A constant feeling of hunger is a cause for women and men. How to get rid of hunger after eating

Causes of constant hunger in women

Very often during pregnancy, women experience hunger; this is due to hormonal changes, as well as the fact that she now needs to “feed” not only herself, but also the baby in the womb. Every woman encounters this phenomenon and it is considered the norm, but consultation with a doctor is still necessary.

The reason for hunger is that the body requires more calcium, which can be obtained by eating certain foods. But one of the main factors is emotionality and mood changes.

Sometimes such a syndrome may indicate a lack of certain microelements in the mother’s body. In order to understand the causes of this condition, you need to see a doctor and take all tests on time.

At home, you can reconsider your diet: add fruits, vegetables and foods enriched with vitamins to your diet.

You shouldn't always listen to your body. It is better to eat often, but in small portions. Excessive food consumption has a negative impact on the health of the expectant mother.

Due to hormonal changes, a woman has a desire to eat during the premenstrual period, 2-3 days before her menstrual period. In order to prevent this symptom, you need to drink plenty of fluids and eat right.

How to satisfy your hunger

If you notice abnormal hunger and any side symptoms, you should consult a doctor who will help you find out the cause of your condition and prescribe comprehensive treatment. If your appetite is simply increased, you can try to quickly satisfy your hunger in the following ways:

  • Drink water when you feel hungry.
  • Eat slowly, chewing thoroughly. This will help you digest foods better and feel full faster.
  • Do not eat while doing other things. Focus directly on food and its quantity and taste.
  • Do not consume spicy, overcooked, sour, carbonated drinks and fast food, reduce the amount of sweets and simple carbohydrates that can cause appetite.
  • Eat often and in small portions: every three hours, serve food on small plates, this will help visually deceive the brain.
  • Concentrate on sensations: if you want to eat, ask yourself whether you are really hungry, or if this is an attempt to take time, get rid of thoughts and emotions.
  • Consume more fresh, plant-based foods without sauces and additives - such a diet will not provoke the desire to eat more food.

How to eliminate the feeling of hunger that occurs uncontrollably and constantly:

  • Firstly, it’s constant employment: doing something exciting and interesting to you will help you think less about food.
  • Secondly, this is physical activity: dancing, swimming and jogging help especially well. At the same time, emotional hunger will decrease along with the energy you devote to the activity.

Yoga has an extremely positive effect on the anxious state of constant hunger. It affects not only physical health and body strength, but also good spirits, mood, and inner peace. Yoga classes will help you focus on your sensations and distinguish their nature, calm anxiety and irritability, and satisfy hunger without food.

Diets are a separate aspect of a possible increase in appetite. During the diet, you need to maintain the required level of nutrients and vitamins that are responsible for healthy metabolism. You need to eat more fruits, fresh vegetables, indulge in cereals and first courses, and approach your nutrition schedule responsibly. How to satisfy your hunger when losing weight without harming the process:

  • Fresh fruits. They are rich in glucose, which is responsible for the feeling of fullness and the production of the “joy hormone” - serotonin, which can compensate for the lack of sweets.
  • Green tea helps satisfy hunger during a diet; it promotes weight loss and the removal of toxins. If you feel hungry between scheduled meals, drink tea, water or rosehip decoction, this cleanses the body.

What causes the constant feeling of hunger?

As a rule, hunger pains are associated with gastrointestinal diseases, such as ulcers, diabetes, hyperthyroidism or gastritis. As a rule, this pain can be different in nature, but it always begins 3-4 hours after eating. But there are also cases when a person’s appetite awakens immediately after he eats.

In addition, the reasons for feeling hungry are the following:

  • hormonal changes;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excessive release of hydrochloric acid;
  • penetration of toxic substances into internal organs;
  • irregular meals;
  • mental stress;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • decreased blood glucose;
  • frequent stress.

Another cause of hunger pain is improper and irregular nutrition. Very often, teenagers suffer from this symptom because they do not have enough time for proper lunches and dinners; they save themselves by snacking on the go.

It is clear from the reasons that most often the feeling of hunger is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but if, according to the test results, everything is in order, then most often the reason lies in depression and stress, which the person is trying to “eat up”.

Sometimes the reason for constant hunger lies in poor diet. As many doctors say, the most important and nutritious meal of the day is breakfast.

And if he is not full, then the person will experience hunger all day. But to date this reason has not been scientifically proven.

Lack of water is another reason why a person always wants to eat. Anyone should drink at least one and a half liters of water (not any other liquid) per day in order to prevent dehydration.

Nausea and hunger at the same time

Often, in addition to the feeling of hunger, people experience another unpleasant symptom: nausea. As a rule, these painful sensations indicate the development of some kind of disease. As practice shows, these symptoms appear in the morning.

If nausea appears several hours after eating, then perhaps we are talking about poisoning.

Nausea is often a sign of diabetes, and nausea can occur not only from sweets. This may also indicate the initial stages of pregnancy.

Moreover, these two symptoms are not always connected; nausea can appear as a sign of toxicosis, and hunger due to hormones.

When a person is malnourished, he regularly experiences nausea and hunger. The reason lies in the fact that all human organs work half as hard, so the concentration of toxins in the body increases.

The circulatory system can provoke gag reflexes if you do not establish a proper nutrition system. Nausea also occurs with a lack of protein in food.

source: lp-wwb.ru

The body's normal reaction to a lack of nutrients is the appearance of a feeling of hunger. However, sometimes a person simultaneously experiences nausea on an empty stomach and a weak appetite. An abnormal condition may indicate both the presence of a disease and an incorrect lifestyle.

Feeling of hunger in the stomach after eating

The reasons for a constant feeling of hunger even after eating may be health problems, lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. The most common cause of constant hunger is a violation of the diet. Factors that may trigger the manifestation of this symptom include:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • psychological syndrome manifested depending on food;
  • constant malnutrition;
  • periods of pregnancy and menstruation in women.

A constant feeling of hunger even after eating requires examination by a gastroenterologist. The cause can be identified after a comprehensive diagnosis

Note! During pregnancy, the feeling of hunger is not pathological. But if it is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Non-medical reasons

Daily habits, environment and lifestyle of a person have a significant impact on the change in frequency of eating associated with the occurrence of hunger pangs.

Common causes of the unpleasant condition:

  • exhausting physical or mental stress;
  • depression;
  • excess weight;
  • irregular meals;
  • prolonged stress.

A pronounced feeling of hunger is often found in people who experience a depressed mood. The lack of production of a sufficient amount of endorphins forces the body to activate the hunger reflex, with the help of which a person improves his mood (by eating tasty food).

A lack of oxygen, which occurs when staying in poorly ventilated areas for a long time, can lead to feelings of hunger and nausea.

Possible causes of pain

The first thing that pain in the stomach area may indicate is gastritis, peptic ulcers or intestinal problems.

Among the reasons that provoke the localization of pain in the epigastric region (under the stomach), the following stand out:

  • impaired gastric motility;
  • excess production of hydrochloric acid;
  • irritated state of sensitive receptors caused by increased acidity;
  • , appearing against the background of the development of gastritis, stomach or duodenal ulcers;
  • the pathogenic effect on the gastric mucosa of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which can survive in the acidic environment of the stomach and provoke the development of peptic ulcers;
  • abuse of fatty, fried, spicy foods;
  • violation of the diet, accompanied by rare snacks and causing dysfunction of the digestive system;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • stressful situation, anxiety.

In addition to the listed causes of pain, discomfort can be caused by uncontrolled use of medications that negatively affect the state of the digestive system, as well as addiction to smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Possible diseases

  • Gastritis. Increased acidity of the stomach negatively affects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which is inflamed due to the constant influence of an aggressive environment. Attacks of nausea are often diagnosed on an empty stomach; in addition, a person feels heaviness in the stomach, bloating and moderate pain.
  • Ulcer. Untimely treatment of gastritis leads to the appearance of ulcerative erosions that disrupt the proper process of food digestion. With an ulcer, a state of false hunger often occurs, including immediately after eating food.
  • Pancreatitis. The pancreas produces enzymes that promote proper digestion of food. The reduced release of secretory juice stimulates insufficient absorption of food contents - as a result, a person has to consume more food to feel full. Acute pancreatitis is life-threatening, so you need to run as fast as you can to the hospital or even call an ambulance if symptoms of this disease are present.
  • Diabetes. Problems with the breakdown of glucose cause a pathological feeling of hunger, regardless of the amount of food consumed. The unpleasant condition goes away only after the insulin balance is restored, which occurs after eliminating sugar-containing foods and taking certain medications.
  • Cholecystitis. The disease provokes a violation of the outflow of bile, which accumulates in the body and leads to intoxication. Having recognized a dangerous situation, the body tries to prevent large amounts of food from entering by causing nausea and sometimes even vomiting. The symptom of the disease is severe pain in the right hypochondrium.
  • Alcoholic hepatitis. Uncontrolled consumption of alcohol-containing drinks leads to the appearance of an inflammatory process in the liver tissues. Patients often eat little: they get most of their nutrients from alcohol. On days without drinking strong drinks, attacks of hunger and nausea at the same time are possible. Vomiting is diagnosed as the patient's condition worsens. Advanced hepatitis gradually develops into jaundice and provokes a deterioration in appetite, up to its complete loss.
  • Bulimia. A serious psycho-emotional disorder is accompanied by uncontrolled food intake, weakness, and chills. After attacks of “bull hunger,” people suffering from the disease artificially induce vomiting and get rid of incompletely digested food. The disrupted process of intake and absorption of nutrients is accompanied by the appearance of new disorders of the nervous system.
  • Parasitic diseases. The areas where parasites attach are removed, and foreign organisms throw out toxic waste products - and a person’s feeling of hunger is aggravated by vomiting. A characteristic symptom of the presence of helminthic infestation is rapid weight loss over a short period of time.


Olga, 22 years old

I'll share my experience. I felt hungry after eating for a long time for various reasons, I ate all the difficulties, it was upsetting to the point of tears, and I began to grow in breadth. Then a good friend recommended yoga - I tried it out of nothing to do and was simply shocked! Not only did I no longer feel constant hunger, but I also lost weight and toned up my abs. I do it all the time and recommend it to everyone - it clears the mind perfectly.

Marina, 43 years old

I have a child, a teenager, who suffers from anorexia. It’s impossible to force her to eat, she says she’s losing weight. As a result, the walls of her stomach have shrunk so much that she cannot eat more than half an apple at a time. She had one emotional trauma, after which she began to “lose weight,” and now we are working on this with a psychologist.

Katya, 38 years old

Because of constant stress (working with people is like that), I often eat a lot, but I don’t get fat. True, this leads to heaviness in the stomach and restless sleep. I don’t see the need to treat this problem in a hospital; I think you just need to have the willpower and go to the gym. Less free time means fewer problems.

Nausea in the morning on an empty stomach

The connection between an uncomfortable feeling and some ailments has been established, but can a person feel sick from hunger in the morning? After waking up, a weak feeling of hunger is typical, which is the norm - after breakfast the discomfort goes away.

Another thing is a severe attack, aggravated by nausea. An unpleasant condition occurs due to excessive reflux of bile into food, which occurs during a very heavy dinner (especially one consisting of spicy or fatty foods).

You can quickly remove bile by drinking warm water with the addition of lemon or sour juice.

Fasting, diets and appetite

A sharp correction of nutrition - a rapid transition to less high-calorie foods or even abandoning it altogether requires the body to reconfigure. Severe hunger is present in the first three days, and later the human brain accepts the new norm of nutrition and gets rid of the feeling of hunger. Nausea during a period of conscious dietary restriction is rarely observed, but is most often diagnosed after breaking a fast or diet. Eating spicy or fatty foods can soon complement the feeling of hunger with the appearance of a gag reflex.

Mechanism of formation and algorithm for assessing hunger

The signal that it is time to eat is given to us by the brain, or rather by the food center located in the hypothalamus.
The receptors located there determine that the glucose level in the blood has decreased and send a signal that it needs to be restored. Actually, this is the feeling of hunger, which is a normal physiological reaction. After eating, a person feels full, the formation mechanism of which consists of three stages:

  • Primary satiety occurs almost immediately, at the beginning of the meal. The amylase enzyme contained in saliva breaks down simple carbohydrates, which are absorbed in small quantities immediately in the oral cavity. This leads to an increase in glucose levels, partially reducing the activity of the hypothalamic center.
  • Secondary saturation is associated with irritation of mechanical receptors, which occurs when the walls of the stomach are filled and stretched. A nerve impulse from the stomach sends a signal to the brain, which we perceive as a feeling of fullness or overcrowding.
  • Tertiary saturation occurs after carbohydrates entering the stomach are broken down and absorbed into the blood. As a result, the glycemic level increases, completely eliminating the activity of the hypothalamic center. Only now does a person feel complete saturation.

The process of enzymatic breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates in the stomach takes 15-20 minutes, so the feeling of fullness will not come earlier, regardless of the volume and nutritional value of the food.

You should not pay attention to the feeling of hunger in the stomach after eating, the reasons for which are explained by the speed of physiological processes in the body. Saturation that occurs 20 minutes after the start of a meal is the norm, and this situation does not require correction.

Nausea during pregnancy

The process of bearing a child involves significant hormonal changes in the body. The situation is aggravated by the need to increase the amount of food consumed, so if food is insufficient in calories, a feeling of hunger may occur.

However, excess in food consumption is also destructive: uncontrolled weight gain is equally dangerous for both the mother and the fetus. After the onset of toxicosis, the need for food may transform and become enriched with attacks of nausea. Pregnant women should adhere to a healthy diet - take fruits, vegetables and vitamin complexes. Iron, magnesium, calcium, iron are the main elements, due to the deficiency of which pregnant women feel sick and bloated from hunger, as well as the debilitating appearance of increased salivation.

A pronounced feeling of hunger occurs mainly in the first half of pregnancy. After the body adapts to toxicosis, the discomfort should go away.

The difference between false hunger and real hunger

Often, people suffering from increased body weight may receive advice from their doctor to eat only when they feel really hungry. Few will explain how a false one differs from a real one.

Let's try to identify the signs of real hunger:

  1. It comes to a person after a certain period of time, usually 4-6 hours after, for example, breakfast.
  2. It never arises suddenly and abruptly. Irritating factors in the form of delicious smells are not a sign of real hunger.
  3. There is a certain feeling of hunger in the stomach, rumbling may occur, etc.
  4. Satisfying real hunger brings a person moral satisfaction and a feeling of satiety.

Signs of false hunger:

  1. It can occur at any time, even if you have just eaten.
  2. Occurs under the influence of external irritating factors - delicious smells, beautiful pictures of food.
  3. The need for food when upset or stressed.
  4. The desire to occupy yourself with food while watching a movie or doing monotonous work.

It is very important for every person to learn to identify psychological hunger in order to learn how to deal with it correctly.

Prevention: correction of nutrition and drinking

It is considered beneficial to enrich the diet with foods with so-called long-term (slow) carbohydrates - bread, porridge (except semolina), cereals, mushrooms, rice, pasta and some vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage, bell peppers, zucchini). The content of healthy fiber allows you to saturate the body with nutrients for a long time. The feeling of hunger disappears, and the safe composition prevents nausea.


  1. increase the consumption of pure water (without additives);
  2. refuse to eat after 20 hours;
  3. sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  4. exclude carbonated drinks and fast food.

To prevent severe hunger at work or school, you should take nutritious snacks - nuts, dried fruits, bananas. If you are away for a long time, you can take stewed vegetables with a side dish and steamed or boiled meat. A similar diet can be ordered when visiting the canteen. Low-fat cottage cheese and eggs cope well with hunger.

You can increase the absorption of foods by chewing food thoroughly - from 30 to 70 times for each piece of food. Well-chewed food, actively moistened with saliva, is well digested by the stomach.

How to kill hunger

This question occupies both people trying to lose weight and those simply adhering to a healthy diet. A chronic struggle with the desire to snack can seriously disrupt psychological comfort, leading to psychoneurotic disorders. If a person decides to follow his appetite, this is fraught with the accumulation of extra pounds, metabolic disorders and obesity.

Before you can suppress the feeling of hunger, you need to make sure that your diet is organized correctly. To do this, you must follow the following rules:

  • No strict diets. Once found in conditions of severe energy deficiency, it is very difficult for the body to readjust itself, and it tries with all its might to make reserves for future use. If you want to lose weight, you should not reduce your caloric intake by more than 15%.
  • Compliance with drinking regime. Make sure that the volume of liquid you drink is at least 1.5 liters per day, since the need for water is often perceived as hunger.
  • Balanced diet. The lack of one nutrient leads to the fact that the brain systematically sends impulses about its insufficient supply. As a result, a persistent dominant food activity is formed. The daily menu should contain all vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as nutrients.
  • Train yourself to eat at the same time - gradually the production of digestive juices and the appearance of appetite will also adapt to this biorhythm, and you will not want to eat at unusual times.
  • Stop overeating. It has been said many times that you need to get up from the table with a feeling of slight hunger. If you find it difficult to stop, time your meals. The duration of the meal should be at least 20 minutes, while eating slowly.


Mezim forte

The feeling of hunger caused by insufficient production of enzymes is compensated by taking this drug. After taking the tablets, food is digested and absorbed completely, and severe nausea from hunger disappears.

The cost of Mezim forte is 200–215 rubles (20 tablets).

Essentiale forte

The medication is prescribed to people who experience nausea and hunger associated with liver disease. Phospholipids from soybeans help restore damaged areas of the organ by enhancing the regenerative ability of the liver. After a course of the drug, the detoxification function of the liver is normalized. The product is also effective in the initial stages of fibrosis and cirrhosis.

Price tag: 2,000 rubles for 100 tablets.


Helps eliminate reflux and is used to treat peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. A course of taking Omeprazole helps prevent the development of a hypersecretory state.

The cost of purchasing the product will be 50–70 rubles (a doctor’s prescription is required).


A stomach filler, which artificially causes a feeling of fullness by stretching its walls, can relieve hunger for up to 4 hours. Products from this group are used exclusively for those who want to lose weight.

A standard of 10 capsules will cost 600–700 rubles.

A few words about gastralgia

Gastralgia in medicine is usually called pain in the stomach that has a cramping character (it grabs and lets go).
Most often, this pain is felt in the left side and sometimes begins simply with a feeling of discomfort. Pain irradiation may also be observed, that is, pain sensations may spread beyond the diseased organ or area, when pain may be felt completely different from where the diseased (affected) organ is located. For example, stomach diseases can make themselves felt by pain in the left hypochondrium (under the ribs, which are located on the left side of the chest).

Although food companies have long tried to create an effective diet to combat obesity, the results of their efforts have been relatively modest. Nerve cells in the intestine are located in the tissues of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon. Like the central nervous system, the gallbladder uses neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.

Tracking the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract is not easy. The machine, which simulates stomach activity, is the size of a large refrigerator. It contains several compartments connected to valves, carefully calibrated according to body temperature. The entire system is controlled by a computer. The front panel is glass, allowing observers to monitor the passage of food through the system.

However, pain itself is only one of the clinical manifestations, on the basis of which it is impossible to establish a diagnosis. As a rule, pain is accompanied by other symptoms that are characteristic of various disorders of the digestive process (gastrointestinal tract).

Hunger is a natural state of the body. The body experiences constant hunger - this is its natural state. But some factors influence the hunger instinct, such as the presence of food in the digestive system or the flow of nutrients into the blood. When these satiety factors disappear, the body needs food again.

In an effort to balance hunger and satiety, the gut and brain are connected by nerve signals. When food enters the stomach, the stomach expands and the enteric nervous system sends a nerve pathway to the brain. The brain is also informed when nutrients are present in the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating the release of peptides into the blood, resulting in a new message to the brain. Peptides are part of the "ileal block" mechanism. The ileum is the part of the lower gastrointestinal tract where fat enters when it is in excess to be processed by the body, which triggers the "Sit Up" message to the brain.

We should not forget that gastralgia (stomach pain) can occur for completely different reasons, which are not always associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Stomach pain can be caused by stressful situations and certain neurological diseases.

And since stomach pain can have completely different etiologies (different causes), it should be considered only in conjunction with other symptoms that appear almost simultaneously.

By adding substances, food becomes more difficult to digest. Initially, they took into account how long it takes the artificial stomach to produce olive oil in a normal state. They then added an ingredient called monoglyceride, which forms a protective coating around fatty molecules, making it difficult for stomach juices to access—and process—the fat.

This may be the presence or absence of belching; different intensity of pain; time of pain occurrence (time of day and time relative to food intake); the presence of nausea and/or vomiting; the appearance of diarrhea; the appearance of intestinal bloating and other symptoms, any of which can be very important for establishing the correct diagnosis and prescribing the necessary adequate treatment.

This caused more runaway fat to enter the small intestine, which in the human body should result in a strong signal to the brain to block the ileum, in other words, a strong feeling of fullness. Who has the last word on hunger?

Even when we are sitting, the brain is able to overcome signals from the stomach indicating that it has stopped feeding. Some of the messages that can make us eat even when we are not hungry are as follows. According to the Swiss firm, scientists now have more complete scientific knowledge and are already creating food using new technology. How to deceive an instinct that has developed over millions of years?

Traditional methods

Brine. Sauerkraut brine is a natural antiemetic that revives beneficial microflora and promotes good digestion.

Flax seeds. Reduce appetite and restore good digestion: consuming flax allows the formation of mucus, which envelops food and promotes the safe movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract. The water infusion is taken on an empty stomach (250 ml per 1 tablespoon). Flax seed flour can be consumed with kefir instead of breakfast.

Parsley. A water decoction helps eliminate the feeling of hunger and nausea. Prepared by infusing for 15 minutes. Use up to 5 times during the day.

Additional aspects of treatment

A normally functioning body sends impulses about the need to eat approximately 3–4 hours after eating; minor deviations may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the person. The stomach, as the main organ of the digestive tract, is responsible for sending impulses to the cerebral cortex.

Most often, the urge to eat during normal functioning of the digestive tract is not characterized by painful symptoms, but is expressed by suction in the stomach, which goes away immediately after eating. As soon as the required amount of food enters the stomach, filling it to standard sizes, the organ sends impulses to the cerebral cortex about satiety, and the feeling of hunger disappears.

However, the occurrence of a repeated desire to eat with painful symptoms immediately after eating or several hours later signals certain problems in the body, which may have different causes and, accordingly, consequences. This manifestation of the body is called “hunger pain” in medicine. Let's consider the reasons for their manifestation and accompanying symptoms.

In medicine, there is no such thing as a “cure for hunger pain.” Most often, a previous diagnosis of the cause of the symptom and further medical measures aimed at eliminating it are practiced.

However, before a diagnosis is made, the patient is recommended to eliminate symptoms with the help of special medications in the form of emergency therapy. Regardless of the official diagnosis, doctors recommend eliminating pain syndromes by using analgesics or painkillers that will help reduce symptoms.

The patient will feel better for a certain time after taking analgin, No-shpa or Papaverine. The use of tablets is not recommended on an empty stomach, therefore, in order not to feel hungry, you need to take a small portion of food, which consists of easily digestible ingredients and is allowed for gastritis.

Additionally, to eliminate the cause of the feeling of constant hunger, you can take medications that help stabilize the secretory functions of the stomach. For this purpose, take Rennie, Gastal or Ranitidine.

Doctors often prescribe complex treatment with antibiotics for hunger pains if it is established that their cause is the progression of pathogenic microorganisms in the patient’s gastrointestinal tract or in cases of obvious intoxication of the body. In such cases, Klacid, Clarithromycin or Amoxiclav are prescribed. It is worth noting that it is strictly forbidden to prescribe antibiotics yourself, due to their active effects and a host of side effects.

At the same time, it is recommended to take a complex of vitamins that help fill the body with the necessary microelements and nutrients for its full functioning.

In the complex therapy of hunger pain, non-traditional treatment methods are often used that have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and help stabilize their functioning. These include decoctions of St. John's wort or chamomile as the most popular herbs for treating stomach problems. Cucumber juice and flax seed decoction help a lot.

In parallel with medical prescriptions and folk remedies, doctors insist that patients follow a special therapeutic diet, without which it is practically impossible to cure problems with the digestive system. You should give preference to dishes made only from healthy and easy-to-digest ingredients, without adding spices.

Patients also note a slight decrease in pain after eating a little food. When treating gastritis or concomitant diseases, doctors recommend eating fractional small portions, however, regularly and often. This will help regulate the functioning of the digestive system and reduce the manifestation of hunger pains. In addition, giving up bad habits and a healthy lifestyle will have a beneficial effect not only on the gastrointestinal tract, but also on the patient’s well-being as a whole.


Probably, since primitive times, generous and satisfying food has been a symbol of prosperity. Unfortunately, this perception of food is not uncommon today, although everyone knows very well that eating too much food does not bring any benefit to the body.

And, unfortunately, the harm from “eaters” very often manifests itself not only in excess weight, but also in diseases of the internal organs and systems of the body, including diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; and some of these diseases make themselves felt by hunger pain, that is, gastralgia.

So the stomach, which hurts from food excesses, may well sooner or later feel hunger pain, which becomes the result of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. What to do to prevent this from happening?

Without a doubt, adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, avoid frequent consumption of unhealthy foods, give up bad habits (or better yet, not acquire them) - in a word, lead a healthy lifestyle.

But if any unpleasant and incomprehensible symptoms appear, you must immediately consult a doctor, because only high-quality diagnosis and proper treatment will help stop the disease and prevent its negative consequences. Therefore, it’s a good idea to accompany the traditional wish of “bon appetit” with another one – “and good health.”

Feeling hungry after eating: how to cope yourself

It is not uncommon to feel hungry immediately after eating, even though you have eaten enough food.

There are many reasons for this phenomenon, but you can easily deal with them yourself.

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