Dill water for newborns: instructions for use, composition, how to make at home

Causes and symptoms of colic

Newborn colic is a very common phenomenon, occurring in almost all infants.

  • The first reason is excessive formation of gases in the intestines due to its insufficient development (when the child’s intestines “mature”, the colic problem, as a rule, goes away). Intestinal colic causes great discomfort in the baby. And since the child cannot explain in words that something is bothering him, he makes his condition known by crying and screaming, waking up at night and waking up his parents. Flatulence in children is a problem that deserves great attention. After all, the most important thing for any family is the health of the child. Among many mothers, there is an opinion that in the first six months of life, nothing other than mother’s milk should enter the body of a newborn baby. This is one of the causes of colic.
  • The second reason - remember that excessive formation of gases in the child’s body occurs due to the fact that the nursing mother eats too much sweets or fruits. Therefore, it is important to monitor your own diet and if a child develops colic, you should reduce or completely eliminate the consumption of certain foods.
  • The third reason is improper attachment to the breast when the baby swallows air.

It is also important to place your baby on his tummy before feeding. Of course, these measures will not completely solve the problem of colic, but they will help alleviate the severity of attacks and the passage of gas. For those parents who hold less radical views on feeding and treating newborn children, we can recommend “Dill Water” baby tea to prevent intestinal colic. Complete instructions for using dill water for newborns.

Cooking at home

If the pharmacy doesn’t have the drug you need or you want to save money, you can make dill water with your own hands.

How to prepare dill water at home:

  1. Place 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds into the pan.
  2. Add purified boiled water.
  3. Place the dishes on the fire and bring to a boil. Leave on the stove for 2 – 3 minutes.
  4. Remove the broth from the heat, cover with a lid. Leave to steep until completely cool.
  5. Strain the infusion.

Fennel seeds give the best effect, but simple dill is easier to get. The main thing to remember is that you cannot use medicine that was prepared yesterday.

To make dill water from dill seeds, use the following recipe:

  1. Place 1 teaspoon of dill seeds in a cup.
  2. Bring clean water to boiling water.
  3. Pour water over dill seeds.
  4. Leave the broth to steep for one hour.
  5. Strain the finished mixture thoroughly and cool.

Homemade dill decoction is taken in the same way as the pharmaceutical drug. The carminative can be diluted with breast milk or an adapted formula.

Dill water Health

Dill water is a remedy that has been known for many decades, and perhaps longer. However, we are not talking about ordinary dill, which everyone is used to seeing in everyday food, but about the pharmacy variety, which is called fennel. Therefore, the drink is also called “fennel tea”. But dill is a word that is more understandable and familiar to the ear of the common man, which is why the drug is called “Health Dill Water.” Fennel fruits contain essential oil (which includes anethole, fenchol, pinene, methyl chavicol), fatty oil, flavonoids and other biologically active substances

Pharmacy dill water for colic babies is completely harmless, not to mention its beneficial properties. Children's herbal tea “Dill Water Health” is a completely natural product, it contains fennel fruits. So, mothers who rely solely on the beneficial properties of breastfeeding or those who simply do not accept any chemical interventions in the body can also safely use “Dill Water” to combat colic in their child. Dill water for colic is a natural aid for a child’s body.

The benefits of dill water

The composition of dill water includes many useful substances.

Among them:

  • muscle toning esters;
  • anethole, which has carminative properties;
  • carotene, which serves as a natural antioxidant;
  • vitamins of group B, E, K, C, A, PP;
  • iron, which provides tissues and organs with oxygen;
  • manganese, which increases immunity, improves the functioning of the nervous system, and also has antioxidant properties;
  • copper, which regulates the functioning of major organs;
  • zinc, which normalizes digestive processes, regulates the functions of the central nervous system and gonads;
  • sodium, which normalizes the acid-base balance, strengthens blood vessels, improves heart function;
  • phosphorus, which stabilizes kidney function and metabolism, strengthens teeth, nails, and bones.

The beneficial properties of water do not end only with the relief of colic and normalization of the digestive tract. Dill liquid stops spasms, fights viruses and germs, has laxative, diuretic and sedative properties. In addition, the benefits of water include the following:

  • helps cope with stress;
  • eliminates pain in the stomach and intestines;
  • dilates and cleanses blood vessels;
  • helps improve the release of chemical compounds from cells;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • removes stones from the kidneys and bladder.

For newborns

After birth, babies may suffer from colic for several months, causing pain. The benefit of dill water is that, without harm to newborns, it helps neutralize painful colic and prevent spasms, as a result of which the baby releases gas and normalizes stool.

For adults

Adults are recommended to use a useful fennel preparation for flatulence, which suppresses gas formation and stimulates the passage of feces. Dill liquid has an expectorant effect and helps relieve cold symptoms. Its healing properties include:

  • dilation of blood vessels and improved blood flow through them;
  • stabilization of heart function;
  • healing of wounds and other skin injuries;
  • assistance in the treatment of fractures and dislocations;
  • muscle relaxation during spasms;
  • treatment of prostatitis;
  • destruction of bacteria and viruses;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Those who want to lose excess weight can use this useful drug. It is good to take a healthy drink during a vegetable diet. And proper nutrition will further enhance its benefits. When losing weight, it is recommended to drink half a glass of liquid before meals.

For pregnant

There are differing opinions regarding the use of dill during pregnancy. Some sources say that the use of dill water benefits the future pregnant woman and the unborn child, while others say that it is harmful to the body.

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In pregnant women, the uterus quickly enlarges. Due to the change in size, it compresses the intestines in some places, leading to bloating and constipation. To relieve these symptoms, it is recommended to use fennel water. It also helps expectant mothers normalize sleep, reduce nausea and gas formation, and relieve headaches.

A controversial opinion is that dill water is not beneficial and may cause side effects during pregnancy. The use of the drug increases the activity of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which can lead to unexpected early labor or provoke a miscarriage. Therefore, it can be used in an interesting position only with the permission of the attending physician.

For nursing mother

It is believed that dill water during breastfeeding improves lactation. It promotes a greater flow of milk and softens the nipple, which makes it easier for the baby to absorb food. Together with milk, the child receives some of the beneficial elements contained in the drink.

Methods of using dill water

Children can take “Dill Health Water” starting from the first months of life; the main thing to remember is that the drink should be introduced into children’s diet gradually, starting with half a teaspoon. Preparing this miracle water is very simple: pour 1 filter bag (1.5 g) with 1 glass (200 ml) of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, then squeeze out the filter bag.

The application process may be different, choose which one is more convenient:

  • You can give half a teaspoon (if the child likes it, you can give the whole spoon) of the infusion three to four times a day between feedings.
  • Add 2-3 teaspoons of infusion to a 50 ml bottle of warm boiled water and use for drinking throughout the day. When choosing this method, it is important to remember that it is recommended to shake the contents of the bottle before use, and it is important to use the prepared infusion within one day!

Naturally, dill water for newborns does not cause any addiction, but it is better to give it as needed. And the child will signal you about the need, you can be sure of that. Is your baby crying heartbreakingly and pressing his legs to his tummy? Most likely colic! Although, to be more sure that it is they themselves and not some other problem, it is better to consult a doctor.

What is Dill water, composition and benefits

Liquid medicine with an anise aroma has long been called dill water. The drug is prescribed to a child to help him cope with abdominal pain.

The solution is available in various dosage forms:

  • liquid solution;
  • concentrate;
  • Herb tea.

To produce dill water, fennel oil and purified water are used. The standard form of the drug has a concentration of 0.05 - 0.1%.

Concentrated solutions involve diluting the medicine with boiled water. An analogue of dill water is the drug “Plantex”, which also contains the fennel plant.

Sometimes chamomile extract, anise oil and other beneficial plants are added to dill water. They complement the antispasmodic effect and help the child cope with discomfort faster.

Dill water helps remove gases, relieving cramps. With constant use, the drug will relieve the baby from pain and improve the digestive process. The medicine is useful for nursing women. By consuming it while breastfeeding, you can improve lactation, stabilize the digestive system and cope with constipation. In addition, dill water has a slight calming effect.

Safety and quality guarantee

Herbal children's tea "Dill Water Health" is produced at an enterprise operating according to GMP (good manufactured practice) standards.

The tea passed a sanitary and epidemiological examination at the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for compliance with the quality and safety requirements established by Order of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 224 dated July 19, 2007.

In particular, a declaration was submitted for examination stating that “Ukropnaya Vodichka Health” does not contain components and substances containing toxic, narcotic, psychotropic, doping, as well as synthetic drugs, the absence of components obtained from genetically modified organisms, as well as hormones and pesticides.

The examination confirmed that only the raw material used for the production of tea is the fruits of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill), included in the list of “Types of medicinal plant raw materials recommended for use in the production of herbal teas for young children” (TR CU 021/ 2011 Technical Regulations “On Food Safety” (Appendix 8)).

The appearance of the tea is defined as a crumbly mixture of yellowish-brown, greenish-brown and simply brown oblong "half-fruits" and, less commonly, whole fruits ("low-fruits"). The taste and smell, according to the examination, fully correspond to this raw material, without any other impurities. In general, “Dill Water” fully complies with current legislative standards.

You can buy it in Moscow and other cities in most pharmacies.

Instructions for using dill water

Treatment with dill water begins with small doses to observe the body's reaction. If there is no allergy, the dosage and frequency of administration are gradually increased to 5-6 times a day.

To determine how the body will react to water, you should start with small doses.

For best results, take dill water before meals. If we are talking about babies and infants, it is allowed to take water before or after feeding.

How to take for colic

1 tbsp. l. solution or 1 tsp. homemade decoction (infusion) up to 6 times a day. Add the drink to the mixture, breast milk or drink from a spoon. Treatment should be regular and not interrupted. Otherwise, the positive effect will be weak or completely absent.

Recipe for a nursing mother

Half an hour before feeding, drink half a glass of solution or decoction. The result is increased lactation and improved milk composition.

Nursing mothers can drink half a glass of dill water before feeding

For edema during pregnancy

In the morning and evening, drink 1/3 cup of dill infusion or prepared solution. Take the medicine for at least a week, but do not abuse it, otherwise there is a risk of premature birth.

Recipe for weight loss

Before each meal, drink 0.5 cups of dill water (homemade or prepared from concentrate). The drink will be more beneficial if its use is combined with a vegetable diet or proper nutrition.

For infants against constipation

1-2 tsp will help improve bowel function and loosen stools. dill water 3-5 times a day. The solution acts gradually, and emptying occurs by the end of the day or the next day. Regular consumption of fennel water helps prevent constipation and increased gas formation.

Dill water helps relieve constipation

For adults, the dosage is higher – ½ glass 3-5 times a day. The laxative effect occurs after 30-40 minutes.

Drinking dill water daily for a month will help cleanse blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, nourish the heart muscle with nutrients, and stabilize the menstrual cycle. Dosage – 1/3 glass of liquid 3-5 times a day.

→ Read more about constipation in children

Price of Dill water, where to buy

The average price of Dill water is 150 rubles per 100 ml bottle. However, it is not sold very often in the pharmacy chain. You can buy Dill water in those pharmacies that have a prescription department.

In Ukraine, products similar in composition and effect are sold, for example, Happy Baby for newborns or Dill Oil , they cost on average 60-120 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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  • Dill water Happy Baby 15 ml Hisunit Ltd, Israel
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