What vitamins are needed for liver health?

Author Vladan Djuric

31.01.2020 21:54

Health » Health and prevention

The liver is one of the largest organs of the human body. For normal functioning of the liver, minerals and a certain amount of vitamins are necessary. Doctors told us what vitamins are necessary for normal liver function.

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Vitamin E for the liver

Vitamin E is one of the most powerful antioxidants that has the ability to stop aging in cells. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves energy metabolism, and reduces the risk of blood clots. The substance is not able to be synthesized and accumulate in the human body.

If there is insufficient supply from the outside, a deficiency occurs. The process of processing and assimilation of fats is disrupted. Thus, a person runs the risk of acquiring a dangerous disease - fatty liver. Fat gradually accumulates in its tissues, displacing healthy cells. Over time, adipose tissue completely replaces hepatocytes, which leads to the cessation of all liver functions.

To treat fatty liver, doctors use complex therapy, which includes mandatory intake of vitamins. Vitamin E in particular is designed to restore normal fat metabolism in the body. Clinical studies on patients with liver cirrhosis have shown that taking this substance in half of the cases gives positive results and a chance of full recovery.

The most vitamin E is found in the following foods:

  • Vegetable oils, animal fat;
  • Milk, sour cream, eggs;
  • Beef meat and liver, lard;
  • Whole wheat bread;
  • Beans, peas, broccoli, apples, tomatoes, spinach, greens;
  • All types of nuts.

It is important to know!

The body can absorb no more than 10 mg of vitamin E per day. It is not recommended to exceed this dose, as its excess can lead to metabolic disorders.

Vitamin A is a participant in the process of glycogen production

The human liver performs many important functions, one of which is glycogen synthesis. Glycogen carries out carbohydrate metabolism in the body and produces vital energy.

This means that the liver's job is to maintain optimal blood glucose concentrations. An imbalance either in the direction of increasing or decreasing this level leads to dangerous disturbances and, consequently, to the development of all kinds of pathologies in the functioning of this organ.

Vitamin A is directly involved in the process of glycogen synthesis and processing. A person consumes food every day that is processed in the stomach. The nutrients then travel through the bloodstream to the liver.

It acts as a filter, storing everything necessary for further glycogen synthesis. Vitamin A is also concentrated here. Since it is not produced by the body, it can only be obtained from the outside.

The most vitamin A is found in the following foods:

  • Animal liver;
  • Carrots, broccoli, red peppers, parsley, apricots, sweet potatoes;
  • Fish fat.

In addition to participating in the synthesis of glycogen in the liver, vitamin A plays an important role in stimulating the human immune system and is a strong antioxidant.

It is important to know!

The biggest disadvantage of this substance is toxicity at high concentrations. Therefore, if a person has any liver disease, then taking the vitamin should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician.

Vitamin C and lipoic acid

Vitamin C is important for the normal functioning of the liver, as it restores the protective functions of the organ and promotes the rapid elimination of toxins. Its lack slows down metabolism and triggers destructive processes in cells.

A good source of vitamin C is all citrus fruits and berries. To obtain the required daily requirement of the vitamin, it is advisable to consume daily:

  • Citrus fruits, kiwi;
  • Rose hip decoction;
  • Bell pepper, greens;
  • Strawberries, black currants.

Doctors often prescribe pharmaceutical preparations containing vitamin C. They can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. Ascorbic acid 500 mg, Ascorutin and others are very popular. You can check with your doctor for a complete list of names of vitamin preparations for the liver.

Lipoic acid is a substance that is conventionally called a vitamin. Acting as an active participant in many processes in the liver, acid helps improve carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body. It is produced in small quantities in the liver.

You can get it from the outside thanks to the following products:

  • Beef liver and meat;
  • Whole milk;
  • White rice;
  • White cabbage, spinach, broccoli, potatoes, beets, carrots;
  • Yeast.

Most often, the doctor recommends the use of pharmaceutical drugs with lipoic acid (Berlition, Complivit). Their use must be strictly controlled, since excessive amounts of this substance can lead to increased stomach acidity and the formation of ulcers.

What does the liver need for its normal functioning?

There are many factors that negatively affect the performance of this organ. To prevent the development of various liver diseases or to help your body fight an already acquired disease, you need to regularly replenish your supply of vitamins.

The most useful are:

  • lipoic acid;
  • vitamins C, E, A and D;
  • various microelements.

Thanks to lipoic acid, the process of metabolism of fats and carbohydrates occurs. When consumed, the effect of “liver” poisons on the body is reduced. The functionality of the organ improves.

This substance can be found in many foods, but the amount of lipoic acid they contain is not enough. To maintain the properties of the liver, you should take a pharmaceutical product. Lipoic acid is sold as an independent drug and can be included in other drugs. Studies have shown that acid has a positive effect on the condition of the liver, even in diseases such as diabetes. The required dose should be adjusted by a doctor. Particular attention in its use should be given to those people who suffer from high acidity and peptic ulcers.

A lack of vitamin E leads to disruption of the integrity of organ cells. Vitamin E acts as a “shield” that prevents rapid wear and tear and aging. In addition, this vitamin strengthens the immune system, normalizes metabolism and acts as an antioxidant. It can be found in large quantities in nuts, vegetable oil, blackberries, chokeberries and sea buckthorn.

As a preventive measure, vitamin E for the liver will be sufficient if the above products are consumed daily. When the organ is already sick, you should use vitamin E, which is sold in pharmacies.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) helps improve the body's resistance to various infections and normalizes vascular permeability. If the body has been exposed to destructive effects due to poisoning, then this vitamin acts as an antioxidant. People suffering from hepatitis have a special need for this vitamin, since the vitamin promotes the regeneration of liver cells.

It is possible to obtain vitamin C using various medications, but medicine still gives preference to natural products. It is found in large quantities in red peppers, rose hips, black currants, citrus fruits and strawberries. In addition, vitamin C activates the production of many enzymes that are necessary for the normal functionality of the entire body. It helps normalize carbohydrate metabolism, improve blood clotting, and produce steroid hormones.

Various microelements are required for the normal absorption process and to protect the liver from poisons. Zinc will help strengthen the walls of the organ’s blood vessels and improve the absorption process. It is found in mushrooms, fish and eggs.

The breakdown products of alcohol have a very negative effect on the condition of the organ. A trace element such as selenium can help in the fight against them. To get it into the body, you need to eat broccoli, seafood and pistachios.

With cirrhosis of the liver, the organ lacks vitamin A. A deficiency can be suspected by such external symptoms as dry skin and brittle nails. Another distinctive feature of the lack of this vitamin in the body is the phenomenon of decreased visual acuity in cloudy weather or twilight. Cod liver (and other animals) and fish oil contain sufficient amounts of vitamin A. When it comes to pharmaceutical medications containing high levels of this vitamin, you should be careful. Excess vitamin A negatively affects the liver, so taking this drug in its “pure form” should be controlled.

All pharmaceutical vitamins for the liver, if taken uncontrolled, can cause harm instead of the expected positive result, therefore the recommended daily dose of any pharmaceutical drug should be prescribed by a doctor.

B vitamins

Here is a complete list of B vitamins, with a description of their properties and effect on normal liver function:

  1. B1 (thiamine) helps synthesize proteins and fats and is involved in energy metabolism. Its deficiency leads to the development of liver failure;
  2. B2 (riboflavin) strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, improves the production of bile, promotes its good outflow;
  3. B3 (niacin) actively protects liver cells from destruction and participates in carbohydrate metabolism. This useful substance can safely be called liver immunity;
  4. B4 (choline) effectively neutralizes toxins and free radicals in the liver. Prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in liver tissues and on the walls of blood vessels. This essential vitamin is produced directly in the liver from amino acids such as methionine and serine;
  5. B6 (pyridoxine) produces an important enzyme in the liver - transaminase. It is necessary for the processing of amino acids, the absorption of fats and proteins. It is known that this substance is also produced in a certain amount by intestinal bacteria;
  6. B12 (cyanocobalamin) supports and regulates the process of hematopoiesis. Therefore, it is no less important for the normal functioning of the liver. It is often used during the treatment of various diseases.

All vitamins in this group are found in common foods. It is enough to follow the rules of a nutritious and balanced diet so as not to lack them.

Multivitamin complexes


A person should obtain microelements and vitamins from food. But it happens that diet correction is not enough to relieve vitamin deficiency, and then patients are prescribed specialized medications.

Hepatrin is considered a good multivitamin complex. It can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. The average price of one package is 400 rubles for 30 capsules. The medicine is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Evalar.

  1. Essential phospholipids. When ingested, they begin to accumulate in the liver. EPLs have a membrane-stabilizing and hepatoprotective effect.
  2. Vitamins (B1, B2, B6, E).
  3. Milk thistle extract. Has hepatoprotective, choleretic, anti-inflammatory effects.
  4. Field artichoke extract. Has a positive effect on lipid and protein metabolism. Artichoke extract also cleanses the liver of toxins, poisons, medicinal metabolites, and alcohol breakdown products.

How to take the product? The optimal dose is 1 capsule/2 times a day. The course lasts at least 1 month. Doctors recommend taking Hepatrin for at least 2-3 months. The hepatoprotector should not be used by children under 12 years of age, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Nutrilite Liver Active

Doctors leave a lot of good reviews about a drug called Nutrilight Liver Active. It is sold on sites like IHERB and in stationary pharmacies. The average cost of one package of medicine is 1,800 rubles. Manufactured by AMWAY.

The product contains B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B12), milk thistle extract, dandelion and turmeric extract. Nutrilight has hepatoprotective, choleretic, immunomodulatory, hypolipidemic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Therapeutic effects of a multivitamin complex:

  • Stabilization of lipid metabolism. The components of the drug reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, reduce the saturation of bile with cholesterol and prevent the formation of cholesterol stones in the gall bladder.
  • Stabilization of bile synthesis and passage.
  • Relief of inflammatory processes in the organs of the hepatobiliary system.
  • Cleansing the liver of toxins.

You can take tablets for both therapeutic and preventive purposes. The optimal dose is 1 tablet/day. The course lasts 1 month, if necessary it is repeated every 3-4 months.

Nutrilight Liver Active is contraindicated for people with intolerance to the active ingredients, children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.


Gepaton-2 is a Russian-made dietary supplement. Sold only online. The cost of the drug is 890-1000 rubles. The dietary supplement is produced by the Russian company Art Life.

The composition includes many components - amino acids, lecithin, lipoic acid, hodgepodge, immortelle, beets, sodium selenite, peppermint, dandelion root, yarrow, volodoshka, rose hips, burdock root, vitamins B, C, E, A, H, D.

  1. Increases bile production and stabilizes its passage.
  2. Stops inflammatory processes in liver tissues.
  3. Eliminates congestion in the bile ducts.
  4. Prevents the formation of gallstones.
  5. Normalizes digestion.
  6. Helps stabilize lipid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
  7. Strengthens the immune system.

Hepaton-2 is used in the treatment of diarrhea, cirrhosis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, opisthorchiasis, hepatitis, and toxicosis. It is allowed to take the dietary supplement for preventive purposes.

The manufacturer recommends taking 1 tablet 3 times a day. Course – 1 month. Dietary supplements are not prescribed only in cases of intolerance to its components and in children under 12 years of age. During pregnancy and lactation, you can use a hepatoprotector.

Helped us:

Kerry Grann Lead Scientist, Nutrilite Center for Optimal Health

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