Abdominal pain to the right of the navel: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, diagnosis and treatment
Pain in the lower abdomen below the navel in men
View gallery Abdominal pain is perhaps the most common type of pain that
Treatment of paraproctitis without surgery is conservative, subcutaneous with surgery at the Andrology Clinic
What antibiotics does a doctor prescribe for the treatment of paraproctitis? Inflamed pararectal tissue in acute or chronic
Bull tapeworm eggs
Bovine tapeworm in humans - treatment and symptoms
What is a bull tapeworm? Bovine tapeworm is a helminth that parasitizes the small intestine of humans.
Physiotherapy for hemorrhoids. Is massage effective?
Those people who have encountered hemorrhoids in their lives know firsthand about
Plum beneficial properties and contraindications
Composition of plum The fruit contains many B vitamins, including the rarest and
What diet for atopic dermatitis
Lactofiltrum: effectiveness in case of poisoning
General information about the drug Lactofiltrum is an enterosorbent containing lignin and
How can you test your liver for cirrhosis?
Preliminary diagnosis of cirrhosis at home In order for a person to seek help from a specialist,
Laxative for nursing mothers after cesarean section
Enema and childbirth In the Soviet Union, all maternity hospitals adopted the practice that cleansing
Chills during poisoning
Health and healthy lifestyle Nausea and freezing
Types of poisoning In the medical field, there are several types of poisoning that occur with similar symptoms: Food.
Treatment for bloating and constipation in adults
Parasites are a common cause of flatulence and bloating. THESE “KILLERS” WILL COME OUT IF... When
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