Benefits of sea buckthorn oil, recommendations for use

How is sea buckthorn oil beneficial for the stomach and intestines?

The oil contains components (polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins A, B, E, etc.) that will be useful for the body to combat:

  • gastritis,
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers,
  • oncology,
  • stomach erosion,
  • chronic and nonspecific colitis.
  • Healing property: the oil promotes rapid healing of areas of the stomach and intestinal mucosa that are affected by ulcers (by the way, the healing effect is also relevant when using sea buckthorn oil for burns).
  • Protective property: increases immunity and thereby protects the body from negative effects (as a result, it is permissible to use sea buckthorn oil during pregnancy).
  • Anti-inflammatory property: slows down inflammatory processes in the body during illness (which is why sea buckthorn oil is effective for coughs and runny nose), restores affected areas of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Antimicrobial property: helps the body fight pathogenic microorganisms, destroys the main source of gastritis and ulcers - the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.


Sea buckthorn is a berry rich in countless substances beneficial to humans. The oil obtained from the wonderful berries has a wide range of uses. The properties of the concentrate make it possible to consider the product indispensable in the treatment of diseases. Sea buckthorn oil is used in the prevention of many diseases.


Due to the large amount of vitamins and microelements, sea buckthorn liquid is widely used in cosmetology. The properties of berries help the body in the fight against skin aging. For pigmentation and freckles, oil or creams containing the extract are prescribed. Separately, it is worth mentioning the sun protection properties and the restoration of sun-damaged skin.

Cosmetic compositions based on sea buckthorn oil:

  • Masks for facial skin, hair;
  • After-sun lotions;
  • Massage oil;
  • Body and lip balms;
  • Aromatherapy.

Excessive use for cosmetic purposes sometimes leads to unexpected negative effects. External use of pure, undiluted concentrate contributes to the occurrence of allergic reactions. Itching and burning may occur. The natural protective function of the skin is reduced if large amounts of oil are often applied as sun protection.


Diseases associated with the digestive tract organs recede under the influence of the active composition of sea buckthorn oil. Diseases associated with damage to the skin or mucous membranes are actively treated using sea buckthorn oil therapy. Use the product for preventive purposes. A newborn's first aid kit always contains a bottle of sea buckthorn oil.

Specific medical applications:

  • Complex treatment of stomach ulcers, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Diseases and extensive damage to the skin;
  • A set of measures for the prevention and treatment of the visual apparatus;
  • Gynecology;
  • Prevention of dental gum problems;
  • Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Recovery and regeneration after surgical interventions;
  • Application in pediatrics.

General contraindications

Despite the wide range of actions, if used incorrectly and without the instructions of the attending physician, sea buckthorn oil, instead of a miracle remedy, can turn into poison, which not only will not improve a person’s condition, but will also aggravate the situation, adding side effects to the existing disease in the form of diarrhea, dehydration, vomiting, headaches, loss of consciousness, weakness. Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to undergo a full consultation with a doctor before use.

The use of the product is strictly prohibited for people suffering from cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, liver diseases, and in the presence of individual intolerance to the components. In addition, oil consumption is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Contraindications and restrictions

Contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn oil:

  • Internal bleeding due to ulcers on the walls of the stomach;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • Gallstone disease, chronic diseases of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas.

Sea buckthorn oil envelops the walls of internal organs and has a moderate choleretic effect. But if there are stones in the bile ducts, especially large ones, taking the oil can cause their advancement and exacerbation of cholecystitis.

As a result, the patient may require surgery. For this reason, it is necessary to tell your doctor about all existing chronic diseases so that he can choose the right treatment method.

Is sea buckthorn oil good for gastritis?

When used correctly, sea buckthorn oil can become an effective assistant in the fight against various types of gastritis. An important clarification is to become an assistant, because sea buckthorn oil cannot be used as the only treatment for such a disease. Sea buckthorn oil for the stomach for gastritis should be used as an addition to the main medications prescribed by the doctor.

Sea buckthorn oil is used both for the treatment of gastritis and for prevention. During treatment, a long period of therapy is prescribed, which must not be disrupted or interrupted.

If you have gastritis, the oil extract should be taken orally twice a day, half an hour before meals, one teaspoon.

It is not recommended to drink the product before bedtime, because... The stomach must be actively functioning when taking the oil. To avoid unpleasant consequences on an empty stomach, and if there is no meal in the near future, it is better not to use the product.

If using the product causes heartburn, then after taking it you can drink a glass of soda solution (water mixed with a small amount of soda).

When treating gastritis with sea buckthorn oil, you should pay attention to the patient’s health: whether it improves or worsens from the use of the product. If the body responds to taking the drug with any skin rashes, hives or other allergic reactions, then the course of therapy should be stopped.

The use of sea buckthorn oil for gastritis can negatively affect a person’s condition if there are signs of diarrhea. In addition, treatment in this way should be abandoned in the presence of pancreatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, and gallstones.

Treatment of atrophic gastritis

The most dangerous type of inflammation of the gastric mucosa is atrophic gastritis. The disease is characterized by the following pathological processes:

  • thinning (reduction) of the gastric mucosa, atrophy of the glands that secrete gastric juice;
  • death of intestinal tissue;
  • development of B12 deficiency anemia (decreased hemoglobin concentration in the blood).

Sea buckthorn oil for atrophic gastritis is included in complex treatment and is taken simultaneously with prescribed medications. It has a wound-healing effect, reduces the acidity of gastric juice, and restores the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Mix 2 teaspoons of oil with 200 ml of warm milk and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. This method of application is necessary to reduce the risk of erosion on the thinned mucosa. The minimum treatment course is 1 month.

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Sea buckthorn oil for stomach ulcers

Thanks to the enveloping properties of sea buckthorn oil, pain syndromes associated with stomach ulcers are reduced, and thus the patient’s well-being improves. When it enters the stomach, the product begins to envelop its walls, as a result of which erosion of the mucous membranes does not come into contact with gastric juice, which leads to the fact that the ulcer is not irritated by the acidic environment of the stomach.

According to gastroenterologists, with long-term and regular use of sea buckthorn oil, the gastric mucosa is restored and the ulcer heals.

Use the remedy for stomach ulcers in the same way as for gastritis (one teaspoon twice a day).

Methods of application

Sea buckthorn oil therapy involves taking the medication orally. It is recommended to make the medicinal product yourself at home from fresh berries. However, patients more often purchase the finished product at the pharmacy. Oil solutions are available both in liquid form in glass bottles and in the form of capsules. Capsules are convenient to take outside the home - at work or school.

To relieve pain and treat sea buckthorn oil for duodenal and gastric ulcers, take it only on an empty stomach. The recommended single dose is 1 tablespoon 3 times a day strictly before meals. It is necessary to be treated in this way for a month, while at the same time adhering to a special diet.

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In case of ulcerative lesions against the background of increased stomach acidity, the oily remedy can be washed down with warm mineral water. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after a short break.

Before starting therapy, you should consult a gastroenterologist. If any signs of intolerance to the herbal preparation appear, you should stop taking it. Capsulated forms are taken in the same dosage as liquid oil. The product is stored in the refrigerator.

Sea buckthorn oil for the intestines

Sea buckthorn oil is used, among other things, to cleanse the intestines of waste, toxins and other substances that poison the body. The healing properties of sea buckthorn oil for the intestines also lie in the fact that the pectins contained in the composition contribute to the effective restoration of microflora and peristalsis.

The method of use is identical to the previous ones. The course of treatment lasts 3-4 weeks.

Traditional medicine offers many ways to treat various diseases. Folk remedies have a number of advantages, for example, they are non-toxic because they are completely natural, rarely have side effects and have almost no contraindications. To eliminate pathologies of the digestive system, it is recommended to use various oils.

Sea buckthorn oil is one of the most useful for the stomach, since its composition is unique. It has a positive effect not only on the digestive process, but also on the immune and cardiovascular systems. After a course of treatment, the condition and functioning of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, and heart improves.

Oil composition

The beneficial properties of the liquid are very valuable. It is difficult to find a more valuable plant for human health. Sea buckthorn uses not only berries, which retain their beneficial properties both during freezing and heat treatment, but also leaves. This unpretentious plant managed to concentrate in its leaves and fruits a record amount of vitamins (B1, B2, B6, E, P, C) and provitamin A - carotene.

Sea buckthorn is recognized as one of the most beneficial for human health, as it contains a unique ratio of vitamins, macro- and microelements, and is also rich in other substances we need. Two or three tablespoons of sea buckthorn berries, juice or jam contain the daily requirement of most of the substances necessary for our health.

The first is the presence of a large number of carotenoids. The substance helps the human body synthesize vitamin A, which takes part in the formation of immunity. The presence of the vitamin ensures the normal functioning of the visual apparatus, the reproductive system and the natural production of keratin and collagen.

The high concentration of vitamin E makes sea buckthorn a unique natural raw material. The vitamin is necessary for the good functioning of the reproductive system. Vitamin E maintains skin elasticity. This allows us to call sea buckthorn oil the “elixir of youth.”

The antioxidant property is due to the high concentration of vitamin C. The vitamin is indispensable in the hematopoietic function and is involved in strengthening the walls of capillaries and large vessels. Having a pronounced anti-inflammatory property, vitamin C is actively involved in supporting the immune system.

The presence of B vitamins and vitamin K suggests a wide range of effects of the oil on the body. The functioning of the nervous system depends on a sufficient amount of these vitamins. Substances improve blood clotting. The functioning of the muscular, nervous and vascular systems directly depends on the sufficient amount of vitamins contained in sea buckthorn.

Another vitamin contained in sea buckthorn in large quantities deserves special attention - vitamin P. It is extremely effective in strengthening the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. Sea buckthorn should definitely be in the daily diet of people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Sea buckthorn berries contain up to 10% oil, and it has a rich chemical composition: organic acids, tocopherols, phytosterols, phospholipids, vitamins, minerals, amino acids.

What are the benefits of sea buckthorn oil?

The healing properties of sea buckthorn oil have been proven by scientific research, so it is prescribed as part of complex therapy for various diseases. It is recommended for use if there are diseases of the digestive tract, liver, pancreas, eyes, epidermis, and oral cavity. Sea buckthorn is also used in cooking and cosmetology.

Sea buckthorn berries, from which oil is made, contain many beneficial substances that affect the digestive, immune, and cardiovascular systems. Berries contain up to 4.5% carotenoids, 4.4–9% fatty oil, 2.8% organic acids, 0.79% pectin. 100 g of berries contain 505–1170 mg of triterpene acids, which prevent heart pain and arrhythmia, restore blood circulation, and help with insomnia, atherosclerosis, and shortness of breath.

The berry is also rich in B-sitoserine, which has an anti-sclerotic effect. It also contains serotonin, which has antitumor properties. Choline increases blood pressure, prevents the development of fatty liver and atherosclerosis, as it reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood.

How to take the product

It is recommended to drink one teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The product has a bitter taste and may cause burning and discomfort, which is considered normal and does not require discontinuation of use.

If the acidity of gastric juice is increased, then the frequency of administration is reduced to twice a day. You need to drink the product half an hour before breakfast and dinner. The duration of treatment is about a month. To make the therapy more effective, it is recommended to drink the oil with still mineral alkaline water.

In case of low acidity, the product is taken one teaspoon three times a day for 10 days, and then the dosage is doubled. You need to drink two teaspoons three times a day for another three weeks, then take a break for 4-6 months. For erosive gastritis, you need to drink a teaspoon of oil 40 minutes before meals, twice a day.

In case of exacerbation, the dosage is increased to one tablespoon and the time between taking the oil and eating should be about an hour. Improvement will be noticeable after 2-4 weeks of taking the product. According to indications, the duration of treatment can be increased by another 2 weeks.

For atrophic gastritis, a dessert spoon of oil should be dissolved in a glass of warm milk and drunk on an empty stomach. In severe cases, the dosage of oil can be increased to three tablespoons. For oncological diseases of the esophagus or stomach, take half a teaspoon of oil three times a day, half an hour before meals, throughout radiation therapy and for another three weeks after its completion.

For stomach ulcers, it is recommended to drink sea buckthorn oil on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast in an amount of 120–220 ml. The product will help get rid of abdominal pain. To avoid heartburn, it is recommended to mix 50 ml of oil with a glass of water and half a teaspoon of soda.

You need to continue treating the ulcer with oil for 1–2 months, then take a break. You can take sea buckthorn both during remission and during exacerbation. Your doctor will tell you how to take sea buckthorn oil correctly for a certain pathology and whether this can be done in a particular case.

How is it taken?

Taking such a drug, despite its beneficial properties, is possible only after diagnosis and examination by the attending physician.
Only a gastroenterologist will determine how to take the oil so that the treatment of stomach ulcers is effective. If you do this uncontrollably, you can harm yourself, since such a remedy has some contraindications. However, there are some general rules for using the drug.

To relieve acute pain in the stomach, you need to drink a few small sips of oil. Some doctors recommend adding a little soda solution to it to relieve heartburn and sour belching. But soda is irritating and causes consequences that can lead to acute gastritis. Therefore, it is better to abstain from sodium bicarbonate so as not to cause dangerous complications of digestive tract diseases.

To get rid of ulcers, it is recommended to consume a small amount of the drug 30 minutes before meals. If the patient's condition has improved, the number of medications taken can be reduced. The oil is also used as a preventive measure: it is drunk during the autumn-winter period. You need to follow a diet to achieve high results of therapy.

It is possible to treat ulcers using a specially prepared balm. To make such a medicine you need to take the following components:

  • novocaine (1% solution);
  • aloe (juice);
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • honey;
  • Shostakovsky balm.

All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions and mixed thoroughly. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

If necessary, this medication can be extended. If positive treatment results are achieved, then you can maintain a good condition with the preventive use of this balm based on sea buckthorn oil. After a 4-month course of therapy, the medication should be stopped in any case.

Capsules with sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is available in liquid form and capsules. One capsule contains 200 or 300 mg of oil, there are 100 pieces in a package. The instructions for use contain the following indications:

  • Radiation injuries.
  • Stomach or duodenal ulcer.
  • Gastritis with high acidity.
  • Recovery after operations on the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).
  • Chronic inflammation of the large intestine.
  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

You need to take capsules 2-3 times a day, 1.6 ml of oil at a time (this is 8 capsules or 5 ml). Duration of therapy is 10–14 days. If sea buckthorn oil is drunk for preventive purposes, then you need to take 0.8 g of the product once a day.

Sea buckthorn oil in capsules has a number of advantages:

  • Nutrients last longer because they do not oxidize.
  • The substances have greater bioavailability.
  • The drug in capsules does not have a pronounced odor or aroma.
  • Ease of storage, use and dosing.

Review of ready-made products with prices

If you don’t have time to prepare sea buckthorn oil at home, you can choose a high-quality store-bought product (including in the form of capsules or rectal suppositories). Here are the most popular brands:

  • Premium class sea buckthorn oil - 100 ml. (Biysk, Altai Territory). Price: 310 rubles.
  • Sea buckthorn oil “Gorno-Altaiskoe” - 100 ml. (Barnaul). Price: 100 rubles.
  • Sea buckthorn oil - 350 ml. . Price: 650 rubles.
  • Unrefined sea buckthorn oil - 250 ml. (Novosibirsk city). Price: 260 rubles.
  • Sea buckthorn oil - 100 ml. . Price: 470 rubles.
  • Sea buckthorn oil in capsules for oral administration - 180 pieces. . Price: 365 rubles.
  • Rectal suppositories with sea buckthorn oil (0.5 g, 10 pcs.). . Price: 105 rubles.

Products must be certified.

Sea buckthorn oil is an indispensable product for diseases of the stomach and digestive system as a whole. It is used for oral administration or by insertion into the anus (for example, for hemorrhoids, rectal ulcers, etc.). And each disease requires a different use of the drug from others (different dosages, frequency of use, etc.).

Otherwise, the condition may worsen and the pathology may worsen. In this case, you need to take into account existing contraindications and choose a high-quality product or raw material for manufacturing.

How to cook it yourself

A homemade remedy is perfect for treating the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare the oil, you will need ripe sea buckthorn berries with intact skin. It is advisable to collect them in winter; it is in January - February that they contain the most carotenoids. You can use dried or frozen fruits.

The berries need to be dried and squeezed using a mortar or juicer. The resulting liquid should sit for some time. A thick yellow film will appear on the surface of the juice; this is sea buckthorn oil. It must be removed and stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. If the fruits have been thoroughly washed, the product can be stored in the cold for up to a month.

Oil can also be prepared from cake. The seeds and peels that remain after squeezing the juice are laid out on a paper towel. They are dried in the wind or in the oven (you need to make sure that they are not exposed to direct sunlight and mold does not grow), poured into a glass jar and filled with vegetable oil. The mixture is left for a week in a dark place. Afterwards the oil is filtered.

Treatment with healing oil

Treatment of stomach ulcers should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, and before using sea buckthorn, you should consult with him. If your doctor allows you to use sea buckthorn oil for stomach ulcers, you can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it at home. Treatment with sea buckthorn oil has become popular recently. Let's look at 2 simple recipes.

You need to take ripe sea buckthorn berries, rinse them thoroughly and squeeze out the juice. This juice is poured into a glass plate and placed in the refrigerator. After a few hours you need to look into it: you will see that the juice is covered with a fatty film. This film is precisely oil. It must be carefully removed and placed in another container.

To collect oil from sea buckthorn juice, you can use a disposable sterile syringe.

Let's look at the second recipe. In this case, the oil will be of lower quality. Sea buckthorn berries are crushed in a blender and then rubbed through a sieve. You need to squeeze out the juice and pour the remaining pulp with sunflower oil. The mixture is placed in a cool place and kept for a week.

How to choose oil

In order for a product to have the most positive effect, it must be selected taking into account certain nuances. When choosing oil, you should pay attention to the carotenoid content in it. The benefit will be maximum if the amount of biologically active substances is more than 180 mg. The most useful product, which is obtained by cold pressing. It is this method of extraction that allows you to preserve useful substances.

Vegetable oil deteriorates quite quickly when exposed to oxygen. Therefore, it must be stored in a closed container and used within two months. If the oil sits longer, it not only loses its beneficial properties, but can also cause harm to the body instead of benefit.

Sea buckthorn oil has a positive effect on the body as a whole. It promotes wound healing, has an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, and can reduce the severity of pain during inflammatory processes in the stomach, since it envelops the mucous membrane and protects against the aggressive effects of enzymes and acid.

Your doctor will advise you on the correct use of the medicine for a certain pathology; for preventive purposes, it is recommended to drink a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil half an hour before breakfast for 2–4 weeks. It is not advisable to interrupt the therapeutic course, since it is important to protect the mucous membrane throughout the entire recovery period. Between courses you need to take a fairly long break of 4–6 months.

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Benefits and properties of sea buckthorn fruits

The most valuable product is the fruits of the sea buckthorn tree, the oil in which makes up up to 10% of their weight. Its biochemical composition has the following medicinal properties:

  • enveloping;
  • wound healing;
  • immunostimulating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • antibacterial;
  • pain reliever;
  • choleretic, etc.

Sea buckthorn oil prevents constipation and facilitates bowel movements.
Consumption of 100 g of the substance provides the body with a daily diet of necessary components that enhance each other’s effects. The oil covers the digestive system with a protective film, cleanses the mucous membrane of pathogenic flora, regenerates cellular material in erosive and ulcerative areas, irreversibly forms scar tissue, improves well-being, and accelerates recovery.

Its effect reduces the irritating effect of food, optimizes the secretory secretions of acid in the stomach, helps restore the functions of the pancreas, improving digestion. It increases intestinal elasticity, prevents constipation, and makes defecation easier. Taking it improves lipid metabolism, which contributes to postoperative rehabilitation and optimization of body weight. The liver is stimulated by the oil to accelerate the reproduction of healthy cells.

Medical recommendations

Sea buckthorn fruits are actively used to revive digestive functions. Primarily for gastritis, ulcers, stomach and intestinal cancer. Untreated diseases usually become chronic. So, for example, when taking oil, an increase in the symptoms of the disease may be observed, but you cannot stop using it. As a rule, courses of recreational use of the substance are long, with breaks and cyclical use. To avoid side effects, you should strictly follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

Patients owe sea buckthorn oil relief from gastritis, when fragments of the surface of the gastric mucosa become inflamed and subsequently undergo dystrophic structural changes in the tissue. It reduces the contact of gastric acid with the organ mucosa. This ensures the relief of inflammation, regeneration of cellular structures of the mucous membrane, healing/scarring of stomach tissue. This lays the foundation for the restoration of optimal generation of gastric juice, digestion, and the absorption of useful components from food with its help. Sea buckthorn oil is amenable to gastritis that goes away against the background of any acidity of the stomach.

The therapeutic effect of sea buckthorn oil is to cover the lining surface of the gastric mucosa. Thus, erosions of the internal layers of the mucosa, which have different sizes, are protected from the effects of gastric acid. The patient gets rid of pain, his digestion improves, inflammation gradually subsides, sour belching and heartburn disappear.

Long-term use of the drug can prevent perforation of the ulcer, ensure gradual healing of erosive ulcers and restore the functions of the mucous membrane. Consuming sea buckthorn oil similarly relieves acid irritation of ulcers in the duodenum. Pain in the lower abdomen, which can be severe, is relieved, especially on an empty stomach.

How to use?

Sea buckthorn oil effectively treats diseases of the digestive system both in the remission stage (prevention of exacerbations) in the chronic course and in the acute phase. The correct time for a long-term therapeutic course is the autumn-winter-spring period of seasonal exacerbations of ailments.

It is recommended to drink sea buckthorn oil for the stomach for 30 days, but if there is no positive dynamics, you should extend the intake for another 30 days. After a six-month break, the course of using sea buckthorn should be repeated for preventive purposes. However, it should be no more than 10–14 days.

Treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers with sea buckthorn oil

How to drink sea buckthorn oil for stomach ulcers correctly?

When using oil for medicinal purposes, you should adhere to a certain dosage and regimen. It is recommended to consume it one dessert spoon 20 minutes before meals, in the morning, at lunchtime and before bed. A noticeable healing effect can be felt on the 3rd day of taking the oil: painful spasms are reduced, heartburn goes away. Take the medicine for one month.

The use of sea buckthorn oil for stomach and duodenal ulcers is possible as an individual remedy for treatment, or in combination with other medications.

In case of severe disease, the treatment course should be repeated several times until the disease is completely eradicated. Rest between treatments for at least 2 weeks.

Treatment of gastric erosions

Lesions of the upper layer of the mucosa, which heal without scars, are cured with sea buckthorn oil as an additional therapy. An individual dose can be from 1 dessert spoon to 1 tablespoon. It is drunk before meals (0.5 hours before) 3 times during the day. When prescribing a 5-time diet, the single dose is reduced to 10–15 drops. The duration of the course is at least 1 month.

To prevent relapses and pain, the course is repeated throughout the year.


The course of many diseases is complicated by polyps - benign tumor-like growths emanating from the gastric mucosa. They develop asymptomatically, but after enlargement they can provoke bleeding and cramping abdominal pain. How to drink sea buckthorn oil for the stomach if polyps are detected:

  • for a week, take 0.5 teaspoon 3 times a day, an hour after meals;
  • then the dose is increased to 1 teaspoon, making sure to use the drug before bedtime.

Treatment of a polyp with sea buckthorn oil lasts 2-3 months until it completely disappears. The doctor can adjust the dosage based on the results of instrumental studies. Every month it is advisable to take a break to avoid the mucous membrane getting used to the action of biologically active substances.

How to cook it yourself?

Sea buckthorn oil with the most effective properties can be made at home from the fruits of the plant and its seeds.

The raw material for production is ripe sea buckthorn berries. They must have intact skin. Dried and frozen fruits can be used. Washed and dried berries are squeezed in a juicer (in a mortar). The mixture settles for several hours. The dense yellowish film that appears on the surface of the liquid is the oil of the fruit of the sea buckthorn tree. It is carefully collected, placed in a glass container and stored in the refrigerator.

The pulp and seeds are removed from the juicer and laid out on a paper towel placed on a baking sheet. It is placed in a dark place for some time. The dried substance is poured into a jar and filled with vegetable oil so that the contents are covered with it. The mixture is infused in a dark place for 7 days. Then the remains of the dense parts of the fruit are separated; the oily substance prepared for use should be stored in the refrigerator.


The oil is not recommended for internal use by children under 12 years of age. Taking the drug while the patient has gallstone disease can cause movement and passage of stones. Treatment with pancreatitis and cholecystitis is not recommended. It is not recommended to take the oil if you have an individual intolerance (allergy) to the substance, as this can cause swelling on the face, rash, and itchy skin.

It is not permissible to use it for chronic diseases of the liver (hepatitis) and pancreas, when an exacerbation occurs.

For those who cannot take the oil, it is available in capsules. Exceeding the prescribed dose at one time or over a short period of time can cause diarrhea, then dehydration and weakening due to the loss of substances necessary for life. Manifestations may include shock, oliguria, convulsions, vomiting, confusion, and headache. Patients with hypersensitivity may experience painful spasms in the stomach and intestines and disruption of their functions. Patients with diabetes should have their condition monitored regularly.

Taking oil should not be combined with the use of vasodilators. Side effects include increased blood clotting, a bitter taste in the mouth, and excessive drooling. To increase the efficiency of using the unique properties of the oil, it is best to consume it in September and March. The right decision in any case is to consult a doctor.

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