Method of use and benefits of Donat Magnesium medicinal mineral water

Instructions for using water

Donat Mg is a medicinal water, so when taking it orally you should follow certain rules and not exceed the required amount. Only a doctor can determine the exact dosage and treatment method, so you should seek advice from a professional.

The characteristics of the body are individual for each person, so the dosage is also calculated individually based on needs. Magnesium is indeed a very important element for the normal functioning of the body; it supports the functioning of most processes that constantly occur in various life support systems. In order to maintain the balance of elements at the desired level and not be subject to various diseases, it is important to restore magnesium levels in case of its deficiency. It is simply necessary to normalize magnesium levels in order not to encounter diseases, as well as to prevent their development. For the best absorption of the element, it is best to dissolve magnesium in water - this is the form that is most acceptable for the human body and allows you to achieve an effective result as quickly as possible.

The consumption rates of milligrams of magnesium per day for various categories of people are as follows:

Directions for use and dosage

Mineral water Donat - a natural healer

Donat Mg is not suitable for daily use; treatment with it should be carried out in therapeutic courses lasting 4-6 weeks. Unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor, courses are recommended 2-3 times a year. For the treatment of a specific disease, a specific water intake regimen is indicated.

In order to cleanse the body, if you are obese, it is recommended to drink 200-300 ml daily 15-20 minutes before meals in the morning and 150-200 ml at lunch and in the evening. You should drink water strictly on an empty stomach.

For diabetes mellitus, gout, gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, oxaluria, phosphaturia, reflux, chronic fatigue syndrome: 150-200 ml in the morning and 100-150 ml in the afternoon and evening. Should be taken strictly on an empty stomach 15-20 minutes before meals.

To treat constipation, it is recommended to use warm water 300-350 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and 100-200 ml at lunch. Eating should begin no earlier than 15-20 minutes after drinking water. When using water to treat hypertension and to reduce blood cholesterol levels, as well as to prevent cholelithiasis, you should take 100-200 ml of water 3 times a day. Drink water strictly on an empty stomach 15-20 minutes before meals. The same regimen is suitable for the treatment of male infertility and magnesium deficiency.

For children:

  • 40% in the morning and before lunch;
  • 20% before evening meal.

After two and a half hours after eating, you need to drink clean water. Calculating the amount is simple - 30 ml per kilogram of weight.

Before starting the course, you need to familiarize yourself with important rules that guarantee the achievement of effective results.

  • At the beginning of the course, it is necessary to consume half of the specified norm to allow the body to get used to the effects of the liquid. Gradually you need to move to the specified amount of drink;
  • Water can only be drunk for medicinal purposes; it cannot be used as a substitute for regular liquid;
  • The drink must be stored at room temperature, avoiding cold places;
  • Donat Mg medicinal water does not compensate for the body's daily need for fluid, so drink the required amount of water in addition to the medicinal drink;
  • Before use, be sure to read the contraindications and coordinate the course with your doctor.

Release form and composition of Magnesium Donat water

“Donat Magnesium” is a mineral water that is extracted from an underground spring.

The drink is sold in several forms:

  • 0.5 liter bottle;
  • bottle 1 liter;
  • 0.75 liter glass bottle.

The water has a high degree of mineralization and also contains a large number of valuable microelements.

In addition to magnesium, the composition contains calcium, sodium, manganese, potassium, lithium, iron, silicic acid, zinc and a large number of anions. The listed components are extremely important for the proper development and functioning of the body.

Donat Magnesium water is a complete mineral complex.

Donat Magnesium for children

This mineral water can be drunk at any age, but in limited quantities. Children and adolescents need magnesium for good mental performance and are essential during periods of active growth. Increased workloads for schoolchildren, additional classes and sections - so that nothing from the daily routine confuses or tires the child, you should undergo a course of treatment with mineral water. However, before doing this, be sure to consult with specialists.

When will Donat Magnesium mineral water be needed?

  • The child has become lethargic, does not get enough sleep, complains of constant fatigue - chronic fatigue syndrome has developed;
  • Notes poor, restless sleep;
  • The child is too active, does not sit still, there are rapid mood swings and aggressive behavior;
  • Excess weight;
  • The same indications as in adults (ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis and others).

This mineral water will be a good source of magnesium and other trace elements during the period of active growth, when a teenager needs additional sources of minerals and vitamins. Preventive water treatment courses can be taken by people living in environmentally unfavorable areas.

Indications for use

Considering the extensive properties of donat mg mineral water, its use is quite justified for the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • Diabetes mellitus: lowers blood sugar levels, protects the heart and blood vessels from complications of hyperglycemia.
  • Gout: helps normalize uric acid levels and affects purine metabolism, increasing the duration of remission.
  • Gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, symptomatic heartburn. Mineral water reduces acidity by alkalizing hydrochloric acid, therefore it is indicated for diseases of the stomach with increased secretion and is contraindicated in cases of reduced secretory activity.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease. The main problem is that the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus, causing heartburn and inflammation of the mucous membrane, which is fraught with the development of neoplasms of varying degrees of malignancy. Donat mg water not only reduces acidity in the stomach, but also improves motility of the esophagus and stomach, which prevents reflux, as well as many problems associated with it.
  • For hepatitis and pancreatitis, mineral water is used to stimulate bile secretion. However, in the presence of cholelithiasis, this effect will be unnecessary, since stimulation of bile secretion entails the movement of stones, which can result in blockage of the bile duct. Magnesium also stimulates the restoration of liver and pancreas cells that are destroyed due to inflammation.
  • In case of urolithiasis and urolithiasis, mineral water with magnesium reduces further formation of stones, as it stimulates the breakdown and excretion of oxalates and phosphates.
  • In the complex treatment of hypertension, the drug relieves tension from the central nervous system, relaxes blood vessels and improves the endurance of the heart muscle.
  • In case of atherosclerosis, medicinal water lowers cholesterol levels, protects the heart and blood vessels from the negative effects of impaired fat metabolism.
  • The drug is also used to treat obesity, due to the fact that it improves liver function, promotes the breakdown and elimination of fats, and also increases metabolism. For the same reason, Magnesium Donat can be used to detoxify the body.

Interesting: Donat Magnesium mineral water is an excellent helper in the fight against stress due to its high magnesium content.

Stress is extremely harmful to the body, but healing water with magnesium will help cope with emotional problems

Article on the topic: Functional constipation in adults and children: provoking factors, symptoms and methods of treatment

Instructions for Donat - mineral magnesium water

The instructions are briefly printed directly on the package of mineral water. More detailed information can be obtained from the doctor who prescribes her use of DonatMg or in the article below.

Form, composition, packaging

Being a natural mineral water with medicinal properties, Magnesium Donat is sold in one-liter plastic bottles. Since the extraction of the healing liquid is carried out deep underground, it has the ability to be naturally enriched with minerals, magnesium, bicarbonates, calcium and sulfates. This mineral water has a high magnesium content, unlike its counterparts.

Storage period and conditions

Water storage is provided for one year, provided it is kept at a temperature range of 2 to 20 degrees in rooms where the relative humidity does not exceed 85 percent.


The healing properties of Donat magnesium mineral water are multifaceted and are due to the uniqueness of its composition. Pharmacological activity lies in the rather high mineralization of water and the high content of ionic magnesium, which is electrically active.

Donat Magnesium – mineral water from rich springs in Slovenia

Donat Magnesium is a natural mineral water bottled in Slovenia at the famous resort of Rogaska Slatina. It is carbonated right at the source with its own gas and bottled into a pristine, perfectly clean bottle.

The plastic from which the container is made is emerald green, which protects the water from the penetration of sunlight.

French-made PET containers are not reused, and the production of mineral water complies with European quality control requirements.

In addition to Russia and Belarus, Donat Magnesium is supplied to Germany, Italy, France, and Switzerland. European residents alone consume 20 million liters of this mineral water per year.

Donat Magnesium mineral water is a medicinal product and should be used after consultation with a specialist. This article is a hint, not instructions for use. After familiarizing yourself with the main indications and methods of taking Magnesium Donat, contact your doctor and discuss whether you should start treatment.

The origin and rich composition of medicinal water can be seen on the label

How does mineral water work? Main effects

Water contains a huge amount of minerals, which are absorbed into the blood through the walls of the stomach and intestines and go to regulate the body’s vital processes.

Main effects:

  • Hypoglycemic – reduces blood sugar levels;
  • Hypouricemic – reduces uric acid levels;
  • Choleretic – stimulates the secretion of bile;
  • Neutralizes hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
  • Normalizes metabolic processes, especially calcium oxalate and phosphate metabolism;
  • Strengthens the motility of the stomach and intestines;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • Reduces blood cholesterol;
  • Improves sperm motility;
  • Normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • Enhances energy metabolism, which promotes weight loss and vigor.

Benefits of magnesium

Donat Magnesium contains a lot of bicarbonates, compared to other mineral waters, and the magnesium content is off the charts - 1000 mg/l.

Therefore, water has an excellent effect on diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas. In addition, magnesium is contained in ionized, that is, easily digestible form.

Therefore, it is well absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, entering the blood and improving the functioning of the entire body.

Magnesium regulates energy and electrolyte metabolism, promotes absorption and assimilation of nutrients.

The substance takes part in the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems and is a universal participant in more than 300 biochemical and physiological processes.

The trace element promotes the accumulation of energy in cells and is involved in the conduction of nerve impulses, which helps in the treatment of stress, chronic fatigue syndrome and emotional burnout.

Important: There are other ways to increase magnesium levels, such as taking vitamins. However, this will not be so useful, given that Magnesium Donat is pure natural water without any impurities or additives, which cannot be said about vitamin preparations.

Is it possible to use mineral water to treat children?

Doctors clearly say that it is possible to use Donat Magnesium water for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases in children and adolescents, the only thing that should be strictly observed is its dosage, depending on age and less than for an adult. So, water can be consumed if your child or teenager suffers from the following diseases:

In these cases, the use of the mineral water in question is only indicated. It should also be given to a child for prevention if you live in environmentally unfavorable areas, if your son or daughter plays sports professionally or often suffers from colds. “Donat magnesium” (mineral water) will benefit children, even the smallest ones – from six months of age. Let's look at the recommended daily dosages depending on the child's age.

Reviews of mineral water Donat Mg

Many who leave their reviews about this mineral water focus specifically on its effect on the intestines:

— The gastroenterologist directly prescribed me to drink Donat Mg to normalize intestinal function. I drank for two days and didn’t feel anything. And on the third - it began. Not diarrhea, but I started going to the toilet so often. During the week, everything that had stagnated and accumulated came out. Now I feel rejuvenated.

— I drank Donat magnesium right in Slovenia, where its source is. Digestion began to work very well. I lost weight (probably because I cleaned up). My nails and hair became beautiful.

— My gynecologist recommended me to drink Donat. I started getting constipated due to pregnancy. So far I don’t feel any significant changes. True, I can’t drink as much as the doctor ordered - the water is bitter.

The main thing is to drink any mineral water wisely. This means understanding what kind of water you choose, why and in what quantities you are going to take. The same rule is absolutely true for Donat Magnesium. In this case, it will support and even improve your well-being and will not cause harm.

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