Hilak forte - instructions, indications, composition, method of application


active speech
: 100 ml of droplets to aqueous substrate metabolites:
Escherichia coli,
DSM 4087 - 24.9481 g,
Enterococcus faecalis,
DSM 4086 - 12.4741 g,
Lactobacillus acidophilus,
DSM 4149 - 12.4741 g and aqueous concentrate metabolites:
Lactobacillus helveticus ,
DSM 4183 – 49.8960 g;

additional speeches:

sodium hydrogen phosphate heptahydrate, potassium hydrogen phosphate, lactic acid, concentrated phosphoric acid, potassium sorbate, citric acid monohydrate.

Lactose is included in the preparation as a product of bacterial life.

Composition and release form

Hilak Forte is a transparent drop with a yellowish tint and a sour odor. Sold in dark glass bottles or sachets. Includes metabolic products of the following microbes as active components:

  • coli;
  • enterococcus;
  • acidophilus bacteria;
  • lactobacilli

Auxiliary compounds are potassium sorbate, phosphoric and lactic acid, dipotassium phosphate.

Pharmacological authorities

Droplets Hilak forte is a medicinal substance that normalizes the intestinal flora, pH and water-electrolyte balance in the intestinal lumen and stimulates the synthesis of epithelial cells of the intestinal wall.

The natural physiological microflora of the intestine can be significantly disrupted by such external influences as antibiotic therapy, reversal, surgical insertion of the gut (Bilroth's operation II), as well as the result and disruption of food, which can sometimes stimulate the overgrowth of pathogenic microbes. This results in heaviness, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation.

Numerous products of the metabolism of physiological intestinal microbes (lactic acid bacteria, as well as gram-positive and gram-negative symbionts of the small and large intestines) are introduced to the medical warehouse of Hilak Forte to ensure conservation of physical activity The biological function of the intestinal mucosa and the renewal of its normal flora.

Due to the fact that Hilak Forte contains biosynthetic lactic acid and buffer salts, the acidity in the intestines is normalized.

Volatile fatty acids, which are found in Hilak Forte drops, can help not only preventive maintenance, but also renew the damaged intestinal midsection in case of infectious bowel-intestinal diseases, the smell also absorbs soaked new water and electrolytes (sodium, chlorine).

Hilak forte is not absorbed into the bloodstream and is excreted through the scolio-intestinal tract.

How does Hilak forte work?

This drug has proven itself well in the pharmaceutical market and has many positive reviews both from parents whose children were prescribed Hilak Forte, and from the adult population. Hilak Forte is indicated for use by persons of various age categories.

Thanks to its composition, Hilak Forte restores disturbed intestinal microflora, which will help suppress the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. The lactic acid salts included in the composition regulate the pH. The components of the drug normalize the acid-base balance in the intestinal lumen and help improve the synthesis of vitamins B and K.

It has been proven that regular use of the drug in courses helps improve the body's immune response and enhances its protective properties against pathogenic pathogens.

This drug has received approval because when taken by children:

  • intestinal microflora is restored;
  • stool is normalized due to the restoration of motor function;
  • symptoms of dyspepsia (belching, heartburn, nausea) are eliminated;
  • the body's protective functions are restored;
  • the elimination of pathogenic bacteria during salmonellosis enteritis is accelerated.
    When Hilak Forte is prescribed together with antibacterial drugs, the development of dysbacteriosis is practically not observed;
  • normal acidity in the intestines is restored.


  • Problems such as flatulence, diarrhea, constipation;
  • under and after therapy with antibiotics and sulfonamide drugs, as well as radiotherapy;
  • disorders of liver metabolism;
  • gastrointestinal disorders, low acidity;
  • chronic atrophic gastroenteritis (“senile intestine”);
  • Schulkovo-intestinal disorders associated with climate change (exposure, travel to warm regions);
  • symptoms associated with chronic intestinal intoxication, such as boredom, impaired blood flow, nausea, and so on.

Suspension of this medicinal procedure is an unnecessary approach. This can only be used in combination with other effective therapeutic approaches. Zocrema, if a patient has stagnant diarrhea, Hilak Forte does not replace therapy for repeated consumption of the same amount of other appointments, such as the occasional morning wear and tear of hard urine (“tea break”).

Features of application

If it is already clear what the drug helps with, then you should carefully consider in what cases it is prescribed. The indications are:

  • antibiotic therapy, which disrupts the intestinal microflora;
  • dyspeptic disorder (helps with bloating);
  • insufficiency of digestive function;
  • presence of flatulence, heartburn;
  • allergic skin pathologies;
  • salmonellosis during the recovery stage;
  • pathologies of the liver and gall bladder.

But Hilak Forte has contraindications:

  • excessive sensitivity to the drug or its components;
  • acute diarrhea, accompanied by severe dehydration, as well as the presence of blood in the stool.

Important! Analogs of the presented drug, for example, Enterol, have the same indications and contraindications. But their action is slightly different. Each medicine has its own characteristics.

Features of stastosuvannya

Hilak forte cannot be frozen without first diluting (it can be diluted with water, tea, orange juice). 1 ml of medicinal substance Hilak forte mixed with 20 drops.

Please consult with a doctor if you experience serious symptoms, such as acute diarrhea with high fever or blood in the stool, if the diarrhea lasts for 2 days or other symptoms appear or not Clear scutulo-intestinal symptoms.

In case of diarrhea, especially in children and summer patients, with oblique diarrhea, there is a renewed loss of electrolytes.

The drug Hilak forte should be used with caution in patients with high acidity of sputum juice due to the presence of reflux esophagitis. The additional dose for such patients should not exceed 6 ml, but should be taken in at least 3 doses.

Hilak forte contains lactose. Therefore, the drug should not be prescribed to patients with rare spasmodic forms of galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or impaired absorption of glucose-galactose.

Suspension during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

There is no sufficient epidemiological data to identify a potential risk of taking the drug during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Before taking the drug Hilak Forte, during pregnancy or breastfeeding, you should evaluate your breast tissue/risks.

This is due to the fluidity of the reaction during treatment with vehicles or other mechanisms.

The drug does not affect the fluidity of the reaction when administered by vehicle or robot with other mechanisms.

Contraindications and side effects

The list of conditions under which you cannot drink Hilak Forte is small. It includes individual intolerance to the components of the drug, enzymatic deficiency, due to which lactose is not absorbed.

When taking the medicine, an allergic reaction may occur in the form of itching of the skin, rash, and bowel dysfunction (constipation or diarrhea).

Method of congestion and dosage

Hilak forte is taken internally, before or after eating a small amount of ripe (with a splash of milk).

Hilak forte in the first few days of illness is prescribed 3 times per dose:

adults and children over 12 years of age – 40–60 drops per intake;

children aged 2 to 12 years – 20–40 drops per appointment.

Once the dose has been reduced, the dose can be changed twice.

When drinking from the high acidity of the shlank juice and baking, which is often associated with this process, divide the additional dose into at least 3 doses.

The severity of stagnation is determined individually.


Do not allow children to grow up until they are 2 years old.

special instructions

It is not advisable to take Hilak Forte with milk and fermented milk products. Since the drug does not affect the brain and does not reduce concentration, the medicine can be taken while driving and working with complex mechanisms.

While taking antibiotics, the medication promotes the growth of normal intestinal microflora and is not negatively affected by antibacterial substances.

Hilak forte for children

Hilak Forte for the intestines in children of the first year of life is prescribed in a volume of 15–30 drops three times a day. In some cases, the dosage can be halved.

During pregnancy and lactation

The use of a prebiotic does not affect the baby’s body or the quality of milk in any way, since the product is not absorbed into the blood, but acts in the intestinal cavity. Therefore, treatment with Hilak Forte after poisoning, bacterial and viral infections, hormonal fluctuations or antibiotic therapy is possible.

Drug interactions

The drug contains substances that are formed during the normal activity of intestinal bacteria.

This product contains lactic acid and its salts as auxiliary components. Thanks to these components, the use of Hilak forte normalizes and maintains balance in the composition of the intestinal microflora, and also regulates acidity throughout the digestive tract.

The prebiotic also contains short-chain fatty acids, which stimulate the restoration of the mucosa if it is damaged by infectious agents. These acids also return the disturbed water-electrolyte balance in the intestinal lumen to normal. Thus, the drug helps preserve the function of the intestinal mucosa.

This remedy creates optimal conditions in the intestines for the proliferation of acidophilic flora. Own microflora antagonizes pathogenic bacteria, occupying a natural niche in the intestine and competing with pathogens for space on receptors and cells. Positive reviews of Hilak Forte were received when it was used during the recovery period after intestinal salmonellosis, especially in infants.

The drug stimulates its own microorganisms to form vitamins K and group B.

Unlike analogues, Hilak Forte is effective even during treatment with antibiotics, since it does not contain ready-made lacto- or bifidobacteria, but only nutrients for the growth and reproduction of its own microflora.

According to reviews, Hilak Forte is usually well tolerated. Very rarely, while taking the drug, allergic skin reactions develop in the form of rash, hives or itching.

Hilak Forte solution balances the intestinal microflora, disruption of which can be caused by antibiotic therapy, poor diet, climate change and other factors.

The drug restores normal intestinal microflora due to the metabolic products of normal microflora included in its composition, that is, biologically, and at the same time preserves the functions of the intestinal mucosa (biological and physiological).

Biosynthetic lactic acid present in the preparation and its buffer salts help restore normal acidity levels, regardless of its original value.

Under the influence of Hilak Forte, the natural synthesis of vitamins B and K returns to normal. Short-chain volatile fatty acids contained in the drug restore damaged intestinal microflora during gastrointestinal infections, promote the regeneration of the epithelium of the intestinal wall and restore the disturbed water-electrolyte balance in the intestinal lumen.

By activating the immune response, the drug increases the body's defenses.

When taking the medicine to infants, the elimination of salmonella after salmonella enteritis is accelerated, due to stimulation of the growth of acidophilus flora with its antagonistic effect on salmonella.

According to reviews, Hilak Forte is quite well tolerated by patients at any age.

In some cases, the drug may cause side effects such as:

  • digestive system: diarrhea, constipation;
  • allergic reactions: itching, skin rash, urticaria.

Side effects caused by taking this drug go away quite quickly.

If more severe side effects described above occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult your doctor.

When this drug is used simultaneously with antacids, lactic acid, which is one of the components of the drug, is neutralized.

Hilak forte contains substances that normally exist in the intestines, but they are usually a product of bacterial activity. The auxiliary substances in it are lactic acid and its salts. These components allow the drug to normalize and maintain balance in the intestinal microflora, as well as regulate acidity throughout the entire digestive tract.

  • Contains short chain fatty acids. They are able to stimulate the restoration of the mucosa when it is damaged by infectious agents. Short-chain fatty acids tend to return the water-electrolyte balance in the intestinal lumen to normal after any disturbance. Thus, the use of the drug helps preserve the function of the intestinal mucosa.
  • Helps create optimal conditions for the development of normal intestinal microflora. Your own microflora occupies a natural niche in the intestines and does not allow pathogenic microorganisms to multiply, since all cells and receptors will be occupied.
  • The drug is effective in restoring normal intestinal microflora after intestinal salmonellosis and other infectious diseases. Its effectiveness has been proven even in infants.
  • Stimulates its own microorganisms to produce vitamins B and K. The use of the drug is possible even during treatment with antibiotics, since it does not contain live bacteria that can be damaged by antibiotics, but only nutrients that promote the reproduction of a person’s own microflora.

In combination with antacid drugs, it is possible to neutralize lactic acid, which is part of Hilak Forte.

Problems associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract may be caused by external influences (for example, during antibiotic treatment, due to chemotherapy), or as a result of poor quality of consumed water, etc.

Considering the active elements in the composition of Hilak Forte, the properties of the drug are associated with the normalization and regulation of the balance of the internal intestinal microflora. Other substances (for example, lactic acid, salts) make it possible to create conditions for restoring the required level of acid in the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, the effect of this medication can normalize the body’s ability to synthesize vitamins B and K.

Short-chain volatile fatty acids make it possible to balance the work of damaged intestinal microflora due to the influence of infection on it in gastrointestinal diseases, and also has an initiating effect on the processes of renewal of the cell structure of the intestinal walls.

The drug has been clinically proven to increase the body's protective function and increase the rate of elimination of Salmonella in newborns during the treatment of infectious diseases.

When used with antacid medications, lactic acid may weaken or completely disappear from the composition.

According to comprehensive studies, probiotics have the following clinically proven therapeutic effects:

  • Reducing the acidity level of the intestinal lumen. It is known that normally the intestinal lumen has a slightly alkaline composition. Acidification occurs naturally when food enters the intestines - this stimulates the production of the necessary enzymes to break it down. However, if a patient has gastritis with low/high acidity, recent intestinal infections, or experiences episodes of overeating, eating at night, or drinking alcohol, then intestinal acidity is disturbed. As a result, intestinal inflammation occurs, which can lead to cancer and even death.
  • Stimulation of the secretion of defensins - polypeptides of the immune system responsible for the destruction of many myco- and bacterial infections, and some viral agents. It is assumed that a decrease in the level of defensins in the ileum can lead to Crohn's disease, a severe and painful autoimmune disease of the intestine.
  • Secretion of antimicrobial peptides - molecules consisting of amino acids that exhibit antimicrobial activity against bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. Unlike antibiotics, they do not create resistance in target cells.
  • Preventing the penetration of pathogenic organisms into human cells and tissues.
  • Blockade of bacterial adhesion to the surface of mucous membranes.
  • Formation of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is produced by the walls of arteries and plays a fundamental role in maintaining cardiovascular and brain health by maintaining the elasticity of muscle tissue in the vascular system, reducing inflammation and participating in the regulation of blood pressure.
  • Phosphorylation of the protein of tight intercellular junctions - a component of the epithelium. Intercellular contacts perform many important functions in maintaining the integrity of the mucous membranes on the one hand, and the passage of nutrients on the other.
  • Increased mucus secretion. Mucus is a natural defense mechanism against microbial agents. Contains a large number of killer cells, phagocytes and other immunoactive cells that help fight infection. The absence of mucus on the mucous membranes when infected ensures a more unfavorable and severe course of the disease and aggravates the prognosis of recovery.
  • Hilak Forte stimulates the glycosylation of epithelial cell membrane components. Glycoproteins, formed during the process of glycosylation, are an essential component of cell membranes. With the help of an attached monosaccharide residue protruding from the surface of the membrane like an “antenna,” cells are able to recognize other cells and interact with them. Also contain digestive enzymes.
  • Strengthening the production of immunoglobulins A - an indicator of humoral immunity.
  • Stimulation of the production of antibodies - blood plasma proteins, which not only stop the process of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, but also neutralize the toxins released by them during life and death.
  • Stimulation of the activity of NK cells - lymphocytes that have an antitumor effect on cancer cells. They also destroy cells infected with various viruses, such as papillomavirus and even immunodeficiency virus.
  • Modulating the activity of dendritic cells, which are responsible for activating or suppressing the immune response to invading infection.
  • Modulation of gene expression regulators, due to which DNA information is transferred during cell division.
  • Changes in the activity of cytokines that are involved in the process of transmitting reactions from cell to cell. Cytokines also affect the lifespan of a cell, its destruction, stimulation or suppression of reproduction. They play a vital role in limiting the proliferation of cancer cells.
  • Induction of regulatory T cells - lymphocytes that have a suppressive effect on immune responses. The lack or inactivity of suppressor T lymphocytes leads to the occurrence of autoimmune diseases.
  • Modulation of apoptosis - the destruction of cells that have fulfilled their role. Apoptosis plays particular importance in the process of suppressing the vital activity of cancer tissue.
  • Inhibition of the activity of proteasomes - cells of some bacteria responsible for destroying damaged parts of proteins inside the cell. “Locking” this mechanism leads to damage to the bacterial cell and its non-viability.


On websites dedicated to prebiotics and probiotics, you can find many positive comments regarding Hilak Forte drops. Patients note the safety of the solution and its effectiveness in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines. Some are confused by the relatively high price, ranging from 250–900 rubles (the cost depends on the volume of the bottle and the region).

Doctors recommend using Hilak Forte in the treatment of intestinal infections in the recovery stage or gastroenteritis caused by taking antibiotics. In practice, the development of complications after using this drug has not yet been observed.


If you are intolerant to the components of the prebiotic, you are allowed to take other medications to eliminate dysbiosis. The list includes the following medications:

  • Atsipol,
  • Bifidumbacterin,
  • Linux,
  • Bificol,
  • Ecobion.

Each drug has its own treatment regimen and a number of side effects. For the best results, it is important to see a doctor, get tested and identify the cause of the pathology. It is possible to combine analogues with other groups of drugs.

Directions for use and dosage for children

The dosage of the medicine is prescribed by the doctor and depends primarily on the age of the baby. A special feature of the drug is its sour taste, which in some cases interferes with its use. The following tips will help make it easier:

  1. The medicine can be diluted in water, tea. A small amount of glucose added to the liquid will hide the sour taste and make it easier for children under one year to consume Hilak Forte.
  2. Diluting the medicine in a small amount of liquid will help your baby consume it faster. The acceptable proportion is 1:1.
  3. Drops can be diluted with breast milk (not baby food).
  4. Getting used to the sour taste of the drug lasts 3-4 days, after which its use no longer causes discomfort to either mother or baby.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to take the drops undiluted. The consequences may be frequent regurgitation in the child and the development of pneumonia.

Up to 2 years

The instructions for use of "Hilak Forte" indicate that for newborns and children under 2 years of age the drug is used as follows:

  • newborns and children under 1 year old take a dosage of 15–20 drops 3 times a day;
  • children from 1 to 2 years old take a dosage of 15–30 drops 3 times a day.

The duration of use depends on the indications for use and can be 2–21 days.

2 – 12 years

Many mothers often wonder how many drops of Hilak Forte can be given to a child over 2 years old. According to doctors, for such children the dosage of the drug should be increased to 40–60 drops three times a day.

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