Tingling in the right side under the ribs, what is it?

The most common cases of complaints of tingling in the lower abdomen are observed during pregnancy. Stitching pain and tingling in the abdomen appear with a disease such as intestinal diverticulitis. Tingling in the lower abdomen may not be related to gynecology. Inflammation of the appendages may also accompany tingling in the abdomen.

Similar symptoms can be observed at different periods of life: before menstruation, in the middle of the cycle or during pregnancy. Discomfort in the lower abdomen is most often associated with gynecological problems. True, in some cases this may also be a sign of problems with the urinary system or intestines. It happens that a woman has a tingling sensation in her lower abdomen before her period.

Causes of pain on the right side: possible diseases

On the side of the lower right rib are the gallbladder, liver, kidney with ureter, reproductive system and duodenum. Pain syndrome can cause neurological diseases. Only after undergoing a full examination by a specialist doctor will the source of pain be determined and treatment prescribed.

The causes of tingling in the right side are diseases:

  • biliary tract;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • pleurisy;
  • destruction of the hip joint;
  • pathologies of the lymphatic system or veins;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • pulmonary inflammation;
  • gynecological

Kidney stones also cause tingling.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Systematically occurring tingling sensations in the lower left abdomen in men indicate that not everything is in order with the reproductive system.

Possible diseases include the following:

  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • cystitis;
  • inflammation of the urethra;
  • inflammation of the seminal vesicles;
  • prostatic hyperplasia.

Tingling in the abdomen signals the development of prostatitis. This is the common name for inflammation of the prostate gland.

A few decades ago, this pathology was considered age-related, but today it affects men in the prime of life and desires.

Inflammation of the bladder, like the urethra, can occur for various reasons. These are serious diseases that need to be treated without delay.


Practice shows that postponing treatment will not work. Tingling in the abdomen only portends more acute pain and consequences.

It doesn’t matter at all which side, left or right, the pain is indicated. It is important to respond to these signals in a timely manner.

The correct reaction is to contact a urologist, who will make the appropriate diagnosis. Often, to find out the cause, it is necessary to perform a comprehensive examination of the body.

Today, prostate adenoma has a new name - prostatic hyperplasia. At this stage of the development of the disease, the unpleasant tingling sensation in the abdomen intensifies and turns into nagging pain.

For men, this is a serious condition that can only be overcome after targeted treatment. It also happens that blood appears in the urine.

READ Effective remedies for bloating

At the same time, painful sensations are recorded either in the left or in the right side and become intolerable.

Observations show that sometimes tingling in the lower abdomen appears at the stage of exacerbation of a chronic disease, so you need to respond to signals of this kind with complete seriousness.

From physical activity

Tingling in the right side usually after severe physical exertion, especially after a long run, during pregnancy. In the latter case, a lack of physical fitness leads to pain syndrome. Blood flows strongly to the muscles and organs in the lower abdomen during sports activities. The liver, gall bladder and spleen are under stress and hurt. For the discomfort to go away, you just need to pause and rest.

It often tingles in the right side of pregnant women, especially in the last trimester, when the baby quickly gains weight. The baby presses with part of his body on nearby organs, the gallbladder, duodenum and liver. The result is heartburn and painful tingling sensations.

These physiological sources of pain do not indicate damage to a specific organ. In some cases, when a symptom appears frequently, sometimes unbearably, and there are other indications of pathology, examination and medical assistance are required.

Types of pain in the right side

If the right side of the abdomen tingles, this is an indication that the organ has established a protective mechanism for certain irritants. When determining the diagnosis, the nature of the pain is important, since it often determines what exactly hurts - the abdominal organs, skeletal system or blood vessels. Pain is felt:

For an objective examination, the nature of the pain and location are established, so that later, using MRI, ultrasound or CT, the focus of the pathology is determined. A dull aching pain resembles distension, as if some object had been inserted inside, pressing on the surface of the organs. If long, aching colic has low intensity, this indicates the involvement of a large number of small sensitive receptors in the pathogenesis. This type of symptomatology is a fairly common indicator of liver cirrhosis, intestinal inflammation, hepatitis, tumors, and appendicitis.

If a dull, long-lasting pain on the right suddenly goes away, this does not indicate recovery, but a disruption in the conduction of pain impulses. A similar phenomenon characterizes the necrotic process in inflamed tissues.

Pulling pain often occurs with little physical activity. This symptom is characteristic of diseases of the peritoneum: inflammation of the uterus, ovaries and kidneys, parts of the adrenal gland, duodenum, as well as adhesions and acute hepatitis. If nagging pain occurs rarely, it may indicate the movement of a small stone along the ureter or the development of osteochondrosis of the lumbar vertebrae.

Sharp tingling in the lower right side in the presence of a small inflamed focus. This could be pinched nerves, gynecological diseases, diseases of the urinary system or gastrointestinal tract. Cramps are observed with inflammation of the ovaries, overflow of intestinal gases, pinching of the spinal nerve and a stone in the ureter.

If it stings under the ribs, what does it mean?

In rare cases, the symptom is considered normal. Regardless of the reason, when there is a stabbing sensation in the right side under the ribs, this is already a deviation. The pain can be acute, sharp, paroxysmal or constant, nagging. In any case, if it stings under the rib, only a doctor will determine what it could be.

The abdominal cavity contains vital organs that can cause colic in the right side:

  • hepatobiliary system;
  • pancreas;
  • section of the duodenum;
  • bend of the large intestine;
  • right adrenal gland and kidney.

Disease of the duodenum, or duodenitis, is one of the reasons for stabbing in the right side at the level of the navel. Colic near the navel on the right side indicates obstruction of the small intestine, poor circulation, hernias, and enzyme deficiency.


Each organ has its own pain symptoms. Acute attacks are typical for inflammation, injuries, and hematomas. The chronic course is accompanied by dull, aching pain. They can appear and disappear for years. Pain in the right side is caused by the following pathologies:

  • acute and chronic hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • heart failure;
  • right-sided pneumonia.

More often this is an acutely developing process. Cutting spasms in the right side are caused by the release of toxins during inflammation, the formation of stones or their movement along the bile ducts. Dyspeptic disorders, nausea, belching, and vomiting appear.

Pain under the ribs in the front radiates to the shoulder, which is typical when there is poor circulation. With angina pectoris or myocardial infarction, it can cause severe stinging and burning in the rib area. The blood pressure drops sharply, the heart rhythm is disturbed, and the patient turns pale.


If it stings in the back under the ribs, the underlying cause lies in the pathology of the pancreas. Pancreatitis is characterized by a stabbing, cutting pain. Stitches on the right side from the back with osteochondrosis of the spine, tumors of the chest and gastrointestinal tract.

The same signs appear with intercostal neuralgia and diseases of the adrenal glands. If there is a stabbing sensation on the right side under the scapula while inhaling, it is necessary to exclude thrombosis of the inferior vena cava.

Paroxysmal and prolonged pain

The tingling pain can be paroxysmal or prolonged, as if something is stabbing from the inside with a dull thin tip. This indicates a pathological focus with inflammation of the gallbladder, advancement of a stone in the kidney and appendicitis. Painful sensations often intensify when bending and turning the body, with active movements, coughing, and sighing.

If there is not just a tingling sensation in the right side of the abdomen, but additional signs appear, immediate medical attention is required. Pain syndrome may be associated with:

  • heat;
  • vomit;
  • stool disorder;
  • nausea;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • yellowness of the whites and mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • excessive irritability;
  • general malaise;
  • unpleasant burning sensation when urinating and in the lower part of the peritoneum.

In any case, isolated pain in the right side should be a reason to seek help from a doctor.

It happens that there is a tingling sensation in the lower right side.

Manifestation of pain under the ribs

The intensity and nature of the discomfort depends on the illness that caused it. A dull pain radiating to the right shoulder is characteristic of gallbladder pathologies. Heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and weakness may also be present.

Sharp pain is inherent in cholecystitis. In this case, there is vomiting, weakness, fever, chills.

Severe paroxysmal spasms are characteristic of hepatic colic and cholelithiasis. The pain can radiate to the neck, shoulder blade, or shoulder. The patient constantly vomits, but does not feel relief.

A spasm that encircles against the background of vomiting and diarrhea is characteristic of pancreatitis. Moreover, with exacerbation, the symptoms intensify. Chronic diseases of the pancreas and liver are caused by aching pain.

A pulling condition with numbness is characteristic of neuralgia and osteochondrosis in the lumbar region. Discomfort increases with movement.

Lower abdominal pain

Acute appendicitis becomes a common source of pain in the lower part of the right side of the abdomen. It is in this area that stabbing unpleasant pains are localized. They are accompanied by nausea, chills, weakness and stomach heaviness.

Often, first there is a tingling sensation in the right side of the lower abdomen, and then an intestinal disorder occurs in the form of diarrhea, and the body temperature rises. Inflamed appendicitis can only be treated with surgery. You cannot self-medicate at home. Apart from surgery, there are no other options for pain relief.

Another pathology that manifests itself as colic in the right side of the abdomen is cholecystitis. This is an inflammatory process of the gallbladder, often caused by excessive consumption of spicy foods and fats. Colic can radiate sharply to the shoulder joint and under the shoulder blade. Also with acute cholecystitis there is a urge to vomit, severe nausea, fever and belching with a bad odor. To prevent the gallbladder from festering, medical attention is required. If drug treatment does not help, surgery will be required.


With this disease, the pain is localized in the lower abdomen on the right side. The pain is stabbing in nature. Along with this, the patient may feel nausea and heaviness in the stomach. The patient develops intestinal upset and is forced to constantly visit the toilet. In addition, with appendicitis, an increase in temperature is possible.

The solution to the problem can only be surgical intervention. There are no other options to eliminate an inflamed appendix. Therefore, if you have the above symptoms, you should urgently seek medical help.

For pyelonephritis

Unpleasant painful sensations with pyelonephritis appear in the lower abdomen and between the ribs on the right. These are accompanied by frequent urination and chills. Pyelonephritis or kidney inflammation is caused by contaminated water, poor diet or alcohol abuse. To eliminate renal inflammation, antibacterial, painkillers, antispasmodics, and diuretics are prescribed. After prolonged pyelonephritis or its improper treatment, stones may form in the kidneys.

Pathologies of the genital area

Many diseases of the genital area cause tingling in the right side in the lower abdomen. These include:

  • adnexitis - the process of inflammation of the fallopian tubes and appendages; can be one-sided, appears after hypothermia at a young age;
  • ovarian cysts – caused by hormonal imbalances; if the case is serious, the cysts are removed through surgery, and the pain only then goes away; large cysts can burst and cause internal bleeding and severe pain; in such a situation, urgent hospitalization of the patient is required;
  • salpingitis - the process of inflammation of the uterine tube; this happens due to pathological microflora, as well as after injuries or abortions; pain intensifies in the toilet and during sexual intercourse;
  • endometritis is a process of inflammation of the uterine epithelium as a result of hormonal imbalances, infection and hypothermia; both nagging pain and fever, general intoxication, and discharge are observed;
  • endometriosis is a non-inflammatory disease in which the uterine mucosa grows onto neighboring organs; hormonal disorders and bleeding are diagnosed; on the right side there is pain that is transmitted to the pelvic area.

Sometimes it tingles in the right side under the ribs.

Stitching pain in the hypochondrium on the right

The inflammatory process of the biliary tract causes pain in the right hypochondrium. Often, violations of these systems appear in adolescence. They are also characterized by frequent nausea, vomiting and bitterness in the mouth. Violations are treated with medications, for example, antispasmodics and choleretic drugs.

Sudden pain under the ribs often spreads to the upper abdomen, especially at night. This symptom is characteristic of biliary colic along with severe dizziness, chills, noise and ringing in the ears, and weakness. Biliary colic is eliminated by intensive drug therapy, which is designed to eliminate small stones and sand from the ducts and inflammation.

Sometimes it’s not just a tingling sensation on the right side under the ribs.

Sharp, unbearable pain in the right hypochondrium of a stabbing type occurs with pleurisy, a complication of a disease such as pneumonia. It appears between the ribs in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and in front, accompanied by difficulty breathing and severe coughing. Pleurisy is treated with antibiotics; the temperature caused by it is reduced with syrups or antipyretic tablets. In any case, urgent hospitalization is required; home self-medication is unacceptable.

Disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract

A lot is said about balanced nutrition these days. On TV screens there are calls to eat only those foods that are good for the body.

At the same time, many women notice that after eating “properly” prepared foods, tingling sensations appear in the stomach.

Sometimes discomfort appears in the stomach on the left, sometimes on the right.

If you have a stomach or intestinal disease, the first signs may be:

  • heartburn;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • bloating.

If you do not pay due attention to these and similar symptoms, then in a short time the disease can take an acute form.

The causes of diseases such as gastritis, ulcers, and colitis are well known. As a rule, the development of gastrointestinal pathology begins with the consumption of low-quality products and alcohol abuse.


First of all, this applies to men. A proper reaction to tingling in the abdomen occurs in rare cases.

The most common approach in such situations is to take different pills. For pain in the left side, take one, for pain in the right, another.

In this way, you can muffle the tingling sensation in the lower abdomen for some time. Drugs purchased at the pharmacy do not have a therapeutic effect - they only relieve pain.

Stitching pain during pregnancy

Many women experience tingling on the right side during pregnancy.

Such symptoms are the result of the growth and development of the fetus, when neighboring organs gradually move away. Minor tingling and the absence of other negative effects are not dangerous. This is a physiological process that will take place after childbirth.

“No-spa” will help eliminate pain, but using it on your own without a doctor’s prescription is prohibited. The exact source of the stabbing pain will be determined by your doctor after a thorough examination and test results.

What to do if there is a tingling sensation in the right side under the ribs or below?

Diagnosis of tingling in the right side

If frequent tingling occurs in the side for no apparent reason, you need to visit a therapist, who can refer you for a consultation to more specialized specialists, for example, a neurologist, surgeon, gastroenterologist or gynecologist. In any case, the following is required:

  • blood test;
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneal cavity;
  • MRI; radiography;
  • CT;
  • urine analysis;
  • smear

After collecting the patient’s medical history, the doctor will determine which particular inflamed organ requires help and whether the patient needs hospitalization.

Treatment methods

Tingling in the right side is a symptom of many diseases, and each of them requires complex treatment.

It must be said that pain is already a sign. Therefore, its elimination requires timely and correct diagnosis. For this purpose, patients are fully examined as prescribed by the doctor. After this, based on the results, treatment of the identified pathology begins. Depending on the origin of the disease, treatment can be carried out by urologists, gastroenterologists, gynecologists and surgeons.

The therapeutic course includes the following main methods:

  • treatment with medications: pharmacological agents are chosen by the doctor; when determining malignant neoplasms, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or radiation irradiation are carried out;
  • in the practice of doctors, antibacterial drugs are used to prevent inflammatory processes; if the disease is of viral origin, treatment cannot be done without antiviral drugs; analgesics or antispasmodics are prescribed as an auxiliary treatment;
  • surgical intervention - is carried out when conservative treatment is impossible, as well as when diagnosing a number of diseases;
  • alternative medicine – used only as an auxiliary treatment; based on a specific diagnosis, the attending physician or herbalist prescribes folk remedies that relieve pain and improve health in general;
  • In most cases, specialists prescribe herbal medicine with medicinal herbs; they form the basis of infusions, decoctions, taken orally and as local preparations;
  • diet planning: helps during treatment and recovery period; the doctor selects a diet based on the diagnosed disease; if the gallbladder is damaged, you should not eat fried, spicy and fatty foods; intestinal pathologies exclude products with coarse fiber; A number of gastroenterological diseases require prolonged fasting.

It is prohibited to relieve pain in the side, regardless of the origin of the disease, using warm compresses. For minor tingling, you can take antispasmodics.

It is forbidden to abuse painkillers. If the tingling does not go away or becomes systematic, the pain increases over time, so you should immediately consult a specialist.

Self-medication is prohibited. Only pain relief using methods approved by a doctor is allowed. If pain accompanies dangerous diseases, emergency medical care must be provided.

When it stings in the right side, the thought flashes about liver problems. Similar sensations under the ribs or lower abdomen may indicate pathology of neighboring organs.

It is necessary to find out the cause of the malaise in order to help the adult and child. If external factors can be eliminated independently, the appearance of pathological changes will require treatment.

Cause of unbearable pain on the right side

If the condition worsens, you should immediately call a doctor.

The reason for severe colitis on the right side may be:

  1. Cholecystitis. Stones block the movement of bile. The patient feels sick, vomits, the temperature rises, the person feels weak and chills. The characteristic pain at the top can change its localization, radiating to the neck, shoulder blade, shoulder, and umbilical area. Stress influences the onset of the disease. Exacerbation occurs more often at night; if help is not provided in a timely manner, the gallbladder may rupture.
  2. Pancreatitis. The pain is throbbing, “bright” with sharp pain, and a painful shock may occur. The patient's temperature and blood pressure rise, the skin turns pale, vomiting, belching, shortness of breath, and sticky sweat begin. The eyes and skin may turn yellow, and blue spots may form near the navel. In addition, the stomach is swollen, and diarrhea or constipation may occur.
  3. Renal colic. A cramping, intense pain on the right side in the side appears due to the presence of stones in the urinary tract, which scratch the walls with their sharp edges. In addition, bloating, gas formation, nausea, vomiting, and the urge to defecate are disturbing.
  4. Duodenitis. A stabbing, sharp pain usually occurs at night. When eating food, the symptoms weaken. The presence of bacteria in the intestine causes weakness, nausea, and vomiting.
  5. Internal organ injuries. This can also include perforation of an ulcer, rupture of the appendix, intestinal obstruction, and internal bleeding.
  6. Thrombosis of arteries or veins. Pain and shock, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, and loss of consciousness may occur. If left untreated, necrosis and death occur.

Why does the right lower abdomen tingle?

A sign of pain is not always pathology of the digestive organs. The reason why the lower right side stings is the following conditions:

  • poisoning;
  • general intoxication of the body;
  • kidney disease;
  • adhesions and scars of the abdominal cavity.

In an acute condition, differential diagnosis is necessary. When it stings in the right lower side of the abdomen, you can think of inflammation of the cecum.

A similar condition occurs with renal colic due to the presence of stones. In addition to stabbing pain in the right side, the patient has painful urination and there is blood in the urine. Unlike the symptoms of appendicitis, you can reduce the symptoms of an attack by choosing a certain body position.

Among women

Soreness is often associated with hormonal fluctuations. The reason is the use of contraceptives, the formation of the fertilized egg at the beginning of pregnancy, the pressure of the growing uterus on the liver in the third trimester. A hormonal imbalance causes spasm of the bile ducts, disruption of the outflow of bile, and colic in the right hypochondrium.

With colic in the lower abdomen, women are at risk of developing a pregnancy outside the uterus. There is a risk of rupture of the fallopian tube when the fertilized egg attaches to its wall. In this case, the symptoms are similar to acute appendicitis.

Another cause is “female” diseases - this is adnexitis, torsion of an ovarian cyst. During inflammation of the appendages, stabbing in the lower abdomen, purulent discharge. The woman is worried about nausea and vomiting, and her temperature rises. Stitches in the right side and when the cyst leg is torsed. You feel a loss of strength and may bleed.

In men

Unpleasant sensations in the right side are associated with diseases, injuries, problems of the pelvic organs, and dysfunctions of the digestive system. Pain in the lower abdomen in men occurs for the following reasons:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • adhesions, peritonitis, acute mesadenitis;
  • thrombosis of peritoneal vessels;
  • abdominal injuries.

Prostatitis becomes a common problem in men. Stitches in the lower abdomen closer to the groin. The symptom spreads to the suprapubic region and radiates to the genitals. Urination becomes more frequent, becomes painful, and potency decreases.

Salmonellosis and E. coli can provoke colic. In this case, fever, malaise, diarrhea, and dehydration are observed. Discomfort is caused by helminths and their metabolic products.

Why does the right side in the lower abdomen hurt?

Moderately intense pain in the lower abdomen on the right can be symptoms of the following pathologies:

  • In women - inflammation of the right appendage. Additional symptoms may include disruption of the menstrual schedule and the appearance of brownish discharge.
  • In men, the development of prostatitis and adenoma. As a rule, pain radiates to the area above the pubis or to the groin.

Nagging pain is inherent in chronic processes. Typically, such pain syndrome can be associated with a slow increase in the size of certain organs, the formation of adhesions and tension in ligaments. Such pain is quite tolerable, so patients rarely see a doctor in a timely manner, which is a mistake.

Aching constant pain exhausts a person, and this leaves an imprint on his appearance. This pain syndrome prevents you from fully resting at night, constantly causes malaise and impairs performance.

The cause of pain can only be determined based on diagnostics, since they are inherent in many pathologies. This may be pyelonephritis, ovarian cyst, glomerulonephritis, right-sided adnexitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, etc.

If after surgery there is throbbing pain in the lower abdomen, this is a very dangerous symptom. It indicates the occurrence of suppuration in the surgical wound. As a rule, with this condition there is an increase in temperature.

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen may indicate an acute attack of appendicitis. In this case, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. But, in addition, sharp pain can be caused by any exacerbation of chronic diseases of the abdominal organs. They also occur with prolonged constipation, the development of infectious diseases, and abdominal injuries.

Acute pain and loss of consciousness may be accompanied by torsion of a right ovarian cyst in women. This pain syndrome in the right side intensifies significantly with the slightest body movements. Ectopic pregnancy has similar symptoms; its harbinger is bursting pain in the lower abdomen.

When nagging pains are observed in the lower abdomen for a long time, interspersed with sharp painful attacks, this may indicate a complication of Crohn's disease, which is expressed by the rupture of a separate section of the small intestine.

Periodic stabbing pain in the right side is noted in the presence of intestinal diverticula. Protrusions in the small intestine can be congenital abnormalities or occur for various reasons.

  • In women - inflammation of the right appendage. Additional symptoms may include disruption of the menstrual schedule and the appearance of brownish discharge.
  • In men - the development of prostatitis and adenoma. As a rule, pain radiates to the area above the pubis or to the groin.

This type of complaint is quite common. Even children often experience tingling on the right side (for example, while running in physical education class). The insidiousness of this symptom lies in the fact that it can hide both relatively harmless causes and serious diseases. Why can it sting in the side?

Occurs when there are stones in the gallbladder. Their mobility can lead to migration of the stone to the mouth of the bladder. In this case, a violation of the outflow of bile occurs, a spasm of the bladder, leading to the development of an attack of pain in the right hypochondrium.

The range of pathologies is wide:

  • hepatitis (both infectious and medicinal and alcoholic),
  • cholangitis,
  • cysts,
  • benign and malignant tumors,
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

You need to know that pain receptors are concentrated in the liver capsule, so pain occurs during pathological processes that lead to stretching of the capsule. If a cyst or tumor develops deep within the parenchyma, the disease may not make itself felt for a long time.

It is also necessary to take into account the high ability of liver cells to regenerate, and therefore the symptoms of liver diseases often appear late - when its compensatory capabilities are exhausted.

Peptic ulcer

We are talking about a duodenal ulcer, which can lead to pain in the right hypochondrium and epigastrium. A characteristic feature of an ulcer is the appearance of “hunger” pain, including at night. Tingling in the side is relieved by eating. The pain is accompanied by heartburn, sour belching, and nausea.

Very often causes intense stabbing pain in the side. The development of neuralgia can be triggered by hypothermia or awkward movement.

Severe neuralgic pain is manifested by a herpetic infection - herpes zoster. Pain syndrome is associated with changes in posture and breathing.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, complicated by the formation of an intervertebral hernia, leads to the development of radicular syndrome due to compression of nerve endings. Stitching pain can be localized in the back and radiate to the right hypochondrium.

Friction of inflamed pleura (dry pleurisy) in the area of ​​the lower lobe of the right lung can cause severe pain in the right side. The pain has a clear connection with breathing and coughing. As fluid accumulates in the pleural cavity (exudative pleurisy), the pain dulls, and manifestations of respiratory failure due to compression of the lung come to the fore.

The presence of stones in the renal cavity system induces pain in the abdomen and lower back in cases where right-sided renal colic develops. The pain is accompanied by frequent, painful urination and blood in the urine.

This list is not exhaustive. Pain in the right side can also result from:

  • food poisoning,
  • inflammation of the uterine appendages,
  • ovarian cysts,
  • appendicitis (with an atypical location of the appendix),
  • intestinal colic,
  • intense blood flow to the liver when running can also cause tingling in the right hypochondrium.

Causes of symptoms

A feeling of stabbing below the ribs may be a consequence of eating spicy, fried and fatty foods. After eating “hastily”, from overeating, frequent starvation diets. Abdominal pain periodically recurs after an injury.

When walking

The physiological symptom that occurs when walking is known to many people. When moving, it takes your breath away and stings under the rib in the right side. This usually happens in people with little training who lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is not a pathology. During physical activity, blood is redistributed, hemodynamic parameters change (blood pressure, the volume of blood passing through the vessels), which, together with other factors (for example, excess weight, atherosclerosis, venous diseases) leads to the appearance of pain.

When running

Under severe stress, significant changes occur in blood flow. Muscles (primarily the lower extremities, abdomen, back) require more nutrition and increase in volume, which leads to increased blood flow to them. Arterial and venous pressure decreases.

Taken together, these factors lead to a decrease, and in some cases, on the contrary, to an enlargement of the liver, which is why the right side hurts when running.

In addition, with prolonged exercise, the pressure of surrounding organs on the gallbladder may increase, which under certain conditions (sludge, stones, dyskinesia) can cause sharp and sudden pain.

When inhaling

A common symptom is pain in the right side when inhaling, and has many causes. Starting from a harmless spasm of the peritoneum during awkward movement, to serious diseases and neoplasms. Such symptoms are inherent in pathologies of the adrenal glands, as well as intercostal neuralgia. If it stings when inhaling on the right side under the scapula, rule out thrombosis of the inferior vena cava.

Fetal development outside the uterus

An ectopic pregnancy is a pathological type of childbearing, that is, the fetus develops outside the uterus. This is a very common cause of abdominal pain in women. If the condition is not diagnosed quickly and action is not taken, the consequences can be very serious. In some cases, the condition leads to death.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy include:

  • Abdominal pain in the first 4-10 weeks of pregnancy (often before women realize they are pregnant).
  • Pain in the right lower or left lower abdomen.
  • Heavy bleeding or a few drops of blood.
  • Bloating as the bleeding gets worse.
  • Dizziness.

If you have any of the above symptoms and there is a possibility that you may be pregnant, it is very important that you get emergency medical help. The treatment option for an ectopic pregnancy will depend on the location of the embryo, the size of the gestational sac, the degree of fetal development and possible complications.

What to do?

In some situations, self-treatment is possible to alleviate the condition. This does not apply to children. When a child has a stitch in his side, we immediately go to the doctor. Tingling is not considered a deviation, does not indicate illness, and does not pose a health hazard if:

  1. The pain was one-time, quickly passed and was no longer felt.
  2. Discomfort occurs before menstruation.
  3. After a hearty lunch.
  4. Colic appears while running.
  5. From excessive physical exertion.

Painful sensations can be relieved with analgesics or antispasmodics, relaxation and rest. If the nutritional rules are violated, a water-tea diet is prescribed for 6 hours. Further expansion of the menu occurs gradually. Fatty and fried foods are completely excluded.

If during physical activity there is a stabbing sensation in your right side, you need to stop, leaning forward. Place your right hand on the hypochondrium, holding the liver from below, and rest for a few minutes.

Causes and localization of pain

The right side of the abdominal cavity contains the liver, appendix, digestive, urinary and genital organs. Most often, stabbing pain in the right side occurs as a result of inflammation or disease of these organs. However, other processes may also be the cause of discomfort. Let's look at each type of colic in more detail.

  1. Intestinal . It is felt in the right lower abdomen and indicates a disease of the digestive tract. In most cases, the cause of pain is:
  2. Inflammation of the appendix
  3. Abuse of too fatty foods
  4. Intoxication
  5. Poisoning
  6. Scars and adhesions in the abdominal cavity, their inflammation
  7. Renal . If the pain radiates to the back, this means that the problem is in the kidneys or ureters. The reason may be a violation of the outflow of urine, prolapse of the kidney, blockage of the ureter, inflammation of the kidneys or a tumor.
  8. Hepatic . If it stings on the right side under the ribs, this indicates the presence of acute or chronic liver disease and problems with bile. This may be a disruption in the functioning of the biliary tract, cholecystitis, hepatitis and other pathologies.
  9. Colic associated with female diseases . These include inflammation, rupture and tumor of the ovary. Discomfort occurs in the lower abdomen and often progresses to an acute phase.

These are the main causes of colic. Pain in the right side can also be due to internal bleeding, inflammation of the pleura, strangulation of the inguinal hernia and other rare pathologies. Quite often, severe pain is observed in women before menstruation.

Should I worry?

If pain occurs in the first trimester, a woman need not worry if the tingling sensation is not accompanied by discharge from the genitals and does not last longer than an hour. To get rid of unpleasant and frightening sensations, a pregnant woman is recommended to lie down in a comfortable position. Exercises on a ball will also be effective, unless physical activity is prohibited by your doctor.

Tingling in the lower abdomen on the left during pregnancy in the second semester, as well as on the right, are most often the result of problems with the woman’s digestive tract (bloating, constipation, etc.). Specialized medical care is not required here: it is enough to change your diet to improve digestion. If the discomfort does not disappear for a long time, or other dangerous symptoms are added to it (discharge, dizziness, fainting), it is better to call a doctor.

In the third trimester, tingling on the right side of the lower abdomen during pregnancy (and on the left side too) can be both a consequence of the baby’s active movements and a signal for the onset of labor. If you take a comfortable position, but the pain only intensifies, the baby is probably in a hurry to be born and it is better to consult a doctor.

Symptoms of colic

Colic in the right side of the abdominal cavity appears suddenly and is often acute. Depending on the cause of their occurrence, there are different symptoms.

Intestinal colic

It is characterized by sudden attacks that go away when pressure is applied to the peritoneum. As a rule, it stings in the lower abdomen on the right and sometimes the pain is felt in the entire lower part.

In this case, the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Vomit
  • Nausea
  • Excessive gas formation
  • Bloating and distension of the abdomen.

Renal colic

It is considered the most powerful and unpleasant. Pain sensations are localized in the lower back and radiate to the lower abdomen, genitals, navel area, groin, hypochondrium.

The most characteristic symptoms:

  • Constipation
  • Vomiting that occurs along with acute pain
  • Bloating
  • Painful and frequent urination

Hepatic colic

It differs in that it stabs on the right under the ribs, radiates to the area of ​​the right shoulder blade and shoulder, and subsequently covers the entire abdomen.

Often attacks occur in the afternoon and are accompanied by:

  • Increasing temperature
  • Bloating
  • Vomiting
  • Dry mouth
  • Increased sweating

Premenstrual syndrome and women's diseases

The occurrence of pain before menstruation is a common condition for many women. At the same time, they may indicate the presence of a disease. For example, aching pain in the lower abdomen is often the cause of inflammation, cyst or ovarian rupture. In this case, the following symptoms are typical:

  • Nausea
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Temperature increase

Liver and gallbladder diseases

The cause of tingling in the right hypochondrium may be an attack of hepatic colic. This is a manifestation of gallstone disease. Painful sensations occur when a stone gets stuck in the bile duct.

The attack may begin with a slight tingling sensation. Then the pain increases and becomes unbearable. The person rushes about and tries to take a position that relieves the excruciating pain. Nausea and vomiting are often observed due to impaired bile flow.

In such cases, you must immediately call an ambulance. Colic is treated surgically; the patient must undergo surgery to remove the stones.

Pain under the ribs on the right may be a sign of cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder. Tingling is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and belching with an unpleasant odor. A person feels a bitter taste in his mouth. During an attack, there is an increase in temperature.

If you have such symptoms, you should not delay visiting your doctor. Otherwise, cholecystitis may become chronic. The patient is advised to remain in bed and adhere to a special diet (table No. 5). Antispasmodic, choleretic and antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

Liver disease can also cause tingling:

  1. Hepatitis. The disease is often accompanied by tingling in the right hypochondrium after eating. This is due to the fact that when food is digested, bile is released, which provokes the occurrence of pain. Tingling is accompanied by nausea, increased gas formation, yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. Treatment of hepatitis consists of following a diet, administering infusion solutions for detoxification, and taking hepatoprotectors.
  2. Cirrhosis. At the beginning of this dangerous disease, the patient feels a slight tingling sensation in the right hypochondrium. Often the patient does not pay attention to this, and as a result, the disease is diagnosed too late. Subsequently, severe pain in the liver, itching of the skin, sudden weight loss, nausea, vomiting, and jaundice occur. In the early stages, the disease can still be cured with conservative methods. Hepatoprotectors and sodium preparations are prescribed. beta blockers. In advanced cases, a person can only be saved through surgery or liver transplantation.
  3. Helminthic diseases. Some parasites (for example, echinococci) form cysts in the liver tissue during their life cycle. They put pressure on blood vessels and hepatocytes. This is accompanied by a feeling of tingling and squeezing. When an echinococcal cyst ruptures, acute excruciating pain occurs. Treatment consists of surgical removal of the cyst.

In all liver pathologies, pain occurs due to stretching of the organ capsule. Unpleasant sensations are localized in the right hypochondrium, but can also radiate to other parts of the body.

Treatment of colic

Treatment of colic in the right side is aimed at eliminating the disease and relieving pain. Only an experienced specialist can determine the cause of the pathology. However, regardless of which organ is affected, if the right side hurts, it is necessary to take antispasmodic drugs. As a rule, to relieve an attack, doctors prescribe nitroglycerin (one tablet under the tongue, 3 drops per lump of sugar) or no-spa (2 tablets up to three times a day).
In any case, you should consult your doctor before taking these medications. Depending on the type of colic and the reason for which it is caused, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

  1. Renal . In case of an acute attack, the patient is hospitalized and, if necessary, operated on. This development of events is possible if the patient is found to have large stones blocking the ureter. Small pebbles can move away on their own if a person takes a horizontal position. To relieve stabbing pain in the lower abdomen on the right, the patient is advised to keep a heating pad on the lower back and take a warm bath.
  2. Hepatic . Most often, acute attacks in the upper abdomen indicate the presence of stones in the gallbladder. In this case, a decision is made on surgical intervention, which today can be performed without an incision. The patient is prescribed a strict diet with the complete exclusion of sweets, spicy and fatty foods.
  3. Intestinal . Treatment depends on the type of disease and its course. The patient is prescribed an enema (warm infusion of mint and lemon balm) and a strict diet excluding fatty, spicy and hard foods. Recommended medications:
  4. Nitroglycerine
  5. No-shpa
  6. Belladonna dry extract (1-2 tablets)
  7. Valerian
  8. Motherwort
  9. Tea with cumin and yarrow

Often the right side of the lower abdomen stings so sharply that only a strong painkiller can cope with the pain. In this case, the patient should be urgently hospitalized. Also, do not forget that colic can have serious consequences, so without knowing the exact diagnosis, do not resort to traditional methods of treatment.

Colic on the right side is quite common. If they are not related to food intake, then the cause lies in inflammation or disease of the internal organs. With cutting pain in the lower right side, appendicitis is usually diagnosed. Acute pain on the right side under the ribs may be the cause of liver disease. In any case, colic in the side does not bode well, so if it occurs, you should consult a doctor. The sooner you visit the hospital, the more effective and efficient the treatment will be.

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