Treatment for bloating and constipation in adults

Parasites are a common cause of flatulence and bloating. THESE “KILLERS” WILL BE LOMIC IF...

With intestinal dysfunction, the process of defecation is almost always disrupted. Natural emptying becomes difficult or impossible, the person begins to experience severe pain, he feels depressed and overwhelmed. Masses of feces accumulated in the intestines lead to putrefactive and fermentation processes, and intestinal gases with a strong unpleasant odor are formed. They irritate the intestinal mucosa even more, so flatulence, bloating and constipation are interrelated disorders that lead to one after another.

Constipation and bloating: main causes

All causes of flatulence and constipation can be divided into two categories. The first is physiological reasons, not related to the activity of internal organs, but as a consequence of eating habits, external factors and the patient’s field of activity.

What physiological reasons can be identified:

  • Snacking on the go, talking during meals, accidentally swallowing air.
  • Excessive consumption of carbonated drinks, smoking, love of chewing gum.
  • Eating errors: eating large amounts of fried, fatty or spicy foods.
  • Weakening of the abdominal muscles due to insufficient physical activity can lead to a decrease in prostatic bowel function.
  • Consuming dairy products if you are lactose intolerant.

Among physiological reasons, age-related changes in the body are also noted, when the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract gradually decreases. This factor can be eliminated by adhering to an optimal diet and eliminating the increased load on the digestive organs.

The second category of negative factors includes pathological causes of flatulence and constipation. These are diseases of the digestive system, the presence of an inflammatory or infectious process in the body, and a decrease in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pathological causes include:

  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Colitis and enterocolitis.
  • Inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines.
  • Neurological pathologies.
  • Inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis.
  • Disturbance of the normal intestinal flora - dysbiosis.
  • Parasitic infestations.
  • Intestinal atony.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.

If you suspect that flatulence due to constipation has occurred due to pathological causes and diseases, you should not self-medicate. The best thing to do in this case would be timely examination and elimination of such factors.

Treatment of flatulence and constipation

Considering that constipation in most cases is accompanied by flatulence, treatment is complex. First of all, the diet is adjusted, foods that may cause bloating are reviewed. Often tests help to accurately identify prohibited products. Drugs are prescribed to restore intestinal microflora, eliminate bloating, and the formation of gas bubbles. In the absence of serious illnesses, you can be treated at home. A regimen is prescribed for the use of enzymes to improve digestion and bacteria to restore microflora.

Along with drug therapy and a review of the diet, daily exercise is mandatory. Special developments in gymnastics have been created to eliminate these disorders, to influence the intestines, digestive organs, saturate them with oxygen, and improve their activity. Exercise improves digestion and helps improve peristalsis. Sometimes in the initial stage of treatment it is impossible to do without laxative medications in the form of suppositories, enemas, and preparations for internal use. Alternative medicine has proven itself well. Folk remedies for constipation, in the absence of contraindications, sometimes eliminate constipation faster and more effectively.

Remember, if you do not treat conditions in which bowel cleansing is difficult and bloating occurs, the disease may develop and worsen. Constipation begins to flow into hemorrhoids, the appearance of anal fissures, hepatitis, diseases in all parts of the intestines, etc. Serious illnesses, the development of cancerous tumors, and death are possible due to constipation if not treated carefully.

Basic medications for flatulence and constipation

For these disorders, medications are used to remove toxins from the body. As a rule, sorbents, enterosorbents. You will need tablets or medicines that eliminate gas bubbles in the intestines and prevent their formation. The next group of drugs is one that improves microflora in the intestines and digestive organs. This includes probiotics, prebiotics, lactobacilli.

Without following a diet, remedies for flatulence and intestinal congestion are ineffective. It is better to switch to fractional meals, when food is taken 5-6 times a day in small portions. Compliance with drinking regime and physical activity is mandatory.

Prohibited foods for flatulence and constipation

It is recommended to exclude from the diet foods that cause stool consolidation and gas formation. These include well-known and individually intolerable by the patient’s body. Key list:

  • Canned, pickled foods containing large amounts of salt, vinegar, acid, and hot seasonings.
  • Baked goods, bakery products made from premium flour.
  • Beans, legumes and everything from the legume family.
  • Strong alcoholic drinks.
  • Black tea, coffee.
  • Fatty rich bone broths, soups based on them.
  • Fried foods. Preference is given to steaming, stewing, and simmering under a lid.

In addition to eliminating unhealthy foods, it is recommended to eat vegetables and fruits rich in fiber every day. The coarse fiber found in vegetables helps regulate intestinal motility and provides daily bowel movements.

Recommended Products

In an effort to get rid of difficult bowel movements and pain from bloating, you need to include dishes from the list in your diet every day:

  • White fish and white meat.
  • Boiled vegetables - pumpkin, beets, carrots.
  • Bran bread.
  • Cereals cooked in water without adding oil.
  • Products belonging to the fermented milk group.
  • Light soups with vegetable broth.
  • Berry decoctions and infusions.
  • Steam omelettes and vegetable casseroles.
  • Herbal or green tea.

At the same time, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day, in addition to the rest of the liquid entering the body.

It is advisable to drink warm water, not cold or hot. It is necessary to monitor the body's reaction to products; sometimes reactions occur due to individual intolerance or allergies.

If constipation with accompanying flatulence begins to appear regularly, it is imperative to find out the cause. Most likely, the source lies in diseases of the digestive organs, after which the stool will improve.

If the situation appears for the first time, it is permissible to use laxatives to eliminate congestion in the intestines and remove gases. But the occurrence of adverse reactions, implying severe diarrhea, with the presence of blood, mucus, foul odor, severe pain, requires calling a doctor.

First of all, in case of difficulty in defecation, it is necessary to review eating habits and switch to a proper, balanced diet. Regular exercise or exercise, hard work will help maintain muscle tone, circulate blood, and improve the functioning of internal organs.

It is important to ensure that your body receives enough clean drinking water. The daily norm is set individually, but for adults, at least 1.5 liters of water per day, in addition to other liquids such as tea or coffee.

It is advisable to give up bad habits, drinking alcohol, smoking, and overeating. This creates additional stress on the body’s excretory system and contributes to the accumulation of toxins and waste, leading to premature aging and wear and tear of the body.

What are the dangers of constipation?

Complications of such conditions are quite common. This is caused by bad habits and poor nutrition, as well as neglect of one’s health. Frequent stress, untreated illnesses and consumption of foods harmful to the stomach can lead to serious complications, so such symptoms cannot be ignored.

In advanced stages, this can lead to:

  • Development of inflammatory processes in the intestines.
  • Reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • General intoxication of the body due to stagnant feces.
  • Decreased prostatic bowel function.
  • Pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

A common consequence of constant constipation can be intestinal obstruction, which can only be eliminated through surgery. This is a deadly condition in which symptoms of intoxication rapidly develop. If measures are not taken in time, the kidneys and liver may fail, and the patient’s life will be at risk. Such conditions should not be allowed under any circumstances, therefore it is necessary to monitor your health and adhere to the principle: “a clean intestine is the key to health.”

Why is it dangerous?

Bloating and constipation cause large amounts of solid matter to accumulate in the intestines. In addition to the fact that this causes stomach pain, pain and constant discomfort, it also leads to gradual poisoning.

Bloating and constipation are accompanied by the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • constant nausea;
  • tachycardia, pain in the heart area;
  • heaviness in the upper abdomen;
  • decreased appetite;
  • poor sleep;
  • pain in the intestinal area;
  • belching, hiccups;
  • constantly bloated stomach, feeling of fullness;
  • discomfort in the abdominal muscles;
  • periodic rumbling.

Constipation and flatulence, often occurring simultaneously, can lead to complications such as:

  • discharge of blood from hemorrhoids;
  • diverticulosis;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • reverse reflux of feces into the nearby intestines;
  • constant pain in the intestinal area;
  • frequent false urge to defecate;
  • anal fissures.

Persistent bloating in adults can also lead to the following consequences:

  • pathological processes in the biliary tract;
  • reflux enteritis, which happens when feces stagnate in the area of ​​the blind section;
  • inflammatory diseases of the rectum and sigmoid colon;
  • paraproctitis, hemorrhoids.

Constipation and bloating against the background of an unhealthy and irregular diet become factors in the lengthening of the intestine, which significantly complicates treatment. The most severe consequence can be the formation of malignant tumors, which happens in people with a predisposition to cancer. Signs include weight loss, poor health, and blood in the stool.

Constipation and flatulence in newborns

Children in the first year of life often have problems with bowel movements. If the baby is breastfed, is actively gaining weight and does not show signs of anxiety, stool retention of three to five days is considered normal. This means that breast milk is completely processed by the digestive organs, so there will be very little “waste”.

However, things don't always go so smoothly. The digestive system in newborns develops very slowly; the child can react sharply to changes in the mother’s diet, a change in formula, and even external factors. In addition, due to the sterility of the intestine after birth, the colonization of beneficial microflora may be difficult, causing fermentation of food entering the intestinal lumen.

This phenomenon is called adaptive flatulence, and many parents encounter it when diagnosing colic in their baby. Distension of the abdominal region is accompanied by muscle spasms and leads to anxiety and pain in the child. Typically, symptoms weaken after three months, when digestive enzymes and microflora are sufficiently formed. During this period, mechanical methods of combating colic are very helpful: massage, warming the tummy area with a warm diaper, or direct contact with parents.

In case of ineffectiveness of such methods, as well as underweight and capriciousness of the baby, specially prescribed drugs work better. The most popular: suppositories with lactulose or glycerin, carminative herbal teas, mild laxatives and digestive enzymes for the stomach. Such treatment must be agreed upon with the pediatrician based on an examination and, if necessary, tests. The use of folk remedies, for example, dill water, can provoke serious consequences if the cause of constipation and flatulence in a child is other pathologies and diseases.

What to do for constipation and symptoms of flatulence

Diagnosis and treatment of the causes of bloating and constipation should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor who will conduct appropriate studies to exclude the presence of such diseases:

  1. Liver pathology.
  2. Worm infestation.
  3. Neuroses.
  4. Haemorrhoids.
  5. Dysbacteriosis.

Therapy for constipation and flatulence involves:

  1. Increased physical activity.
  2. Revision of nutrition.
  3. Use of laxatives and other drugs.
  4. Using alternative medicine recipes.
  5. Special exercises.

An important point in eliminating these unpleasant symptoms is the restoration of the intestinal microflora and stopping the process of gas formation itself.

Features of treatment

Constipation, accompanied by excessive flatulence, like any other intestinal disease, should be treated based on the cause that contributed to its development.

To do this, the above-mentioned comprehensive therapeutic approach is used, before which an appropriate diagnosis is necessarily performed, which helps to accurately determine the root cause of the pathology.

If the examination results confirm the absence of an infectious origin of the pathology, then medications are prescribed, for example:

In this case, the use of medications should only be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Medicines with a laxative effect are prescribed for chronic or acute constipation. However, do not forget that saline laxatives are contraindicated for acute constipation ; it is better to give preference to medications with herbal ingredients.

After eliminating the primary disease, therapy is continued at home:

  1. Using special medications for constipation and bloating.
  2. Maintaining proper nutrition, which involves a careful combination of foods.
  3. Reduce the use of coffee, cocoa and chocolate to a minimum.
  4. Preference is given to crumbly porridges made from buckwheat, pearl barley and millet.
  5. Avoid white bread, thick cereals, and pasta.
  6. Priority in the diet should be foods high in coarse fiber (apples, oatmeal, grain bread).
  7. Do not forget about fresh vegetables and fruits, for example, oranges help eliminate constipation, but they are contraindicated for stomach ulcers and a number of gastrointestinal diseases.
  8. Exclusion from the menu of animal fat, as well as marinades and pickles.
  9. Using traditional medicine recipes, such as herbal teas made from medicinal chamomile or a fennel drink.

In addition, other folk recipes have proven themselves to be excellent, for example:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. ground dill seeds and pour 1.5 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, then strain and drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day a few hours before eating.
  2. Take 2 tbsp. l. mint leaves (field mint) and steam 400 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes and drink 100-200 ml 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  3. Pour wormwood (1 tbsp) with 1 cup of boiling water, leave, then add 1 tsp. honey and take ¼ cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  4. Every morning, 1 hour before breakfast, drink 1 glass of freshly prepared potato juice, then immediately go to bed for 30 minutes. The duration of the course is 10 days, then a ten-day break, and again 10 days of treatment.
  5. Place 4-7 drops of anise or dill oil on a piece of sugar and eat it immediately.

Also, every morning it is necessary to do therapeutic exercises and exercises that help maintain the tone of the mucous walls of the gastrointestinal tract and regulate their functioning.

Constipation and flatulence in pregnant women

While expecting a baby, women often face the problem of constipation and increased gas formation in the intestines. This is caused by many factors that can be considered normal during such a serious test.

The main causes of constipation:

  • A decrease in uterine tone, necessary for normal bearing of a baby, also affects the prostate function of the intestine.
  • An increase in the absorption of fluid in the intestinal lumen leads to increased dryness of stool, which also complicates their passage.
  • The growth of the uterus leads to compression of the intestines, as well as a decrease in its activity.
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diagnosed before pregnancy, may worsen during this period.

Eliminating such phenomena is not so difficult, the main thing is to choose the right food and organize a fractional diet. It is also important to get enough physical activity so that food does not stagnate and the intestines work like clockwork.

Preventing gas and constipation

The most effective way to prevent digestive disorders is to follow a rational diet. The patient needs to take walks in the fresh air more often, drink a lot of water, and avoid stress. For chronic constipation and flatulence, it is better to give up smoking, chewing gum, and carbonated drinks. You need to eat in small portions.

You can get rid of constipation and gas at home using different methods, but they all must be justified. You can use medications only after a diagnosis has been made by a doctor.

Treatment methods

It is more advisable to begin treatment of constipation and flatulence if changes in diet and increased physical activity do not lead to success within the first two weeks. It is also important not to trigger the condition in which constipation has developed in order to exclude the occurrence of complications.

In the treatment of chronic constipation, the following groups of drugs showed an effect:

  1. Enterosorbents, including activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel and similar preparations.
  2. Carminatives: Espumisan, Koliquat, Pepfiz and others.
  3. Laxatives: Duphalac, Guttalax, Microlax.
  4. Special enzymes: “Pancreatin”, “Festal”, “Mezim”.
  5. Taking beneficial lactobacilli: “Laktovit”, “Laktiale”, “Bifiform”, “Enterol”.

Among traditional methods of treatment, herbal teas based on fennel and dill help well. Natural remedies, such as senna herb, are used as a laxative. It is important not to overdo it with the dosage, so as not to upset the mineral balance in the body. Such drugs are used with caution and only after consulting a doctor.

In addition, physical exercises designed for the lower belt of abdominal muscles also contribute to intestinal function. The simplest ones are leg swings, squats, “birch” and “bicycle”. If the complex effect does not bring improvement, you can ask your doctor about prescribing special physiotherapy procedures that improve intestinal activity.

Monitor cleansing of the intestines is recognized as the most effective in this regard, when fecal stones are washed out of the organ under the influence of water pressure. This procedure is performed only for medical reasons in specialized institutions. Usually, even after one procedure, a positive effect is noted, normal intestinal function is resumed. In addition, the method of electrical stimulation of the intestines is used, which increases blood circulation in the organ. Such procedures must be done in courses, following a diet and increasing physical activity on the body.

Features of treatment

For constipation and bloating of non-infectious origin, tablets are used to improve peristalsis and reduce the formation of gases. This is Mezim, Espumisan. Laxatives are prescribed when the disorder is acute or chronic. It should be remembered that some laxative medications are contraindicated for constipation. In any case, preference should be given to medicines of natural origin.

After eliminating the root cause under the supervision of a doctor, treatment continues at home:

  • tablets are prescribed to improve digestion;
  • the diet changes, the rule of food compatibility is observed;
  • the diet is supplemented with cereals and liquid dishes;
  • Avoid foods that cause bloating - pasta, thick cereals;
  • eating more fruits and vegetables;
  • Fatty foods, pickles, and marinades are excluded.


The use of laxatives is permissible with the permission of a doctor. They should not be taken for a long time, as the intestines become addictive. Laxatives can be used in the form of tablets, solutions, suppositories, enemas, and drops.

What laxative medications for constipation and bloating can your doctor prescribe:

  1. Forlax. It is not addictive, the course of treatment will not affect the normal functioning of the intestines. Produced in powder form for preparing a solution. Indicated for children and adults. Does not weaken tone, normalizes motor skills. The medicine can be used for pregnant women and children over 6 years of age. Cons: the effect occurs only after 48 hours; long-term use disrupts the water-salt balance. Contains flavorings.
  2. Lavacol. Can be used for a long time, up to 3 months. Increases the amount of water, thereby improving bowel movements. It does not provoke a burning sensation or other side effects, therefore it is considered safe. Cons: many contraindications, action 2 days after administration, unpleasant taste.
  3. Bisacodyl tablets. Laxative with irritant effect. Available in the form of suppositories, powder, tablets at an affordable price. Strengthens motor skills, gives a quick effect within a few hours. Allowed for use from 2 years of age. Cons: not suitable for long-term use, can cause pain in the upper abdomen, has many contraindications, can lead to diarrhea.
  4. Guttalax. The drug acts only on the large intestine, solving the problem of bloating and accumulation of feces. Helps normalize intestinal microflora. It acts quickly - within 4-6 hours. Used in the form of drops. Can be added to food; the product has no flavorings. Can be prescribed to children according to indications. Cons: may be addictive, many restrictions, side effects such as nausea, allergies, diarrhea, vomiting, cannot be used for more than 14 days.
  5. Duphalac. Laxative also helps against dysbiosis. Duphalac is used for constipation in adults, lactating women, pregnant women, the elderly and children. Normalizes microflora, gives a mild laxative effect, and has few adverse reactions. Disadvantages: does not always help, can cause abdominal distension, and when the dosage increases, it leads to diarrhea. Available in syrup form.
  6. Normaze. Syrup, which is indicated for acute and chronic constipation, dysbacteriosis and flatulence. A mild laxative effect occurs within 24 hours, has a detoxifying effect, helps peristalsis, and reduces ammonia levels. Disadvantages: used no longer than 21 days, otherwise the electrolyte balance is disturbed, an allergy to the main component is possible, and can cause side effects in the form of bloating and pain in the upper abdomen.
  7. Mucofalk. A herbal preparation with a laxative effect. Eliminates bloating and helps pass stool. Accelerates peristalsis, is compatible with other medications, can be used for a long time, has a mild effect, and does not cause addiction. Cons: the therapeutic effect appears only after a few days; to get the effect you need to drink a lot of water, otherwise constipation, flatulence, and pain in the upper abdomen will occur again.
  8. Citrucel. Promotes contractile activity of the intestine, stretching its walls. Used for constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. Helps normalize bowel movements for a long time, begins to act within a day, and has a mild effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Disadvantages: stretching of the walls leads to the development of flatulence; for atony, the drug is ineffective, has many contraindications, and cannot be taken when the stomach hurts and colitis is observed.

The listed medications for bloating and constipation are effective, but each has its own application and should be prescribed by your doctor. Before treating the intestines, it is important to exclude possible diseases for which drugs are contraindicated.

Nutritional Features

Abdominal bloating and stool retention can be eliminated by eliminating certain foods from the diet. These include dishes that cause excess gas - baked goods, premium flour, beans, strong alcoholic drinks, soda. It is undesirable to eat fried, fatty, canned, or pickled foods. It is better to give up coffee and strong tea. But liquid soups and cereals will be useful for constipation.

Recommended Products:

  • vegetable soups and casseroles;
  • light broths;
  • green tea;
  • porridge without oil;
  • berry infusions and herbal decoctions;
  • white meat and lean fish;
  • carrots, pumpkin, beets (boiled vegetables).

When constipated, it is very important to drink as much fluid as possible. This is especially true when taking laxatives, which lead to dehydration. You can also additionally take special tea for constipation.


The following information will help eliminate discomfort from constipation and bloating, as well as correct such situations in the future.

Prevention methods:

  • Organization of nutritious dietary meals.
  • The diet should be divided into four to five servings.
  • Abundant drinking regime.
  • Refusal of bad habits, overeating and abuse of dry food.
  • Strong physical activity.
  • Regular examinations of the digestive organs.

The unpleasant phenomenon of bloating, which occurs against the background of constipation, brings a lot of suffering, and not only physical. To eliminate such ailments, it is important to know the negative factors leading to such situations. The main causes and methods of treating flatulence and constipation are discussed in our article.

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Digestive disorders are often accompanied by two main symptoms: constipation and flatulence . Increased gas formation and bloating, which occur periodically, are problems that can be eliminated on your own without visiting the hospital. But if this pathological process is permanent, then you cannot do without the help of a doctor.


Only a specialist can decide how to treat this problem. If the pathology is physiological in nature, self-treatment with drugs to eliminate symptoms is possible. If you suspect the presence of pathological causes, it is necessary to approach the problem comprehensively - reconsider your diet, start doing therapeutic exercises, give up bad habits, and take a course of medications.

A diet for bloating involves avoiding foods that stimulate gas formation and constipation. The following products are excluded:

  • Fatty fried and smoked foods.
  • Pickled and salty foods.
  • Chocolate and cocoa.
  • Strong teas and coffee.
  • Kiseli.
  • Sweet pastries, fresh bread.
  • Cow's milk.
  • Bean products.

To stimulate peristalsis, it is recommended to consume a significant amount of fiber daily, which is abundant in fresh vegetables and fruits.

It is recommended to include healthy foods in your regular diet:

  • Lean meat and fish.
  • Boiled vegetables - pumpkin, carrots, beets.
  • Green tea and berry compote.
  • Light soups without adding potatoes.
  • Prunes.
  • Steamed omelette.
  • Rye bread with added bran.
  • Fresh juices.
  • Low-fat fermented milk products.
  • Porridge on the water.

In the absence of regular bowel movements, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid you drink - at least 1.5 liters per day, which includes clean water, compotes, and herbal decoctions.

Therapeutic exercises for flatulence and constipation will help improve bowel function if exercised regularly. Exercises are performed lying on the floor. After exercise, gas usually passes, and the urge to defecate arises due to improved blood supply to the pelvic organs.

Set of exercises:

  • “Bicycle” - lying on your back, bend your legs and perform movements as when riding a bicycle.
  • In the same position, legs bent at the knees are pulled to the abdominal wall with your hands. The exercise is repeated 10 times.
  • Lying on your back, try to throw your straight legs behind your head.
  • In the same starting position, the legs bent at the knees are spread and brought together 20 times.
  • Standing on all fours, back straight, legs alternately thrown to the left, then to the right. Repeat 10 times with each limb.

Another auxiliary method of treating constipation and flatulence is physiotherapy. It is not able to completely solve the problem; after the procedures, only temporary relief occurs. Most methods have many contraindications, so they can only be performed after consultation with your doctor. For bloating and constipation, two methods are used - exposure to electrical impulses and cleansing the intestines with special solutions.

Electrical impulses stimulate peristalsis of the organ, as a result of which feces move more actively. Flushing the intestines with warm water or medicinal solutions under slight pressure helps clear the intestines of accumulated feces. The main disadvantage of the procedure is the washing out of natural microflora and severe discomfort for humans.

Drug treatment is considered the most effective. To eliminate constipation and flatulence, several groups of medications are used:

  • Enterosorbents – Atoxil, Polysorb, Enterosgel. Activated carbon is also used for constipation, but it is somewhat inferior to more modern means in terms of effectiveness.
  • Carminatives are substances that “collapse” gas bubbles, thereby eliminating bloating. This group includes Espumisan, Plantex, Sub-Simplex.
  • Laxatives – Duphalac, Guttalax, Microlax.
  • Enzyme preparations - Creon, Pancreatin and others.

Traditional recipes help restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Dill water is considered the most effective remedy in the fight against constipation and flatulence - add 1 spoon of dry fennel or dill seeds to a glass of boiling water, leave for a while and drink throughout the day.

Another common folk remedy for constipation and bloating is chamomile infusion. It is prepared before each meal - half a spoonful of the dry plant is poured into 100 ml of boiling water, left for 10 minutes, then filtered and drunk. You can add a little honey for taste.

Sufficient physical activity, proper nutrition, giving up bad habits and timely consultation with a specialist will help you avoid such unpleasant symptoms as flatulence and constipation.

Author: Yulia Khaimanova, doctor, especially for

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