Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids: reviews, instructions for use

Ointment for hemorrhoids
With hemorrhoids, the hemorrhoidal plexuses increase in size, and the connective ligamentous tissue in the anal area becomes vulnerable and weakened. Therapy at the initial stage is local, local (ointments, sprays, creams) with an effect on problem areas. Proctologists often prescribe Levomekol for hemorrhoids with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effects to relieve unpleasant symptoms (pain, burning, itching) and accelerate the healing of erosive lumps.

Hemorrhoids (external, internal) require an integrated approach to treatment. External preparations with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects are good for healing wounds and cracks, especially during exacerbations and chronic disease.

Levomekol for hemorrhoids is an ambulance if you need to quickly eliminate the unpleasant signs of varicose hemorrhoids, for example, after a heavy meal, alcohol abuse, against the background of prolonged constipation, or a sedentary lifestyle.

Ointment is an affordable, inexpensive product. Possessing antibacterial properties, it suppresses protein biosynthesis in bacterial cells and is prescribed for the inflammatory course of hemorrhoids - a consequence of the spread of pathogenic microflora in the intestines.

Indications for use:

  • purulent-inflammatory course of the anal area caused by microorganisms (Escherichia coli, clostridia, streptococci, rickettsia, spirochetes, chlamydia);
  • rectal bleeding to suppress microorganisms that have penetrated deep into the tissues;
  • infection of hemorrhoidal cones if the infection penetrates into open wounds on the skin or through the blood through the hematogenous route.

Reference! The active particles in the medication do not enter the bloodstream and do not cause toxicosis in patients. The advantage is local healing properties for problem areas. It can be used in long courses.

Antibacterial action

The anorectal area itches.
The bactericidal properties of levomekol are of great importance in case of complications of pathology, infection of the venous plexuses.

It happens that the infection penetrates from the outside or from the intestines when feces come out into damaged cracks in the anus (hemorrhoids). The pathology begins to develop with a purulent course, affecting the surrounding tissue. For hemorrhoids, Levomekol ointment, thanks to Levomycetin, quickly relieves inflammation, begins to suppress the activity of infectious agents, without having a toxic effect on the body. Levomycetin begins to stimulate local immunity and is not addictive.

Methyluracil, the second active component in the composition, begins to fight microorganisms, actively connecting its own body to suppress infection. It is Methyluracil that has several properties on the affected tissues: wound healing, analgesic, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory. It also regulates nucleic acid metabolism and accelerates tissue regeneration processes.

Drug analogues

What is meant by the word analog? A drug that has a similar effect on the body, but differs in composition. If the pharmacy chain offers Levomethyl, Netran or Levosin as an analogue, then these are not analogues, but synonyms for the drug. They are similar in composition, but differ in price and manufacturer.

Analogues are drugs that differ in composition, but have a similar effect on the body. If treatment of hemorrhoids with Levomekol cannot be carried out due to contraindications or side effects, then the doctor may prescribe:

  • Streptonitol;
  • Alantan Plus;
  • Bepaten;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Fastin 1;
  • Protegentin;
  • Contractubex;
  • Ichthyol ointment.

After selecting an effective analogue, the proctologist explains to the patient how to treat hemorrhoids using the chosen remedy.

Independent selection of analogues is unacceptable. An incorrectly selected drug, instead of alleviating the symptoms that have arisen, can aggravate the course of the disease.

Healing effect

Methyluracil as the active component of levomekol:

  • enhances protein production in the walls of the rectum and mucosal cells;
  • heals wounds and cracks;
  • removes bacterial flora;
  • prevents the progression of inflammation.

The healing effect of using Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids is that active Methyluracil removes bacterial microflora from wounds and cracks outward, begins to regenerate affected tissue, and accelerates the healing process.

Adsorbent action

Levomekol reduces intoxication on lesions (inflamed bleeding nodes) susceptible to infection.

Drug with absorbent properties:

  • cleans wounds from necrotic masses;
  • removes decay products from hemorrhoidal cones caused by inflammation;
  • suppresses pathogenic microflora;
  • prevents complications from hemorrhoids;
  • cleanses, adsorbs the walls of the blood plexuses, cells of the rectal mucosa.


Be careful
Levomekol is considered a harmless ointment and does not lead to side effects, therefore it has a wide range of applications. It rarely leads to undesirable consequences. Usually due to thoughtless use in long courses or with increased dosages.

The drug is not suitable for use by people with allergies, causing unpleasant reactions on the skin (urticaria). Overly sensitive patients should carry out a test (allergy test) by applying a little product to the surface of the elbow from the inside. If hyperemia does not appear after 2-3 hours, then the drug is suitable for use. Otherwise, it is better to choose another, more gentle analogue together with your doctor.

Levomekol contains chloramphenicol, which can provoke the manifestation of leukocytopenia, erythrocytopenia, and dysbacteriosis due to its strong antimicrobial effect.

The ointment is not prescribed or has restrictions for the following contraindications:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance;
  • advanced stage 3-4 hemorrhoids;
  • mycotic skin diseases caused by fungi;
  • psoriasis.

Reference! The medication actively suppresses pathogenic microflora, so with internal bumps on the rectum it can provoke dysbacteriosis (diarrhea).

Mode of application

First of all, you need to carry out a number of preparatory procedures:

  • rinse the affected area of ​​the anus with cool water and gently wipe with a towel;
  • apply a little mixture to a clean gauze bandage and apply to the bleeding bumps;
  • secure with adhesive tape.

It is advisable to carry out the procedures before bedtime. The course of therapy is 10-12 days. This time is quite enough to relieve exacerbation even with chronic hemorrhoids and improve the well-being of patients.

Of course, the disease requires complex therapy and it is impossible to cure using Levomekol alone, even for a long time. If necessary, you should consult a specialist.

The ointment perfectly suppresses pathogenic microflora, heals cracks and wounds in the anus. This is an important advantage of the drug in contrast to other oral analogues. However, dosages and duration of application of levomekol for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, especially, should not be neglected.

What does Levomekol consist of and what effect does it have?

Levomekol includes the following active components:

Effect of the drug

  1. Levomycetin (strongest antibiotic) to suppress pathogenic microflora. Unlike tablets, it does not lead to toxicosis in patients, quickly suppresses inflammation, disrupts protein synthesis of pathogenic microbes, eliminates burning, pain, swelling, itching.
  2. Methyluracil with regenerating properties eliminates signs of burning, pain, swelling, and itching in the anus.
  3. Methyluracil regenerates tissues with deep penetration, restores the structure of affected areas, enhances protein production in the intestinal walls, relieves inflammation during exacerbation of the disease, activates the synthesis of new cells, and begins to stimulate the body's defenses when weakened in the fight against microbes.
  4. Ethylene glycol relieves swelling and inflammation. Begins to restore affected tissues, reducing the likelihood of secondary infection. It has a dehydrating, drying effect, which is important for the weeping form of the disease.

All components included in levomekol complement each other’s action in tandem. The result is complete suppression of pathogenic microflora, healing of wounds and cracks.

The note! Levomekol heals nodes (bleeding wounds) well and eliminates the risks of complications. Penetrates deep into tissues without damaging cell membranes. The drug has an anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect on the affected areas, suppressing the activity of bacteria. This is an excellent immunomodulator because it enhances the production of interferon (protein) in the body, breaks down purulent accumulations, and removes dead epithelial cells.

Levomekol ointment is widely used in the treatment of burns, wounds, and cracks. Recognized as a universal remedy, it successfully treats even the chronic (advanced) form of venous expansion, heals post-traumatic bruises and post-operative sutures:

  1. Levomycetin disrupts the production of protein in many microorganisms (Escherichia coli, streptococci, staphylococci), relieves inflammation, and regenerates tissue.
  2. Ethylene glycol - removes dead cells and necrotic areas, leading to the outside.
  3. Methyluracil is an excellent immunomodulator with a mild effect, has wound-healing and regenerative properties, and normalizes the levels of leukocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid.

Indications for use

The appropriate treatment plan must be agreed with your doctor, so self-medication in this case will be risky. To treat hemorrhoids with Levomekol, the following rules must be observed.

Scheme for using Levomekol for the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  1. Wash the perineum and anus area thoroughly and dry with a towel.
  2. Apply a small amount of ointment to clean sterile gauze and distribute it evenly over the surface.
  3. Apply a compress to the affected area, make an oilcloth cover on top to prevent the product from leaking.
  4. To treat anal fissures, you can use a cotton swab soaked in Levomekol. It is injected deep into the rectum also before bedtime.
  5. It is best to use Levomekol for hemorrhoids before bedtime to eliminate the inconvenience associated with wearing such a compress.

The approximate course of treatment for hemorrhoids is 10 days. You cannot use it for longer, because the antibiotic in the composition can seriously disrupt the intestinal microflora if taken for a long time. In addition, if after the course there is no noticeable improvement, you may need to use another remedy.

The ointment can be purchased in pharmacies in aluminum tubes of 40 mg or in glass jars containing 100 or 1000 grams of the drug.

Levomekol in the treatment of hemorrhoids is used to reduce inflammation of the hemorrhoids. The ointment accelerates the healing of cracks, promotes tissue regeneration and prevents the transition of the acute phase of the disease to the chronic one. The high effectiveness of the ointment in the treatment of hemorrhoids is explained by the multicomponent composition of the medication.

  • Chloramphenicol, or chloramphenicol. This component is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, that is, it exhibits its activity against most pathogenic bacteria. Levomycetin, when ingested, disrupts the production of protein in pathogenic microcultures, which causes their death. The antimicrobial effect of levomekol ointment, used for hemorrhoids, develops quite quickly, and there is no toxic effect of the antibiotic on the entire body, since when used topically it acts only in the area of ​​application. Pathogenic microorganisms do not adapt to the action of chloramphenicol, so even long-term use of the drug demonstrates a pronounced therapeutic effect.
  • Methyluracil. In addition to its antibacterial effect, Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids stimulates local immunity. The second active ingredient, methyluracil, helps strengthen the defenses. The medicinal substance has an immunostimulating, regenerating, anti-edematous effect. Methyluracil, when applied topically, activates the production of its own interferon, which has an antiviral effect. In addition, methyluracil improves protein production in the rectal mucosa and in the walls of hemorrhoidal veins, which accelerates the production of new cells and, accordingly, promotes tissue repair. The regenerating effect of the ointment is enhanced by reducing swelling.
  • Ethylene glycol (glycol). Dihydric purified alcohol in the form of an oily liquid. The ointment is included in the very minimum amount in order to remove necrotic masses from the source of inflammation. Levomekol, in the treatment of hemorrhoids, uses ethylene glycol to help clean plaque-covered cracks in the mucosa and hemorrhoids. In turn, this effect accelerates healing and prevents the occurrence of unwanted complications.
  • Polyethylene oxide. It has a dehydrating effect, that is, it dries out inflamed tissues. Therefore, the use of levomekol for hemorrhoids is especially necessary if the disease is accompanied by weeping of the mucous membranes.

All components of Levomekol hemorrhoid ointment complement each other’s therapeutic effect, so this medicine helps to cope with the main manifestations of the disease. The use of the drug helps eliminate pain and burning, restores the normal structure of hemorrhoidal vessels, and prevents infection.

For hemorrhoids, Levomekol is especially effective if you start using this drug at an early stage of the development of the pathology. The drug is also prescribed for exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease; its use promotes the resorption of cones and heals anal fissures.

Numerous positive reviews confirm the effectiveness of treating hemorrhoids using procedures based on applying Levomekol ointment to the inflamed areas.

Instructions for use indicate that Levomekol is optimally suited for healing wounds with purulent discharge and infected with mixed pathogenic microflora. A medication is prescribed to eliminate the inflammatory process and to cleanse the source of infection from necrotic masses and microbes.

This is a combined remedy that has a number of healing effects. But despite all the advantages, the ointment has its contraindications and can cause unpleasant side effects.

In view of this, it is necessary to be able to apply it correctly.

Levomekol for hemorrhoids is prescribed for the development of inflammation in the tissues of hemorrhoidal cones. The positive result of therapy is due to:

  1. Antibacterial effect. Often, against the background of exacerbation of the pathology, a secondary bacterial infection occurs, which significantly complicates the course of the pathology. Thanks to the antimicrobial component included in the ointment, it is possible to prevent the penetration and further proliferation of pathogenic microflora in the tissues of pathological nodes.
  2. Healing effect. Levomekol ointment contains methyluracil, which enhances protein synthesis in the tissues of the mucous membranes of the rectum and the walls of its vessels. Thanks to this, the healing process of perianal wounds and cracks occurs much faster.
  3. Adsorbent properties. Under the influence of this drug, cracks and wounds are cleansed from decay products that arise during the inflammatory process.
  4. Anti-inflammatory effect. Levomekol helps to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process that has developed in the tissues of hemorrhoids. The components of the ointment eliminate swelling and discomfort in the anus - symptoms that significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life.
  5. Dehydrating effect. Levomekol is used for hemorrhoids and as a drying agent. Exacerbation of the pathology in some patients is accompanied by the formation of weeping areas. The drug contains polyethylene oxide, which dries them, thereby preventing the development of infectious processes.

All of the above-described properties of the ointment make it possible to use it against hemorrhoids not only during its acute course, but also when the pathological process becomes chronic with the occurrence of accompanying complications.

Composition of the drug

The therapeutic effect of using Levomekol during the treatment of hemorrhoids is achieved due to the content in it:

  • chloramphenicol - a substance that has a powerful antimicrobial effect;
  • methyluracil, which increases local immunity and accelerates the wound healing process;
  • ethylene glycol, which helps remove necrotic cells;
  • polyethylene oxide, which has a drying effect.

How can you identify internal hemorrhoids?

Thanks to this combination of active and auxiliary components, Levomekol ointment has a complex therapeutic effect, which is successfully used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

The use of Levomekol ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids is considered necessary in the development of inflammatory processes in the tissues of pathological anal nodes. Pain, swelling, discomfort - all these symptoms can be eliminated through the use of this medicine. It would also be advisable to apply the drug to the weeping areas of the perianal opening, which often occur with hemorrhoids.

But it should be remembered that Levomekol cannot be used to treat anal varicose veins as an independent remedy. The ointment will not help to completely cure the pathology - it is only one of the components of the symptomatic treatment regimen.

Before starting treatment, it is important to make sure that there is no individual intolerance to the drug. Especially if it is used for the first time. You can do an allergy test at home.

To do this, treat the skin of the inside of the wrist or elbow with a small amount of ointment. After a quarter of an hour, it is necessary to evaluate the test results. If there is no redness or swelling in the lubricated area, it means that there is no allergy to Levomekol, and it can be used for its intended purpose.

Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids must be used strictly according to the instructions. In order to achieve the maximum effect from therapy, you should rely on the following rules:

  1. The drug should be applied before going to bed. The immobile position of the patient prevents the applied product from abrading on clothing.
  2. Before smearing hemorrhoids, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the perianal area. It is better to use clean, cool water for washing. After completing the hygiene procedure, the anal area should be lightly blotted with a soft napkin or towel.
  3. The course of therapy can vary from 7 to 10 days. During this time, it is possible to transfer the pathological process into a phase of long-term remission.

The method of using Levomekol involves applying it to a cotton napkin, which is then applied to hemorrhoids. You can lubricate the nodes themselves with ointment. The product must be applied in a thin layer, spreading over the entire surface of the problem area of ​​the skin. This procedure is recommended to be carried out 2 times a day.

External use of Levomekol and other topical preparations - gels, creams, ointments - gives the most positive results if they are combined with each other. For internal hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use rectal suppositories along with them.

Ointments and suppositories with shark oil for hemorrhoids

Pregnant women can treat hemorrhoids with Levomekol, but only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Ointment during pregnancy can be used exclusively for external use. Making tampons for rectal administration is prohibited. The same applies to women who are breastfeeding. The principle of treatment procedures is identical to that previously described.

Negative effects of Levomekol ointment

Doctor's recommendations
The medication acts locally on the affected areas of the anus, so it does not have an impressive list of side effects. The cause of the negative effect can only be an allergy with increased itching, rash, and hyperemia of the skin.

Levomycetin (a powerful antibiotic) can cause allergies and hives. If a negative reaction occurs, patients are advised to interrupt the course of treatment with Levomokol and consult a doctor.

Despite the fact that the drug is over-the-counter, it is not advisable to use it without reason:

  • women during pregnancy, breastfeeding due to the content of an antibiotic that can cause changes in the composition of the blood, a decrease in the ratio of red (white) cells (in%);
  • patients with fungal infection and psoriasis, since the use of ointment can provoke dysbiosis while providing an antimicrobial effect on the intestinal microflora

You should use the local drug with extreme caution if you have an individual intolerance to certain components.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is a safe drug, the use of which does not cause any serious side effects.

Considering that the ingredients of the ointment are active substances, a list of patient groups has been determined for whom it is not recommended to use Levomekol for hemorrhoids.

Among them:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • persons suffering from psoriasis or fungal disease;
  • patients with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Negative effects, if present, occur only with long-term use.

With prolonged use of the ointment, for example, when treating advanced hemorrhoids, the following side effects may occur:

Related articles:

  • Panthenol for hemorrhoids: action and application, analogues, price
  • Nitroglycerin ointment: action and method of application, analogues
  • Sinaflan for hemorrhoids: action and use, contraindications
  • Anti-hemorrhoid tablets: action and use, contraindications
  • Detralex and alcohol - compatibility and consequences, application
  • allergic reactions;
  • changes in blood composition (decreased concentration of red blood cells, leukocytes);
  • dysbiosis.

But this should be taken into account when drawing up a treatment regimen by the attending physician. And following his recommendations will help avoid consequences.

To check for an allergic reaction to the components of the drug, you can perform a simple test.

A small amount of ointment is applied to the skin of the inside of the elbow, and if no allergy symptoms (itching, rash or redness) are observed within 20-25 minutes, we can talk about the safety of the product for a particular patient.

How to use Levomekol for hemorrhoids

To obtain a high therapeutic result, you need to use the ointment correctly:

Methods of application

  • apply locally to areas of the anal area at night, during the period of activation of the parasympathetic nervous system to accelerate absorption and achieve quick results;
  • wash the anus area with warm water, dip it in a towel;
  • cover with a cotton napkin after applying the composition;
  • fix on top with adhesive tape.

If you are worried about worsening hemorrhoids, then you should also apply the composition to a cotton cloth, distributing it evenly. Next, apply it to the affected areas. It is not recommended to apply directly to hemorrhoids.

During therapy, it is worth limiting sudden movements, so it is better to treat the affected areas before bed so that the composition is completely absorbed and has a better therapeutic effect.

The duration of the course is determined by the doctor. On average - 10-12 days. After the break, an extension is possible.

If the bumps that protrude outward are susceptible to inflammation, and the disease progresses, then it is worth lubricating a napkin with levomekol and applying it to the affected areas. As a rule, simply applying it on top of the hemorrhoids does not bring the desired result. A significant part can be erased upon contact with clothing.

Levomekol for hemorrhoids reduces the likelihood of relapses and has antibacterial properties on the affected areas. Of course, in case of progressive pathology, it is impossible to use ointment as the basis of treatment. It is unlikely that it is possible to completely recover from the disease with such monotherapy. If hemorrhoids are internal, then it is permissible to insert gauze swabs into the rectal cavity. It needs to be treated once a day until the purulent contents are removed and the wounds are healed.

Instructions for use

For hemorrhoids, Levomekol ointment is used carefully, following certain rules. This drug is intended for external use. There are several options for applying this product to the affected areas (not only hemorrhoids and fissures).

  1. Apply a thin layer to the damaged area of ​​skin once or twice a day until complete recovery. The maximum course is one week. The area is covered with a sterile bandage.
  2. Tampons soaked in Levomekol are applied to deep wounds. The ointment is preheated. The surface is then fixed with a bandage or bandage. They change it depending on the filling with purulent masses.
  3. The ointment is injected into narrow but deep wounds using a syringe, then fixed on top with a bandage.
  4. For skin damage of bacterial etiology, cotton strands are soaked in ointment and applied to the surface.

For hemorrhoids, the instructions for Levomekol ointment do not say how to apply the product. But there are general recommendations for procedures for this disease. First, the anal area must be thoroughly cleaned with warm water and the skin dried with a soft towel. Apply the composition to hemorrhoids before bedtime. The anal area is covered with a clean cloth and secured with thick panties. The course of treatment is ten days. During this period, the disease goes into remission, the patient's condition noticeably improves, even if hemorrhoids are chronic.

Longer use of Levomekol is possible only after consultation with a doctor. Many experts advise using the ointment in combination with other drugs, gels, and creams.

When used correctly, Levomekol does not penetrate the systemic bloodstream, acting only locally. The active substances in the ointment provide the desired therapeutic effect in the fight against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and staphylococci. The product also has an anti-catabolic, anabolic effect, regenerates damaged tissue, improves immunity, reduces swelling and inflammation.

Analogues of the drug

If for some reason the ointment is not suitable, then it is possible to prescribe other analogues with a minimum number of contraindications:

Hemorrhoid creams

  • Levosin with antimicrobial properties to prevent purulent formations in microcracks;
  • Ichthyol (antiseptic), which relieves inflammation in the case of a bacterial purulent infection attached to the underlying disease;
  • Heparin is an anticoagulant with pronounced antithrombotic properties to eliminate pain and burning if hemorrhoids progress;
  • Relief (shark liver extract) has an anti-inflammatory (healing) effect, stops bleeding, and relieves unpleasant symptoms of chronic disease.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say which ointment for hemorrhoids is the most effective and inexpensive. To completely cure a rectal disease, you need to consult a proctologist and not resort to self-medication in order to avoid irreparable consequences.

Levomekol with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, regenerating properties is a combined remedy. It has earned recognition among the people because it is inexpensive and effective. It perfectly heals wounds and cracks, removes pathogenic microflora, has a stable antibacterial and bactericidal effect, heals damaged tissues, cleanses the wound surface of necrosis, restores the rectal mucosa, and eliminates unpleasant signs of the disease. This is a quick remedy for relieving inflammation in a progressive disease, because... begins to actively heal hemorrhoids and anal cones, remove necrotic masses out, accelerate regeneration and healing processes.


According to numerous reviews, Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids helps, but it is also considered universal. This means that the product has a wide spectrum of action. The ointment has an antibacterial, regenerating, anti-inflammatory effect. It is prescribed for injuries to the skin, disorders of mucous surfaces, which are accompanied by purulent-inflammatory processes. So, it is recommended in the following cases:

  • for hemorrhoids;
  • ulcers, purulent wounds on the skin;
  • for healing sutures after operations;
  • second and third degree burns;
  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • necrosis, bedsores, diaper rash;
  • eczema;
  • to eliminate itching, burning, dry skin.

The ointment is quickly absorbed, providing the desired therapeutic effect.

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