Which cleanses the intestines better, Fortrans or Moviprep?

Active ingredients

Not surprisingly, in one of our earlier articles about Moviprep, they noted that this is literally a “breakthrough” in bowel preparation.
Yes, this is a very successful drug. But in terms of composition, the high molecular weight substance Macrogol 3350, used in Moviprep, has long been used in the drug of the famous German company Falk, Endofalk.

Macrogol 3350 is a second-generation drug with a reduced molecular weight that causes minor irritation to the mucous membrane of the distal colon (sigmoid and rectum).

This substance retains water in the intestinal lumen, preventing it from being absorbed through the mucous membrane, and, like a piston, squeezes everything out of the intestine and washes it out in one go.

Endofalk contains only Macrogol 3350.

Characteristics of Fortrans

Fortrans is a drug that is one of the osmatic laxative drugs. Due to the formation of specific water-soluble bonds directly with H2O molecules, dehydration is prevented.

The active components are represented by macrogol 4000, sodium chloride, bicarbonate and sulfate. The product also includes polyethylene glycol.

It is worth noting that the drug is not absorbed by the intestinal mucosa and is excreted from the body in its original form.

It is recommended to use before X-ray examination, endoscopy, and intestinal surgery.

Fortrans is available in powder form, which is used to make a solution. Country of origin: France (Bofur Ipsen Industry). Price – 120-617 rub.

Powder for oral administration is highly soluble in liquid. Has a laxative effect.

The medication is intended to cleanse the intestines when preparing the patient for an endoscopic or x-ray examination of the colon. The drug can also be prescribed before rectal surgery.

This laxative can be used by patients over 15 years of age. To prepare the medicine, powder from 1 sachet is dissolved in 1 liter of water and stirred until completely dissolved.

The solution can be used in 1 or 2 doses. For a single dose, you should drink the composition in the evening before your scheduled examination or surgery.

This drug should not be used if:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the powder;
  • heart failure;
  • the presence of cancer and other diseases of the colon;
  • intestinal obstruction.

In addition, patients under 15 years of age should not take laxatives.

Fortrans is intended to cleanse the intestines when preparing the patient for a colon examination.

When taking the medication, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • flatulence;
  • abdominal pain;
  • skin rashes or swelling.

The product is available in the form of a powder intended for the preparation of a solution that is taken orally. The drug is packaged in 2 sachets. The active component of the product is macrogol 3350.

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Taking the solution orally provokes diarrhea and promotes rapid emptying of the large intestine.

The use of the drug is indicated for cleansing the intestines before endoscopic or x-ray examination of the intestine.

Adults and elderly people need to drink 2 liters of diluted powder. Additionally, during the course of treatment, it is recommended to drink 1 liter of liquid (clear soup, fruit juice without pulp, coffee drink or tea).

To prepare the first liter of solution, the contents of 2 sachets must be dissolved in a small amount of water, and then added to 1 liter with water. The finished composition is consumed within 2 hours. The preparation of the second liter of solution is carried out in the same way.

Taking Moviprep provokes diarrhea and promotes rapid emptying of the large intestine.

The laxative can be taken in one dose: 2 liters are drunk the day before the colonoscopy. When dividing the dose into 2 parts, the first liter of diluted powder should be consumed in the evening, and the second - in the morning on the day of the examination.

The drug should not be used if:

  • allergic reaction to the components of the product;
  • perforation of the digestive tract;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • gastroparesis of the stomach;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency;
  • acute inflammatory bowel diseases.

The following negative manifestations cannot be excluded when taking the medication:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • itching;
  • dyspnea;
  • skin rash;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • flatulence;
  • pain syndrome in the epigastric region;
  • perianal dermatitis;
  • insomnia.

Nausea and vomiting may occur when taking Moviprep. Moviprep may cause allergic reactions, such as skin itching or rash. Side effects of Moviprep may include epigastric pain.

Medication approach

Common laxatives suitable for preparation before colonoscopy are Lavacol and Fortrans. Despite the different prices, country of origin and method of use, the products are similar in effect. It is possible to use the listed medications both in the case of preparation for the procedure, and as a laxative in other situations.


The drug is the development of domestic pharmacists. This is the main factor influencing the cost of the medicine. The product is convenient to use due to its release form; it is sold in powder form. You should add water before use.

Lavacol is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The drug is prescribed:

  • To achieve complete cleansing of the intestines from food debris. Complete cleansing of the intestinal cavity is carried out before X-ray and endoscopic diagnostics.
  • For constipation, regardless of the cause.
  • The appointment occurs before an operation taking place in the pelvic area or intestines.

When buying a medicine without a prescription, you should find out about the dosage and side effects. Instructions for use included with the package of the medicine are required. The procedure begins by reading the instructions. The release form of the drug is powder, dosed, sealed in sachets. The contents of the sachet are recommended to be mixed with 200 milliliters of liquid. The water used to obtain the product must be boiled and cooled to room temperature.

Doctors believe that the contents of the package are only enough for 4 kilograms of weight. It turns out that to get the effect, you should drink at least three liters of the solution and use 12 sachets of medication.

It is recommended to drink the resulting liquid in the morning on an empty stomach. Or after two hours have passed after eating. For colonoscopy, preparation begins 18 hours in advance. The last meal should be taken no later than 12 noon if the examination is planned in the morning. After 2 hours, you should start cleansing the body. Times may vary depending on your scheduled procedure time.

Drink the resulting solution in a glass every 20 minutes. The remedy begins to act, on average, from half an hour to two. After drinking liquids, you should avoid eating food. Allowed to drink water and tea.

Lavacol is not absorbed by the human body. The principle of action is to cleanse the intestines and exit unchanged. After the drug, side effects are observed in the form of nausea, vomiting, and skin rashes.


The principle of action of the product is identical to Lavacol. Fortrans is an imported medicine. This French drug is similar in composition to the previous laxative. There is a noticeable difference in cost between the two medications. It is influenced by the “importability” of the product. The medication, like Lavacol, is available in powder form.

The composition of the package is designed for a liter of boiled liquid. A liter of the resulting solution is drunk at the rate of 15 kilograms. The minimum required dose of liquid reaches 3-4 liters.

You need to start using laxatives 18-20 hours before the examination. From 15.00 the patient should drink a glass of solution every 60 minutes. Fortrans also implies a second use option. The resulting volume of liquid is divided in half. Drink the first half in the evening, finish the second in the morning. Calculate the intake of the drug so that the final intake of liquid occurs 3-4 hours before a colonoscopy or other method of diagnosing the disease.

An additional accelerated option for taking the medication is possible. Drink the liquid in glasses, drink the first one within 10 minutes, finish the rest of the liquid within an hour. This method may cause nausea due to the large amount of liquid drunk. In addition to nausea, the drug has side effects such as vomiting and an allergic reaction.

Properties of Moviprep

In terms of taste, due to the addition of fruit flavors and ascorbic acid, both drugs are close to each other, they are much easier to use than Fortrans, for example. In Moviprep, these flavorings hide the bitterness from sodium sulfate.

Moviprep is one of the osmatic carrier drugs. After using drugs based on macrogol, moderate diarrhea is observed. Under the influence of the drug, it increases the volume of feces and improves the process of their movement through the rectum.

It is worth noting that the active ingredient Moviprep (macrogol 3350) is practically not absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and remains in the intestines in its original form.

Prescribed to cleanse the intestines before clinical diagnostic studies (before x-rays and endoscopy). It is not recommended to use in case of gastrointestinal obstruction, ileus, toxic megacolon, deficiency of the special enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, ulcerative colitis.

Available in powder form for the preparation of oral solution. Manufactured by NORGIN Limited, UK. The cost of the drug is 592-890 rubles.

Expert opinion

Both drugs have almost no differences for patients, but the doctor will find them. This does not apply to doctors who are not involved in endoscopic examinations. Professionals who are directly involved with procedures like colonoscopies know that the better the cleaning, the less likely it is to have a repeat procedure.

The level of bowel cleansing from feces is measured using the Boston scale. The maximum score is 9 points. A cleaning score of 6 or higher is considered good. If the patient manages to achieve the specified indicator, the procedure will be the only one, and there will be no re-examination.

It is possible to achieve a high level of purity with the help of an effective remedy, which both medications are recognized as. To achieve the desired result, it is worth carrying out double cleaning. It consists of taking the drug in two doses: 2 liters in the evening and 2 in the morning before colonoscopy. The last glass drunk is taken 4 hours before.

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Moviprep: instructions for use

In practice, the volume of liquid needed to cleanse the intestines that you need to drink is approximately the same - 3.0 liters. In practice, we recommend increasing the total volume of liquid to 4.0 liters when using both Endofalk and Moviprep.

It is allowed to take clear chicken broth, tea without milk, juice without pulp, and plain water as liquid. Alcoholic and carbonated drinks are not allowed.

The medicine Moviprep is a powder from which a solution for oral use is prepared. This is the only form of release of this drug.

According to the instructions for use, Moviprep does not have very diverse indications - preparing the intestine for diagnostic procedures (preparation for intestinal irrigoscopy, preparation for intestinal FCS or intestinal RRS) or before surgery.

For classic constipation, it is usually not used. In such cases, more gentle laxative tablets are a priority. But before an irrigoscopy or colonoscopy, it is very advisable to drink Moviprep; it allows you to prepare well for such a procedure.

Colonoscopy is a procedure for examining the large intestine, which does not have the most flattering reviews from patients, although it is performed with anesthesia or under general anesthesia and does not take much time.

It is mandatory to cleanse the intestines before a colonoscopy, which allows you to remove food debris and feces from the body that make it difficult for the doctor to see.

An enema helps some in this matter, but most proctologists and patients prefer to cleanse using Moviprep for colonoscopy.

When a patient is recommended to cleanse the intestines before a colonoscopy, he is mainly interested in how to take Moviprep, how long it takes to act and how long it takes to recover after all these manipulations.

Preparation for intestinal colonoscopy with Moviprep means that the patient must change his diet a few days in advance, and then the prepared solution of Moviprep should be drunk within 1-2 hours. Patients usually drink Moviprep 200 ml every 15-30 minutes.

Important! The regimen for using Moviprep before colonoscopy differs depending on what time the examination is scheduled for.

The proctologist will give all the necessary recommendations for preparing for a colonoscopy:

  1. Preparation for colonoscopy with Moviprep, if the procedure in the morning involves following a diet before colonoscopy 3 days before the examination. The day before the colonoscopy, you are only allowed to have breakfast, and you can drink clear liquids instead of lunch and dinner. If the colonoscopy is in the morning, then on the eve of the examination the patient should take the first liter of solution between 19:00 and 20:00. And the second portion - between 21:00 and 22:00.
  2. If the procedure is carried out during the day, then following a diet is also necessary for 3 days. The day before, you can have breakfast and lunch until 13:00 with permitted foods, and only clear liquids are allowed for dinner. In this case, taking Moviprep before a colonoscopy is divided into 2 stages (in the evening and in the morning on the day of the examination).
  3. If the colonoscopy is in the evening or in the afternoon, then a one-stage morning scheme is used. In this case, the diet before colonoscopy is also followed for 3 days. But on the eve of the examination day, you can even have dinner no later than 18:00, and on the day of the procedure, only clear liquids are allowed in the morning. They begin to prepare for a colonoscopy with Moviprep from 08:00 to 09:00, then take a 1-hour break and drink the second portion of the drug within another hour.

Preparation for irrigoscopy is similar to preparation for colonoscopy with Moviprep.

Moviprep: reviews of the drug

Before starting to drink the laxative drug Moviprep, patients visit the forum to read reviews about bowel cleansing before a colonoscopy with Moviprep. As a rule, reviews of Moviprep are quite positive, especially in comparison with Fortrans.

Reviews about cleansing often contain a general mention that the result does not take long to arrive if you take the drug correctly. Patients usually include the following in their descriptions of their sensations and reviews of use:

  1. The contents of the package dissolve easily to obtain a jelly-like solution.
  2. The onset of action in the form of enhanced peristalsis begins after 30 minutes.
  3. The drug is fully effective 60 minutes after taking the first portion.
  4. The duration of action is approximately 2 hours, the effect ends 3 hours after the first use of the solution.
  5. When Moviprep begins to act, no severe pain or severe discomfort is observed.
  6. Stool restoration after taking the drug and diagnostics occurs on the third day.

Patients' reviews of the drug usually include general dissatisfaction with its cost.

Doctors' reviews of Moviprep are also usually positive. They note that the drug Moviprep provides a good quality of intestinal cleansing, and almost all patients tolerate it without any complaints. But at the same time, patients should not independently select such a means for cleansing the intestines, despite all the positive reviews about Moviprep. In this case, consultation with a proctologist and endoscopist is mandatory.

Side effects

Endofalk has the least side effects of all known drugs for bowel cleansing. Moviprep often causes nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, as well as sleep disturbances, dizziness, and headache.

The use of both drugs in elderly and debilitated patients must be under medical supervision, and only from 18 years of age.

During pregnancy and lactation, both drugs are prescribed according to strict indications and their use is limited.

There was no effect on the control of machinery and vehicles when using both drugs.

Features of drug preparation

Fortrans or Lavacol should not cause electrolyte imbalance, judging by their composition. But if the patient is dehydrated, has electrolyte disturbances, or is taking medications that cause hyponatremia or hypokalemia, preparation for a colonoscopy should begin after these conditions have been corrected.

The day before, only liquid food is allowed - its remnants will be removed with a laxative. It is impossible to take other drugs in parallel, as they will be washed out of the intestines. The doctor should be notified of all medications that are currently taken in oral forms. If necessary, he will replace them with other dosage forms during preparation.

Differences between Fortrans and Moviprep

In Fortrans, the active component is macrogol 4000, and in Moviprep it is macrogol 3350.

Macrogol 4000 is a first generation substance. With prolonged use, many patients experience irritation and disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the small intestine.

Macrogol 3350 is a second-generation substance with a lower molecular weight. Unlike macrogol 4000, patients taking this substance are less likely to experience irritation and damage to the mucous membrane of the small intestine.

In addition, instead of 3-4 liters of diluted Fortrans powder, the patient needs to consume only 2 liters of diluted Moviprep medication. Moviprep also has a more pleasant taste, since flavor enhancers are added to the powder.

Moviprep powder for the preparation of a solution for oral administration. norgine - review

It so happened that I had two colonoscopies in a row, one week apart (of course, as necessary and as prescribed by the doctor). The procedure is, of course, unpleasant, but for me, preparing for it is even worse.

The first time I prepared for a colonoscopy with Fortrans. It was some kind of nightmare. I don't even want to write a review on it. As soon as I remember, I immediately have a gag reflex.

Then I started vomiting. The body simply did not accept this crap. I honestly drank, I tried, but everything came back. Neither lemon nor grapefruit helped.

Since my daughter categorically does not take a bottle/expressed milk/formula. That's why I also fed at the same time. Of course, there was very little milk, and I myself was severely dehydrated (diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, starvation), I was simply unsteady.

And since I drank too little Fortrans, they also gave me an enema at the clinic.


So when they told me that I needed to do the colonoscopy again, I was horrified. How?! Fortrans again?? OH NO!!! So the nurse advised me to try Moviprep. “It’s not very pleasant either, but you only need to drink two liters of it,” she said.

I have never heard of such a drug. The great Google said that the drug was relatively new, there were few reviews.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Experience with the use of MOVIPREP® during pregnancy and breastfeeding is limited. MOVIPREP® should only be used if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus or child (consultation with a physician is required).

But I didn’t even consider the option with Fortrans, so I bought Moviprep. It costs a little more than Fortrans. About 750 rub.

  1. Preparation: the Moviprep box contains 4 sachets (2 sachets type A and 2 sachets type B).
    Sachet A B for dilution in 1l

    To prepare the solution, you need to mix sachet A B in a small amount of water:

    Dilution in a small amount of water

    and (attention!) bring the prepared solution to 1 liter. In Fortrans, for example, you need to take 1 liter and pour powder into it. There is a lot of powder in both preparations, so if you add all the powder to 1 liter, the preparation becomes larger - about 100 ml. Thus, you need to drink Fortrans, not 4 liters, but 4.4 liters (approximately). Maybe you don’t have to follow it so strictly, but I’m guided by the instructions. That’s why I immediately liked Moviprep.

  2. Drink. For one liter of Moviprep you need to drink at least 500 ml of another liquid. It can be weak tea, coffee, broth, juice without pulp, plain water. This also made me very happy. There are no such recommendations in Fortrans, and to be honest, I didn’t want to drink anything with it. I couldn’t even drink plain water, I felt so sick. I washed down Moviprep with apple juice. Just for 1 liter of solution it took me 500 ml of juice.
  3. The taste is chemically nasty-lemony-sweet. I won’t say which is better than Fortrans, it’s not for everybody. But because I drank from a wide straw and washed it down with juice - I almost didn’t feel the taste of the solution itself.
  4. The effect of the drug began for me about an hour after I started drinking. I took the drug for one hour and went to the toilet for the next two hours. Everything is very decent, 4-6 hikes. I didn’t sit in the toilet all the time.

I would like to remind you that before a colonoscopy, it is recommended to follow a diet to better cleanse the intestines. I’m on a relatively strict diet during breastfeeding, so there were no drastic changes in nutrition.

  • 5 days before the colonoscopy, I excluded vegetables/fruits/berries/nuts/seeds.
  • In 3 days I switched to light food - broth on the breast of cereals/noodles. Semolina. Cheese. Eggs. Rice cakes. Cottage cheese. Marmalade.
  • The day before the colonoscopy, for breakfast I drank broth, a couple of pieces of cheese, soft cottage cheese, and two quail eggs. Although my doctor’s memo said not to eat at all for 36 hours before the procedure. But again I didn’t want vacillation and weakness, so again I feed her. So I had breakfast. I didn't eat any more solid food.

My instructions say to drink 1 liter of Moviprep at 20:00 and the second at 21:00. I started drinking much earlier, at 15:00. So that I have time to recover if something goes wrong. By the way, I recommend everyone to do this.

What's the point of not eating anything all day and drinking two liters in a row in the evening? It is better to distribute the drug intake throughout the day. This way you have a better chance of drinking successfully.

So, separate intake day after day may also be possible, I thought.

  • 15-16.30 - first liter. I drank 500 ml of apple juice.
  • 17.30 - I drank a large mug of hot tea (what a pleasure it is at such a moment!).
  • 19 - started drinking the second liter. I finished around 21. It was more difficult. Again 500 ml apple juice.

Well, plus I also drank regular water, I didn’t count how much.

I was alone at home with two children and was afraid of how I would feel. With Fortrans, I just lay there and didn’t move, I felt so bad. It’s good that our mother-in-law was with us and looked after the children.

But I felt great. I was preparing to eat.

Breastfed my youngest daughter. Played with the eldest. When my husband came home from work, we had a disco with the girls, and he was a little shocked. He asked what I drank?

Overall, I took the drug quite well. Of course, the second liter was more difficult to drink and I didn’t want to go through it, but I drank it. I didn’t feel sick, I felt a little nauseous, but it went away quickly.

My little tips to make drinking easier:

  1. Drink through a large straw.
  2. Immediately drink apple juice/citrus snack.
    I prepared grapefruit, but it wasn't needed. I liked it better with juice. Moviprep - in the right transparent glass
  3. Do not sit or lie, but move so that everything in the intestines passes faster.
  4. Get distracted. Do something else at the same time as you drink. I prepared to eat on the first liter. Therefore, between cleaning/cutting food, I didn’t even notice how I drank the first liter.
  5. Start drinking early so that you have some time to rest. And so that everything doesn’t drag on until night, otherwise you’ll have to sleep in the toilet

Of the special instructions, it is necessary to take into account that Moviprep contains aspartame, therefore it is contraindicated in case of phenylketonuria, and ascorbate, which is harmful in case of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

The use of Endofalk is contraindicated in patients with chronic renal failure, gastric and duodenal ulcers (bleeding is possible)

Which is better to choose Moviprep or Fortrans?

To prepare for various types of examinations, doctors often prescribe various medications that allow you to properly cleanse the intestines. Without such funds, it is difficult to carry out examinations such as colonoscopy, intestinal x-rays, as well as surgical interventions in the gastrointestinal tract.


Moviprep is a medicine that causes mild diarrhea. It is based on macrogol, the result of which is problem-free bowel movement.

The product contains not only macrogol, which is the main active ingredient of the drug. In addition to it, the composition also contains ascorbic acid and sodium sulfate.

The action of the main substance is aimed at increasing the amount of feces, which results in rapid and effective bowel movement. In addition, this substance enhances intestinal motility.

The drug is available in the form of a white or milky powder, which is in sachets. The powder dissolves completely when mixed with water.

The drug is prescribed by doctors to prepare for various studies or surgical interventions that require preliminary bowel movement. The medicine has some contraindications:

  • Sensitivity to components.
  • Gastroparesis.
  • Phenylketonuria.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Glucose-six-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
  • Crohn's disease.
  • Megacolon.
  • Children under 18 years of age.
  • State of unconsciousness.

In addition to direct contraindications, there are also secondary ones, with which you should be careful when taking this drug. These include:

  1. Dehydration of the body.
  2. Dysfunction of certain parts of the brain.
  3. Severe heart failure.
  4. Unexplained abdominal pain.
  5. Kidney failure.
  6. Arrhythmia.

If a person has one or another contraindication, you should consult with a specialist about taking it. Perhaps you can replace the product with another one.

Before taking the medicine, a person must first adhere to a special diet in preparation for the examination. After choosing a regimen for taking the drug with your doctor, you can begin the treatment itself.

Among the permitted products before taking the drug are the following:

  • Any lean meat.
  • Eggs.
  • Dairy products.
  • Fish.
  • Sugar, honey
  • Any broths are low-fat.
  • Tea, coffee, compote.
  • Juices only without pulp.
  • Water.
  • Non-carbonated drinks.

It is better to exclude all other products while consuming Moviprep, as they will somewhat impede the passage of food and may also cause incompatibility and seething.

There have been no studies on use by pregnant women and nursing mothers, so there is a certain risk of taking the medicine.


The drug Fortrans is taken to prepare for various types of examinations concerning the intestines and stomach. The product is a laxative and acts due to the main active ingredient - macrogol.

Due to the binding of water molecules, the volume of food entering the intestines increases, after which pressure occurs on the intestinal walls and food passes through quickly.

Fortrans is available in powder form, which is mixed with water in certain proportions recommended by a doctor. The powder is packaged in sachets, which makes dosing the drug easier.

Contraindications to taking this medication:

  • Heart failure.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Children under 15 years of age.
  • Sensitivity to components in the composition.

The drug is considered fairly safe, however, no studies have been conducted on use by children, so persons under 15 years of age should abstain. People prone to allergies should also be careful.

The drug is taken orally, in a dosage selected by the attending physician. Usually it is taken once, in an amount of about 4 liters in the evening, on the eve of the necessary examination or surgery.

During use, some people report side effects such as hives, bloating, swelling, rash, and vomiting.


Studies have not been conducted in pregnant women, so the risk to mother and fetus when using this medicine should be considered. During breastfeeding, the drug is allowed to be taken as it is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract.

Both drugs are based on the action of the main component - Macrogol. However, its content in Fortrans is 4000 units, while in Moviprep it is 3350.

Both drugs have the same release form. They are offered in powder form, packaged in sachets. In order to take the medicine correctly, you need to mix the powder with water.

Some people report increased gas, bloating, and diarrhea after using both medications. Complete emptying occurs painlessly and quickly enough.

Moviprep is taken orally, just like Fortrans, however, the former is diluted in a dosage of about 1 liter. Whereas Fortrans must be diluted with 4 liters of water, thereby obtaining a solution with a volume of about 4.4 liters (since the product adds volume when added to water).

When taking Moviprep, you must drink another liquid, adding it to the resulting solution. This way you can take not only the solution itself, but also other drinks.

Both medications have a sweet and sour taste, but some patients note that Moviprep has a more pleasant taste. This may be due to the fact that it is drunk in smaller volumes than Fortrans.

The effect of the drug begins after approximately the same period of time, but this issue is individual and depends on the reaction of each individual person.

What's better

Both remedies are aimed at solving the same problem. Their active substance is identical, the only difference is in the auxiliary components in the composition, as well as in the number of units of the main substance.

According to indications, doctors prescribe both drugs; each person chooses according to the presence of contraindications, taking into account the tendency to have a reaction to one or another component.

Both drugs act in an identical way, so taking one or the other before an examination or surgery is possible.

Preparation for the colonoscopy procedure is the most important stage of rectal endoscopy itself. Thanks to the examination of the clean mucous membrane, it will be possible to identify a number of pathologies and disorders, which will further help in making a diagnosis and prescribing effective treatment.

Before a colonoscopy, it is recommended to cleanse the intestines using special preparations. To understand which drug to choose Moviprep or Fortrans, which one is better, you will need to conduct a comparative analysis of the drugs.

Moviprep is one of the osmatic carrier drugs.

After using drugs based on macrogol, moderate diarrhea is observed. Under the influence of the drug, it increases the volume of feces and improves the process of their movement through the rectum.

Electrolytes, which are present in the carrier product, prevent water-electrolyte imbalance and reduce the likelihood of dehydration.


It is worth noting that the active ingredient Moviprep (macrogol 3350) is practically not absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and remains in the intestines in its original form.

Available in powder form for the preparation of oral solution. Manufactured by NORGIN Limited, UK. The cost of the drug is 592-890 rubles.

When deciding which is better: Fortrans or Moviprep, you should know that both drugs are effective. However, there are the following nuances:

  1. Fortrans has an unpleasant taste, and you need to drink more of it, unlike Moviprep.
  2. Fortrans can influence the control of vehicles.
  3. Moviprep contains aspartame and ascorbonate, so it cannot be used for phenylketonuria and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
  4. Fortrans should not be taken if you have impaired renal function, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, or the presence of a stomach ulcer.

Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor before using any of these remedies.

Fortrans: Instructions for use Moviprep: Instructions for use

In the absence of contraindications, you should give preference to Moviprep, since it is a safer laxative and is easier to tolerate.

Although each drug contains macrogol, there are still differences between the drugs, namely the molecular weight of this substance. Fortrans contains macrogol 4000, Moviprep contains macrogol 3350.

The latter is a second generation drug with a reduced molecular weight. When using Moviprep, the risk of developing irritation and damage to the mucous membrane is much lower. Moreover, the taste is much better than the Fortrans solution.

Adverse symptoms develop almost the same - digestive disorders, headaches, insomnia, flatulence.

It is worth considering that Moviprep is contraindicated for use in case of phenylketonuria, and Fortrans in case of disruption of the renal system, ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa.

The drugs exhibit almost identical therapeutic effects. If you have a choice: Fortrans or Moviprep, a doctor should prescribe an osmatic laxative. Gastroenterologists usually recommend the use of Moviprep.

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