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What types of drinks can you drink if you have a stomach ulcer?
Stomach ulcer - How to drink cabbage juice for stomach ulcers How to drink cabbage juice
Treatment of stage 3 hemorrhoids: proven drugs and recipes for folk remedies
Lack of timely adequate treatment will lead to progression of the disease, internal hemorrhoids of the 3rd degree develop, which
How to improve digestion and stool in an adult. How to restore bowel function after prolonged use of laxatives
How to improve digestion and stool in an adult. How to restore bowel function after prolonged use of laxatives
 The functioning of the intestine directly depends on its peristalsis and the composition of beneficial microflora. When these
diarrhea chills temperature
Diarrhea without fever and vomiting in an adult for a long time causes
Weakness, nausea, sometimes vomiting, chills without or with fever - a set of symptoms,
How to recognize pancreatitis on ultrasound
In order to diagnose a disease such as pancreatitis in a patient, a specialist must refer the patient
The stool smells like rotten eggs. Diarrhea and belching of rotten eggs: treatment, causes
Every mother is concerned about the well-being of her child. The state of health can be judged by many factors,
Damage to the gastrointestinal tract
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum Dissolve 10 g in 0.5 liters of water. Use
watermelon during pregnancy
Watermelon - health benefits and harms when eaten all year round
During pregnancy, the body needs additional food and nutrients. For a special
What to do in case of garlic poisoning: treatment methods
Why does my stomach hurt after eating garlic, and what to do about the pain? Garlic with its composition
Main types of pathology
Bloating and gas formation: what is the cause of the problem and how to solve it.
What is the power of the stomach? The main function of gastric digestion is to prepare proteins for their complete
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