The most effective tablets for pinworms: selection

What is enterobiasis

Enterobiasis is a type of helminthic infestation found only in humans.

This type of helminthic infestation occurs only in humans; domestic animals can be intermediate hosts of pinworms and be carriers of their eggs. There are no age restrictions for enterobiasis.

According to medical statistics, it is noted that most often pinworm infection occurs in the age group from 2 to 10 years, although it can be diagnosed in people of any age.

Such a density of this disease in children is due to their insufficient compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, as well as their close communication in the children's group.

Pinworms do not tolerate solar insolation, although they can spend several hours outside the host’s body, so the frequency of enterobiasis is somewhat reduced in regions with a hot climate. Life cycle of the pinworm:

  • The worm egg enters the small intestine through unwashed hands or contaminated household items.
  • As a result of the egg maturing, a larva emerges from it, which attaches to the intestinal walls, damages the mucous membrane and feeds on the contents of the small intestine.
  • After 2 weeks, the larva becomes a sexually mature individual capable of fertilization.
  • The female pinworm descends into the rectum and lays eggs in the folds of the anus (from 5,000 to 15,000 eggs).
  • The larvae emerge from the eggs and begin to irritate the skin of the anus. The carrier of pinworms scratches the skin, transferring eggs and larvae on the skin of the hands and under the nails into the environment and again into the body (self-infection).

Symptoms of enterobiasis, in addition to itching and discomfort, can include colic in the intestines, frequent loose stools mixed with mucus. In addition, the waste products of pinworms have a toxic effect on the body in the form of migraines, nausea, weakness, dizziness, and allergies.

Violation of the process of absorption of nutrients from food can cause weight loss in a child and anemia. All these symptoms complicate the condition of a person infected with worms so much that it is necessary to use anti-pinworm medications to expel them from the body.

Useful information about enterobiasis in children is presented in the thematic video:

Read: Enterobiasis: prevention - at home and beyond its walls

How to treat children?

Children's drugs have the least toxicity and the best form of administration. The form of products for children is different; they are produced in the form of suspensions or chewable tablets.

The following drugs have been invented:

  1. "Pyrantel".
  2. "Dekaris."
  3. "Nemozol."
  4. "Vermox."


Suspension in a 14 ml Polish glass bottle. Five milliliters of suspension is equivalent to 250 milligrams of pyrantel. The contents are a viscous yellowish liquid with the taste of ice cream. The suspension can be taken only once per course of treatment, after a meal.


For treatment, 2 tablets of 50 milligrams are provided.

It is allowed to take pills from 3 years of age. You can eradicate worms with one dose of medication.

There is a high risk of side effects from this drug.


The buyer has the opportunity to choose: suspension or chewable tablets.

The course of treatment involves one dose. Can be taken from 4 years of age.

Nemozol may cause side effects.


A universal remedy, effective in both adults and children. Appointed from 2 years of age. Accepted once.

Pinworms are representatives of the genus of roundworms that parasitize the human intestines, causing enterobiasis. Children are most susceptible to pinworm infection. This is due to frequent violations of personal hygiene rules. The cause of the development of enterobiasis in children is also weakened immunity.

Getting rid of helminths today is not difficult. There are pinworm tablets for children that have minimal toxicity but quickly and reliably kill worms.

Causes of the disease

The pinworm Enterobius vermicularis parasitizes the digestive tract of children. Worms cling to the intestinal wall using vesicles, feed on its contents, and can swallow blood. As practice shows, treating pinworms in children is a much longer and more complex process than in adults. More often, exacerbation of an advanced disease, relapse and re-infection are possible.

Worms can infect a child in the following ways:

  1. Through dirty hands (fecal-oral route of infection).
  2. From pets (helminth eggs can be found in the fur of cats and dogs).
  3. Through food (dirty vegetables, fruits, poorly processed meat).
  4. Through water (rarely occurs).

The first characteristic symptoms of enterobiasis appear 3-4 weeks after infection. The child develops intense itching in the anal area. It is caused by the movements of female pinworms.

They crawl out of the intestines to lay eggs in the perianal folds. Itching usually appears at night. When a child scratches the anus, worm eggs remain on his fingers, under his nails.

If after this your hands get into your mouth (which often happens in children), self-infection with pinworms will occur again.

When the number of worms in the intestines is small, parents ensure that the child observes the rules of personal hygiene; the only symptom of the disease will be only mild itching in the anal area.

The manifestations of enterobiasis become vivid if the population of worms increases due to regular self-infection and weakened immunity.

With severe infestation, pinworm eggs are visible in the stool with the naked eye.

Enterobiasis also has indirect signs:

  1. Sleep disorders, insomnia.
  2. Poor appetite, feeling of nausea.
  3. Beastly appetite, profuse salivation.
  4. Pain in the lower abdomen or navel area.
  5. Abnormal bowel movements, constipation and diarrhea.
  6. Intestinal microflora disorders.
  7. Weakness, loss of strength.
  8. Dizziness.
  9. Pale skin, circles under the eyes.
  10. Girls have urinary incontinence.
  11. Skin rash (with long-term infection).

Helminths do not live long; when they die, they release toxins. Substances have a negative effect on the central nervous system. The baby is capricious, shows aggression, becomes inattentive, and cannot withstand the load.

The main method for diagnosing enterobiasis is a smear or scraping from the anus. In preschool institutions and primary schools, to prevent morbidity, this analysis is done once a year. A smear is taken in the morning before bowel movement. Before collecting material, the child should not be washed.

The sample is examined under a microscope, looking for worm eggs. If the test shows a negative result, this does not provide a 100% guarantee that there is no infection. Pinworms do not lay eggs every day. Your son or daughter should be taken to the hospital immediately if they slept restlessly at night or complained of itching.

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Treatment of enterobiasis

How to treat pinworms in children? Treatment of any type of helminthiasis is carried out comprehensively. Drug therapy for enterobiasis in children includes taking the following medications:

  1. Anthelmintic drugs. One course of medication is usually not enough. Medicines are effective against adult worms, but have no effect on larvae and eggs. Therefore, the course of taking the drugs is repeated.
  2. Laxatives. They help remove killed worms from the intestines. They are not always prescribed; some drugs for pinworms cannot be combined with laxatives.
  3. Sorbents. They bind and remove from the child’s body toxins released during the life of worms.
  4. Antihistamines. Prescribed to prevent allergic reactions to toxins and anthelmintics.
  5. Complexes of vitamins and minerals. Help restore normal functioning of the body and improve immunity.

During the treatment of helminthiasis, the doctor prescribes a diet for the child. Foods that bind stool are excluded from the diet. Be sure to include soups, cereals, vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Treatment of enterobiasis in children is complicated by the fact that almost all drugs for worms cannot be used until 1-3 years of age. This is due to the toxicity of the active substances, which are insecticides. Enterobiasis in children is treated with drugs:

  • "Pyrantel";
  • "Piperazine";
  • "Dekaris";
  • "Mebendazole";
  • "Zentel 8".

Dosages of anthelmintic drugs for children have been reduced. Treatment is prescribed and monitored by a doctor.


The drug "Pyrantel" contains the active component pyrantel, a tetrahydromethylpyrimidine derivative. Children are prescribed Pirantel in the form of a suspension. It has a pleasant smell and taste.

The active substance blocks the contractile activity of the muscles of parasites. Immobilized pinworms leave during defecation.

The drug is taken with food. Children from 1 year to 12 years are prescribed 125 mg of pyrantel per 10 kg of body weight as a one-time dose. The dose is repeated after 3 weeks. There is no need to use laxatives or do enemas together with Pirantel.

The drug is well tolerated by the child. Side effects are extremely rare, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and urticaria.


The drug "Piperazine" contains the active component piperazine adipate. The product is contraindicated in children under four years of age.

The substance piperazine paralyzes the muscles of nematodes and disrupts the functioning of the nervous system. Paralyzed parasites are eliminated by intestinal peristalsis.

Piperazine is taken twice a day, an hour before meals, for five days. A single dose depends on the age of the child:

  1. Age 4-5 years – 1 tablet (500 mg).
  2. Age 6-8 years – 1.5 tablets (750 mg).
  3. Age 9-12 years – 2 tablets (1 g).
  4. Ages 13-15 years – 3 tablets (1.5 g).

Piperazine is active against adult pinworms, but has no effect on eggs and larval forms. Therefore, therapy is carried out in three cycles with a week break. During breaks, it is recommended to give the child enemas at night (1-3 glasses of clean water, half a teaspoon of baking soda).

"Piperazine" is contraindicated in patients with nephritis, renal and liver failure, epilepsy, and organic disorders of the central nervous system.


The remedy for pinworms "Dekaris" contains the active substance levamisole, which has a paralytic effect on parasites. Immobilized worms are excreted in feces within 24 hours after taking the drug. There are Decaris tablets with a dose of the active substance of 150 mg and 50 mg. Children are prescribed tablets with 50 mg of levamisole.

The drug should be taken in the evening after meals. One application is enough. If necessary, take Decaris again after 1-2 weeks.

Popular article: What are the main differences between roundworms and flatworms

Dosages depend on the child’s weight:

  1. 10 – 20 kg – ½ – 1 tablet (25 – 50 mg).
  2. 20 – 30 kg – 1 – 1.5 tablets (50 – 75 mg).
  3. 30 – 60 kg – 1.5 – 3 tablets (75 – 100 mg)

The use of laxatives and enemas after taking Decaris is not required.

The product should not be used by children intolerant to levamisole, lactose, or galactose. Among the side effects that pinworm medicine causes for children are: tachycardia, headache, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc.


You can remove pinworms from a child using the drug Mebendazole. The active component mebendazole blocks the transport of glucose and the synthesis of energy molecules in worm cells. Pinworms die and are removed from the body.

Mebendazole is not intended for the treatment of children under two years of age. The drug is taken one tablet (100 mg) once. The reception is repeated after 2-4 weeks. For a child, it is better to crush the tablet and add it to food.

In therapeutic doses, Mebendazole causes almost no side effects. The drug should not be used by patients with ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, liver disease, or with intolerance to the components of the drug.


"Zentel" helps cure enterobiasis in children, thanks to albendazole. The drug is produced in the form of tablets and suspensions. Albendazole is an effective remedy against adult and larval forms of pinworms, as well as helminth eggs. The drug is used to treat children over one year of age. The suspension is taken with food, dosages depend on age:

  • 1-2 years – 5 ml of suspension per day;
  • from 2 years – 10 ml of suspension per day.

The reception is repeated after three weeks. In therapeutic doses, "Zentel" is normally tolerated by the child's body.

To effectively remove pinworms from a child, you need to follow several rules:

  1. Diet. Almost all medications for pinworms immobilize the parasites, and then they are eliminated during the act of defecation. Therefore, it is important to ensure normal stool. The diet must include porridge, vegetables, and herbs.
  2. Home disinfection. Plumbing equipment needs to be treated with disinfectants, dishes and children's toys must be thoroughly washed.
  3. Personal hygiene. It is necessary to ensure that the child washes his hands after waking up, going to the toilet, before eating, and does not bite his nails. Sheets and towels must be changed every day, washed in hot water and ironed with steam. You need to wash your child twice a day and change your underwear.
  4. Food processing. Vegetables and fruits need to be washed and doused with hot water.
  5. Limit contact with animals.

How to choose drugs for pinworms

Pumpkin seeds are a folk remedy for fighting pinworms.

Traditional medicine offers its own methods of treating enterobiasis, the use of garlic, pumpkin seeds, onions, wormwood and tansy. However, medications for pinworms will make this process quite quick and comfortable.

Some medications require taking just one tablet. To treat enterobiasis, you need to consult a helminthologist or infectious disease specialist.

This is especially important in cases of illness in children, pregnant and lactating women and the elderly. The doctor will help you choose the drug, its dose, effective in each case, and take into account contraindications.

For example, there are drugs that are almost completely safe for pregnant and lactating women, for infants and preschool children. The most common medications for pinworms:

  1. Pirantel,
  2. Piperazine,
  3. Dekaris,
  4. Mebendazole,
  5. Wormil,
  6. Zentel.

Since the life cycle of pinworms is about 14 days, it is advisable to check its effectiveness after treatment by analyzing scrapings for enterobiasis. It is likely that the medicine did not affect the pinworm in a certain phase of its development (egg, larva, mature individual), and the medicine will have to be taken again. And one more important nuance: if pinworms are found in only one family member, it is advisable to treat all his relatives living together.

It is possible to defeat parasites!

Toximin® - a remedy for parasites for children and adults!

  • Dispensed without a doctor's prescription;
  • Can be used at home;
  • Clears parasites in 1 course;
  • Thanks to tannins, it heals and protects the liver, heart, lungs, stomach, and skin from parasites;
  • Eliminates rotting in the intestines, neutralizes parasite eggs thanks to the F molecule.

A certified remedy recommended by helminthologists for getting rid of parasites at home. It has a pleasant taste that children will like. Consists exclusively of medicinal plants collected in environmentally friendly places.

There is a discount now. The drug can be obtained free of charge.

Hello, readers of the site about parasites My name is Alexander Lignum. I am the author of this site. I am 23 years old, I am a 5th year student at the Kemerovo State Medical Institute. Specialization "Parasitologist". Consultation by phone: +7. More about the author>>

The best stories from our readers

Topic: Parasites are to blame for all troubles!

From: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected] )

To: Administration

I have felt very bad for the past few years. Constant fatigue, insomnia, some kind of apathy, laziness, frequent headaches. I also had problems with digestion, and in the morning I had bad breath.

And here is my story

All this began to accumulate and I realized that I was moving in some wrong direction. I began to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, but this did not affect my well-being. The doctors couldn’t really say anything either. Everything seems to be normal, but I feel like my body is not healthy.

Then I went to an expensive clinic and had all the tests done, and in one of the tests I was found to have parasites. These were not ordinary worms, but a specific type, with which, according to doctors, almost everyone is infected, to a greater or lesser extent. It is almost impossible to remove them from the body. I took a course of antiparasitic medications that were prescribed to me at that clinic, but there was almost no result.

A couple of weeks later I came across an article on the Internet. This article literally changed my life. I did everything as it was written there and within a few days I felt significant improvements in my body. I began to get enough sleep much faster, and the energy that I had in my youth appeared. My head no longer hurts, my mind became clearer, my brain began to work much better. My digestion has improved, despite the fact that I now eat haphazardly. I took tests and made sure that no one else lives in me!

Anyone who wants to cleanse their body of parasites, no matter what types of these creatures live in you, read this article, I’m 100% sure it will help you! Go to article>>>

The medicine for pinworms is used for enterobiasis. This is not the most dangerous disease when compared with other forms of helminthiasis, however, it needs to be cured, since pinworms in adults provoke various abnormalities in the functioning of the body. It is not enough to just take the medicine, you need to take into account the degree of complexity of the disease, maintenance therapy is often required, and after treatment is completed, the body is restored.


Pyrantel is the most common drug for pinworms.

This drug is offered to consumers in dosage forms such as tablets, suspension, and chewable tablets. Its mechanism of action is that Pyrantel blocks the neuromuscular system of worms, after which they are freely removed from the intestines.

It acts on pinworms in all phases of their development, and, in addition to pinworms, the drug is effective against several types of worms. Pyrantel is taken once, it is best to do it after breakfast.

The effectiveness of the therapeutic dose depends on the weight of pinworm carriers - it is 10 mg per kg of body weight. In order to prevent self-infection, Pirantel should be repeated after 21 days, and all family members should be treated.

This drug has contraindications in the form of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, and myasthenia gravis during the treatment period. Although Pirantel is used in pregnant women and infants up to 6 months, it is recommended to do so with caution. An overdose of Pyrantel is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • vomit,
  • nausea,
  • diarrhea,
  • increase in body temperature,
  • skin rash, allergic urticaria,
  • hallucinations,
  • sleep disorders,
  • headache.

There is no need to use a laxative after taking Pirantel.

Suppositories for enterobiasis

In cases where taking oral medications is not possible, suppositories may be an alternative solution. It is advisable to treat worms with anthelmintic suppositories during pregnancy and liver pathologies. A parasitologist or infectious disease specialist will tell you which of them are most effective.

The advantages of topical preparations are their effectiveness and ability to strengthen intestinal immunity, thanks to the vitamins they contain. The disadvantage of suppositories for the treatment of pinworms is the duration of therapy, which can be up to two weeks.

The most popular suppositories for helminths today are the following three drugs:

The first two drugs contain only plant components, which pinworms are afraid of. Among the medicinal substances in their composition are wormwood, tansy, garlic, etc. They are absolutely safe and can be used in the absence of an allergic reaction to them.

"Vormil" contains albendazole, which has a local effect when it is impossible to use the drug orally.


Piperazine causes muscle paralysis in pinworms at all stages of their life.

A medicine such as piperazine is known as piperazine adipate. It is available in tablet form and has been on the medicinal market for quite a long time.

Read: Types of worms in children, main routes of infection

Piperazine causes paralysis of the pinworm muscles at all stages of its life. The medicine is taken in a course of 5 days. If necessary, a course of such therapy is carried out 2–3 times with breaks.

The drug is taken twice before or after meals with an interval of one hour between them. The recommended dose is from 200 mg in children under one year of age to 1.5 - 2 g in adults. Contraindications for this drug are:

  • pregnancy,
  • lactation,
  • allergy to its components,
  • epilepsy,
  • nephritis,
  • renal or liver failure,
  • CNS lesions.

In case of an overdose, abdominal pain manifested by spasms, trembling of the limbs, loss of coordination, and neurotoxicosis are possible. Between doses of Piperazine it is recommended to do cleansing enemas.

Drugs allowed during pregnancy

If pinworms appear during pregnancy, treatment is carried out with Pirantel and Piperazine. These drugs are considered relatively safe and have less effect on helminths. However, it is recommended to take them after the 1st trimester, when the main functions of the fetal body are already established. The following suppositories are allowed: Confetan, GelmaVirol, Nigella Sativa.

Treatment for parasites can only be carried out from 13-15 weeks of pregnancy. During pregnancy you can take: Piperazine, Levamisole, Mebendazole.


The main restrictions apply to patients during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In the absence of obvious contraindications, the medicine may not be suitable due to individual intolerance to certain components. Often, medications should be limited in case of diseases of the intestines, liver, or kidney failure.

Any acute condition of the body may cause the cessation of treatment or use of a particular drug. Difficulties arise more often with chronic helminthiasis, when different organs are affected. In this case, it is necessary to take into account violations of most body systems, which limits the use of a number of drugs.

Pinworms belong to a class of parasitic worms that can exist in the human body. When a person is infected with pinworms, enterobiasis is diagnosed.

Children are more susceptible to helminthic infestation, but sometimes it also occurs in adults due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Drug therapy is provided for the treatment of helminths. The article presents the best tablets for pinworms in adults and other types of medications for effective treatment.


Decaris - paralyzes the nervous system of pinworms.

Another name for Decaris is Levomisole. This drug was initially used as an immunomodulator, but as an anthelmintic it began to be used much less frequently.

The mechanism of action of Dekaris: the medicine paralyzes the nervous system of pinworms, which are excreted from the intestines within 24 hours. This medicine can be taken with caution during pregnancy, but it is completely unacceptable when breastfeeding a child, and when treating enterobiasis in children under 3 years of age.

The recommended dose is from 25 mg (1 tablet) in children to 50 mg (2 tablets) in older schoolchildren and adults. The tablets are taken in the evening, after dinner. They need to be washed down with a small amount of water.

In addition to the above contraindications, the drug should not be taken by patients with agranulocytosis; persons with renal or hepatic insufficiency should be used with caution. In case of overdose (600 mg and above), the following symptoms may appear:

  • vomiting and nausea,
  • headache,
  • confusion,
  • dizziness,
  • convulsions.

Gastric lavage immediately after an overdose relieves most of the symptoms of poisoning.

It is highly not recommended to combine treatment of enterobiasis with Dekaris with alcohol intake.

Preparations based on mebendazole

Pinworms in adults are often treated with mebendazole-based anthelmintics. This group of drugs includes the following pharmaceuticals:

Mebendazole is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug that is most effective in the treatment of enterobiasis. The drug is practically not absorbed by the intestines and tends to accumulate in the tissues of helminths, their eggs and larvae.

The drug can cause a number of adverse reactions, like other anthelmintics. While taking it, signs of intoxication may appear; with long-term treatment, allergic rashes and anemia may occur. For enterobiasis, a single dose is sufficient, so the patient does not face such problems.

"Vormin" is used for various types of helminthiasis, including it is effective against pinworms. It is not prescribed for ulcerative colitis, liver dysfunction and some other pathologies associated with the gastrointestinal tract. When taking the drug, it should be noted that in diabetics it reduces the need for insulin.

"Vermox" is a complete analogue of "Vormin" and has the same contraindications. Like the previous anthelmintic, it is incompatible with Metronidazole.


Mebendazole is a drug that helps get rid of pinworms.

The drug acts on worms, disrupting ATP synthesis and glucose utilization in their body. Mebendazole (Vermox) is taken once, in a dosage of 25–50 mg in children 2–10 years old to 100 mg in adults.

It is not absorbed into the body through the intestinal walls, and is almost completely eliminated from the body within 24 hours. If self-infection is suspected, Mebendazole is repeated after 2 to 3 weeks.

Read: Cleansing from parasites at home: signs of infestations and methods of combating them

This drug does not require simultaneous use of a laxative. It is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and children under 2 years of age, as well as for persons with impaired liver function. The medicine should not be taken before or after drinking alcohol. Possible phenomena in case of overdose:

  1. headache,
  2. dizziness,
  3. abdominal pain,
  4. anemia,
  5. nausea and vomiting.

It is advisable to monitor the effectiveness of treatment with Mebendazole by analyzing smears from the anus 7 to 10 days after taking the drug.

What are the advantages of suppositories?

  • They act locally, causing fewer side effects on the body.
  • Used in adults and children, some drugs are approved for pregnant and lactating women.
  • The effect of the product comes faster when compared with tablets.

In addition, there is an unconventional method of combating pinworms and, according to reviews, quite popular among both adults and children - the use of zinc ointment.

Zinc ointment has the following properties:

  • Antiseptic
  • Astringent
  • Drying
  • Adsorbent

Zinc ointment is applied to the skin around and to the folds of the anus, thereby creating unfavorable conditions for pinworms that come out at night. The ointment also soothes irritated skin and reduces itching. All that is required is to wash off the ointment and perform a morning toilet. So, gradually, a person will be able to get rid of enterobiasis.

Zinc ointment is an anti-inflammatory agent with a healing and drying effect

Whether to believe reviews about the effectiveness of using zinc ointment or not is up to everyone to decide, but from a medical point of view, this method is ineffective, takes a lot of time, and the threat of re-infection remains throughout the entire treatment. Perhaps, if it is not possible to undergo complex antiparasitic treatment, this method makes sense, but the use of zinc ointment is not a generally accepted recommendation for the treatment of enterobiasis.

Answer the question “What is the most effective remedy for pinworms?” abstractly impossible, the choice of drug and its form depends on the individual case.


Zentel disrupts the process of glucose transport in the body of pinworms.

The drug Zentel (Albendazole) in the treatment of enterobiasis disrupts the process of glucose transport in the body of pinworms, thereby causing their death and elimination from the body naturally.

Zentel is available in the form of a suspension and tablets. The product is not recommended for use by children under one year of age, nursing or pregnant women. This list also includes patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Children from one to three years old take Zentel only in the form of a suspension. The recommended dose is 400 mg once. For low weight, the dose is calculated individually - 15 mg per kg of weight. In case of overdose, the following symptoms may appear:

  • dizziness,
  • stomach ache,
  • vomit,
  • itching, urticaria,
  • hyperthermia,
  • hepatitis.

Zentel is effective against enterobiasis in all phases of pinworm development.

Review of the best drugs for enterobiasis

When thinking about how to treat pinworms, you must first consider proven and reliable medications that give the desired results. These include: Pyrantel, Zentel, Vermox, Nemazol, Vormil, Dekaris, Mebendazole. Your doctor will recommend which medications against pinworms are best to take. If one tablet helped in a certain situation, this does not mean that it is permissible to use it in other patients, since medications have contraindications and restrictions based on age and weight when used.


Vormil is an excellent remedy for getting rid of many types of parasites in the human body.

A broad-spectrum drug, Vormil is used to eliminate helminthic infestations caused by more than 15 types of parasites. It is available in the form of chewable tablets weighing 400 mg.

The therapeutic effect occurs when taking 1 tablet once for 3 to 5 days. The use of Vormil is prohibited for children under 2 years of age, nursing and pregnant women, as well as women planning pregnancy.

To be completely sure that a woman is not pregnant, an hCG test is performed and the use of reliable methods of contraception is recommended one month before taking Vormin and for one month after treatment. An overdose of the drug may manifest itself as the following symptoms:

  1. visual impairment,
  2. hallucinations,
  3. orange coloration of skin, tears, urine, feces, sweat, saliva,
  4. speech disorders,
  5. loss of consciousness,
  6. liver enlargement.

These symptoms can be relieved by gastric lavage and taking enterosorbents. In order to effectively treat enterobiasis, you should know how pinworm infection occurs. Treatment is carried out by an infectious disease specialist or helminthologist for all family members at once.

He also prescribes medications taking into account contraindications and calculates the dosage. To prevent side effects when taking most medications against pinworms, you must strictly follow your doctor’s recommendations, follow the instructions for use, and do not self-medicate. After completion of treatment, a control scraping for enterobiasis is required.

Read along with this article:

  • Analysis for enterobiasis and worm eggs. Indications and preparation rules
  • How to treat pinworms: drugs and folk methods
  • How to treat pinworms in children: causes of the disease, symptoms, prevention
  • Types of worms in children, main routes of infection
  • How to get rid of pinworms at home. Is it worth...
  • Treatment of parasites in children - types of helminths, features...
  • How to choose a medicine for worms for children?
  • Enterobiasis: prevention - at home and beyond its walls
  • Helminths in children: symptoms of helminthiasis and methods of combating...

The mechanism of action of drugs on pinworms

There is a wide variety of medications that will help quickly remove parasites from the human body. Most of them are enough to take from 1 to 3 days. Many drugs for pinworms are highly toxic, so the dosage must be strictly observed. It is necessary to take into account the patient’s age, his weight, as well as the degree of infection with worms.

The most popular medications for pinworms.

  • Pirantel. This remedy for pinworms in adults is available in tablet form. It has a negative effect on the neuromuscular fibers of the parasite, paralyzing the system. Subsequently, pinworms are freely excreted along with feces. It shows its effect at any stage of parasite development. For treatment, it is enough to take the drug once, in the morning after meals. To prevent the possibility of self-infection, the tablet should be taken again after three weeks. There is no need to use laxatives after Pirantel.
  • Piperazine is considered the best medicine for pinworms. Treatment of enterobiasis with this medicine is effective at any stage of parasite development. Paralysis of the muscles of the parasites occurs, and they leave the intestines. The course of taking tablets is designed for 5 days.
  • The drug Dekaris helps to cope well with the disease. After taking the tablets, the nervous system of pinworms is paralyzed, and after a few hours they come out. Should be taken in the evening, before bedtime. In addition, the medicine helps to activate the body's defenses. This allows you to quickly cope with the disease.
  • Vermox. This effective remedy with a wide spectrum of action is allowed to be taken by children from one year old. In the body of pinworms, it causes disturbances in the functioning of metabolic processes, and they die.
  • Pinworms can be treated with the medication Mebendazole. The treatment composition prevents pinworms from absorbing glucose from the human body. Thus, the parasites are deprived of their food source and die. It is enough to take one tablet to get rid of the problem. If self-infection occurs again, it is recommended to repeat the use of the medicine after two weeks. There is no need to take laxatives.
  • Wormil. This is an effective drug that is active against 15 types of parasites. One tablet per day is recommended for 3-5 days.
  • Nemozol. This is a fairly strong medicine for worms, acting against not only enterobiasis, but also other species. It is prescribed when a whole group of parasites is detected, or if other therapy has not brought results.
  • Zentel. Effective tablets that disrupt the process of glucose absorption by parasites, and they are independently excreted along with feces. The disease can be cured after one application with the recommended dosage. Shows its effectiveness against pinworms at any stage of their development.
  • Metovit. It is an effective cure for pinworms and other types of parasites. It helps to destroy not only the helminths themselves, but also eliminates the toxic consequences resulting from their death. It is recommended to take one tablet twice a day.
  • Helminthox. The drug causes neuromuscular paralysis of the parasites, after which they are excreted from the intestines along with feces. You can drink it at any time of the day.

If pinworms are detected in at least one family member, it is necessary to treat other contact persons. Some medicines for pinworms can act on both larvae and adults, while others are active against a certain form of parasite development. Therefore, some drugs are taken only for three days, while others require repeating the course after two weeks. It is during this period that the larvae mature.

How is it recommended to treat pinworms, besides anthelmintic drugs? If pinworms are found in the body, treatment should be carried out not only with anthelmintic drugs. It is recommended to take adsorbents, prebiotics, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory medications. A vitamin-mineral complex is prescribed. To reduce allergic symptoms, adults are prescribed drugs such as Zodac, Loratadine, Zyrtec.

Modern anthelmintic drugs affect the nervous system and muscles of worms. If you do not know which medications are best for you personally, then only the doctor who performed the diagnosis can help with this. It is difficult to independently recognize the type of helminths, since some people may have other parasites in addition to pinworms.

After taking the drug, pinworms experience paralysis, they cannot move and stay in the intestines, and accordingly they begin to slowly die. If you do not remove dead pinworms using laxatives, this can cause temporary intoxication of the body. For adults, such temporary intoxication of the body is not so terrible. But for children this is an extremely dangerous condition, since severe intoxication can cause shock and fever with a sharp increase in temperature.

Various drugs for pinworms, which can be purchased in pharmacies, are sold without a doctor's prescription, but self-treatment is not recommended, since the dosage of the drug must be selected individually and depends on the degree of helminth damage to the body, the age, weight and state of the patient's immunity.

The principle of action of the drugs

When choosing which drugs are best for treating pinworms, you need to focus on the main directions of their action. This will help to obtain the most pronounced result with a low toxic effect on the human body. The drugs used also affect the body of the carrier. Therefore, special schemes of action have been developed that help minimize the impact on the patient’s weakened body.

  1. Drugs that interfere with the absorption of carbohydrates by the parasite. Lead to death due to nutritional deficiency. When using such products, parasites are eliminated naturally through feces. Worms can be excreted either already digested or whole - this depends on the place of their attachment and the activity of digestive enzymes.
  2. Drugs that paralyze the nervous system of worms. Such medications inhibit the transmission of nerve impulses in the body of the pinworm. This deprives the parasite of the ability to attach to the intestinal walls and lay eggs. Having lost the ability to gain a foothold inside the host’s body, pinworms are quickly excreted from the body in the feces, both in split and whole form.
  3. Drugs that relax the muscles of worms. This leads to the fact that the pinworm cannot gain a foothold in the human body and is therefore excreted from the intestines with feces.

Note! The first two categories of drugs are successfully used to treat other types of parasites, which include tapeworms. Drugs of the third category are used only in the treatment of infestations caused by representatives of the “Roundworms” class.

A distinctive feature of enterobiasis is its ability to resolve on its own without treatment, ending the life cycle of the parasites. But treatment is carried out with the aim of reducing the toxic effects of worm waste products on the host’s body. If left untreated, an inflammatory process in the intestinal area may develop, which will lead to a worsening of the patient’s condition.

It is worth noting that therapy with any medications should be performed only after prior consultation with your doctor. It is he who, based on the analyses, draws a conclusion about the intensity of infection and the required dosages of medications.

Prevention of enterobiasis

Prevention of helminthiasis plays a very important role. It helps prevent illness or re-infection. Since enterobiasis is called the disease of unwashed hands, it is very important to maintain hand hygiene. Doctors strongly recommend washing your hands after every visit to the toilet, public places and shaking hands with other people.

It is also very important to process fruits and vegetables that you eat, as they may also contain parasite eggs. Adults should be dewormed twice a year using anthelmintic drugs, which help prevent parasitic infestation.

Treatment of pinworms with pyrantel

Production at pharmaceutical companies does not stand still; more and more antiparasitic medications are being produced every day. Some are more popular; new ones are treated more warily. But while some are discovering the properties of new medications, the most proven and effective in our country are the Pirantel tablets for enterobiasis.

Do pinworms go away on their own? Read about the treatment of pinworms in adults here.

Find out how to treat pinworms with folk remedies at the link:

The action of Pirantel is based on blocking nerve impulses, the helminth loses the ability to move, as a result, it is easily and without much harm to the body, digested by the intestinal walls, and eliminated naturally. There are two forms of release - tablets and suspensions.

The active substance practically does not enter the bloodstream and is excreted by the kidneys and intestines. It starts working almost immediately after taking the required dose. For example, if you drink the product in the evening, in the morning the parasites will come out in the feces.

The composition includes natural ingredients, so it is low-toxic, has virtually no contraindications, and is well tolerated without causing adverse reactions.

The main components are:

  • sagebrush;
  • grapefruit skin and seeds;
  • olive;
  • carnation;
  • oregano;
  • Walnut;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • chlorophyllin;
  • ginger root;
  • ant tree bark.

Pyrantel is prescribed for:

  • Trichurose;
  • Ascariasis;
  • Hookworm;
  • Necatorose;
  • Enterobiasis;
  • Ankylostomiasis.

Self-medication with antiparasitic drugs is contraindicated. First, you need to undergo standard tests to identify the type and location of the helminth. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will write a prescription, prescribe the duration and dosage. Only this sequence of actions can guarantee complete recovery.

Treatment of pinworms in adults. Find out how to get rid of pinworms forever here.

How to cure pinworms in a short time, read the article:

Due to the fact that Pirantel can treat helminthic infestation in newborns over six months old, as well as in adults, the dosage will differ significantly. It is calculated based on the patient’s age and weight. The duration of therapy depends on the type and number of worms in the body.

The main contraindication is individual intolerance to one of the components of the product. It has also not been proven whether Pirantel passes into breast milk, so during treatment, breastfeeding is stopped.

Reviews of tablets for pinworms

Ilya, Irkutsk: The whole family went on vacation at the seaside. Summer, beach, sun, everything is fine, but after a week the son began to complain of abdominal pain, once he even had diarrhea. They thought he was poisoned. We arrived home, went to the doctor, and tested feces and blood from a vein. The next day the doctor said that he had enterobiasis and prescribed Piperazine. The whole family took it so that there would be no relapse. After them, my son became more active and even gained a little weight. The product helped a lot, now in the spring and fall we buy it for prevention. Alina, Stavropol: She went to the hospital for examination before the operation. On the second day they said that I had worms, and prescribed Pirantel. I read reviews about tablets for pinworms in adults, it turned out to be the most effective. I took it according to the prescription prescribed by the doctor. A week later I took the tests again and they said everything was clear.

Varya, Moscow: I have two wonderful children who simply love to dig in the sand and cuddle all the dogs and cats. Therefore, every six months I make sure to give anthelmintic medications. I used to buy ParaProteX, but now it has become much more expensive. Vormil has many side effects, I prefer only Pirantel. So far no parasites have been found.

Maxim, Ryazan: Every year I go to exotic countries, I don’t have a large budget, so I buy ready-made dishes sold on the street. To avoid worms, I always get tested and buy Vermox. During my extreme travels, no worms were found.

Nastya, Simferopol: Recently I was diagnosed with helminthic infestation. I started looking on the Internet for inexpensive medications for pinworms for adults. Pirantel was first on the list. I strictly followed the instructions. After two weeks there were no more worms.

Symptoms of pinworms in adults

The incubation period is 12-15 days after invasion. The first signal of enterobiasis is severe itching in the perianal area. In the normal course of the disease, itching is observed at night, but with massive infection it can be bothersome at any time of the day. Symptoms of enterobis include:

  • sleep disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • irritability;
  • lethargy;
  • diarrhea (stool may contain mucus);
  • stomach ache;
  • constipation, increased gas formation.
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