How to make a lazy intestine work on its own?

Symptoms of a lazy bowel

Lazy gut is a disease associated with decreased tone of the abdominal muscles, which play an important role in the human body. After all, they have to move food first, then feces. Poor performance leads to feces stagnating in the intestines, resulting in poisoning of the body, as life-threatening chemical compounds enter the bloodstream.

In addition, with this disease, not only does the number of contractions of the colon decrease, but its sensitivity also significantly decreases, and therefore, it does not respond to the presence of feces in it.

Let's look at the main symptoms that indicate this disease:

  • Regular retention of natural bowel movements. When the breaks are 2 days;
  • Incomplete or difficult bowel movements;
  • Hard stool, which leads to injury to the anus, including bleeding;
  • Decreased or complete absence of appetite;
  • Flatulence and heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Bloating and other abdominal discomfort;
  • Weakness and constant fatigue;
  • Bad breath or dry mucous membranes;
  • The long course of the disease leads to changes in the skin and hair.

All these symptoms should alert you. However, for an accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo a full examination. For diagnosis, you need to take a urine, stool and blood test.

How to make a lazy intestine work conscientiously, what needs to be done for this?

The most important principle that must be followed in this condition is diet. In most cases, nothing more can be done in terms of treatment to achieve results. It is necessary to consume foods containing large amounts of insoluble fiber as much as possible. Thanks to this, in the vast majority of cases, it is possible to achieve a positive result and normalize intestinal motility. So, what products will the patient’s diet need to be made from?

  1. Whole grain bread, fruits and vegetables (everything is possible, except for legumes and grapes - they cause severe gas formation in the intestines). Nuts, beets and carrots are especially good.
  2. Fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk. You should not consume regular or baked milk if your intestines are relaxed.

In addition, it is necessary to transfer the patient to four meals a day - this will create conditions for normalizing intestinal motility, and the patient will also need to be taught to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning, and a glass of kefir in the evening. Agree, you can easily cope with these procedures yourself.

In the event that the above therapeutic measures are not enough, then drug treatment should be used. The emphasis is on herbal preparations - picolax, guttalax, senadexin. These are powerful laxatives, the effect of which will not only cleanse the intestines, but also stimulate motility. You can also do an enema or monitor bowel cleansing.

The tactics for managing patients who have undergone surgery on the intestines or stomach will be similar. After that, do everything the same, only more first courses.

In the event that the above medications do not help, it will be necessary to do many tests and examinations to determine the organic pathology that leads to the development of such symptoms. In any case, you can't handle this on your own.

Causes of the syndrome

It has been proven that the problem can occur at any age in both adults and children. If a baby’s organ suffers due to the mother’s poor nutrition, then adults suffer from this misfortune for many reasons.

Let's look at what can lead to similar problems with the body:

When it comes to lazy intestines in an infant, the cause is often the mother’s poor diet. Older children are often influenced by a psychological factor - reluctance to part with the potty, restraining needs during travel, when visiting kindergarten. After a year, constipation may appear as a result of an unbalanced diet.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The development of this disease most often occurs due to an incorrect lifestyle of a person:

  • Little physical activity. If a person moves little at work, then in the evening he needs to take walks or play sports.
  • Mental health problems. Depression and prolonged depression.
  • Poor nutrition. Excessive consumption of refined foods.
  • Dehydration of the body. Insufficient amount of fluid taken. The daily norm for an adult is 2 liters.

Lazy bowel syndrome can occur in pregnant women and people who suppress the urge to go to the toilet.

The presence of some chronic diseases, for example, hypothyroidism, will also cause constipation in a person.

Treatment of lazy bowel syndrome

The specific treatment method is determined after accurately determining the causes of the pathology.

If poor patency of any part of the intestine is detected, the problem is eliminated surgically. In other cases, medications to improve peristalsis, folk remedies and therapeutic exercises help cope with the problem of a lazy intestine.

Treatment with medications:

  • To stimulate bowel movements, it is recommended to take Glauber's salt. The drug increases osmotic pressure, as a result of which the absorption of fluid by the walls of the organ decreases, and consequently, peristalsis improves. Even with acute constipation, bowel movement occurs 1-2 hours after taking the drug. Frequent use is excluded, as it can cause dehydration;
  • A spoonful of castor oil can solve the problem, as taking the product helps the stool move. The laxative effect is achieved after 4-6 hours. There may be slight pain in the abdominal area;
  • You can take drugs that enhance motility, such as Vasopressin. However, it is worth remembering that such drugs have strong side effects and are contraindicated in patients with circulatory disorders. Therefore, they should be used exclusively as prescribed by a doctor, who determines the dosage;
  • Taking a laxative such as Guttalax stimulates the bowels well. This is a synthetic drug based on sodium picosulfate monohydrate. The laxative effect appears 6-12 hours after administration;
  • Senadexin is a natural remedy based on an extract obtained from senna leaves. Tones smooth muscles, which leads to contraction of the walls of the organ and easier bowel movements.

You should not overuse such methods, as the intestines may forget how to work independently. As soon as bowel movements are regulated, you should stop taking medications.

If your baby has a problem, doctors recommend creating a proper diet, giving a tummy massage if constipation occurs, and be sure to accustom the child to feasible physical activity. If constipation occurs as a result of a psychological factor, a calm conversation will help to establish normal bowel function. Drug treatment is usually required if there is vomiting and if there is regular difficulty passing stool.

What processes contribute to a lazy gut?

Symptoms of a lazy bowel can cause a wide variety of pathologies, but most often the root causes of the disorders in question are:

Error in nutrition

In this case, it means not only a violation of the diet, but also an incorrect eating schedule. In the vast majority of cases, when the syndrome discussed in the article manifests itself, the patient consumes a large amount of junk food (that is, fatty, fried, cooked with a large amount of animal fat). But insoluble plant fiber will clearly be lacking - it is this component of food that has a stimulating effect on the smooth muscle component of the cell wall. In addition, irregular nutrition also contributes to disruption of peristaltic activity. Taking into account the fact that modern people often switch to two feedings a day, which has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, we can safely speak about the highest prevalence of the syndrome among the population of highly developed countries.

Age characteristics

Elderly people and young children are much more likely to suffer from this type of disease than other age groups. This is facilitated by the physiological characteristics of the body. The gastrointestinal tract of a child under the age of one year (and especially the first month of life) is poorly adapted to the food consumed, so peristalsis disturbances constantly occur, manifested in the form of severe colic in the abdomen. But in older people, on the contrary, problems with the evacuation of feces are much more likely due to insufficient contraction of the smooth muscle layer of the intestinal wall.

These two reasons most often lead to the development of this syndrome. The conditions listed below are much less likely to cause the symptoms in question, but they cause a much more severe manifestation.

Congenital pathologies

The same malabsorption syndrome (a pathology in which the absorption of certain nutrients is impaired). Severe dyspeptic syndrome, bloating, weight loss and diarrhea. All these pathological processes will sooner or later lead to problems with peristalsis.

Intestinal obstruction

Severe pathology, which is accompanied by severe dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. It consists of obstruction of the intestinal lumen. This disease can be caused by either an organic pathology (oncological neoplasm, for example) or a functional disorder (Hirschsprung's disease, associated with impaired innervation, atony of a certain part of the gastrointestinal tract). Characterized by severe and prolonged constipation, severe abdominal pain. This disease is especially dangerous in prognostic terms in children. In fact, this pathology is not just a lazy intestine, but one that doesn’t do the work at all.

Side effect of taking certain medications

Or the consequences of surgical interventions, as a manifestation of poisoning or intoxication syndrome caused by any other reasons. The question regarding the occurrence of problems with peristalsis after surgery is especially relevant. It does not always occur after unsuccessful surgical interventions, which for one reason or another led to disruption of innervation or the formation of an adhesive process. The same operations associated with gastric resection, called Billroth-1 or Billroth-2, in any case, cause the complex of symptoms in question for some time (after which the manifestations are most intense). And intestinal resection, even after an impeccably performed operation, in any case, will be manifested by a violation of peristaltic contractions. This is due to the fact that the body allegedly stops “recognizing” the slightly “shortened” gastrointestinal tract as a full-fledged organ for a certain time after the operation. However, after a correctly performed operation and proper diet correction, such disorders cease to appear after a certain amount of time and nothing additional needs to be done.

Exercises for lazy bowels

One of the first places to eliminate discomfort is physical activity. Even basic movements will help move the intestines and stabilize the gastrointestinal tract. Today there is a special program, the implementation of which will help cope with this problem.

Let's look at a few simple exercises that you can do yourself:

  • Starting position (IP) - standing, arms extended forward and performing 5 squats. The back should be straight. Similar lazy bowel exercises can be used for children;
  • IP lying on your back. The surface must be smooth and hard. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your body up. They freeze in this position for a few seconds and return to IP. It is recommended to repeat up to 5 times;
  • IP as in the previous exercise. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for 5 minutes. After the time has passed, exhale slowly. Repeat 10 times;
  • IP lying down, legs and arms apart. The knees are pulled to the chest and taken with the hands and try to touch the forehead with them. They remain in this position for a few seconds and return to the IP;
  • IP on knees and elbows. They focus on their hands and take turns raising their legs up. Repeat movements at least 7 times.

Treatment complex for constipation

These movements should be performed before you get out of bed:

  1. First you need to make an asterisk - spread your arms and legs wide. Then pull your knees as close to your chest as possible, wrap your arms around them, and try to touch them with your forehead. You return to the starting position;
  2. Next, relax, lying on your back. Then - without moving your legs - lift your body with an inclination towards each leg;
  3. Immediately in bed you need to roll over on your stomach, get on all fours, and alternately swing your legs.

After leaving bed, you need to slowly (necessarily slowly!) squat at least 15 times.

Last exercise: stand straight, extend your arms to the sides. Rotates the body using the muscles of the lower back and abs.

These exercises will help start your intestines in the morning.

Treatment of lazy bowels with folk remedies

In folk medicine, they use a lot of recipes that significantly stimulate the functioning of the organ.

Many people pay little attention to their body. If the general condition is not disturbed by severe pain or severe discomfort, then, it seems, it is not at all necessary to go to the doctor. But actually it is not. Timely diagnosis of various pathological conditions helps to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Thus, discomfort in the abdominal area, as well as constipation, can signal such a fairly common problem as lazy bowels. This is a disease that requires proper treatment under the supervision of a doctor. How can the patient himself understand that he has a lazy intestine, what is the treatment, what needs to be done, what folk remedies to help himself. Let's talk about it.

How does a lazy gut behave? Symptoms of the condition

A person with such a problem often periodically experiences painful sensations in the abdominal area, in addition, he is bothered by bloating, and the body categorically refuses to digest food. After such a period, there may be a temporary time of activity in the digestive tract, but then the intestines begin to become lazy again. According to doctors, an absolutely healthy person should have a bowel movement at least once every three days, and no more than three times a day.

Thus, a lazy intestine makes itself felt by discomfort and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. The patient may periodically feel pain, in addition, he is bothered by bad breath, and sometimes severe dry mouth. Also, with lazy bowels, there is a noticeable loss of appetite, a feeling of general weakness, drowsiness and irritability. In addition, pathological processes lead to disruption of the liver and against their background, a lot of waste and toxins accumulate inside the body. Over time, in the absence of adequate therapy, a noticeable deterioration in the condition of the hair and skin occurs.

Lazy Bowel Treatment

In order to make your digestive tract function normally, you need to move more. In the morning, walk to work, or walk at least a couple of stops. In the evening, take a walk through the park, and on the weekend, instead of going to a cafe, go out of town for a more active holiday. The ideal option would be systematic exercise, for example, running, brisk walking or swimming.

To make bowel movements easier, stretch your legs forward and place them on a stool. It is strictly not recommended to systematically consume laxatives, since such abuse is fraught with the appearance of a persistent opposite effect. To speed up the process of evacuation of the contents of the stomach and intestines, you should take olive oil orally - in the amount of a tablespoon, or drink cabbage brine.

Folk remedies for lazy bowels

To prepare a highly effective remedy for a lazy intestine, you should combine half a glass of raisins, pitted prunes, dried apples, dried apricots, as well as dates or figs. Scald these ingredients with boiling water, combine and grind in a meat grinder to obtain a puree. Then add half a cup of crushed nuts, the same amount of flax seeds and honey to this mixture. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and place the product in the refrigerator. This composition should be consumed on an empty stomach in the morning and shortly before bedtime in the amount of one tablespoon.

Brew a couple of teaspoons of flaxseed with two hundred milliliters of cold, pre-boiled water. Infuse this remedy for one night, then combine it with a certain amount of scalded raisins, one finely grated carrot and a tablespoon of honey. Consume two tablespoons per day on an empty stomach.

Pour a couple of tablespoons of flaxseeds into one hundred milliliters of cold, pre-boiled water. Leave overnight, then combine with a tablespoon of yogurt, as well as honey and good fruit juice. Consume half a glass of this mixture on an empty stomach immediately before meals. Reception can be done once a day.

Diet for lazy bowels

When treating a problem such as a lazy bowel, it is worth paying especially close attention to your diet. It is especially important for such a problem to drink ordinary clean water; get into the habit of drinking a glass of liquid half an hour before a meal and the same amount half an hour after a meal. You can add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the water. Consumption of fruit drinks, plum juice, kefir and mineral water will also be beneficial; it is better to avoid coffee and tea.

High-quality and prolonged chewing of food plays an important role. After preparing dishes, add a few tablespoons of soaked bran to them. By the way, you can make jelly from them.

An excellent assistant in the treatment of a lazy intestine will be vegetable fiber, namely whole grain bread, sprouted wheat, oatmeal, a variety of fruits, especially apricots, raisins and apples. Of the vegetables, carrots, cauliflower and seaweed, as well as broccoli are especially useful.

Gymnastics for a lazy intestine

To stimulate intestinal activity, it is useful to massage the abdomen while lying on your back and bending your knees. Movements should be circular and light. You also need to draw in your stomach more often with all your strength, and then sharply relax your abdominal muscles. Various abdominal exercises and regular squats will also be beneficial.

If symptoms of a lazy bowel appear, do not delay treatment. Constant intoxication of the body with feces is fraught with the development of a number of unpleasant and more serious diseases.

In cold weather, “traditionally,” health problems worsen. This applies not only to typical winter diseases - colds, ARVI, flu. Thus, in the autumn-winter period, problems may arise with the gastrointestinal tract, which until this time did not cause any concern.

According to experts, this is largely due to the fact that a person, obeying an ancient defense mechanism, begins to eat heavier, high-calorie foods precisely in the cold season. The result is various kinds of digestive problems: heaviness in the stomach, bloating, constipation. By following 5 simple rules, you can help your digestive organs and avoid unpleasant consequences.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms that may indicate the development of lazy bowel syndrome:

  • colic in the abdominal cavity;
  • feeling of incomplete bowel movement when visiting the toilet;
  • flatulence;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • general weakness;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth, dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • poor appetite;
  • headache;
  • bloating;
  • intestinal spasms;
  • the occurrence of previously unusual allergic reactions;
  • constant irritability;
  • drowsiness or sleep disturbances;
  • pain in the liver.

If such signs are observed for three or more months, it is imperative to visit a doctor for a diagnosis.

Lazy bowel syndrome poses a serious danger to the body. In addition to such obvious problems as constant constipation, accompanied by intoxication of the body, this pathology can lead to disruption of the liver.

It is the liver that is the natural filter of the human body, responsible for preventing harmful substances from entering the human body. If its function is impaired, many systems and organs will suffer, hair will fall out, and the skin will suffer.

In addition, persistent constipation often causes the development of hepatitis, hemorrhoids, enteritis and even colon cancer. Therefore, delaying the treatment of this disease is strictly not recommended.

No. 1. Pay attention to your diet

One of the important postulates is not to overload the body with heavy food during the cold season.
This is especially true for overeating during the day and clogging the body with harmful foods: cookies, chips, candies. “Be sure to have breakfast,” advises gastroenterologist, Ph.D. Elvira Zakirova

. — The calorie content of breakfast should be 25-30% of the total daily requirement. A nutritious breakfast of whole grains and protein products will help you feel full for a long time, give you a surge of energy and “kick-start” your metabolism.”

As for snacks, the body needs them, but, as the specialist notes, not “useless rich” ones, but “healthy fruits and proteins.” Dried fruits, nuts, as well as yogurt and fresh fruit are ideal for this purpose.

#2: Include Digestive Healthy Foods in Your Diet

To support intestinal function during the cold season, you should definitely include whole grains in your diet - cereals, muesli, legumes, nuts, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits. “Of course, the choice of fruits and vegetables in winter is more modest than in summer, and their nutritional value is lower due to long transportation, storage and greenhouse growing conditions, but it is still necessary to include them in your diet in reasonable quantities. This is dictated by the fact that fresh vegetables and fruits contain dietary fiber (fiber) necessary for complete digestion and cleansing. Fiber helps prevent constipation, intestinal dysbiosis, and even excess weight gain,” explains the doctor.

Preventive measures

To prevent the development of lazy bowel syndrome, spend more time on physical activity, sit at the computer or in front of the TV as little as possible, play sports, and be sure to do exercises in the morning.

It is recommended to eat in small portions, once every 3 hours, and exclude possible snacks. It is recommended to include as many fruits, vegetables and cereals in your diet as possible, as well as drink plenty of fluids.

Coping with a lazy bowel problem is not as difficult as it seems. By following these simple rules, you can keep your body in good health for decades.

#4: Increase your physical activity

“The abdominal muscles play a certain role in maintaining the normal position of internal organs and their physiological functions, including the intestines,” says Elvira Zakirova. “With a sedentary lifestyle, weak muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and pelvis, problems with the functioning of the gallbladder and intestines may arise or worsen.”

Therefore, an increase in daily physical activity has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Doing even simple exercises in the morning will not only help you wake up, but will also tone your intestines and help them begin to perform their functions.

No. 5. Take vitamins and herbal complexes

Multivitamin complexes will be a good helper in the cold season, given the lack of sunlight and movement, weakened immunity and the “one-sidedness” of the winter diet. They should be taken in a course. If there are concomitant difficulties with bowel movements, Elvira Zakirova advises supplementing the diet with herbal preparations based on dietary fiber.

Imagine, inside us there is about 10 meters of a dense, moving tube that does all the dirty work in the body every day. The slightest problem and problems appear: with health, with appearance, with mood.

13:23 15.08.2014

The intestines are the very Center of beauty and health that is always with you. Through his efforts, pores are cleaned, wrinkles are smoothed, complexion improves and hair takes on a well-groomed appearance. There is no need to say that health depends on the condition of the intestines. Each of us has experienced the consequences of thoughtless diets, heavy meals and daily stress. And serious problems with the “garbage chute” threaten to turn the body into a landfill.

There are some features of the gastrointestinal tract that help its functioning.

1. The process of preparing to digest food begins when you smell it.

2. When food enters the mouth, all glands begin to work hard, but without thorough chewing, the normal digestion process is impossible.

3. Carbohydrates begin to be digested already when processed with saliva. During the day, up to 1 liter of saliva is secreted.

4. The esophageal tube, thanks to the muscle rings, begins to move food into the stomach.

5. In the stomach, enzymes work on food (activity of gastric juice), mucus (protects the walls of the stomach) and hydrochloric acid (dissolves food), and muscles grind and mix the food mass.

6. Food stays in the stomach for up to three hours. The activity of the glands is manifested as follows:

The greatest activity of meat digestion occurs in the second hour; - when processing fatty foods - in the third hour; - carbohydrate - in the first hour, while activity is reduced.

Since the release of gastric juice without food can harm the stomach, doctors do not recommend chewing gum between meals.

Lazy bowel syndrome

The human digestive system contains up to 7 kg of absorbed food at various stages of absorption and processing. If the intestines are “lazy,” the body begins to intensively get rid of toxins in another way: through the mucous membranes and skin, along with sweat and secretions of the sebaceous glands.

Bad breath appears, antiperspirants do not cope with sweat, the face becomes ashy-gray and covered with acne, the hair becomes shiny and begins to fall out (due to the fact that excess waste excreted through the skin poisons the hair follicles). The whole body suffers from chronic intoxication: your head hurts, your appetite deteriorates, your sleep worsens, you constantly feel a little nausea and weakness, work tires you, you don’t want to have fun or socialize.

Establishing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is a painstaking task, requiring strict adherence to the rules of nutritious and regular nutrition. Setting up for normal mode is as follows.

1. Pay attention to the intake of fluid into the body (normally, you should drink up to 2.5-3 liters of drinks per day). Avoid soda, limit your coffee intake and drink half an hour before or after meals.

2. Be sure to switch to three meals a day:

Breakfast - 7:00 - 9:00; — lunch — 13:00 — 15:00; - dinner - 17:00 - 19:00.

You will have to give up baked goods and snacks between meals, and fiber should be the main component of your diet. You should eat in a calm environment, avoiding reading, talking and watching TV. If you're not used to eating breakfast, start your day with fruits or vegetables.

3. Immediately after waking up, drink a glass of warm water (you can then drink coffee). Later, you can eat some fruit or drink a glass of juice and only twenty minutes after that start breakfast.

4. You can drink water only one and a half to two hours after eating. Twenty minutes before lunch, snack on fruit or drink juice again. For lunch, it is better to prefer a vegetable dish and porridge.

5. Twenty minutes before dinner, eat fruit or drink juice. For dinner, it is better to choose a salad and a protein product (you can replace animal protein with vegetable protein). Provided that these conditions are met, normalization of the gastrointestinal tract should occur within five days. In case of severe disorders, prevention should be carried out once a month: this will make an easy transition to a healthy diet.

Friends in a checkered pattern

Fiber stimulates intestinal motor function. Plant fibers help the body remove toxins, mechanically cleanse the gastrointestinal mucosa and make life easier for the intestinal microflora. In order not to be lazy and work properly, the intestines need at least 35 g of fiber per day, meanwhile we get 12-15 g or even less.

Fiber is also a carbohydrate, but it is not broken down. It is found in many natural products: vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, unprocessed cereal grains, etc.

Once in the body, fiber begins to absorb moisture along with fats and waste, absorbs it all and removes it. At the same time, the digestion process accelerates: intestinal motility improves, excess sugar and cholesterol, food residues, fermentation and rotting products are eliminated. The body is actively cleansed and, of course, weight loss results.

There is a common misconception that by replacing ordinary bread in the diet with bread with bran, you can fully provide the body with fiber. In fact, “bran” bread contains little bran, but a lot of refined flour. By consuming such foods, you do not replenish your body with enough fiber, but increase your consumption of refined flour and sugars. There is zero benefit from this.

Leading products in fiber content:

· figs (18.5 g) · dried apricots (10.1) · bran (10) · prunes (9.2) · nuts (7.7) · raspberries (7.4) · lentils (4)

You can get fiber from more than just regular foods. Prepare special meals that will fill you with fiber. Attention: start consuming these dishes with small doses, otherwise the body, which is not accustomed to the abundance of fiber, will begin to “indecently” protest.

1. Scald and rinse a handful of dried fruits, add water in the evening. In the morning, add 2 tablespoons of ground bran dried in a frying pan, a tablespoon of ground sprouted wheat and honey to taste. Eat 1-2 tablespoons on an empty stomach.

2. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of flaxseed with half a glass of boiled water in the evening. In the morning, add grated apple and carrots, steamed raisins, and honey to taste. Eat 1-2 tablespoons on an empty stomach.


To stimulate intestinal function, try drinking a glass of kefir at night or in the morning with the addition of a spoonful of vegetable oil. Kefir has an irritating effect on the intestinal walls, and oil stimulates the outflow of bile. This double effect stimulates normal bowel function. Plus, acupressure of the palm is recommended 2-3 centimeters below the base of the middle and ring fingers. Stretch this area every morning for 1-2 minutes before you get out of bed. A light self-massage of the abdomen gives a good effect: around the navel in a clockwise direction.

Exercise for the intestines

One of the most important conditions for healthy intestinal activity is constant physical activity. If you are not a fan of fitness clubs, try to do simple exercises for the health of your gastrointestinal tract.

1. While standing, raise your arms straight above your head, parallel to each other. Bend in both directions 4 times. Stretch your arms behind your body.

2. Extend your right arm to the side at shoulder level, bend your left arm at the elbow and press it to your chest, fingertips touching the right shoulder joint. On the count of “one,” vigorously move your left arm to the side, and bend your right at the elbow, pressing your hand to the shoulder joint. Return to the starting position. Repeat vigorously 4 times in each direction.

3. Spread your legs as wide as possible. Lunge to the right, bending your right leg and turning your foot outward. In this case, the left leg remains straight, emphasis on the inner edge of the left foot. Position your right hand, clenched into a fist, so that it rests on the right iliac region (where the lower ribs are), and place your left hand, bent at the elbow, as far behind your back as possible. Do 4 of these lunges in each direction without lifting your heels off the floor.

Givers of life

In 1 g of colon contents there are up to 250 billion bacteria involved in the digestion process. There are a whole quadrillion of them (or 2-2.5 kg) in one intestine! Beneficial microbes have earned the proud name “probiotics,” which means “essential for life.”

Caring probiotics - bifidobacteria and lactobacilli - work tirelessly in the field of health. They secrete essential amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, microelements that improve blood quality, suppress the activity of infectious pathogens, increase immunity and prevent intestinal cancer.

However, intestinal bacteria are very sensitive. They cannot stand antibiotics and poor-quality food, and are “afraid” of stress, new climatic conditions and unusual cuisine. The capricious “correct microflora” can hardly tolerate your love of cigarettes, strong coffee, vacation trips and minor quarrels with household members.

When beneficial microbes die, much less tolerant microorganisms take their place. This is how dysbiosis develops. With dysbacteriosis, a microbiological struggle occurs between the invisible inhabitants of the intestine to redistribute its territory. The result is deplorable: appetite spoils, digestion is upset, external beauty crumbles, allergies and other troubles arise.

To make up for what was lost, you need to drink 1-2 glasses of live kefir daily (necessarily fresh - the day before yesterday’s kefir strengthens). Alternate kefir with yogurt, fermented baked milk, and live yogurt. Their starter culture involves bacteria that increase the immunity of the intestinal mucosa. However, the healing properties of these drinks will appear only if there are no preservatives in the tasty “medicine”. Please note that the shelf life of natural yogurt is short; it cannot be frozen or heated, otherwise the beneficial bacteria will die.

Constipation is a delicate problem. Nevertheless, you should not be embarrassed and ignore it: the intestines must be emptied regularly, otherwise you seriously risk your well-being and health. If necessary, put aside false shame and go to the doctor, but in many cases the problem can be solved on your own without drugs and tedious examinations.

What is constipation?

This is a very important question, since many focus solely on stool frequency. There is a widespread belief that bowel movements should be daily, and that bowel movements less frequent are constipation. However, this is not true: normal bowel movements can be from 3 times a day to 3 times a week - it all depends on the characteristics of the body and eating behavior. In other words, if you have bowel movements every other day, but nothing else bothers you (no pain, no swelling in your stomach, no discomfort), then everything is fine with your intestines. Constipation is not only an infrequent bowel movement, but also at least some of the main symptoms described below.


It is better to start treating a lazy bowel by going to the doctor; he will help you find out the causes of constipation and give effective recommendations for eliminating them. A professional will listen to your complaints and recommend adjustments to your lifestyle and diet. Drug treatment is based on diagnostic results.


Medicines are prescribed only at the first stage of therapy. There are two main groups: laxatives and enzyme preparations.

Drugs that have a laxative effect irritate the receptors of the large intestine, thereby increasing peristalsis. Their action begins after 4–6 hours and causes a single bowel movement.

  • Tablets and capsules: Duphalac, Magnesia, Forlax, Mucofalk.
  • Rectal suppositories: glycerin. Allowed for pregnant and lactating women. Prescribed as a prophylactic agent to patients with painful hemorrhoids after myocardial infarction.

According to doctors, these are the most physiological laxatives. However, they cannot be used constantly, as addiction occurs.

Enzyme preparations are prescribed for acute and chronic intestinal diseases . The most famous remedies: Pankreon, Penzital, Mezim Forte.

The enzymes contained in Festal, Enzistal, Panzinorm, Digestal and Pancral affect not only intestinal motility, but also the secretion of the pancreas, reduce gas formation and belching.


Medicines inhibit the physiological action of the large intestine, so changing the diet is a mandatory step in treatment. Regular consumption of a number of foods helps cleanse the body and promote healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Coarse fibers, entering the digestive tract, are not digested or broken down, swelling, they help cleanse the intestines, like some kind of physiological brush.

They are contained in:

  • wholemeal and black bread;
  • bran;
  • raw vegetables, fruits and berries (beets, turnips, prunes, apricots, plums);
  • functional foods (bars, bread, cereals).

Bran is a rough food needed to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. Add to any dishes (soups, purees, cereals, cutlets, cookies, bread)

Water causes the coarse fibers to swell. They don't work without water! Drinking plenty of fluids is the main cure for a lazy bowel. Doctors recommend that adults drink 1.5–2 liters of clean water daily. The volume of water varies depending on the amount of physical activity and the time of year.

Sugary foods stimulate intestinal activity and promote bowel movements:

  • honey;
  • jam;
  • milk sugar;
  • syrups.

Dairy yoghurts with a high content of lacto- and bifidobacteria support the native intestinal microflora . These are the bacteria that pass through the acidic environment of the stomach and enter the intestinal mucosa alive.

To ensure your diet is beneficial, limit foods that have a gentle or astringent effect, such as:

  • cocoa;
  • strong tea;
  • jelly;
  • blueberry.

Useful products in the photo

Add bran to any dish, and your body will thank you

Yogurts with lacto- and bifidobacteria are excellent helpers for the native intestinal microflora

Vegetable salads enhance intestinal motility

Wholemeal bread contains fiber that is good for a lazy gut

Lifestyle correction

The intestines cannot be lazy on their own. His owner should enjoy hiking, sports, dancing, or at least exercise. It is harmful to restrain natural urges; constant restraint leads to constipation. Ideally, you should accustom yourself to regular bowel movements at a certain time.

3 accessible steps towards smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Eating at the same time every day.
  2. Reduce portions to 150–200 g.
  3. Cancellation of late dinners (after 19.00).


5 basic exercises to stimulate the intestines and strengthen the abdominal muscles:

  1. In a lying position, alternately press your left and right knee to your chest, then both together. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Remaining in a lying position, raise your arms and legs up at a right angle. Hold for 10 seconds, relax. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Lying on a mat, spin imaginary pedals - a “bicycle” exercise. Perform for 2–3 minutes.
  4. From a lying position on the mat, cross your legs over your head. Hold for 10 seconds and return to the starting position.
  5. Walking on the buttocks. Sit on the mat - legs straight, arms shoulder-width apart, parallel to the floor. Moving forward, then back. Only the buttocks are involved.


Self-massage is carried out to influence active points of the body associated with the intestines. Massage can be done at a time convenient for you during the day. It is optimal to carry out the procedure 1.5 hours after eating.

  • Lying on your back, massage your navel with your index finger clockwise. Perform for 5–10 minutes.
  • Make circular movements with your hand around the navel clockwise (5-10 minutes).
  • Perform pressing and vibration on the point of the index finger. From the top of the joint you need to move to the tip of the finger, feel the depression - this is the point for influence. (Manipulation time – 1 minute).

Using enemas

Enemas have been used for hundreds of years as a way to cleanse the colon. However, prescribing the procedure yourself can lead to unexpected and undesirable consequences; consultation with a doctor is necessary. A colon cleansing enema contains up to 2 liters of liquid. The injected liquid is not intended for absorption by the mucous membrane; its complete removal from the body is desirable.

Glycerin and soda enemas have worked well. Glycerin or its aqueous solution are excellent stimulants of intestinal motility. Soda dissolved in water has an alkalizing effect, reduces irritation of the mucous membranes, and helps remove sand.

Colon hydrotherapy is a modern type of enema, well advertised and expensive. This method of colon lavage is not supported by most professional gastroenterologists and physicians.

Traditional recipes for a lazy intestine

  1. Wash raisins and prunes and soak overnight in water. Drink a cold infusion of berries in the morning on an empty stomach. Can be sweetened.
  2. Baked potatoes with the addition of olive oil, flax seed or plantain are an excellent independent dish with medicinal properties.
  3. Salads made from raw carrots and beets, seasoned with vegetable oil, help improve intestinal motility.
  4. Vegetable oils: pumpkin, castor, flaxseed. Gently stimulate intestinal function.

Gifts of nature for healthy intestinal function in the photo

Vegetable oils promote bowel movements

Since ancient times, flax seed has been used to normalize intestinal function.

Dried fruits have a mild laxative effect

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