How to prepare for gastroscopy of the stomach: diet, medications and tests before the examination

What is gastroscopy of the stomach and how is it done?

This is an endoscopic method for examining the stomach and duodenum.
Diagnosis is carried out using an endoscope - a flexible tube with a diameter of up to 10 mm with a video camera at the end. Pathological changes in the mucous membranes of the digestive tract are visualized on the monitor of the endoscopic apparatus.

The procedure is performed in a specialized diagnostic room.

The session lasts from 20 to 40 minutes.

If necessary, anesthesia is used, but the procedure can be performed without it. Preparation for gastroscopy and sequence of actions:

  1. The patient lies on his left side, bending his knees to his chest.
  2. A special mouth guard is inserted into the mouth so that when the jaw reflexively clenches, it does not spoil (swallow) the endoscope.
  3. The patient takes a deep breath to widen the esophagus tube, where an endoscope (probe) is slowly inserted.
  4. During diagnosis, a person breathes deeply, evenly, and tries to relax emotionally.
  5. The probe is moved for a detailed examination of all areas of the gastric mucosa, causing the patient discomfort and causing vomiting.
  6. Images of the intestinal cavity and video are recorded.
  7. After the examination, the endoscope is carefully removed.
  8. After 5 days, they provide a transcript of the gastroscopy in hand.

Gastroscopy of the stomach is prescribed for the following patient complaints:

  • feeling of heaviness, fullness in the stomach after eating and without;
  • pain in the epigastrium, which bothers you on an empty stomach and on a full stomach;
  • bitterness, taste of a “copper coin” in the mouth;
  • sour belching, heartburn;
  • nausea, frequent bouts of vomiting;
  • vomit containing blood and particles of undigested food.

Diagnostics is necessary to establish and clarify the diagnosis. Possible diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • atrophic gastritis;
  • stomach bleeding;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • polyps, malignant tumors;
  • stenosis of the gastric lumen.

The following types of diagnostics are distinguished:

  • Fibergastroendoscopy (FGS). Only the gastric mucosa is examined.
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS). Additionally, the condition of the duodenum is studied.

The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach. This increases the information content of the method and prevents gagging during insertion/removal of the endoscope. For chronic gastrointestinal pathologies, you should not eat food 12 hours before gastroscopy. Patients without digestive problems refuse to eat 8–9 hours before the test.

If gastroscopy is planned to be performed under anesthesia, the last meal is prescribed 10–12 hours before diagnosis. Otherwise, vomiting occurs as a reaction to anesthesia. Since gastroscopy is performed in the morning, it is important not to eat in the evening.

Before swallowing the tube, it is important to establish hydration. It is not recommended to drink liquid 2-3 hours before the examination.

It is important to give up coffee, alcohol and carbonated drinks at least 24 hours in advance.

Water is quickly digested by the body, so it does not reduce the diagnostic information. Recommended drinks:

  • decoction of blueberries, rose hips;
  • still water;
  • herbal teas with anti-inflammatory effect;
  • compote of dried fruits, fresh fruits;
  • green tea;
  • berry juice;
  • natural juices.

To perform gastroscopy of the stomach without vomiting, it is recommended to adhere to a therapeutic diet 48 hours before the examination. The main goal is to relieve the digestive tract and facilitate diagnosis. Preparing the patient for FGDS includes the following recommendations:

  • Avoid foods that are poorly digestible and irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tract (spicy, salty, smoked foods).
  • Food can be steamed, baked, stewed, boiled. It is forbidden to consume fried, fatty foods, spicy foods, smoked foods, marinades, and preservatives.
  • Avoid animal fats, with the exception of a small amount of butter.
  • Do not consume hot food or drink, otherwise the mucous membranes of the stomach are easily injured.
  • The procedure should be carried out in the first half of the day, always on an empty stomach.
  • Do not eat food 10 hours before gastroscopy, and do not drink liquids 2 hours before.

What diet should you follow before gastroscopy of the stomach, permitted foods and sample menu

Many diseases of the stomach and esophagus are today treated with surgery.
And the operation cannot be performed without a correct examination. To study the condition of the esophagus and stomach, gastroendoscopy is used, in which the stomach is examined from the inside. The operation is called FGS - fibrogastroscopy.

Sometimes an additional examination of the duodenum is carried out, and this option is called FGDS. Both operations are similar, and therefore the diet before FGS of the stomach and before FGDS will be the same.

Why do you need to prepare?

This is a routine operation, but “swallowing a light bulb,” as patients say, is not very pleasant. Therefore, in order for the information content of the procedure to be at its best, and not to have to carry out the procedure again, it is necessary to prepare properly.

Preparation will eliminate irritation of the mucous membrane and reduce the load on the digestive tract, and will also reduce the gag reflex and pain effects. If you ignore the recommendations, you may experience problems with swallowing and difficulty eating after the procedure.

For inspection, a gastroscope with a flashlight and camera is used. This method is the best for treating polyps and ulcers.

The procedure cannot be performed for heart disease, inflammation or enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck, stomach ulcers and some other pathologies.

How to prepare for the examination?

The effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on the patient’s readiness and compliance with a set of simple recommendations. Before gastroscopy, the patient adheres to a certain diet. Technically, it's not even a diet - he just can't eat certain types of food. The examination itself is most often carried out before noon. 3-4 days before the procedure, a diet is followed before gastroscopy of the stomach.

Products that are not allowed in the diet before FGS

The list of types of food that must be excluded includes all types of meat with a high fat content, smoked foods, herbs, spices and pickled foods. You should also not eat mushrooms, hot sauces with a lot of fat, beans and grain bread. Both pasta and baked goods are excluded. The list of prohibited foods also includes sweets, coffee and alcohol.

The diet before FGS excludes everything fried from the diet.

Authorized Products

What foods does the diet allow before FGS, what can you eat? It is recommended to consume preferably low-fat dairy products, such as low-fat cheeses or cottage cheese. We cook the chicken without the skin, choose the cheese without hot spices. We prepare soups with mild chicken or fish broth.

We focus on boiled or scrambled eggs, and supplement the diet with fish such as hake or pollock. Fish, like meat dishes, is recommended not to be fried, but boiled. It is necessary to consume enough fiber, add it in the form of boiled or steamed vegetables or fruits.

The most profitable vegetables are carrots and beets.

Fruits are essential as sources of vitamins and fiber. Of these, apples and bananas are the best. It is recommended to grate apples. We also eat grated pumpkin. Fruits can be boiled for compote if desired.

An important point is that you need to drink enough. In addition to plain water, tea with milk, compotes, juices and fruit drinks, still mineral water and vegetable and fruit decoctions are recommended for consumption.

How many hours before an FGD can you eat?

The diet before FGD the day before the operation prescribes that the diet should be even lighter. 20 hours before the operation itself, it is advisable not to eat at all, and the last snack should be as light as possible. Ideally, it will be vegetables or poultry, and you cannot eat more than 300 grams. Such food will be completely digested before gastroscopy.

The rules must be followed, because if the required regime is violated, food particles may remain in the stomach, which will interfere with vision. The diet before gastroscopy of the stomach in the first half of the day does not allow you to eat anything.

Also, the presence of food provokes vomiting during the examination, and this will complicate the specialist’s work. Vomiting will not only interfere with the operation, but can also damage the walls of the esophagus if the endoscope is already in place.

The endoscope will also be much more difficult to insert or remove if the stomach and esophagus are contracting.

Also, the doctor may simply refuse to perform the operation if you were unable to follow the specified rules.

You should also drink a little before surgery. Two hours before gastroscopy, you can drink up to 250 ml, and this can only be water.

Juice or cocoa, like any other drinks, can also cause vomiting, and therefore it is not recommended to drink them before surgery.

If you do eat before surgery, take enzymes to help speed up digestion. Such drugs are Panzinorm or Creon.

The amount of time that must pass between eating and surgery may vary depending on the patient. If your stomach can handle food quickly, you are allowed to eat 12 hours before your doctor's appointment. Since gastroscopy is done in the morning, you can have dinner, but you are no longer allowed to have breakfast. It is better to have dinner early, because at night the stomach processes food more slowly.

If the procedure requires anesthesia, the diet before gastroscopy requires you to fast for 12 hours before the operation. Doctors perform anesthesia if a long examination is necessary or if there is a likelihood of difficulties.

In exceptional cases

If you think that your stomach can handle food quickly, then you are allowed to leave only 9 hours between the operation and your last meal.

In rare cases, the doctor decides that the procedure is best done in the evening. In this case, the diet before the FGD allows you to eat a light breakfast, because the stomach works faster during the day. There cannot be less than nine hours between breakfast and the time of surgery.

Some people feel fear or anxiety before any surgery and are advised to take a sedative half an hour before the procedure. Other recommendations include avoiding smoking, because tobacco smoke increases the secretion of mucus and can additionally provoke the urge to vomit.

Perfumes can also trigger the vomiting reflex, so you will have to abstain from them too. There are no other requirements.

Let us now consider separately what the diet looks like during gastroscopy of the stomach, what you can and cannot eat before the procedure.

What can you eat before FGS?

When a diet is followed before gastric gastroscopy, the menu may include:

  • All kinds of soups cooked in broth from chicken, vegetables or fish. Do not add oil or hot seasonings to soups. You cannot prepare soups with pre-fried ingredients.
  • White fish, low in fat. Examples are pollock, hake, cod. We boil or steam the fish.
  • Chicken, rabbit and turkey. The bird can only be eaten without the skin. It is allowed to eat any types of meat that do not contain fat. All meat is boiled or steamed; it cannot be fried. Cook meat without hot spices and salt, and do not add fat during cooking.
  • Buckwheat, boiled rice and wheat. Porridge can only be cooked with water.
  • Boiled chicken eggs or omelettes.
  • White flour bread, dry bread and crackers.
  • Low-fat milk products such as low-fat kefir, cottage cheese and low-fat cheese. Butter in small quantities is allowed.
  • Steamed vegetables and many fruits. The best vegetables are potatoes, beets and carrots. It is better to take non-acidic fruits, such as bananas, apples and pears. They should be grated to reduce the load on the intestines.
  • Beverages. The most beneficial before this procedure will be fruit compotes with low sugar content. You can also drink tea with milk, also without sugar, and still mineral water. Rosehip decoctions and fruit drinks are recommended. The main thing is the absence of acid, sugar and gas.

What should you remove from your diet?

The diet before gastric gastroscopy prohibits the following types of food:

  • Any dishes made from strong or fatty meat broths. Mushroom soups should also not be eaten.
  • Fatty meats, semi-finished products, smoked delicacies, goose and duck meat, fast food, all types of fats, except butter and canned food.
  • Hot spices, mushrooms, salted and pickled foods and fatty sauces, especially mayonnaise.
  • Raw fruits or vegetables with high acidity, as well as legumes, which include peas.
  • Cereal and brown bread, all types of baked goods and other flour products such as pasta and pancakes.
  • Fermented milk products with a fat content above 3% such as sour cream and cream.
  • Solid foods such as nuts and seeds, as well as highly acidic juices, dried fruit and all sweets such as jam and cakes.
  • Soda, alcohol, strong tea and cocoa should be removed from drinks.
  • The diet for gastric gastritis does not allow drinking sweet drinks.

What do doctors recommend adding to your diet?

It is recommended to add anti-inflammatory drinks such as herbal teas, blueberry infusions and rose hip extract. Mineral water is welcome, but only if it is not carbonated.

How to behave after gastroscopy?

If the examination did not reveal any diseases, and the doctor did not prescribe anything to you, then you should not immediately get up and go home. It is better to rest for about 20 minutes and fully recover. If you were under anesthesia, you definitely need to rest.

After you return home, you should refrain from eating for at least three hours. For the next 24 hours, it is recommended to move little and avoid stress.

But in general there are no strict rules or restrictions. If your health is good and there are no other diseases, your condition will be almost normal in half an hour.

But some rules should still be followed so that the body recovers faster and does not experience unnecessary stress. It is important to avoid smoking after a gastroscopy because it increases the irritation caused by the gastroscope.

After gastroscopy with anesthesia, you are advised to refrain from eating until the evening, because sedatives can cause vomiting. You should also not drive a car, because painkillers and sedatives reduce reaction time. You can drive a car while using a local anesthetic.

The diet after surgery is much wider and more varied, especially if the examination did not reveal stomach problems. But some prohibitions remain. Doctors recommend following a certain menu after surgery.

Important: before gastroscopy, a local anesthetic is applied to the esophagus, and therefore after the procedure it will be partially or completely devoid of sensitivity. Because of this, you should not swallow not only food, but also water. Until you notice that your swallowing reflex has returned, do not eat anything.

If you have had a biopsy, you should be even more careful. You can't eat hot food. All dishes should be warm, approximately body temperature. Eat grated or mashed food.

Consider below a list of dishes that doctors consider the best choice after gastroscopy:

  • liquid porridge with water;
  • soup with finely grated or mashed ingredients;
  • boiled or steamed fruits and vegetables;
  • lean meat;
  • It is better to abstain from drinks with sugar, and drink only teas for the first few days.

After some time, you will fully recover and return to your favorite diet. Be healthy.

IMPORTANT! Informational article! Before use, you should consult a specialist.



The gastroscopy technique is used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Indications for the examination:

  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • nausea, vomiting for no apparent reason;
  • frequent heartburn;
  • suspicion of reflux, gastritis;
  • to identify ulcers;
  • bloody impurities in the stool;
  • study of neoplasms;
  • removal of benign tumors;
  • administration of medications;
  • the need to remove a foreign object;
  • bacteriological examination of the mucous membrane.

Carrying out analyzes

Before endoscopy, the patient undergoes an electrocardiogram and donates blood for research:

  • determination of group and Rh factor;
  • general clinical tests;
  • determination of the presence of antibodies to the immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis, syphilis.

If the patient is aware of the presence of allergic reactions to Lidocaine, Novocaine, it is necessary to inform the doctor.

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is performed if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, to examine all organ cavities and identify pathological changes in them. The specialist studies the condition of the mucous membranes of the duodenum, stomach, and esophagus. The patient goes to the physiotherapy office of the hospital institution on the direction of his gastroenterologist, who should tell him how to properly prepare for the procedure.

Diet menu in preparation for FGDS examination

Preparation is needed to increase the information content of the diagnosis and not to doubt the reliability of its interpretation. The main goals of temporary correction of the daily diet:

  • avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa;
  • reduce the load on the digestive tract;
  • assess the condition of the gastric walls;
  • prevent the occurrence of vomiting;
  • reduce pain and discomfort when moving the probe;
  • exclude complications in the gastrointestinal tract after the examination.

If you ignore or violate preparatory measures, complications are possible:

  • pain when swallowing, difficulty eating;
  • vomiting during insertion/removal of the endoscope;
  • penetration of vomit into the respiratory tract (risk of asphyxia);
  • damage to the mucous membranes of the larynx and stomach.

Before gastroscopy, it is recommended to adhere to dietary tables No. 1, 2 according to Pevzner. The main goal of therapeutic nutrition is not to irritate the gastric mucosa, not to overload digestion, and to prevent a recurrence of the underlying disease. The diet before FGS of the stomach includes the following rules:

  • a single serving should not exceed 300–350 g;
  • optimal ratio of BJU: proteins – 90–100 g, fats – 100 g, carbohydrates – 420 g (per serving);
  • cook and grind food;
  • do not eat too cold/hot foods;
  • temporarily minimize your salt intake.

Allowed dishes

  • Lean varieties of meat, fish, chicken.
  • Vegetable puree.
  • Buckwheat porridge, oatmeal (not instant).
  • Vegetable and milk soups.
  • Boiled eggs, steamed omelet.
  • Cracker.
  • Fermented milk products (ryazhenka, yogurt, cottage cheese).
  • Grated non-sweet pears, apples, bananas, pumpkin.
  • Mayonnaise, ketchup, horseradish, mustard, adjika.
  • Nuts of any kind, seeds, dried fruits.
  • Confectionery, baked goods.
  • Coffee, cocoa, all types of chocolate.
  • Pasta, legumes.
  • Alcoholic, carbonated drinks.
  • First courses with rich broth.
  • Animal/cooking fats.

General rules

Modern approaches to diagnosing diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract are unthinkable without the use of instrumental analysis methods, one of which is gastroscopy . Depending on the depth of the examination, I distinguish between fibrogastroendoscopy (FGS), in which the condition of the gastric mucosa is examined, and fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS), in which a gastroenterologist additionally examines the duodenum.
However, in terms of the methodology/method of preparation, these procedures do not differ from each other. Essentially, this is one method in which a gastroscope equipped with a light source and a video camera is used for examination. This examination method is extremely informative and allows you to obtain objective data on the condition of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. In addition to accurate diagnosis, this method allows you to take tissue samples for biopsy and carry out a number of therapeutic procedures (coagulation of the mucosa/clipping of blood vessels during bleeding, resection of the mucosa, polyps, and others).

Gastroscopy for diagnostic purposes is prescribed for suspected gastritis , gastric /duodenal ulcers, polyps in the stomach, malignant tumors, to determine the causes of gastric bleeding. Unfortunately, there are a number of absolute/relative contraindications, in the presence of which the gastroscopy procedure is contraindicated:

  • Absolute contraindications include stroke / heart attack , heart failure grade 1-2, spinal curvature ( scoliosis , kyphosis , lordosis ), aneurysm , pulmonary heart failure, mental illness, cachexia , obesity grade 3-4, atherosclerosis , hemophilia , narrowing of the cardiac parts of the stomach, various diseases of the esophagus ( diverticula , cancer, ulcers, narrowing of the walls).
  • The group of relative contraindications includes angina pectoris , hypertension , acute inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx, severe neurasthenia , stomach ulcer with threat of perforation, chronic/acute gastritis , enlarged cervical lymph nodes.

The effectiveness of gastroscopy is largely determined by the quality of the patient’s preparation for the procedure and compliance with certain rules before gastroscopy of the stomach and duodenum. Any diet before gastroscopy of the stomach, in the classical sense, is not prescribed. Rather, we are talking about limiting the consumption of a number of foods and changing the usual diet. Preparation for FGDS begins 3-4 days before the date of the examination, which, as a rule, is scheduled for the first half of the day.

The list of foods that should be excluded from the diet during this period includes: fatty meat, smoked meats, sausages, hot/spicy spices, pickles and marinades, mushrooms, fatty mayonnaise-based sauces, legumes (peas, soybeans, beans, lentils) ), whole grain and black bread, pastries, pasta, fresh milk, full-fat dairy products, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, carbonated drinks, juices with pulp. Consumption of sweets (especially chocolate), raw vegetables/fruits, coffee and any alcohol-containing drinks is not allowed.

The diet should include predominantly low-fat dairy products (low-fat kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese), skinless chicken, butter, mild unsalted cheese, soups cooked in weak chicken/vegetable/fish broth without additional fats, seasonings, oils and fried ingredients , soft-boiled eggs/steamed omelettes, as well as small quantities of boiled/steamed lean fish (pike perch, hake perch, pollock, blue whiting, pike). The diet should include vegetable fiber in the form of vegetables/fruits, steamed or boiled/baked (beets, potatoes, cauliflower, carrots).

From fruits - grated non-sour pears, apples, bananas, pumpkin. It is recommended to steam dishes, cook in a slow cooker and bake in the oven. Fried foods are strictly prohibited. Fluid intake during this period should be adequate. It is recommended to use decoctions, compotes of fresh fruits/dried fruits, weak teas with milk and moderate sugar content, juices, still table mineral waters, fruit drinks, rosehip decoction.

On the eve of endoscopy, your diet throughout the day should be as light as possible. The diet before FGS provides for at least a 12-hour break in food intake before the examination procedure. That is, approximately the last meal should be before 19:00, and it should be as light as possible, so that the products have time to be completely processed in the stomach - stewed vegetables, boiled chicken/fish, cottage cheese.

In this case, the portion should not exceed 300-350 g. Then, before the examination, a fasting regime is observed. These rules should not be violated, otherwise there is a risk of reducing the quality of examination of the mucous membrane due to the remains of undigested food, as well as the possibility of strengthening the gag reflex with subsequent reflexive release of gastric contents.

As for the drinking regime, the last intake of liquid before gastroscopy should be no later than 2 hours and in a volume of no more than 250 ml. It is allowed to drink only mineral water without gas or warm boiled water. You should avoid juices, coffee, cocoa, and tea, as they increase the production of gastric juice, which can interfere with the procedure. In some cases, to speed up the digestion of food, you can take enzyme preparations - Panzinorm , Mezim , Creon , and in the presence of bloating/increased gas formation - Espumisan .

If the patient is experiencing severe psycho-emotional stress regarding the upcoming procedure, a sedative may be administered 30-40 minutes before it begins. Among other recommendations, it is important not to use perfumes/deodorants, since the smell can serve as an additional factor provoking vomiting. Smoking before the procedure is also excluded, since this process provokes the formation of mucus, increases the urge to vomit, and makes it difficult to visualize the mucous membrane of the organ being examined.

Preparation stages

In other cases, preparation for gastroscopy is carried out at home, carried out in several stages. At the first stage, 3 days before the examination, it is advisable to comply with the following requirements:

  • Do not drink alcoholic and carbonated drinks with sugar, spicy, fatty foods.
  • Limit physical activity.
  • Take herbal infusions that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The day before gastroscopy, do not take medications that affect blood clotting or the acidity of gastric juice, for example, Omeprazole, Aspirin. A doctor's consultation is required.

Shortly before the procedure you need to:

  • Do not eat 10-12 hours before the endoscopic examination.
  • Do not smoke 3 hours before the start of gastroscopy; Nicotine will increase mucus production, making inspection difficult.
  • It is advisable to wear clothes that do not restrict movement during the procedure.

If the procedure is carried out in the first half of the day, it is better to eat your last meal no later than 18.00-19.00. In the morning, the examination is carried out on an empty stomach. Drink water 2-4 hours before the examination; if gastroscopy is scheduled for early morning, it is advisable to refrain from drinking. If the examination is performed with pH measurements, the patient should not brush his teeth or drink liquids at all. On the evening before gastroscopy, it is advisable to stop taking medications if taking them is not associated with a risk to life.

When undergoing the study in the afternoon, you are allowed to have a light breakfast in the morning. The morning meal may include yogurt and herbal tea. Drinking liquid is allowed 2-4 hours before the procedure in a volume of no more than 0.1 liter; drinking coffee is prohibited.

Before gastroscopy, it is advisable to adhere to a diet that includes the following foods:

  • boiled chicken meat;
  • lean fish;
  • oatmeal;
  • light vegetable soups;
  • cottage cheese, low-fat cheese;
  • herbal infusions;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • boiled, fresh vegetables;
  • egg omelet.

You should refrain from eating seeds, hard fatty cheese, nuts, mayonnaise, baked goods, chocolate, and canned foods.

The diet is especially indicated for people who have obvious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

What to carry

For gastroscopy you need to take things and documents:

  • passport;
  • results of blood tests, x-rays, ultrasound;
  • outpatient card;
  • insurance policy (if this is not a paid clinic);
  • direction;
  • shoe covers; you can take replacement shoes;
  • clean towel, napkins.

How to prepare for a gastroscopy of the stomach in the afternoon

Preparation for gastroscopy begins in the afternoon, also on the eve of the examination. Unlike the option of performing FGDS in the morning, it is allowed to have a large dinner the day before the diagnosis. In the morning you can eat a light breakfast: steamed omelet, pureed vegetables or cottage cheese. You are also allowed to drink herbal or green tea.

The time for breakfast must be calculated taking into account the basic requirements that the standard preparation for FGDS contains: there must be at least 8 hours between it and the start of gastroscopy. For example, if the diagnosis is scheduled for 2 p.m., you should have breakfast before 6 a.m. You are allowed to drink water or other liquid at least 3 hours before the examination.

Carrying out the procedure

Before FGDS, it is advisable to remove jewelry, glasses, and dentures.

In the treatment room, the patient is placed on the couch, on the left side, and the mouth is treated with an anesthetic solution. Gastroendoscopy using anesthesia is performed while lying on your back.

The doctor inserts a tube into the patient through the mouth, sometimes through the nose. The person being examined is asked to make a movement as if swallowing, which allows the device to be advanced into the esophagus.

The doctor examines the required areas. During gastroscopy with biopsy, tissue and gastric juice are taken for bacteriological study.

The therapeutic endoscopic method allows you to perform surgery to eliminate polyps and remove foreign objects from the stomach.

Endogastroscopy can be prescribed not only for an adult, but also for a child.{amp}amp;modestbranding=0{amp}amp;controls=1{amp}amp;rel=0{amp}amp;showinfo=1{amp} amp;enablejsapi=1{amp}amp;origin=

In children, the mucosa is thin, the muscles of the walls are poorly developed. In these cases, a flexible endoscope with a smaller diameter is used for gastroscopy. For children under 6 years of age, the procedure is performed with immersion in sleep. For older children, general anesthesia is prescribed if the child is in serious condition and the examination takes a long time.

After research

After gastroscopy, it is advisable to follow the following rules:

  • Do not move abruptly; you need to sit quietly for 15 minutes; after FGDS with biopsy, medical workers themselves will ask the patient to maintain a horizontal position for some time.
  • After the procedure, it is not recommended to eat or drink for two to three hours; it is advisable to eat properly, abstaining from heavy foods. Light food - oatmeal, yogurt; After a while (1-2 days), you can introduce other foods into the diet.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages, especially after the examination under anesthesia.
  • Do not smoke for 1 hour.
  • After a biopsy, not following proper nutrition is risky, the mucous membrane is injured; Eating hot food can lead to stomach upset, even ulcers. You need to eat warm food that does not contain chemical additives or coarse fiber. It is advisable not to take pills for 24 hours after the procedure.


  • aggravated stage of bronchial asthma;
  • mental disorders;
  • myocardial infarction in the aggravated phase;
  • gastroscopy during pregnancy is safe if performed in the first trimester or the beginning of the second;
  • there are no contraindications for menstruation;
  • with transnasal gastroscopy (the tube is inserted through the nose), a runny nose is not a contraindication.

The main direction of gastroscopy is the collection of gastric contents using a syringe. In this case, the probe is swallowed by the patient independently. The presented diagnostic method can be carried out for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. It makes it possible to carry out the following activities:

  • removal of foreign bodies from the stomach;
  • collection of tissue pieces for subsequent biopsy;
  • removal of benign tumors;
  • administration of medications;
  • cauterization of bleeding vessels;
  • control of the dynamic course of the disease.

For the purpose of gastroscopy, a special room is designed, in which the patient is asked to lie down on a couch with support on his left side. Before this, a special mouthguard is inserted into the oral cavity, designed to protect against injury.

Local anesthesia is performed using lidocaine or intravenous administration of the drug. After the anesthetic begins to take effect, a gastroscope is inserted through the mouth, which is equipped with a video camera and lighting at the end.

There are two main types of gastroscopy:

  • fibrogastroscopy or FGS, which means the study of the condition and identification of pathologies of the gastric mucosa;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy or FGDS, when the stomach and duodenum are examined.

The average duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. If performed under general anesthesia, the procedure takes a longer time.

After research

When prescribing a gastroscopy, the doctor tells the patient what he may need in the treatment room.

If the endoscopic examination is scheduled for the afternoon, the patient is allowed a light breakfast. At least eight hours must pass from eating to the procedure. The patient can eat yogurt and drink herbal tea. Liquids can be consumed in a volume of no more than 100 ml three hours before the examination.

You should visit a medical facility for gastroscopy with the following set of things and documents:

  • passport;
  • outpatient card;
  • the results of the studies performed - tests, ultrasound, radiography;
  • insurance policy;
  • a sheet;
  • towel;
  • wet wipes;
  • replacement shoes or shoe covers.

How is diagnosis carried out?

The study, which has become popular, allows the doctor to obtain on the monitor screen a complete picture of the condition of the inner lining of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. To perform the procedure, an endoscope is used, which is a flexible hose of small diameter, the end of which is equipped with a small video camera. The research is necessary for the following purposes:

  • determining the acidity of stomach contents;
  • clarifying the cause of gastric bleeding;
  • administration of medications;
  • cauterization of bleeding vessels;
  • sampling tissue material to perform a biopsy;
  • removal of a foreign body, excision of polyps.

An important point: the results of an internal examination of the stomach are considered a reliable fact for prescribing the correct treatment. This is only relevant if, before gastroscopy, the patient is familiar with the rules of what should not be done before the procedure.

The manipulation is performed in a separate clinic room, equipped with a couch and special equipment. The complex consists of a rubber tube with electron-optical filling and a monitor that reflects the state of the organ, which is viewed from the inside using a probe with a mini camera at the end.

Before gastroscopy of the stomach, the attending physician will definitely warn you to follow some individual rules for each patient. But there are also rules that everyone without exception must follow:

  1. 2 days before the test you should not consume alcoholic beverages, fatty and spicy foods, chocolate products, nuts of any kind and seeds.
  2. On the day of the study, you should not drink any water or other drinks; if you are too thirsty, you can drink a small amount of liquid (about 100 ml) at least 3 hours before.
  3. You should not smoke for 3 hours before gastroscopy.
  4. The last time you eat food is allowed no later than 6 pm the previous day, and the food should not be fatty and contain a large amount of fiber.
  5. You can eat dishes such as mashed potatoes, rolled oats or buckwheat porridge, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable soups, various types of compotes or steamed chicken cutlets.
  6. To avoid bleeding during the test, stop taking any medications, even if you are taking them as prescribed. To prevent trouble, consult a doctor.
  7. Get tested for allergic reactions and blood clotting.
  8. If you feel discomfort in the stomach on the day of the test, you should inform your doctor and reschedule gastroscopy.

To know how to properly prepare for gastroscopy of the stomach, you need to understand how it is performed. This will help you understand what factors can change the reliability of the final indicators.

To carry out the examination, local anesthesia is used, and in some cases the procedure is carried out in a state of medicated sleep. The traditional method of gastroscopy lasts no more than 15 minutes. The patient is placed on his left side, and a mouthguard (a special device) is placed between the teeth, allowing the insertion of an endoscopic probe with a video camera. To gradually penetrate the esophagus, the patient takes a deep sip, after which saliva cannot be swallowed - excess is removed by suction.

Biopsy forceps and other instruments can be attached to the probe, allowing not only to obtain an image, but also to perform the necessary medical procedures.

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In general, endoscopic diagnosis occurs without serious complications for the people being examined. After FGS, patients may experience pain, soreness in the larynx for 2 days, drowsiness, and fatigue as a result of taking sedatives.

There have been cases of damage to the intestines and stomach by the endoscope, which leads to bleeding. Signs appear:

  • labored breathing;
  • heat;
  • nausea, vomiting with blood;
  • severe abdominal pain.

If such symptoms appear within two days after endoscopy, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and get appropriate help.

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS)

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: May 20, 2020 at 1:20 p.m.

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy, or FGDS , is a fairly popular diagnostic service today, which is offered by many medical centers.

It is on the basis of FGDS that the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis of diseases such as gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, duodenitis, polyps of the mucous membranes, precancerous conditions and gastrointestinal tumors, and detect bleeding.

Without this study, any gastroenterological diagnosis remains in question.

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is an endoscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract - the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. It is carried out using a gastroscope - a long thin tube with a camera inside. The gastroscope has a channel into which an instrument can be inserted to take a tissue sample for examination (biopsy).

How is FGDS performed?

The patient lies on his left side and puts the mouthpiece in his mouth - through it the doctor inserts the endoscope tube. The patient is then asked to swallow to force the tube into the esophagus.

The endoscopist advances the tube to the stomach and further to the duodenum, examining all mucous membranes.

If necessary, tissue samples are taken for biopsy, and the acidity of gastric juice is determined.

During FGDS, the patient needs to relax and breathe slowly and deeply. The whole procedure takes no more than 5 minutes.

Not only diagnosis, but also treatment

With the help of FGDS, you can also carry out therapeutic manipulations: stop bleeding - ulcerative or from varicose veins of the esophagus, administer medications, remove polyps from the stomach. In this case, of course, the procedure will take longer.

Fgds under anesthesia

Some centers offer to perform FGDS under short-term intravenous anesthesia, if the patient has no contraindications to anesthetic drugs. This is advisable if the patient has a strong gag reflex and has previously had an unsuccessful experience with this procedure. And of course, Fgds are done for children under anesthesia.

Preparation for the procedure

FGDS is performed on an empty stomach. On the day of the study, you should not eat or drink anything, preferably not smoke. A light dinner is allowed the night before, but no later than 8 o'clock. It is necessary to warn the doctor about allergies to medications and concomitant diseases - diabetes, epilepsy, etc.

What is possible and what is not possible after FGDS

Half an hour after the procedure you can drink and eat. When performing a biopsy, it is not recommended to consume anything hot (food or drinks) during the day. It is not recommended to drive after intravenous anesthesia.

Complications of FGSD

As with any medical procedure, complications are possible with fibrogastroduodenoscopy, although their risk is minimal. This is most often bleeding after taking material for a biopsy.

In this case, the bleeding is stopped endoscopically or surgically. If the patient pulls out the tube, the endoscope may jam in the cardia of the stomach, as well as damage to the esophagus or stomach.

In such situations, it is necessary to resort to urgent surgical intervention.

Be sure to consult a doctor if after the study (in a few hours or days):

  • temperature increased above 38 °C;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • black diarrhea appeared;
  • dark brown vomiting and bloody vomiting appeared.

Who should do FGDS?

It is necessary to undergo a study if you have the following symptoms:

  • stomach pain;
  • pain in the hypochondrium;
  • nausea, vomiting, belching, heartburn;
  • disruption of food passage;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • suspicion of bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lack of appetite;
  • causeless weight loss.

Patients with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract need to perform FGDS 1-2 times a year. It is also advisable for people with a hereditary predisposition to gastrointestinal diseases to be seen by a gastroenterologist. Doctors also recommend regular preventive examinations for everyone over 40 years of age to detect cancer at an early stage.

Contraindications to FGDS:

  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • hypertensive crisis acute stroke;
  • bronchial asthma in severe form, as well as in mild and moderate forms - during exacerbation;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • mental disorders;
  • general severe condition of the body.

An alternative to FGDS is an x-ray of the stomach.

Advantages of FGDS:

  • absence of x-ray radiation;
  • high information content of the study;
  • speed of research; possibility of performing additional manipulations: taking material for cytology and biopsy, test for Helicobacter pylori, determination of acidity, therapeutic procedures (removal of foreign bodies, polyps, etc.).

Disadvantages of FGDS:

  • discomfort during the study and after its completion;
  • risk of complications;
  • allergy to pain relief.


What can you eat the day before gastroscopy?

The diet before FGDS includes 5 meals a day in small portions, maintaining water balance. Recommended menu 1 day before diagnosis:

  • Breakfast. A portion of grated low-fat cottage cheese, green tea or rosehip decoction.
  • Lunch. Grated sour apple (can be poured with low-fat yogurt).
  • Dinner. Cereal, vegetable soup (broth), lean steamed meat. Garnish with stewed or boiled vegetables. Drinks include compote or fruit drink.
  • Afternoon snack. Raw fruit from the list of permitted, natural low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner. A serving of lean fish with boiled potatoes or a vegetable casserole. For drinks – any fermented milk product with a low fat content.
  • Second dinner. A glass of milk.

Diet features

It is not necessary to adhere to a long-term strict diet before gastroscopy. The manipulation is carried out on an empty stomach so that it remains in a calm state. However, it is possible to increase the reliability of the results if you adhere to certain nutritional principles 2-3 days before the procedure.

Prohibited Products

Three days before the scheduled gastroscopy, the patient’s diet should be free of poorly digestible, long-digesting and mucosal irritating foods:

  • broths prepared using fatty meats or fish;
  • fatty meats;
  • whole milk;
  • semi-finished and fast food;
  • preservation, pickles, marinades;
  • pasta and bakery products;
  • sweets and confectionery;
  • whole grain cereals and legumes;
  • spicy foods, spices, sauces;
  • coffee, strong tea;
  • alcohol.

The addition of salt during cooking should also be limited. It is preferable to add salt to already prepared food, in this way you can help remove excess fluid from the body.

Authorized Products

Before gastroscopy, you can diversify your diet with the following products:

  • lean varieties of meat and fish, as well as broths prepared on their basis;
  • baked vegetables and broths prepared on their basis;
  • baked non-acidic fruits;
  • fermented milk products with low fat content;
  • steamed egg white omelettes;
  • soups with ground cereals;
  • green or herbal tea;
  • still mineral water.

It is best to process food by steaming, but you can also stew or boil it. Frying or baking with added oil and fat is strictly prohibited. Saturated fats of animal origin should be avoided for a while, and butter can be consumed in small quantities.

All dishes should have a puree-like consistency; you can rub them through a sieve or use a blender. In this form, food will be digested faster by the stomach. In addition, it is important to ensure that the food is warm. Food that is too hot or too cold will irritate and injure the mucous membrane, which is completely inappropriate before gastroscopy.

General information about FGS

An endoscopic method for identifying pathologies of the digestive tract is called fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGS). This form of diagnostic research is carried out using special equipment: gastroscope and endoscope. Thanks to these devices, the doctor receives on the monitor a clear image of the condition of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. During the procedure, this also allows tissue scrapings for further biopsy and swabs to be collected.

A gastroscope, or medical tube, is inserted through the mouth. Due to its flexibility, it penetrates into all departments of interest, except in cases of severe deformation of the cavity. FGS of the stomach is performed in inpatient and outpatient settings. The procedure, of course, is not pleasant, but if you tune in to the right note, the process will be painless and quick. It all depends on the doctor’s qualifications and your preparedness for FGDS.

An endoscopic method for identifying pathologies of the digestive tract is called fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGS). This form of diagnostic research is carried out using special equipment: gastroscope and endoscope. Thanks to these devices, the doctor receives on the monitor a clear image of the condition of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. During the procedure, this also allows tissue scrapings for further biopsy and swabs to be collected.

A gastroscope, or medical tube, is inserted through the mouth. Due to its flexibility, it penetrates into all departments of interest, except in cases of severe deformation of the cavity. FGS of the stomach is performed in inpatient and outpatient settings. The procedure, of course, is not pleasant, but if you tune in to the right note, the process will be painless and quick. It all depends on the doctor’s qualifications and your preparedness for FGDS.

How is gastroscopy performed?

Gastroscopy is performed only in a medical institution, after preliminary studies.
Gastroscopy (FGDS) is performed in the hospital with the participation of a gastroenterologist and a nurse. Gastroscopy of the stomach does not take very long, about five to fifteen minutes.

Video of the examination process:

Its implementation consists of the following steps:

  1. The patient comes to the doctor's office in the hospital and takes off all jewelry, belts, glasses, dentures, tie, etc.
  2. Lies on his left side, placing a towel under his head.
  3. The nurse irrigates the mouth with lidocaine or another anesthetic solution.
  4. A special mouthpiece is inserted into the mouth to prevent the tube from being bitten.
  5. The patient is asked to breathe deeply through his nose and the endoscope is inserted through the mouth into the larynx and then into the esophagus.
  6. A regular examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum is carried out.
  7. The probe is adjusted by a doctor and can be quickly removed if necessary.
  8. The patient should communicate any problems with gestures, but it is best not to move at all to avoid triggering the gag reflex.
  9. After the endoscope is removed, the doctor announces the results, and the numbness after anesthesia disappears after an hour.

Some patients are not given local anesthesia, but complete, if the person has a very fragile nervous system, in which case the examination takes a little longer.

The rules for the procedure are quite simple; the most important thing is to prepare yourself mentally . Many are afraid of hellish pain and fountain of nausea, but if you follow all the doctor’s instructions and properly prepare for gastroscopy, then such problems are unlikely to arise.

When prescribing fibrogastroscopy, the patient must first ask the doctor how to prepare for FGS. The specialist will tell you in detail how this procedure is done and how you need to prepare for it.

FGDS results

What can be seen during an endoscopic examination? When carrying out a diagnostic procedure, the following signs of diseases can be identified:

  1. Polyps in the stomach.
  2. Signs of reflux esophagitis.
  3. Dilatation of the veins of the esophagus.
  4. Malignant neoplasms of the stomach.
  5. Impaired motor function of the digestive tract.
  6. Peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.
  7. Erosion of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Based on the detected violations, the endoscopist makes a preliminary diagnosis. The attending doctor, having assessed the data from the study and laboratory tests, will make a final conclusion and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Preparing for the study

FGS is an unpleasant procedure. To minimize discomfort, you must strictly follow all doctor's instructions. The key to an easy examination is not only the patient’s morale, but also preparation for FGDS of the digestive system. Only a competent approach will allow diagnostics to be carried out as safely, effectively and efficiently as possible.

The main condition for the procedure is not to eat for several hours before the examination. But how much time should pass since the last meal is a controversial issue. Gastroenterologists are unanimous in their opinion that at least 12-14 hours should pass. If the digestive system functions correctly, 8 hours is enough to digest foods.

But, as a rule, people who already suffer from stomach problems come to the appointment, so 12-14 hours are still optimal. Those. If the doctor’s appointment is at 8:00, then the last meal is no later than 20:00.

Otherwise, if the process of digesting food is not completed by the time of the study, insertion of the probe will lead to bouts of vomiting. This will greatly complicate and cloud the diagnosis, and will also lead to a disastrous result. In addition, food remaining on the walls of the stomach will make visual inspection difficult.

In this case, gastroscopy will give an inaccurate or distorted picture of the patient’s condition. And you are unlikely to want to undergo the procedure again, so you need to approach the issue of FGDS seriously, scrupulously following the doctor’s recommendations and not neglecting them.

Despite the fact that gastroscopy is considered one of the most effective and efficient examinations, in some cases it may not help make the correct diagnosis.

In order for the procedure to be as comfortable as possible and to make it possible to fully examine the walls of the stomach and duodenum, it is necessary that there are no remnants of undigested food in these organs. For this purpose, a special diet was compiled, which must be followed for 2 days before gastroscopy. The patient must adhere to all the rules - this will help him tolerate the procedure itself well and quickly restore the irritated mucous membranes of the organs after it.

Along with a special diet, an obligatory preparation point is the selection of anesthesia. The patient must warn the gastroscopist if he is allergic to any medications.

FGS is an unpleasant procedure. To minimize discomfort, you must strictly follow all doctor's instructions. The key to an easy examination is not only the patient’s morale, but also preparation for FGDS of the digestive system. Only a competent approach will allow diagnostics to be carried out as safely, effectively and efficiently as possible.

The main condition for the procedure is not to eat for several hours before the examination. But how much time should pass since the last meal is a controversial issue. Gastroenterologists are unanimous in their opinion that at least 12-14 hours should pass. If the digestive system functions correctly, 8 hours is enough to digest foods.

But, as a rule, people who already suffer from stomach problems come to the appointment, so 12-14 hours are still optimal. Those. If the doctor’s appointment is at 8:00, then the last meal is no later than 20:00.

Otherwise, if the process of digesting food is not completed by the time of the study, insertion of the probe will lead to bouts of vomiting. This will greatly complicate and cloud the diagnosis, and will also lead to a disastrous result. In addition, food remaining on the walls of the stomach will make visual inspection difficult.

In this case, gastroscopy will give an inaccurate or distorted picture of the patient’s condition. And you are unlikely to want to undergo the procedure again, so you need to approach the issue of FGDS seriously, scrupulously following the doctor’s recommendations and not neglecting them.

Diet before gastroscopy of the stomach: how many hours before you can’t eat, what you can eat and drink

Gastroscopy of the stomach is one of the modern diagnostic procedures that allows one to obtain reliable information about the condition of this organ. To carry it out, a special device is used - a gastroscope, which resembles a flexible tube equipped with a fiber-optic system connected to the monitor screen.

An endoscopist conducting an examination and having the opportunity to see the inner surface of the stomach, if inflammation, neoplasms and any changes are detected on the surface of its mucous membranes, receives important information that allows making an accurate diagnosis.

In order for the results of an endoscopic examination of the stomach to be reliable, before it is performed, the patient must undergo certain comprehensive preparation, in which adherence to a special diet plays an important role.

Diet before gastroscopy of the stomach

In order for the discomfort experienced by the patient during gastroscopy to be minimal, and for any interference that prevents the examination of the walls of the stomach to be completely absent, the organ being examined must be freed from particles of undigested food.

A special diet that contributes to the implementation of this important task should be followed for 48 hours preceding the gastroscopy procedure. Compliance with all its requirements will allow the patient not only to tolerate the process of diagnostic examination of the stomach well, but also to quickly get rid of irritation of its mucous membranes.

The main purpose of the diet preceding gastroscopy is to minimize the load experienced by the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, two days before the procedure, the patient must completely stop consuming:

  • chocolate;
  • strong fish and meat broths;
  • fast food (fast food);
  • marinades and pickles;
  • fatty fish and meat;
  • any smoked meats and lard;
  • all types of canned food;
  • hot sauces and seasonings (adzhika, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, table horseradish) homemade and industrial;
  • bread and bakery products of dark varieties;
  • mushroom dishes (including mushroom broths);
  • seeds and any nuts;
  • animal fats.

The above dishes and products are poorly absorbed by the human body, change the acidity of gastric juice and contribute to the occurrence of intestinal flatulence.

Requiring long-term digestion, they overload the stomach and irritate its mucous membranes, so even a short exclusion of them from the daily diet is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.

In anticipation of undergoing gastroscopy, the patient is advised to significantly limit the consumption of table salt. In order to remove excess fluid from his body, he is recommended to gradually add salt only to ready-made dishes.

The day before the scheduled gastroscopy, the patient is prohibited from consuming:

  • whole grains;
  • fat cottage cheese;
  • flour and pasta products;
  • baked goods;
  • legumes;
  • whole milk and heavy cream;
  • tomatoes;
  • citrus fruits (tangerines, lemons, oranges);
  • plum, kiwi, quince, grapes;
  • jam with any (even small) seeds, including raspberry and currant.

What can you drink?

The range of drinks that you can drink while following a special diet before gastroscopy is quite diverse.

The patient is allowed to use:

  • decoctions of blueberries or rose hips;
  • herbal teas with anti-inflammatory effects;
  • compotes made from both fresh and dried fruits;
  • mineral table waters that do not contain gas;
  • weak black or green tea;
  • fruit juices;
  • berry fruit drinks.

The temperature of drinks that we are used to drinking cold should be close to room temperature, and tea should not be too hot. It is better to use honey to sweeten tea. The amount of sugar added to drinks should be moderate.

Patients should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages of any strength (including beer with low alcohol content) at least 24 hours before the scheduled examination.

Possible complications

For 1-2 days after the procedure, you may experience a sore throat caused by the passage of the endoscope. This pain is mild and goes away quickly on its own. In some cases, the device is treated with a medicinal gel that improves gliding, which subsequently causes short-term pain. To relieve pain, you can gargle with a decoction of herbs or water with a few drops of iodine added, and also remain silent for a longer time.

When taking material for a biopsy, bleeding may occur, but this is immediately visible. The doctor cauterizes the damaged vessel, which simply prolongs the examination.

People still have “horror stories” that a probe can pierce the wall of the esophagus or stomach. This happened on old equipment, but now it practically never occurs.

Preparation for gastroscopy and procedure

Some patients complain of belching and a feeling of bloating. This is a consequence of swallowing air during the procedure and goes away on its own within a couple of days.

Results and reviews

Dietary nutrition before gastroscopy for 3-4 days provides reliable information about the condition of the organs of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

  • “... I went to the hospital about severe stomach pain that goes away after eating even a small amount of food. They gave me a referral to FGDS. The doctor gave the patient a reminder about preparing for gastroscopy, including dietary restrictions. I followed everything quite strictly, changed my usual diet and diet. I excluded all products that could affect the quality of the examination. The procedure was successful and, to my surprise, relatively painless, which is what I was so afraid of. The diagnosis is gastric ulcer.”

Alcohol and smoking before gastroscopy

Having understood how many hours before gastroscopy you can’t eat, it remains to find out what restrictions apply to alcohol and smoking before such a complex procedure. Both are prohibited before a medical examination, since even one cigarette can affect the blood and test results in general.

Many doctors prefer to do a patient's blood test before the procedure itself, so alcohol and cigarettes are prohibited. They can affect test results. Smoking negatively affects the quality of any tests performed.

If a person is not allowed to smoke before the procedure, this does not mean that he cannot take prescribed medications. Many antibiotics and vitamins can be taken a couple of hours before the gastroscopy itself, but it is important not to forget to wash them down with a small amount of water. Doctors may not allow you to take the pill before gastroscopy if the medication can affect the quality of the results obtained.

The examination for pregnant women and people with diabetes deserves special mention:

  • If a person injects himself with insulin before gastroscopy, this will not affect the quality of the tests obtained. You can take an insulin ampoule with you and give an injection immediately after gastroscopy.
  • If a woman is pregnant, then a specialist must be warned about this. Gastroscopy is on the list of permitted procedures for those women who are preparing to soon become mothers. However, before performing FGS, you need to do an ultrasound to understand how the fetus feels and not harm it.

What needs to be done immediately before the procedure? Doctors usually advise removing dentures and glasses so that all this does not interfere with the doctor. Next, you will have to relax and not twitch: despite the fact that the person does not feel pain, the sensations from the procedure can still be unpleasant. However, these inconveniences will have to be endured in order to obtain high-quality results.

What to do before gastroscopy, how long after can you eat? These are the most common questions. Experts recommend minimizing the amount of food consumed, because even what you can eat before gastroscopy can affect test results if the amount of food turns out to be too large. Small portions and the absence of fatty heavy foods are the key to a successful procedure.

Rules for eating

General nutritional recommendations include:

  1. consume foods only in small portions;
  2. the number of meals per day should be at least 5 times;
  3. exclude foods that cause flatulence from the menu;
  4. In case of increased gas formation in the stomach, take enzyme medications for 3 days as prescribed by your doctor.

The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime and consist of dishes that are quickly absorbed in the stomach.

A light dinner in the evening on such a diet usually consists of the following dishes:

  • fish with stewed vegetables;
  • chicken breast with buckwheat porridge;
  • oatmeal;
  • baked apples and white bread crackers.

It is important to know that FGS diagnostics are carried out only on an empty stomach, so you should never have breakfast on the day of the procedure. In addition, it is not recommended to brush your teeth in the morning after waking up, as this can lead to the production of mucus in the stomach.

In the morning, 3-4 hours before the diagnosis, you are allowed to drink a glass of mineral water without gases or strong tea, to which you can add a little milk. The amount of liquid you drink in the morning should not exceed 150 ml.

After the end of FGDS, unpleasant sensations arise in the throat, such as burning and discomfort, and the incoming parts of the esophagus ache. And the question immediately arises - how long can you not eat after gastroscopy? Experts note that eating food right away is strictly prohibited. In addition, only a doctor can assess the situation.

But usually, depending on the condition, the patient is allowed to eat after about 1 hour or 30 minutes. after the procedure. The food consumed should be soft and light, and not overload the stomach. Such products include:

  • light soups;
  • yoghurts and kefir;
  • porridge;
  • puree.

You can drink water after FGDS; it will not cause any harm to the body.

General nutritional recommendations include:

  1. consume foods only in small portions;
  2. the number of meals per day should be at least 5 times;
  3. exclude foods that cause flatulence from the menu;
  4. In case of increased gas formation in the stomach, take enzyme medications for 3 days as prescribed by your doctor.

The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime and consist of dishes that are quickly absorbed in the stomach.

A light dinner in the evening on such a diet usually consists of the following dishes:

  • fish with stewed vegetables;
  • chicken breast with buckwheat porridge;
  • oatmeal;
  • baked apples and white bread crackers.

It is important to know that FGS diagnostics are carried out only on an empty stomach, so you should never have breakfast on the day of the procedure. In addition, it is not recommended to brush your teeth in the morning after waking up, as this can lead to the production of mucus in the stomach.

In the morning, 3-4 hours before the diagnosis, you are allowed to drink a glass of mineral water without gases or strong tea, to which you can add a little milk. The amount of liquid you drink in the morning should not exceed 150 ml.

After the end of FGDS, unpleasant sensations arise in the throat, such as burning and discomfort, and the incoming parts of the esophagus ache. And the question immediately arises - how long can you not eat after gastroscopy? Experts note that eating food right away is strictly prohibited. In addition, only a doctor can assess the situation.

But usually, depending on the condition, the patient is allowed to eat after about 1 hour or 30 minutes. after the procedure. The food consumed should be soft and light, and not overload the stomach. Such products include:

  • light soups;
  • yoghurts and kefir;
  • porridge;
  • puree.

You can drink water after FGDS; it will not cause any harm to the body.

What can you eat before gastroscopy of the gastrointestinal tract?

Before gastroscopy, it is advisable to eat the following set of foods and dishes:

  • Low-fat varieties of fish and meat.
  • Sweet fruits.
  • Fermented milk products with a minimum percentage of fat content.
  • Hateful vegetable and meat broths.
  • Boiled eggs or in the form of a lean omelette.
  • Weak tea with the addition of a slice of lemon and a spoon of honey.
  • Water without gas.
  • Soups with ground cereals.

The listed products do not cause irritation to the walls of the stomach. Therefore, by following such a diet, the patient will feel good and will also avoid serious complications that may accompany diseases of the digestive system.

Additional recommendations

You should also know that smoking is strictly prohibited during the examination. This is explained by the fact that tobacco only exacerbates gag reflexes and irritates the gastric mucosa, which will complicate the diagnostic process. This has been proven in practice many times.

Before the procedure, your doctor will ask about your medications. There is no need to be cunning here, but you need to talk about the medications you are taking at this stage. The gastroenterologist will review your list of medications and explain which ones can be taken before FGS and which ones cannot.

But in any case, doctors recommend giving up any medications that are available in tablet form. The exception is medications in the form of drops and lozenges. To prevent health deterioration, patients with coronary heart disease and high blood pressure are allowed to take medications.

In the morning, on the day when a gastroscopy of the stomach is performed, it is not prohibited to give injections of vital drugs, for example, insulin.

Thus, examination and diagnosis are the first steps on the path to recovery. For FGDS to be successful and without consequences, you must follow a diet. Your doctor will tell you about it. He will explain when the last meal should be and what should not be consumed before the procedure, i.e., he will note the basic rules of a healthy and wholesome diet.

You should also know that smoking is strictly prohibited during the examination. This is explained by the fact that tobacco only exacerbates gag reflexes and irritates the gastric mucosa, which will complicate the diagnostic process. This has been proven in practice many times.

Before the procedure, your doctor will ask about your medications. There is no need to be cunning here, but you need to talk about the medications you are taking at this stage. The gastroenterologist will review your list of medications and explain which ones can be taken before FGS and which ones cannot.

But in any case, doctors recommend giving up any medications that are available in tablet form. The exception is medications in the form of drops and lozenges. To prevent health deterioration, patients with coronary heart disease and high blood pressure are allowed to take medications.

In the morning, on the day when a gastroscopy of the stomach is performed, it is not prohibited to give injections of vital drugs, for example, insulin.

Thus, examination and diagnosis are the first steps on the path to recovery. For FGDS to be successful and without consequences, you must follow a diet. Your doctor will tell you about it. He will explain when the last meal should be and what should not be consumed before the procedure, i.e., he will note the basic rules of a healthy and wholesome diet.

What does it reveal?

The diagnostic procedure gives the doctor maximum information on the following issues:

  • whether the digestive organs correspond to anatomical standards, whether there are developmental defects or changes caused by disease;
  • what is the condition of the mucous membrane, is there any pathology of the folds;
  • Is the internal contents moving in the right direction, is gastric secretion flowing back into the esophagus (is there reflux);
  • are there any erosions and ulcers, what is their size and location, as well as the condition of the surrounding tissues;
  • are there polyps and tumors;
  • whether there is bleeding or what its threat is.

An examination using fiber optics allows you to identify the slightest defects and detect all diseases or developmental anomalies. Everything seen can be recorded on electronic media for further comparison.

Teeth cleaning

Gastric secretion can be triggered by nicotine entering the organ during smoking, chewing gum, which stimulates the production of acids, and brushing teeth. Gastroenterologists prohibit patients from performing oral hygiene using any pharmaceutical or self-prepared products before an endoscopic examination.

Before FGDS of the stomach, it is not recommended to even remove plaque from the surface of the enamel with a clean brush. This is due to the fact that patients’ gag reflex often increases during hygiene procedures. It is also worth noting that the use of powders and pastes to cleanse teeth can lead to distortion of the results of hardware research. For example:

  • the composition of the microflora, which is collected during fibrogastroduodenoscopy for inflammation of the gastric walls, will change;
  • acid-base balance, the composition of which is studied if there is a suspicion of disturbances in the production of hydrochloric acid (if a person decides to brush his teeth, fragments of paste or powder may enter the stomach).

Sample menu

Before the examination, a sample menu may contain the following items:

  • Morning meal - baked or steamed cheesecakes (2 pieces) and 200 ml of weak tea.
  • Between breakfast and lunch, you can eat a ripe banana.
  • Lunch meal - soup in vegetable broth with ground cereals, a piece of steamed veal with boiled Brussels sprouts, 200 ml of rose hip broth.
  • Between lunch and dinner, you can eat a baked apple with cottage cheese.
  • Evening meal - low-fat steamed fish fillet, boiled vegetables as a side dish, 200 ml of low-fat kefir.

If the procedure is scheduled for the first half of the day, then dinner should be scheduled no later than 18:00–19:00. If gastroscopy is scheduled for the afternoon, then a light breakfast is allowed, but, in any case, at least 8 hours must remain before the procedure. You can drink a glass of still water for the last time 3 hours before the scheduled procedure.

Diet option before gastrointestinal examination

Nutrition before gastroscopy. If you strictly follow the nutritional rules, you can guarantee the correctness of the diagnosis and the result of treatment in the future. Only a doctor can tell you how long the diet should last.

In order not to irritate the stomach, all dishes should be warm; under no circumstances should they be overheated or overcooled. Each portion should be small, it is better to eat more often and as little as possible. The consistency of the dishes should be liquid and limited in salt content.

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Dairy products that are acceptable:

  • low-fat kefir;
  • cream and pureed curd products with low fat content;
  • whole milk;
  • butter;
  • low-fat sour cream and yogurt;
  • grated and low-fat cheese without additives.

The soup must be prepared in vegetable broth or low-fat fish or chicken broth without adding seasonings, vegetable oil, additional fat and fried foods. Pork broth should be omitted, it is too fatty. A small amount of chopped greens is allowed. To diversify your diet, you can eat milk soups with ground cereal or small noodles.

In order for at least some amount of protein to enter the body, you can eat egg dishes in any form: steamed omelet, boiled, soft-boiled (but you need to fry them in butter).

Among fish products, you can eat hake, pike, perch, pollock or roach, which must be eaten boiled or cooked in a special steamer without adding salt, seasonings and oil. Vegetable dishes are also prepared in a double boiler. Only cucumbers can be consumed raw. Canned vegetables are not allowed. The main vegetable set for the diet period: potatoes, beets, carrots, cauliflower and beans. These ingredients can be used to make a low-fat stew.

The diet before gastroscopy includes affordable products, the cost of which varies between 300-500 rubles per day.

Before gastroscopy, the patient can adhere to a diet whose menu is based on the list of permitted foods:

  • Breakfast. A serving of steamed cottage cheese pancakes and a cup of warm tea are ideal.
  • Lunch. You should limit yourself to one banana.
  • Dinner. A light vegetable soup is perfect. You can supplement the dish with noodles or grated cereal. You should also eat steamed meat with boiled Brussels sprouts. You can wash down the dish with rosehip decoction.
  • Afternoon snack. It is best to limit yourself to an apple baked in the oven. It is recommended to eat it without the peel.
  • Dinner. Steamed pike perch fillet and boiled vegetables. Before going to bed, you should also drink a glass of warm kefir.

It is not recommended to eat after 19.00 hours. Eating food at a later time is especially not allowed if the patient is scheduled for examination in the morning. He will also have to give up breakfast. If the patient has to undergo gastroscopy closer to the afternoon, then a light snack in the morning will not harm him.

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