Pear for constipation - strengthens or weakens, how it affects the intestines

Benefits for the gastrointestinal tract

Let's look at how a pear affects your well-being.
Its fruits contain a whole complex of vital elements. They are rich in organic acids, tannins, plant enzymes, and antioxidants. Ripe fruits are a source of a whole complex of vitamins (C, E, K, PP, group B) and minerals (iron, iodine, zinc, phosphorus, copper, cobalt). Their pulp contains phytoncides, flavonoids, glucose, and arbutin. It is well absorbed by the body, strengthens the defenses, and is a mild diuretic. Beneficial properties can be used in the treatment of many diseases. If you regularly eat pears, you will soon notice positive changes in the functioning of internal organs and systems:

  • metabolism is activated;
  • Enzyme formation is stimulated;
  • the production of good cholesterol will improve;
  • bones will be strengthened;
  • immunity will be strengthened.

Many people are interested in how the fruit affects the digestive processes: as a laxative, or causes constipation. Their effect is determined mainly by the high content of organic acids, fiber and tannins. Sometimes the pears are weakened, sometimes they are strengthened. It depends on the form in which they are used. In different situations, diametrically opposite effects from their use are possible. The individual reaction of the body also matters.

Here it must be said that early varieties, such as Early Summer, July Early, Skorospelaya, Mlievskaya Early, Moskovskaya Early, have a short ripening period, a high percentage of fiber in the fruit, and a soft pulp consistency. These features have a laxative effect on the human intestines at any age.

In order to reach full ripeness, late pears need to develop for a long time, during which they produce arbutin, a substance that prevents the fruit pulp from becoming soft. Otherwise, the fruits will simply rot.

Such varieties have a similar effect on humans, namely, they can cause stagnation of feces in the intestines. Late varieties of Russian selection include: Thumbelina, Velesa, Lel, Perun. Such varieties ripen in October, or even have to be placed in boxes for ripening indoors.

How do pears affect stool?

The functioning of the intestines directly depends on the balance of nutrition. Therefore, the effect of fruits on stool can be completely opposite. They are capable of producing the effect of a laxative or a fixative equally well. Therefore, when including pears in your daily diet, you should control the amount of foods with a strengthening and laxative effect:

  1. It is important to maintain a balance, otherwise the fruits will cause the action in which direction the advantage is allowed.
  2. In older people, intestinal motility decreases. This leads to constipation. Fruits should be included in the menu only in the form in which the pear is a laxative.
  3. If a person suffers from diarrhea, then you should not use the fruit for a fixing effect. The first step should be to visit a doctor. Only when it turns out that the cause is not infectious, the fruits can be consumed.

There are two basic rules. First, for the fruit to have a laxative effect, it is consumed raw. In this case, the most ripe and juicy specimens are selected. In order to consolidate the stool, drinks are prepared - compotes, jelly. In this form, the pear strengthens.

Secondly, the effect depends on the type of pear.

What varieties of pear anchor the stool and why?

The fruiting time of a variety has an important influence on the effect. Late pear varieties, especially those ripening in October, have a fixing effect. These types contain the substance arbutin, which can stop diarrhea.

If diarrhea lasts more than a day, then you should eat late varieties of pears after heat treatment. In this state, they contain less fiber and strengthen the stool. Nursing mothers notice that dishes made from late pears strengthen the baby's stool.

What varieties of pears weaken stools and why?

Early varieties are used as a laxative. They have a lower percentage of tannins, which have an astringent effect, and a lot of fiber. It attracts liquid that softens food. Cleansing occurs gently, without irritating the intestinal mucosa.

These varieties include Chinese pear. It is necessary to eat only fresh fruits, choosing the juiciest ones. After processing, fiber does not have this effect.

What do we know about the pear?

Pears are quite popular among fruit lovers. Only apples are ahead of them. The benefits of pears have been proven by leading scientists for a long time. It contains less acids than other fruits. Pears come in several varieties:

  • Duchess. This variety is quite easy to recognize. The color of the fruit is bright yellow, with a pink side. The taste of pear is distinguished by honey, sweet pulp.
  • Chinese. This pear is not very sweet, the fruit is hard and crunchy.
  • Conference This fruit has an unusual brown-green color, hard, juicy. This variety is ideal for baking; it does not fall apart during heat treatment and retains its shape. This is what chefs use to create the “Pear in Wine” dessert.
  • Williams is the most popular and favorite variety among customers. The fruits are soft, juicy, sweet, rich green in color.

How to properly store pears?

Pears can be stored at home, but you need to do it correctly. If a large harvest has been harvested from the garden, then you should place the fruit in wooden boxes or baskets. Different varieties of pears need to be stored in different containers.

The box must have holes through which air will flow. You need to put paper on the bottom of the container. The pears are laid out with the stalk facing up. It is necessary to lay the fruits in such a way that the fruits do not come into contact with each other. Pears are stored in one layer.

If fresh pears are stored in the cellar, then mold and mildew must first be eliminated in the room. The air temperature should be low (from -1 to 0 °C) and the air humidity should be high (about 85%). It is not recommended to keep any vegetables or fruits near pears. In addition, you need to carefully monitor the fruits. If one pear shows signs of spoilage, it must be removed immediately. Rotten fruits will lead to damage to the entire crop.

When pears are stored in an apartment, a glassed-in loggia can be used for this purpose. If all conditions are met, fruits can maintain their freshness for 3 months. To increase the shelf life of pears, each fruit should be wrapped in paper. It is best to use parchment for this purpose.

You can also store pears in the refrigerator, having previously packaged them in half a kilo plastic bags. It is necessary to make holes in the bag for ventilation.

Even if all conditions are met perfectly, pears will not retain their freshness for more than 4 months. The fruits are stored in the refrigerator for 30 days.

Fastening action

People of different ages react differently to pears. The fruit is introduced first into complementary foods for children under 1 year of age. Fiber causes intestinal irritation and normalizes stool in bottle-fed infants. If the stool is liquid, then the fetus is knitting. In general, it accelerates the production of gastric juice, which normalizes digestion.

For adults, pear may also not be very healthy. In case of chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, with severe irritation of the mucous membrane from fruit juice, the pain intensifies and diarrhea occurs.

Even doctors prescribe for pregnant women prone to constipation to eat pears, but in certain quantities, so as not to harm themselves and the fetus. When breastfeeding, this fruit is no less useful.

Typically, mothers should eat foods enriched with fats and proteins to ensure that their milk is rich in fat. In this case, women face constipation. The same pear comes to the rescue.


The wealth of micro and macroelements, vitamins and other useful substances may not be available to everyone. The product enhances or causes side symptoms in certain pathologies, such as:

  • food allergies;
  • gastritis;
  • diabetes;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines.

In old age, it is necessary to maintain a certain distance in eating pears so as not to worsen chronic diseases. You should not eat pears at night; they not only relax the intestinal muscles and thin out excrement, but also have a diuretic effect.

Let's consider whether pear is a laxative for constipation. Yes it is. The laxative effect is determined by the high content of organic acids in it. Under their influence, digestion processes are activated, metabolism is improved, and the activity of the liver and kidneys is stimulated. Its substances also have a good antimicrobial effect, suppressing pathogenic bacteria in the large intestine.

The basic rules for eating fruits during stool retention are as follows:

  • The pear for constipation must be heat treated. After strong heating, tannins are destroyed, while dietary fiber continues to exert its motor-stimulating effect. Pear puree or fruits baked in the oven help well.
  • If you have constipation, you can also eat fresh fruits. In this situation, only sweet and juicy varieties that do not contain an astringent taste are suitable (Duchess, Williams).
  • It is not recommended to use winter varieties with thick skins, since their tannin content is much higher than in early varieties with delicate skins.
  • If you are constipated, it is not recommended to drink freshly squeezed pear juice. It contains a large amount of tannins. In this case, a non-concentrated compote made from dried or fresh fruits will be more useful.
  • You can reduce the tannin effect of tannins if you remove the skin from the fruit before eating. A significant amount of astringents will go away with it. Ripe peeled pulp is useful even for small children.
  • Pear for constipation, washed down with water or milk, also has a laxative effect.

Can a person who loves pears develop constipation? Yes maybe. The astringent effect of the fruit is provided by special elements. These are tannins. This is the name given to phenolic compounds of plant origin that have tanning properties. Their content can be determined in the pulp by its characteristic astringent taste.

By consuming pears in other forms, you can use the strengthening and astringent effect of pear fruits on the intestines. To do this, you should choose late varieties that have a bitter and tart taste (Bere Moskovskaya, Belorusskaya late). They contain the maximum amount of tannins. In addition, you need to know a few more facts:

  • Natural pear juice or jelly strengthens the stool well.
  • To relieve loose stools, it is useful to eat fruits fresh, without removing the skin. Such fruits contain much more vitamins and microelements, which are destroyed by exposure to high temperatures.
  • Unripe fruits fix better than ripe or overripe ones.

Beneficial properties of pears for the intestines

What happens in the intestines after eating a pear? The effect of fruit on the digestive organs depends on the method of its preparation. If you make dried pears and cook a compote or decoction from it, you can get a remedy that copes well with intestinal disorders. This positive effect on the intestines is due to the tannin present in the fruit.

In addition, fresh, unprocessed pears contain fiber, which reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and normalizes the intestinal microflora. With regular consumption of this fruit, intestinal motility improves, and due to the bactericidal properties of pears, the number of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines decreases.

How a pear will affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract depends on the method of its preparation. Regular use of the product stimulates peristalsis and natural bowel movement. Thanks to its natural bactericidal properties, the product eliminates pathogenic microorganisms. Dietary fiber stimulates the process of defecation, tannins and tannins strengthen it.

Pear, in addition to strengthening or laxative properties, also has a number of others - it stabilizes blood pressure in hypertensive patients and prevents cancer.

Thanks to a large amount of vitamins and microelements, local immunity is increased and the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.

Early varieties of pear for constipation contain dietary fiber that facilitates bowel movements. They are recommended to be eaten daily, combined with leafy greens: lettuce, arugula, iceberg, raw goat cheese, toasted pine nuts or walnuts. The influence and impact of fruits on the body during pregnancy and breastfeeding is individual and depends on hormonal levels.

Does the pear weaken?

Is pear a laxative or a fixative? The fruit weakens the intestines with individual intolerance to the fruit, low acidity, and disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If consumed in excess, it may cause loose stools. If you eat a large amount of fruit, the body will receive a lot of dietary fiber - fiber, which naturally stimulates bowel movements. Fiber also normalizes cholesterol levels and restores the intestinal microbiome.

Dried pear, from which compotes, decoctions, and infusions are prepared, has fixing properties. This drink has a high tannin content, which stops diarrhea and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If you have frequent loose stools, late-ripening fruits are recommended for consumption: they contain the maximum amount of arbutin. Late fruits have a pronounced tart, astringent taste and strengthen the stool of adults and children.

Consumption of fruit is not recommended:

  • children under six months old: the baby does not have the microflora for normal digestion of the product;
  • with individual intolerance, allergy to fruits;
  • elderly;
  • people with diabetes and metabolic syndrome;
  • patients with central nervous system dysfunction and paralysis.

The pear consists mostly of water, which has a beneficial effect on digestion.
The carbohydrate content is minimal, so the fruit is allowed for consumption by those losing weight. People with a history of gastric and duodenal ulcers are especially careful when consuming fruits. The product contains a lot of fiber, which irritates the intestinal walls. The likelihood of exacerbation of chronic processes increases.

To understand and answer the question “do pears weaken or strengthen,” you first need to find out what useful elements and microsubstances are included in their composition.

Since pears are full of vitamins, they perfectly improve immunity and help fight viruses and infections. In addition, they support the functioning of internal organs (kidneys, liver). Doctors recommend consuming this fruit for women who suffer from frequent depression: it contains endorphins that help get out of this state.

Pears also contain a large amount of fiber, so they are recommended to be included in the diet of those who suffer from heart disease. Many diabetics are puzzled by the question of whether they can eat this fruit. Despite the fact that the pulp is very sweet, it contains less fructose, sucrose, and glucose than, for example, apples.

Folic acid, found in fruits, is indispensable for children and pregnant women. You can eat pears either raw, baked or boiled. They almost do not lose their beneficial properties during heat treatment.

How long does it take to digest

Different foods, with different compositions, are digested by the gastrointestinal tract at different times and with different efficiency.

If there is a lot of hard plant fiber in the food (as is the case with pears, especially if almost the entire fruit is eaten, except for the seeds - with sourness in the central part and hard fiber stretching towards the “poles”), then such food lingers in the intestines for a long time and has low speed of movement in it to get out.

But at the same time, in the intestines, after leaving the stomach and passing through the duodenum, barely 5% of the mass remaining from the pear moves through the intestines. The rest, broken down by gastric juice with its acid and enzymes, was partly absorbed through the walls of the stomach and duodenal bulb and entered the liver for processing.

Rules for eating pears for irregular bowel movements

During the selection process, preference is given to hard, unripe fruits: after a few days at home, they become soft. If you are intolerant to fresh fruits, they can be stewed or baked, or combined with apples and cinnamon. Adults are recommended to consume no more than 1-2 fruits per day, an hour after the main meal.

Formula-fed children are given different varieties of pears, depending on the expected effect. Pears can strengthen stool in infants, and ripe varieties act as a laxative and often cause diarrhea.

On this question, opinions usually differ. In fact, it all depends on the variety. There are varieties that help stop diarrhea - late ripening ones, and others that help get rid of constipation, such as Chinese pear.

The laxative effect is caused by fiber, which is abundant in pears. When eating one copy, a person receives 20% of the daily requirement of fiber, which can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, resulting in loose stools. You can almost always observe a picture when, after consuming a large amount of raw fruit, a person begins to have diarrhea. If no action is taken, it continues for several more days.

Measures against diarrhea can be the same pear, only it has undergone heat treatment: in the form of decoctions, compote, jelly, which have a fixing effect. The boiled product produces the substance arbutin, which can stop diarrhea.

It is worth mentioning the fact that if pears do not grow in any area, people who eat the product may develop intestinal obstruction. Their body is simply not adapted to the chemical composition of pear fruits.

In addition to belonging to the variety, the ripeness of the fruit affects the stool. Overripe specimens liquefy the stool, while those that take a long time to ripen can strengthen them. The astringent effect can even be felt in the mouth when eaten.

Today there is no consensus on the effect of pear juice on human stool. According to the observations of the majority, the pear becomes stronger and after eating the fruit, diarrhea and intestinal upset stop. Others, on the contrary, insist that this fruit is laxative and use it as a mild laxative.

If you have stool retention, it is recommended to consume early variety fruit, since it contains tannins in minimal quantities, and it is they that have an astringent effect. If you are worried about frequent loose stools, then to fix it, you need to eat a late variety fruit, since it contains arbutin, which allows you to achieve the desired effect.

That is why specialized experts do not give a definite answer regarding the effect of pears on the intestines, since everything depends directly on the selected fruit, which must be chosen correctly. You should pay attention to the peel; in early fruit it should be soft, and in late fruit, on the contrary, it should be hard. In addition, the late fruit has a tart, astringent taste.

There is still debate about whether pear juice is healthy and what effect it has on human stool. Many people claim that eating a few fruits can stop diarrhea and intestinal upset. Others, on the contrary, prove the opposite effect and use the fruit as a mild laxative. So who is really right? And those and others.

The benefits of pears are truly enormous, and their medicinal properties are amazing. It all depends on the type of fruit and the time of fruit ripening. Fruits of early varieties are suitable for constipation, as they have a low content of tannins, which have an astringent effect. If you need to secure a chair, it is better to use late varieties.

It is easy to distinguish such fruits. The early ones will have a soft skin. Late ones, on the contrary, are distinguished by the hardness of the pulp and skin, and at the same time they have an astringent, even tart taste.

There is debate about the effect of this fruit on the gastrointestinal tract. There are 2 opposing opinions. The first claims that the pear is a fixative and can be used for diarrhea. According to the second opinion, on the contrary, it relaxes the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and helps get rid of constipation.

Did you know? The fiber content of a pear is 20% of the daily value required to ensure normal energy metabolism.

In fact, both opinions are correct. The fruit has universal properties. It all depends on the variety. For constipation, early varieties are used as a laxative. Such fruits contain a significantly lower percentage of tannins, which actually have an astringent effect.

To get rid of diarrhea, use late varieties that ripen in October. They contain arbutin, which strengthens the stool.

Also, the effect of the fruit on the human body will completely depend on its individual characteristics and age. For example, for children under 1 year of age, the product is introduced as one of the first products in complementary foods. The high fiber content, on the one hand, knits, on the other hand, causes increased secretion of gastric juice, which speeds up the digestive processes.

In this case, you need to observe and note for yourself exactly how the product affects the child.

Pear has different effects on adults. For example, in people who suffer from stomach diseases accompanied by high acidity, fresh pear can cause severe upset and even exacerbation of the disease.

Did you know? It takes the human body 40 minutes to completely digest a pear.

Based on all of the above, the impact of fruits is determined purely individually for each individual person, regardless of whether he is an adult or a child.

Are they weakening or strengthening?

Today there is no consensus on the effect of pear juice on human stool. According to the observations of the majority, the pear becomes stronger and after eating the fruit, diarrhea and intestinal upset stop. Others, on the contrary, insist that this fruit is laxative and use it as a mild laxative. But who is really right? According to specialized experts, both options are possible and, in fact, the pear can have a double effect on the human body. It all depends on the type of fruit of the pear tree and the time of its ripening.

If you have stool retention, it is recommended to consume early variety fruit, since it contains tannins in minimal quantities, and it is they that have an astringent effect. If you are worried about frequent loose stools, then to fix it, you need to eat a late variety fruit, since it contains arbutin, which allows you to achieve the desired effect. That is why specialized experts do not give a definite answer regarding the effect of pears on the intestines, since everything depends directly on the selected fruit, which must be chosen correctly. You should pay attention to the peel; in early fruit it should be soft, and in late fruit, on the contrary, it should be hard. In addition, the late fruit has a tart, astringent taste.

Contraindications for use

It is not recommended for children in the first 6 months of life to eat the sweet and aromatic fruit of the pear tree, since the intestines of infants at this age are not yet fully formed and are not able to digest all the substances contained in pear juice or puree. People with ulcers and chronic gastritis should take pears with extreme caution.

Due to the high content of tannins, coarse fibers, and hard cellulose, pears are difficult to digest products. With frequent use, it significantly irritates the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. In addition, it has an ambiguous effect on peristalsis.

The fixing effect of fruits is a contraindication for many. But the greatest harm comes from excessive consumption of fruits. In addition, there are several other restrictive measures:

  • Pears are not recommended for children under six months of age; they may cause constipation. At an older age, soft varieties will be useful; they are used when introducing complementary foods. For such a case, boiled puree from ripe fruits is suitable.
  • It is allowed to introduce pears into a child’s diet only if the child has already consumed other fruits or vegetables for some time. Its digestive tract must be adapted to the effects of aggressive organic acids.
  • These fruits should not be eaten by people with high stomach acidity, ulcers or gastritis. The irritated mucous membrane will receive too much stress, which can lead to the development of constipation and other complications.
  • A contraindication is an increased allergic mood of the body.
  • It is not good for older people to eat durum varieties, since constipation can lead to serious complications for them.

Maybe we should try mashed potatoes?

Pears are easily digestible, so experienced pediatricians recommend this fruit puree for the baby’s first feeding. And for adults, such a dessert will be healthy and tasty. First of all, you need to choose ripe, soft fruits. Do not use sour varieties.

Pears are considered a dietary food: their calorie content is only 42 kcal. It is better to use them as a snack, separately from the main meal.

There are a lot of options for making purees. The simplest one: wash the fruit, peel it, grate it on a fine grater. This pear puree can be offered to a child after six months. If you decide to introduce complementary foods earlier, the fruit pulp must be boiled and mashed in a blender.

The pear strengthens or weakens the stool

We all know that some foods can have a specific effect on our digestion.
Some things should not be eaten if you are constipated, but others, on the contrary, are used as a natural laxative. But the effect of not all products can be determined unambiguously. Pear is one of the “controversial” fruits. On the Internet you can still find debates about whether a pear weakens or strengthens. Some are confident that the pear strengthens, others say the opposite. So who to believe?

It turns out there is no clear answer. A fruit can produce both effects, depending on the form in which it is consumed.

Preventing constipation

To avoid unpleasant reactions of the body, it is recommended to limit the amount of treats to one or two fruits per day. When choosing them, it is important to pay attention to the aroma. The more pronounced it is, the tastier and healthier the pear is. The integrity of the peel and the elasticity of the stalk are also important. These are indicators of the quality of the fruit, its maturity.

Simple preventative measures will help avoid constipation and other side effects:

  • You should not eat pear fruits on an empty stomach.
  • Those who suffer from pear cramps should only eat ripe fruits.
  • People prone to constipation may benefit from baking fruits in the oven.
  • You can’t eat meat immediately after eating ripe fruits.

We looked at how pear acts on the intestines in people with gastrointestinal disorders. But do pears have a negative effect on those whose digestive system works smoothly? No, they can safely enjoy delicious fruits without fear of constipation or diarrhea. If you follow the recommended measure, then you don’t have to think about unpleasant consequences; most likely, they will bypass you.

Tart varieties increase appetite and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, but can cause constipation. If the body reacts in this way, it is recommended to exclude the product from the diet or reduce its quantity, maintain a drinking regime, and consume vegetable oils and fiber.


  1. Therapeutic nutrition for childhood diseases. Diarrhea, constipation, vomiting. M.: Ripol Classic, 2014. 765 p.
  2. Markova A.P. Dietary nutrition for constipation/A.P. Markova. M.: Phoenix, 2005. 128 p.
  3. Zaitseva I.A. Therapeutic nutrition for constipation/I.A. Zaitseva. M.: Ripol Classic, 2011. 840 p.

How to choose a pear?

You need to choose pears correctly, this is the only way to get the maximum benefit from the fruit. Most often, fruits end up on store shelves unripe. If it is not possible to buy a ripe pear, then after purchasing the fruits you need to keep them for several days at room temperature. This will allow them to ripen and acquire maximum flavor.

In addition, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • Pear color. This figure will vary depending on the type of fruit. However, no pear should have large black spots, as this indicates a rotting process occurring inside the fruit.
  • Aroma. The healthiest and most delicious pears are those that emit a pleasant, subtle aroma. Simply smelling the “right” pear is enough to whet your appetite.
  • Integrity. There should be no mechanical damage, dents, abrasions or scratches on the pear. If the skin of the fruit is damaged, then it is better to refuse to purchase such a product.
  • Surface of the pear. The fruit should not shine, and there should be no greasy coating on it. Typically, these fruits are treated with harmful chemicals to extend their shelf life.
  • Pedicel. A ripe pear should not be too dry. You should choose a fruit whose stalk is soft and elastic and does not break when bent.

Who shouldn't eat pears?

Pear is a fruit that is popular among children and adults. But there are still small contraindications for those who should not eat the fruit. First of all, this applies to children in the first five months of life. An unformed intestine will not be able to digest all the substances contained in the puree and juice of this fruit.

Those who suffer from stomach ulcers or a chronic form of gastritis should be especially careful with pears, since the fruit contains a huge amount of fiber, which irritates the walls of the intestinal tract, which can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

If you are still interested in the question “do pears weaken or strengthen,” you must first learn to understand the varieties of this fruit and choose the one that is right for you.

How to use

Initially, you need to buy a quality product: without damage, whole (not broken), not overripe, not green. If the pears are from a summer cottage, things are simpler here. Ready fruit for consumption must be thoroughly washed.

People suffering from loose stools can eat pear after meals, after about 1.5 hours. Be sure to take small portions so that the stomach has time to process food during breaks. If possible, puree or bake in the oven. In this form, it will be more easily accepted by the walls of the stomach.

For other people, without any special contraindications, you can eat pear every day, without any special instructions. But you can’t overdo it, as the results can be disastrous.

Pear is a fruit that both weakens and strengthens. There is confirmation of this. People eat it without thinking about the consequences, which can be both diarrhea and constipation. If you observe anything in yourself, then you need to give up products made from pears or change their quantity.

  • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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Chemical composition and energy value of pear

Calorie content47 kcal
Squirrels0.4 g
Fats0.3 g
Carbohydrates10.3 g
Alimentary fiber2.8 g
Water85 g

The effect of the product on the human body is determined by a rich vitamin and mineral complex, which includes:

  • B vitamins;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • phylloquinone;
  • ascorbic acid and alpha tocopherol;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • sulfur;
  • chlorine;
  • boron;
  • chromium;
  • iron;
  • iodine;
  • cobalt, etc.;
  • a number of nonessential and essential amino acids;
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Properties of pear for the human body

Does the pear weaken?

With proper dosage consumption, the fruit in question can be an excellent source of vitamins and minerals for both adults and children.


  • B vitamins are responsible for:
  • ensuring and normalizing the functionality of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • increased skin tone;
  • restoration and normalization of the intestinal tract;
  • formation and growth of cells of all structural tissues of the body;
  • energy exchange;
  • increasing the body's resistance to infections and bacteria;
  • the performance of the muscle corset and its formation;
  • release of certain hormones.

The human body is not able to independently reproduce Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. You can only get them from food. These substances are one of the main building elements of skin, hair, nerve and germ cells.

Of the 92 chemical elements existing in nature, 81 are present in the human body. A deficiency of one or more leads to deterioration of health, which may be accompanied by destruction of bone tissue, hair, skin and cells of internal organs. Minerals are mainly obtained by humans from food.

They enter the body in an inactive state, and under the influence of fluids secreted in the gastrointestinal tract, they break down into high-molecular compounds available for absorption by organs. And it is pears that contain a large number of chemical elements necessary for the normal functionality and development of the human body.

Fresh fruits contain coarse fiber and enzymes that can cause fermentation. This feature often causes flatulence and bloating. The scale of the problem will differ depending on the individual structure of the body and the age of the person.

  • The products in question are completely contraindicated in the following cases:
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, accompanied by high or low acidity;
  • diarrhea caused by infection - in this case, medications are needed to stop the development of the infection and the pear will not help get rid of the disease, but will only aggravate the condition;
  • children under 5 months;
  • with paralysis;
  • allergy to plants baptized with pear (alder, birch, stone fruit);
  • with individual intolerance;
  • flatulence, bloating, colic;
  • diabetes.

Fresh fruits are contraindicated to be consumed on an empty stomach at any age. Acids and fiber irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, which, if consumed in moderation, can ultimately lead to gastritis.

The effect of pear on the intestines

The rich nutritional composition of the fruit contains many components that affect intestinal function. Motor skills depend not only on the fruit variety, but also on the ripeness of the fruit. If we analyze opinions about the effect of fruit on the intestines, it turns out that there is no single solution. Pear has a laxative or consolidating effect depending on the method of consumption. Fiber actively acts on the intestinal walls, irritating the mucous membrane. This leads to the release of an increased amount of digestive juice, softening food and regulating stool.

The menu must include products that strengthen and weaken.

Therefore, you need to monitor the form in which the fruit is consumed. Many people who care about their health want to know whether a fresh pear strengthens or weakens them. A large amount of fiber has a laxative effect.


Fruit pulp copes well with intestinal disorders in adults. It comes into contact with gastric juice, this duo improves digestion well. In addition, the concentration of beneficial substances in pear juice relieves inflammatory manifestations and does not allow them to develop again. Pathogenic microflora in such a composition do not survive due to the content of pectin and tannins.

The second important quality is antibacterial, which arbutin provides. Therefore, the fruit is called a natural antibiotic.

Despite the listed advantages, an adult may experience diarrhea or constipation from pears. It depends on the:

  • individual characteristics of the body;
  • age;
  • varieties;
  • amount of fruit eaten;
  • method of use;
  • cooking option.

Therefore, the effect on the chair can be completely opposite. In certain situations, pear acts as a laxative or causes constipation.


It's a little more difficult with kids. For children under 1 year of age, fruits are introduced into complementary foods, but carefully. It is necessary to monitor the child's condition very carefully. Any amount of fiber in fruits has an astringent effect, but at the same time increases the secretion of gastric juice. The digestion process accelerates, and the result must be recorded. If your baby is not fed correctly, he will develop constipation or diarrhea. Children are more difficult to treat, so preventing the problem from occurring is much smarter.

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