Esmarch mug disinfection at home. Instructions for using the Esmarch mug. Preparing the workspace

What is she?

Many people do not know about this cup and what its use is and even what it is called. Esmarch's cup consists of several parts:

  • containers for solution;
  • outlet tube;
  • nozzles;
  • faucet or clamp.

If you need an Esmarch mug for procedures, your doctor will tell you how to use it. In addition, instructions are included with each such product. But in any case, the procedure will be as follows:

  1. The solution is poured into the container.
  2. Liquid flows into the outlet tube.
  3. The solution flows through the outlet tube to the tip.
  4. The tip is inserted into the rectum or vagina - the liquid enters there and rinsing occurs.

Important! Some models are equipped with tripods, and this is very convenient: but you can also find cheap enemas without tripods - in this case you will have to take care of the stand.

Contraindications for use

In some cases . Tumors, inflammation of the anus or rectum exclude the procedure. For diarrhea of ​​unknown origin, hemorrhoids, and Crohn's disease, an enema is contraindicated. In case of intussusception, as well as symptoms of an acute abdomen, the Esmarch mug can be used only in certain cases and only as prescribed by a specialist. No less important contraindications are ulcers and intestinal bleeding. Douching should not be done in the postoperative period, during menstruation, or during pregnancy.


The body of Esmarch's mug, which is more commonly called an enema, can be made of different materials:

  • rubber;
  • plastic;
  • silicone;
  • medical steel;
  • glass;
  • porcelain.

What should you prefer in order to use the Esmarch mug yourself?

  • You are unlikely to find glass and porcelain enemas in a modern pharmacy. These are rather museum exhibits, but at the time of their inventor, practically no other materials were known. However, such devices were sold almost everywhere back in the middle of the last century, and they last a very long time. And it is possible that somewhere in your grandmother’s closet you will find something similar.

Important! They have one undoubted advantage - they are very easy to process.

  • A popular material is rubber. It is soft, easy to clean, can withstand aggressive substances, but, unfortunately, it cracks due to temperature changes, and sometimes even just from time. But if stored properly it can last for a very long time.
  • Plastic is less durable than rubber or porcelain. But it costs less. Keeping it clean is easy. Both one-time and reusable enemas are made from plastic, so at the pharmacy you need to carefully look at what exactly you are buying.

Important! Unfortunately, this material does not always withstand mechanical loads well, so when you buy a reusable mug, make sure that nothing heavy stands on it when storing it.

  • A good material is silicone. It costs a little more than plastic, but in everything else it is superior - softer, more flexible, easier to store, and can be processed with anything.

Important! When stored, such an Esmarch mug takes up little space, since it folds, crumples and even rolls up without any negative consequences.

  • Medical steel is an excellent durable material. However, such Esmarch mugs are more expensive than others, and storing them is not very convenient. This option is recommended for those who have a bedridden patient at home who needs to do similar procedures every day. But steel enemas are usually purchased for hospitals, where they are used constantly, there are conditions for sterilization, and there is always enough storage space.

Important! The top of Esmarch's mug is made open as in the photo, so that if necessary, you can add the solution without any problems.

Outlet pipe

For the manufacture of outlet pipes, two materials are used:

  • rubber;
  • plastisol.

Important! Older models always have a rubber tube; modern ones often use special plastic.

Despite the fact that the operating principle of the device has not changed over time, the design has gradually improved. So, for example, in order to stop the supply of liquids, the following are used:

  • clamp;
  • faucet

Important! Older models, whether porcelain or rubber, always used a clamp. The faucet appeared relatively recently, but it is much more convenient.


The size of the tank depends on several factors:

  • age and size of the patient;
  • medical orders.

In order to overcome constipation in young children, Esmarch's mug is not used at all - there are syringes for children. As for adult patients, the volume of administered fluid ranges from 1.5 to 4 liters. The most popular household models have a size of 1.5-2 liters. For most procedures that a non-medically trained person can handle on their own, this is sufficient.

Important! The packaging usually indicates a shelf life of three and a half years, and a service life of 2 years, but this is strictly observed mainly in medical institutions.

How to assemble Esmarch's mug?

The assembled version of the enema can only be seen on display. Of course, all the parts are in the package separately, and you will have to assemble it yourself. You can watch pictures or videos of assembly. Before you assemble Esmarch's enema mug, you need to do two things:

  1. Prepare the solution that you will administer.
  2. Encourage your patient to assume an appropriate position.

If you just bought the device, proceed in the following order:

  1. Open the package.
  2. Hang it on a tripod or stand (you can use, for example, the back of a chair if it is at least 75 cm higher than the couch).
  3. Attach the tip.
  4. Insert the tube into the reservoir.
  5. Turn off the tap or place the clamp in the desired position.
  6. Pour in the solution.
  7. Lubricate the tip with Vaseline or special ointment.

Disinfection of the device

In addition to the fact that you need to do the procedure itself correctly, you should take proper care of the cleanliness of all parts of the device. This is important because the Esmarch mug is a reusable system.

Disinfection of each component of the device:

  • Hydrogen peroxide is used to disinfect the container itself. Pour the composition into a container and thoroughly treat the walls of the vessel.
  • You can clean the hose as follows: rinse with running water, boil, and store in furatsilin solution.
  • The tip is disinfected in the same way as the hose itself.

Sometimes alcohol is used to clean the tip and the container itself. Simply wipe the surface with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

Attention! Rubbing with alcohol does not exclude the remaining stages of disinfection. Treating with alcohol is an additional precaution.

It is also important to clean the device before first use. Cleanliness and proper storage of the device will help protect a person from bacteria and germs entering the body.

Useful video


In gynecology, the Esmarch circle is often used. With its help, a medicinal solution is injected into the vagina. The liquid should be warm enough - from 37 to 40°C. For this procedure, a 1.5 liter enema is used - on the label this corresponds to the number 2.

Important! In this case, the device must be equipped with a special nozzle for douching. It must be clean - if you are doing both colon cleansing and douching, you need two mugs. It is better to boil the nozzle.

In principle, this procedure can be done without an assistant:

  1. The patient should lie on her back and bend her knees, bringing them to her chest.
  2. The outer labia should be lubricated with Vaseline or a special ointment.
  3. Position the pan so that vaginal fluids fall into it and not onto the floor.
  4. Secure the tank at a height of 75 cm from the vessel.
  5. Carefully insert the tip - do not insert it too deep, no more than 7 cm.
  6. Open the faucet halfway.
  7. Gradually increase the stream to full.
  8. Carry out the procedure for 15 minutes, gradually adding the solution.
  9. After the procedure, carefully remove the tip.

Important! The patient should lie in the same position for about five minutes.

Is douching always possible?

Douching is carried out not only as prescribed by a doctor, but also for prevention. However, this procedure is not always indicated and not for everyone. In some cases, douching is strictly forbidden:

  • for acute inflammation;
  • during menstruation;
  • during pregnancy;
  • in the first weeks after childbirth or abortion.

Possible complications and consequences

Manipulation with the help of an Esmarch mug, despite its apparent simplicity and the possibility of doing it independently at home without the help of a medical professional, is still a medical procedure, a third-party intervention in the functioning of the body. This means that it requires certain indications, consultation with a specialist, and a doctor’s prescription. Failure to follow the procedure or the introduction of unnecessary or even harmful substances into the body can lead to very sad consequences:

  • leaching of beneficial intestinal microflora (dysbiosis);
  • increased blood pressure, cerebral edema with the introduction of excessively hot liquid, which will be quickly absorbed into the circulatory system, increasing the total blood volume;
  • the tip can damage an intestinal polyp or hamorroidal node, which will lead to bleeding;
  • intoxication of the body caused by the absorption of dissolved toxins from the intestines;
  • “lazy bowel syndrome”, as a result of regular enema for bowel movements.

By strictly following the doctor’s recommendations, not using the procedure for more than 7-10 days in a row, and not “experimenting” with the injected solutions, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of complications.

Colon cleansing

The most popular way to use an Esmarch mug is to cleanse the intestines. It was for this purpose that the German surgeon came up with his device. For this purpose, you need a regular attachment, which absolutely all enemas have. Colon cleansing is carried out for various reasons:

  • for constipation;
  • for removing waste;
  • to get rid of excess weight.

Constipation can occur for various reasons. If this happens once, Esmarch’s mug will certainly help out. But if you experience frequent constipation, you should consult a doctor, as it can be a symptom of serious illness.

Important! You should not do enemas too often to get rid of excess weight or remove toxins - the body can get used to it and stop cleansing itself.


Each manufacturer offers its own improvements regarding the design of the device.

Significant adjustments to the structure over the course of 200 years. A particularly popular manufacturer of this type of medical equipment is the company Alpina Plast.

Note! Differences between different manufacturers may include the use of different materials to make the mug.

It is difficult to choose the right one from such a variety of options. It is worth seeking help from a doctor who has prescribed a douching or enema procedure.

The specialist will tell you which device should be in this individual case.

Conventional types of Esmarch mug:

In what position?

Cleansing enemas can be done in two ways:

  • the patient is lying down;
  • the patient is standing.

The first option is more often used, especially if the person is seriously ill. The advantage of the second method is that neither a bedpan nor a couch is needed - everything can be done directly in the toilet. In addition, you can do without an assistant:

  1. Pour the solution into the reservoir.
  2. Secure the mug at a height of one and a half meters from the insertion point.
  3. Insert the handset.
  4. Squeeze the air out of the hose.
  5. Lubricate the nozzle with Vaseline.
  6. Get on all fours.
  7. Place one hand on the floor.
  8. With your other hand, insert the tip into the rectum.
  9. Open the tap.
  10. Lean on both hands.
  11. Lower your head.
  12. Breathe deeply.
  13. When the intestine is full, close the tap.

The intestines must be cleansed. After the procedure, lie down for about a quarter of an hour.

Treat the device.

Important! During any procedure, you should not allow the reservoir to be completely emptied - there should be some liquid left in it.

Lying position

In this case, the patient lies on his side with his knees bent. It is better if there is a couch with a leather or oilcloth covering. If you are doing the procedure on a bed, it should be covered with plastic wrap or oilcloth, and a diaper should be placed on top.

Important! The procedure for manipulating the Esmarch mug is exactly the same as for douching or an enema while standing, only after finishing the procedure you need to lie on your back for a couple of minutes so that the liquid is distributed evenly, and then turn over on your side. After about five minutes, the intestines will begin to empty.

When should you not do enemas?

Colon cleansing is not indicated for everyone and not always. No procedure should harm a person, including this one. The main rule is that the cleansing course cannot be continued for long. But there are also direct contraindications:

  • severe weakness;
  • headache;
  • some cardiovascular diseases;
  • post-infarction or post-stroke rehabilitation;
  • hypertension;
  • hypertension;
  • acute abdominal pain;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • any bleeding from the rectum;
  • oncology of the stomach or intestines;
  • breast-feeding;
  • period.

Important! Remember that enemas and douching are medical procedures that can seriously harm your health. Therefore, you should not engage in amateur activities; be sure to consult a doctor for a prescription!

Recipes for solutions

Different compositions are used for different purposes. You can also do an enema with just water. As for douching, it makes no sense if you do not administer a medicinal solution. The most popular of them:

  • tincture of calendula;
  • celandine decoction;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile.

Important! Calendula is used if you need to cure colpitis or finally get rid of cervical erosion. Celandine is most often used to treat thrush. Pharmaceutical chamomile is used to treat inflammation.

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