How to stop belching during pregnancy

Belching and its causes in pregnant women

Belching is the spontaneous release of air from the stomach into the esophagus, into the mouth and out. There are many reasons for the occurrence of this phenomenon in women carrying a child:

  • The growing uterus puts pressure on the organs in the peritoneum, and the stomach moves relative to its original position.
  • Changes in the hormonal background of the female body.
  • The digestion process does not complete; the residues accumulate in the stomach and stretch it.

Arbitrary release of air is provoked by certain physiological factors:

  • When a pregnant woman lies on her back and suddenly turns onto her side.
  • The expectant mother does not follow the prescribed diet. The diet contains fried, spicy, fatty foods, in quantities greater than they should be.
  • Bend forward to put on shoes.

The phenomenon of belching during pregnancy must be combated, no matter in the first trimester or in the last term. Spontaneous release of air at the beginning of an interesting situation requires a visit to a doctor and his consultation.

Belching during early pregnancy causes

Hi girls! I have a second pregnancy of 16 weeks, the toxicosis has already passed, but the belching has been tormenting me since the first days((. In the first I had B too, but it started in the later stages, and now it’s just some kind of horror! Because I don’t eat it right away, I burp this air and very much often and strongly, right inside he sits and a lump comes to his throat, it seems that now I’m going to burp with food (((. Even at night I wake up and sit down to burp and continue to sleep. I tried to drink espumizan syrup, but it already made me really vomit (((. Continue reading →

Eighth week, first pregnancy. There is no toxicosis, but around the third day there is a feeling that there is air in the stomach, belching and heartburn constantly. I feel like I have indigestion, with how I feel I can’t even understand whether I’m hungry or not. Horror! But this is just the beginning of the journey! Girls, who had this happen, what did you do to save yourself? Continue reading →

For three days now I have been tormented by constant belching with difficulty breathing, until I belch air from my stomach, take a deep breath, I don’t know what to do. Pregnancy 24 weeks. Tell me, has anyone had this happen and what can be done to alleviate the condition? I've never had anything like this before. Continue reading →

Pregnancy manifests itself in different symptoms. I have something charming! Belching! I constantly burp like a real man. At first, I generally fell asleep sitting for several nights because my stomach felt full and the air was coming out in huge portions and loudly. My husband was even offended at first, but I wanted to cry. Then I read on the Internet that this is a common, even ordinary, symptom of pregnancy! I've never heard of anything like this! Now I’m feeling better. My stomach doesn’t swell so much, but I burp 100 times every day Read more →

Since 20 weeks I have been suffering from various problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which no medications can help cope with. Nausea, belching of air, heaviness in the stomach. Various “bonuses” were gradually added. For example, bitterness in the mouth for 30 weeks (thanks to Hofitol, at least I got rid of it). In the last two weeks, my condition has gotten even worse, although I thought it couldn’t get any worse. Consistently every Sunday or Monday is marked by a new surprise. Either diarrhea, or nausea almost to the point of vomiting. And today I woke up at 5 am. Continue reading →

Well, I wanted to make notes about my second pregnancy, but laziness in me seems to be ineradicable)))) Or maybe it was influenced by the tox, which finally released me only closer to the 16th week, and then from time to time it also comes back (((I didn’t expect this setups from my body. It was unrealistically bad, it was just as if I had a hangover all the time: dizziness, weakness, terrible headache, nausea, belching, salivation, vomiting air. The latter was just a shock, I didn’t even know what happened when stomach is empty. Continue reading →

In general, I was completely unstuck! All to one. Week 13. And since I found out about pregnancy (even before the delay), only two weeks have passed in joy. And then, one of them went to help her husband get used to the news, and I looked at him and somewhere in my soul I blamed myself and it seemed that I was the only one who got pregnant on my own and was now dragging him in. yes, yes, such bad thoughts were spinning in my head. He just needed time to digest the information. Continue reading →

Hi all! With the onset of pregnancy, I began to feel unwell. I don’t know if it’s toxicosis or something with the stomach. There are unpleasant details under the cut. Continue reading →

Out of habit, I’ll write here, even though I’ve already given birth. It’s just not the baby’s condition that worries me, but my own. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract worsened after 20 weeks of pregnancy. There was belching of air, heaviness in the stomach, and constant nausea. According to the tests, everything was normal. But already at 38 weeks, a deviation in alkaline phosphatase levels was detected, which indicates problems with the bile. I was hospitalized with suspicion of biliary dyskinesia, but the maternity hospital decided that there was nothing wrong and sent me home the next day. Continue reading →

Types of burps

Infrequently repeated, odorless and unaccompanied by unpleasant sensations, emitted gases are acceptable to ignore. If you experience discomfort, an unpleasant odor or heartburn, there is reason to worry.

Burping rotten eggs

The food remaining after the digestion process and not exposed to acid and enzymes accumulates in the stomach and another process begins - rotting. The breakdown of proteins occurs slowly, the smell of rotten eggs appears, scientifically - the smell of hydrogen sulfide.

The main period of gestation when a similar phenomenon is observed is in the second trimester and during late pregnancy. Sometimes it is accompanied by heartburn if unhealthy foods are consumed: fast food, fatty, fried.

Diarrhea, belching, and other uncomfortable conditions may go away in a few minutes or last for three hours, indicating problems with the stomach.

In the last stages of pregnancy, a hydrogen sulfide smell appears because the baby growing inside puts pressure on the digestive organs. The food stagnates, rotting occurs and a “flavor” appears. It is most often observed in a supine position, when the fetus puts especially intense pressure on the stomach.

A growing child is not always to blame for the appearance of gases with rotten eggs. A gastrointestinal disease or one that occurs during toxicosis becomes a source of unpleasant phenomena: ulcers, inflammation of the mucous membrane, liver dysfunction, disruption of the gallbladder.

Constant belching with diarrhea or vomiting indicates the poor quality of the previously eaten product. Self-medication will not work - only seeking medical help, since the unborn baby is at risk.

Belching food

The appearance of food in the esophagus that was previously contained in the stomach indicates slow movement of the stomach muscles. Food is retained inside the organ and in the esophagus. At the same time, the channel carrying food begins to stretch. Symptoms remain after childbirth. To solve this situation, you need to switch to eating small portions at certain intervals. Increasing physical activity, walking, and breathing fresh air will also help. This will have a good effect not only on the functioning of the upper digestive organs, but also on the intestines; food will begin to move through the gastrointestinal tract faster.

Belching air

Occurs during a lively conversation while eating. A pregnant woman does not think about food, chewing goes poorly and large pieces end up in the stomach. After such a meal, the air begins its sharp upward movement, the diaphragm contracts and hiccups occur. A pregnant woman should follow the normal process of eating.

Belching with bitterness

With a bitter belch, bile enters the esophagus and then into the mouth. The reason is the weakening of the sensitivity of the lower part of the canal, where the sphincter is located, during reflux phenomena (gastroesophageal and duodenogastric). The release of air with a bitter taste is a symptom of diseases:

  • chronic gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • JVP – dysfunction of the biliary tract. The movement of bile is difficult;
  • gallbladder disease associated with the formation of stones;
  • cholecystitis;
  • inflammation of the small and large intestines;
  • the appearance of new formations in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the presence of parasites in pregnant women.

The release of gas can cause heartburn and a sour taste in the mouth. If these symptoms occur rarely, there is nothing to worry about. Frequent belching, accompanied by abdominal pain – it’s time to visit a gastroenterologist.

Sour belching

A sudden rush of air after eating, accompanied by a sour taste in the mouth, has been linked to GERD. Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a chronic disease with frequent relapses of stomach contents into the esophagus, resulting in injury to the lower part of the esophagus. In a pregnant woman, sour belching is felt along with heartburn and bloating is observed. A discomforting state appears closer to the birth process. As a rule, after the birth of the child, the discomfort disappears.

If the expectant mother has previously suffered from dysfunction of the digestive system, GERD will also manifest itself during pregnancy in the early stages of gestation. Causes:

  1. Foods whose properties include provoking the production of more gastric juice: vegetables, fruits, sour berries, coffee, chocolate, juices.
  2. Eating more food than the gastrointestinal system can digest.
  3. Eating while lying down.
  4. Lack of physical activity.
  5. Drinking alcoholic beverages.
  6. Taking medications.

The constant reflux of contents, along with pepsin and hydrochloric acid, into the esophagus leads to injury to its lower part and the occurrence of inflammatory processes. The duodenum also refluxes contents into the esophagus. Difficulty in the gastric sphincter. A feeling of sourness in the mouth, severe heartburn, nausea and the presence of reflux processes indicate possible diseases: gastric or duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis, a hernia in the opening of the esophagus near the diaphragm.

A timely visit to a gastroenterologist will help to find out the causes of discomfort. You should undergo an ultrasound, gastroscopy, and tests.

The smell of acetone when belching is a sign of low blood sugar levels in the expectant mother. If a woman did not suffer from diabetes before pregnancy, then the appearance of a chemical odor is associated with toxicosis and malnutrition. In the absence of toxicosis, you should consult a gynecologist about the smell of acetone.

Belching with a fishy smell

The appearance of a fishy odor is not associated with problems with the digestive tract. This is when the fallopian tubes open and the smell comes from the genitals. A consultation with a gynecologist is required here. Maintaining intimate hygiene will help avoid fishy odor. Perhaps the release of air with a taste indicates the beginning of inflammatory processes. The gynecologist will select medications that are safe for the unborn child.

Belching during pregnancy

Carrying a baby means responsibility, new sensations, a complete restructuring of the body and sometimes unpleasant surprises. For some women they manifest themselves in the form of toxicosis, while others suffer from heartburn. and still others suffer from belching. Why does it arise and be different? What to do if you suffer from belching during pregnancy?

What does belching mean during pregnancy in the early and late stages?

This phenomenon is familiar to many healthy people. Belching is the release of gases (and sometimes food) from the stomach or esophagus, accompanied by a specific smell and sound. Often a companion to this phenomenon is debilitating heartburn.

You need to be especially attentive to belching food, because this is a clear symptom of overeating. This also happens to pregnant women.

But there is no need to worry and be nervous when regular belching appears during pregnancy. This is a completely normal and easily explained phenomenon. Doctors list the main reasons for its appearance during pregnancy:

  1. Hormonal changes in the female body.
  2. Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the expectant mother.
  3. Increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, changes in the location of the stomach as a result of the growth of the uterus in later stages.
  4. Indigestion of food by the stomach.

Pregnant women in the early stages should realize that such a phenomenon is further confirmation that conception has successfully occurred and the fetus is developing in the uterus. A woman’s entire endocrine system is reorganized to carry a child. The hormonal system also begins to function differently. And it’s enough just to slightly adjust your daily diet and learn a couple of good habits so that the problem stops bothering you.

In early pregnancy, women are more often worried about drowsiness, apathy, and weakness. which are replaced by heartburn and belching.

Unfortunately, it happens that this unpleasant phenomenon can bother a woman both in the early stages and throughout pregnancy. Such a reaction causes a lot of inconvenience, but it is far from the worst thing that an expectant mother can expect.

Factors that contribute to the appearance of this symptom during gestation are the following:

  • Binge eating.
  • Consumption of fried foods, fatty, spicy, smoked foods, marinades, sour fruits and berries.
  • Lying down for too long.
  • Sharp slopes. This happens when a woman bends over to put on her shoes.

If a pregnant woman’s belching is putrid, then the reason for this is prolonged stagnation of undigested food in the stomach.

As for the problem occurring in the later stages of pregnancy, the cause is the growth of the uterus. It increases in size and puts pressure on all organs of the digestive system. The stomach also tightens. More gases accumulate in it, so in the last weeks of pregnancy the belching sometimes intensifies.

Belching air after eating during pregnancy

Most often, an unpleasant phenomenon occurs in women in an interesting position immediately after meals or within a short time after them. Belching with regular air, the so-called empty one, indicates that the pregnant woman took in air while eating. This is a common occurrence when a person eats and communicates at the same time. Women love to talk over a cup of tea, and drinking tea is accompanied by swallowing air and then belching it.

Unpleasant belching during pregnancy: sour, bitter, rotten, with the smell of eggs

As a rule, pregnant women experience acid belching, and this is due to an increase in the acidity of gastric juice. Or it may be that it simply lacks hydrochloric acid.

This taste (belching of gastric juice) is felt because the contents of a woman’s stomach are thrown into the lower part of the esophagus, and thus irritation of its mucous membrane occurs. This phenomenon is accompanied by discomfort, and it is often characteristic of expectant mothers. The cause of sour belching is fried, spicy, fatty foods. It sometimes lasts a few minutes or a couple of hours. Sometimes it bothers a woman all day. It may also be that attacks of sour belching periodically accompany a woman throughout the whole day, that is, she experiences discomfort at night.

If the expectant mother has a smelly burp of rotten eggs or hydrogen sulfide, then in this situation you need to be especially vigilant. Most likely, gas mixed with hydrogen sulfide is thrown into the oral cavity, which has such a specific odor. If the stomach is functioning normally, then this should not happen, that is, protein rotting does not occur with healthy functioning of the stomach.

A similar process is observed with a noticeable decrease in the acidity of its contents. In such cases, you should hurry up and visit a gastroenterologist. He will definitely prescribe the woman an examination and, based on it, adequate treatment (of course, if it is needed). Then the woman will forget about the taste of rotten eggs after meals, and carrying the child will become more comfortable.

Expectant mothers need to know that belching rotten eggs can be evidence of dangerous diseases of the digestive system. And first of all, such ailments are stomach ulcers and giardiasis. gastritis. stomach cancer, gastroduodenitis. Pathologies of the gallbladder or intestines are also possible.

Belching of bile and bitterness during pregnancy occurs after meals as a result of bile being thrown into the stomach. The problem, as practice shows, is associated with liver diseases. And here you also cannot do without the help of a specialist.

What to do if you are tormented by constant belching during pregnancy: how to get rid of it

Pregnant women are a special category of patients who often panic and are nervous about deteriorating health. If this is the first pregnancy, then the expectant mother is sensitive to such minor problems as heartburn and headache. nausea, belching. Of course, any woman wants to feel comfortable, especially an expectant mother. Therefore, it is worth listening to simple advice in order to minimize the number of unpleasant phenomena, reduce discomfort and thus help yourself. These are the recommendations:

Before using medicinal herbs or other treatment options, a pregnant woman should consult her doctor.

Take care of yourself and be patient!

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

Belching treatment

The specialist prescribes the necessary treatment for belching. The first thing doctors advise is to follow a diet. Make small portions of food, take them at a certain time, about 5-6 times. It is recommended to exclude from the diet foods that cause fermentation in the intestines: cabbage, grapes, etc. Reduce the consumption of potatoes, bread and oatmeal.

Eating dry food and drinking carbonated drinks will not do any good. Bad habits will have to be abandoned; they are harmful to the child’s health and negatively affect the digestive organs. A glass of plain water 30 minutes before meals - drink in small sips. Thoroughly chewed food is better absorbed and creates less unpleasant sensations: heaviness, belching, heartburn. It is not advisable to eat before bed.

Drug therapy

Diet is not always able to cope with the discomfort that arises. Then medications come to the rescue.

  • Maalox. A drug that can help a pregnant woman get rid of belching and heartburn. Thanks to the substances contained in the medicine, when it enters the stomach, hydrochloric acid is neutralized, enveloping the walls of the stomach and protecting the mucous membrane.
  • Rennie. Tablets that can remove excess acidity prevent belching.
  • Phosphalugel. Available in the form of a suspension that acts instantly. Neutralizes hydrochloric acid, which is found in excess in gastric juice, relieves belching.

The expectant mother must remember that not a single medicine, even the most harmless one, should be taken without first consulting a doctor.

Folk remedies

In the fight against belching, traditional medicine comes to the rescue; the intake is supervised by a specialist.

  • Plantain and cardamom. Sold dry. Medicinal herbs are placed in boiling water, boiled, cooled and the drink is ready. Tablespoon before meals.
  • Cranberries in any form. A rich set of microelements will be useful not only for the mother, but also for her child.
  • Mint tea or lemon balm tea will help with hydrogen sulfide belching. The nervous system is restored, stomach cramps disappear, and the digestion process returns to normal.
  • Chamomile tea stops spasmodic actions in the esophagus and eliminates inflammatory processes in the stomach. Performs a bactericidal effect, reduces food stagnation, and prevents putrefactive reactions from occurring.

The happy end of pregnancy and the life of the child are in the hands of the woman.

Belching during pregnancy in the early and late stages is a completely expected phenomenon, since the functioning of the digestive system undergoes significant changes during the period of bearing a child. If there is a constant repetition of the release of air from the stomach, it is worth paying attention to other accompanying symptoms and identifying the cause of the discomfort.

Belching in pregnant women

  • Causes
  • Diseases that cause belching
  • Diet correction
  • Help with medicines
  • Traditional treatment

The digestive system of a pregnant woman is especially sensitive. The body reacts to changes. The growing uterus puts pressure on all internal organs. Many women are bothered by belching during pregnancy and mild nausea. The phenomenon may be pathological. But often this is a normal phenomenon that ceases to bother you after childbirth.

It is important to pay attention to the frequency of belching during pregnancy. It is best to consult a gastroenterologist. The doctor will explain what causes belching during pregnancy. He will tell you what measures can be taken to alleviate the condition.

Belching is the process of air leaving the stomach cavity through the esophagus. Most often this happens suddenly and involuntarily. Gastroenterologists identify several reasons for belching during pregnancy:

  1. Hormonal changes begin in the early stages. The concentration of progesterone increases. This hormone significantly reduces muscle tone. Because of this, the movement of food is difficult.
  2. Progesterone also affects the digestion process itself. Due to the prolonged presence of food in the stomach, gas formation processes are triggered. This may cause belching.
  3. In the third trimester, the stomach becomes severely deformed. It is compressed by the grown uterus. Belching air during pregnancy in the last weeks is considered normal.
  4. The symptom can be observed when the diet is disrupted. Heartburn and belching occur if a pregnant woman overeats or eats too quickly.
  5. Increased physical activity also causes gas during pregnancy. Exercises, bending, and heavy lifting may cause discomfort. The load should be moderate.
  6. Poor diet is a common cause of burping. The symptom may appear early, as early as 2, 3 or 4 weeks of pregnancy.

All of these factors are considered physiological. Most often, the symptom bothers a woman in the later stages. At 38 weeks of pregnancy, discomfort reaches its peak. The period from 35 weeks until the very birth is difficult for a woman. However, after this, the belching goes away on its own.

Diseases that cause belching

Despite the harmlessness of the symptom, you need to consult a gastroenterologist. Belching can be a sign of dangerous pathologies. But you shouldn’t give yourself a terrible diagnosis. The doctor will tell you what features you need to pay attention to.

Sour belching may indicate a change in the composition of gastric juice. This happens with gastritis. The disease often worsens in pregnant women. The condition is provoked by the activity of Helicobacter pylori. The microbe is activated when immunity is reduced. Pregnancy affects the body's ability to withstand negative factors.

Belching in early pregnancy can be caused by reflux syndrome. This condition occurs due to inflammation of the esophageal mucosa. Reflux can be dangerous as the size of the ulcerations constantly increases. The disease must be treated.

Your doctor will tell you what to do if belching occurs regularly. You need to pay attention to the taste of the air coming out of the stomach. Belching rotten eggs during pregnancy is an alarming sign. This may indicate that food has been sitting in the stomach for too long. Abnormalities in the structure of the gastrointestinal tract or intestinal obstruction are possible.

Diet correction

Belching that occurs in pregnant women does not always require treatment. Most often, simply reconsidering your diet is enough. Correcting your diet will help eliminate the unpleasant symptom. A special diet is necessary from the first week of pregnancy. This will avoid toxicosis. In the early stages, a gag reflex often occurs.

Correcting the menu will help eliminate belching. Foods that stimulate fermentation processes are removed from the diet. Due to this, less gas is formed in the stomach. Your doctor will recommend that you avoid foods such as:

  • cabbage;
  • grape;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • beans;
  • beans;
  • peas;
  • soybeans

Gradually the symptom will cease to bother you. The bitter or rancid taste in the mouth disappears. The digestion process is normalized.

Not only food can provoke an involuntary release of air. A common cause of this phenomenon is the consumption of carbonated drinks. It is better to avoid such liquids during pregnancy.

Eating 1 or 2 times a day is unacceptable. A pregnant woman needs a complete and varied diet. The ideal option is split meals in small portions.

The menu must include fermented milk products and vegetable fiber. This promotes normal digestion. You can drink 1 glass of kefir before bed. You need to eat 2 different fruits to provide your body with vitamins. Apples, pears, bananas are healthy.

Help with medicines

If a woman is bothered by constant bitter belching, it is better to consult a doctor. He will explain what provokes the unpleasant symptom. In some cases, drug therapy is required. So, gastritis requires treatment. Help is needed if a pregnant woman feels unwell or feels sick.

A gastroenterologist will tell you how to get rid of belching with the help of medications. Treatment is carried out with safe drugs that do not affect the fetus. For gastritis, the doctor will prescribe a remedy that will help reduce discomfort. The following are considered effective and careful:

The products have not only an antacid, but also a protective effect. They reduce acidity and coat the mucous membranes. Painful manifestations disappear.

Some women consider hiccups a dangerous symptom. This is wrong. This phenomenon is usually observed when breathing is impaired. “What should I do if I hiccup?” - a common question among pregnant women. In this case, you can drink 1 or 2 glasses of dill seed decoction. It's better to do this in small sips.

The appearance of belching in early pregnancy

Many women experience belching early in pregnancy. This phenomenon is due to a sharp change in hormonal levels. At the same time, changes occur in the functioning of the digestive system, which are reflected in flatulence and indigestion.

When pregnancy occurs, the ratio of progesterone and estrogen in the female body changes dramatically, which leads to hormonal imbalance and affects the general condition of the pregnant woman. Against the background of such phenomena, belching most often develops with other symptoms of disruption of the digestive tract.

Constant disturbances in digestion can cause constipation. With this phenomenon, excess gases are formed in the stomach, which leave the body along with belching. Symptoms are quite typical in the first trimester of pregnancy. Discomfort must be eliminated, as it can lead to more serious consequences.

Common causes of belching

In most cases, in pregnant women, belching occurs along with other signs of pregnancy, which primarily relate to the functioning of the digestive system and more. This:

  • Violation of eating patterns and general eating behavior. We are talking about eating dry food, talking while eating, which swallows a large amount of air into the esophagus. Persons prone to overeating are required to control their eating behavior, namely, monitor the rate of food absorption, chewing, and exclude incompatible foods from the diet. When it is difficult to regulate this issue on your own, a doctor observing the pregnancy should come to the rescue.
  • Body position in not very comfortable positions during and after eating. Immediately after eating in a lying position, belching will be a natural act.
  • Uncomfortable movements of a pregnant woman to solve many household needs, as well as when servicing herself. For example, when changing shoes that have lacing or other fastening accessories, or putting on tights, trousers, or socks, a woman has to bend down all the way to the floor.
  • Eating sorbitol, a sweetener used in the food industry in the preparation of sweet pastries and candies. Confectionery products also contain a huge amount of food coloring and flavor enhancers. In addition to belching, such substances have the ability to cause food allergies.
  • Stressful situations. In the modern world it is simply impossible to live without stress. A pregnant woman who has to be in a nervous environment is at high risk of pathological changes in her body. Moreover, the unborn child may also be in critical condition.

Causes of early belching

The development of belching in the first months of pregnancy is due to various reasons, which are discussed in detail in the list below:

  • changes in hormonal levels. After fertilization of the egg, the body experiences increased production of progesterone, which affects the digestion process in the body. As a result, the formation of excess gases and belching may occur;
  • a slight decrease in the abdominal muscles, which leads to the entry of stomach contents into the esophagus and the formation of belching immediately after eating;
  • disorders of the autonomic nervous system, which control all vital processes in the body;
  • improper food intake and large swallowing of air can cause belching, as excess gases will be expelled;
  • eating food in large pieces, which leads to difficult digestion and belching. When eating, you should chew your food thoroughly and do not eat raw food;
  • uncomfortable position while eating. It is recommended to eat food while sitting at the table. It is imperative to avoid eating foods while lying down, as in this case food may pass poorly through the esophagus and cause unnecessary discomfort;
  • consumption of large amounts of confectionery substances containing sorbitol. This substance is an artificial sweetener and has a very negative effect on the digestion process, so during pregnancy it is preferable to eat foods of natural origin;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks contain a considerable number of chemicals, so they can also cause belching. It is best to drink purified still water, compotes from fresh or dried fruits;
  • some types of foods themselves can cause belching (legumes, white cabbage, grapes, bananas);
  • excessive consumption of sour, pickled, canned, salty and smoked foods causes excessive stress on the stomach and contributes to the formation of belching;
  • excessive consumption of foods containing simple carbohydrates (fresh baked goods, baked goods, pasta);
  • Constant intake of vegetables and fruits with a high content of sucrase and fructose can also have a beneficial effect on the occurrence of belching (onions, pears, artichokes);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases in the body with increasing load (pathologies of the intestines, stomach, gall bladder);
  • congenital anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines with the growth of the uterus can also change their size and have a negative effect on the body, which will lead to the appearance of belching.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of belching include the occurrence of characteristic phenomena indicating discomfort in the digestive tract:

  1. release of air from the stomach, which is accompanied by a characteristic sound;
  2. involuntary contraction of the diaphragm during belching;
  3. formation of an unpleasant odor reminiscent of rotten eggs;
  4. the appearance of a sour taste in the mouth.

Depending on the cause of belching, additional signs may develop that indicate a disorder in the body. Severe course of the phenomenon and deterioration of the general condition requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

In this case, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist and conduct research to establish an accurate diagnosis. The main method of identifying the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon is gastroscopy (examination of the stomach using an endoscope and taking biological material for study if necessary).

The mechanism of belching during pregnancy

Belching is the involuntary release of gases from the esophagus or stomach through the mouth.
It is often accompanied by a characteristic sound and smell; often contains small portions of gastric juice or food, which is especially unpleasant. Belching occurs due to accidental swallowing of air while eating. Pressure is created in the stomach, which causes the muscles to contract and push excess gas out. Carbonated drinks lead to burping almost 100% of the time because the air bubbles cannot stay in the stomach for long.

What to do if you constantly burp

If frequent belching occurs and the development of serious diseases is excluded, you can try to deal with the discomfort using simple methods and traditional medicine. At the initial stage, it is necessary to follow a diet and exclude all harmful foods (flour, confectionery, legumes, carbonated drinks, salty, sour, pickled foods).

Doctors recommend following the simple recommendations discussed in the list below:

  • avoiding severe overeating, organizing split meals up to 7 times a day in small portions;
  • drinking one glass of purified still water after a large meal an hour after eating;
  • prohibition of eating before bedtime. It is preferable to have dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed;
  • sufficient fluid intake during the day (at least 1.5 liters);
  • providing a varied menu with a balanced content of fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, cereals;
  • preparing tea with ginger or mint, which has a beneficial effect on the digestion process in the body;
  • taking a special decoction of flax or oatmeal. These products coat the stomach walls well, cleanse and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

How to get rid of belching during pregnancy?

In case of physiological belching in a pregnant woman, first of all, you need to adhere to the rules of rational nutrition:

  1. Divide the daily menu into 4-5 meals.
  2. Limit fatty and fried foods.
  3. Eliminate foods that increase gas formation (cabbage, milk, legumes and others).
  4. Cooking involves boiling or baking.
  5. Do not eat 3-4 hours before bedtime, so as not to burden the stomach.
  6. Make sure you drink enough clean water per day.

Various decoctions based on medicinal herbs will help get rid of belching during pregnancy.
You can make teas or infusions from chamomile or mint, which have a mild sedative effect. A decoction based on blackberries or raspberries will not only reduce gas formation, but will also saturate the body with useful vitamins. Ginger tea helps normalize digestive tract dysfunction, which will reduce the frequency of belching. Calamus rhizome powder is considered the most effective method of relief not only against belching, but also copes with the symptoms of heartburn. The product is used 3 to 4 times a day, 1/3 tsp. Clove spice is another effective method for frequent belching. It is enough to chew the dried bud to improve the performance of the digestive tract.

If a woman has a problem with regurgitation as a result of a systemic disease, then drug treatment prescribed directly by a doctor will be required. Basically, therapy includes taking Essentiale, Artihol or Hofitol, but treatment, in this case, completely depends on the disease that has been diagnosed.

How to get rid of belching and treat it correctly

The development of belching during pregnancy does not require any therapy. All preventive measures are aimed at eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of the phenomenon. The most effective folk remedies are with prior consultation with a leading gynecologist:

  • Calamus root powder is especially effective for belching. The dosage is 1/3 teaspoon 3-4 times a day after eating;
  • a decoction of raspberry leaves, chamomile, blackberries, mint in equal proportions. The product effectively eliminates negative symptoms and saturates the body with valuable nutrients and microelements;
  • preparing tea with mint and lemon balm for general toning of the body;
  • centaury tincture, which is prepared in the ratio of 10 grams of herb per 200 ml of boiling water. The brewed product is kept for 4 hours, and then used 1 tbsp. spoon a day 3-4 times before eating;
  • 15 grams of common heather is brewed in 500 ml of water. The finished product is consumed half a glass 2-3 times a day;
  • chewing cloves before eating, as this spice is absolutely safe for women during pregnancy;
  • using a pinch of baking soda dissolved in water. The finished product is taken orally immediately after meals. It is best to pre-coordinate this procedure with your doctor.

Severe manifestations of belching require careful prescription of pharmacological drugs that can be used during pregnancy. At the same time, in the first trimester it is best to stop taking medications, since this period is the most important in the development of the unborn child.

How to get rid of air burps during pregnancy?

There is no need to take any special medications that suppress or, on the contrary, increase the activity of the digestive system. If there is no pain, nausea or gag reflex, then to get rid of belching a woman just needs to exclude the following types of food and drink from her diet:

  • gray varieties of bread (especially those with high acidity);
  • sauerkraut;
  • grapes, juices and compotes cooked on its basis;
  • carbonated drinks containing carbon dioxide;
  • oatmeal and boiled potatoes (the limitation is due to the fact that they contain a high concentration of starch);
  • fresh baked goods, legumes, beets.

It is important to remember that a woman who is pregnant should eat smaller meals. You should eat up to 5 times a day, but the portions should be small so that food is absorbed slowly and efficiently. This is the only way to avoid overloading the digestive system and at the same time provide the body with all the nutrients.

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Belching during late pregnancy

The occurrence of periodic belching in late pregnancy is most often caused by the growing uterus, which puts pressure on the intestines and stomach. As a result, unpleasant symptoms of impaired digestion may appear.

In many cases, belching is accompanied by heartburn. These phenomena at this period are the limit of the norm and do not require special symptomatic therapy. To eliminate discomfort, you can use safe folk remedies and preparations containing natural ingredients.

Doctors recommend following all preventive recommendations and not oversaturating the body with heavy foods. The digestion process should be simplified as much as possible through proper and frequent nutrition. Therefore, it is recommended to consume lean meats, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.

Causes of belching during pregnancy

Due to the fact that the entire period of bearing a child is divided into 3 trimesters, it is customary to distinguish late and early periods of manifestation of various kinds of changes in the body of the expectant mother. The situation is similar with the establishment of the causative factors that provoked the appearance of air belching. The following reasons for this phenomenon are identified.

In the early stages

This formulation is usually understood to mean the entire first trimester of pregnancy, when active formation of the fetus occurs from the moment the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus and ending with the transition of the developmental phase to the 4th month. During this period, belching may occur in connection with the preparation of the female body for the process of bearing a baby.

Hormonal imbalance

In the first weeks after conception, all internal organs and endocrine glands, which are responsible for the synthesis of male and female sex hormones, are in an extremely excited state. This affects not only the behavior and psycho-emotional state of pregnant women, but also affects the functioning of the entire digestive system. An increased concentration of progesterone in the blood leads to a decrease in the tone of the muscle fibers of the stomach.

In fact, they become less mobile; food eaten during lunch or dinner takes longer to digest than usual. It moves slowly from wall to wall and, in the same way, moves into the intestinal cavity with great delay. Against this background, excess gas formation occurs, which manifests itself in constant belching. This behavior of the main digestive organ continues until the hormonal balance stabilizes and all sexual secretions return to normal.


Throughout the first month of pregnancy, the woman’s body actively protests against the embryo located inside the uterus. This is due to the fact that the cells of the immune system perceive it as a foreign body that takes away some of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals from the host’s tissues. The immune reaction is especially pronounced in women who are in an interesting situation for the first time. A similar state of the body manifests itself in frequent belching of air, the urge to vomit, dizziness, hot flashes and increased sweating, and nausea.

After going through the first adaptation period, which lasts about 1-2 months, the woman’s condition stabilizes and the belching goes away by itself.

It is also quite common that when a woman becomes pregnant, her appetite increases, so she begins to eat much larger amounts to provide enough energy for herself and the rapidly developing fetus. It is possible that in the first stages of pregnancy, belching will be a consequence of ordinary overeating.

In the later stages

At a later stage in the development of the child’s body, spontaneous release of air from the esophagus is also not excluded. The following factors may be the reasons for this phenomenon.

Stomach deformity

In the period from 7 to 9 months, a woman’s uterus enlarges to such an extent that it begins to exert compressive pressure on neighboring organs located in close proximity to it. In this case, the walls of the stomach contract and reflexively expel air, as well as other gas accumulated in the digestive system. Such cases are especially common in pregnant women who are carrying a baby with an above-average weight under their hearts.

Physical activity

Representatives of the fair half of humanity, who are in an interesting situation, and the period of bearing a baby is systematically coming to an end, is recommended to lead a calm and measured life, so as not to burden the internal organs that are in a state of stress. If a woman ignores these instructions and, for one reason or another, leads an active lifestyle and strains her abdominal muscles, then she will belch with air. Its manifestation is periodic or systemic.

Lack of vitamins

A child in the womb takes most of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals from her body, so a woman needs to eat intensively in order to feed two lives at once. If the expectant mother’s diet does not have enough fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, dairy products, then the chemical molecular structure of gastric juice changes, which can manifest itself in the presence of belching. Also, this physiological behavior of the body is often associated with feelings of heartburn and nausea.

It is much worse if you belch with rotten eggs during pregnancy. This may indicate the process of decay and rotting of food that was previously eaten. In this case, the woman must undergo a comprehensive examination of all organs responsible for digestive function.

Causes of belching in the third trimester

The reasons for the appearance of belching in late pregnancy are absolutely identical to the factors described above. In this case, the main phenomenon that affects the occurrence of discomfort in the stomach is considered to be an increase in the size of the uterus and the growth of the baby.

At the 4th month of pregnancy, the unborn baby begins to move, and as the size increases, the baby’s legs can prop up and put pressure on the intestines. In this case, the digestion process is disrupted, which leads to the formation of belching.

If unpleasant symptoms are constant and are accompanied by a general deterioration of the condition, then such dynamics may indicate the development of chronic diseases of the digestive tract. In this case, research and prescription of an adequate treatment regimen is required, since ignoring the pathology can lead to the development of serious consequences.

Symptoms of pathological belching during pregnancy

Frequent belching during pregnancy with the presence of additional symptoms indicates the presence of dysfunction of the digestive system. In such a situation, in addition to regurgitation, the following may be observed:

  • feeling of nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • gagging;
  • constipation;
  • pain syndrome in the abdominal area.

In addition, constant belching of rotten eggs with an unpleasant odor indicates the development of a pathological process.
Food in the stomach is not digested properly, the process of rotting and the release of hydrogen sulfide occurs. In such a situation, a consultation with a gastroenterologist will be required to determine the causes of symptoms with subsequent treatment. Basically, this reaction of the body occurs due to acute chronic diseases (pancreatitis or insufficient functioning of the gallbladder). Sour belching during pregnancy occurs due to the introduction of gastric juice, which affects the taste of the belching and causes an unpleasant reaction. In this case, doctors may suspect an inflammatory process in the stomach or duodenum; symptoms are often associated with peptic ulcer disease. Belching air occurs extremely rarely and only in the first or second trimester; this is the so-called indirect sign of conception.

If belching is accompanied not only by an unpleasant odor, but also by a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, vomiting and pain in the hypochondrium, then this indicates liver failure or stagnation of bile caused by gallbladder pathology.

Late symptoms

Symptoms of belching in late pregnancy are similar to the symptoms described above. In this case, discomfort in the stomach may be accompanied by additional factors:

  • the phenomenon of dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting);
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • constant constipation.

Severe manifestations of belching with other signs may indicate the progression of various gastrointestinal diseases, so this condition requires monitoring by a gastroenterologist and establishing the exact cause of the unpleasant phenomenon.

Causes of belching in pregnant women in the early and late stages

Traditionally, doctors associate belching during pregnancy with hormonal changes occurring in a woman’s body. Frequent belching is sometimes indicated even among the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages (along with frequent urination).

Hormones, becoming more active with the onset of pregnancy, affect the tone of the esophagus and sphincters, and can slow down gastric motility. This results in more frequent belchings, which may have a faint putrid odor.

As the fetus grows, the configuration of the internal organs changes. This may be another reason for belching, now annoying a woman in late pregnancy.

If a woman, trying to provide her future baby with a maximum of nutrients, begins to eat foods that are unusual for her, this can also affect digestion and cause belching. Switching to a healthier lifestyle is important, but it needs to be done gradually. Ideally, it is better to change your eating style at the stage of preparation for pregnancy, and not after its confirmation. Then there will be fewer reasons for unpleasant symptoms.

What to do if you constantly burp in the third trimester of pregnancy

When considering the question of what to do if there is constant belching in late pregnancy, then first of all you need to visit your personal gynecologist and describe in detail all the symptoms of the ailment that has arisen.

If the general signs do not cause suspicion, then the doctor prescribes a set of preventive measures to eliminate belching in the form of following a diet, taking effective and proven remedies that are safe for the full development of the fetus.

During pregnancy, it is important to lead an active lifestyle, spend more time in the fresh air and carefully monitor general changes in the body.

Belching in pregnant women: causes of trouble

The release of gases or even food from the esophagus and stomach, often accompanied by a characteristic sound and smell, is called belching. Its frequent companion is debilitating heartburn. You should pay special attention to food belching, but most often it occurs from overeating. If the belching has a bitter taste, this means that bile has been thrown into the stomach. Putrid belching occurs due to prolonged stagnation in the stomach, non-digestion of food. Sour occurs due to increased acidity of gastric juice or, conversely, in the absence of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice.

The main reasons for belching during pregnancy include:

  • Hormonal changes in the body of a woman expecting a new addition to her family
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • Increased pressure in the abdominal cavity and changes in the position of the stomach due to the growing uterus (at later stages)
  • Indigestion of food in the stomach

Belching and heartburn in the early stages of pregnancy only once again confirm that conception has occurred and the pregnancy is developing. The ovaries, the thyroid gland, the entire endocrine system are adjusted to bearing a baby, the hormonal system begins to work differently. In most cases, it is enough to adjust your diet, and the unpleasant sensations of overeating and heartburn will go away. In the early stages, expectant mothers are much more likely to worry about drowsiness, vomiting and nausea. Time passes and they are replaced by belching and heartburn.

Which doctor should I contact?

The constant presence of belching during pregnancy should be discussed with the obstetrician-gynecologist who monitors the pregnant woman. If the examination reveals the need for additional research, the doctor will write a referral to a gastroenterologist.

In some cases, belching is the cause of the development of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, so in this case it is important to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe safe treatment for a pregnant woman.

However, not all diagnostic tests are used for a pregnant woman, since some methods can cause harm to the successful development of the unborn baby.


Prevention of belching is based on following the recommendations below and excluding certain types of foods:

  • carbonated drinks (Coca-Cola, lemonade, Pepsi);
  • alcoholic drinks, kvass;
  • factory-made confectionery products;
  • fresh baked goods, fast food;
  • salted, fried, smoked, spicy, pickled food;
  • foods and dishes high in fat;
  • sour berries.

It is also necessary to limit foods that cause digestive upset:

  1. White cabbage;
  2. legumes (peas, beans, asparagus);
  3. grapes, bananas.

During pregnancy, you need to balance your overall diet as much as possible and control your intake of carbohydrate foods:

  • potato;
  • oatmeal;
  • black rye bread.

When eating, you must follow the rules to improve the digestion process in the body:

  • chew food thoroughly and avoid excessive swallowing of air, as it contributes to the formation of belching;
  • preliminary consumption of one glass of water with a few drops of mint essence. The liquid should be taken in small sips over 1–2 minutes. This technique allows you to start the digestion process and prevent unpleasant symptoms such as belching;
  • daily consumption of first courses with low-fat broth. Since they increase the secretion of secretions in the stomach and prevent the development of excessive gas formation;
  • replacing unhealthy confectionery products with sweet dried fruits, honey, fruits;
  • maximum consumption of fermented milk products, lean meats, eggs, vegetable oils;
  • exclusion for some time from the general diet of raw vegetables and fruits. Products are best consumed boiled or baked;
  • drinking ginger tea after meals for an hour, since this drink is absolutely safe during pregnancy;
  • avoiding severe overeating before bed, since in a lying position food is digested very slowly and can cause belching;
  • a mandatory ban on bad habits that negatively affect the body of a woman and the unborn baby;
  • It is preferable to wear loose clothing, since tightness causes unnecessary stress on the digestive system and can cause belching;
  • engaging in comfortable positions while sleeping or after eating. You don’t need to immediately lie down in a horizontal position, but sit on a chair or sofa for about 20–30 minutes;
  • drinking mint tincture half an hour before meals, as this remedy helps eliminate belching;
  • taking a semi-lying position, as this position eliminates the appearance of belching;
  • daily walks in the fresh air at a moderate rhythm, as movement prevents the development of stagnation of gases in the digestive tract.

The prognosis for belching in late pregnancy depends on the cause of the pathology. In most cases, this phenomenon is physiological due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the digestive tract.

Doctors warn that you will have to endure inconvenience for some time, but after childbirth all the discomfort will go away. In this case, it is recommended to use safe recipes using traditional medicine agreed with a qualified specialist.

It is best to use proven methods, as well as follow a diet and exclude foods from the diet that can aggravate the digestion process. If unpleasant symptoms are accompanied by other acute symptoms in the form of constant nausea, vomiting, intestinal upset, then in this case it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and thoroughly examine the pregnant woman.

Reviews about eliminating belching during pregnancy are very varied, since many women use a variety of ways to prevent this unpleasant phenomenon. In most cases, simple but effective methods of traditional medicine help in the fight against digestive disorders.

I have been practicing medicine in the field of gynecology for more than 10 years and during that period I have encountered many individual manifestations of pregnancy. Belching is a completely normal and physiological phenomenon that occurs in a woman against the background of strong changes in the body. Moreover, if there is a history of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, they may worsen.

In the first trimester, belching most often occurs due to a sharp change in hormonal levels, and in later stages due to a strong increase in the size of the growing uterus. The third trimester also has hidden dangers in the form of gestosis. This condition can cause a sharp increase in blood pressure, severe swelling and a general deterioration in well-being. It is important to monitor changes, as such symptoms can lead to serious consequences and disruption of the normal development of the unborn baby. My recommendation is to notify your personal gynecologist in case of any discomfort and identify the cause of the unpleasant symptoms that have arisen.

Gynecologist in Moscow

I was constantly belching throughout my pregnancy and I just didn't know how to deal with it. Discomfort began immediately after eating and continued until the food was completely digested. I want to say that these are very unpleasant sensations, and ordinary soda helped me cope with them.

I made a solution in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per glass of water and drank the resulting solution immediately after eating. At the same time, all unpleasant symptoms disappeared, and general health was normal. In my case, the cause of belching is simply physiological changes in the body, so I quickly overcame the discomfort that arose.

Irina, Evpatoria

Pregnancy is a wonderful and at the same time difficult period in a woman’s life, because it is accompanied by various ailments: nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, back pain, varicose veins. And if the expectant mother feels nauseous mainly in the first three months, then, for example, a symptom such as belching or heartburn may bother her throughout the entire pregnancy. Many women wonder why belching occurs and whether it is a symptom of some internal disease. We tried to give answers to them.

Belching during pregnancy

Every woman during pregnancy strives to lead a healthy lifestyle, which is expressed in proper nutrition, rest, sleep and regular walks. But diseases are not far behind us. During the gestation period, the female body is very at risk of having various sores. You can't run away from them. During pregnancy, a woman suffers from ailments such as varicose veins, nausea, back pain, dizziness, shortness of breath. Nausea may haunt the expectant mother during the first trimester, but belching can go side by side throughout the entire pregnancy. A logical question arises: why does it occur and does it cause harm?

Belching is quite normal during pregnancy because a woman's hormonal levels change. The body is adjusted to bear a child. All this is a consequence of the appearance of belching, since changes occur primarily in the gastrointestinal tract. So don’t worry if heartburn, belching, and a feeling of overeating appear quite often during this period.

What is burping? Belching is a sudden release of gas from the mouth that comes from the esophagus or stomach. Belching is sour because the contents of the stomach enter the lower esophagus. This is the reason that irritation of the mucous membrane occurs. This causes discomfort and often haunts pregnant women.

The reasons why belching occurs can be different. First of all, the hormonal changes that are natural during pregnancy; exacerbation of a chronic disease; enlargement of the uterus, which causes pressure in the abdominal cavity and the position of the stomach to change; poor digestion of food in the stomach due to which its walls stretch.

Sour belching occurs due to fatty, fried or spicy foods. It can last for several hours, the whole day, or it can go away in a few minutes.

Belching is provoked by the following factors: turning from side to side, lying down; bending the torso forward; non-compliance with diet, consumption of illegal foods.

All this affects a woman’s well-being. Belching can appear in public when it is certainly not needed. Feeling awkward, a woman may begin to get nervous, which is dangerous in her position. You can get rid of belching. The main thing is to want it.

How to deal with it? There are several tips to help deal with it. If you follow them constantly, it will disappear over time.

You should eat often, but not much. You shouldn't overeat. There is no need to eat fatty and acidic foods. It only causes fermentation and excessive gas formation. Such provoking foods are asparagus, cabbage and beans. You should include foods that have alkaline properties in your diet. These are sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, soft-boiled eggs, boiled lean meat, steam omelettes, vegetable and butter. Vegetables should not be eaten raw; it is better to boil them and bake fruits. Avoid uncomfortable positions: horizontal position, especially immediately after eating, bending forward. After eating, it is best to be in a sitting or semi-sitting position. Clothing should be comfortable so that it does not constrict the body.

Herbal infusions are an effective remedy in the fight against belching. Tea with mint or lemon balm is very effective. They can be added to the drink. A decoction of heather will help. It should be filled with water and boiled for several minutes. Once the drink is infused, you can drink it several times a day, a third of a glass. Centaury herb will help you in the fight against belching. It should also be poured with boiling water and left to steep. You need to take a tablespoon half an hour before you are going to eat.

Powder made from calamus rhizome is very effective and proven. It should be taken one third of a teaspoon. Thanks to it, not only belching, but also heartburn goes away.

However, before starting any herbal treatment, consult your doctor. Some herbs have contraindications. Suddenly you are the one who shouldn’t use them. Therefore, put aside self-medication and, above all, get qualified medical help.

Author of the publication: Svetlana Sergeeva

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