Why your stomach may growl: possible reasons

When there is rumbling in the stomach and loose stools have overcome, you can forget about any trips to visit, the theater, exhibition openings, etc. This painful condition not only disrupts upcoming plans, but also reduces performance (physical tone) to a minimum level. This “action” is the result of an upset stomach due to certain reasons.

Taking quick measures to restore the normal functionality of the gastrointestinal tract is the main task when ailments are detected. Having identified the signs of a particular source of gastric distress, you can quickly solve the problem of diarrhea and rumbling in the stomach by taking appropriate medications.

If the disorder does not subside, then you cannot do without qualified medical help. In this case, you should visit the nearest clinic.

Causes of the condition

Periodic rumbling in the abdomen and diarrhea are explained by a number of common causes, non-infectious and infectious in nature.

Non-infectious causes of gastric distress include the following:

  • Consumption of medications. With long-term use of antibiotics, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. In addition, excessive use of laxatives is a predetermining cause of temporary gastrointestinal upset.
  • Physical inactivity. Sedentary work and minimal activity at home create certain problems not only for general physical tone, but also for the stomach. There is a gradual disruption of the digestive system, which leads to rumbling in the stomach and loose stools.
  • Irritable gastrointestinal tract syndrome. The nature of this problem can be explained by stressful situations. Numerous constant “shocks” at work lead to stomach upset.
  • Allergic reactions to food. When consuming foods such as milk, cucumbers, fish, a certain number of people experience bloating and diarrhea. This is due to the banal lack of absorption of products by the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Incompatible combination of products. When you consume certain foods in one meal, when they are digested, corresponding reactions occur that cause irritation of the walls of the stomach. Vivid examples of negative food combinations are “herring-milk”, “cucumbers-soda”, “borscht-bananas”, etc.

The following common points lead to infectious causes of gastrointestinal disorders:

  • Dysentery. This reason is due to lack of personal hygiene before eating. The spreader of the disease is the dysentery bacillus, which can enter the body through poorly treated water and food. Poor health occurs within 24 hours and can lead to dire consequences. In this regard, highly qualified medical intervention and appropriate treatment are needed. Not infrequently, the disease leads to a hospital stay, where the gastrointestinal system can be completely returned to normal.
  • Botulism. A most dangerous infectious disease caused by the ingestion of spore-forming bacilli “Clostridium botulinum”. When actively multiplying, these rods produce the most toxic poison, botulinum toxin. Sources of the disease can be food that does not have normal storage conditions, such as fresh fish, processed meats, mushrooms, and various home-canned vegetables. The disease has serious consequences: in addition to diarrhea and vomiting, a person can get paralysis and loss of vision. Without prompt medical intervention, there is a high probability of death.
  • Salmonellosis. Infectious disease of acute zoonotic origin. The source of this infection is bacteria from the Salmonella group. The risk of acquiring salmonellosis may be due to the consumption of food purchased from dubious sellers who do not check their products at the appropriate veterinary station. Basically, such products include chicken eggs, meat without heat treatment, and milk.

In addition, rumbling and diarrhea can manifest themselves due to indulgence in one’s own lifestyle: addiction to alcohol, smoking; inconsistent, inadequate nutrition.

Causes of stomach turmoil and loose stools

Stomach turmoil and diarrhea can occur for various reasons. Such a reaction is possible to certain food - high-quality, but improperly processed, due to the body's intolerance to some component. When an adult has bubbling in the stomach and loose stools, this may indicate poisoning with stale food or the presence of an infectious disease. If this situation repeats frequently, we are talking about a chronic disease that requires regular medical supervision and appropriate treatment.

Non-infectious factors

There are several types of non-infectious causes of abdominal pain and diarrhea:

  1. If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle and does not eat properly, stagnation appears in the intestines, food is poorly digested, this may be accompanied by gas formation in the intestines, heartburn, and abdominal pain. You just need to move more, sometimes walk, do simple physical exercises, visit the pool or go jogging. You need to include vegetables and fruits in your daily diet and drink enough liquid.
  2. If boiling and diarrhea occur after eating, we may be talking about indigestion. The body does not tolerate certain foods: fish, milk, vegetables, fruits.
  3. The consequence of eating incompatible foods may be loose stools, and the stomach will gurgle and gurgle. Proper nutrition and knowing that eating cucumbers will help you avoid unpleasant manifestations, and then drinking milk is unacceptable, just like drinking herring with milk.
  4. When the stomach is seething and loose stools develop in an adult or child, this may indicate dysbacteriosis. It occurs due to long-term use of antibiotics, frequent enemas, gastritis, and other diseases. Bifidumbacterin or Hilak Forte help in the fight against it. The pharmacy will also recommend other remedies.
  5. Irritable bowel syndrome is accompanied by pain, diarrhea, and passing gas. Doctors believe the cause of the syndrome is stress and poor nutrition.
  6. Side effects in the form of vomiting and belching sometimes occur after taking certain types of medications. To be prepared for such a situation, you need to carefully study the instructions.
  7. Stomach colic and diarrhea can be caused by eating missing, rotten foods. Normal poisoning goes away quickly when harmful substances are removed from the body and sorbents are taken.

Infectious factors

There are poisonings that are caused by bacteria entering the body that cause serious illnesses, ending in death in some cases.

  • Salmonella infection occurs through eggs, milk, and meat. For the patient, it all starts with rumbling, pain in the abdomen, stabbing under the rib or in the left side. The main symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea, some have a fever;
  • similar symptoms to dysentery, characteristic signs: loose stools with a lot of water, mucus. The disease is accompanied by fever, weakness, and may feel dizzy and have a headache. It is particularly dangerous for young children and the elderly;
  • Botulism is a dangerous infection. The harmful bacillus enters the human intestine with canned mushrooms, fish, and vegetables. Impaired vision, swallowing, and speech develop. Self-medication under such conditions of the disease cannot be practiced;
  • with rotaviruses and enteroviruses, the rectum and stomach are affected, and a runny nose, cough, and sore throat are added. But a person’s stomach periodically seizes, vomiting and diarrhea occur;
  • Cholera is characterized by severe vomiting and diarrhea. Cramps begin and dehydration occurs. It is necessary to give as much water as possible to the patient in combination with the therapy prescribed by the doctor. The causative agents of infection are found in water, on the peels of vegetables and fruits.

In what cases is a doctor needed?

If the source of gastric discomfort is a non-infectious problem, then you can do without the help of a qualified physician. However, in order to avoid such cases in the future, a trip to a nutritionist would be most appropriate. A specialist will tell you which foods need to be removed from your daily diet.

In case of infectious lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, a visit to a therapist, and then to highly specialized specialists (infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist), is strictly necessary. The following possible circumstances should serve as a signal to contact the clinic:

  • periodic cramps;
  • nausea for several days;
  • deterioration of general condition against the background of incessant diarrhea;
  • stable elevated temperature for 3-4 days;
  • the stomach does not stop gurgling, increased gas emissions;
  • gross masses have a greenish tint, mucus;
  • urine is cloudy or pink in color;
  • The whites of the eyes acquired a yellowish tint.

If the clinical picture has at least one of the listed points, you should not rely on “maybe”, but immediately go to the doctor.

When to see a doctor

If the use of drugs has a weak effect, the patient’s condition does not improve, call a doctor. You should especially not hesitate if a person begins to have convulsions, severe weakness, or partial loss of orientation in space. He needs hospitalization and treatment in a hospital.

Treating a sick person at home is dangerous. Especially during pregnancy. Do not conduct experiments, go straight to the hospital. Only a doctor will determine exactly what medicine a pregnant woman should take so as not to harm the unborn child. With prolonged diarrhea, flatulence, pain, and the presence of blood in the stool, a comprehensive examination is required. Dehydration, which occurs with diarrhea, is also dangerous. To replenish the amount of lost fluid, special solutions are administered to the patient.

The correct diagnosis will be made by a doctor, on whom successful treatment and a speedy recovery depend.

Seething in an adult is a symptomatic sign that occurs during the digestion of food. If the stomach growls too often, diarrhea, vomiting, and increased body temperature appear, then this is a signal of gastrointestinal pathology. Increased gas formation and frequent urge to defecate are serious symptomatic signs that should not be ignored.

How to treat?

Depending on the degree of neglect of the painful condition of the gastrointestinal tract, when the stomach is seething and diarrhea occurs for a long time, the patient is prescribed outpatient or inpatient treatment.

To effectively treat a detected abdominal problem, you should approach this solution combinatorially, through special medications, diet and traditional healing recipes.

Nutrition adjustments

In case of acute poisoning, you should not consume food for the first 6-8 hours, until the “fermentation in the stomach” calms down. Otherwise, everything will repeat again (diarrhea will appear, rumbling and bloating will be restored). In the first days, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods such as peas, herring, milk and its derivatives (kefir, yogurt, etc.), as well as dried fruits that have a laxative effect (prunes, dried bananas).

Lenten dishes and porridge with water are welcome. When eating, you should monitor the temperature of the food: it should be warm. Cold dishes cause spasms of the stomach walls, which will provoke a new wave of diarrhea.

The volume of dishes at one time should be minimal. This is necessary in order to relieve the work of the already weak stomach, which has received “damage” from the infection. The priority is to eat small portions, but often.

Frequent loose stools over a couple of hours lead to severe dehydration. In this regard, it is necessary to drink more fluids.

The best liquid options are filtered water (you can just boil it), tea without sugar. Eliminate soda and juices.

Specialized medications

After identifying problems with the intestines, a special course of medications is prescribed. There are plenty of medications in this profile, and each of them solves specific problems.

Activated carbon

It is used for mild ailments, when bloating and flatulence are caused by overeating, consumption of products incompatible with the gastrointestinal tract. Charcoal tablets absorb and remove accumulated toxins.

Not prescribed for peptic ulcers.

Methods of therapy

When treating diarrhea with seething in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to exclude foods that do not benefit the body: fast foods, all kinds of processed foods, as well as carbonated drinks. You need to eat more fruits, vegetables, and after improving the functioning of the intestines - meat and fish. These are sources of substances that are useful and essential for the body. You should drink enough liquid, namely clean water. This will improve intestinal motility.

It is necessary to completely eliminate heavy sports activities and stress. If you cannot rid yourself of nervous feelings on your own, you need to use sedative medications. You can use herbal drops or other non-addictive drugs. You should carefully monitor the activity of the central nervous system (CNS), and in no case allow any factors to negatively affect it.

If we talk about drug therapy, then if the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, the root cause of the disease is treated. Enzyme medications are prescribed for better absorption of nutrients in the body. It is necessary to adhere to a diet for the best effect from the use of medications.

The main reason why microbes multiply in the human body is reduced immunity. Therefore, the patient needs to take a vitamin and mineral course.

Remedies for intestinal disorders are divided into several groups. Medicines for diarrhea are summarized in the table.

Groups of medicationsName of medicineAction
ProbioticsLinex, Hilak Forte, BifidumbacterinRelieves symptoms of dysbiosis, including relief from diarrhea and stomach turmoil
AntibioticsLevomycetin, Amoxicillin, MetronidazoleEliminate the cause of diarrhea, that is, intestinal infection
EnterosorbentsActivated carbon, Polysorb, SmectaBind endogenous and exogenous substances in the gastrointestinal tract
Antidiarrheal medications of herbal originPomegranate fruits, blueberries, burnet root, bird cherry fruitsHave a tanning and astringent effect on the entire contents of the intestines, eliminate diarrhea
Medicines that slow down peristalsisLoperamide, Imodium, EnterobeneReduces the urge to defecate, eliminates diarrhea

Further preventive measures

At the end of the recovery period from stomach problems, you should not be lukewarm about possible relapses. To do this, first of all, you should have in your home medicine cabinet specialized medications that can quickly help the body.

No one has canceled the simple rules of hygiene. After coming home, be sure to wash your hands twice with soap. If you plan to have a snack on the street, it is advisable to have an antibacterial agent or appropriate wipes with you to disinfect your hands from possible infection.

For those suffering from bloating and flatulence, it is worth going to a nutritionist in order to establish a list of products that exclude such negative effects on the gastric cavity.

About rumbling in the stomach, it will definitely be useful to watch the following video

Causes of symptoms in infants

After birth, the baby may experience minor disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. In the womb, the baby's intestines do not perform their function, since nutrition penetrates through the blood. Then, when the baby is born, many microbes enter his digestive tract, forming his own microflora. This process may well be accompanied by abdominal discomfort and rumbling.

If the problem is long-term or significantly affects the overall well-being of the baby, you should immediately visit a pediatrician. As a rule, there can be two reasons: intestinal dysbiosis or lack of enzymes for digesting mother's milk - lactase deficiency.


In case of severe poisoning, you can get rid of toxins using adsorbents (Endosorb, Enterosgel). Bloating in the stomach occurs when eating incompatible foods and overeating.

To eliminate the symptoms of flatulence, you can use Espumisan, Meteospasmil. However, these drugs should not be taken if the intestinal walls are damaged.

To normalize the microflora in case of dysbacteriosis, the patient is prescribed probiotics (Linex, Bifidumbacterin). To cope with botulism, the patient is prescribed gastric lavage. After this, you need to take enterosorbents. This will help neutralize toxins.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease.

A solution containing glucose and lactasol is used as detoxification drugs. To suppress the pathogen, it is necessary to take antibiotics according to indications, for example, Levomycetin or Ampicillin.

For dysentery, patients are prescribed nitrofuran drugs and fluoroquinolones. Intravenous glucose solutions help accelerate renal filtration. They help the body cope with dehydration.

You can improve the digestion of food with the help of drugs containing enzymes. This creates conditions for the development of beneficial bacteria during dysbacteriosis.

Treatment of infectious diseases leads to a decrease in immunity. To increase the body's resistance, it is necessary to take immunomodulators.

Traditional methods

To eliminate the symptoms of stomach turmoil, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Grind the burnet root. Place in a container tbsp. spoon of raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water. The broth should be simmered over low heat for 30 minutes. Strain the cooled solution using gauze. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect. Burnet root destroys pathogenic bacteria and stops diarrhea. The decoction should be taken 6 times a day for 1 s. spoon.
  2. Blueberries can be used as an antidiarrheal agent. Fill Art. a spoonful of dry berries with a glass of boiling water. Let the broth brew for 15 minutes. Blueberry decoction can be drunk instead of tea.
  3. The knotweed can cope with dysentery. The plant is used in the form of decoctions. Fill Art. spoon of knotweed with 2 glasses of water. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes over low heat. The cooled broth should be drunk half a glass 3 times a day until complete recovery. The product will help eliminate inflammation in the intestines.
  4. Blackberries have bactericidal properties. It can be used to cure infectious forms of diarrhea. To prepare the decoction, you need to grind the leaves of the plant. After this, put a tbsp. spoon of raw materials into a separate container and pour a glass of boiling water. The product must be infused for 30 minutes. The finished broth should be passed through a fine sieve and taken 3 times a day, 100 ml.

Of course, traditional methods should be used in complex therapy, and only with the permission of a doctor. For dysentery and salmonellosis, folk remedies alone will not be able to cope with the infection.

Seething in the stomach, flatulence, rumbling, bloating and diarrhea are pathological symptoms of problems in the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by abdominal pain and deterioration in general well-being.

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