Medicine for rotavirus infection for children: drugs and treatment methods
Rotavirus in children: signs, how to treat rotavirus infection 14457 4
How is rotavirus transmitted? Rotavirus infection in children: treatment at home. Rotavirus, the causative agent of infection,
Prevention of heaviness in the stomach
All the causes of heaviness and bloating after eating: illness or simple indigestion?
Wormwood decoction should be taken with honey before meals. Healing decoction. Requires crushed calendula, St. John's wort
Causes of strong pulse in the abdomen in women. Pulsation in the abdomen causes near the navel in women
The lower abdomen pulsates in women with gynecological diseases (inflammation of the appendages, suppuration of the ovary, rupture, cyst),
treatment of constipation in older people
Folk remedies for treating constipation in an elderly person at home
Constipation is difficult or systematically insufficient bowel movement. A similar diagnosis is made if the act
Activated charcoal for diarrhea and other digestive system disorders
Black tablets, or carbon tablets, are what people call activated carbon. They accept them
What is the difference between lactobacterin and bifidumbacterin?
Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli for newborns
What is the difference between bifidobacteria and lactobacilli? Table 1. Some distinctive features of bifido- and
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Colic in newborns, treatment at home
Why is there a myth that a child constantly cries and is capricious while still in infancy?
How to stop belching during pregnancy
Belching and its causes in pregnant women Belching is the spontaneous expulsion of air from the stomach
Treatment of reflux esophagitis with folk remedies
Lower esophageal sphincter In our country, traditional medicine actively uses: surgical
What to do if your stomach hurts above the navel: causes for women and men - frequent abdominal pain
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