of concern to the patient, then he needs to observe his bowel movements after taking the medication. If it has not returned to its original color and the black spots in the stool have not gone away, then you should make an appointment with a doctor.

The causes of stool with black dots can be provoked by both natural factors and warn of the presence of malfunctions that cannot be ignored.

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Preventive measures

The first thing every person needs to pay attention to is their diet. To ensure your digestive system functions properly, eat only fresh and healthy foods. Try to avoid heavy fried and fatty foods, eat as many vegetables, fruits, cereals, as well as lean meat and fish. Do not forget that you need to eat small portions every two to three hours. Only in this case will food be digested correctly.

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Blackheads are not always a dangerous pathology. However, this problem should definitely not be ignored. Of course, if they arose one-time after eating certain types of foods, then there is nothing wrong with that. In other cases, it is necessary to go to the hospital to establish a diagnosis and select optimal treatment methods. Take care of yourself and your health will take care of you.

Treatment of bleeding from the anus

As has already been shown above, the causes of bleeding from the anus can be a wide variety of diseases. For this reason, there is no single treatment that can solve the problem in every situation.

If, after visiting a doctor, the exact cause of the bleeding is determined (for example, hemorrhoids or anal fissure), then you can find detailed recommendations for the treatment of these diseases among other articles on the site.


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