Treatment of stage 3 hemorrhoids: proven drugs and recipes for folk remedies

The lack of timely adequate treatment will lead to the progression of the disease; internal hemorrhoids of the 3rd degree develop, which is accompanied by painful sensations and frequent prolapse of hemorrhoids. Self-medication in this case is dangerous; even conservative methods of therapy will be ineffective. In the later stages of hemorrhoids, radical and minimally invasive surgical methods are used that will ensure complete recovery.

Causes of grade 3 hemorrhoids

The main reason for the development of hemorrhoids has not been established, but there is a list of factors that disrupt blood circulation in the pelvis, causing venous dilatation of blood vessels and the formation of hemorrhoidal cavities. Common causes of hemorrhoids:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • frequent constipation;
  • taking laxatives;
  • lack of intimate hygiene;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • bad habits;
  • poor nutrition;
  • pregnancy.

Symptoms of the disease

Stage 3 hemorrhoids are characterized by pronounced sensations, the main symptoms are:

At this stage of the disease, it is very painful for a person to sit.

  • severe itching and burning, appears due to secretion from hemorrhoids;
  • unbearable pain, a person cannot remain in a sitting position for a long time;
  • constant loss of formations that require reduction;
  • bleeding during bowel movements;
  • swelling and cracks in the anal area.

Laser treatment

Laser surgery or laser coagulation is a high-tech process that can be used at every stage of the disease. The use of this method makes it possible to get rid of any nodes in the easiest way and even remove such a complication of the disease as thrombosis.

The effectiveness of the laser lies in the fact that it can cut and cauterize materials at the same time. It turns out that the thermal effect of the laser beam coagulates proteins and promotes cauterization of blood vessels. For this reason, laser treatment is completely bloodless, the risk of infection is minimal, and clients tolerate such laser treatment much easier.

Indications for laser therapy:

  • hemorrhoids at every stage;
  • inflammation in the rectum;
  • anal fissures;
  • bleeding of internal nodes;
  • thrombosed hemorrhoids.

The minimally invasive method using a laser has almost no contraindications. A limitation to its use is the presence of an infectious tract in the anal area.

Laser treatment sessions are usually carried out in a hospital setting. All procedures are performed on a couch, a special chair or an operating table. The client must take a comfortable position in a supine position, with his legs spread in different directions. The doctor then begins the procedure.

The recovery period after eliminating hemorrhoids with a laser does not take much time and proceeds without any special complications. People highlight the fact that pain appears only in the initial days after the session, during bowel movements. For this reason, it is permissible to use a pain reliever before bowel movement. Pain is not evidence of a painful course; on the contrary, it reports the healing of matter. Discomfort in the anus may remain for 2-3 weeks.

To avoid constipation, it is recommended to follow a special diet high in lactic acid products, fruits and vegetables.

Treatment at stage 3

At stage 3, it is impossible to treat hemorrhoids exclusively with medications; the proctologist will prescribe complex therapy to relieve symptoms and prepare for surgical elimination of the cause of the disease. Traditional medicine methods are used after consultation with the doctor; they will temporarily alleviate the patient’s condition and relieve inflammation. The main methods of radical treatment:

  • hemorrhoidectomy (open, closed);
  • Transal resection using the Longo method.

Minimally invasive treatment methods:

  • sclerotherapy;
  • infrared coagulation;
  • pulling with a latex ring;
  • cauterization with nitrogen;
  • disarterization.

Self-medication in this case is not effective and is dangerous to health; it will help eliminate the acute sensation, but the doctor can remove the hemorrhoids through surgical methods.

The presence of grade 3 hemorrhoids requires the use of serious therapeutic methods of treatment

Hello! I have grade III hemorrhoids, the doctor insists on surgery, but I am afraid of complications. Tell me, what should be his treatment in my case, is it really impossible to avoid a scalpel?

Good afternoon Unfortunately, you did not indicate what manifestations of hemorrhoids you have. The fact is that stage 3 hemorrhoids are most often treated using seamless techniques for removing nodes. Cauterization with infrared radiation, laser, gluing of feeding vessels using sclerotherapy are popular technologies for removing hemorrhoids. But there are contraindications for carrying out these manipulations, in particular, these are situations when internal nodes flow into external ones, as a result of which the boundary between them disappears. In this case, patients are recommended surgical treatment - hemorrhoidectomy. In any case, if your case is not the most critical, it is worth trying to treat it conservatively.

The composition of the medications used depends on the severity of your disease. At the moment, pharmacists are offering new systemic venotonics for oral administration; they give quick, effective results. Local therapy consists of stool regulation (stopping constipation), sitz baths with decoctions of antihemorrhoidal herbs and antiseptics, and the use of combined gels, creams, ointments, and suppositories. A thorough toilet after each bowel movement, a cool shower and no toilet paper is important! Typically, complex treatment provides a stable, long period of remission.

It’s worth trying to do without surgery, and then make a decision after the fact. It may be possible to reduce the manifestations of hemorrhoids, and then it will be possible to perform ligation with rings, for example. Try seeking advice from another specialist to hear an alternative opinion. Even if you actually have all the indications for the operation, you should not necessarily expect complications from it. Possible unpleasant consequences are still the exception rather than the rule in this case.

The only thing I would like to give is advice: beware of thoughtless recipes of “traditional” medicine, advice from friends. Sitting for a long time in a cucumber bed is unlikely to relieve the manifestations of third-degree hemorrhoids; what helped mom is unlikely to help grandfather. Modern combination drugs include components for the treatment of certain forms of manifestations of the disease, for pain - some, for bleeding - others. Sadly, there is no universal remedy! High-quality individual diagnostics show whether a thrombolytic drug (to dissolve a blood clot inside the node) or a hemostatic agent (increasing blood clotting) is needed to stop bleeding, an error equals a serious complication.

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Why is it dangerous?

Laxatives will help ease bowel movements after treatment for the disease.
The patient's greatest fear is the return of the disease, and in order to prevent undesirable consequences, supportive therapy and diet are prescribed. After surgery, psychological disorders are often observed; after suffering pain, the patient suppresses the urge to defecate and urinate. In this case, laxatives are prescribed or a catheter is installed. Due to the large accumulation of nerve endings, the first 2-3 days of wound treatment are accompanied by bleeding and pain. To alleviate the condition, anesthetics are administered.

After healing, a narrowing of the anus may occur; this is due to the fault of the doctor, who, when applying sutures, captured the muscle tissue. Third-degree hemorrhoids are dangerous due to the formation of fistulas and purulent fistulas. It will not be possible to correct the pathological change without surgery. The most common complication is infection followed by suppuration if the doctor’s recommendations are not followed and the wound is not properly cared for.

Conservative treatment

Hemorrhoids should be treated comprehensively, this includes supportive drug therapy in preparation for further intervention or during the recovery period. The initial stage of hemorrhoids in 80% of cases requires exclusively conservative methods of treatment with timely seeking help. Groups of drugs used:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. They are used both before and after surgery to prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Corticosteroids. Effective in the formation of blood clots inside hemorrhoids.
  • Phlebotonics. Improve vascular tone and promote normal blood flow. They also prevent thinning and damage to the walls of large arteries and capillaries.
  • Analgesics. They relieve severe pain, are administered by injection during the first days, then rectal suppositories or tablet preparations are used.
  • Antibacterial. Prescribed in rare cases, if the node has begun to fester.

Local medications:

Betiol suppositories will relieve pain after bowel movements.

  • Ointments for hemorrhoids - “Proctosedil”, “Relief”, “Hepatrombin”, “Proctosan”. Applied directly to the external node, they have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Antithrombotic ointments - “Troxevasin”, “Proctoglivenol”, “Venobene”, “Nigepan”.
  • Suppositories for hemorrhoids - “Proctosan”, “Betiol”, “Nigepan”, quickly eliminate pain, use after bowel movements 2-3 times a day or at night.

Drug treatment

At this stage of the disease, medicinal methods of therapy are no longer effective. They are used only as auxiliary: to eliminate pain and irritation, to soften bowel movements. But at this stage, suppositories, creams and tablets are intended only to alleviate the symptoms, but they will not cure the disease. If you apply them and do not use more drastic measures, the disease will develop into the next, extreme period and will lead to significant complications.

Among the significant variety of antihemorrhoidal drugs, the following drugs provide a good effect:

  1. Proctosedyl,
  2. Gepatrombin G,
  3. Prednisolone,
  4. Troxevasin,
  5. Mafinid,
  6. Relief,
  7. Proctoglivenol and others.

In addition, a variety of traditional methods can be used to relieve symptoms. But they, just like the drugs above, will not get rid of the disease, but will only muffle the symptoms for a while. To prescribe effective treatment, you must consult your doctor.

Surgery to remove hemorrhoids

Removal of hemorrhoids is performed in the absence of positive dynamics of conservative methods of therapy. The only effective way to eliminate chronic hemorrhoids is to operate. Radical surgery is more traumatic for the patient and painful during the rehabilitation period, but is suitable for the treatment of external and internal hemorrhoids. There are two ways to remove a hemorrhoidectomy:

  • Open. During the manipulation, the surgeon excises the lump along with a section of the rectal mucosa and part of the circulatory system to avoid relapses. The wound remains open, healing occurs on its own, this method prevents scarring.
  • Closed. The sequence of actions is repeated as with an open one, only in this case sutures are applied to the wound. The operation is performed without the use of general anesthesia.

Removal of hemorrhoids using the Longo method is considered the best alternative to the classical method. The hemorrhoid cone is not cut out, it is pulled upward, due to the outflow of blood, it decreases in size, then the mucous membrane around the formation is cut out clockwise, capturing small blood vessels. Titanium staples are applied to the edges of the sutures. The procedure is prescribed for internal hemorrhoids.

Preparing for surgery for stage 4 hemorrhoids

Before you begin treatment for grade 4 hemorrhoids, you must undergo an examination. The patient must submit:

  • Blood;
  • Fluorography;
  • Take a cardiogram;
  • Feces;
  • Ultrasound.

In some cases, a colonoscopy may be required. Most often, such a diagnosis is prescribed when cracks are suspected.

When the test results are ready, the patient should visit a therapist and anesthesiologist. This is necessary for experts to approve the elimination of stage 4 hemorrhoids. Doctors will also select painkillers based on the individuality of the patient’s body.

Before stage 4 hemorrhoid surgery is performed, the patient must follow a diet. Eating is prohibited 12 hours before surgery. During the day you can eat only light foods.

The operation to remove stage 4 disease lasts at least 40 minutes. To avoid problems, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines with an enema immediately before starting.

Also, before using modern methods of treating stage 3 and 4 illnesses, the patient must visit the shower. After this, with the help of orderlies, it is necessary to get rid of hair in the surgeon’s working area.

Removal of hemorrhoids at the last stage

It should be noted that treatment of stage 4 hemorrhoids without surgery is impossible.
Of course, you can turn to minimally invasive techniques, but there is no chance that the disease will not return over time. Patients can use the following methods:

  • Latex rings;
  • Sclerotherapy;
  • Photocoagulation with infrared rays;
  • Disarterization;
  • Cryodestruction.

If stage 4 hemorrhoids are cured without surgical intervention, the patient will need to take medications prescribed by the treating specialist for some time. To prevent the disease from reoccurring, surgical intervention is necessary.

Stage 3 and 4 hemorrhoids are treated with hemorrhoidectomy. When deleting nodes, you can choose one of the existing methods:

  1. Open;
  2. Closed.

In case of open elimination of grade 3-4 hemorrhoids, after removal of cavernous formations, the edges of the wound are not sutured. This is why they will take a long time to heal. Excessive bleeding may also occur.

As for the closed method, after removal of fourth-degree hemorrhoids, the resulting wounds are sutured. Thanks to this, the rehabilitation period will go faster. The disadvantage of the technique is the duration of the operation, heavy blood loss and acute pain during the rehabilitation period.

Sometimes there are cases when surgery to eliminate grade 4 cavernous formations is prohibited. Contraindications to surgical intervention include:

  • Crohn's disease;
  • AIDS;
  • Cancer;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Baby feeding period;
  • Diseases affecting changes in blood condition.

After the elimination of fourth-degree hemorrhoids, the patient needs recovery; this can be done at home. Do not forget that all actions are coordinated with the doctor, otherwise serious consequences may occur.

Postoperative period of stage 4 hemorrhoids

After the nodes are eliminated, the patient experiences acute pain. If a similar situation occurs, you can use painkillers.

The patient may experience severe discomfort due to the exposed drainage. Similar symptoms that appear after treatment of late-stage hemorrhoids interfere with the process of bowel movements. This can last more than two days. The patient is advised not to eat heavy food for 2-3 days.

Don't forget about your health at home. The patient should drink more than 2 liters of liquid per day. It is also necessary to eat only soft foods. If the patient is afraid to have a bowel movement, you should use:

  • Enema;
  • Laxatives;
  • Painkillers.

After eliminating stage 4 hemorrhoids, it is best to exercise for 30 days. Strenuous training may affect the occurrence of bleeding.

It is also important to watch what you eat for lunch and dinner. It is necessary to exclude from the menu foods that irritate the colon and cause constipation.

In this case, meals should be 5 times a day. It's best if the portions are small.

Sometimes, after treatment of the last degree of the disease, serious complications appear. If this does happen, it is best to go to the hospital immediately. The same applies to the reappearance of hemorrhoids.

Minimally invasive therapy

Infrared coagulation is effective for this disease.

  • Sclerotherapy. The drug is injected into the cavity of the formation, the blood vessels “stick together” and are transformed into connective tissue. The hemorrhoid decreases in size and bleeding stops.
  • Infrared coagulation. A mini-operation that works effectively in combination with other procedures. Due to the flow of heat rays directed at the stem of the lump, the bleeding stops; excision of the node cannot be carried out using this method.
  • Tightening with latex rings. One of the most effective methods of combating hemorrhoids. The essence of the procedure is to tighten the stem of the formation with latex rings. The blood supply is blocked, after 2-3 weeks the lump is torn away along with the ring, and connective tissue forms at the site of detachment.
  • Cryotherapy. The formation is frozen with liquid nitrogen, under the influence of low temperature it begins to darken, after which it is rejected, and the vessels are soldered, blood loss with such an intervention is minimal.

Therapeutic diet

Treatment of stage 3 hemorrhoids at home takes place under the strict guidance of a proctologist, and diet is an integral part of therapy. During the recovery period, you should give up bad habits, spicy, salty, sour foods, which irritate the inflamed intestinal mucosa. Fermented milk products coat the mucous membrane well and do not overload the gastrointestinal tract. To prevent feces from injuring the anus, follow the drinking regime. The herb of yarrow and chamomile is useful for patients; it is brewed as tea and drunk 3-4 times a day before meals. Meals are fractional, in small portions.

Treatment at home

It is strictly forbidden to treat hemorrhoids at home if the disease has already reached stage 3. Hemorrhoids do not tend to disappear on their own; the lack of qualified treatment leads to a transition to a more severe form of the disease and serious complications.

Temporary medications can be used to relieve pain, stop bleeding, and relieve other painful symptoms. However, a temporary improvement in well-being does not guarantee recovery; surgery cannot be postponed. Due to certain circumstances - minimally invasive methods are not carried out in all cities, you need to collect a certain amount, you can treat grade 3 hemorrhoids at home temporarily.

The most convenient and effective means for treating internal, external, and combined hemorrhoids are suppositories. In this case, it is necessary to select drugs with an analgesic, hemostatic, and anti-inflammatory effect. Naturally based preparations in the form of suppositories made from sea buckthorn and calendula will not give the desired result.

We need strong medications with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, regenerative, astringent effects. These are:

  1. Anuzol;
  2. Relief Ultra, Advance;
  3. Proctosedyl;
  4. Hepatrombin;
  5. Procto-Glyvenol;
  6. Aurobin.

Suppositories are administered twice a day after bowel movements. The maximum course of therapy is 14 days.

Additionally, you can use products for external use - cream, gel, ointment. Especially if the enlargement of hemorrhoids is external. Most manufacturers produce products for the treatment of hemorrhoids in two forms. Must be combined for greater effect. The ointment is applied up to 3 times a day when painful symptoms intensify, or after bowel movements with preliminary washing.

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